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Showing posts sorted by date for query head. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

November 13

12:50 AM This guy also looks like a colleague from IMU, APT (Atelierul de Proiectare Tehnologică, Technological Design Dept). Mihai something. He probably just went back to Hungary.

In 1986 when i finished college, i had a "government repartition", (like all graduates) at IMU Bacău, because Angela was also in Bacău and i had Bacău residency on my ID card.

But when i went in there, right after, trouble. They did not want to hire me, because "it was too early". Should go in a vacation something, come back in a month. So i got mad and went to Ovidiu, knowing his father was a colonel in Securitate. However, it was what today are Jandarmeria, the equivalent of maybe SWAT in the US. Not the infamous repressive Securitate, or the State Police. Whatever. Maybe it was.

But doing so i got Ovidiu in trouble, cause he was already heading to one of then affordable for everyone Black Sea resorts and his father told him he should to the same as me. Start working. I told his father i would do the same if i was him whatever. That was really awkward. He told me to go back the next day.

The next day i got to talk to the Chief Engineer of the whole Design Department. He asked me, "generously", with a grim on his face, which department i want to work in, and i said, right away, Design, cause i had this experience with the newer computers and some CAD (Computer Aided Design) exposure during my last year in college.

I believe at the time they had 600 engineers and sub engineers in the Design department alone, mostly not doing nothing (no new products, not much need for design).

(No i never been friends with Ovidiu. He was the type... A bit shy, a bit jerk acting towards me like i was stupid or something. Not the kind would carry a long conversation. (Actually, i was pretty awkward, socially, ignoring too many things, a nerd some could say, but now they all respected me because of my computer skills and my position).

I remember when Ioana told us...

It all happened during those crazy days when all the guys in design were taken for a month or so in fall to help gathering the corn from fields. Belonging to the cooperatives as they were called. Manually. Not enough work force or machines at the cooperatives, corn would have been left on fields. Maybe a lesson for us all in the great Machine Tools company.

With sometimes beer at the end of the day at the restaurant at the end of the corn field. With outdoor tables.

One day (later, in a different place, near the airport). Me and Ovidiu were arguing about the concept of up and down in space and she intervened between us and said we should stop fighting. "You should be friends". I believe we looked perplexed at each other and started to laugh. For different reasons though.

And yes we went both to a party with her. Or was that a different guy. No, it was him and another guy Three guys, with the host, 4, two girls, one was picked by husband and i left early. After dancing with her on my shoulders though).

Once i got hired, i started to persuade my boss to create a CAD group. Some other people heard about.

All the machine tools companies in Romania (15 in total i believe, with thousands of personnel each, way too many for our needs) were subordinated to one so called Central of Machine Tools Industry or something.

Over there, there was this guy who had been given this task, implement CAD, so i got to work with him. Buy a mini computer, terminals, find a place in the main office building, things like that, select people which took me a couple of years. The IT department started a war with me, wanted us to become their subordinate.

Because they had an old computer, many people, and mostly because they did not want me to interfere with design and especially time allocated for each product, because... it all comes down to corruption, big bribe money for paying fictitious overtime for thousands of people.

Trouble is, the guy at the Central as i figured recently (last few years) was looking a lot like this guy, while my second boss at IMU (after we the CAD group have been moved to a different department), Preparation of Fabrication, was looking like this one.

I remember when i talked the first time with the Central guy after the Revolution (and last time i saw him). I was excited and stuff and he told me he saw too many of them revolutions. 4 i believe he said.

It was late 89 when i finished a software for generating the so called "technological files" that included the part for time allocation ("the norms") for each operation for a certain part. That meant workmanship. Pay. That day my boss talked to me on a corridor so no one can see and hear and told me to forget about.

Soon after (early 90) i quit and went to work with Angela and do accounting and payroll software because i knew there was no future in that company. They were too many in Romania, with too many people hired and outdated technology. Over there, my boss looked like...

Much better, i recon (how many parties, New Years, etc.). The Chief Financial Officer (contabil șef) looked like... In the IT department, my boss' right hand was...

But when i think today, i believe it was not that bad, the technological state of IMU. However, too many people were against me there. Others were hunting my position (though we haven't done much, with that project canceled) and without the guy from Bucharest i would have been lost soon.

Finding out all these clarified anything to me? At some point i still don't understand why, and especially why me? I believe it all started in college. They wanted me to familiarize with computers. Maye they did not know how the future might look like, but they knew it will be all based on computers. Look at the internet now. 

So they wanted me to be able to use a computer and tell all these stories now. Even if i use only a fraction of what i learned, i mean editing a blog post, uploading a picture, do searches?

2:40 I remember that day when we both (me and Ioana) ran away from the corn field, maybe an hour or two earlier. Stopped by a creek and washed our hands, belies and stuff (we were full of dust from hugging piles of dry corn stalks). Went at a table at the restaurant and ordered beer. It was a beautiful September evening i guess. That restaurant was also at the end of a city bus line.

Next day she showed me her belly and i showed her mine. It was full of blisters and stuff. I remembered and told her. That creek in the middle of the corn field smelled funny. Not convincing... I believe next time i saw her she was with a guy even taller than me.

3:00 If anybody is still guessing why i'm up all night? Simple, because it's so much more quiet... Few cars with loud exhaust, no traffic on the nearby freeway, no stepping upstairs. Too nice, i just can't give in to sleeping. Also, still mad about the last walk on the ceiling last night. Mad about the smell. Mad about lots of things.

3:30 I remember we did not have an outside line on the phones. I mean you could make an outside call, but talk first with the company's operator, and she would try the number and put you through. Buy the inter-city lines were clogged. You could wait hours.

When i was in a hurry, i went, like other people, in the Chief Engineer waiting room and ask for a favor to one of  his secretaries. Cause he had two.

One was young and cute as hell, the wife of engineer Ionescu, Head of Tools Production Department (who looked a bit like King Charles, when young, with a moustache), could just not get enough to look at her (mostly with my peripheral view, not to get noticed, but i remember, she had dark brown sleepy eyes) and the other old and ugly as hell, and i think she could have been... (link below).

Once there and gotten her approval, i would dial the number once, twice, 20 times. The key was not to hurry, to give some time to those electro-mechanical switches in those ancient centrals to move around between numbers... If i was lucky, i could have made my call within half hour.

One day i went in there right after Ioana and the secretary kept wiping the phone with alcohol after her and i believe it was a message to my subconscious, to stay away from Ioana... which BTW it worked.

3:50 Sunt cel puțin 2 feluri diferite de a te îneca cu mâncare... Spun pentru că le știu bine pe fiecare. Unul este disfagia. Mâncarea se oprește în esofag, nu mai coboară în stomac.

Cauza este un esofag iritat și dureros, ceea ce blochează mișcarea peristaltică care împinge mâncarea în stomac, combinată cu un stomac și intestin plin de gaze. Poate fi combinată cu aerofagie (înghițirea de aer), care este compresibil și "amortizează" acea mișcare de împingere în jos.

E foarte nașpa. Adică, încercați să vă imaginați. Mâncarea începe se circule în sus și în jos în esofag. Se aud zgomote ca și cum îți ghiorăie mațele. Dacă încerci să bei ceva, devine foarte dureros.

Eu odată am stat la urgențe 4 ore în starea asta, și m-au trimis așa acasă și eram foarte obosit și m-am culcat și dimineață m-am trezit ok. Se golise. Esofagul.

Am avut chestia de zeci de ori. Prima dată în 2012 cu măr nemestecat bine pe o plajă plină cu mii de turiști care coborâseră de pe o navă de croazieră, la Astoria, Oregon. Da, eram stresat de niște eșapamente și niște tipi cu detectoare de metal. O japoneză cu rucsac s-a uitat foarte foarte urât la mine chiar înainte de a mânca.

Orez uscat cu ardei iuți la un bar chinezesc la Spirit Mountain sau Thunder Valley Casino. Condusesem sute de mile când am ajuns acolo. Eram stresat și obosit. Orezul ăla stătuse acolo sub un reflector o zi întreagă cred. Am reușit să vomit în parcare.

Cel mai recent, azi. Dimineață. Am mâncat (molfăit) carne de vită cam uscată. Dar a trecut de la sine. Dureros, am simțit mâncarea coborând în stomac. Se întâmplă doar la primele înghițituri. După ce aciditatea din esofag s-a neutralizat cu mâncare, am mâncat ok.

Am înțeles de pe site-uri că poți face atac de inimă de la un asemenea episod. Mai ales dacă nu știi ce se întâmplă și panichezi. Practic, și o spun din foarte multe experiențe, în afară de senzația foarte nașpa, nu e nici un pericol imediat. Da, bine, îți poate crește tensiunea foarte mult, mai ales prin efect psihologic, iar dacă ai ceva cu inima...

Există un remediu, descoperit recent de mine. Faci o soluție foarte concentrată (saturată) de bicarbonat în apă, adică un sfert de pahar de praf și un sfert apă și iei o mică înghițitură. Asta ar trebui să neutralizeze acidul din esofag, fără a-l umple mai tare. Dispare durerea, mișcarea peristaltică funcționează iar.

A și încă un remediu. Două degete presărate cu sare, în fundul gurii. Însă mie îmi este greu să vomit, cred că sunt sub influență de botulinum mai tot timpul. A și este foarte greu să vomiți conținutul esofagului. Ai nevoie de o mișcare peristaltică, nu de presiune prin contractarea stomacului. Este alt tip de vomitat, dar se poate.

Preventiv. Dacă simți că ai acid în esofag (jigăraie) bea câteva înghițituri de apă cu bicarbonat sau simplu apă dacă nu ai bicarbonat, ca să se spele esofagul de acid înainte de a mânca ceva solid.

De asemenea poți să faci atac de inimă, dacă ai inima slabă, sau poți să te îneci, așa cum am pățit eu ultima dată, acum câteva zile, când mai eram și beat și am vomitat. Am fost foarte, foarte aproape.

Deci. Esofag iritat (jigăraie), mâncare uscată și condimentată. Gaze în stomac.

Al doilea tip este refluxul gastric. Se întâmplă numai în somn. Te trezești cu căile respiratorii blocate de mâncare ridicată din stomac. Se întâmplă fiindcă mănânci seara prea mult combinat cu gaze în stomac și intestin. Dacă nu reușești să respiri timp de un minut, normal faci atac de inimă. Stop cardiac. Whatever.

Deci în ambele cazuri diagnosticul poate fi atac de inimă, dacă doctorul care face autopsia omite să spună ca a găsit ceva în esofag sau pe căile respiratorii.

Remediu. Nu te culca cu stomacul plin și capul prea jos. Încarcă să scapi de gazele intestinale de cu seară. Nu mânca fasole seara.

Și într-un caz și în altul suspectez, pe deasupra, vrăji. Aplecatul înainte, cu fundul spre tine, mai ales când ești obosit și stresat. Declanșează un reflex care blochează eliminarea gazelor și în același timp crește aciditatea în esofag, prin stres. Efectul vrăjii durează ore sau până a doua zi.

Faza de la Spirit Mountain. 19 mai 2018. Un tip mătura pe lângă mese și se apleca mereu. Pe atunci nu știam chestia cu aplecatul. Am condus 2 ore până acasă așa. Am vomitat când am ajuns. Orez.

4:30 Atenție la condițiile de mediu. Poate aveți mucegai pe undeva și nu știți. Praf, dacă locuiți lângă un drum sau ați zugrăvit neprofesionist. Sunt o mulțime de situații în mediu care pot conduce la așa ceva. Un cuptor de aragaz sau chiar suprafață, murdar tot timpul. Da știu e greu de curățat.

Un frigider cu radiator ascuns dedesubt, plin de praf. Eu personal nu mai cred în ADD, toate tâmpeniile și nici măcar în anxietate. Este întotdeauna ceva legat de mediu, ceva ignorat de mult timp. O infecție dentară în stare latentă, cronicizată.

Chestia cu cuptorul de la aragaz. Am uitat chiar în seara asta două tăvi de pizza pe afară și mă simțeam anxios dar nu știam de la ce. În cuptor este bine să puneți o farfurie două întinse cu praf de bicarbonat care să absoarbă mirosul la sursă.

5:05  Faza asta e reală? Transferanță...

5:25 One more story with Ovidiu before Angela leaves and i go to sleep. Only to be awakened at 8 by those guys with the stairs... Don't know how i will survive the next couple of days, with all the health problems and stuff...

So i met with him at Casa Armatei (Army Club) in Bacău, was opened for everyone, not far from where i lived on Energiei St., drinking beer of course. And he told me a story heard from his colonel father from Securitate.

Those live shows with Păunescu. Poetry and folk music. One night, there was a power outage, and dozens of youth died during a stampede... Then Ceaușescu pulled the plug on him.

What else was happening. At some time during every show, Păunescu would ask the Police, Securitate, whatever, to leave the stadium or hall. And the next day the Police (Miliția how it was called) would find plenty of girls' panties in the last rows...

6:05 Autor Ioana Ion?

9:50 Slept about one hour or less. At around 8:30 they started outside with the power tools.

Asta indică faptul verificat de mulți ani că pompele de căldură furnizează mai multă energie decât consumă. După cum se precizează în articol, ele de fapt nu furnizează energie, ci mută energie dintr-o zonă a spațiului în alta.

De aceea se și numesc pompe de căldură. Aparatul de aer condiționat, frigiderul sunt tot pompe de căldură, iar ce numim astăzi pompe de căldură sunt de fapt aparate de aer condiționat inversate (cu radiatorul cald înăuntru). De fapt, sunt reversibile din construcție putând funcționa în ambele feluri, în funcție de anotimp.

Eu cred că ele pot fi folosite la construirea unui perpetuum mobile (da, de speța a II-a).

O pompă de căldură, cu un radiator cald și unul rece are total un transfer de energie cald-rece sau rece cald de până la 4 ori mai mare decât energia consumată.

Într-un proces spontan, energia se transferă întotdeauna de la cald la rece, cu creșterea entropiei. Într-o pompă de căldură, construită de ființe inteligente, energia se poate transfera de la rece la cald (răcind și mai mult partea rece, încălzind și mai mult partea caldă), deci cu scăderea entropiei.

Dacă putem capta această energie pentru a mișca un generator electric, s-ar putea obține de aproape 4 ori mai multă energie decât se consumă. Asta se poate face într-un sistem închis cu un motor Stirling, care funcționează cu o sursă rece și una caldă și are o eficiență de până la 45%, deci o astfel de instalație ar furniza un surplus de energie gratuită.

Bine, asta doar pentru a demonstra viabilitatea ideii. Cred că se pot imagina astfel de dispozitive mai simple și mai compacte.

Toate acesta au fost prevăzute într-un articol publicat în 1929 de savantul evreo-maghiar Leo Szilard, "Despre reducerea entropiei în sisteme termodinamice prin intervenția ființelor inteligente". Nu știu exact luna în care a fost publicat articolul, dar e posibil să fie înainte de declanșarea marii crize economice din 1929.

Este ciudată denumirea dată de Maxwell acelei ființe inteligente care separă moleculele calde și cele reci din experimentul său mental numit "Demonul lui Maxwell".

Noi toți am auzit de Maxwell din școala generală de la fizică. Transformarea energiei potențiale în cinetică și invers. Pendulul lui Maxwell.

Această denumire creează o barieră psihologică (de repulsie) pentru oricine aude. Și totuși, pe acest principiu de bazează funcționarea frigiderelor și dispozitivelor de aer condiționat, așa cum le știm de decenii. Rolul demonului lui Maxwell (poartă termică unidirecțională, diodă termică) în pompe de căldură îl preia suprafața de separare lichid-gaz.

În electronică, rolul demonului lui Maxell este preluat de diode care pot rectifica curentul alternativ și regulariza sensul de transport al energiei. Cred că este evident pentru oricine că electronii dintr-un circuit de curent alternativ au mai multă entropie decât cei dintr-un circuit de curent continuu (care circulă într-un singur sens). Posibile, yet not.

Aceste idei și discuții au fost suprimate timp de o sută de ani fiindcă ținta sau țelul actualei conduceri din vârful ordinii mondiale practic dorește distrugerea planetei prin încălzirea ei, pentru a îndeplini o profeție a lui Buda și pentru, conform credinței și filosofiei proprii, a închide ciclul tuturor reîncarnărilor (Nirvana pentru toți).

În continuare o demonizare a numelui Maxwell este făcută într-o melodie Beatles, ce re-prezintă un pata fizician în devenire (nerd) care acționează ca un ucigaș în serie (serial killer).

7:50 Zeroing in on Beatles. From cold to colder. In this song her stands for heroin, right?

Hey dude, refrain... Nothing else could heal your pain... Now go drink some water go and get her. It will only cost you six pence an arm and a leg.

10:40 Flares.

Maxwell serial killer.

Matrițe și scule (așchietoare).

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Alexa Crush and the Three Little Racoons.

Ok i don't know if i'm going to finish this tonight. Last nigh i was tired and dehydrated by drinking and then i crashed and waked up in the middle of the night and got really pissed when i remembered what happened. My face feels like it's swelling though it's not. Hands too. Didn't take antibiotics in three days but got some liver problems now. I think after i been too close again to the sewer behind Chinook Winds.

It is not a secret i have been in the recent past obsessed with an Tik Tok influencer that goes by the name Alexa Crush. Lately i started to believe she is the Hungarian actress Nikolett Krajcsi, a mother of three but not so sure anymore, mostly because of height of which i'm not sure. But can't rule out either, because of name and face resemblance.

She once had a number of posts on Tik Tok dressed as a green fairy that made me buy some absinthe essence online and translate a poem from Baudelaire for her.

In my imagination there was some sort of dialog between us. She was posting on Tik Tok and i on my blog. Didn't care if some of her posts were a bit off with clothing and stuff. But then i became pissed when she started to post about her being protector of dogs. Cause i started to really hate those, for obvious reasons. So i quit following her and soon she stopped posting on all platforms.

From a post on my main blog i referenced numerous times. There was in building D closest entrance from us a Chinese or Japanese woman who was posing as my friend. One night i drove with my truck to Spirit Mountain and she tried to stop me by literally getting in my way a couple of times. When i came back, a cop stopped me in Newberg because the sticker in my rear plate number was missing.

She was driving a small Dodge SUV. One night some guy whom i seen here before (or his truck) but not sure, i think he was a taller guy first, backed up in her SUV, pushed the SUV in the building and ruined the stairwell. Was that the moment of crash or crush? It is odd the guy did not get arrested or anything. That was reckless.

But lately he became shorter and i thought i recognized him as being the husband of... Nilolett the actress, link above. But never saw him at what apartment he goes.

After the crash, the Chinese woman moved with her SUV and in her place came a woman that many times lately i thought it was Alexa Crush herself. However she was certainly looking like Nikolett. (Found out lately, by chance).

But when i looked to her family pictures, i thought i recognized the little girl (age adjusted) who was acting like possessed by the dog kami and acting accordingly that after i wrote about, she was gone.

At that moment i believed Alexa Crush was the Japanese actress Michi Nishijima and i think she did appear during that trip on Lake Tahoe.

One night, last spring, she was walking her dog and she said hi to me. Though i answered, did not want to talk to her further as i thought she wanted. Not knowing who she really was, did not want to complicate my life here at the complex.

But then i saw a woman one night at Spirit Mountain sitting in a corner and doing whatever while the orchestra man on the podium was playing Ode to the Joy. (The weekend of August 18).

It was that night when i started to have doubts Alexa Crush was not Michi Nishijima. Came home, did some more searches and i found for the first time Nikolett. In the next couple of days i did a match (August 22), i forgot to put one of the links that proves it was her (though the name was there, but not clickable), told myself i would keep it in mind, searching for a confirmation, and then i forgot.

But after that i started to look more careful at her. When she was coming home at night in her car she was playing loud music so i knew when she came. At times i was going outside, but i figured she never looked at me because i did not want to talk to her that night. Most of the time i was looking that way she had the door opened and all kinda decorations inside and outside the apartment.

Some of those were "on theme" with what happened to me daily.

Sunday at Road's End came a woman in a green beetle (the green bug) and did a routine in front of us. She then climbed down at the beach. The walk was similar to the red headed woman's (Nikolett), but the hair was dark brown.

Tonight i was drunk and smoking and she went to the mailboxes, passing on the other side of the alley, looking scared (a long white face). Then she turned her head towards me and i said hi and she did not answer. Then at the mailboxes she turned her head, looked at me and then started to browse the phone.

Being here for one year, she must have seen me here about a thousand times, especially when i was going to the bins to knot the bags. She knew i lived here and she saw me smoking many times before but never looked scared or turned her head towards me.

Then she came back on my side of the alley and did not look scared anymore. I said hi again and i apologized for not talking to her that night six month ago. She asked me how my day was going (like she knew me for a longtime) and walked towards me, looking concerned. Being drunk, i started to talk too much and told her how sick i was in the last 4 months and took antibiotics and stuff. Them she said i should have tried garlic.

I was next to the car and she was in the alley. But because of the slope, i was way above her so i stepped closer to be on a similar height. I also tried to take a closer look though it was pretty dark. But now i was kinda in her way to getting back to her apartment.

She said "i'm used to" and "everybody is taller than me" and "i have to climb on my counters" whatever that means and indeed she looked very short or about how Alexa Crush should be. I told her she was ok which she was. Tiny body shape and everything just like Alexa.

And then she started to kinda smile and relax and her face turned cute and we talked for a while. She said how nice is the weather tonight and i told her i am happy is colder because i don't feel the smell of poops that much and i showed her my frustration towards the people who throw bags open in the bins.

The she said the word raccoon and i remembered that night when i last saw her, a few days ago, me going to the  N bin N with the trash at 9:30 PM (now it seems odd i never saw her taking the trash or checking the mail) and seeing the three little raccoons with their mother, one of them climbing the bin and stuff. I said to her "a family, a mother with three..." and she took over "babies" and i said "they were more like grown ups...".

During the last minute of our conversation i saw a guy approaching from behind, but he turned right and went and stood on the other side of the alley by some TV box, behind cars. I thought he was Asian or Mexican.

Then she said "You know what? i need to go inside to get my dog and take it for a walk" and i was looking at her in disbelief, how abruptly she wanted to leave the conversation, all of a sudden when she saw that guy. Then she went to him, he seemed like a friend, they talked for a second and she went inside. Didn't give me a chance to introduce myself or anything.

Then in a minute or so the woman from upstairs came home in her Element and did not want to face her and did not want to go with whatever her name was to walk her dog either so i went inside.

There are many other things i remember about her but i'm too tired and need to go to sleep. That night when she showed at Indian Head with Toto Cutugno, one day or after he died. Here in the park the day before she posted this. Ok one more thing; could this possibly have to do anything with a post i wrote 4 years ago?

My post is dated June 2020 (select the white space between title and text). Ok her main video i fell in love with is Published on September 20, 2020. Posing like a girl from California. She got teenage stories from the US on Tik Tok.

They totally knew my taste and categories and stuff. So it was a revenge for what i said. So it is not like they don't care about anything.

And one more. Monday about a week ago i went the first time to Quest Diagnostics in Beaverton, inside Safeway on Tealc St.. Drove with Angela, wanted to go do a TDAP test  (Tetanus Diphtheria Pertussis) as a walk in.

The short woman came at 3:10 and put a yellow sticker next to the scanner saying "no walk ins after 3" and i think i was there before. Really frustrating. Then i could do the reservation online, in the same place, on a cancelation but that is another story.

Angela remained inside the store to buy some stuff, i wanted to get in the car and walked the alley when i heard a Sherriff's SUV making a big noise with the siren next on Murray, zigzagging among cars but i had this feeling and looked behind and there was this probably electric SUV making no noise, coming pretty fast for a parking lot, on a collision trajectory with my person.

I stepped aside, he did not slow down, blink or moved his head, holding his head like a robot, he went around the parking lot like he lost direction until i did not look no more. When he passed me first i looked at him and thought i recognized Nikolett's husband with no beard though. In that moment i had the feeling he would have ran me over.

No the result from last Wednesday test did not come back yet. 3 hours to write this post.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

October 27

2:00 Mușchiul sternocleidomastoidian. Am auzit de el, ca tot românul, din cartea lui "Nicolae Paul Mihail". Trapezista Rândunica înseamnă high. Un îndemn subliminal să te faci high folosind propria anatomie. Nu e singurul din carte. Pancrațiu poate reprezenta pancreasul. Potirul, puterea. Etc..

Mușchiul sternocleidomastoidian este un mușchi lung care se înfășoară de-a lungul gâtului ca un șarpe și antagonizează mușchii trapezius din spate, alți mușchi din spate, care toți împreună țin capul drept și îl ajută se se întoarcă într-o parte și alta.

Dacă mușchii din spatele gâtului (trapezii) se încordează prea mult, atunci mușchii sternocleidomastoidieni se contractă și ei prea mult și apasă pe arterele carotide și venele jugulare, sugrumându-le. Se întâmplă mai ales în partea dreaptă unde artera carotidă e mai groasă. Poate de aceea emisfera dreaptă e asociată cu emoțiile.

Stați puțin... Mărul lui Adam... Șarpele... Trapezista... Colecția Clepsidra... Kali, zeița timpului și a "thugs" (bandiți din India care jefuiau călătorii bogați și îi sugrumau, în numele zeiței).

Infecția TT este nediagnosticată, mi s-a refuzat testul la camera de urgență "it's so rare in the US" însă doctorul nu a uitat să scrie că am fost recent în România, ceea ce nu e adevărat (ca să aibă acoperire mai târziu), iar doctorul meu Michael Jacko nici nu a vrut să vorbească despre acel aspect. "Programarea a fost pentru 5 minute" "Don't worry about". Totuși mi-a dat antibiotice pentru degetul de la picior.

Fiind constant pe antibiotice, TT nu s-a manifestat niciodată până la capăt. Însă a fost suficient ca să contracte acei mușchi din spate, mai ales după ce în seara precedentă m-a plouat pe spate și am stat cu geaca umedă în cazino ore în șir.

După ce am pus petece cu antibiotic pe coloană aproape de gât, a doua zi aproape că nu mai vedeam nimic pulsând la gât.

Deși în fișa mea medicală de la Providence scrie că am făcut imunizare pentru TT, nu cred că farmacistul ăla de la Walgreens care semăna cu Buttiegieg mi-a făcut pe bune acea imunizare în iulie. La aproape 4 luni de la infectare boala încă se manifestă.

Doctorul de la urgențe a avut pentru o perioadă masca jos și mi s-a părut că seamănă cu...

3:10 TT diagnosis fits well the Scientology side of the story. Strangulation fits the Kali side of the story.

3:55 Niike of Oregon, Amazin, The Shoe Dog, Maedate.

9:37 This one, probably not real, is aimed at my recent posts.

11:20 My English is still limited, after so many years. When stressed out and scared, like i was in the ER, i do not choose the right words. I kept saying: My legs are numb. Though at some time i used the expression "cramped out". Should have said numb and stiff. Also because deep inside my mind i am positive they know what's going on though they play ignorance.

11:26 News and pictures that really needed to be seen today by the whole world. Also aiming at my recent posts.

11:30 I recently noticed she upstairs started to cook in the morning. I feel the smell of the burners being heated up (American electric helicoidal stove burners will always have a drop of grease on them, no matter how careful you are.).

Have you ever done this? I surprised myself doing it unconsciously (on a smaller scale though) while cooking peas  this morning and thinking of all my recent mishaps and misunderstandings. I looked in the mirror immediately and saw the pulsation which is almost non existent when i am relaxed.

I think one can see the sternocleidomastoidian muscle strangulating the carotid, on the right side of the viewer, but could be another muscle.

Unconscious self strangulation gives you a high to counteract depression. Helping with "concentration"? Could this be a sin?

In that morning i went to ER i was in bed, watching TV hoping to fall asleep, with my head tilted forward, with spasms in my upper back muscles due to TT infection (was not feeling it, was used to it already) and jumped out of bed when i felt like someone wad chocking me. I was actually chocking myself but with the extra action of the muscles involved due to cholinergic TT toxin.

I went in the bathroom at the mirror where i saw the pulsation. Of course my blood pressure was to the roof due to strangulating those blood vessels and not getting enough oxygenation to the brain. Then i called Angela and was probably kept strangulating me and almost fainted until she got home and probably kept doing that until i got in that ER room and the man was doing his ultrasound.

11:50 There was a test they could have done in the ER to help diagnose Tetanus infection but the doctor said "there is not one ready available" when i asked for it. But the test would come positive if i was vaccinated which i did several days after the puncture wound. However antibodies levels are different for disease than for vaccination.

12:17 PM Știre direcționată împotriva postării mele cu Buttigieg (nu știu cum se pronunță).

12:24 3 hours of sleep, constant marching upstairs, made a mistake when i transferred the above from the other blog (thought it was too important), lost all links and pictures. Now she dropped a heavy object.

12:46 She took off one minute after i posted the above.

12:46 Restored most important links and pictures. Lost some.

3:54 Acetylcholine supplements? Don't understand... Anyways, it should be good for Tetanus. Searching for supplements. Beladdonna.  On Amazon with fast delivery, only homeopathic. Anti-cholinergic over the counter.

9:35 Una din problemele democrațiilor cu puțini candidați credibili care au planuri opuse. Pierzătorul poate lua cu el ideile cele mai bune.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Dominicani - Domini Cani - Lord's Dogs

7:47 I titled this blog post Dominicani which is plural for Latin Dominicanus. The English translation is Dominicans, or Black Friars. It is unclear to me what the word friar means in this context but i will clarify as i go. Dominican is religious order within Catholic Church.

Question is, what are religious orders and why the Catholic Church, which at the time was very well organized and hierarchized needed religious order and what are really those? Again i will try to clarify this as well but it will take time.

First thing first. The order was founded in 1216 by pope Honorius III at the request of Dominic, later St.Dominic. Here is an impression of that pope. But why is he curled in this image like a dog? He even has some garments suggesting a dog's tail.

At first i thought it stained glass work which was popular at that time. But then i read in the bottom of the picture. Contemporary.

I think i should try to solve this mystery, before even bringing St.Dominic into equation. Dominicani is a playword in Latin. The reason i wrote it like this. It can mean Domini Cani which means dogs of God.

It is very interesting how the word friar evolved in English yet into another playword. Coming from French frère - brother. Cause it goes against common sense. Why would someone consider himself a friar rather than simply a brother? Why invent another word for brother in English, one that sound kinda weird. French fries? Fry's brothers?

Why the need for religious orders inside (or maybe outside of?) an already well organized church which remains basically the same today, with bishops, vicars, pope, etc.?

Dominican order was officially founded by Pope Honorius III as mentioned above. But Dominic started preaching about 10 years earlier. Preaching what? Is that St.Mary or a nun praying to a dog with horns and a torch in his mouth? Which reminds of a Dacian Draco, or plainly a fire blowing dragon with the Sun or maybe even a Chrysanthemum on the background?

Why Dominic? It kinda overlaps with again the Latin name for Lord, Dominus.

Let's jump a couple of centuries to the times of Spanish Inquisition which was mainly directed against Jews. One of their main tools was fire, either to test or execute "heretics". Anybody sees already a connection here?

The "Cross of St.Dominic" (why so many types of crosses) may include a swastika in it.

How many were killed? How many confessed under torture and how many confessed in exchange for their lives? BTW, 32000 out of 341000 is not 2.7%

St.Dominic is often portrayed with his head partly shaven, like Buddha. All friers are supposed to practice ascetism and give away their earthly possession, similar to Hindu ascets or Buddha who gave up is princely status to travel the world and learn about sufferance. In this image, St.Dominic even looks plainly Asian.

Rosary did not exist in Christianity until St.Dominic though it existed in Hindu and Buddhism thousands of years before.

Dominican Republic. It is unclear to me if the name has something to do with Dominicans (as the religious order) though more than 50% of the population there is Catholic. But when i looked at one of their churches i first saw the lotus as architectural motif. Lotus is a major symbol in Buddhism and could also represent fire. Same goes for many European cathedrals or Hungarian Parliament in... Buda (pest).

The Pope. The current Pope has high regards for Dominicans. I think i have made a mistake earlier. Some Dominicans were members of the regular clergy and some even became popes (so much for giving up earthly possessions). But it is unclear to me what is their influence in today's Catholic church, especially in Latin America.

The reason i started this post. Could Dominicans still hold certain rituals (ordeals, exorcisms) in which they test if someone is human or the devil, using dog's excrements, redwood, stepping on someone's head like in a torture chamber, things like that? Like they did (energicaly stepping above creating thunder like sounds) soon after i started (to write) this blog post?

Buddha's sermon of 7 Suns. There are currently in Japan 3 emperors with the title Sun God. The one who abdicated, the one in title and one is warming up. Buddha's sermon message also coincide with St.Dominic dream.

Hungary. Domonkos means Dominican in Hungarian and it is a common last name in Hungary. Interestingly enough...

Magyars and Szeklers. Currently Hungarians call themselves Magyars. Magyars arrived in Europe around 800, and after raiding it for about 100 years, they established in Pannonia, over the already mixed population there, with Huns being the last immigrants since 5th century, probably in the same time with Székelys (Szeklers in German, possibly in Latin).

Soon after, their (first) king Stephen the Great got baptized and with him a large part of the leaders. Two centuries after them joining the Catholic Church, the religious mendicant orders appeared, under umbrella of Christianity but of obvious Buddhist inspiration, by all the evidence posted above.

There are (were) two tribes in Nepal, Magars (could be a variation for Mongols which may also come from noongars, check the pronunciation in Magyar), who were among other things mercenaries, possible guards of the silk road and Shakya, the clan in which Buddha was born.

So after all Hungarians (noongars) and Magyars are related though they came in Europe some 350 years apart...

working on

Thursday, October 3, 2024

October 3rd

12:25 AM I think he might have used botox injections to lower his lips, to make his face look longer and meaner. Nothing like the drunk fella on the right. The nose also appears longer for two reasons. Age and angle of the head (bend forward).

I have been searching for a longtime and all i could find is a gloomy Putin with head bend forward. THEIR photographers have indications as how to take (chose) pictures of any of THEIR characters.

Many of the "young Putin" pictures also are visibly fakes. Nobody is that ugly. But all these, falling of his face happened mostly after 2015.

6:22  Menirea lor e să dezinformeze. Din asta trăiesc. Da nu o fac întotdeauna așa cum vă imaginați dvs.. Foarte rar sunt simple minciuni. De multe ori sunt omisiuni sau mici "greșeli" care rezultă în mari confuzii cum a fost faza de ieri cu bombardarea punctului de frontieră.

Însă în cazul meu, ei folosesc foarte mult dublarea. Spun eu ceva, vin ei cu ceva asemănător și iau fața.

Deci eu am spus că Zelenski e jucat de un amărât de actor, care nu mai există în Ungaria de 26 de ani. Adică are și mormânt acolo. El nu mai poate face nimic altceva decât să se conformeze. Multe din faze se petrec în studiouri din Ungaria dar câteodată, el se deplasează pe teren unde face poze (alături de alți actori din Ungaria) sau dă interviuri.

Au venit imediat cu o rectificare. Lumea e interesată de alegeri. Au băgat un candidat (prostul de serviciu al alegerilor) să spună o prostie, care se va prelungi până lumea va uitat de Attila Pistyur.

Attila e un nume frecvent în Ungaria. Eu cred că vine de la muntele Attila din Australia (Connor în engleză), un fel de emblemă națională acolo. Attila, cel care s-a oprit la porțile Romei.

Pentru că toți mongolii se trag din populația noongar care încă există în Australia de azi. Cuvântul ungur, ungar, provine de la noongar și este înrudit lingvistic cu mongol. Iată o listă de actori unguri cu aspect aborigenal aleasă dintr-o perioadă de 10 ani. Pentru a afla numele, mutați mouse-ul pe față și citiți în stânga jos în browser. Din aceeași categorie face parte și Tamás Deutsch, aliatul lui Orban.

De aceea eu în blogul meu de asemănări am mulți Attila însă majoritatea nu sunt mongoli. Ei sunt (urmași de) imigranți capturați de Ungaria de prin Europa în ultimele sute de ani și puși la produs. Dar asta e altă poveste.

9:50 AM Spune-mi ce vrei dar întoarce-te-acasă. 78 miliarde de fantezii. Pe ce perioadă? Mai vin românii la spital cu mâncare, medicamente de acasă? (Nu puteau să facă un video mai nașpa, de câte ori ne încălzește Antonia cu iubirea ei, apar fețe de bărbați). Mai stau doi în pat? Mai iau spitalele foc?

Un spital mare costă 370 milioane de euro sau un miliard și jumătate de lei. Ministerul Sănătății a avut anul acesta buget de până la 28 miliarde lei (dreapta sus) din care doar 2 miliarde și jumătate cheltuieli personal (salarii).

Nici un prim ministru nu a făcut până acum o dare de seamă a cheltuielilor bugetare, măcar o dată, la sfârșit de an.

4:10 An hour ago. By Noonan.

Monday, August 19, 2024

August 19

1:50 A venit răspunsul imediat. Faptul că a apărut acum deși așteptau aprobarea de săptămâni, spune ceva despre toți cei implicați în aceste "dezvăluiri".

2:00 AM Își mai amintește cineva când am spus că am văzut o instalație de răcire care înlocuia AC-ul la Indian Head, într-o zi foarte foarte caldă? Niște găleți cu gheață în fața unor ventilatoare de un metru diametru iar gheața se schimb la câteva ore. Funcționa, la o temperatură afară de 100 F (38 C).

Asta se întâmplă și pe Pământ, curenții de aer aduc căldură deasupra polilor și invers și funcționează ca un sistem de răcire planetar. Dar nu va mai fi nici o gheață de înlocuit când se vor termina calotele.

Mai mult decât atât. Calotele așa cum sunt acum, albe, reflectă o parte din radiația solară în spațiu, la fel ca și deșertul Sahara.

Atunci va începe ceea ce de mult a fost numit "runaway (greenhouse) effect", o încălzire rapidă și galopantă a Pământului, similară cu cea care s-a produs pe Venus, unde temperatura la suprafață (sub norii de acid sulfuric) este de sute de grade Celsius, suficient pentru a face totul la suprafața planetei ca fierul înroșit.

V-ați întrebat vreodată de ce sunt doi împărați-soare în Japonia? Cel abdicat și cel curent? Doi sori și cu cel de pe cer, trei, ca să fie ca în profeția lui Buddha (numărul total de sori va fi șapte, dar la trei totul devine ireversibil), interpretată de unii că trebuie să se întâmple acum și nu peste sute de mii de ani cum a spus el. Bine, dacă adăugăm și numărul de popi...

Și oamenii au trecut la treabă și au furnizat o mașină pentru tot omul de pe planeta asta, care e în stare să o cumpere și să o conducă.

Va fi Nirvana gratuită pentru toți iar blestemul reîncarnării și suferința care o aduce nu se va mai repeta, ciclurile reîncarnării se vor termina pentru toți fiindcă Pământul va fi prăjit.

Stingerea. Reunificarea sufletelor chinuite cu creatorul lor, Brahma.

Buddha cel istoric (care adică a trăit cândva) s-a născut ca un prinț în clanul Shakya din Nepal. Tradiția de pe vremea respectivă împiedica prinții bogați să vadă lumea, pentru a nu afla ce este suferința și a fi influențați. Însă tânărul prinț a fugit din palat și a aflat ce era suferința celor săraci, care pe atunci era enormă.

Mai mult decât atât, suferința se menține prin reîncarnări succesive conform religiei Hindu.

Astfel el a renunțat la titlul său și a plecat prin lume, în special în India unde a avut mai mulți guru, pentru a afla soluția la problema suferinței. Unii spun că această predică ce prevestește distrugerea Pământului de către 7 sori, este singura lui soluție. Alții că ar fi izgonirea ignoranței și iluminarea.

Poate predica celor 7 sori a fost un avertisment iar unii au luat-o ca profeție apocaliptică.

Și o parte din clanul lui Buddha și-au luat bagajele și au plecat în Europa împreună cu magarii, un clan înrudit, războinic, unde s-au stabilit în... Dacia, România de azi, ca secui, pentru a apăra de pe linia munților cetatea Buda și aurul din Transilvania și ca maghiari, peste populația hunică din Câmpia Panonică.

Scopul lor a fost religios, și anume implementarea soluției găsite de Buddha.

(Românii au fost prinși la mijloc și folosiți ca sursă de orice. Aurul a fost folosit timp de un mileniu pentru a schimb istoria Europei și a lumii etc.).

Soluția lui Buddha a fost infuzată în Biserica Catolică, prin visul mamei Sfântului Dominic. Inchiziția creată de dominicani a folosit arderile pe rug. Dar nu s-au oprit acolo.

Însă aș vrea să întreb ceva. Viața oamenilor s-a schimbat mult în special prin eliminarea ignoranței, sau prin știință, cealaltă soluție a lui Buddha, nu mai există acel nivel de suferință pentru cei mulți, cel puțin cea mai mare parte din ei.

Dacă Buddha s-ar fi născut acum, ar mai fi renunțat el la titlu, ar mai fi plecat el în India să afle soluția la suferință?

Shake them all off. All the liars and the dirty dirty cheats of the world... Isn't this song racist, the white swans shaking the brown ones that make them crawl on the ground and poop on their head? No ice for you!

8:45 Barcă, GPS, etc.. Apropo, de ce nu cresc nivelurile oceanelor dacă se topesc calotele? Explicație foarte simplă. Am fost păcăliți că vor crește nivelurile oceanelor, care nu cresc iar noi stăm liniștiți. Vaporii de apă se cam duc în spațiul cosmic, ca și coada unei comete. Stau și mă întreb, unde se duc, spre Soare sau în direcție opusă? Dacă se duc spre Soare, alimentează Soarele cu hidrogen pentru a se încălzi și mai mult.

Dar mai este o ipoteză. O navă gigantică în orbita lui Mercur care captează acea apă. După ce a captat-o pe toată de pe Venus. Ei nu au nevoie de planete pentru a supraviețui, dar au nevoie de apă (Nu poate recicla toată apa, ca în video-ul de mai jos). Hidrogen ca și combustibil. Și oxigen. Care alieni l-au trimis pe Buda să-i înnebunească pe pământeni ca să-și dea singuri foc la valiză.

Apa poate cădea spre Soare numai pe direcția discului (planului) pe care orbitează planetele, deci va ajunge și pe Venus și pe Mercur. Nu vorbesc de ploaie sau ninsori, dar pot fi vapori sau chiar picături care pot fi captați cu ceva.

Viața lor ar fi cam așa. Caută un sistem solar cu planete care au apă. Alterează genetic niște maimuțe acolo și le înnebunește religios, ca să-și dea foc. După 10000 de ani, timp în care își fac plinul, se mută în altă parte. Sau poate au plecat deja, după ce NASA a publicat video-ul de mai jos.

O nava de dimensiunea aia are însă nevoie de ceva timp ca să se mute în altă parte. Zeci sau sute de mii de ani. Sau poate sunt ăia de pe Venus și vor sta acolo pentru mult timp. Fără alte informații, speculăm, speculăm.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15

12:45 Was compelled to do a search, found more than i could hope for. How many things one can tell from a video on the streets of a city in a foreign country? Many, if not all.

Yesterday evening i was intrigued by a girl walking away from me. Did not see her face except with peripheral vision for a fraction of a second when sun hit directly her face behind a tinted window in a car.

Dressed in black with a black scarf on her head, walking on a newly paved black street, she climbed in a black Mustang and drove away. It was then when she turned her head to check for traffic. Could had ben her but i was looking in a different direction so i did not catch her face in the middle of my retina.

Why is this important? When she was walking she had a certain stiffness in her body. A big turn off. I remember when i moved to the US someone told me that people can say by my walk i was not born here.

And yes indeed, look at the girl with red  hair and the one with green shorts and generally to everybody in this video. They let their weight on each foot much more than they should (by our standards). It is that i saw last night at Indian Head.

Why was she all dressed in black. Maybe because of what i wrote. Nirvana. Black magic. The fresh paving that occurs in any place we go. About that, i am writing a whole post but unfortunately i am too tired tonight.

I would assume the chicanos train a lot in Japan only to walk the way Americans do.

Walking style is cultural. (And yes they changed a lot since the days of Gwen Stefani's Harajuku girls).

9:00 AM Kursk

10:40 Market. Oil is up, which usually brings energy and the whole market up, in about the same percentage, Enphase is up, what else, Super Micro Computers, and of course, heavy weight (by market capital) Tesla.

6:45 Since all the good men became better, the bad deserve anything. (Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)).

6:50 Ice age.

9:25 White chested dogcyanobacteria. It means to me there are still people in the area, other then them since they are going for their mind. Cyanobacteria do not produce cyanide nor is the deadliest but do poses a health risk. But it's easy to avoid since the bloom is visible.

These guys do subtle things to people's mind nobody recognizes as such because they are at a different level.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30

12:00 AM Like Viktor Orban (Victoria Oropsiților de Trianon) i can't stop. Not right now. Have to keep posting or... Here are some pictures with Trump swinging (like in golf swinging). You think those tiny arms can propel a ball more than 25 yards (aprox=meters)?
It is said Hitler was on a vegetarian diet...


18 A DAY. I saw a couple of times this LPN here in Oregon and could never figure what it means but today i think i had a revelation. Could it be... 6+6+6 = 18 bags with dog poop a day? The Dominicans (Inquisition) do just this every day, after their prayers? The same number as the holes in a golf course?

1:45 There are a number of Egyptian tools that have inspired modern objects. Of them i could mention the well known tennis racquet. But there are other lesser knwon tools like The Setesh Staff (was sceptre) that might have inspired the microfone on a stick (Freddie above), golf club, hockey cross, telempromter, etc..

2:05 Someone reading a cell phone while frying themselves with microwaves.

2:15 Chrysanthemum Throne of Japan vs 2024 Olympic medals.
2:27 Kabuto, wasceptre, Wow!

7:32 Don't know what the name of the bowling pin like thing on top of the head of Horus (no matter how much i searched) but it looks like it has inspired the Olympic torch of this year 2024 (no, it is not a rolled joint as some may believe, just because it is carried by a dog whose name is not Seth).

Yes i believe the name Seth of the Egyptian god of chaos is at the origin of the name Satan in the Hebrew bible. (Not to be confounded with Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve).

2:18 Read my lines. It is not logic, science, justice, economics or even politics that run this world. It is sorcery, witchcraft, ancient mysteries (in the sense of secrets transmitted from generation to generation in a parallel world of the initiated).

Some are just simple tricks, like by example, the dog seth. There is something in it that comes from evolution. Parasites, pheromones, name it. With it, the wolves, big cats and then dogs and cats hunt. The so called marking of the territory is actually infestation, to make the prey weak and vulnerable.

Humans have learned of it (thinking is magic tricks, sorcery, witchcraft) not knowing what really it is and use it against other humans. Is that simple. But how can you get this out of the simple minds that dedicated their lives to cults or fraternities which are based on this kinda seth?

Think of Trump's advertisement. Top dog, he'll get you top dollars.

Some prefer just to use it no mater how moral or immoral is. They have been initiated, spent all their lives gathering degrees, got old, who's gonna stop them playing the same tricks over and over on the whole world. It would mean they should give up everything.

Is that simple.

4:30 Another common trick they use is replacing of the officials in the countries they control (all) with their own people, usually trained actors. Initially a ninja trick, i believe this tradition started with the Tokugawa Ieyasu shogun and all the shoguns that followed in the Tokugawa dynasty, and then the emperor himself, during  the so called Meiji restoration but it could be older, since like the Chinese Imperial dynasties.

Can't find right now where i read Tokugawa Ieyasu character was played by 3 different ninja that changed over the years. Ieyasu lived 73 years in a time when average lifespan was 50.

5:45 I know how cops are. I simply cannot believe this. But if they saw the guy and told SS and SS did not react they should have taken measures themselves. However they saw SS pointing guns at the shooter, as seen in the picture and maybe they thought the SS are on it so they did nothing.

5:55 Nicolas Maduro. I think i knew the guy on the right personally, he was working at the computer service company (IIRUC) în Bacău before 89 under the name Eugen Mihalcea, then we even became associated (co-owners, with 3 other guys) in a software/hardware firm in Bacău, Mega SRL, which then some other guy forced me to leave (per reason i had my own firm, INSER SRL) and now i understand why.

7:25 Just remembered one more thing. At the meeting where we signed the papers and established the name Mega (as opposed to Micro, it was my "funny" idea, in a restaurant in Bacău) he kept telling us he wanted to emigrate to... Venezuela, and i think he said  he had a relative there.

8:15 I think i saw her face around here too.

10:53 I think i might have figured (the hard way) how many diseases come into our body.

I was looking the other day at my ankles and saw how thin and wrinkled my skin on those is. The part behind i do not step on.

As we get older, we start loosing collagen. The skin becomes thinner. Biggest problem is at the soles of the feet. No matter how good you maintain your floor and carpet, it will remain a place full of bacteria. Unless if you sanitize your carpet as often as you replace your socks. How about the shoes? How clean are your shoes inside?

Can use a piece of towel and some alcohol and rub it and see. Floor, feet, shoes.

Also with age we gain weight.

Thinning skin on the sole of your feet and poor floor hygiene which may be the norm for most people allow bacteria to constantly get into your bloodstream period.

We all have to die of something aren't we.

11:45 How can i not put a link to a search here. Different results by different authors but overall, it is scary. I will not have any collagen by 80? which means i will fall apart and die???

12:10 Was thinking. If the Japanese are the Ancient Egyptians, it could have happened only this way. They went in Egypt to search for the geographic center of the dryland on Earth to build the first pyramid (and not the other way around). As the center of the Earth has moved (reshape of shores), they built the second one etc..

Why the center of the Earth? That is a good question. I think it might have something to do with time or space travel. Alignment of source and destination, maybe?