Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 29

10:40 One of the most overlooked health issues. When in conjunction with the existence of sharp, micronic and submicronic particles found in attics and walls (and other types of persistent dust like redwood) in your homes from breaking of the "fibers" o mineral insulation.

When you step, those types of dust get embedded in the skin of you soles, creating inflammation and a gateway to heaven into your body for mold and bacteria. I call them leaky soles by analogy with leaky gut, which may have the same cause, dust in your lungs that get eliminated in your guts.

Inflammation and pain reduces blood circulation, cooling the body, creating more conditions for chronic infections that set deep in all tissues.

By simply applying some of this (a different product) i immediately - in a few days - reversed at least one major problem, constant pain and other major problems in reproductive area.

I am not saying this is a long term solution. The thin coat only seals for a few days the compromised skin from microbes in the environment. The sharp dust in your skin is not eliminated and will probably stay there forever. The only real solution is eliminating the source.

Who knows if this is also the major cause for loss of collagen at older age?

The idea of using volcanic lava processed into fibers and brought into the walls of our houses was one of the worst ever and that type of insulation is still marketed and used.

More than that, i think the conspiracy (the Sol emperor) knew about this from the beginning. They like to be sarcastic about their victims, it's the compensation for the secrecy they still have to live in.

12:00 It may not be a new idea. It may have all been inspired from an ancient device used in medieval Japan to deter criminals.

12:05 I am not advertising the company with the concrete printer at the top of this page. I just realized that leaving the walls unfinished can again be a source of fine silica dust but it can be easily fixed with some paint.

Lava based mineral insulation, concrete and glass have at the base the most common material on the surface of Earth. SiO2. Silica. It was brough at the surface by its lower density since the time the planet was hot and liquid after a long and violent process accretion of space rocks with heavier elements settling at the core.

Silica can take many forms. It is the main component in clay as well but those particles have been rounded during eons of formation and yes in its purest form is at the basis of microchips industry.

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