Our body is designed to take some blows or overcome temporary pushing of the physiology out of limits and then safely revert to normal but when these situations become more permanent, this could push it in the realm of irreversible chronic conditions.
Imagine if i could know when exactly my diabetes or my heart disease started and what was the reason.
But there might be conditioning factors that are under our control and we prefer to stay under those influences per reasons of... feeling well.
I will not talk about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs as this subject is completely exhausted and everybody agrees those will sooner or letter get to you.
There are other more subtle vices we agree to practice that do not involve nothing except our own body and mind.
Everybody of course remembers short scenes from martial arts movies where the "masters" emphasize the importance of breath. Not talking about the sarcasm of the scene breath in breath out in the Karate Kid movie where the masters seem to teach the kid to breath in dust.
Trouble is our bodies have two major different ways of functioning, depending on the way we breath, both called metabolism. Which comes of course from Ancient Greek. One, the more common involves burning fat and glucose in our cells using oxygen.
It's of course a slow burn, does not usually destroy the cells in the process, except of course if it's so intense the heat does not have time to be evacuated from tissues, causing the so called muscular breakdown.
There are two types of metabolisms, and we are talking here mostly about muscles but the other major energy user of our body, the brain, also have the two types of metabolism. Aerobic and anaerobic.
Ok so let's end the confusion and name a number of exercises that promote both types of metabolisms. Basically all the exercises that are slow and constant are aerobic and those who are short and intense are anaerobic, but they can also coexist.
Have yo ever seen a lion chasing and antelope and then giving up? The reason is the lion can do short bursts of high intensity effort that can last a bit over one minute but then it crashes. It has to stop following. So with other predators.
In other words, aerobic type of metabolism is more sustainable and anaerobic is something extra we need on short time basis when necessary.
And now let's get down to the reason i am writing all these. Anybody remembers David Carradine? I was still in Romania when i saw the series and was impressed as with many other new things that came in our TV after the "revolution" of 1989.
Today i googled more about him and i saw he actually started to study those during the third series of the movie, mostly per reasons to do some of the stunts as it was probably too complicated and inefficient to use doubles.
There is even a video of him and Chuck Norris fighting in a movie, where Carradine of course gets humiliated. But that proves Chuck who was a real karate fighter some time in his early life thought he was a "worthy (movie scene) opponent".
Have yo ever seen a lion chasing and antelope and then giving up? The reason is the lion can do short bursts of high intensity effort that can last a bit over one minute but then it crashes. It has to stop following. So with other predators.
In other words, aerobic type of metabolism is more sustainable and anaerobic is something extra we need on short time basis when necessary.
And now let's get down to the reason i am writing all these. Anybody remembers David Carradine? I was still in Romania when i saw the series and was impressed as with many other new things that came in our TV after the "revolution" of 1989.
Today i googled more about him and i saw he actually started to study those during the third series of the movie, mostly per reasons to do some of the stunts as it was probably too complicated and inefficient to use doubles.
There is even a video of him and Chuck Norris fighting in a movie, where Carradine of course gets humiliated. But that proves Chuck who was a real karate fighter some time in his early life thought he was a "worthy (movie scene) opponent".
Then the news about his death shocked me (i was a bit of a fan). Autoerotic suffocation they said. A risky practice of self strangulating to enhance sexual arousal and final pleasure.
Yeah i saw that during some videos on certain sites. Women change dramatically breath rate when approaching climax, with some holding, some accelerating, or combinations (sequences) and changes in metabolism made obvious by blushes.
Yeah i saw that during some videos on certain sites. Women change dramatically breath rate when approaching climax, with some holding, some accelerating, or combinations (sequences) and changes in metabolism made obvious by blushes.
So i would assume some during sex in anticipation change from one type of metabolism to other or combinations etc. mostly meant for enhancing pleasure in experienced practitioners.
So i tried to of course due some searches about.
Why is this important? Cause i believe some people, as they get older and have less sex, they start to mimic pleasure causing habits during non sexual activities and that of course is subconsciously changing breath rhythms in order to get... satisfaction.
(Have you ever wrote a paragraph in less than a minute typing 60 wpm in one breath and then took a moment to relax and enjoy the result?)
I was talking the other day about the cycle of motivation/satisfaction as being the carrying vehicle of our thoughts processes. Both can be purely mental like getting mad seeing a stupid manipulative news and getting a feeling of accomplishment after "nailing" or "debunking" it in a few short paragraphs.
Everybody heard about the expression "holding one's breath" while expecting some result either by our actions or other's. I believe is a method of kicking your extra anaerobic reserve for the moment the result is being releases, which can be either ways, to better deal with it.
Truth is we can, using the control over this semi-conscient part of physiology that is breathing, alter our own physiology, consciously or not, with some control over releasing some of the neurotransmitters that come with both types of metabolism.
However this is just the beginning of what i'm about to write. The intro part.
It is well known the cascading effect of yawning. Again semi-conscious synchronizing of human activities. I believe it was acquired during evolution when cave men/women needed to synch some of the activities, like sleeping.
But breathing or simultaneously entering aerobic anaerobic states of a group of people? What cold that help with? I don't know, maybe when synching efforts do cooperate on something. Chasing an animal doing hunt? Pushing a rock uphill by a group of people?
And being a synched social behavior, it must be based on triggers. Some conscious, some not. Vibrational communications based, maybe. And if it's based on signals, it can be hacked.
How many times it happened to me like when holding breath to faster write a paragraph the human upstairs made of noise to either interrupt that thought or to get me out of it, before reaching the satisfaction linked to finishing that paragraph that was actually based on a host of mental processes, all interrupted, generating a feeling of total dissatisfaction with first consequences, the impulse to drop everything and getting mad and remaining in anaerobic for minutes or hours after.
So i tried to of course due some searches about.
Why is this important? Cause i believe some people, as they get older and have less sex, they start to mimic pleasure causing habits during non sexual activities and that of course is subconsciously changing breath rhythms in order to get... satisfaction.
(Have you ever wrote a paragraph in less than a minute typing 60 wpm in one breath and then took a moment to relax and enjoy the result?)
I was talking the other day about the cycle of motivation/satisfaction as being the carrying vehicle of our thoughts processes. Both can be purely mental like getting mad seeing a stupid manipulative news and getting a feeling of accomplishment after "nailing" or "debunking" it in a few short paragraphs.
Everybody heard about the expression "holding one's breath" while expecting some result either by our actions or other's. I believe is a method of kicking your extra anaerobic reserve for the moment the result is being releases, which can be either ways, to better deal with it.
Truth is we can, using the control over this semi-conscient part of physiology that is breathing, alter our own physiology, consciously or not, with some control over releasing some of the neurotransmitters that come with both types of metabolism.
However this is just the beginning of what i'm about to write. The intro part.
It is well known the cascading effect of yawning. Again semi-conscious synchronizing of human activities. I believe it was acquired during evolution when cave men/women needed to synch some of the activities, like sleeping.
But breathing or simultaneously entering aerobic anaerobic states of a group of people? What cold that help with? I don't know, maybe when synching efforts do cooperate on something. Chasing an animal doing hunt? Pushing a rock uphill by a group of people?
And being a synched social behavior, it must be based on triggers. Some conscious, some not. Vibrational communications based, maybe. And if it's based on signals, it can be hacked.
How many times it happened to me like when holding breath to faster write a paragraph the human upstairs made of noise to either interrupt that thought or to get me out of it, before reaching the satisfaction linked to finishing that paragraph that was actually based on a host of mental processes, all interrupted, generating a feeling of total dissatisfaction with first consequences, the impulse to drop everything and getting mad and remaining in anaerobic for minutes or hours after.
But this case is very singular or can be understood by a tiny minority only. Those who do what i do.
There are other things being directed to masses and that is modern music. Have you seen how much they repeat some of the newest released junk on the airways? Yeah i know they would say i should shut the damn radio and not listen to.
But what to do when you have to drive like one more hundred miles at night and feel like falling asleep and turn on the radio? Until not long ago i used to enjoy it but now that i start to see more and more into it i came to hate it but i can't without it either because i'm addicted or too lonely especially in these long morning winters when i'm stuck along in the apartment.
There are other things being directed to masses and that is modern music. Have you seen how much they repeat some of the newest released junk on the airways? Yeah i know they would say i should shut the damn radio and not listen to.
But what to do when you have to drive like one more hundred miles at night and feel like falling asleep and turn on the radio? Until not long ago i used to enjoy it but now that i start to see more and more into it i came to hate it but i can't without it either because i'm addicted or too lonely especially in these long morning winters when i'm stuck along in the apartment.
And talking about apartment. How many times am i supposed to hear this song over and over? After i deciphered some of the symbolism in it, i discovered in the last few days there's so much more to it. APT which seems to be the abbreviated name of a popular Korean drinking game, suggests ATP as most people heard about this chemical crucial in cellular metabolism both aerobic and anaerobic.
The woman sin_ger at times seems to announce. I'm on my way! Is this song among others an invitation to enter anaerobic for your own pleasure? Make it an addiction?
The woman sin_ger at times seems to announce. I'm on my way! Is this song among others an invitation to enter anaerobic for your own pleasure? Make it an addiction?
Then this morning i heard another one, right next to this. (BTW, we have here in Portland this radio station like no other that pumps continuously the hottest hits on Billboard hip hop chart like no other i saw in other states).
Equally annoying one ore two notes most of time time, it seems to... "So hot it hurts!"
12:53 PM This morning i did my insulin on my inner thigh as it seemed i have more fat in there. They were big thundering noises coming from the garbage truck moving the bins and was not very careful when i chose the place and a drop of blood came after i pulled the tiny needle. Then i realized i did it next to a big dilated varicose vein and started to panic. I even googled. What happens when you do an insulin shot into a vein?
I started to heat up really fast (my feet were kinda cold before). About 15 minutes later i took again my blood sugar and saw it was dropping fast (not like i'm used to when doing insulin with a pen). So it dropped from 340 before the injection to 260 in about half hour and i was feeling kinda light headed.
I said to myself if it drops at the same rate, within an hour i would probably go under 200 and more. So i grabbed my clothes, dressed up just in case and took it one more time. It turns that the panic and moving around made my blood sugar to raise again to 290 and the light headedness disappeared.
So i would assume i entered anaerobic because of panic and my cells stopped using glucose so much.
During my searches today i saw there are devices that can actually tell what kinda metabolism you're in. I think it is very important to me to buy one those and watch the link with blood sugar level.
I started to heat up really fast (my feet were kinda cold before). About 15 minutes later i took again my blood sugar and saw it was dropping fast (not like i'm used to when doing insulin with a pen). So it dropped from 340 before the injection to 260 in about half hour and i was feeling kinda light headed.
I said to myself if it drops at the same rate, within an hour i would probably go under 200 and more. So i grabbed my clothes, dressed up just in case and took it one more time. It turns that the panic and moving around made my blood sugar to raise again to 290 and the light headedness disappeared.
So i would assume i entered anaerobic because of panic and my cells stopped using glucose so much.
During my searches today i saw there are devices that can actually tell what kinda metabolism you're in. I think it is very important to me to buy one those and watch the link with blood sugar level.
1:04 PM Market, first winning day of the year. Based on Tesla, Nvidia, oil (energy).
BTW yesterday i went to buy cigarettes and tried again Albertson's on Boone Ferry. No Nat's there. No you can't get cigarettes on Amazon. The giant doesn't want to save climate change fuel burning trips for smokers.
BTW yesterday i went to buy cigarettes and tried again Albertson's on Boone Ferry. No Nat's there. No you can't get cigarettes on Amazon. The giant doesn't want to save climate change fuel burning trips for smokers.
When i came back i found myself driving behind a Tesla Cybertruck (why they call it cyber). I knew some sort of trouble was going to follow but was too lazy to do something (like breaking up). Or maybe i was in some sort of trance it happens when i meet weird people doing (non)random things in stores.
It was going ahead of me and when i stopped at the lights on the ramp there was a woman driving a van or something who "missed" her green lights holding the wheel nervously on the top, bent over, in order to make me appear like i'm following the damn thing as a cop car was stopped on the freeway flashing red and blue lights and probably filming.
1:45 Lately every time i went to smoke a cigarette (usually in the back) some vehicle comes to pick or leave a kid at the daycare in an apartment across the alley, within my line of site. Right now there was no exception but i came bac in to write it down as it's still there.
2:10 Nu am încontro, trebuie să scriu despre "știrile" de azi care sunt împănate cu ceea ce scriu. Majoritatea sunt invenții media.
Tortul bugetar.
Trebuie să fim recunoscători, nu să căutăm noduri în papura bugetară sau pe site-ul Ministerului Finanțelor. Un deficit de 9% este un record, chiar pentru România, chiar raportat la PIB. ANAF să colecteze mai bine.
TVA este ușor de colectat. După cum arată tortul, impozitul pe profit și pe salarii este infim în comparație cu TVA sau contribuția pentru pensie. Dar impozitul pe salariu ar trebuie să fie doar de două ori și jumătate mai mic decât contribuția CAS (conform fluturașilor). Asta arată că firmele nu virează impozitul pe salariu sau profit iar ANAF se face că nu vede.
Să fim recunoscători și nu ne uităm la miliardele cheltuite aiurea prin ministere. Cam jumătate din buget dispare din contabilitatea ministerelor. O scurtă privire la bugetul Ministerului Educației, care plătește 33 miliarde salarii, fiind cel mai mare angajator din România, arată o sumă egală sau mai mare care nu se știe la ce a folosită. Și nu iese nici un politician la rampă să ne spună.
It was going ahead of me and when i stopped at the lights on the ramp there was a woman driving a van or something who "missed" her green lights holding the wheel nervously on the top, bent over, in order to make me appear like i'm following the damn thing as a cop car was stopped on the freeway flashing red and blue lights and probably filming.
1:45 Lately every time i went to smoke a cigarette (usually in the back) some vehicle comes to pick or leave a kid at the daycare in an apartment across the alley, within my line of site. Right now there was no exception but i came bac in to write it down as it's still there.
2:10 Nu am încontro, trebuie să scriu despre "știrile" de azi care sunt împănate cu ceea ce scriu. Majoritatea sunt invenții media.
Tortul bugetar.
Trebuie să fim recunoscători, nu să căutăm noduri în papura bugetară sau pe site-ul Ministerului Finanțelor. Un deficit de 9% este un record, chiar pentru România, chiar raportat la PIB. ANAF să colecteze mai bine.
TVA este ușor de colectat. După cum arată tortul, impozitul pe profit și pe salarii este infim în comparație cu TVA sau contribuția pentru pensie. Dar impozitul pe salariu ar trebuie să fie doar de două ori și jumătate mai mic decât contribuția CAS (conform fluturașilor). Asta arată că firmele nu virează impozitul pe salariu sau profit iar ANAF se face că nu vede.
Să fim recunoscători și nu ne uităm la miliardele cheltuite aiurea prin ministere. Cam jumătate din buget dispare din contabilitatea ministerelor. O scurtă privire la bugetul Ministerului Educației, care plătește 33 miliarde salarii, fiind cel mai mare angajator din România, arată o sumă egală sau mai mare care nu se știe la ce a folosită. Și nu iese nici un politician la rampă să ne spună.
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