Tuesday, February 4, 2025


3:25 AM

10:00 Three cons and paraboloid whatever shapes on a single page at Bloomberg, and it's everywhere the same. Every news site i looked contains at least one allusion to what i'm posting recently but i decided not to bother anymore. If nobody cares, why should i?

10:30 What delivery. It hasn't shipped yet. I know what is this for. I keep calling them Amazen.

10:37 I keep talking about Tesla and pyramids and ancient history. But here in the present. Check this one out. Every time i drive towards Lincoln City they mess with the clouds in the sky. Last time it was three pointing down triangular shaped clouds figuring whirls covering the whole western horizon i was driving to. It was in my face for about an hour.

I mean, i understand, they can cause cyclones and rain and wind and stuff. But painting the sky with clouds? What kinda f...up "technology" is this? And then in the last 25 miles or so they dispatch in front of me a 40 years old Nissan pickup, others, doing 40 in a 55, on a continuous line to make it last, feel my cabin with exhaust even after i stop the fan?

Two families with two kids each, one entering and one exiting  Dollar Tree store where i bough water bottles?

And then JD Vance dressed as a cop, tailgating to make me speed, then pulling me over?

Right now a car alarm honking in the parking lot in the tenth of a second i curse them? BTW they started my day with two big engines with modified exhaust shaking dust and stuff for about 15 minutes. And everybody is going about their bureaucratic business pretending not to know about all these?

11:10 Please bow down to the alien person. (Another curse, another honk).

11:45 Sume uriașe, dar numai în procente.

6:50 PM I was intrigued by some images and was curious about Bose-Einstein condensate. What happens when cooling a gas near zero where there is no thermal agitation of atoms sounds and is extremely complicated and hard to explain by quantum mechanics (like any phenomena in quantum mechanics), though not extreme.

If my theory was true, the particles will start to combine into one single whirl, which is equivalent to them basically merging together as stated in quantum. My question is what  happens after re-heating that gas, will the atoms regain their initial coherence or all the information regarding that was lost, by emitting maybe... Hawking radiation?

Cause if the gas (molecules, atoms, particles) cannot be re-created, it means all the particles, or, according to my theory, whirls, would merge into one and by re-heating that thing something else would be created, that might or might not recombine into something recognizable, maybe different particles and atoms or radiation.

It's more like the whirls, loosing their relative motion to each other would start to combine which creates another interesting idea. It's thermal agitation that keeps particles alive or everything apart or together?

However no one could ever prove this since a temperature of zero absolute or total motionless could never be achieved and i guess in the experiments of which last one was done in space, no one thought to check what happened with the condensate after reheating.

But i guess at least some of the whirls would merge into larger ones and some information of the initial state or coherence in quantum would be lost.

BTW wondering how they obtained the space energy distribution images above if the gas was in or close to ground state thus not emitting any radiation (like a black hole) but i'm glad they did.

7:50 Some of the worst deaths in history where suffered under Hungarian (or shall i say Magar) rule of Transylvania. Gyorgy Dosza by name and birth place seem to be Romanized Székely.

I wrote this because today is the anniversary of the execution of the Serbian soldier of fortune Baba Novac who also fought against Hungary rule alongside Michael the Brave, the first who briefly unified the three Romanian principates that currently form Romania in 1600.

Though less known (i vaguely remember i heard something in history class in grade school) Serbian soldier of fortune Baba Novac and his priest confessor execution was equally gruesome. They were burnt not at the stake but partly skinned and then roasted alive on a fire, for hours while sprinkling them with water from time to time to keep them alive for as long as possible. He was @80 years old at the time of  his execution.

Another one is using the more known method, which was in the Austro-Hungarian penal code, breaking at the wheel of three Romanian peasants heads of a great rebellion of the overly exploited peasants in today's Transylvania. The wheel of course had 8 spokes, probably inspired from Dharma wheel they brough over in Europe from Nepal.

This level of cruelty was never heard of not only in Europe but the whole world and history.

Different nationalities because the Austria-Hungary empire was made of many nations, including Székelies, Romanians, Serbians, Czecks, Ukrainians, Italians etc.. and at times they extended their influence all the way to Holland and ; Spain.

In fact WWI which got most of Europe (and Japan and US) involved because a complicated system of alliances that got activated, which resulted in death of... and breaking to pieces of the empire, started with the killing of the crown prince...

At this point i am wondering if Tesla, a Serbo-Croatian, had anything to do with defeating the empire.

7:35 At times, google gives different results depending...

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