Monday, January 1, 2024

January 1st

2020 + 4 Temptation strong. Dualism. She's not the man...

The (always four) characters from the video above are undoubtedly taken from...

11:00 Is branching of the Universe the same as entropy?

As per action/reaction law, conscience was born with the first disturbance at the beginning of the Multiverse as a reaction to it and according to Leo Szilard, conscience opposes entropy. Heat pumps are the only known devices that do just that, but others could be imagined.

When an electron moves to a lower orbit it create an electric current or space/time disturbance that in turn creates a reaction in such a way it would not interfere with its cause, and the only way is at 90 degrees in space and time. That is probably the reason in many mythologies light is associated with conscience.

If that, the opposite could be imagined. False gods could nullify someone's conscience with bringing chaos, like noises or physical bullying which could take forms as unwanted sexual attraction from celebrities spread in society.

In Japanese mythology Amaterasu brother Susanoo brings chaos in the Universe and forces her to hide. In all religions there is a god of chaos. Egyptian mythology has Seth. In both mythologies the ruler is the sun god. It is not the first indications of Egyptian descendance of the Japanese which at this point should be obvious to any historian or even non historian.

The fact nobody acknowledges is due mainly to the fact they don't claim or even suppress this knowledge from main stream and this can tell a thing about their true intentions.

12:30 At this point i am tempted to say the perception of (tiny visible spectrum) of light built in our physical bodies as means of orientation through space is a mere coincidence with the true nature of it but i am not so sure, though they are separate things, it all could be some sort of closing or convergent loop.

3:40 Of course the 4 whatever the number great religions of the world starting with Judaism and ending with Scientology or masonry whatever all inherited some of the true knowledge however under the form of mnemonics and mysticism and rituals they continune to this day and will for a while.

Of them all Buddhism encoded best that lost knowledge but they themselves don't know what it is, most are interpreting the panca skanda as the five senses. Would it mad sense for the text to be embedded in the path of any Buddhist monk since the time the monks were just mourners of a lost world?

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