Thursday, February 20, 2025

February 20

1:03 AM Two to tango. Old Johnson on new Trump. Capisci?

3:30 Ancient civilizations. Are those drones? How old is this painting?

12:24 PM Common values.

BTW i really don't understand how you can attack Police officers without committing acts of violence.

There is a small group of people that conspired to cancel second round of elections in Romania. One of them, the ex-President, quit. However most Romanians are afraid of pro-Russian crazy Călin ("if we make enough silence we could hear the nanobots") becoming President.

I believe nanobots are generally good for your health depending on design and programming however lots of people got crazy lately, lost their ability to reason, and i believe it's the cell phones. Though with Trump, though they were signs, it happened suddenly and that can be of other causes (alien possession).

1:30 În valea Gastein din Austria sunt două lacuri termale amenajate, dar probabil sunt mai multe în afara traseelor turistice. Dar nu e  nevoie de un lac termal. În lacul Klopeiner temperatura în noiembrie poate să fie și de 15 grade (59 F), și poți să filmezi dacă prinzi o ninsoare.

"It's winter, there are minus 6 degrees (21 F) outside and nearby their is a splendid lake and i shall swim in this lake because i am not afraid, i feel no cold because everything i do i do through God and i will communicate with him with my heart; i don't need Facebook, i don't need Internet, i don't need engineers, i only need my heart to understand his wisdom.

I trust my immune system because i fully trust its creator, God. My immunity belongs to the sovereignty of my being. Immunity is maintained and trained only in nature. Here is the reality, here is the information, not in a lab and because of that i have no fear, i feel no cold, i feel the power, i feel that i live, i am free (head down in the water)".

Trust me, i can recognize the composition because i come from Bucovina, an old Dacian and Moldavian territory, which temporarily belonged to Austria (for 143 years). It's 100% like home.

5:40 However the real thing is happening in Vienna.

8:05 Gaza. Giza. Grobian. What is grotesque. Grotto.

(To see lyrics of this song press Youtube).

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