1:23 I thought i once solved the problem that plagued Constantinopole at the time of invasion by Turks simply by mentioning of the word Sodoma.
1:50 What other problems did i solve lately. My grade school (V-VIII) chemistry teacher. At the end of VIII grade i took pictures of all my colleagues and teachers and made a panel and then i photographed that panel with a borrowed expensive camera and gave everyone an A3 size picture with the panel, made at least 30 copies. But i don't have that anymore, not one copy or the film. That panel could prove the following. My math, sketching and class master (diriginte) was Liz Taylor. Schools' principal was Austrian actor Karlheinz Böhm etc., of course all a parody of Palatine class made especially for King Michael.But most traumatic of all are the memories of physics/chemistry teacher who was Italian actress Laura Antonelli. How many times i was staring at her legs in her mini-skirt when she was walking in front of class or writing on the board. In her bio, it says, before gymnastics, she had an early passion for math and that explains the coherence of her classes and lessons in the brand new lab in the brand new school, one of the best teachers i ever had, when compared to all the others, (even in HS where physics teacher was Shatner and chemistry, Fonda) or the math teacher (Liz), who was reading all the time from the book. But i never understood until now some of the mishaps. At the end of the VII grade she invited me to a "reunion" for the kids that were finishing VIII grade. In the old school building, with few windows in the large round hallway, was kinda dark, she brought a pickup. They were just a few girls from VIII grade, can't remember any boy, and me. I think i danced for the first time in my life with two of the girls (i remember some of the details, one of them had a blue dress), and she was in her prime, 32, standing there, by then shorter than me (i grew up real fast, was 6 at the end of grade school), with her always serious (or maybe sad), intimidating face, but never crossed my mind. To invite her to dance. Yeah, that boy looks like me when i was that age.
9:48 Am văzut acum dimineață după reacția bursei că lumea nu prea mă crede. Când povestesc chestiile din școala generală. Nu au fost făcute pentru publicul general, s-ar părea. Probabil pentru scientologie. Nu trebuiau decât să sucească capul la scientologi, care la rândul lor sunt foarte influenți și pot face multe chestii pe care noi nici nu le știm. În orice caz. Am avut dreptate. 4 ani am avut-o în fața ochilor, matematică, desen și dirigenție. Am fost la ea acasă și ea a fost la noi. Soțul ei, vice primar, se pare că era chiar Richard Burton (nu, nu am nici un chef să mai pierd două ore și să-l caut și pe el dar mai mult sigur e tot ungur). Asemănarea asta explică și numele dirigintei, Șuhani (Shoo hunny). Cântăreață de operă. Liz Taylor însă a cântat foarte puțin, specialitatea ei a fost fața și ochii. Nu prea era încântată de ce făcea acolo și era moody și mofturoasă, îi sărea țandăra ușor. Nu-mi amintesc acum numele mic. La 40+ de ani era destul destul de trecută. Prin clasa a VII-A și a VIII-a am mai lipsit de la școală, fiind de câteva ori bolanv (Meningită virală, hepatită, infecție respiratorie, mână ruptă). Îmi amintesc când m-a scos la tablă să demonstrez teorema celor trei perpendiculare, pe care practic am învățat-o în fața clasei, fiindcă lipsisem.
2:58 Ok they're gone so i will say it. Why built utopical machines which supposedly contain temperatures 10 times like in the center of the Sun when we can use heat pumps at near ambiental temperatures, following the idea stipulated by Szilard in 1929, which lead to the great depression and WWII, showing the world wasn't ready for it or the great conspiracy (which included Einstein) worked against it like they constantly do in my case? Like with this "breaking news"? There is a constant "dialog" between what i'm writing and what they come up with, but they will never acknowledge it. They got their own alien laws we can't understand.
What moles do. They divide their territory in networks that are a few meters across where they dig tunnels under the grass. Tunnels are filled with aerosolized mole enzyme that zombify the worms that go by themselves in the larder awaiting to have their heads bitten and then kept alive to be eaten (pretty much like conspirators drive the rest of the people crazy mainly with entertainement). So the "hunting" area needs to be very little ventilated at the time, so the enzyme won't be wasted. Maybe sealed.
What ninja do. They come with special shoes and push some burning pellets into the ground, prepared by ancient recipes, that worked to these day. The whole network bulges, and finally pops in one of the bulges and the smoke start coming out. If there's little or no wind, the thermal laminar flow that is driven by the heat of the heated buildings takes the smoke towards the building and inside through any opening. The surplus washes the walls and goes up in the sky.
Many people on forums with digital voltmeters in lighter's plug, like me, theorize the hypothetical existence of a "smart charging system" on newer cars. "The alternator stops charging when the battery is full", etc.. Wrong. When the connectors are contaminated, the more voltage the battery has, the close to the alternator's output voltage and if there's not enough difference, it will indeed stop charging, but with some flickering of course. That flickering drives all the powered sensor crazy but especially the fuel pump which works at lower voltage, with difference in fuel pressure, in newer cars with no pressure regulator on the line.
So i was thinking (a way of saying, my brain was, is, in some sort of fog otherwise pretty scary now that i think) that the same thing must have happened with all the suspension nuts i messed with. By untightening the nuts, the grease from the screws got into the threads, and then you can kiss your torque goodbye. It's that simple.