Showing posts sorted by date for query Horus. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Horus. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, October 24, 2024

October 24

12:00 AM This movie, i saw before. The Gift. It included scenes from the Göbekli Tepe archaeological site. I came at the computer to do a search and what did i find. The same type of drawings like from the caves of Australia.  And the altaic shamanic drums. Got to keep on searching to see the meaning of this. There is a whole lot of history to be re-written.

First thing, how old are the drawings in Australia? 30k. While those in today Türkiye are "only" 10-12.

Got lots of homework to do tonight. But first got to download Google Earth to take a good look at the Tepe cause in the movie it looked like a pyramid. That is the last thing i thought i will do tonight.

12:20 Earlier before i posted this some crazy was revving an engine like 4000-5000 rpm. Now when i said about Google Earth she started stomping.

12:42 I've been re-viewing the episode 5, among stomps and engine revs. I am breathing irritating dust. The site there seems fictional, with a pyramid and symbolism and everything. Tried a screenshot but it came black... Now they own my computer... The weird part, it was the pyramid that brought my attention. BTW just realized something.

The word pyramid may contain the Sanskrit root puru which means heaven or forever (pururea in Romanian). The source for persona in Latin and English.

1:00 However, i ran into a number of depictions showing what it could have looked in the beginning. And then it hit me. Could have been the prototype for Shiva Linga. Or the earliest Horus eye. Jupiter storm. How about that.

1:15 Great. One of the most important archeological pieces in world's history, stolen! That thing must have weighed hundreds of pounds.

10:20 Da este foarte tentant ce spune "prietenul" George Sim_Ion. Am făcut niște căutări încercând să regăsesc proiectul, lista de materiale, cât se plătește la o firmă de construcție să sape șanțurile și să facă pregătirile pentru turnat fundația, etc..

Video-ul acesta e la 24 de ore după începerea proiectului, văd șanțuri făcute, văd armături pentru beton instalate, însă totul e filmat în zig-zag, într-un stil care mă amețește. S-a prins numai momentul în care betonul curge în șanțurile săpate peste noapte, de nu știu câți muncitori.

Eu aș fi pus o cameră care să cuprindă ansamblul și filmat continuu, după care să se redea accelerat tot ce s-a făcut. Dar asta ar fi însemnat seriozitate și profesionalism.

Ar fi trebuit un site, o pagină, ceva în care să se explice pas cu pas ce a făcut, din ziua 0 până în ultima zi, cu cifre, materiale și manoperă pe fiecare operațiune. Poate este, dar eu nu l-am găsit.

Pe de altă parte, sunt convins că se poate, însă nu cred că o persoană nevoiașă ca cea din filmare poate să o facă în regie proprie. Trebuie o anumită cunoaștere a procesului, pieței materialelor, a forței de muncă, a firmelor respective, și mai ales, banii.

Singurul mod în care toate acestea ar fi posibile ar fi în regie de stat, cu experți care să facă toate contractările și achizițiile.

Până atunci, tot ce le rămâne oamenilor este să caute o firmă de construcție și să le spună că vrea ceva ca la "George Simion" (as seen on TV) și să negocieze. Cu alte cuvinte, este ceva util ca bază sau comparație pentru o negociere.

Dar dacă aduni și prețului terenului, probabil vei ajunge la prețurile pieței pentru o asemenea locuință.

Însă faptul că pun politician s-a implicat într-un asemenea proiect înseamnă un pas înainte în politica românească.

60 mp, 17000 dolari, 100 zile, 3-4 lucrători.

1:25 Index weight is how much a firm contributes to the index is part of. In the case of Tesla, it is currently 1.87% or should be (in my imagination) the result of dividing 887 bills or its market cap according to the link above to 42 trills or the total capitalization of S&P (or sum of all the market caps of all the firms in S&P).

I must be missing something cause the result 887/42000 is above 2%. Ok that site is outdated, Tesla's market cap today after a 22% increase is 816 and S&P total capitalization is 43.

So one can calculate how much would be the market down today if it wasn't for the big announcement yesterday, Tesla Q3 revenue. 2% of 22 is what, .4? However... Whatt?

The good news (from Tesla's accountants) should be always washed a little with the fact not all profit turns to dividends (that are given to shareholders at the end of the year).

However, Tesla, others, never paid dividends. Then WHY?... WHY?... It's all for the future, i'm telling you.

5:35 This... Is... Amazing. Market caps, as bubbles!

I had this weird idea, to look for a market cap graph. Theoretically, it should follow the index itself, right? I mean, if the index is up 1%, market cap should be up 1%, right? However, could not find one up to date.

This one is very approximate and it shows a market cap of 45 trills as of July 1st. Could not find any value for today, but it should be like more than 50. There it is. But this site shows 50.57 at October 1st, while the index itself rose since.


7:22 So that's where all Arians came from... Or should we call them aliens?

7:55 Re-master.

8:57 Et tu, google... Today's doodle is giving me the eye... Good thing it lets me do a screenshot

10:37 Eu vă sugerez să votați cu Mana Muscă.

12:00 What i suspected is true. Last ice age has been milder in Australia.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

October 22

12:15 AM Meek Donald.

22 can be a symbolic number. It can stand for 2 swans. 2 White swans like in Dire Straights song i just posted about. How about 2 lotus petals?

I recently discovered that the eye of Horus were actually 2 and they turned into lotuses (the missing link between Ancient Egypt and Buddhism which draws from Hinduism).

How about the face of Buddha? In all depictions i've seen so far and never figured, the eyebrows seem to represent 2 stylized lotus petals put together.

The middle way is Buddha's way of life. "In his first sermon, the Buddha taught that neither the extreme of indulgence nor the extreme of asceticism is acceptable as a way of life".

1:00 Meanwhile, the opposition (Yeah me too first i thought it was Kamala but still worth posting)

1:50 Brâncuși gave Romanians a huge Shivalinga in Tg.Jiu and the whole world Mlle (miss) Pogany. Pogany is a Hungarian name though.

2:55 Un contabil trimite jumătate din bugetul nostru (zeci de miliarde de euro) în alte conturi, de 34 de ani.

3:00 Heaven's gate? Ăia care se leagănă în tricouri și blugi sunt polițiști sau figuranți într-o scenetă. Alexandra Măceșanu. Luiza Melencu.

5:03 Princess X by Brâncuși... I didn't say nothing...

5:10 How about this one?

5:55 Coincidence of the day.

6:10 Toți trepădușii din media românească se pricep la orice, inclusiv la tehnică militară.

Piloții de pe F16 nu au nevoie de "contact vizual" cu ținta.

Mai mult decât atât, piloții de pe F16 începând de la block 50 (diferența între 50 și 52 la care au fost îmbunătățite (upgraded) cele cumpărate din Portugalia este doar motorul) au la dispoziție o nouă însușire a avionului (feature). Tactical data link.

Asta le permite să primească date (în video-ul următor, display-ul din dreapta, cel din stânga este propriul radar) de la radare de la sol sau de la alte avioane.

Dacă drona era văzută de un radar de la sol care are această însușire, ținta apărea și pe ecranul avionului, tot ce avea de făcut pilotul era să apese un buton să "lock the target" și să trimită o rachetă.

E adevărat, rachetele sunt foarte scumpe, una AMRAAM din cele contractate recent de România din SUA poate depăși un milion de dolari bucata, în funcție de versiune. O rachetă sidewinder, parte din același contract, care poate merge până la 22 mile (aprox. 35 km) e puțin mai ieftină.

Motivul pentru care sunt atât de scumpe este că în afară de sistemul de ghidare inerțial, au datalink, deci pot fi ghidate de radarul din avion, de un radar de la sol sau de propriul radar.

Da, cred că aceste caracteristici transformă avionul într-un lansator de rachete zburător, repet, fără nevoie de contact vizual.

Unul din motivele pentru care avioanele mai noi, ca de exemplu F35 nu mai sunt atât de rapide. 1.6 Mach față de 2.25 pentru F16.

Însă și avionul țintă are mai multe opțiuni în momentul când detectează că o rachetă a fost locked pe el.

Prima ar fi bruiajul. La 330 km distanță de exemplu, sau la max cât poate opera un AMRAAM, are timp chiar și să aterizeze și să se ascundă într-un hangar de beton. Bine, cu o rachetă după el. Ok, închizi ușa la hangar.

Mai scriau domniile lor, spre panica dvs., că un pilot de F16 nu poate vedea o dronă, și din cauză de diferență de viteză. Dar dacă drona stă pe loc? Asta ne-ar lăsa fără opțiuni în fața dronelor de mici dimensiuni?

Pe radar se vede mărimea și viteza dronei respective. Ce faci, trimiți 2 F16 și 2 F18 pentru o mică dronă care merge prea încet și nu poate fi văzută? Dar cu elicopterele ce faci?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 12

8:20 AM Asta a apărut după ce am scris ieri. Apropo. El nu a folosit niciodată numele Columbus.

10:22 Marian Vanghelie.

2:00 PM

Today i was staring at a persistent picture in the news. The storm in Jupiter's "atmosphere", and for the first time it occurred to me the storm actually looks like an eye. So i did a search and what did i find...

Some say it could be the inspiration for the Eye of Horus... and i did one more search and i found that Egyptians considered Jupiter as the birthplace of ...Earth.

I was praying today i could find a solution to all my problems cause these guys are getting me sicker by the day... I went earlier outside to check the bins and there was a weird smoke, above 100 on the AQI scale, and was too lazy to put up a mask and i cough ever since. No i haven't been smoking in 3 days. My legs started to hurt more (they tingle every time i smoke but this was way stronger than cigarette smoke)...

Then it occurred to me... I also saw in the news recently that Europa has water (My bet is on Io)... And started to think to myself... What if... Egyptians did not originate on Earth but on Io or other moon with water next to Jupiter?

Until now we've been all thinking, aliens this, aliens that but never heard one single person saying that aliens could have come on Earth from a different planet on our solar system. Got to follow up on this idea, cause over the years i came to believe more and more there are some weird things about Egyptians, and the strange connection with Japan, and that is not only the pyramids.

Wa means among other things Japan in Japanese. Wadjet is...
8:51 Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and the density at the liquid surface is a a bit more than the density of water (and is solid at the core due to enormous pressure). A hollow object could float at or under the surface creating turbulence 

When i look into this picture, i see turbulence in the clouds formed of ammonia crystals, probably due to maybe a solid object in the middle that is somehow stationary or moving slower than the "winds". A mothership feeding on hydrogen isotopes?

9:00 What telescope you need to see the great spot on Jupiter? Did Egyptians have telescopes? When was telescope invented?

9:40 Adela Popescu

11:40 Right on time... I was waiting to see the reaction... This one is the first.

!1:41 Climbed a mountain and turned around.

12:15 AM 13 Eye in the sky. New order of the ages could mean time travel. It could also be a play word, szeklers meaning Shakya, Buddha's clan.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 31

6:12 Ra and Horus. Ra and Seth. Amaterasu and Susanoo.

In both Ancient Egypt and Japanese mythology there is a Sun god and a god of chaos. Ra and Seth in Egypt, Amaterasu and Susanoo in Japan. In both mythologies, Ra and Amaterasu are the chief gods.

Was thinking many times if i can identify the root Ra in Amaterasu name. Written in kanji, Amaterasu 天照大 contains the kanji 照 teru, pronounced tera, (yes with little rays at the bottom), which means shine (while 天  Ama means heaven and 大  Su big) . (Wondering if Ama here has something to do with Amun or A'aru)

If i try to convert this kanji into katakana, using a web based convertor, i get アキラwhich contains the kana ラ which reads Ra (while it seems to be related, at least semantically with ワ, wa). アキラ reads Akira, which is a name and means bright.

For a person who speaks and writes 4 languages, has an idea of German, Sanskrit and Latin, i'd say Japanese is a very complicated language. Not having gender and plural but having 3 different writing systems which co-exist.

With most kanji (the ideograms from Chinese) and kana (syllables) from what i've seen so far being pronounced differently according to context, i'd say it definitely contributes if not creates an extreme cultural isolation on top of the geographic isolation in the far East, maybe more than due Cyrillic alphabet for Russians, with vast possibilities for manipulation.

6:52 Am pomenit numele Horus încă de acum două zile și ei au început. Treaba lor, nu am ce să le fac.

Însă lumea trebuie să înțeleagă. Nu orice prost poate (putea) să se iubească cu Anda Călugăreanu, care era o pitică foarte sexy (pe lângă maestrul Tomiță) deși puțin țeapănă și cocoșată (după standardele de azi) și nu orice om simplu poate să ajungă olimpic la înot. Eu le numesc mituri defulatoare, povești în care se poate regăsi oricine, pentru un scurt vis fericit (gata de mâine mă apuc).

Apropo, antrenamentul pentru un sport numit de performanță e un job neplătit care durează mulți ani de zile, în fiecare zi. Ai nevoie de finanțare care poate fi de la părinți care de obicei vine cu tot felul de limite și constrângeri.

Însă denumirea de sport nu e corectă aproape în fiecare din aceste "specialități". Fiecare tip de "sportiv" își dezvoltă anumite caracteristici, inegal anumite părți ale corpului care îi face diferiți de restul lumii dar și între ei. De aceea un halterofil arată așa, o alergătoare așa, un înotător, altfel. Din anume puncte de vedere, ei apar deformați (profesional) și puțin abuzați de sine (iar jocurile olimpice flirtează mult cu circul.

7:23 Din seria "Treaba lor, nu am ce să le fac". Nu pot să îmi opresc senzația de vomă după ce văd aceste știri, care par croite după ce scriu eu. Am scris acum mai puțin de 12 ore despre scăderea colagenului până ajunge neglijabil pe la vârsta de 80 de ani, despre posibilitatea intrării în sânge a bacteriilor în mod constant prin pielea de pe talpă, în funcție de igienă și vârstă și iată cu ce au venit ei. Pieleanu, dermic.

7:34 "Jump!". "How high?" Women high jump olympic record 6'10" + Simone Biles height 4'8" = ? (yeah i know math is difficult in ft and inches). If what they say is true she should get another gold metal for breaking the Olympic record for women high jump as well.
How gay?

8:23 Filtrul de polen? Cine i-a dat denumirea asta? Cred că a fost tradus de Tăriceanu pe vremea când era Prim Ministru reprezentant Peugeot în România... "Te protejează de pătrunderea aerului din exterior" . Păi cum să te protejeze de aer?

10:20 Ok so the "thing" on top of Horus on the wadjet pendant seems to be Egypt's double crown or pschent, which reminds of a samurai's coque.

Talking about samurai. I ran the other day into (and overlooked) something really important. The Shibata clan of the Musashi province (in modern times Edo became Tokyo) served Ieyasu, the shinobi-shogun who unified Japan. Probably the families and clans that ran and still run Japan to this day, and the whole world.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30

12:00 AM Like Viktor Orban (Victoria Oropsiților de Trianon) i can't stop. Not right now. Have to keep posting or... Here are some pictures with Trump swinging (like in golf swinging). You think those tiny arms can propel a ball more than 25 yards (aprox=meters)?
It is said Hitler was on a vegetarian diet...


18 A DAY. I saw a couple of times this LPN here in Oregon and could never figure what it means but today i think i had a revelation. Could it be... 6+6+6 = 18 bags with dog poop a day? The Dominicans (Inquisition) do just this every day, after their prayers? The same number as the holes in a golf course?

1:45 There are a number of Egyptian tools that have inspired modern objects. Of them i could mention the well known tennis racquet. But there are other lesser knwon tools like The Setesh Staff (was sceptre) that might have inspired the microfone on a stick (Freddie above), golf club, hockey cross, telempromter, etc..

2:05 Someone reading a cell phone while frying themselves with microwaves.

2:15 Chrysanthemum Throne of Japan vs 2024 Olympic medals.
2:27 Kabuto, wasceptre, Wow!

7:32 Don't know what the name of the bowling pin like thing on top of the head of Horus (no matter how much i searched) but it looks like it has inspired the Olympic torch of this year 2024 (no, it is not a rolled joint as some may believe, just because it is carried by a dog whose name is not Seth).

Yes i believe the name Seth of the Egyptian god of chaos is at the origin of the name Satan in the Hebrew bible. (Not to be confounded with Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve).

2:18 Read my lines. It is not logic, science, justice, economics or even politics that run this world. It is sorcery, witchcraft, ancient mysteries (in the sense of secrets transmitted from generation to generation in a parallel world of the initiated).

Some are just simple tricks, like by example, the dog seth. There is something in it that comes from evolution. Parasites, pheromones, name it. With it, the wolves, big cats and then dogs and cats hunt. The so called marking of the territory is actually infestation, to make the prey weak and vulnerable.

Humans have learned of it (thinking is magic tricks, sorcery, witchcraft) not knowing what really it is and use it against other humans. Is that simple. But how can you get this out of the simple minds that dedicated their lives to cults or fraternities which are based on this kinda seth?

Think of Trump's advertisement. Top dog, he'll get you top dollars.

Some prefer just to use it no mater how moral or immoral is. They have been initiated, spent all their lives gathering degrees, got old, who's gonna stop them playing the same tricks over and over on the whole world. It would mean they should give up everything.

Is that simple.

4:30 Another common trick they use is replacing of the officials in the countries they control (all) with their own people, usually trained actors. Initially a ninja trick, i believe this tradition started with the Tokugawa Ieyasu shogun and all the shoguns that followed in the Tokugawa dynasty, and then the emperor himself, during  the so called Meiji restoration but it could be older, since like the Chinese Imperial dynasties.

Can't find right now where i read Tokugawa Ieyasu character was played by 3 different ninja that changed over the years. Ieyasu lived 73 years in a time when average lifespan was 50.

5:45 I know how cops are. I simply cannot believe this. But if they saw the guy and told SS and SS did not react they should have taken measures themselves. However they saw SS pointing guns at the shooter, as seen in the picture and maybe they thought the SS are on it so they did nothing.

5:55 Nicolas Maduro. I think i knew the guy on the right personally, he was working at the computer service company (IIRUC) în Bacău before 89 under the name Eugen Mihalcea, then we even became associated (co-owners, with 3 other guys) in a software/hardware firm in Bacău, Mega SRL, which then some other guy forced me to leave (per reason i had my own firm, INSER SRL) and now i understand why.

7:25 Just remembered one more thing. At the meeting where we signed the papers and established the name Mega (as opposed to Micro, it was my "funny" idea, in a restaurant in Bacău) he kept telling us he wanted to emigrate to... Venezuela, and i think he said  he had a relative there.

8:15 I think i saw her face around here too.

10:53 I think i might have figured (the hard way) how many diseases come into our body.

I was looking the other day at my ankles and saw how thin and wrinkled my skin on those is. The part behind i do not step on.

As we get older, we start loosing collagen. The skin becomes thinner. Biggest problem is at the soles of the feet. No matter how good you maintain your floor and carpet, it will remain a place full of bacteria. Unless if you sanitize your carpet as often as you replace your socks. How about the shoes? How clean are your shoes inside?

Can use a piece of towel and some alcohol and rub it and see. Floor, feet, shoes.

Also with age we gain weight.

Thinning skin on the sole of your feet and poor floor hygiene which may be the norm for most people allow bacteria to constantly get into your bloodstream period.

We all have to die of something aren't we.

11:45 How can i not put a link to a search here. Different results by different authors but overall, it is scary. I will not have any collagen by 80? which means i will fall apart and die???

12:10 Was thinking. If the Japanese are the Ancient Egyptians, it could have happened only this way. They went in Egypt to search for the geographic center of the dryland on Earth to build the first pyramid (and not the other way around). As the center of the Earth has moved (reshape of shores), they built the second one etc..

Why the center of the Earth? That is a good question. I think it might have something to do with time or space travel. Alignment of source and destination, maybe?

Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3

3:25 I spent a great deal of time yesterday and right now searching again for this video (I had it  posted it not long ago but could not find where). It shows the inner ramp and the three sliding stones. Together with the craziest explanation. They were build as a shelf locking mechanism to protect the pharaoh's tomb. It is always about the pharaohs tomb wasn't it. One million people working like crazy for decades to build a tomb for one person.

I think for that purpose it would have been much easier to simply cover a final hole in the outer layer as shown at the end of animation in the video.

My explanation is the pyramid was an earthquake triggering device. By adjusting the time between sliding stones the pyramid could "dial into" any frequency of any bubble of magma about the freeze not so deep under surface of whole Earth.

Simply by doing this they would terrify any people far and near. The reason the pyramid was built in the geographic center of the Earth. But it could have been done simply to calm the seismic activity during that time on Earth that was interfering with their activities since there might have not been any people to terrify.

Of course all that knowledge was not present on Earth on Stone Age. There could not have been even a stone age as the humans may have not existed before the aliens genetically modified the apes to make slaves.

Nor the aliens could have carried in the Eye of Horus the massive amounts of materials needed to do that. So they used what was available. "Primitive" concrete for the building two tone blocks (bricks). Limestone for cladding. Granite slabs for mechanisms. (Could have been a less energy intensive concrete that could be interesting to us).

And of course the permanent deviation of the Nile, creating the Sahara desert that used to be a lake, to create a nearby source of food for the genetically modified apes that built all these under "mind" control right in that geographic center of Earth. 

Another major function of the pyramid would be this. And yes, it might have not worked anymore (for earthquakes) after building the second one. That was built so make it useless and covered in mystery, after 260 years. By that time all the magma bubbles' resources would have temporarily ended all the people on Earth would have been mentally enslaved, to this day.

Here is a Hungarian skull from the late Roman period.

Their main purpose: Mining the Earth. We are just a byproduct. Tools to accomplish just that.

4:15 But now when i look again at the video, i see what i haven't seen before because of the excitement (even right now i woke in smoke, had to go and cover another hole i could not see last night).

Under the sliding ramp there is a hollow canal ("the staircase") and those stones do not stop there but kinda fall into it. Could they have fallen in that "staircase" and continue their sliding in the opposite direction? But why the hollow canal continues in the opposite direction all the way to near the outer casing?

Have to rethink everything. Anyways the explanations in the video with such a nice animation are bogus though one thing is true. It is a masterpiece of engineering of which design could not have originated on Earth at that time. Unless if  we are missing massive pieces of our history. Things we can read about in Mahabharata.

4:33 Yeah they knew this entry would follow. At Spirit Mountain last night i won 76 free games, in packs of  5, 10 or 15 one after another and won 330 dollars with a 60 cents bet. 76 is of course the number of planets including the Earth making the Galactic Confederation (after Hubbard, founder of Scientology) during the times of Galactic dictator Xenu. Name of the gas station i worked at during my last job, just before the botched dental surgery in July 2006.

During my trip there i saw again the Eye of God in the clouds. (the Sun seen through a hole in the clouds).

Last night i drank like crazy (Austrian made vodka), woke up with reflux after late eating beans, got dehydrated and breathed with a congested nose and the belly full of gas pushed my heart up and now i got palpitations again. Good thing i made it to write here what i wanted to right after i left yesterday afternoon.

Less important things. Last night at the American Market in Grand Ronde they were a bunch of Indians (from India) and one of them was speaking on the phone a Sanskrit derived language if not Sanskrit itself, though pronouncing it with a heavy accent. I don't speak Sanskrit though i know a number of words.

There are hundreds of Sanskrit words in Romanian though we do not pronounce them in that corrupt way but in a different corrupt way due to thousands of year of different influences.

Then i got right away out of the door and into the car and a guy in a red car coming from left on 18 came on a very weird trajectory. At high speed, it did brake in the last moment, creating the illusion he was going forward. I accelerated anticipating his passage but found myself going right towards it when it stopped to make a left, but had the time to hit brakes.

At the gas station, after i filled after we left for home, another guy repeated the scene (doubling).

It has been a long time since we didn't win anything a the end of the day.

10:45 Slept over all these ideas and this is what my subconscious came up with in the morning.

The falling slabs in that long shaft that was covered at the outer end only with the limestone clad that could have been easily removed or have an invisible to the naked eyes narrow hole in it would have created a great deal of static electricity by friction.

Could that have been sending much needed gold and/or iron for a starving technology on a planet with very low or finished resources? A crude, pure electrostatic, geometry based stone age particle accelerator?

If the long shaft would be charged positively during the falling of the slabs would confine into a vey narrow beam and repel anything that was injected inside towards an open end, like vaporized gold maybe, fast enough to break atmosphere and be sent hundreds of light years away. Something that nowadays is done with the ring at CERN. Would have been one fraction of a second a day.

Nevermind what i said earlier. They built the second pyramid 260 years later etc. because the first one lost alignment due to various changes in Earth's movement, like precession.

It took many thousands of years to the apes to come to technological age and build EM accelerators (after Napoleon opened the Pandora's box with instructions hidden somewhere inside one of the pyramids), ending with the one at CERN that never found anything for us. This time massive amounts of gold and iron would be send.

Somewhere on a planet near Bellatrix they probably have a huge net that catches just that.

12:48 Walmart parking lot. For quite some time now every time i go there they put a pair of shoes next to my (other) vehicle.

Winter wonder, Russian superfood. Packed with vitamins, minerals and fibers, the beets are probably the subliminal model for Russians so called onion domes. Building blocks for a winter soup, Angela now adds the rest and assembles it.

Needless to say. For the whole time i was in the kitchen he was above making noises like he does, dragging chairs, all synched to my brainwaves. Giving me an anxiety attack with shortness of breath. At this level 20 years ago i would have gone to ER, ruining me financially which i did.

Catching breath at the computer (hardly), breathing with open mouth, getting ready to go at the car and add a drop more of ATF. Then we're good for a winter run to Indian Head (it's 55 degrees here right now).

1:24 Done. It involved removing 4 bolts (10 mm tool) and the whole air cleaning system. As soon as i got that one out, the parking lot was filled with ATF smell (not from my car, this one has no smell) even before i removed the filling cap (the one with the square 10 mm hole in it).

Which is more of an atavism or maybe installed to let air in when doing the service on their automated machines because as you can see in the picture, it can be hardly be removed to pour something in, because it bumps into some part, for a long time and also because of a stupid video on youtube for years i believed it could not be removed.

One drop from the funnel fell in there and was like last time, too lazy to pick it. The dirt seen is from the original peanuts, it remained even after i tried to clean it with contact cleaner.

2:12 I'm a demon, Lord!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Ancient Egypt is Alive

In Japan.

First, the name argument. Jap - Gyp

Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid.

Known in Europe by his Greek name, Keops, his native name sounds Asian. He does look Asian as well.


The Emperor

The Emperor of Japan is regarded as god, in a way similar to Pharaohs or some Roman emperors. One of his appearances reminds of the human/bird character guarding the eye of Horus on the the representation of Wadjet. Wa in Japanese means harmony or sum or Japanese. A solar disk that seems to be the inspiration for the Japanese flag also appears on the head of many Egyptian deities. Athena.

Facial hair.

Climatic argument.

Cows were introduced to Egypt 8000 years ago when Sahara was green but could have been earlier in other parts of the world. We know that cows put up methane in the atmosphere, a powerful greenhouse gas. Could this have tipped the balance of the climate, breaking the Milankovitch cycles? Then the mighty builders of the pyramids, after deforestation and grazing of Sahara had to move further up north. However in Japan they kept building with paper, an Egyptian invention. Hence the fear of a Sun god.

In Northern Europe there is a similar ancient myth involving a hero suckling a celestial cow.

Also most intriguing, we have (wooden) statues of caucasian, blue eyed Egyptians. We cannot know if only upper class were; lower did not have statues. But my guess is they were employed by the alien rulers that made them with blue eyes so they can be easily distinguished from workers.

Ankh is an important clue to where they came from initially (at least some of them) but we can also find a version of it way up North, in a statue of (real) Thor (Horus?)

Writing system.

Some say the Chinese characters also used in Japan derive from hieroglyphs. But even Latin alphabet derived from a form of Egyptian writings, called hieratic.

Scarab. A very important figure in Ancient Egyptian pantheon (literally meaning all gods). Of many colors, they reflect nicely the Sun light. They push their ball of dung guided at night by the stars of the sky, two of the reasons they made it to the pantheon. Ball of dung representing the Sun. They are the cleaners of the Earth. I read somewhere that without them we will be soon covered in dung.

Possible source of inspiration for Scientology Thetan, they are present in the writings of Poe but also in the works of Freud's younger friend Jung.

To us most known from the Beetles cover where both Poe and Jung are present but the list of claimed up beat personalities is very long... Another, more famous cover of Beatles depicts Audumbla's (Very White) milk spilled on a little nice unsuspecting London street.
Freemasons. Openly claiming their inheritance from Ancient Egypt. Recently i discovered that their main symbol may derive from the shape of the Great Pyramid and its shafts, which may be among others, a tool of interstellar communications...

...There will be most likey additions to this post in the next few days...