Thursday, May 4, 2023

May 4

2:25 Bella grade with no 4 cocktails. Kill Bill.

Doja Cat, Alicia Keys

4:13 Andreas Bikfalvi.

6:26 Miley Cy_rus

6:30 Dmitiry Peskov

6:34 Lionel Messi

1:53 Județul este o unitate administrativ teritorială cuprinsă în Articolul 1 din  Constituție cunoscută din istorie de cel puțin 500 de ani. Legile deci și Constituția se bazează pe definițiile cuvintelor așa cum sunt în DEX sau așa cum au fost cunoscute în istorie. Județele și regiunile au fost istoric forme diferite de diviziune a țării, uneori coexistând. Dar Constituția nu menționează cuvântul regiune.

Conform Wikipedia, amiralul Franco Sivori a fost primul care a menționat numărul județelor din Țara Românească.

Legiuitorul (poporul român prin referendum) a pus în Constituție cuvântul județ așa cum era el cunoscut la data respectivă din istorie și cred că este un mare abuz să încerci să substitui județele cu regiunile doar satisfăcând formal această definiție (să păcălești Constituția).

Această propunere legislativă care desființează județele așa cum erau ele cunoscute la data aprobării Constituției și în toată istoria României, care noi știm unde bate este un afront la adresa Constituției și a românilor, și încă o încercare a răbdării noastre a tuturor, mai ales atunci când este făcută de o mișcare așa zis naționalistă cu nume la mișto și audiență fake care crează zgomot în știri ori de câte ori scriu eu ceva despre rezervele de aur și alte metale și materiale rare din subsolul României, probabil cele mai mari din lume, exploatate în mod curent de alții, și noi știm cine.

Apropo mie site-ul Camera Deputaților nu-mi mai intră de ceva timp.

11:40 Almost didn't realize when Angela started to work again 10 hours a day. She leaves at 4:45 AM and comes back at 3:45. So she needs some afternoon sleep. Today i tried to make fried bread in my new fryer but made some mistakes and what came were some big blogs of dough  kinda hard and brown on the outside. However edible especially when still hot. So we ate those and both fell asleep. Close to 8 a big noise started outside (from a truck) and the person upstairs started to walk like crazy. So we decided to leave for the evening.

At Ilani there was some sort of drawing (they gave away thousands of dollars randomly per a few lucky machines though there are like 3000 machines in there) so we went there. A horde of unidentified drivers (i only could see one of them and he was Asian started to pass on the right and left at Terwilliger curves doing more than 70 mph, testing my driving skills. That continued until well inside WA state. I kept telling Angela, i've been driving around for 27 years but never saw drivers that crazy like in the last few years. Feels like being in Formula 1 race.

In the casino Angela gave me 5 bucks (we had 50 in total), and i went to play poker. Surprisingly, i wasn't losing (after pandemic and inflations casinos just don't let you win anymore) and i played at 25 cents a hand for about half hour until a model or singer, rather short, brown with big silicone lips and long legs started to dance around my position with a cell phone in her hand. Could just not press the buttons in time to get my ticket and out of there ASAP. The card was still in the machine and dragged me back by the elastic chord of the card that was hooked to my jacket, after i made a few steps. So i turned and snatched the card, in frustration and left without even looking back.

Then i realized i was in the middle of a light anxiety attack, probably given by the hectic 40 minutes drive there.

I started to look for Angela, with no phones, it took me about half hour and two rounds in the two football fields size gigantic casino when i remembered that i didn't take my meter because last time there were microwaves hundreds of times above background in there. 1-5 mW. That can only happen if there is tower in vicinity and i remember my meter was identifying a tower as source last time. Because we left in a hurry because of the noise hell in here, also forgot to lock the balcony door.

Finally found Angela, she was next to where i left her, had two twenties left, playing at 20 cents a hand machines, grabbed a 20 and went to the other side to play poker at other machines, but the machine i played took me ten of them in no time, nothing like the first one with the diva next to it. Then i started to feel the effects of microwaves in the sensitive areas (that were next to my phone or laptop) during the years of exposure.

I started to play next to her at a 20 cents machine when she left and looked to see in what direction and again the chord from the card touched the touch screen that is replacing buttons at newest machines and switched the bet to 2 dollars, started a hand and i won 30 dollars which i gave Angela. But she was about to give up, especially after i told her about the radiation. So we went to the food court to use the 10 dollars for food Angela had on her card (because she plays much more than me) and then we left with 15 dollars positive balance. I am excited all over my body now and Angela can still sleep some 4 hours if the excitement from radiation will eventually let her.

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