1:00 Nu am știut că Nicușor joacă pentru Wuhan.
1:15 Bagatele de scos ochii lumii în timp ce româncele sunt la produs în Spania unde există o adevărată cultură a prostituției.
8:54 Some people threw garbage on the ground next to the bin though there is still some room in the bin after i put those mats. There are three other bins nearby.
9:40 Man am i happy to see the garbage recycle guy today. Was annoyed by the noise in the past, throwing items in his truck, but today he came and picked those mats and cleaned the area around the bin.
9:45 Wondering how the 2 million people in Portland can still take it. Smoke index is 80. Coming from an "unevaluated" fire near or around Prineville (capital of the Les Schwab country) called the BLOCK fire. Can't go for a walk. Could there be a subliminal link to the fact Romania's access in Schengen is blocked by Austria?
9:54 A very annoying continuous vibration that sounds like a city sweeper, but it does not move, stay in one place for half hour now?
10:12 During my 62 years life i heard much music, starting when i was around 4. But i never heard a song so anti-american than Austrian Falco's Der Kommissar that was aired to the max back in the day.
English band After The Fire tried to fix it somehow with the video in their cover. In Europe, at least me had no idea (not good enough English or any German at the time). I remember i was dancing in discos on Jeanny, another weird song that was actually about a serial killer. There was nobody there tell us.
However Americans rewarded him with a Nr.1 Billboard position in following years for Rock Me Amadeus which was unheard for a non English musician which song again is an allusion to the "Jews" (read Hungarians) dominated rock music which again prove they don't care much for lyrics. Secret to his success? Imitating Anglo/American rock music style with a bit of nostalgic lied poured in. Yeah i know Joe and Jill come right in place, could it be part of a long planned silver streak?
E ușor de spus a nu se confunda, eu cel puțin m-am încurcat de mai multe ori și studiez chestia de când au început scandalurile cu admiterea României în Schengen. Consiliul Uniunii Europene, Consiliul European, Consiliul Europei. Charles Michel nu are nici o treabă cu voturile din Consiliu (de Miniștri) pe 8 decembrie dar iată, poate influența opinia publică necunoscătoare.
Oare de ce s-a trezit vorbind acum în contradicție cu Vicepreședintele Comisiei (un corp executiv, permanent) invocând un nou argument, proximitatea războiul? Este probabil părerea sa personală, Consiliul pe care îl prezidează nu a avut nici o întrunire recentă. Este puțin probabil ca în România să vină alți ucraineni pe lângă celelalte milioane care au trecut deja parțial prin România cu binecuvântarea UE.
3:26 Poate cancelarul nu a mințit când a spus că în Austria se află 100000 mii de aplicanți, probabil majoritatea ucraineni. Probabil toți provenind din fosta Galicia, care a fost parte din Austria.
9:32 "On 12 February 2016, the Council adopted a recommendation on addressing serious deficiencies identified during an evaluation of Greece's application of the Schengen acquis..." that needed to be carried out within 3 months.
On March 3 of the same year Charles Michael tweeted. (Earlier i thought the statement refers to accession of Greece in Schengen in that year, which actually happened in 1992 though here it says 2000).
Don't know yet why he said Greece needed not to be excluded from Schengen, but clearly there was no reference to the war in the neighboring countries or the report back to the Commission and Council after February recommendations to which obviously Greece did not oppose its veto.
I can't find through google searches the results of that 3 months improvement program reported back to the Commission and the Council (should they have done another evaluation?)
Situation changed to 180 degrees though when Greece started to toughen its borders also as a result of those recommendations and fear of being excluded from Schengen.
But i came again to the same bitter conclusion i keep coming within the last days. The whole European Union is just a facade or mockery of democracy. The only real power seems to be within the Council (of Ministers) and the Council can be controlled through veto by one single country, big or small. The President substitutes himself for the Commission and Council with a tweet.
Imagine a situation when you need to exclude a EU member from Schengen that has to be taken with unanimity in the Council. Like the decision of trying to get rid of veto that also needs an unanimity.
11:52 Another proof that Romania is not the migration route.
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