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Showing posts sorted by date for query garbage. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2024

September 23

12:00 Today i was driving (the only time when i can really think) west on Hwy 18 and some thoughts came to mind i would like to share.

Freemasons believe sacred geometry existed before the Universe and the Big Bang (and will probably exist after this Universe would collapse back into one single point).

Scientology also confess the existence of spirits (thetans) before our Universe. Thetans created the Universe for their own fun by agreeing it should come into existence. However they later forgot about their true nature (and got lost in their own creation).

These days i stumbled upon images of one their praying halls and saw they have a cross very similar to the Christian cross, though, if only we think of Xenu, they have lived in a confederation of 75 planets + Earth (Teegeeak) which was more like a penal colony, over 75 million years ago and probably way before that.

Then three questions arose in my mind. What do Freemasons pray to? What do Scientologists pray to? What happened to the other thetans that escaped Xenu?

1:30 Abhra, Abrahamic.

8:45 When these first appeared, they were talking about houses built in 24 hours, at much lower cost. However, sharks stepped in and now the prices are the same as for classical construction. Could not have happened otherwise.

I'm a fan of these however there are some problems that need to be fixed.

The biggest problem with printed houses is also their biggest strength. They are made of one single continuous piece of concrete. Concrete like any material contracts and expands with temperature, maybe cm in bigger houses, in time creating the inevitable cracks.

So it would make sense to build these in Florida where temperature is constant year round (there is still the night/day variation).

There are ways to mitigate with contraction/expansion due to temperature. One of them could be some material between the foundation and the printed structure, maybe a thin layer of highly polished sheet metal on a perfectly flat foundation, or a thin layer of sand, to allow sliding. Building the foundation of the exact same material?

The other would be to add steel armatures in walls after a number of layers. Maybe done with robots as well. Better materials, etc..

9:00 Which reminds me of something i see every time i drive on Newberg variant. There are lots of those out there. What are these? 
9:40 I wanted to take this picture for a long time but every time something was in my way. Like that bike that has been there last week too. However last night i took the picture because i saw more things in there. Besides the lotus themed garbage can. (Yes they poured concrete in smaller squares so it would have room to expand and contract).

Which brings me to the idea. Lotus is the link between Sun goddess Amaterasu - Shintoism and Buddhism. Which brings me to the question. Do we need all this ancient...?

9:45 Could this be the reason Angela won a 800 dollars jackpot to parr all the losses from the Reno trip? But i knew. If she wins, something will happen on the road back home. She also lost about the same amount last time she was at Chinook, before the trip.

For a while, it was just cars veering and driving briefly on the right shoulder "to get me used to the idea" i think.

Then right before climbing on the same Newberg variant i wrote about above, at about 9:30 PM the SUV ahead of us moved again to the shoulder, however this time to avoid a cardboard box on the road, in vertical position, figuring a tower, about 1 meter tall.

Don't know if it had anything in it, traffic was pretty intense, didn't feel like stopping to go check, but i don't believe it was empty, it did not move when cars where passing by at high speed.  Yes, it is still September.

General perception in the US is 911 attack was done by the Iraqis which were allied with the Soviets and then Russians.

Can't remember the year exactly but one day @year 2000 John Mladin (trying to remember if he had a beard at the time) called me and asked me to help him with a satellite dish he bought on Craig's list or whatever it was at that time, for him to watch a football (soccer) championship.

So we went, about 6 of us, to this old woman's house in SE Portland. I was supposed to check if it works which i did (summarily). Then we all grabbed the huge antenna (several meters diameter) and loaded it into a pickup, when the old woman did something weird. She took a picture of us holding that damn piece of junk.

7:11 Katakana came from Hebrew because Jews came from Egypt and Japanese came from Egypt (or the other way around).

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11

12:45 PM or 15 minutes till closing time. Could have waited to write this by need to see the reaction. Today the market made the biggest one day come back in years. From minus 1.6 to plus 0.8 right now. I don't mind but was one destroying everything i posted yesterday and recently.

Last night i went to WinCo and chose to stay in the parking lot while Angela went buying stuff. I wanted to smoke but had this dust in my lungs. From a little clay dust mixed with straw that fell from some vehicle in the alley that gut carried by wheels in the whole alley, all the way to the road. From something that i said. Nevermind that.

Two spots next to me came this huge black pickup or SUV and there was this guy who got out and went in the store and then came back before Angela. When i looked in the news today i saw the big Wall Strret analyst. What kinda BS is that? A recently deceased Hungarian writer.

Today i've done something i never do. I was frustrated and drank in the morning. Then started to cook some pea. It came uncooked of course and put it some more on the stove, set a timer, fell asleep and awoke several hours later with the pea burnt. I started to read the news, some searches, then i saw the market that was going up abruptly. And then i finally realised the peas were still cooking. It is true, the setting was on the lowest.

No i was not dead. I can't understand how i did not hear the timer. Maybe i forgot to set it. What happens is though upstairs was quiet, they have big engines revving in the distance modulated on my brain waves and can change them and my decisions by changing rpms. Or make me forget things when i'm weak or drunk.

Now i remember. At seven i heard a power blower. They come to pick the "more valuable?" items and then in exchange for the favoer blow around the bins. Blow the garbage, where? But there are piles of bags behind the SW bins nobody cares about.

I know many people had doubts about what i posted yesterday. When there are doubts they can turn it into certainty by showing my behavior. Of course, with severe intrusions into my private life. But nobody cares about that.

I went to sleep with palpitations, i woke up nauseated. Went and knotted and picked several poops. Took a charcoal cap. Got a bit better. Got mad when i remembered the episode last night. Upstairs never ceases marching.

Google stopped doing image searches for me just before i got to his page asking me to click on i'm not a robot check box then solve puzzles for each name opened (40 tabs). Fb was flashing his better res pic and then giving me this message. But i managed to do a screenshot of that flash. Google searches works now.

All these to slow me down of course.

1:15 See the little grey lines at the bottom of the graph next to time axis? Only yahoo finances still show those and those are the volume of transactions. When there is a sudden increase of volume towards the end of the section, it's a sign of a battle between their HFT computers. They buy from each other like crazy, raising the prices. It may work for a few minutes, that's why they do it at the end of the session so the market is raised or maintained high artificially.

CPI inflation report? BS, inflation is the graph you are looking at. Ok, a bit more. Outperforms. But the truth is the opposite. The unusual raises in stock prices drags the inflation up, not the other way arounds. It makes sense. It stocks are more expensive with no real increase in value, everything follows.

It started to go down in the morning, then up when i fell asleep with the stove on. Down when i saw him in the news, about half hour before session's end, remembered and started to search for the guy. Then the volume started to go up like crazy and the stock market ended the day on the same trend. 
10:50 PM Dead deer, a guy cutting in front of us in an intersection on 18 making me break for 5 seconds, to avoid him, that skinny actor who played Ritchie Valens (that did not look like Ritchie Valens bullying us in the street in a big white van with paper LPN and making sure we've seen his face), many others.

When i got gas at Shell in Grand Ronde, going into the next empty spot (the pumps in the middle all had cons on), there was gas inside the nozzle. Don't know who and how they did it, but the only way is if you hold the nozzle up, squeeze a little and then you hang it in that position. Made a mess, my car and the station was smelling for hours after.

A bug i caught on the road? When i got there i was paralyzed from the waste down, could barely walk and been like that for all the time i was there. Really scary, i panicked. I tried to drink soda to flush the toxin (if that was the case) but they put some dirty water (smelling like fish) in the hot water tank so i could not dilute my soda and bring it to a reasonable drinking temperature.

Though the toe looks feels much better after i removed that tiny wood fragment. Or maybe it's just numb again.

10:55 I have reasons to believe they pulled a plug and started to let sewage flow through the new pipe.

11:00 Today i realized the first time the dark green Honda Element in the spot next to ours has tinted windows beyond the driver seat so you can't see what or who is in the rear.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5th

12:15 Dacă ai carte, ai parte...

12:30 Para diplomație și nici un paradox. Vizita lui Marcel în Israel, doar un moment prost ales. Unde sunt zilele când Amnesty se lega numai de blocul sovietic?

6:57 Statul de drept, o frază de dânșii inventată.

Iohannis, "dintr-o veche familie de sași transilvani". Când au venit sașii în Transilvania? Știm că la 1438 ei au semnat un tratat cu ungurii și secuii, punând bazele statului ungar multinațional feudal. În mod ironic, tratatul a fost redactat în limba latină, lingua franca din zonă de pe vremea aceea...

Când a fost scrisă această pagină prima dată, se spunea că tratatul celor trei națiuni a fost îndreptat împotriva unei a patra, țărănimea română. Acum se spune că împotriva țărănimii de orice fel din Transilvania. Trei națiuni, împotriva a niște țărani...,

Cât de veche este "familia lui Iohannis". De când este el președinte, sau chiar dinainte, nu am mai auzit de nici o altă familie de sași transilvani. Majoritatea sunt plecați de mult pe ubi bene, de unde au venit acum aproape 900 de ani (nine hundred years völkerwanderung), adică în Germania (de azi, care pe atunci se întindea în teritoriile țărilor de jos, Olanda de azi, de unde au venit de fapt).

Însă Iohannis nu e sas din Transilvania, genetic e cel mai probabil șvab din Ungaria, de imigrație mult mai recentă (care putea păstra o limbă ceva trăsături genetice), iar tot trecutul lui în Sibiu a fost falsificat, la fel ca al tuturor politicienilor pe care îi vedeți azi în fruntea țării (o mie de elefanți roz și galbeni pe o pânză de păianjen) (în afară de Hrebenciuc, care era șobolan și Iohannis care este un vierme).

Iohannis a câștigat încrederea românilor mai mult prin înfățișarea sa impunător carismatică și a fost cel mai prolific președinte al României, la numărul de prim miniștri numiți, și a numit mai mulți prim miniștri PSD decât Iliescu și în total mai mulți decât oricare președinte din România și probabil din Uniunea Europeană. Cred că ar trebui chemați cei de la Guinness Book of Records.

Numărați și dvs., de la Ponta III. Roz e pentru PSD.

Prin legea neconstituțională semnată azi de acest vierme lung și persistent sașii ungurii i-au sfidat din nou pe români ca în 1483 iar viermele și-a încununat cariera de trădător. La fel ca Băsescu prin legea 341/2013. Mai mult ca sigur vor mai urma și alții/altele. Mai avem de tras de la această pestă.

12:40 Au promulgat în același timp, ca să îndulcească trădarea și legea populistă a impozitării pensiilor. După decenii de calculări și pensionări aiurea, au venit cu soluția asta, care d.p.d.v. economic nu e corectă, la fel ca și amnistia fiscală.

Pensiile trebuiau de mult indexate cu inflația, așa cu au făcut recent cu unele ajutoare, dar așa își lasă în fiecare an un spațiu de manevră populist. Ca să fie luni de zile de discuții și la urmă să vină iar și iar cu soluții salvatoare de obicei de ultim moment. Iar taxele, mai ales de la firmele mari, trebuiau pur și simplu strânse.

În afară de aluzia lui Ciolacu cu această amnistie fiscală care sugerează că taxele nu se strâng (oare din vina cui), nu există nici o informație concretă despre câte taxe se strâng și cât se cheltuiește de fapt din buget.

12:50 Zelenski, 2.0.

12:55 Alte știri asortate. George, motive personale, 5 dimineața (când pleacă Angela la servici și trebuie să mă trezească, să blochez ușa), alte "coincidențe" spălătoare de creier.

72 de bărbați. Saci de gunoi. Încă persistă această tâmpenie, doar pentru că...

1:00 My two cents is free... La fel ca și Becali, Țiriac nu a avut niciodată bani în contul lui. A avut casă, haine și colecția de mașini și atât. El este, la fel ca Becali, un biet cântăreț de operă din Ungaria. Care mai întâi a fost Jim Croce, un cântăreț de folk american (bun, se mai dă la radio și acum) și care arăta ca Dracul.

Care înainte de a ajunge jucător de tenis, protejatul lui Maurer (apropo, numele chitaristului clasic din video-ul de mai jos era Maury Muelhausein), a fost prin Iugslavia (sau acasă la el în Ungaria).

Și altă coincidența bizară. Jim Croce a murit, la fel ca Patsy Cline care a devenit Irina Loghin, sau Ritchie Valens (Ferenc Matrai, Nicolae Ceaușescu) în accident de avion, iar acum se filma în locul pilotului pe "avioanele lui personale"... Toți cel mai probabil fugiți din Ungaria și apoi recuperați și pus la produs în România. Probabil fiindcă erau buni și vorbeau limba română la ei acasă în Ungaria, din familie.

Nu că ar fi fost atât de importantă România, dar trebuia să avem un Dracula în cupa Davis, și entertainment ca să-i dea gata pe sovieți.

De condus, îi plăcea să conducă, (broomstick on the throtle, un băț de mătură pe accelerator, că îi dansa piciorul) la fel ca și mie, fiindcă a lucrat pe TIR-uri în SUA înainte de a deveni cântăreț de succes. BTW, one dime = ten cents.

Da normal că eu nu pot să vorbesc engleză fără accent, dar știu suficient ca să recunosc unul. Limbile care nu le înveți în copilărie folosesc alte zone ale creierului, vorbitul e o simulare.

Ceva ce (nu) se putea explica prin biografia romanțată (de origine italiană, dar născut în SUA).

Apropo, îmi vine să râd când văd că încearcă un tremolo de blues de ăla de Mississippi în melodia de mai sus. (95 era numărul autostrăzii, nu limita de viteză).

Nu glumesc, din păcate tot ce am scris mai sus este adevărat și verificat. Oamenii ăștia au tras-o la greu, poate la fel ca mine. Irina Loghin (bună femeie la viața ei) mai cântă și acum la nunți, ea nu a putut să negocieze un rol de milionar ca Țiriac. Sau poate chiar îi place. Să fie printre oameni, să îi facă happy. Dar cui putea să îi placă să vorbească 6 ore în șir la un Congres, la 70 de ani.

BTW, after not taking antibiotics for 24 hours, my jaws feel like after anaestesia at the dentist.

10:05 Au început știrile în neștire cu paradoxul zilei. Pensia unui (fost) miliardar cu (fostă) înfățișare de Dracula al cărui nume a fost pe zeci de filiale de bănci, timp de 25 de ani. Știm că lui Columbeanu nu îi ajunge, dar el a fost numai milionar.

10:26 I see people coming here and i don't understand how they can resist the smell, from garbage and from dog bags. Except if they don't really stay here. I said in the past about MEI Construction installing a new sewage pipe they worked at for two months. At the end they came with a sewer cistern and emptied the existing canals, before they put the new one on use.

If there are very few people living here and they don't use the toilets, they can stop the flow for a while and deposit the little sewage in the existing pipes like a septic tank or maybe they installed one hidden in the circuit and use that new pipe for transporting people in and out of here. Or could they simply had not removed the old one and installed the new one in parallel. It's right to i believe building C, near the mailboxes.

The other day when something happened and i had this terrible sewage smell in the bathroom. It may be from that sewage deposits that are not actually flowing down in the city sewer on the street as they are supposed to. Anybody wants to take a closer look?

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13

2:00 AM Cani-cula. Yesterday i had this weird idea. I know Sahara desert in some points is under sea level. I know they found fish skeletons in there. Then i remembered one verse from the Killers. "The Nile used to run from East to West".

And then i thought. What if the Nile was diverted, by the Aliens, to feed the zombies they used to build the pyramids. In the geographic center of Earth. Could we possibly divert it back and re-fill Sahara?

But than i said, the drying of Sahara Lake and turning it into a desert is not necessary a bad thing, except for locals. Deserts actually contribute to cooling of the Earth, by reflecting heat back into space.

So if we really want to cool our planet, should cut the Amazon forest and turn it into a desert. What? Well, it is one choice. Or cover all the buildings with aluminum foil etc..

3:00 Nevermind, the Nile could not have passed the Tibesti mountains, Sahara is vast, there are (were) several different "hydrographic systems", there are (were) other rivers that filled West Sahara.

9:45 Bomba cu pițipoance (sluts)... Dana Arambescu, o pițipoancă rea ce ne vrea mici, cu capul jos...

Rusia pregătește arme... Eu personal cred că nici una din părți nu le are. Totul e o cacealma (bluff), începând cu Hiroshima. Cacealma care nu se putea organiza decât de japonezi și care a și terminat războiul. Altfel veneau americanii și îi ștergeau de pe fața pământului. Bineînțeles cu complicitatea și ajutorul conducerii SUA.

Motivul pentru care armele convenționale au o carcasă (shell) este pentru a crea presiune și a menține materialul în interior, înainte ca acea carcasă să se spargă în bucăți și să devină efectivă. Singur, materialul din interior dacă este aprins fără face o flacără mare dar nu explozie (un mare fâs).

În mod similar, asta se aplică pentru armele neconvenționale. Ar trebui carcase din multe tone de oțel sau beton pentru a crea o explozie de mărimea respectivă, iar asta nu se poate instala pe rachetele care spun ei că le au. O mare parte din material s-ar răspândi (pierde) înainte de a intra în reacția în lanț. Motivul pentru care reactorul de la Cernobîl nu a explodat (prea mult, cât a ținut tavanul adică) ci mai mult s-a topit (meltdown).

De câte ori au repetat aceste sperietori în media românească? De câte ori cineva a scris ceva ce i-a deranjat, ceva ce a deranjat ordinea stabilită... Acești "jurnaliști" ar trebuie legați și băgați la pușcărie și/sau la casa de nebuni.

Un document secret, revelat de Financial Times. Ca atâtea altele, care zboară din cancelaria lui Putin ca avioanele de lemn hârtie. Păi dacă e secret, de ce a ajuns în media?
1:18 Yesterday i said caffeine may act against the clostridium toxins, like botulinum and tetanus toxin. (Yes, botox is botulinum toxin and is used to intentionally paralyze some of the facial muscles). Though it may not affect the metabolism of the toxin, it can have the opposite effect, improving the symptoms.

Today Starbucks was leading the market, with a near 25% advance.

Both botulinum and tetanus are clostridium bacteria. They act as cholinergic antagonists, blocking the impulses of the nerves that control muscles, while caffeine (and nicotine) are cholinergic agonist (stimulants). Botox is so potent it may lasts for months at the injection site (probably used in a combination with a stabilizer though).

Choline is an important nutrient, also classified as vitamin B4, found in many foods, and a precursor of acetylcholine which is the most important neurotransmitter of the sympathetic (involuntary) nervous system. 

I think there are many "degrees" of the infections, with some, in very light forms occurring probably more often than known to science. They may play roles in makeup of our daily psyche and more rare, mental diseases.

Yes i  believe that going close to the garbage bins (or landfills) may pose a risk, depending on the state of general health. Hwy 18 that leads to Lincoln City passes by a landfill. Could that be a mood changer for the beach goers?

2:50 This is what radiation does. It destroys small blood vessels that feed the tissues with oxygen and nutrients and those can never grow back. That's why you have a life time exposure limit. When i showed the doctor my wi-fi legs, he didn't say a word.

This heroic Ukrainian pilot dumped lead and other materials on top of the burning reactor (High temp graphite rods used as moderator burn in contact with oxygen). He became ill a few years later and given a 20 dollars a month compensation or something.

The amount of radiation released every hour was twice as that released at Hiroshima in total. If he and others didn't do that, Europe would have been much more affected. I was living 370 miles south of Chernobyl. The reactor was sealed within 10 days.

All Geiger counters at the University in Iași have been locked. We were told to stay inside and not to eat dairy products from free range animals (cows, sheep). Don't know about Soviet Union, but the disaster was only announced a few days later (@ if not May 1st). The announcement of the end of an era.

Soviets did not have cruise missiles and could not prove it was not an accident and did not retaliate but stood down. WWIII started during the first year of Gorbachev leadership. Next episode was Kursk submarine, within 8-4 months of Putin's presidency.

Two weeks later Ostankino tower caught fire. It is my belief these towers all around the world play a role in controlling the ionosphere. They are both offence and defense in a geo-weapon war. First such tower was the Eiffel Tower, build a few years before the Tunguska event. They can be used as electro-static antennas, to oscillate and shortcut the electrojets to the ground, usually downstream, up to thousand of miles away.

Next episode of WWIII was the Chelyabinsk meteor.

But let us not forget about the Chalenger disaster which took place about 3 months before Chernobyl. (Che, Cha, Che). But who knows what the real payload of that shuttle was... Many NASA spacecraft. What are those many NASA spacecraft good for?

And yes we see from time to time "fireballs" over US cities.
6:18 The diameter of a concrete sphere of 270 tons is 6 meters (Steel three times smaller, about 2 meters or 100 tons of steel). It would have to be that big of a rocket to make some of the smallest (Hiroshima type). However. For ICBM Low signature radar is not such a big priority as size. You need smaller size for hypersonic re-entry. So you make it of steel, at the same capability, 3 times smaller in diameter.

It is said Sarmat warhead is 10 tons for multiple warheads, let's say one ton each. (For a one hundred ton shell you can very well load it with conventional explosive, you won't get much more with nonconventional). And said all bigger than Hiroshima. It's all bluffing, on both sides. But the bluff is for us cause they both know (at the highest level, maybe, and the highest level is Hungarian actors who don't know s...t).

Talking about both sides. They can have installed 100 tons steel shells on top of big buildings (or towers) (invisible, inside, last floor). And yes, Chernobyl could have been an inside job. Like Challenger. Etc.. All keeping a semantic link though. Gorbachev. Che, Cha, Che. Gore.
12:00 (14) One last thought on the subject. If it could have been done differently. That is, "spend the fisionable material gathered at much cost, in years" and do a demo in the woods, like at Tunguska. But no, it had to remain in history as an act of barbarism and the whole world to be terrified by what Jews can do. It had to be Harry Truman, a Jew, who signed the order. Einstein, though he was just the theoretician, had to be the symbol. If there was anybody in Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) at that time, who can know.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July 10

6:50 Biden, născut în România? Suficient de important pentru a avea o pagină de Wikipedia, dar numai cu două poze pe tot internetul? Democratic? Mie mi se pare că Biden dă ordinele la NATO. Dar cine dă ordine în Statele Unite?

Congresul American a blocat timp de 8 luni ințitativa lui Biden privind ultimul pachet de ajutoare pentru Ukraina, dar România trebuie să doneze un sistem fără aprobare parlamentară, pentru că așa spune Biden?

Nici o chestie, mai sunt câteva luni până vine Trump și termină războiul în 24 de ore.

Apropo de Trianon gyermekei. Béla Drasche.

11:32 Am impresia totuși că Biden doar a enumerat țările care doresctransfere aceste sisteme Ucrainei, iar ideea a fost a lui Iohannis, de pe vremea când încă alerga în cursa pentru Președinția NATO. Marea diferență între România și celelalte țări donatoare este distanța de Rusia.

Cum va fi compensată România, va primi gratuit alt sistem? Va mai aproba Parlamentul încă un miliard de dolari? Plătește România megalomania?

Ce te faci cu un Președinte care îți ghicește și îndeplinește dorințele? Ca și în cazul lui Ceaușescu, singura salvare este timpul. Ne rugăm să treacă timpul ca să scăpăm de penibil.

S-a spus de atâtea ori încât mi s-a creat o bătătură pe creier în zona aceea. Nu voi pune niciodată la îndoială. NATO este democratic. NATO este pur defensiv. Articolul 5.

Nici o țară din NATO nu a fost atacată și totuși toată lumea se agită și dă armament Ucrainei. SUA de exemplu le dă cele mai bune sisteme ale lor, dând ocazia Rusiei să le studieze în condiții de luptă reale și să le găsească vulnerabilități. Vor mai avea aceste sisteme aceeași valoare pentru SUA (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). Rușii vor avea idei noi pentru următoarele sisteme ale lor.

12:00 Balada urșilor rușilor mulți. Tipa îmi pare puțin așa... instabilă, și totuși relaxată, la marginea prăpastiei ca și cum abia s-a trezit din somn. Sau a tras o linie. A ok m-am prins. Jepii mici din Buce.

12:52 Climatic change. California swap. It's like someone in Alaska is steering again the jet stream. And the smell of garbage is unbearable.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

June 8

11:45 Here we are almost 25 years in the first century of the third millennium, in the internet and supercomputers and AI age and we can not figure things so simple as earthquakes, tides and even clouds and lightening.

Few people, even among mathematicians and physicist have an intuition on how big our planet is and of the planetary forces involved with keeping the Earth in Sun's orbit or Moon in Earth's are. How big would have to be a cable to keep the Moon in rotation around Earth if if wasn't for gravity.

Total mass of the oceans on Earth is about 0.02% of the mass of Earth, while for  the core, solid and liquid, which is denser than the rest, that value is 30%. Gravitational acceleration (g) exerted by the Moon on objects on surface of the Earth is about 4 orders of magnitude less than the well known g=9.81 m/s2. And by the Sun, about half.

What is going to be attracted more by the Moon and Sun?

I start to believe that oceans tides are not given by the direct pull of the Moon on water but by raising of the ocean floor with rotation of Earth in Moon and Sun's gravity field due to the pull of the two celestial bodies, and unevenly on the core. Tides are more like tsunamis though calm and predictable. The Earth is acutally pulsating, like a cosmic heart. Or lung.

The variable force excreted by tides on shores could actually be the reason of "faults" in the case of Pacific Ring of Fire. The energy of the tides lead to a constant move up and down of the "plates" against each other and friction that creates extra heat that in turn melt the mantle that is already hot and create the magma chambers and not convection. Convection currents within the liquid core are chaotic because of greater pull on the core and its constant motion under the gravity of Sun and Moon.

In the case of Atlantic, due to size and shape, the water is actually oscillating left-right, and tides are amplified by the oscillation and the "fault" is in the middle.

So how can we trust each other when we live in these cosmic lies?

Two days ago i saw an article that said  the Geological Survey of the State of Oklahoma has published charts with the raising of the Earth (ground tides) that can go up to 30 cm (one foot). However when i contacted the Survey they told me they can't find  those (but didn't say if they did that or not).

There are forces in this world that want to keep us in the dark because predicting earthquake has such a strategical value to them. So they prefer to lie to 7 billion people or how many we are right now.

And use AI, garbage and thousands of extras to constantly frame, sabotage and torture me who i am just a messenger. Do we have time for this?

1:12 Freed hostages is just a meme?

1:26 Last night before McMinville at 3:30 AM i heard this song on the radio. Then after, i was racing with a Milky Way train of cisterns and when i was left to pass it, in a narrowing (right lane ending) area, and with a car blocking my way to finish the pass, i almost got squeezed out of the road by it.

I do believe more than ever that this song is about death by gas chamber, him (megalomaniac half skinhead in sarcastic evil voice "Phil" being the executioner "first time last time") and in this version the cymbals, synths are imitating the sound of gas hissing. This song is a shame to music and art and should be banned.

2:20 We don't need no education...
Messi și Marina...

3:24 B...c i'm Madonna... And she didn't get arrested?

Rock and Roll Fantasy. In February 1996, after not sleeping for a week, part of it being again the neighbors upstairs, i got arrested, in Vancouver, WA, by a couple of Police women and i now suspect they were actually Joan Jett and Lita Ford, my HS class mates. More than that, i was kept in jail after signing a document for being released on bail. False arrest and imprisonment are not subject to statutes of limitations. But how the two got to be cops in Vancouver? Who was Janet Anderson?

To me, is important because on the form for naturalization i have to say if i have ever been arrested. If those two were not real cops, technically i was not.

And the judge. Spent that night in jail, unlwafully, again not sleeping, with my face and eyes burning from the pepper spray for which i was not treated, in the morning i got interviews by a funny bald man, then i was finally brough to court, in a jail suit that had a cut in the genital area, with no underwear. I was falling asleep and then the judge gave me to read a paper printed with capitals that started with "I APOLOGIZE TO ALL NATIONS..." just to see if i can read.

But who was the judge? By the name Stocker, 83 back then, i think he was no other than...

After i saw the judge (and Janet Anderson) they sent me home. However, i wanted to go first to the hospital. At the ER they took blood sample, blood pressure and they gave me a... vision test.

Then they took me to the Washington Memorial whatever, the local psychiatric hospital. No fluids nothing after a week of not sleeping, eating or drinking. Dan Costan bought me something to eat, with nothing to drink.

In the  hospital they gave me a pill and i slept 12 hours. When i woke up, dr.Proano was ready with the diagnosis. Schizophrenia.

I struggled with dehydration for the next 3 weeks i was in the hospital. Now i now what they wanted. A stroke.

Monday, December 25, 2023

December 25

11:50 This Christmas i gave you my heart i solved the mystery of the extraordinary nerve and impunity of the guy upstairs. He also charged my card yesterday at the car wash.

People don't really want to pay attention to my similarities blog.

12:00 Bill G Gates

12:22 De fiecare dată când văd astfel de știre mă mir. Datele informatice nu se fură, se copie cel mult. Am văzut multe alftel de știri de-a lungul timpului, dar nu am auzit să fie avut vreodată vreo consecință în afară de psihoza momentului.

De unde știu ăia de la IT că a fost copiat un fișier? Pot să știe că cineva cu un anume IP sau un IP ascuns a intrat (s-a logat fiindcă au avut o parolă slabă) și nimic mai mult. A, se gândesc ei că poate le-au copiat fișierele dar dacă hacker-ul e bun, nu rămâne nici o dovadă.

Împreună cu știrea asta și asta, pare a fi dintr-o serie concertate pe justificarea ne-acordării Schengen.

1:20 A modified, in trend version of heart mudra?

8:50 In diabetes it is more important how you breath than how you eat. Before i had diabetes my SPO2 level was always 98, then it went down little by little and now is what, 95 when at the computer? It is all very very simple, if you don't have enough oxygen to burn the carbs in your cells, sugar is going to build up in blood and tissues in  your body. The reason it can't go down immediately when a change occurs.

I've done this experiment for a week after i realized my nose is really really congested and used decongestant every day. SPO2 is back to 98. Not only palpitations are gone but blood sugar never went over 300, in fact is around 250 no matter what i eat or drink. But can't use decongestant all the time.

In the meantime i figured one more thing. The garbage disposal was full deep inside the mechanism with decaying stuff, though i constantly cleaned all the visible and reachable parts, after using it more than it should have (didn't want to throw food in the garbage for some reasons) and after some "good guys" threw some microwaves in the garbage, it got contaminated with nasty bacteria and mold. I guess i never knew how bad it can get.

One day i came home from my walk and felt the smell and figured all these and tried the first remedy i saw online. Backing soda and vinegar. I thought it worked at first but then the smell came back after a new mw was thrown in the garbage. So i finally got to the second one, or what Angela told me a while ago and i ignored. Lemon peels.

They turn into pieces big enough to scrub the space in the disposal from inside, actually removing the bad stuff. I hope cause i really don't want to take it apart. I had in the fridge one drying lemon, but today i never got out of my permanent frustration enough to go to the store. Cause all i can see in there are again actors and extras and (fake)volunteers crossing my path. BTW got to order a lid on Amazon for the black hole just in case.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

November 28

7:48 O ipoteză "șoc" pentru cine bate pas de defilare chiar acum în apartamentul de sus. De aia nu a fost aici până ieri (luni) la ora 2 PM ora locală. Au scăpat porumbelul. Nici o chestie. A mai fost și Fifor pe aici. De când m-a trezit și până acum mi-a dat în cap suficient praf ca să mi se facă greață. Tortura nu se prescrie în SUA. Într-o zi va rămâne totuși fără pașaport și imunitate diplomatică.

8:07 Deja vu. E o diferență între prince și arestat.

8:25 Am fost la fereastră să mă uit ce mașină e aici, o femeie  japoneză pe care nu am mai văzut-o de vreun an, pitică de vreo 30 de ani și un metru și ceva înălțime stătea pregătită și a plecat de la scara vecină voioasă "la școală". Bine că nu am deschis ușa, să fac o poză cu scara dărâmată, ziua pe lumină.

9:09 Două persoane din care o tipă solidă și un tip, amândoi asiatici, totuși mai înalți, au coborât scările. S-a mai auzit puțin zgomot, după care zgomotul a încetat.

9:13 N-am știut! 35000 membri? Dacă a fost considerat periculos în 2016, de ce avea case în Franța? Au depus mărturie în fața Libération? A făcut un an pentru viol? Care au fost condițiile? Să nu plece din țară era una din ele? Nu știu, mie mi se pare că autoritățile din România și Franța îi creează într-adins toate condițiile ca el să poată continua să facă România de kk maka. Sau a fost totul inventat acum?

Narcis Tarcău, cel care a reprezentat India la Congresul Yoga de la Rishikesh din anul 2000,  "locotenentul" lui Bivolaru, fiul directoarei PTTR din Bacău (pe vremea ailaltă) a fost vecin de birou cu mine la IMU până in 1990 când am plecat la CPL. Membru al Atelierului de Proiectare Electrice la IMU, nu făcea altceva decât să joace jocuri pe un Sinclair toată ziua. Împreună cu Mitică, un tip care semăna perfect cu Mick Jagger.

Eugen Mârț, mâna stângă a lui Bivolaru, lucra la IPEP peste drum. Însă colegul meu de birou, Iulian Mârț, care locuia în Salem, Oregon (nu Massachusetts unde erau vrăjitoarele) împreună cu soția și cei doi copii, când am venit eu în SUA în August 1995 și lucra la firma Yamamoto în Hilsboro (acum închisă).

Am stat la el în Dallas (Oregon) o lună. Și el yoghin, dar nu cu MISA, este cu 10 cm mai înalt decât Bivolaru, deși semăna foarte bine cu el. Soția lui Veronica lucra și ea la o firmă  japoneză, WaferTech, în Salem. După care s-au mutat la Seattle, cam după anul 2000.

Am avut o postare de blog cu poze ale lui în Seattle 2007 dar se pare că am șters postarea definitiv, într-un moment când am crezut și eu că era chiar el, Bivolaru, mai am pozele pe un hard drive undeva într-un sertar. A nu am găsit postarea și pozele.

11:54 A existat mandat de căutare internațională pe numele lui emis de Finlanda din 2017 și totuși el s-a putut "ascunde" unde, în Paris, timp de 6 ani. (De ce credeam eu că e în închisoare?) Dacă e adevărată toată povestea.

12:53 Mai este o săptămână până la meeting-ul JHA (JAI) din 4-5 decembrie. Deși votul pentru aprobarea verificării condițiilor este în agendă (link mai jos în pagină), se zvonește acum că Olanda se opune aprobării verificării pentru Bulgaria, iar în agendă votul este într-adevăr programat împreună, ceea ce este un abuz ce șochează bunul simț. România și Bulgaria sunt două țări diferite, fiecare cu votul ei în Consiliu.

Însă agenda este provizorie, ea necesită votarea de către Consiliu la începutul meeting-ului. LOL îmi amintesc cum era în România la ședințele de partid (am devenit membru chiar înainte de 90, am prins una-două ședințe), tot așa, se vota ordinea de zi chiar la început. Chiar glumeam pe chestia aia, care a rămas în picioare și acum. "Cine e pentru, cine e împotrivă, să se abțină".

BTW România poate opune veto-ul din cauza abordării împreună cu Bulgaria și atunci se va duce dr.dre meeting-ul, Consiliul și UE în general.

1:50 She did laundry before she left. Her drier vent is under my wall and window. I think it could be only detergent from laundry that has not been rinsed enough. The symptoms (which i felt before many times but never made a connection) are tightness of skin around eyes, neck ankles and calves.

8:00 Can't turn off sound notifications in Windows 10 no matter how many hours i waste trying to find  the setting. Went outside to take the garbage, there is a chocking smoke around the building. Upstairs is quiet but they dry a third load of laundry.

Friday, November 24, 2023

November 24

10:05 Don't know if i can include the cyclicity of the seasons (given by the Earth's rotation around the Sun) in an explanation about Amaterasu's myth but November 23 is close enough to the winter solstice, at December 21 when daylight time starts to increase again.

But by reading the above linked article i figured other important things.

In the myth, the birth of music and shamanic dance is attributed to the temporary missing of the goddess, when daylight disappeared. In contemporary music, there are numerous examples of songs speaking of that, and comes to mind the verses "she got down but she never got tight/she's gonna make it through the night" from Blinded by the Light by Manfred Man.

Music and dance are now so ubiquitous in media and we never take the time to stop and think. How was life before the century of the lights? When it all started? The Renaissance? One thing we don't recognize. The shamanism of dance and music that surrounds our lives nowadays. And we all seem to ignore the source.

Modern music seems to have taken these days the role of a (shamanic) teacher, instructing us all the time (against the old order) with words repeating obsessively over and over. Having in mind another influential song by Pink Floyd.

Calculated deception and use of force for our good. Taking matters into own hands. Extrajudicial justice. Devine trickery. The Book of  Ninja (Bansenshukai) is full of it. But also comes to mind Maya, the world of illusions or mother of Buddha, which is part of Buddhism. Could it be the reason of the happy marriage in Japan between Buddhism and Shintoism, which seems to be a term linguistically derived from "Hinduism".

Own cave. Could this be the (Devine) model for Hikikomori? There are millions of young Japanese people who retreated in their own room, some for years. They also call it "social withdrawing". Though i suspect some of them are secretly enrolled in ninja training and Japan not having more hikikomori as percentage of the total population than any country.

I did that once. Been in the apartment for months if not one or two years, never going out. Angela had to go alone to buy groceries. In a year or two my body started to atrophy. Gained more and more weight.

One day it snowed a lot (like it happens once or twice a year in Oregon). I mean, one foot of snow and i ran out of cigarettes' and Angela could not drive to 7-11 with the Nissan.

I went outside, i was high all the time during that time though not realizing. I tried to put chains on the rear wheels of the truck, the chain on one wheel got entangled, i broke the truck. So i had to walk the half mile to 7-11. But after walking for like 5 minutes in the snow i realized i cannot walk no more. Me who when i was young i was walking 30 km or more in one day on the trails in the mountains surrounding the city i was born and lived until 14 or during vacations until 18.

In that evening i went outside to take pictures with the snow, again, the same difficulty moving around the complex.

So it cannot be. Those people will atrophy and not be able to do anything anymore in a year or so. I mean, some of them could be real, like in any country, and others using this as an opportunity.

But it has gotten out of control. For decades after the appearance of radio and television people accepted those as carrying new, unheard of before forms of speech and entertainement. More and more allusive, then with more and more sexual content, to the point one simply cannot listen to them anymore. How many curse words in a song by Doja Cat?

They for as long as i can remember used a lot a type of figurative speech when the singer speaks at first person actually casting attributes to another together with obsessively, bullying appellative "baby" that nowadays has turn into "b...h" and "ho" (Doja Cat, Doechii) in extraordinarily offensive songs.

Paint the Town Red has been on tops since release, with of course the help of all DJs in the world cause actually i and probably many others don't find that song so appealing to be played like 20 times a day on a hip-hop local station. Actually i ignored it for a long time though i was listening to it while driving and it came to my attention by chance.

Will people ever start to realize this is not western culture anymore but pieces of Amaterasu's mirror that shattered and covered the whole world?

They own most everything in the US. Though the graphs shows other countries "as well", their are present with finances in those countries as well. .7 trillions direct investment in US in 2021, must have been one trillion in 2023. It's all the money American pay for cars and other goods. Now they are pushing their singers disguised as Latinos and/or Blacks with their media networks in our ears.

11:42 Bullied by Republic Services.

I was writing the above when the thunder of the garbage truck started. I ran to the bin to pull the old garbage sacks from under only to see the bin being set again on top of those. And BTW there is a new one but fortunately was not covered yet.

I tried to talk to the driver and he said "why don't we do this next week" and i told him "i don't know if i can be that fast or even present" and then i asked him kindly "if he could do us all a favor and pull those two bags next week from under the bin (when he lifts it)" and he said "i should talk to the management and have the maintenance team be there to do that".

Then i told him i cannot tell the management what to do (i actually don't believe this is my job) and then he said "i see were you're coming from" and shut the cabin's door and now i feel guilt for even asking him that.

Wondering. Is there any procedure he has to follow or just continue to put the bin over old rotting garbage sacks.

12:08 I was driving yesterday to Grande Ronde on 18 around 5 PM. I think it was just before McMinville on the variant when i saw some flashing lights in the mirror. I was planning to pull as soon as those get closer, however they got closer much sooner than expected. It was dark enough not to see  the outer margin of the shoulder or the beginning of the ditch so like many times before, about one ft of my car remained in the lane.

Right in that fraction of a second i saw 3 State Police cars literally flying by. I think they had more than 100 mph. First one was far enough but second almost shaved my car. I haven't seen those again and haven't seen anything further down the road and i know State Police only have jurisdiction on freeways, or outside cities and towns.

12:22 Before that. Yesterday afternoon i added two more hundred milliliters of ATF in my car. I went for a test drive and yes, that was the case. I was low in ATF and the car was now shifting much better.

But it was like that since i got the car. I remember i saw on the plastic panel under the transmission and engine a pink gel. Is this what ATF turns into after a while?  Though there was no leak, then and later.

Obviously had to bend over to do that. But there was no one behind me.

Soon after i did that went to take the garbage and saw yet another trail of litter dust coming from the same place and going to the bin. I immediately went and grabbed the broom but several cars already passed over, milling those beads. I swept what i could, however i inhaled some of the dust. It was this choice. Let it there and slowly inhaling the dust over several days or sweep it and only inhale some once.

However it was not without consequences. Hours later i started to have weird daydreams, almost hallucinations when i was trying to sleep in the car. (Then i tried to drink from a broken plastic glass and spilled the drink on me. Then i had to rain inside with my pants wet because i had an urge to go out).

Thing is we were both under influence of that dust, for about a week. Angela was really mad these days.

12:32 Yesterday i first drove to Lincoln City. I was planning to hang around while Angela plays there. But i came 5 minutes earlier to the meeting point where i was supposed to pick her at 7:15. Tried to call but like last time her phone (we turned both phones on for a short time) wouldn't work inside  the casino. 2 minutes after, or at 7:12 a Security SUV came by. I was at the very edge of their property and not sure if inside or out.

However i was on the outer side of the street that supposedly is the border. The Security SUV entered the parking lot of the building of the Commission across the street and then left. However i left too and i could finally talk to her as she got out. She had to climb about 100 ft to the place i was cause i did not want to take a chance. Last time i talked to those guys they said i would be arrested if i come again on their property.

Question. Why there are not signs showing that your are on a private property, gates of fences? Is 4th street a public or a private road? How can i find out?

3:02 Ok i found something. I don't believe 4th St. is included in any of the properties. It is a bunch of properties belonging to the Confederation but i don't believe it is even a reservation. Unless the whole Lincoln City is.

But they don't need to be a reservation. Anywhere they act, the tribes are not taxed. Further research. What is the legal definition of a tribe, and how many members are left in Lincoln City and surrounding areas.

4:38 When the came today to empty the bins mold and bacteria from bins spread into the leaves. Because the leaves, in some areas up to 18 inches deep or tall or whatever are wet under. Some have tiny bubbles of bacterial growth.

That's why i found myself out of breath especially after Angela went to Walmart. Cause our digestive enzymes combined spread with opening of the esophagus/stomach or lower esophageal sphincter (the so called hiatal hernia) fight better the spores in the air.

Here came this matured tall guy with a goatee and two dogs (after children yelling like possessed by a mischievous kami) and chose to stop to get a better view of me from behind exactly when i was about to bend to fill a laundry basket. That would be basis for a later retaliation bending over which synced with some other stuff like noises, will make me sick for a half day.

6:33 Yeah i'm almost done with the leaves. I almost filled a whole bin. Yes the bin that sits on top of bags with old garbage, in a position where not many people throw their garbage on (it never gets filled, not even half of it). But the leaves are very loose, if enough people throw garbage over they will give in and pack. No evil done. BTW the person who used to throw blue doggy bags next to the bin now turned to pink.

John 14:6 "I am the truth" vs IN VINO VERITAS. Can a sinner tell the truth, on occasions? Do you have to be a martyr to give a good advise?

In Shintoism and Hinduism "there are no absolutes" like good and evil, each kami or devi is a mixture of them just like humans. Kali (the demon god, the fierce mother, the fury of Durga, the feminine counterpart of Shiva) kills (destroys) all evil doers etc. She was born enraged and even rebelled against her husband, Shiva.

8:10 PM. 817 DEU is the LPN of a GM black SUV that was parked next to the bin tonight. I saw that before but  never made the link. I longtime suspected the old man who dresses like a clown or homeless (suggesting modesty) is some religious figure from Romania.

After i caught my breath and wrote a bit in here i went to finish. They were two big piles that i squeezed in three laundry baskets and i grabbed a round piece of wood the size of a basketball bat to make more room in the bin.

A very thick smoke and the woman at 4 talks again in the balcony.

While i was trying to pack the leaves with the big stick a blond guy who lives with the old man came and threw provocatively from a distance 3 improvised doggy bags and one of them almost landed on my head, one next to the bin, saying something and then he left. BTW some people threw a few bags and now the bin smells like dog poop.

So bad it got into my clothes together in the parking lot.

All these happened after picking leaves for 2 hours with no one around and then spending one hour inside. Which means they were all celebrating their holiday which now i'm sure they believe in and had to call them over. Sorry guys for disrupting.

8:22 Here is a typical example of bending over. In an empty parking lot during a holiday, this woman stopped at a stop sign, got out of the car in a place she was not supposed to, even though there was no traffic, went on the right side and did something for at least a minutes so i had the time and opportunity.

From that distance it is also less offensive to viewers. The stress was provided within a minute by a cop who was patrolling the area, stopping at every shop. Yeah i was at the Mud Bay next to Michaels.

9:18 Mi-am zis eu mie însumi. Cu prima ocazie când gătesc orez fac o poză. Cel mai simplu lucru de gătit. 2 căni și jumătate apă, una cu vârf orez. După ce fierbe apa, pun orezul, amestec o singură dată, dau la foarte mic, pun capacul și urmăresc să bolborosească nu prea tare după care pun timer-ul la 12 minute când opresc aragazul și îl mai las să stea să tragă toată apa dacă mai are.

Se poate adăuga și lapte, zahăr, la sfârșit, când e fiert.

Total timp de lucru, 5 minute, timp total, 20. Da știu capacul e de la altceva, puțin mai mare, are mânerul rupt dar așa cu ele cum le vedeți am făcut eu mult orez.

10:38 I knew the smoke outside does not come from a wildfire, by the smell. It took many hours for the smoke to get here, 13 miles away in the wind's direction.