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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query dig. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February 9

1:23 I thought i once solved the problem that plagued Constantinopole at the time of invasion by Turks simply by mentioning of the word Sodoma.

1:50 What other problems did i solve lately. My grade school (V-VIII) chemistry teacher. At the end of VIII grade i took pictures of all my colleagues and teachers and made a panel and then i photographed that panel with a borrowed expensive camera and gave everyone an A3 size picture with the panel, made at least 30 copies. But i don't have that anymore, not one copy or the film. That panel could prove the following. My math, sketching and class master (diriginte) was Liz Taylor. Schools' principal was Austrian actor Karlheinz Böhm etc., of course all a parody of Palatine class made especially for King Michael.

But most traumatic of all are the memories of physics/chemistry teacher who was Italian actress Laura Antonelli. How many times i was staring at her legs in her mini-skirt when she was walking in front of class or writing on the board. In her bio, it says, before gymnastics, she had an early passion for math and that explains the coherence of her classes and lessons in the brand new lab in the brand new school, one of the best teachers i ever had, when compared to all the others, (even in HS where physics teacher was Shatner and chemistry, Fonda) or the math teacher (Liz), who was reading all the time from the book. But i never understood until now some of the mishaps. At the end of the VII grade she invited me to a "reunion" for the kids that were finishing VIII grade. In the old school building, with few windows in the large round hallway, was kinda dark, she brought a pickup. They were just a few girls from VIII grade, can't remember any boy, and me. I think i danced for the first time in my life with two of the girls (i remember some of the details, one of them had a blue dress), and she was in her prime, 32, standing there, by then shorter than me (i grew up real fast, was 6 at the end of grade school), with her always serious (or maybe sad), intimidating face, but never crossed my mind. To invite her to dance. Yeah, that boy looks like me when i was that age.

Some would say. Bodnăraș (who had a brother in Câm_pulung) was responsible for all these. Both Bodnăraș and Maurer, two old adventurers, died in 76 when i was in HS, but it didn't stop. Some would say, the "task" has been taken over by Iliescu who was then in charge at Iași, over Ceaușescu's head.

Last night i was seriously thinking about getting a lawyer and suing the State of Romania for what happened then. Could this get in the category of imprisonment (in a fake school, unsanitary home), torture (especially Liz was kinda bitchy and she hit me once), these are crimes that are not affected by the statute of limitations in any country. But when thinking about the judges in Romania that i know of...

9:48 Am văzut acum dimineață după reacția bursei că lumea nu prea mă crede. Când povestesc chestiile din școala generală. Nu au fost făcute pentru publicul general, s-ar părea. Probabil pentru scientologie. Nu trebuiau decât să sucească capul la scientologi, care la rândul lor sunt foarte influenți și pot face multe chestii pe care noi nici nu le știm. În orice caz. Am avut dreptate. 4 ani am avut-o în fața ochilor, matematică, desen și dirigenție. Am fost la ea acasă și ea a fost la noi. Soțul ei, vice primar, se pare că era chiar Richard Burton (nu, nu am nici un chef să mai pierd două ore și să-l caut și pe el dar mai mult sigur e tot ungur). Asemănarea asta explică și numele dirigintei, Șuhani (Shoo hunny). Cântăreață de operă. Liz Taylor însă a cântat foarte puțin, specialitatea ei a fost fața și ochii. Nu prea era încântată de ce făcea acolo și era moody și mofturoasă, îi sărea țandăra ușor. Nu-mi amintesc acum numele mic. La 40+ de ani era destul destul de trecută. Prin clasa a VII-A și a VIII-a am mai lipsit de la școală, fiind de câteva ori bolanv (Meningită virală, hepatită, infecție respiratorie, mână ruptă). Îmi amintesc când m-a scos la tablă să demonstrez teorema celor trei perpendiculare, pe care practic am învățat-o în fața clasei, fiindcă lipsisem.

10:43 Da m-am cam plictisit săturat și nu am găsit asemănarea cea mai bună. O să mai încerc. Însă o chestie. Când am ales să traduc cu google pagina Wikipedia cu biografia ei în ungurește, la titlu mi-a tradus Orosz ca și "of Russia". Tipa a studiat și la Leningrad (mai știu eu pe cineva din anturajul meu care a studiat canto la Moscova, deci așa trebuia să fie, ele să fi fost pe acolo) a fost, este, inteligentă (probabil are pe undeva prin bio un eveniment corespondent atașamentului de mate a personajului, Laura), a fost în politică, a primit în Ungaria numeroase premii și a fost membru al Societății Nemuritorilor? Și încă o chestie. Când am fost în Italia și am lucrat la Tormar (o mică firmă care vindea marmură și care nu mai există), a apărut ca și Clara, soția unuia din cei doi fii al patronului. În 93 ar fi avut 51+3 ani, dar arăta ca și de 40. Ce chestie, când eram în școală probabil ea se chinuia să vorbească română, acum mă chinuiam eu cu ea în italiană pe care ea o vorbea ca la mama acasă, cu accente și stiluri (deci a stat mult prin Italia) și părea încântată...

1:30 What? Nothing. Something i ran into. Is this for real or an advertisement picture with actresses?

2:03 Apropo tipul ăsta mi-a trimis un email, aproximativ cu o săptămână înainte de moartea lui Vadim, și mi-a cerut să scot de pe blog postarea aceasta.

2:45 Am întrebat mai ieri, WT... are doing all the teachers and students in universities with all those trillions in grants and the answer wasn't late. But if we apply an extrapolation of Moore's law (the only one of the kind i know of), will have double that time in 30 more years. How long till it will work indefinitely? 1000 years?

Wednesday didgeridoo terror is here so i will postpone what i wanted to write by an hour or so. C_Rackets?

2:58 Ok they're gone so i will say it. Why built utopical machines which supposedly contain temperatures 10 times like in the center of the Sun when we can use heat pumps at near ambiental temperatures, following the idea stipulated by Szilard in 1929, which lead to the great depression and WWII, showing the world wasn't ready for it or the great conspiracy (which included Einstein) worked against it like they constantly do in my case? Like with this "breaking news"? There is a constant "dialog" between what i'm writing and what they come up with, but they will never acknowledge it. They got their own alien laws we can't understand.

Szilard's ideas apply to heat pumps which coincidentally and independently worked for decades producing (transferring from one place to another whatever) 3 times more energy they use. And i'm gonna tell you why. We need to heat the planet so after we end our purpose here (send all the gold) there will be no trace of what happened. Illegal mining of gold using billions of slaves, against galactic laws?

A question to google lead to an ambiguous answer. Yes they require an initial input of energy, which again, is three times less than than the final result.

9:48 Under the influence. Literally. I was still working on the right wheel of the car, trying to solve the mystery as why all the suspension nuts i worked on now come loose. I saw a tall guy, Asian, looking like an athlete, maybe young sumo, coming towards me, then he veered and supposedly enter the building, i didn't look, was too busy with the car. Following him, the smoke.

What moles do. They divide their territory in networks that are a few meters across where they dig tunnels under the grass. Tunnels are filled with aerosolized mole enzyme that zombify the worms that go by themselves in the larder awaiting to have their heads bitten and then kept alive to be eaten (pretty much like conspirators drive the rest of the people crazy mainly with entertainement). So the "hunting" area needs to be very little ventilated at the time, so the enzyme won't be wasted. Maybe sealed.

What ninja do. They come with special shoes and push some burning pellets into the ground, prepared by ancient recipes, that worked to these day. The whole network bulges, and finally pops in one of the bulges and the smoke start coming out. If there's little or no wind, the thermal laminar flow that is driven by the heat of the heated buildings takes the smoke towards the building and inside through any opening. The surplus washes the walls and goes up in the sky.

Half hour later i finished with the wheel, thinking to go and wash battery's terminals with alcohol, reconnect battery and add some adhesive on the screws so the nuts won't come out, like they do. It was then when i figured a number of things.

Why old cars are not like the new ones. The secret is the battery. When it's time to change the battery, the car finishes its first life, and starts another one, with less performance. Why? Simply because when you unscrew the nuts on the connector for the first time in 4 or 5 years, you contaminate them with grease from the screw, that is always present in detectable amounts under a car's hood, no matter the brand. One drop of oil at oil change would contaminate all contacts and connectors that are not covered, and even those that are covered. A screw contaminated with even tiny amounts of oil or grease won't hold, no matter what. Will get loose with vibration.

Many people on forums with digital voltmeters in lighter's plug, like me, theorize the hypothetical existence of a "smart charging system" on newer cars. "The alternator stops charging when the battery is full", etc.. Wrong. When the connectors are contaminated, the more voltage the battery has, the close to the alternator's output voltage and if there's not enough difference, it will indeed stop charging, but with some flickering of course. That flickering drives all the powered sensor crazy but especially the fuel pump which works at lower voltage, with difference in fuel pressure, in newer cars with no pressure regulator on the line.

So i was thinking (a way of saying, my brain was, is, in some sort of fog otherwise pretty scary now that i think) that the same thing must have happened with all the suspension nuts i messed with. By untightening the nuts, the grease from the screws got into the threads, and then you can kiss your torque goodbye. It's that simple.

Shall i tell i suspected for a longtime mechanics change parts many times because of contaminated connectors and bolts and nuts?

So i went to Wilsonville, second exit, about 6 miles, did 47 mpg (on dashboard, probably 43 for real) in open loop (computer was reset, needs to do all the test cycles) but i had trouble keeping myself on the lane, because, of course of the smoke i inhaled unwillingly earlier.

10:45 As i said, recipe 94, saltpeter and sulfur and probably other stuff that takes care of your mind, body and soul. Click on 29 for more info.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

July 13

9:21 Ghespre cum lucră ei cu simbolismul în mintea dvs.. O biată știre dezolantă care arată un schimb de replici de actori scrise de scriitori, despre starea aproape zero în care se află acest proiect. Multă lume citește fiindcă toți speră. Dar în această știre există deasemenea capcane pentru subconștientul dvs..

Nord-sud. Așa veneau mașinile care urmau să mă calce la Naiba cu 65, așa mergeam și eu. Bacău, zece km de plimbare cu o domnișoară blondă care s-a întâmplat în anul criminal 95. Domnule Ghrindeanu, nu mai mințiți! Coloana vertebrală e un simbol masonic, fiindcă are 32 de vertebre.

Too many messes.

Din aceeași categorie fac parte relevantele știri despre Emilia Șercan, fiindcă numele ei conține rădăcina șer, de la șerpi.

9:45 Bogdan Aurescu.

9:55 Aș fi dorit să fi avut mai mult timp să descos acest articol. Cu un titlu care îmi place, ceea ce îl face rar și prețios, o dă în bară în primul paragraf sau subtitlu, "simțea că poate", ca motivație, ea nu simțea nimic, totul era o alegorie, iar ea o actriță din specia șerpi australieni, după cum o arată și locul ei de naștere, o alegorie menită să întrâte ireconcilialitea claselor statului francez ultracentralizat și stratificat). Este, dacă vreți, mitul Cenușăresei, întors pe dos.

Adevărul că e foarte greu ca cei săraci să-i înțeleagă pe cei bogați și invers. Astăzi, elitele reale, adică cei cu facultăți în România, încearcă într-adevăr (să ia) ce e mai bun din cele două lumi, o tradiție moștenită din vremea comunistă când majoritatea lor erau fii de țărani sau muncitori. Celelalte elite nu există, fiindcă așa cum îi vedem (se arată, cu acte), nu sunt decât niște parveniți de la marginea categoriei de mai sus, ajunși în funcții, montecriști ce încă se răzbună pe soartă, ca Țiriac și Covaci, miliardari misterioși de carton cu origini obscure, în realiate ei sunt actori impostori veniți din altă lume și vorbesc pe scripte de scriitori măiestru ciniști, ideologii șerpilor. M-am oprit puțin mai jos unde nu am (mai) înțeles ce vrea să spună. Cât despre cum sunt americanii, mulți și-au bătut capul să înțeleagă, însă eu cred că fiecare este diferit în funcție de experiențele personale prin care a trecut, într-o țară cu vaste posibilități dar cu vieți (de succes) atât de stereotipice, cu un singur numitor comun. Pragmatismul, până în punctul când e orbit de diversele ideologii.

Într-un fel, ca atâtea alte capcane pseudo elitiste, articolul îmi amintește de spațiul cu n dimensiuni din matematică. Însă la fiecare paragraf din construcția din spațiul superfluu creat introduce o nouă și neașteptată dimensiune, bulindu-mă și în final forțându-mă să renunț.

Prince or vagabond. (Ce piane lungi are Elton John, o figură de șarpe împietrit).

10:29 Like during the other days, a number of people started to parade in front of my large windows under the pretext of walking their dogs, stopping, doing pirouettes and a variety of gestures, intruding.

11:08 Went and finished covering that hole but that is not the biggest problem. The ninja living appearing some times at Nr.3 for the first time installed an AC in his window. These buildings are not meant to install ACs on windows. I put mine on the concrete floor but his is on the feeble wall that vibrates and probably next to a crack by the window and pulls dust from the wall and blows it in the air on the outer or hot air circuit, taking advantage of wind's direction, the same way as it happened in the other years from the other building. BTW his van full of barrels with flammable liquid is still there, has not been moved in a week or since i took that picture.

12:46 July 13. 13 segmente ale autostrăzii imaginare a Moldovei. 13 secunde când treci pe roșu. Azi s-a repetat faza, cu un camion uriaș condus de un moș bătrân. I-am arătat semaforul dar el s-a uitat cu dispreț la mine. Atunci m-am dus să mă uit mai bine la semafor dar nu am înțeles pe moment. Am trecut înapoi strada, am apăsat pentru verde și am așteptat momentul când se schimbă. Verdele (e alb la pietoni) ține vreo 5 secunde (timp în care nu ai cum să treci) după care se transformă în numărătoare inversă, începând cu 13, moment în care se face verde pentru mașinile care o iau la stânga. Deci practic numărătoarea acea inversă e un fel de roșu? Mă duc înapoi să filmez video ca să arăt câte secunde ține verdele pentru pietoni, înainte de a începe numărătoare inversă.

2:17 Should have done it when i had a chance. Walked there, but the intersection was partially blocked by a guy who was doing... some measurments. Could not see his utility vehicle he came with. The only thing i could do was counting seconds for green. I was right, 5 seconds even.

3:30 Went back again. 5 seconds. The reason why they blocked the intersection, for the Sun to go down and make it hard to see but it's turning green on right when the croswalk light is turning red count down. I'm gonna have to do it tomorrow morning or later this evening again.

4:15 Sunt curios ce vor face când nemții, francezii, polonezii, sârbii, ucrainenii, rușii, italieniiromânii vor înțelege că ei sunt adevăratul dușman al tututor. Sper să prind ziua aceea. Voi merge să le privesc defilarea în cuști, pe Champs-Élysées.

8:42 There was a crack by the door were i installed the AC that i covered years ago, that is before SAGE came to fix the siding and that was in 2019. Can't remember how it was last year but the crack was open when i checked today. Could had been that my AC was spreading dust in the first place. They were other places where i put silicon back then and they painted over but i think they replaced the gray flashing around the door. But it will take at least one day until i figur that one out. Was thinking about going and hosing everything down when a group of kids came to play in the backyard. When i passed in the intersection above, the stop lights where off, they were flaggers and they started to dig a hole in the street (Nyberg).

10:00 Here are a couple of pictures taken from fb. First shows damage done by SAGE on top of the door, they fixed it with an iregular piece of siding, second, my attempts to fix it with tape. Second shows the hole in the siding next the door i just fixed with silicon. There are complaints of dust even back then, but don't remember to have been that bad. But then there was lots of smoke coming from outside (ash-mole holes i think)
Just went and checked. The tape is missing, probably i took it out when i took the plastic foil canopy in January 2021 that was full of magots, that lived on birdseeds from the feeder of the ladies of December that used to live there, but now i remember, i din't put silicon on it because siding is soft on the whole surface. They put a piece of rotten siding instead of the good one that used to be there and painted over. There are holes in it.
11:10 I remember how i got meingitis back in the summer of 73. Viral, they said. Got to sit two hours on my belly after they took a sample of spinal fluid. But the hell was yet to come. Alone in a room which is unusual in Romania. The only medicine they gave me was Polidin. 3 times a day. Besides the terrible headache that was more intense in the back of the head, got photophobia. At night could not stand the light from the pole close to window. Don't know why the wouldn't cover it. The window. Got better after a week or so.

From going at the river. Bathing all day and breaking rocks. I remember the smell of those black homogenous rounded most likely volcanic, basaltic lava. Smelled like sulfur. There was anohter kid i was playing with who got it exaclty like me. The same smell that sometimes comes from the walls. The plastic foil i covered the opened door with now smell like it. I put some towels above the filter to catch it. They were days where it was much worse, but it combined with something else.

Got wet from hosing the area, then i stood very close to the working AC. This morning after i done the same yesterday woke up with a pretty bad headake but went away with some campfor based balm and i forgot. Tonight it came back. I put on the Xenu jacket. Kidding. Brand is Zero Exposure. It is so warm i perspire right away. Together with the hoodie that came with it. Writing and perspiring. Took a multivitamin, a vitamin D. Ready with some antibiotics. Preventive or zero day treatement, i call it. But i'm actually in day one. I stopped many infections like this. Right at the beggining. Cause i don't believe in viruses. But i been breathing rocks all day, i feel it in my throat. I've been rocked, i reconn.

BTW am găsit cred etimologia unui cuvânt ciudat din niște versuri de Phoenix. Să mă uit totuși mai întâi în DEX să văd dacă nu-i acolo. Hm. Cred că a mea e mai bună, în contextul dat. Dar par convergente! Într-un fel are sens pentru că... Cât despre hărți de răspândire... Apropo, e un sfert de oră după miezul nopții (știu, trebuia să încep postarea de 14, dar mi-era lene și nu știu dacă mai scriu) m-am agitat puțin în sinea mea pentru așa descoperire, iar tipul de sus care era liniștit de ore în a simțit (shin shin shin gan) și s-a trezit și a început să scârțâie. Și întrebarea pentru google. Cât despre versuri, întrebați-l pe "Baniciu" și textierul (am uitat cum își spune, eu îi știam după alte nume) pentru cine au făcut melodia asta și ce îi rodea (așa de mult).

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

March 29

12:04 No taxation. I think it would be enough if they simply payed taxes they owe.

12:24 Ok i think i figured why they pulled the now forgotten Boris Nemtsov off the shelf, and also Borisov. (Wouldn't go so far as Boris Eltsin, "who brought Putin to power"). So people would forget who started this war. UK Polish Ukrainian alliance, remember, giving Putin "reason" to commence, signed 3 or 5 days before the war started? (depending when you think it started, it actually started on or @ 2/22/2022).

(I knew a Mr.Bugan in Bacău in the first days of 1990, when i actively participated in the re-creation of PNL and the Bacău chapter of PNL). He fell in disgrace one day when i was walking with  him on the street and some guy came and accused him of re-selling tickets to football matches in front of the stadium. Never though i will meet with this memory.

12:39 Big time mold smell coming from outside, got to go and pick the garbage from the red carpet.

1:27 Outside instead predominant was smoke. It was inside too but must have gotten used to. Picked numerous small food wraps, one bottle cap buried upside down in red mulch, two poops of which one fresh and one covered in white mold, put onion inside galleries and flattened numerous mole mounds, but almost missed the most important ones, under bedroom's window (actually where most smoke was, where Angela sleeps). Took me several trips outside to finish it all, in almost one hour.

1:33 Și nici să nu se așeze. Și să nu meargă la toaletă. Au roboței sau șerpi acolo care îi mușcă de... Nașpa s-a întâmplat deja.

1:47 Oscar, No-bel and IKEA all come from Sweden.

2:08 Would have been so much better if he had punched P.Diddy

 Or even better, Lizzo

10:17 They were a few parts of the dishwasher taken apart, the day before i brought my "new" car back here so i forgot about those. Also quit using it. Now i wanted to put them back together when i realized how bad they stink. Not the ones in the picture, which i washed, the two sheet metal covers at the bottom were drops of stuff during washing was leaked upon. They were taken apart, when i cleaned the mold on the wall behind the dishwasher because of the cold flexible pipe that was gathering condensation, touching the wall. They were sitting there in the washer/drier/water-heater closet. I can't believe how bad they were stinking. Put them in the bath tub, washed together with the plastic part of the lid that also stink, washed them with a soft brush and detergent. Forgotten since even before, since when the place was full of smoke all day and was high all the time. Could have been easily fixed but didn't know. It's so close to the stove's oven i always though that smell was coming from there. Of course got very mad and as usually the guy upstairs is doubling it by turning the TV real loud. Probably the worse source of smell here when smoke, mold and dog poop smells coming from outside are not present. And now i have  to put it back together, do more organizing, vacuum, etc..

10:38 Războiul de după pandemie își atinge țintele. Toată lumea e îngrozită. Te mai poți gândi la conspirații? Ungaria, cu același stil de reverse psychology. Chiar m-am gândit de multe ori. Unde sunt supercomputerele unde Ungaria își ține toate fișelere, de la toți actorii, toate scenariile din fiecare țară? Sau totul e făcut așa din mers și improvizat local?

12:05 Hour of the dragon. There's got to be some kind of religious ritual. They bring in the moles, at the hour of the dragon or other auspicious times (ninja part). First thing of course they dig holes for air. Then they come and put in the burning pellets (Dominican part). Moles probably run away because of it. Then i go in and plug the holes. Then they wait for another auspicious time and restart. Could not be other than religious, no other category can be that infinitely stubborn to do this over and over again for so many years. It may be crazy but this is how the world is run and ruled nowadays.

12:26 And yes, i believe animists are closer to animals (and everything else) than to humans, which actually are despised because of their uncleanliness and sinful nature and struggle with karma.

Just finished putting together the dishwasher, but they were (long) times i thought i couldn't. No ordinary DIY-er without training and/or special tools would dare to put that thing together. Could it be on purpose, so you could never clean under the plastic and metal part of the lid, that get contaminated after only a few uses? There is no doubt in my mind, these things are designed to sicken and/or kill (slowly, over the years).  My advice? Get rid of them and do not use. One day, 100 years from now, you will see them in a museum under the label "this things killed more Americans than... ice-cream?"

12:34 Moving around, trying to find a spot where i can eat my frozen heated meal but he follows me everywhere.

3:05 Went for a walk after 1:15, feeling very tired, tried to get some sleep but not sure if i did. Laying there like in a trance. Lost track of time, the guy upstairs finally left. Minutes ago i heard some yelling and there was a woman or girl with long hair or wig, painted red-orange, in the alley, facing the other way, handling a baby above head, making her cry, yell prolongedly, and she did that for minutes. When i went and opened the door she finally started to walk and i saw baby's face above that red hair, a blonde little girl and she did not looked amused like sometimes babies do when adults throw them in the air and stuff but terrified. Then they left towards the street and kept doing it for minutes. I heard before kids or babies yelling in the alley, saw them running, playing, having fun, but never like this.

Those two pieces of dirty stinking sheet metal from washer have been sitting next to the water heater and now that one stinks also.

5:06 Angela went to sleep, he came "home" and started the TV, loud.

6:38 "Working on the building like this!" (September 2015). Soon after i moved, handy-woman passed by in her electric chart and told me. (Though i learned later, maintenance persons are not supposed to interact with renters like this). What was i doing in that day and moment back in September 2015? Cleaning the basement vents that were clogged with leaves.

6:51 Low 60s was the maximum temp today. However, the ice-cream van is here and playing a song. Not the cucaracha today, huh hu.

7:14 Amazing. Love it or hate it.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27

2:22 AM PDT. Was watching the news with Biden saying this is Trump's best picture and that straw tipped the carriage (yeah just made this one up). This is surreal and don't really want to talk about now. But when i saw the picture the first time i was distracted by other things and didn't realize the obvious.

The picture should not exist as such. The guys in the court should have known how to take a mugshot. An angle with head tilted forward to near 45 degrees distorts the picture and defies the purpose of identification. Yeah of course we all know who Trump is but a mugshot should be a mugshot, if all this is for real.

They (the court, the prosecutor) besides being unprofessional are accomplices to Trump defying the American people. It's all a sham, a fabrication, a stunt (heavily missing English vocabulary in this area, wish i could say what i feel but can't without using certain simple words...) and it illustrates perfectly the surreality of the situation we're all in as nobody said nothing yet.

Or maybe they did on forums or commentaries with limited audience.

3:36 One more time media has pushed a ridiculous accusation and people didn't take a look for themselves. A very long, "consensual" hug followed by a short kiss on the lips whatever and she taps him on the back one more time after that.


Primarul din Caracal. Totul a fost o înscenare. Dacă foloseau stația ca loc de parcare, atunci demisia lui este inutilă, deși spectaculoasă. Totuși, nu cred că e bine să parchezi mai multe din alea la un loc ca idee de bun simț dar poate sunt și ceva norme.

Ce au crezut cei ce au văzut, auzit, până în momentul când s-a lămurit ce a fost.

Cineva totuși a dat foc la cisternele alea, pentru un spectacol pirotehnic vizibil din București.  Sunt acolo camere de supraveghere?

9:05 Can't open a news site without seeing the echoes of my posts anymore. Raiji (Raichu, Pikachu, remember) and the black goddess. What escapee. It has been brought there. Reasons are obvious. They dig deeper convolutions in people's brains to make go away previous ones.

9:09 Conclusion. People with strong multimillennial convictions with no clear delimitation of good and bad, act into implementing their beliefs in today's world and generally we can't perceive what they are doing because of our monotheism and our God is generally a good god though sometimes He gets angry and jealous too and that is why we deserve our fate.

There is a lot more in this world than west and US, a whole lot more.

Polytheism gives a lot of flexibility in a religion as they can be myriad of interactions and collusions between the different gods but i suspect in Japan by example Buddhists are manipulating more simple minded Shintoists to achieve their goal which might be itself a delusion born from misunderstanding Buddha.

Generally, it's all a big confusion.

9:30 Is that a Shiva linga in the middle of the stage? (Cause it can't be an onion).

Yeah i got tired too of posting videos but it's all in there and i bet they are not doing it for fun as some might perceive and it's a lot of hard work on the world's stages going on right now.

11:05 Can accute inflamation due to infection lead to narrowing of blood vessels and cause a heart attack? The inflammation in the tissues adjacent to heart including skeletal muscles that usually accompany a heart attack.

11:55 Prigozhin. Kali.

12:15 Kalima

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I post this here because it can be accessed publicly, i mean if i go somewhere in an office and i have to show it.

After my hospitalization in early 1996 we were living in Vancouver, WA. Things got better in the way i wasn't thinking of anything anymore. I was on Navane from a prescription given by doctor Proano Augusto of Vancouver that was my doctor at SW Washington Memorial, Vancouver, WA.

One day i saw an add from Express Personnel in the Oregonian, i guess. On Apple Way, off Beaverton Hilssdale Ave, in Portland. We both signed up for a 2 days training course in soldering with them.

We spent that weekend at the Marts in Salem. My ex-collegue from Bacău. Monday it was snowing and on I5 i stopped once to check tires i guess. A policeman stopped and offered his help but we were ok. So we went in Portland and at Express right in time for the course. I think Julian Mart managed to take me off Navane that weekend too.

They weren't many people in there. Can't remember exactly the names. The recruiter, a younger guy, brunet, with moustache. The instructor, Mary? Or something like that, a short and very common name. Students, besides me, Angela and a Mexican woman, i don't think there was nobody else.

Now, that i think, the instructor also reminds me of a celebrity. Always reading from a note book.

I remember her repeating as she was going through the material. "For soldering you need solder, flux and heat".

At the end of the two days course, since i scored high at tests, the recruiter and her decided to give me an electronics technician test. Since i went to a specialty electrotechnical high school and because of one semester of electronics in faculty, i did 3/4 of the test, perfectly. For the rest i ran out of time and i checked random answers.

In a couple of weeks i had an interview at Credence, onNimbus Ave, Beaverton building. Now there's some religious center in there

Anyways. On April 14 i started working there. Swing shift, 11 dollars an hour (double minimal wage at the time), in the same time with two other guys. Robert "Bob" James, a Mormon (big Bob as Dino called him, cause he was like... 300 pounds, blue eyes, in his 50s), Lyle Hall, fired from Intel an me. There was another guy in that shift, Bill Appel or something driving and old Nissan Z with a hole in the floor and a guy... can't remember, another Bob, from Colorado, who had a car with a windsurfing bord on top and everyday was bragging about coming directly from Hood River and in the weekends was remodeling houses he bought for resale, with a green license plate that started with the word SEX. I think swing shift was partially overlapping with day. Dale, a blonde guy who set on fire a few racks when he left one day and forgot something and i saw the smoke coming out. And a few others.

As usually with all of my jobs in the US i had several bosses.

First month they trained me on power supplies. Got shocked a few times.

Then i started testing boards for test heads on a minicomputer. I was packing and shipping the good ones. The other guy working at those, Eugene from the day shift was fixing them. Later, i got trained by Eugene and started fixing those myself. Can't remember who was doing the final tests, but i was doing huge amounts, good quality (no returns or complaints from field techs like from Eugene's), lots of overtime and my day shift supervisor was overjoyed. Credence was charging companies that were using their testers around the world with $700 a board and i was fixing at least 10 every day. Didn't know exactly what i was doing, just putting the board in a fixture tied to a minicomputer, running tests and replacing parts accordingly. Those were highly precise, ultra fast, nanoseconds circuits. Lyle, who knew electronics, told me that nobody understood those circuits made of Schottky diodes anyways except for maybe the designer, "they were too weird".

My buddy Lyle. We were together all the time. Many time he was just pulling me from the bench for long cigarette and hot chocolate breaks. He was coming to me smiling and braking an imaginary stick in front of my eyes: "Brake" time!

Together we went to Insurance Auto Auction and bought cars. I had this old Fairmont and he did not have a car so he bought him an old Chevy Cavalier or something for 100 bucks (nobody else bid) (he was smart, that car was not wrecked and he just started to use it, after going to the most praised by him Les Schwab (for whom i worked next year) to balance tires, that were still under warranty) and i bought an 89 white Escort GT that was hit in the front for 900 bucks. His car was ready and running but mine needed a radiator, hood, bumper, fender and some... frame straightening, which i did at Lyle's apartment. Using a cable, i tied the frame to a tree and backed up until i straightened the body enough to be able to put those parts on. One problem though. Unibody type frame was broken some place and every time i was pushing the gas pedal was going... right i guess, a little bit, and every time i pushed the brake, it was going left or something like this. But not much. To me, it was good, and the 1.9 liter engine on a small car like that seemed good enough.

Many other things happened in there. I am both nostalgic and sick when i remember.

But the main reason i dig through this stuff is this.

One summer day, before i bought the Escort, or maybe after and i was just still driving the Fairmont that day, i don't know, in the afternoon it was very nice and warm. Only Lyle and me on the floor. All the walls surrounding the ground level floor had big windows made of dark glass and we could see outside.

Maybe a dozens of police like cars marked ATF surrounded the building. One of them parked in the back of my Fairmont, blocking it. But they did not come into the building and proceeded in the bushes behind it, towards the Fanno Creek. Lyle pulled me in the middle of the floor.

A few minutes later they came out of the bushes with an Asian looking guy. Very thin, dressed in a dark-gray, very simple, sports like suite. A very strange face like i never saw before. Not Chinese. He was not agitated, barely moving, but looking upset. Nothing in his hands.

Later Lyle and i saw a small, old car with a blue static coat and a badge like ours inside parked nearby, but we knew it was only us in the building. Lyle said maybe it was the janitor or something. I was kinda shook for the rest of the day.

Later that summer they started laying out everybody in that building. My part of the job was sold to a start-up in Milpitas, California. So one day in a very beautiful September i drove 700 miles in my new Escort over there for an interview. But this is another story.

Monday, March 21, 2022

March 21

5:51 Equinox (day equals night or day hours are same as night hours which are 12 for each).

I'm sure that many people don't know why daylight hours are changing throughout the year. There are many ways in which this could be explained but main reason is because we leave on a planet (of which there are so many in the galaxy though so far away and there are so many galaxies around). This video could make it easier to understand. But there's got to be an interest.

Here is a nice app done wiht Desmos, to calculate length of day at different latitudes (the way to remember, always got trouble, longitude comes from long and means more a distance, latitude is more an angle though in the end they're both angles and distances). First slider is for latitude. If you scroll down on the left you'll see there are different types of daylight, civil, nautical, astronomical, etc..

6:09 I was nauseated, went to pick and through a humongous poop (bigger than from most humans) spread in pieces over a distance of one meter, plugged some new holes (after sticking onion, they abandoned the old networks, started new ones) got even more nauseated.

6:26 Upstairs. Third day at  home. He doesn't go for walks, movies, libraries, to meet with friends (saw a couple of female missionaries once at his door). Saw him once with groceries. He stays at home for days at the time and walks inside for many hours, many thousands of steps. I have no idea how it could be explained but i know he drives me nuts. Today, he overdid it and now he's tired, he can barely react to my thoughts. Feeble, tired squeaks when i curse in my mind.

6:40 I said it many times. Moles are very little known creatures, though ubiquitous, both in towns and i assume near every house in country side, though people there might not be as tolerant. And there might be reasons why their lives are ignored, pretty similar to why we all ignore the activity of freemasons.

They don't dig holes all the time but they maintain a network of tunnels, always under grass. One mole can live on maybe 10-100 sqft or more. They only eat earthworms, sometimes up to their weight in 24 hours, depending on activity. Tunnels are filled with a gas or aerosol containing kallikreyin enzymes. A type of protease, enzymes that break down proteins into small molecules amino-acids in order to penetrate animals' guts and pass into blood during digestion, at moles those enzymes evolved into mind altering substances. Worms once fallen into a gallery, they loose their minds and all crawl downwards to the nearest larder, which is a fist-size pouch where they gather and wait to be eaten, sometimes for months, depending on season and abundance. Sometimes the moles bite their heads off in order to keep them alive without the need of kallikreins.

I didn't write this for fun. I believe there are serious problems for those who live in the vicinity of moles. I believe there should be changes in legislature for this problem to be recognized. But i also believe there are several reasons why they don't do it and keep this apart from public's view it and i tried to explain this here.

8:11 Not without pain (locked account, could not activate with the app, chat with 2 reps, half day lost) i switched back from ziply to xfinity. The reason i do this every year as i do it for car insurance every 6 months is for promos. Price is half for the first year of service.

11:58 Până azi nu m-am prins la chestia asta. Normal, nu se lățește capul când te îngrași. Dar urechile sunt împinse puțin spre exterior de grăsimea de dedesubt, pentru că nu sunt înșurubate în cap. Încercați să trageți de ele spre exterior, se duc ușor cam un cm.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Romanian - Sanskrit Comparison

Cristian Ioanide - In Memoriam

"In principle, every difference between two related languages should be explicable to a high degree of plausibility and systematic changes, for example in phonological or morphological systems are expected to be highly regular (i.e. consistent). In practice, the comparison may be more restricted, e.g. just to the lexicon."

The generally accepted Indo-European theory in linguistics states that all languages in Europe and India have a common ancestor, the hypothetical PIE or Proto-Indo-European language.

However there are major disagreements regarding this hypothetical language and the reconstruction attempts so far lay in the domain of bizarre. No serious academic attention had been directed into reconstructing this hypothetical language. In dictionaries so far (like the Romanian Explicative Dictionary or DEX) though there are many basic words deemed as of unknown origin, generally attributed by some authors, mostly biased nationalist, to the Dacian language or the language we all assume it was spoken in Dacia before Romans arrived, there is not on single etymology given as PIE. In French i haven't seen a single word given of unknown etymology or as PIE but in both languages i found words that certainly remind me of Sanskrit. The English lexis may be also as rich as Romanian in Sanskrit roots. Interestingly enough, the words are distributed in different languages, as if Sanskrit divided or distributed separate chunks or lists of words to different inheriting languages though many are overlapping, like from English and Romanian.

It is almost impossible to believe that Romans did not keep or no archives are found regarding the different aspects of life in Dacia during their direct administration period which lasted some 165 years including basic lexis or pieces of written language. No written records are to be found in any archive about the Dacian language (with some dubious exceptions).

The subject of such records being hidden in archives for political reasons or even destroyed is a completely different story i won't start to dig in right now.

So personally following an intuition triggered by an anecdotal information i found in an article i read in early 90s which stated that a numbered a Romanian basic words are matching with perfectly similar Sanskrit ones like apa-apa (water), gand-gandiva (thought) etc. i tried to look in current online dictionaries like (formerly .de) just to verify. To my surprise they all seemed to have a Sanskrit corespondent, almost identical, down to pronunciation.

So i took the list of Romanian words of unknown origin (Wikipedia version) and started to look in that dictionary for more matches and found an abundance of words of undoubtful (to me) Sanskrit origin.

I assume the online dictionary mentioned above that is based on the widely recognized Monier Williams Sanskrit dictionary which is also available online from the University of Koln is still not complete though it numbers over half million entries. There are in there words that have obviously too many entered meanings [by volunteering contributors] of which some being even opposite, many probably coming from only one occurrence in an isolated text maybe used as metaphors. No one can tell. But i was pretty conservative in building this list and picked correspondences only from the roughly first 10-20% of meanings confirmed by the most redundancies (or close meanings) in the rest of the entered meanings staying mainly in the Monier Wiliams safe area. Interestingly, there are words, like gata that have the same corresponding many meanings both in Romanian and Sanskrit and this is obvious only for those who know Romanian as i cannot add more entries for words with different meaning in Romania being beyond the current purpose of this modest work.

Never finished checking that list because while browsing the dictionaries i started to find more and more words that where not on that list having a greater resemblance with Sanskrit words than with Latin or Old Slavonic (the precursor of all modern Slavic languages) of which etymologies are officially given in Romanian dictionaries and i started to build a list on a spreadsheet with all the words i could find that seemed to me closer to Sanskrit than Latin and Slavonic which are the officially accepted by academics main ancestors of Romanian language, besides the still largely unknown Dacian language. All words from the basic or day to day usage Romanian language lexis.

I also added verbs that seem similar in writting, pronunciation and meaning with nouns and adjectives in Romanian. I am not a linguist but i assume in a few thousands years of separation some past participles may have morphed into adjectives and even nouns. Same thing happened in the dictionary itslef, noun from Sanskrit are translated like verbs in English.

Also while browsing this online dictionary i had the surprise to also come across many English words that seem to have a direct corespondent in Sanskrit of which some i added in a smaller list that is also included in this blog post.

My conclusion so far is there are many Sanskrit words in Romanian, maybe as many as 50% of the lexis of Romanian, but when they match, some of them identically as pronunciation, most of the time they do not coincide as first meaning. This indicates a strong but very old connection.

Could the reason for finding so many Romanian words of possible Sanskrit origin be the Dacian language was closed to Sanskrit which was also close to PIE. It is up to linguists in the future to follow these hypotheses. This work is by far not complete and i strongly believe what i found is intriguing enough to requires their attention. But i am also afraid many already knew about all these complex and contradictory issues, since i don't know, the first contact of modern western civilization with the eastern one, probably since German linguists Franz Bopp built the first known grammar of Sanskrit and for some obvious political reasons they chose to delay their findings until people of the world will be able to better deal with the Indo-European linguistic theory that if was to be applied would probably require extensive rewriting of dictionaries and why not, maybe history itself.

When i first started to study the lexis of Sanskrit i started to ask myself how i will pronounce the words. In the end i realized the pronunciation follows pretty much Latin, as the several existing transliteration types use mainly Latin alphabet.

However there is an alternate way to figure pronunciation. Since Google Translate cannot translate Sanskrit and there is no other site on the internet that i know of that can pronounce any typed words in Devanagari script one can trick Google Translate to pronounce Sanskrit as Hindi since Hindi uses the same alphabet and almost the same pronunciation.

So i added links to every word in the list (done with Google Spreadsheets) written in Sanskrit with Devanagari script so you can click on then on the little speaker icon under the box where the word appears to hear the pronunciation. Most of those words do not even exist in Hindi.

There are also links provided for every Romanian word to Google Translate for both translation in English to eliminate any doubt and pronunciation for comparison of pronunciation with the paired Sanskrit words and also links for every Sanskrit word transliterated with Latin characters to different dictionaries where i found that word. There are more than 700 links in total.

Google Translate is not particularly good with Romanian phrases although lately it got much better. However, for individual words it is acceptable. The computer generated pronunciation in Romanian is kind of rough, compared to the one in Hindi, but good enough for the purpose.

For Devanagari script pronunciation of each separate letter here is an easy to use interactive page.

For comparing the words i used the following on-line dictionaries and lists:


Sanskrit dictionary linkable per word and meaning (default IAST transliteration)

Sanskrit dictionary linkable per word

Dictionary not linkable per word (need to manually input the words below)

For Devanagari script pronunciation of each separate letter here is an easy to use interactive page.

Here is also a link to a Google sheet that holds the same table with the table itself framed below in this blog post.

[On August 18 2017 i discovered has changed to I am currently working to restore all broken links below. Already re-established first 100 links. For the new links you have to scroll right.]

Also here is a link to a much shorter list that probably could be much longer with English words that could have direct sanskrit etymology and also the table.
Roman Statue of a Dacian POW in 2nd century AD

Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31

It's amazing how much energy the guys upstairs have. They kept Angela awake by ritually dancing on bedroom floor/ceiling till 2:30. At 4:30 she awoke to go to work at 6. Now at 6:30 they started to torment me, especially when i'm doing some critical searches. One of them will stay here and do that all day long.

What i am trying to prove is the name of not so Hindu Goddess Kali actually comes from kylie or karly, two Asutralian Aboriginanal words for boomerang. Wanted to do that synthetically with a video and a link but i lost my patience because of them of course and i will just write it down in many words (need to note here the Romanian word for hook, cârlig, of oficially given  bulgarian? etymology).

One of Kali's weapons is a hook or as called (in India) vajra knife that resembles a type of boomerang.

There are several types, of which one is returning, and i think that one is for hunting birds that fly in flocks.

Boomerangs in India were made of iron and they could be the ancestors of those knife or maybe any type of knives and/or swords. In the US boomerangs were made of basalt.

As i said, if you wanted to hit a moving target with a boomerang, you have to anticipate target's position in time. Kali is also a goddess of time.

The returning type of boomerang symbolizes the cyclicity of many events in time (the eternal return).

The other arguments are the name and the many arms which may come from the appearance of some people doing a haka dance.

The reason is obvious. I am trying to prove that Kali, one of the most worshiped goddess in north-eastern India and as Daikokuten in Japan and probably other places is actually a symbol and a synthesis of memories of a past where life depended on those weapons or hunting tools, but how many causal consequences derive from it and how they burden of present and will those ever cease if i prove that.

7:45 I think they got to the point where they can anticipate, using AI, what i will say hours or days in advance.

1:07 Ok 70 din 100000 au fost lăsate ca centrare pentru b1 ca să vină ei cu o pildă și o psihoză în știri, pentru că altfel nu îmi explic cum le-au găsit și nu acum prima dată.

În schimb nimeni nu a văzut cisternele parcate ilegal într-o localitate pe un drum național de cel puțin 10 ani la 20 km de București prin care teoretic a trecut poate și marele prin absență Iohannis când A3 era blocată. Acordul ADR e prea vag.

2:02 Mda și pentru a vă ține in_formați au trântit și o Barbie cu picioarele ridicate lângă articol. Apropo între o Barbie statică cu picioarele în sus și o femeie reală ce ați alege?
2:57 I have been searching. Vasco is a name of an old European pre-Latin of Spanish (gaelic) or Portuguese origin depending on sources. A version in Italian is Blasco which may be precursor to Blachs or Vlachs which is the medieval name for Romanians. There is a village in Romania and a commune in Moldova with the unaltered name Vascăuți which indicates the pre-Latin origin. Names like Gal, Galan or even Gologan are not uncommon in Romania.

If not married, by name she may be Hungarian (Jew) of Romanian origin mixed with some Urkainian which explains the affinity but there is also a lot of professional acting in her act which explains some the attractivity. Rest is native.

No Blachs does not mean black.

3:06 Angela says she is too tired to go to the office to complain of what they did last night upstairs until 2:30 AM.

5:21 When i came from my walk today i felt my phone vibrating and then i checked and was off. Have not charged it in months and i only turned it a few times to check messages and when i checked today the battery in settings was at 62%, screen time 23 minutes and last charge 16 days ago. I wish i had on it some app that could track more of the usage. There is nothing under my account in google except for internet usage, more than 60 days ago. I think i won't take it with me during my walks or anywhere, even off, is too risky.

Yes i slept earlier with the door at the balcony open, with only the screen closed but not locked, cause the emperor took the lock away instead of installing it last summer. The reason i keep the door open? They stop making noise upstairs.

5:42 I have all the symptoms of an exposure.

5:22 Dacă există o scurgere dintr-o astfel de cisternă, chiar masivă și ia foc, cisterna nu explodează pentru că în interior nu există aer din cauza presiunii gazului. Focul sub cisternă cauzează explozia prin creșterea temperaturii și a presiunii gazului devenit fierbinte care însă ia foc abia după ce cisterna explodează din cauza presiunii, și abia după ce se răspândește suficient ca să se amestece cu aerul, iar atunci arde masiv într-o bulă mare de foc dar neexploziv.

Dar e nevoie de ceva timp ca temperatura și presiunea să crească până la ruperea pereților, timp în care o persoană instruită putea să intervină cu un stingător, dacă focul nu era prea mare și nu era cauzat de o scurgere masivă sub cisternă.

6:30 Cadence Academy.

7:10 One idea from my walk in clean air. It is unclear to me yet if the practice of seppuku in Japan for reasons of restoring one's honor and karma in future lives can be linked to a god though i found it listed in an article called Bizarre Methods of Human Sacrifice.

But at least the decapitation in the end which was seen as an act of mercy, ending the sufferance of the person committing seppuku, had to be done in such a manner that a piece of skin should be left so the head would hang and not fall to the ground and that can be linked to Kali.

So far i could find the samurai were praying as part of the ritual but could not find if to one precise god or their own favorite god. They were allowed to eat their favorite food and that can be linked to Daikokuten.

And one more thing. Sepukku was carried only with the permission (of the daimyo).

In the same article we can see clearly how the thugs were performing human sacrifices (and robberies) in the name of Kali.

While i was preparing this link, they sent in front of my open sliding door children to yell.

8:00 But all of the above are just a few cases, most notorious, and were just gathered from various sites and put together for reviewing them.

I suspect the pandemics and all the wars in Europe of the last and current century have something to do with it as i believe all leaders in all countries are their people or controlled by them and a small part of them is caught in my other blog.

9:00 Alcoolsimul cauzează atrofierea creierului într-o anume măsură dar nu apare pe lista celor mai comune cauze.

Berea nu hidratează, din contră. Totuși la 90% apă e preferabilă din acest punct de vedre tăriei. 

O doză de bere de 340 ml mai are și 15 grame de carbohidrați (aproape o lingură cu vârf echivalent zahăr) care înseamnă 60 calorii și 17 ml de alcool, echivalentul a 42 ml tărie care este ars în celule fără a da nici o energie, încălzind corpul cu restul până la 160 calorii, deci nu e bună vara.

Atenție cafeaua și cofeina din carbogazoase dezhidratează la fel sau mai mult.

Fraza asta nu prea are sens. Cafeaua dehidratează mai mult decât alcoolul pentru că ridică tensiunea și cauzează ca rinichii să elimine mai multă apă în timp ce alcoolul scade tensiunea.

9:45 I said it many times before. The constant presence of dog waste around the building changed our microbial flora to dog type. They scheduled a main line sewer replacement right after the asphalt coating to dig for proof.

I myself was scheduled to pass away and they laid a number of traps, in honor of their gods represented by number 9, that is September, or October whatever and i'm sick with all kinda infections and not sure if i am out of the woods, leaving behind all kinda "evidences".

10:00 Unprecented levels of noise upstairs today and right now made me almost delete this whole day or some of my most important posts ever. I am not even sure i have not deleted some of them so i am sill reviewing.

10:10 Just heard them going to the car several times and bringing upstairs all kinda heavy objects.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Scientology Provocation

Just by digging into my memory and the internet as we know it these days i found numerous events that cannot be explained except through the following theory:

Based on a treaty historically known as the Percentages Agreement between then leaders of the world Winston Churchill, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and Franklin D. Roosevelt Romania after WWII was placed in a so called intersection of influences with 10% influence by UK and US and 90% by the Soviet Union.

While most of situation post war in Romania was influenced by Soviet Union, and that was the cleansing (physical elimination) of intellectuals and building of a soviet type infrastructure, there was some activity mostly hidden from sight on the part of the western WWII ex-allies.

(Lately i even came to believe that at least two of the signatories of the Agreement, that is what was known to us as Stalin and Churchill where impostors (didn't have time to dig on Roosevelt yet) that is other persons, in the case of Stalin of Japanese origin.)

That activity involved the cultural side of Romanian life, and had manifested through introduction of foreign artists which assumed Romanian identities and acted towards the propagation of a certain flavor of western culture.

Most of this activity was not directed necessarily towards Romania which remained a broken country who never came back to real independence after that war but targeted towards the Russian population and generally infusing foreign (western and eastern) cultural elements in that geographical space.

A special role in this post WWII action was played by the Church of Scientology. An educated person, Sci-Fi author and ex-Navy Commander, Hubbard took the task of creating a cult that was meant to accomplish a number of things, like recovering of drug addicts from US cultural scene who probably where created for that purpose through different programs in the first place, brainwashing them to the point of executing unconditionally military tasks in the US and any part of the world.

While taking part in missions in countries like Romania (which was legally possible under that treaty), the members themselves helped creating situations that brought back material that was used to convince the other members of the reality of their cult so they continue their devotion, like in a cycle. That included footage of filmed material proving the appearance here on Earth of Xenu and his powers which was proved by proximity and involvement with those artists.

(In Scientologic mithology Xenu is the villain who supposedly imprisonned on Earth the immortal tethans, bringing them from the overpopulated galaxy about 75 million years ago, tethans (souls) who nowadays fiercely compete to incarnate in a limited pool of human bodies.)

Don't need to mention the number of rules and laws violated in the process, if only to mention US laws.

I am trying to bring to the attention of the public and legal authorities in the US especially the part of secrecy and privacy violation part. Members of the Church are being scammed of money (for the psychological purpose to seal their motivation) in order to be shown those materials that may also violate the right of privacy of many persons.

It is not conceivable they can posses those materials and use them exclusively for their propaganda behind closed door in huge private establishments (compounds) without the American general public to be able to see them.

The Church of Scientology gained religion status during first Clinton presidency. There is no known religion on Earth that would allow such practices and organisation on levels of secrecy.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 19

Last night i went to Spirit Mountain. Was so tired i slept one hour in the truck. Battery connectors where loose, i tightened them when i left. Finally figured the squeak at the left wheel when backing up from the spot here at the apartment. I think the same bolt from the control arm is loose again. When i came back with the heavy rain and cheap tires (by the brand Venezia) i had trouble keeping the truck on the road, in some areas had to slow at 35.

4:29 Nici o fraudă în plus față de cele obișnuite. Singura chestie e că se cheamă cițy și are 3 milioane de asigurați (chiar m-am mirat dintotdeauna de ce pe Câțu îl cheamă de fapt Cîțu). Ca să mai uitați de autostrăzi și buget. Am mai spus și repet. Ăștia, ca să vă fure banii și pe dvs. cu totul, mai întâi vă fură mințile, subliminal. Asta e răsplata pentru Tiranon și faptul că românii s-au băgat în Ungaria în 1944. (Simbolic, fiindcă sovieții au fost cu greul). Sârbii au luat-o pe cocoașă din același motiv, Iugoslavia nu mai este, Cehoslovacia nu mai este, etc. iar românii au fost forțați să plece din motive economice. (click cu roata mouse-ului ca să măriți imaginea).
5:25 Just went and cleaned some wet bread crumbles from the stairs upstairs, being afraid of mold. But i did it with a painting brush, that was still smelling like paint. Now i'm paranoid about what if they saw me (no doubt about it) and say i wanted to make the stairs slippery for whoever.

11:02 I was searching for someone key to the whole story and one of the last pieces of puzzle in Romania, thinking i beat the moles with two mole chasers, modified to use two batteries only when an exhaust started. The vibration, within minutes, filled the place with a weird smell, though i am surrounded by three filters. I went outside and found, among others, a full can of beer blue lite that was slightly cracked, a used green bag from bottle drop returns, like someone grabbed after counting from there, other debris, mold starters on the red mulch, a one inch deep hole next to alleys that i don't believe belongs to moles, where most likely someone from a passing car stuck burning material by a ninja burning recipe. I tried to cover the whole but someone was passing. That stuff will burn inside ground for hours.

12:06 Dragged Angela (Sunday morning, really hard to convince her, especially under influence of that smoke) in the park to escape the peak. One my way there, a Tualatin Valley fire SUV with flashing lights and siren made me pull over (ingannare). Did not clear completely my mind with that walk in the park. When we got back while driving i saw the hood of my truck was popped. Impossible to have driven it like that all the way to and from Spirit Mountain last night or even this morning without seeing. That distraction alone together with the smoke (that was different now) was enough to make me forget check the sign at the door. Now Angela is trying to kill the aphids on the plant spraying cold water from the fridge. A kid is screaming in the backyard and alley. When i backed up from the spot and veered i heard the squeak again on the right side. Got to get under truck to torque that bolt. Got to find the torque spec for the battery connectors that keep getting loose. But now my biggest priority is to find that guy. And i think i found him but don't have good pictures. But i think i just might have found by chance somebody else (to check later). But i'm absent minded, thinking at one million other things while browsing faces.

1:34 I figured where the smoke was coming lately. The holes that i dug myself for the solar buzzers, which they removed. I was reluctant to cover those after i installed the new completely buried versions, since they were so hard to dig. I noticed the one they left, at the bedroom window, was very loose in its initially very tight hole.

Also. Went under the truck and was lucky to have a 21 mm socket which i used with three extenders to torque the bolt for the left control arm (bolt is easier to reach than nut). Specs seem to be in the 80s ft lbs, i put my short torque wrench to max which is 80, the extensions themselves gave up one quart of a turn, i think i did torque some but the wrench didn't click. I was also impaired by the smoke and embarrassed by that kid who was staring at me while small jets were flying very low above.

They played the same old trick like they do in this situation. They brought a small green pickup with the bed in the door of the first garage, with the cabin close to my truck, having a kid on the passenger side. Decided earlier to leave because of smoke which may be subsiding later today, but still got to figure the size of a socket for the nut for the other bolt, could be 19 or 17, so i try to torque that one too.

2:33 Smoke have subsided but we're about to leave. Just remembered something. Last night at the Liquor Store at the Market something in Grande Ronde the guy tapped my card 3-4 times and inserted it a couple more. The sell kratom there. At the counter, talking for minutes, a drunk guy with a mask who asked all kinda stuff and kept there like 10 minutes while in store entered a woman with two kids all weirdly dressed. The drunk's guy voice seem Tom Cruise's.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Direcția Apelor Bacău

Revizuit, 20/01 2016

A fost o inundație mare în județul Bacău parcă în orice caz într-o localitate unde era un baraj care aparținea de Direcția Apelor Bacău, mi se pare deja Regia Autonomă Apele Române. Berești Tazlău în 28-29 iulie 1991. (Bere= bear, Taz = Austraian Devil whatever).

Eu am lucrat la ELBAC până în vara aceea ca programator la oficiul de calcul. Șefa mea era o tipă Nuți care semăna cu Madonna. Mai era o tipă Nela care semăna cu Frida de la ABBA și un tip care semăna cu Boy George. A și Pușcuță, un tip care dacă n-ar fi fost brunet cu ochi negri aș zice că semăna cu Sean Penn. Erau mai mulți care semănau cu mai mulți dar n-are rost să-i numesc pe toți. Unul Liviu cu mustață proaspăt venit la oficiul de calcul. Care după aceea a fost la un curs și a ajuns să mă învețe el pe mine trucuri din FoxPro (un limbaj de PC devreme).

La început la ELBAC lucram în turboPascal pe niște calc Z80 cu floppy. Apoi directorul a pus niște bani și am adus eu de la Fabrica de Calculatoare București un PDP compatibil (Era un inginer pe acolo Puiu Mandler care chiar semăna puțin cu Seinfeld care tot mă trimitea la Samsung la București, dar nu aveam ce face cu un PC, PDP-ul avea 16 terminale pentru culegere date). Pe acela m-am apucat să fac un nou program de salarii. Instigat de Pușcuță, cât era Nuți (șefa) în concediu.

În timp ce ea era în concediu, Pușcuță a organizat un complot să-i ia locul lui Nuți din care parte centrală era noul program de salarii pe care trebuia să-l termin. Când a venit Nuți din concediu eu nu terminasem programul decât partea de avans, eram epuizat de enorm de multe ore suplimentare, Pușcuță și-a dat demisia și eu după el (de onoare adică).

Și am prins un contract la R.A.Apele Române printr-un amic care a devenit mai recent dușman. Am lucrat acolo vreo 6 luni și am terminat programul.

Dar am văzut recent la BBC un interviu cu Don McLean și mi se pare că seamănă cu directorul economic de atunci, Angheluță. Mai era la oficiu la Direcția Apelor o tipă mișto tare care mi se pare că seamănă cu Penelope Cruz. (A trecut un Harely chiar când scriam numele acestea). Și una care semăna cu "Laura Stoica".

Într-o seara am primit o ofertă de la o firmă în care era băgat Angheluță să le fac un program până dimineață (peste ce lucram eu acolo la salarii). Plăteau bine, cred un salariu pe o lună pe atunci pentru o noapte de scris și testat un program. Angheluță (cel care semăna cu Don McLean, deja în vârstă pe atunci, adică dacă acum are 70 de ani atunci avea 48) a aranjat să pot sta la calc. (mini, PDP) în noaptea aceea cu tipa care semăna cu Penelope (era operatoare). Man ce mișto era fără machiaj nimic. Dar cam supărată tot timpul și vorbea câte un cuvânt două. Spunea că taică-su era prof de mate și a bătut-o cu capul de masă fiindcă era cam proastă. Dar acum cred că pur și simplu nu știa română.

Nu știu dacă inundația a fost înainte, după sau chiar în acea noapte. Nu am făcut niciodată legătura până acum.

Spre dimineață am condus-o pe "Irina" undeva la un bloc în Miorița cred. Stătea supărată și serioasă în fața mea și nu zicea nimic. Nu am zis nici eu nimic, adică am zis noapte bună sau bună dimineața și ea a plecat. După aceea m-am dus la Contexpert unde era șef unul Doru Corban și le-am predat programul și print-out-ul. Era un tabel, o progresie de calculat impozit pe salarii. Dar nu a ținut mult. Pe atunci legile se schimbau mereu.

La vreo săptămână două a venit tipa cealaltă care semăna cu Laura Stoica, secretara directorului și m-a invitat la un weekend în patru împreună cu un tip de pe la oficiu.

La un moment dat (după inundație) o tipă blondă de la oficiu mi-a zis că danezii oferă azil politic la toți cei din zona sinistrată. Cred că ea a și plecat. Dacă era ea. Nu știu sigur dar poate tipa era însărcinată.

Bine au fost multe faze pe acolo nu pot să le povestesc pe toate. Șeful birou salarii Adam cu care lucram non stop semăna cu CTP. Azi când mă gândesc, pare logic că programul acela al meu s-a desfășurat paralel cu tot ce făceau ei la oficiu. Poate că acel calc la care lucram eu nu a funcționat vreodată pe bune... Și miile de modificări pe care mi le cerea mereu Adam... Nici nu vreau să mă gândesc. Eu aveam terminalul într-o cameră undeva la mansardă și mai era unul în birou la salarii unde lucram cu o tipă care semăna cu Rodica Mandache.

Nu știu exact câți și cine au plecat în Danemarca.

Din câte știu eu, barajul putea fi salvat dacă era deschis. A plouat enorm, în 24 de ore cât în câteva luni. Poarta sau cum se cheamă a barajului era acționată electric și manual, a picat curentul iar tipul care trebuia s-o deschidă nu a mai ajuns la timp. Apa a curs pe lângă și a spălat un dig.

Pentru câteva ore a fost un debit egal cu al Dunării pe acolo. Dar astăzi încep să mă îndoiesc, ca de orice catastrofă care se petrece în zone îndepărtate, greu de verificat de public.

Și la un moment dat Adam a vrut să mă angajeze, dar nu la oficiu, fiindcă "nu avea loc pe schemă de toate putorile directorului de acolo ci într-un birou de ingineri".

În România puțini știu melodia asta dar în America e una din cele mai celebre.