Thursday, February 6, 2020
Following is what i know so far and i will keep in mind when i start digging or maybe find something accidentally while searching for something else which happens a lot online.
Templars are not realy masons but associated with Freemasonry and are said to be a fraternal and military organization (this reminds me of SEAORG, a branch of Scientology).
De Molay, as i first thought when i first heard the name pronounced, before seeing it written, suggests demolition or the opposite of building as the masons claim to be (re-builders of the Universe, whatever, but in oder to rebuild you have to demolish first, right?). There is an association of De Molay with the skull and bones. Which brings to for comparing with Hindu Godess Kali and also the cycle of destruction/creation or death/rebirth present in most religions.
Word temple has dual meaning, both as Solomon's Temple and part of human skull. (Note here first mentions of Freemasonry in China are way older than the Temple of Solomon).
It appears there is more than a linguistic connection between the esoteric practices of Kabbalah and Kapala and ancient Egyptian word Ka (soul). How about the sanskrit noun kapata, which is usually associated with the result of any traveling magic show?
De Molay was burnt at the stake suggesting he was at least been suspected of sorcery.
Or so goes the legend, to keep the "brothers" motivated to do what they did, at least until the French Revolution, execution of Louis XVI.
If so, could it have had anything to do with this
Once or twice in my life i was warned about the Templars but, for some reason, kept ignoring them.
Wouldn't have known about kapala if it wasn't for Japanese kappa resembling a turtle (the back of a turtle bears a resemblance with a human skull or kapala). Kappa plays an important role in Japanese mithyology.
Friday, January 4, 2019
Hungarian Names of Mesopotamian Origin
They had many gods. The name of their oldest of the newer generation, Dumuzid or god of shepherds, bears a strange resemblance with the Romanian name for God, or Dumnezeu. Dumuzid was married to Inanna/Ishtar who became Isis in Egypt and Rome, goddess of love, sex, politics and war.
There is a list in Wikipedia. But that list is not complete. There are many other sources on the web with lists and family trees of gods in Mesopotamia.
Also could the word onanism from the Bible be symbolically derived from the name Inanna, the older (Sumerian) name of Ishtar (Akkadian). As we all know, the followers of Ishtar had to go once a year and have paid sex with one of the priestesses in temples or with any of the other women who had to the same.
"Herodotus, a Greek historian, wrote that every Babylonian woman had to attend the temple of Ishtar/Inanna and agree to sex with any male that asked her. Once she performed this ritual, the male visitor gave her money to donate to the temple. Scholars have called this sacred prostitution"
Yesterday i found out, from that list, that Yahweh was a guest god in Mesopotamia. Who returned to Israel (Samaria) with his people. And a representation of Him. Also yesterday i found a wonderful modern representation of the Goddess on a commemorative plaque for two Hungarian scientists who BTW are so many, as their actors.
I have always been intrigued as why in today's Hungarian the word for God is Isten (pronounced Ishten). One can here the pronunciation clicking the little speaker icon in Google Translate.
There are also dictionaries on the web showing many resemblances of modern Hungarian with Sumerian.
For comparison, the most known ancient representation of Inanna. The clay tablets were mass produced using negative cylinders, an early form of Playboy? Does she have in the left hand some sort of ankh, as those known in Egypt or maybe in Ancient Australia? It also reminds me of another naked goddess of sex and war that sits on a demon.
And here is one of the genealogic trees of Mesopotamian gods.
But why was i interested in this list? Because i once had a glimpse into it and i thought i recognized unmodified modern very common Hungarian names in it.
Some of them are. (List to be completed).
Bela from Bel of Babylon, "Bel", meaning "lord", who was a syncretization of Marduk, Enlil, and the dying god Dumuzid [god of shepherds]. (Dumnezeu is the name for God in Romanian. Older than Bel?). Also Balint, Balasz.
Birtalan - Birtum, an obscure minor god, the husband of the goddess Nungal
Emesz - Emesh is a farmer deity in the Sumerian poem Enlil Chooses the Farmer-God
Eniko - Enki god of water, knowledge (gestú), mischief, crafts (gašam), and creation (nudimmud)
Eszter (a very common woman's name in Hungary) of course we have a few deities, like Ishtar etc..
Gergely said for Gregory but linguistically could come from... Gilgamesh?
Geszti - Geshtinanna is the ancient Sumerian goddess of agriculture, fertility, and dream interpretation
Also Geza, a very common name in Hungary reminds of the city of pyramids but this time in Egypt.
Gyula - Gula (God of healers, interestingly there is also a city in southern Hungary at the border with Romania, also many Hungarians of Romanian origin are named so).
Kiss (pronounced kish) - Kish was an ancient tell (hill city) of Sumer in Mesopotamia. Also, Kishar the female principle, mother of Anu (Earth Mother Goddess). (Yes, as in Anunnaki).
Kinga - Kingu, guardian of the table of destiny
Lakatos - Lahamu, first-born daughter of Tiamat. (Also goddess Lakshmi, consort of Vishnu in Hinduism, via Buddhist Magars)
Magyarország is the name of Hungary in their native language. Hursag means lord in Sumerian. I think the name is a synthesis with a name of a people from a later migration to Hungary @year 900, that of Magars from Nepal (mercenaries of the silk road).
Orsolya - Girsu.
Further reading.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Machu Picchu Mysteries
However there is something particular that distinguishes the site from the surrounding mountains. Northwestern side is so steep it is or could have been barren from vegetation for a height that exceeds many times the ideal height for defense purposes.
At present are two ways of access; one of them is an exhausting hiking trail and the other a recent road for modern vehicles.
Provided enemy troops in ancient times could get close enough to start climbing they would be exhausted at the end of the trail and easy to overcome by a much less numerous force. But what good would do in an invasion to conquer a place populated by 1000 people in the top of a mountain that cannot possibly do much to reverse the occupying of the nearby capital.
So that must have not been the purpose of the place.
From the beginning i've been lucky enough to find this video where it is shown a very interesting geological particularity. The area looking like a geological saddle where the ancient city is located is isolated geologically and mechanically from the rest of that structure by two... faults, and the appearance of it suggest a homogenous, solid, contiguous structure in the shape of a human front tooth that is capable of moving or oscillating separately from the surrounding mountains.
For some reason, ancients always left behind clues about their doings though not so obvious for the tired occasional hikers or even conventionally thinking guides or even geologists.
There is in the middle of the so called Temple of Condor, in the middle of the city within a closed place used officially to sacrifice lamas, and that would have been normal during any celebration or party, a stone structure also resembling a human front tooth.
What could all these mean. This area or section in the shape of a tooth in the geological saddle like structure, barren at one side is susceptible to being heated by the Sun in sunny afternoons (i hope again i'm not mistaken and is facing west). This most likely had been the cause for the geological fractures shown in the video, and also diurnal or Sun heat induced instability. If they could figure, by chance, that if somebody throwing a rock down inside a cave a the end of such a day could trigger a local earthquake, they could start and scary people in the valleys and blackmail them, triggering a sort of social avalanche surrounding and fed by fascination that could stay at the origin of building or exploiting an empire.
Don't know how deep this cave or tunnel in the picture linked below is, could it be deep enough to throw a stone ball through it? By choosing the shape, maybe of an egg and size of the rock could they possibly chose the frequency of vibration and seismic area where they would want to trigger one.
Monday, June 7, 2021
Miron Mitrea, Marilyn Monroe, Mona Muscă, Ion Iliescu, toți nebunii
Citeam deunăzi că biserica e supărată pe masoni pentru ritualurile lor din temple. Nu spuneau nimic de legenda hiramică, unde Solomon l-a înviat pe unul cu o strângere de mână și o șoaptă la ureche: Mahabone. Chestia e că ei nu se limitează cu ritualurile în temple. Ies pe stradă, în locuri publice, pentru a duce mâna la nas, la ochelari, la inimă, la insignă (badge), (se) pozează cu mâna pe sub haină la pancreas și mai fac echerul și compasul, adică se apleacă în față la 90 de grade (echerul), sub un motiv oarecare cu picioarele depărtate (compasul) și cu spatele spre tine, de obicei cel mai simplu e se fac că apucă ceva din mașină. Pași de Chaplin. Etc..
Deși se poate vedea destul de clar că au dat-o în bară, avem stagnare de cel puțin 50 de ani și poluare cât se putea de mult. Locuințe care te omoară cu încetinitorul.
Aici în SUA ungurii (se) joacă ca la ei acasă și fac chestii probabil necunoscute masonilor americani sau de fapt mai mult ca la ei acasă fiindcă acolo probabil nu vor să devină toxici pentru ai lor. Sau poate au ajuns la asemenea nivele de competiție în țara lor încât nu-i mai pasă nimănui. Nu știu cum e de fapt la ei acolo în țara aceea, poate știu ardelenii care au mai fost prin Ungaria.
Una din armele în războiul masonilor cu restul lumii în media este distrugerea oricărei idei din fașă.
Am fost odată la un miting PNL (probabil primul, un soi de congres) în primăvara lui 90 la București și venise (probabil el era organizatorul) Dan (Amedeo) Lăzărescu (așa zis tatăl vitreg al lui Tăriceanu, toate familiile politicienilor, celebrităților sunt de fapt alegorii, ca și tot comportamentul lor, în realitate nici nu sunt căsătoriți, urmașii lor sunt alți actori care normal sunt aleși să semene) cu un tip din Germania, Marcel nu știu cum, care de fapt dacă mă gândesc acum semăna tot cu Miron Mitrea dar era mai vârstă, tot așa cu mustață și o față serioasă și ce am reținut de acolo a fost că "intelectualii" probabil Lăzărescu ar fi spus masonii, "au memorie bună și știu să manipuleze ideile".
Au băgat deci sinuciderea tipului ăsta care seamănă cu Mitrea. Probabil tot unul de-al lor pe care și l-au retras pentru a acoperi fața lui Mitrea în memoria dvs.. I-au mai pus și niște vorbe de sfârșit în gură. Normal, ultimul lucru pe care și-l doresc românii, încă cineva care să fie o povară la cei câteva mii care există deja în România și milioanele din Ungaria unde se duc banii din bugetul nostru.
Tot așa, majoritatea știrilor care de fapt sunt (de) nimic, dar au totuși impact emoțional, de exemplu cascada aia care a căzut din senin, cum poate să cadă o cas_cadă, poate doar o stâncă) și să acopere ceva. Idea de casă, de masoni, a căzut cas-cada, îngroziți-vă și uitați. Nu știu dacă mai este cineva care nu știe despre expresia "fii calm, ești mason", ei ne consideră pe toți ceilalți fraeri fiindcă cedăm emoțiilor. Pe fondul imaginile puse de mine de la ocean. Apropo de cas-cadă, îmi amintesc de un alt joc de cuvinte, geo(ene)rgie, care l-am văzut pe o camionetă care ieri m-a depășit pe când mergeam la ocean. Geoenergy, probabil de la vreo firmă de geologie, ce dreac căuta aia duminică seara în drumul spre ocean. Cutremurul de sâmbătă seara de pe vulcanul Mt.Hood pe unde am trecut la doar câțiva km, de două ori (dus-întors la Indian Head). Și faza cu 300.000 de euro pierduți de nebunul fiu al Vioricăi din Clujani. Ieri Angela a pierdut într-adevăr și a trebuit să scoată de pe un card 300 de dolari ca să pună înapoi în contul curent unde era deja trimis cec pentru chirie.
Una din obsesiile lor e că vor să mă scoată gay. O metodă ușoară de a diminua influența cuiva, din moment ce toată lumea se teme de gay. Merg și eu la toaletă la fiecare câteva ore. Dacă sunt la cazino (ce caut acolo, și asta e o întrebare interesantă), îmi pun de exemplu ăia la muzicuță o melodie ceva, ca de exemplu ieri când au pus La Bouche (pentru că am vorbit puțin în franceză acum câteva zile în mașină) melodia, e de fapt în engleză, Wanna be Your Lover. De câte ori merg la toaletă, altă melodie. Îmi amintesc că o dată au pus "Love Stinks". În parcare unde am parcat era o mașină cu numărul MEQ (Mon mec a moi) dar cu Q de la queer. MEQ.
Sunt mulți. În SUA sunt peste tot. Cum deschid ușa, dau de ei, îmi arată fundul, își pun mâinile la nas, îmi taie calea cu pași de-ai lor, etc., pun copii să țipe în anumite feluri, zboară avioane. Chiar acum a trecut unul, cineva fuma lângă clădire din direcția vântului, a vibrat ușa de sticlă din spate și a intrat fum, trăgându-mi un sictir. Pardon, o corecție.
Da e adevărat tot ce scriu e sub influența emoțiilor, azi aveam alte treburi, am deschis știrile, m-am enervat, am scris postarea asta, scrie în biblie, nu păcătuiți la mânie, ceea ce implică totuși că e ok să fii din când în când mânios. Un vers foarte important care pe undeva definește relația masonilor cei calmi cu lumea nebună. Dar oare nu e nebunie la ce s-a ajuns, când avem toți politicienii actori iar statele sunt de fapt o piesă de teatru iar doctorii niște ciocli care numără moții ca în piesa aia de Caragiale?
Mă duc la calculatorul celălalt să comand un microscop de pe Amazon. Nu pe bune îmi iau un microscop. Am găsit unul cu lentile de sticlă și cameră HD și tot tacâmul la reducere, 35 de dolari. Poate aflu ce fel de praf (normal de materiale de CONSTRUCȚIE respiră Angela la servici). Vineri seara mi s-a făcut rău după ce am folosit masca pe care a purtat-o ea în ziua aceea. Și ce fel de praf mai zboară și pe aici prin apartament. De lemn roșu, izolație, mucegai, etc.. Am să vin cu poze.
Friday, February 2, 2024
February 2nd
The temple entrance has the shape of a Vimana which i believe at the origin is a delta wing fighter plane (seen on vertical position or from above). Two intake manifolds, compression fans, injection area, two exhausts, weapons on the wings. There are other vimanas with one single engine and even rockets.
I believe this drawing was made after a world conflict that could coincide with the so called Arian invasion, some 500 years before the temple from the link above or 1500 BCE but could have happened before 2000 BCE. Vimanas are also described in Ramayana as belonging to locals.
Other sites indicate a much older age for "Ramayana era". A six engine delta wing jet plane? Concorde was a 4 engine delta wing jet plane.
2:22 C'est la faute à Rousseau...
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Gaffe, as a Relief Valve,_1976#Results
It seems there are politicians that are professional candidates. They always successfully candidate, giving us the illusion that our favorite party actually has a fair chance.
And then there's the relief valve, the pacifier, the great balancer, when pressure is build up too high. Blunder in the past, now polished and re wrapped with the word gaffe and brought to an art, cause of course, you have to know how to do it without raising probable suspicion in a hopeful but weary elector. But for that they have polls and more modern feedback institutions.
And the symbolism of course. The parallel paradigmatic reality that governs our subconscient with its own logic and sequence of events.
Dole. It almost sound like doll or dull.
Anybody remember what senator Bob Dole did after his last campaign? What kind of advertisements? It looked to me at the time like he was the perfect candidate for those, bringing a bitter smile.
Almost as hermetic as Gorbachev's add for Pizza Hutt. Remember?
Monday, April 25, 2022
April 25
8:00 During my recent attempt to refill the AC system of my car and BTW, the fact they are selling cans with refrigerant and oil and primitive manifold systems does not mean most DIY-ers can do it properly, i discovered there was mold inside the refrigerant circuit. Again, not in the ducts but inside the circuit itself. As all AC systems leak to some degree, that mold may be a continuous contamination source and the mysterious reason many people say they are sickened by ACs.
The only reasonable way to refill your AC (if it hasn't run to low on refrigerant and oil and there is no damage to it) is to connect it to a machine at a dealer, where most oil and refrigerant and some say the moisture from the drier/receiver can be removed under vacuum, and then proper amounts can be added but there remains the question if the machine has been hooked previously to a contaminated system. And/or of course there is the recommendation of replacement of the desiccant bag inside the receiver, but that, depending on the type and model of your car may require lots of labor and expertise. But then again, if your AC works with lower amounts of refrigerant and/or oil as it leaks, and the pressure switch quits turning the compressor at very low refrigerant levels, well beyond optimal, it may not be so critical as how much refrigerant the DIY-er will pour in, as long as the pressure does not increase too much.
BTW what bothers me a lot is the absence of a check engine light when the amount of refrigerant and its pressure in the AC system has become too low for the pressure switch to start the compressor and the fact that oils and/or refrigerants do not have an anti-fungal additive.
There is a lot of trouble with the ACs also because the compressor is installed on the same belt with water pump and alternator and you have to maintain the AC, so it works, otherwise the compressor may get damaged and seize and cause lots of more damage, but most importantly, loss of steering while driving because all late cars have electric power steering.
1:36 I never knew Trump's attorney's name is... Alina... Hubba.
What is the fine art(ila) of clowns. I'm trying to redo the match with Trump but can't find one single decent ID type picture of him. That is, him without putting a face.
2:03 Drove last night the 100 miles from Warm Springs to here, with 10 percent less mpg than last time. That was because it was early and they were lots of cars on the road, many pushing from behind and then slowing after passing and i had to accelerate uphill to pass them again. Never been bothered so much by the incoming lights like last night. Less then half of the cars had lights that did not bother me. Though i had polarized glasses. Many having aftermarket bulbs that were on low beam 5 times stronger than stock on high. Some on one light only though on high. Many simply not turning on low at encounters. Some with aftermarket, after being flashed, turning the real high beam only to completely blind me. But it happened only in the most dangerous curves.
But that don't bother me nearly half of what the guy upstairs does to me these days. Staying in here for days with short exceptions, yelling like crazy from time to time obscenities in Spanish or Portuguese, scarying me and Angela. Squeaking and releasing dust that aggravates my whatever rhinitis, otitis tonsillitis i have. Within minutes after a squeak, i have the chills/hot flashes. Yesterday, Sunday, a guy came across the alley and did a carpet, hammering for hours, shaking dust out of buildings and releasing dirt/dust/mold out of that carpet that flared up my infection that was clearing. Red dust on 26 across Mount Hood. A van with LPN BRG going in front of me and touching the shoulder all the time, releasing extra dust, etc..
Today i picked 8 doggy piles, numerous pieces of garbage and treated a number of mole holes with Borax which took me about one hour. On my last trip i met with a 14 years old emancipated Hungarian Gypsy girl reminding or Anca Parghel when she was that age who when she passed me she was calling her dog... Come! Come! like women do so oftenly when i pass them in the park etc.. Exactly when i was thinking about posting a video like this the guy upstairs did a prolong series of yells, like the loudest a human can do
8:27 And we both got slightly sicker by drinking it. Like when going to the beach and walking through smoke. I gave up buying whiskey long time ago, for the same reason. Too much smoke aroma in it. But about a week ago i was at a Walmart in Woodland Washington, and that by mistake, by missing an exit, should have went to Safeway. But there they did not have brandy or rum and since vodka is out of fashion (don't buy it anyways) i just got a bottle of cheap wiskey. To my surprise, it was drinkable. Then i bought another bottle again at the Market in Grande Ronde which was ok, again.
So, very confidently, today i bought the 1.7 liter bottle that was on sale. However, the same thing. Too much smoke. So i went back at the store, got there 5 minutes before 8, closing time. But when i passed over I5 on the Tualatin Sherwood i saw something really weird. A cloud formation in the sunset (is the sunset already at 8, due to hour change) that was reflecting the Sun in such a way it was looking like they were two Suns in the sky. Slightly tired, slightly sick and slightly absent i was too lazy to grab the phone and take the picture while driving, it requires lots of effort, from the only window where it was visible until i took a left on Martinazi. So i lost it for you. But i thought. I wrote about George Lucas yesterday.
Tatooine, the lawless planet with two Suns. Tualatin.
Then i remembered another thing. Years ago, i think i was in Lake Oswego, i went to the refuge (Tualatin River in Sherwood) with my old Sony DSLR and saw again the weirdest thing in the sunset. A cloud formation that was looking like the roof of an ancient temple, could it had been masonic, with the Sun right at the tip of the angle. It lasted of course no more than a few minutes. But i didn't want to take the picture, because it pissed me off. Don't want to participate in popularizing freaky things. Same with the "wheel in the sky", a cloud formation that was like a perfectly round hole in the clouds around Sun again in Lake Oswego. Or the formation of Christmas trees or masonic signs like ships flying slowly, silently, in the park in September 1995, that i could have followed on the street to get closer for a picture. I was, like today, like paralyzed. But the genie. The genie that showed on my 49th (7x7) birthday in Lake Oswego, that one i still have on flickr. I am writing all these for those affected by drought in California, other states. There are things, levels above us, that may control weather and stuff. Some we may figure, but some, like the masonic temple, or the genie, we may not.
Friday, August 25, 2023
August 25
12:33 What is Shinto in Japan where it coexists with Buddhism. Shinto is more important though because the Emperor is considered a descendant of a Shinto Goddess, Amaterasu. Buddhism besides Buddha's teachings is also polytheistic because it inherits all deities from Hinduism. BTW October is getting closer.
I would assume like in any country, in Japan the young people have a tendency to forget their own old religion but that is hard as long as the Emperor is in that palace.
However we can only understand one culture if we try to reach its origins. And we all need to understand Japan because it is de facto the world leading country.
Next question i have in mind for tonight is how they really practice Shinto and if there are practical implications. I would guess they each worship different gods since they are so many and they choose one or two and try to imitate them?
12:55 One sure way to understand a religion is to look into their conversion rituals. However...
1:10 Raijin is the Japanese god of thunder who inspired the popular Pokemon character Pikachu. I read that anybody can worship Raijin (Raichu) however you would need a proper ofuda that can be acquired from a temple supplier and of course a kamidana. With mirrors.
2:00 Most likely X stands for Xenu.
10 Da bine și toate obiectele găsite la locul faptei nu erau probe strânse de anchetatori. A și o chestie. Cine are bani de o cameră GoPro merge pe jos 4 km spre 2 Mai.
10:02 Gods, Godei.
10:12 Raijin. I take it any drummer in a band represents him.
3:00 Kuchi Onna.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Eye of God
A one Eyed God?
I will regret all my life. 3-4 years ago i went at the Refuge, i had my good camera with me and i saw something i will never see again probably in my entire life. The Eye of God. There was this cloud formation towards sunset figuring the roof of a masonic temple, with angle and everything and right on top an opening in the clouds with a huge ray of sun towards the Earth. But i freaked out and didn't take that picture.
Today in the parking lot i saw several men whom i think are freemasons. One of them with plaster on one leg for a special ritualistic step. One was making a cross with his body as walking kinda towards my direction. Last one in a black SUV with Nevada LP number. All white, ub fact too white from not being exposed to sunlight in a long time, with full curly white hair, in their 50s or 60s, looking ecstatic. Because God showed it to them one more time. His eye from an opening in the clouds. I saw it before on masonic aprons, and i think it's a sign that can be summoned in moments of doubt and there is a trick to it.
I read about bacteria living in the clouds and contributing to condensing the water and forming the clouds. I heard about "burnt offerings" in the Bible. I think there's a connection between the two.
By burning a whole animal certain chemicals are released high in the sky. Could be just an electric conduit, could be something else. Certain bacteria may be feeding on the grease vapors and certain cloud formation may appear. With holes for Sun rays and everything. It was late when i figured what was going on and until i grabbed the camera it was almost gone. Then another one popped and that one came out of focus because i was in a hurry.
I think it's a whole internal masonic business and it's done by some of the higher degrees for the other to see.
Monday, April 29, 2024
April 29
1:26 AM I don't know if i can continue like this. Is too much. Every time i post something they come with a counter something. Like this news. Look at the first paragraphs and the title. An ocean caught in a type of rock 400 miles beneath Earth's surface that actually is a hydrated mineral. No ocean, no waves, no nothing. The title is just a figure of speech.
It is known for a long time there are vast underground liquid water resources. They are called aquifers. Sometimes they are km deep and closed and can overheat causing earthquakes.
I am one single person against a world conspiracy that started centuries ago and is so well established is invisible.
Most people are caught in jobs controlled by them and have their money in retirement funds invested in stocks that are over evaluated by hundreds of times (market capital vs real assets), being true Ponzi schemes (Yes the magnificent 7 are most important of those).
The world as we know it has been designed by them to be used by them.
Honestly i myself cannot imagine a world without them being in control. A transition to something else would be too traumatic for everybody.
It is obvious a struggle has already begun and that was marked first by the so called pandemic and now a threatening war in Ukraine.
10:05 Here is the most quick, efficient and cheap way (it cost 0 dollars and needs none of your time) to fix sticky valves to a car.
They do manifest sometimes with ticking noise, sometimes with annoying vibration of the engine at low RPM or both. Loss of power (and efficiency) mostly at low RPM.
Here's the method. When real close to a destination when you can stop the engine within seconds and going coasting downhill.
Most newest automatic transmission with lockup torque converter assist with breaking like if you left your manual transmission in a higher gear and release the gas.
During releasing the gas pedal the transmission will stay shifted in gear still and the engine will "swallow" air but no gas will come out of the injectors, allowing cooling of the valves.
Then you can do the "spray" maneuver. Hit the gas pedal intermittently real fast to the floor like maybe 3 times a second with no holding, so the car would not have time to accelerate (or maybe just a bit), about 10-20 times, and then stop and shut the engine as quickly as possible. Do not accelerate after the maneuver.
(Do not attempt this if you are not a seasoned driver).
The throttle would open intermittently following the gas pedal, triggering (or better said tricking) the opening of the injectors which would spray liquid gasoline on the cooled valves. Then you should not accelerate but just stop and leave the car alone for a a few hours. Can do it at the end of any trip without interfering with your activities.
The liquid gasoline sprayed on the cooled valves and surrounding areas would penetrate the carbon deposits and soften them and breaking them loose during the next drive.
Side effects. Like any valve cleaning using a solvent, if you do it too much some gasoline would go in the cylinder chamber and wash you cylinder walls possibly contaminating the crankcase (and of course the oil) with gasoline and soot.
The effects would not last long as more oil from PCV and soot from EGR and the mixture on the walls of the intake not touched by the "spray" trickling would build new deposits on the back of the valves soon. You can prevent oil getting in the intake with a catch can.
If you spray valve cleaner in the intake through the throttle and/or vacuum ports, with same side effects, like possibly getting some in the crankcase, and you will vacuum the remaining mixture (cleaner and oil and soot) from the intake, will get longer lasting results.
Otherwise, it will again trickle up and dry out, with similar results as the "spray" maneuver described above.
All they needed was me to make a pizza so they can make another entrance.
They are smart and only make noise when i move around (sprinkling my pizza with dust from the ceiling). However i will upload a sample.
BTW Why this "Catholic Church" from Philippines has the shape of a Shiva temple which in turn..
Friday, July 23, 2021
T okey oh!
I was intrigued when i saw the doodle of the day. You don't pay much for google (or its Android), sometimes i even wonder where it gets its money from, cause i don't see or follow many commercials when i do my searches (though i certainly abused it with the number of those).
But sometimes you pay by candidly swallowing the share of subversion through its doodles.
A torii gate (yeah, i know the title of the movie). Now everybody knows, there is a torii at the entrance of each Shinto temple in Japan. Even its definition on Wikipedia says "symbolically marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred".
I looked. Because i wanted to settle once for all, what is the link with the Greek and Roman and contemporary European arches.
All that i found out is they appeared both in Middle East and India in about the same period, early first millennium BC.
In India are associated with Buddhism though in Japan they have been transferred to Shinto.
I had one thousand things (yeah, after i wrote this they were playing on Klean Gone FM this non-singer no talent screaming frustrated empty head hard to look at Phil Collins, "i must have dreamed a thousand dreams") to write down this morning, didn't know where to start, but never thought i will find more while searching and adding links. Cause you will never know what else you will find during a search.
Now this alone wouldn't mean much, but when you think the architect who designed those panels is Japanese and the thing turned into one giant Metsubushi when hit in the right spot...,
(Yeah i know, the stupa in the background, also present as symbol on some masonic aprons where it is called a beehive seem to be the prototype for Capitol buildings)
Saturday, August 12, 2023
August 12
9:00 Valiza mult prea ușoară, de fapt goală. Tupeul infinit, sfidarea din media și a autorităților și acceptul românilor.
9:50 Chinook Winds Casino and Shogunzuka Temple Japan. Note the similarities of the entrances, with cascading roofs. "Technically, a foreign country". Also the geometric motifs on the walls of the casino seem to be inspired by Torii gates and shrine roofs. The emblem of the Siletz tribes seem to be a solar disc, like the one on the flag.
I woke up again a couple of hours later and upstairs they came from somewhere, talking aloud in Spanish while climbing the stairs. Howevever, inside they never talk to each other. Then i heard exagerated stumping noises and squeaks and the room filled with dust, maybe from my shoes, raised by high picth sounds, some possible in the ultrasound range. Now they left and i'm nauseated because i feel the dust in my throat.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Colectiv 2015
First the coincidence of the date with the referendum scheduled for October 7 called in Romania by the organizers "Referendum for family". On a new law voted in 2013 the approval rate for a referendum was lowered to 12.5%. However this one will pass with much more cause Romanians are religious and the Church is involved. Worries are about future referenda with the same approval rate but much lower participation. Like only of one minority and Romanian citizens in the neighboring Hungary with right to vote. (Nevermind the signatures required for the initiative where on improvised forms with no date are more than 2 years old and there is no law on how the signatures need to be verified and nobody knows who did it.)
Never got to look close and without emotions at the all bare facts surrounding the event.
Weeks before the event i discovered something that at that time i liked because of the quality of voices and performance. Another version of a song by supposed Russian-Jewish Turetski choir. However i'm not sure anymore the're Russians. A bit Jews maybe.
There are visual and non-visual elements in this video that where later present in that fire and the events after. At the Collective the fire started with fireworks first setting on fire soundproofing foam insulation on the columns next to stage.
The bass vocalist in the video above looked a lot like then Prime Minister Victor Ponta. Nowadays i found that both look like the very popular Hungarian singer Akos Kocvacs. No wonder he's popular. He's got a great voice. I just saw some videos and listened and in some song his voice goes high and low enough to make me believe he's got the same vocal range.
Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta that week went in Mexico at the invitation of the President there for a minor conference. In the middle of controversies, like always in Romania in the last 30 years or since 89 anticommunist revolution, he said before he left. "I don't wanna step over bodies." (If he knew what was going to happen how come he didn't remained and try to prevent it).
Now i realize there could have been a coincidence between me posting that video either on fb or g+ (can't find it, i have several thousands posts on both) and him being pushed to resign at the time before the fire.
For me it was the week of 4 Steves. That Tuesday afternoon i was at Lucky Autobody owned by a Korean guy named Steve. Steve that day was drunk and was handling a shotgun by the (local) brand Leupold and Stevens. I was high from the smoke at the apartment but also in the parking lot there while trying to fix my truck (leaking intake gasket). A couple of F15s flew over. Juan the mechanic just came from Mexico. He had a red eye and also was busy because of the days off he took to go to Mexico. All the guys in the shop where around Steve arguing and trying to convince him of something.
That evening or the next days i heard on the news at the same time i was in that shop Steve Preston and other guy died in an explosion inside a tank owned by him he was renting for a film making. I knew about him cause i got towed once by one of his trucks and it had an army star on it and i asked the driver why and he said his owner is a fan of everything army. (Who uses live ammo in a private tank during a film making?).
So i searched another mechanic by asking quotes on the phone and went to Meineke accros the Four Square Church and the Masonic Temple in Tigard. There, another guy named Steve who was looking like an older celebrity, back then i could not identify them, i was in smoke all the time. Several days later, on Halloween eve in the morning, around the time the disaster happened (10 hours difference) i was in the Baxter store next to Texas Style Barbecue on 99 trying to buy some parts for the guys at Meineke (i think i replaced all the bolts for the intake with double threaded screws like those for exhaust and had a helicoil installed in a stripped thread etc. while the old gasket was found twisted and leaking) and a cop was telling the salespeople in the store a story about getting many phone calls from people asking to help someone but he can't because the victim is friend with his aggressor or something. I think those days i repeated a lot the words "burning reach" and "burning lean" while in conversations with mechanics. After they put the truck together it was still burning reach (too much gasoline in the mixture air/gas, too low mileage, too hot exhaust and catalytic also heating transmission and ruining clutches and catalytic converters, and also bad emissions) and later i found a missing gasket on the throttle body and another vacuum leak. Soon after i got mileages like 27 mpg, which did not happened at that truck even when it was new, then it dropped somewhere around 22. Could never make it that way again. Nowadays the last of the three cheap, aftermarket catalysts i installed is gone and i got bad emissions again (always had with that Ess 10, always for reasons).
Probably around May of 2016, after i bought a Chinese made basic Gibson guitar i saw online one of the victims of the fire that was making the news trying to play a guitar with no fingers by the time i bought my guitar from... Fry's in Wilsonville.
At the time the picture seemed photoshopped to me. Today i looked for more pictures and i found one done in 2017 that shows her right hand at the shoulder in a much worse shape. Don't know, i'm not a doctor but doesn't seem right.
Ever since i saw the first picture, others, i started to doubt that everything even happened they way they said. Or if it happened at all.
Next prime minister was a so called independent or technician. Today i realized his face was deliberately arranged to look like he was maybe... burnt?
His name, Cioloș, (unheard of before) supposedly was a Romanian euro-parliamentary or something at Brussels, specialist in agriculture) pronounced Cholosh , reminds of the Russian word человек, pronounced Cholovek, which means men. I identified him later as being the Hungarian actor György Cserhalmi with a bit of makeup or photoshop. At that time i already wrote a post about resemblances of Romanian and other politicians with actors in a post in december 2014, but had no idea of the dimension of the fact or they were all Hungarians, but his face, typical Hungarian for the first time rose to me that suspicion (To me that face certainly could not have been Romanian).
Was the whole episode Colectiv a (successful) attempt for brainwashing everybody who saw the post and take Ponta out of the public eye in the same time? It worked for me anyways cause i gave up saying Ponta looked like that bass vocalist, Evgeny Kulmis. Until last few days when i discovered the resemblance with Akos Kovacs as well.
BTW When French Minister Nicolas Hulot quit recently and i saw his face in the news i realized he looked like that of György Cserhalmi as well. With a different makeup of course.
In Romania a criminal lawsuit is usually combined or completed with so call civil parts. I this case there are hundreds of civil co-complainants that need to be all present at the terms of the lawsuit that started in March 21 2017 after one year and a half of investigation by prosecutors. Only the procedure of verification of their presence lasts up to an hour. If one is missing the session is rescheduled.
After many delays due to rescheduling, the judge in charge with the suite (no jurors in Romania) has retired as of August 31 this year and media says the suit will probably be re-started from scratch. Talking about 64 dead, many more wounded and a country which is EU member.
Will continue, enough for tonight and the whole week.