Tuesday, March 29, 2022

March 29

12:04 No taxation. I think it would be enough if they simply payed taxes they owe.

12:24 Ok i think i figured why they pulled the now forgotten Boris Nemtsov off the shelf, and also Borisov. (Wouldn't go so far as Boris Eltsin, "who brought Putin to power"). So people would forget who started this war. UK Polish Ukrainian alliance, remember, giving Putin "reason" to commence, signed 3 or 5 days before the war started? (depending when you think it started, it actually started on or @ 2/22/2022).

(I knew a Mr.Bugan in Bacău in the first days of 1990, when i actively participated in the re-creation of PNL and the Bacău chapter of PNL). He fell in disgrace one day when i was walking with  him on the street and some guy came and accused him of re-selling tickets to football matches in front of the stadium. Never though i will meet with this memory.

12:39 Big time mold smell coming from outside, got to go and pick the garbage from the red carpet.

1:27 Outside instead predominant was smoke. It was inside too but must have gotten used to. Picked numerous small food wraps, one bottle cap buried upside down in red mulch, two poops of which one fresh and one covered in white mold, put onion inside galleries and flattened numerous mole mounds, but almost missed the most important ones, under bedroom's window (actually where most smoke was, where Angela sleeps). Took me several trips outside to finish it all, in almost one hour.

1:33 Și nici să nu se așeze. Și să nu meargă la toaletă. Au roboței sau șerpi acolo care îi mușcă de... Nașpa s-a întâmplat deja.

1:47 Oscar, No-bel and IKEA all come from Sweden.

2:08 Would have been so much better if he had punched P.Diddy

 Or even better, Lizzo

10:17 They were a few parts of the dishwasher taken apart, the day before i brought my "new" car back here so i forgot about those. Also quit using it. Now i wanted to put them back together when i realized how bad they stink. Not the ones in the picture, which i washed, the two sheet metal covers at the bottom were drops of stuff during washing was leaked upon. They were taken apart, when i cleaned the mold on the wall behind the dishwasher because of the cold flexible pipe that was gathering condensation, touching the wall. They were sitting there in the washer/drier/water-heater closet. I can't believe how bad they were stinking. Put them in the bath tub, washed together with the plastic part of the lid that also stink, washed them with a soft brush and detergent. Forgotten since even before, since when the place was full of smoke all day and was high all the time. Could have been easily fixed but didn't know. It's so close to the stove's oven i always though that smell was coming from there. Of course got very mad and as usually the guy upstairs is doubling it by turning the TV real loud. Probably the worse source of smell here when smoke, mold and dog poop smells coming from outside are not present. And now i have  to put it back together, do more organizing, vacuum, etc..

10:38 Războiul de după pandemie își atinge țintele. Toată lumea e îngrozită. Te mai poți gândi la conspirații? Ungaria, cu același stil de reverse psychology. Chiar m-am gândit de multe ori. Unde sunt supercomputerele unde Ungaria își ține toate fișelere, de la toți actorii, toate scenariile din fiecare țară? Sau totul e făcut așa din mers și improvizat local?

12:05 Hour of the dragon. There's got to be some kind of religious ritual. They bring in the moles, at the hour of the dragon or other auspicious times (ninja part). First thing of course they dig holes for air. Then they come and put in the burning pellets (Dominican part). Moles probably run away because of it. Then i go in and plug the holes. Then they wait for another auspicious time and restart. Could not be other than religious, no other category can be that infinitely stubborn to do this over and over again for so many years. It may be crazy but this is how the world is run and ruled nowadays.

12:26 And yes, i believe animists are closer to animals (and everything else) than to humans, which actually are despised because of their uncleanliness and sinful nature and struggle with karma.

Just finished putting together the dishwasher, but they were (long) times i thought i couldn't. No ordinary DIY-er without training and/or special tools would dare to put that thing together. Could it be on purpose, so you could never clean under the plastic and metal part of the lid, that get contaminated after only a few uses? There is no doubt in my mind, these things are designed to sicken and/or kill (slowly, over the years).  My advice? Get rid of them and do not use. One day, 100 years from now, you will see them in a museum under the label "this things killed more Americans than... ice-cream?"

12:34 Moving around, trying to find a spot where i can eat my frozen heated meal but he follows me everywhere.

3:05 Went for a walk after 1:15, feeling very tired, tried to get some sleep but not sure if i did. Laying there like in a trance. Lost track of time, the guy upstairs finally left. Minutes ago i heard some yelling and there was a woman or girl with long hair or wig, painted red-orange, in the alley, facing the other way, handling a baby above head, making her cry, yell prolongedly, and she did that for minutes. When i went and opened the door she finally started to walk and i saw baby's face above that red hair, a blonde little girl and she did not looked amused like sometimes babies do when adults throw them in the air and stuff but terrified. Then they left towards the street and kept doing it for minutes. I heard before kids or babies yelling in the alley, saw them running, playing, having fun, but never like this.

Those two pieces of dirty stinking sheet metal from washer have been sitting next to the water heater and now that one stinks also.

5:06 Angela went to sleep, he came "home" and started the TV, loud.

6:38 "Working on the building like this!" (September 2015). Soon after i moved, handy-woman passed by in her electric chart and told me. (Though i learned later, maintenance persons are not supposed to interact with renters like this). What was i doing in that day and moment back in September 2015? Cleaning the basement vents that were clogged with leaves.

6:51 Low 60s was the maximum temp today. However, the ice-cream van is here and playing a song. Not the cucaracha today, huh hu.

7:14 Amazing. Love it or hate it.

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