It's amazing how much energy the guys upstairs have. They kept Angela awake by ritually dancing on bedroom floor/ceiling till 2:30. At 4:30 she awoke to go to work at 6. Now at 6:30 they started to torment me, especially when i'm doing some critical searches. One of them will stay here and do that all day long.
What i am trying to prove is the name of not so Hindu Goddess Kali actually comes from kylie or karly, two Asutralian Aboriginanal words for boomerang. Wanted to do that synthetically with a video and a link but i lost my patience because of them of course and i will just write it down in many words (need to note here the Romanian word for hook, cârlig, of oficially given bulgarian? etymology).One of Kali's weapons is a hook or as called (in India) vajra knife that resembles a type of boomerang.
There are several types, of which one is returning, and i think that one is for hunting birds that fly in flocks.
Boomerangs in India were made of iron and they could be the ancestors of those knife or maybe any type of knives and/or swords. In the US boomerangs were made of basalt.
As i said, if you wanted to hit a moving target with a boomerang, you have to anticipate target's position in time. Kali is also a goddess of time.
The returning type of boomerang symbolizes the cyclicity of many events in time (the eternal return).
The other arguments are the name and the many arms which may come from the appearance of some people doing a haka dance.
The reason is obvious. I am trying to prove that Kali, one of the most worshiped goddess in north-eastern India and as Daikokuten in Japan and probably other places is actually a symbol and a synthesis of memories of a past where life depended on those weapons or hunting tools, but how many causal consequences derive from it and how they burden of present and will those ever cease if i prove that.
7:45 I think they got to the point where they can anticipate, using AI, what i will say hours or days in advance.
1:07 Ok 70 din 100000 au fost lăsate ca centrare pentru b1 ca să vină ei cu o pildă și o psihoză în știri, pentru că altfel nu îmi explic cum le-au găsit și nu acum prima dată.
În schimb nimeni nu a văzut cisternele parcate ilegal într-o localitate pe un drum național de cel puțin 10 ani la 20 km de București prin care teoretic a trecut poate și marele prin absență Iohannis când A3 era blocată. Acordul ADR e prea vag.
2:02 Mda și pentru a vă ține in_formați au trântit și o Barbie cu picioarele ridicate lângă articol. Apropo între o Barbie statică cu picioarele în sus și o femeie reală ce ați alege? 2:57 I have been searching. Vasco is a name of an old European pre-Latin of Spanish (gaelic) or Portuguese origin depending on sources. A version in Italian is Blasco which may be precursor to Blachs or Vlachs which is the medieval name for Romanians. There is a village in Romania and a commune in Moldova with the unaltered name Vascăuți which indicates the pre-Latin origin. Names like Gal, Galan or even Gologan are not uncommon in Romania.
If not married, by name she may be Hungarian (Jew) of Romanian origin mixed with some Urkainian which explains the affinity but there is also a lot of professional acting in her act which explains some the attractivity. Rest is native.
No Blachs does not mean black.
3:06 Angela says she is too tired to go to the office to complain of what they did last night upstairs until 2:30 AM.
5:21 When i came from my walk today i felt my phone vibrating and then i checked and was off. Have not charged it in months and i only turned it a few times to check messages and when i checked today the battery in settings was at 62%, screen time 23 minutes and last charge 16 days ago. I wish i had on it some app that could track more of the usage. There is nothing under my account in google except for internet usage, more than 60 days ago. I think i won't take it with me during my walks or anywhere, even off, is too risky.
Yes i slept earlier with the door at the balcony open, with only the screen closed but not locked, cause the emperor took the lock away instead of installing it last summer. The reason i keep the door open? They stop making noise upstairs.
5:42 I have all the symptoms of an exposure.
5:22 Dacă există o scurgere dintr-o astfel de cisternă, chiar masivă și ia foc, cisterna nu explodează pentru că în interior nu există aer din cauza presiunii gazului. Focul sub cisternă cauzează explozia prin creșterea temperaturii și a presiunii gazului devenit fierbinte care însă ia foc abia după ce cisterna explodează din cauza presiunii, și abia după ce se răspândește suficient ca să se amestece cu aerul, iar atunci arde masiv într-o bulă mare de foc dar neexploziv.
Dar e nevoie de ceva timp ca temperatura și presiunea să crească până la ruperea pereților, timp în care o persoană instruită putea să intervină cu un stingător, dacă focul nu era prea mare și nu era cauzat de o scurgere masivă sub cisternă.
6:30 Cadence Academy.
7:10 One idea from my walk in clean air. It is unclear to me yet if the practice of seppuku in Japan for reasons of restoring one's honor and karma in future lives can be linked to a god though i found it listed in an article called Bizarre Methods of Human Sacrifice.
But at least the decapitation in the end which was seen as an act of mercy, ending the sufferance of the person committing seppuku, had to be done in such a manner that a piece of skin should be left so the head would hang and not fall to the ground and that can be linked to Kali.
So far i could find the samurai were praying as part of the ritual but could not find if to one precise god or their own favorite god. They were allowed to eat their favorite food and that can be linked to Daikokuten.
And one more thing. Sepukku was carried only with the permission (of the daimyo).
In the same article we can see clearly how the thugs were performing human sacrifices (and robberies) in the name of Kali.
While i was preparing this link, they sent in front of my open sliding door children to yell.
8:00 But all of the above are just a few cases, most notorious, and were just gathered from various sites and put together for reviewing them.
I suspect the pandemics and all the wars in Europe of the last and current century have something to do with it as i believe all leaders in all countries are their people or controlled by them and a small part of them is caught in my other blog.
9:00 Alcoolsimul cauzează atrofierea creierului într-o anume măsură dar nu apare pe lista celor mai comune cauze.
Berea nu hidratează, din contră. Totuși la 90% apă e preferabilă din acest punct de vedre tăriei.
O doză de bere de 340 ml mai are și 15 grame de carbohidrați (aproape o lingură cu vârf echivalent zahăr) care înseamnă 60 calorii și 17 ml de alcool, echivalentul a 42 ml tărie care este ars în celule fără a da nici o energie, încălzind corpul cu restul până la 160 calorii, deci nu e bună vara.
Fraza asta nu prea are sens. Cafeaua dehidratează mai mult decât alcoolul pentru că ridică tensiunea și cauzează ca rinichii să elimine mai multă apă în timp ce alcoolul scade tensiunea.
9:45 I said it many times before. The constant presence of dog waste around the building changed our microbial flora to dog type. They scheduled a main line sewer replacement right after the asphalt coating to dig for proof.
I myself was scheduled to pass away and they laid a number of traps, in honor of their gods represented by number 9, that is September, or October whatever and i'm sick with all kinda infections and not sure if i am out of the woods, leaving behind all kinda "evidences".
10:00 Unprecented levels of noise upstairs today and right now made me almost delete this whole day or some of my most important posts ever. I am not even sure i have not deleted some of them so i am sill reviewing.
10:10 Just heard them going to the car several times and bringing upstairs all kinda heavy objects.