3:24 PM Who's bad? Assault, battery, unlawful detaining, torture, committed in front of approving, cheering of tens of thousands of people.
3:42 It was the best of times. "hundreds of thousands of dollars fell from the ceiling into the scrambling arms of fans when Trump entered the arena."
5:20 Too bad they didn't have a "billi_onaire" character in the band.
6:40 So far closest i could find to Ovidiu Tășală.
10:35 Extrema stângă și extrema dreaptă în competiție.
11:50 Had no idea! We traditionally eat lots of garlic in oil however either fresh or stored in the fridge under 40 degrees (got a thermometer in there).
On the other hand, i suspect when she works the floor, sewer gas from a leak gets in here.
The problem is wounds or damaged teeth. Currently have symptom like stiffens of calves, some in hands, etc.. It changes every day. There are no vaccines for most dangerous bacteria found in sewage, like botulism, leptospirosis, enterococcus, things like that.
Also parasites like from cats that eat birds (there is a bird feeder upstairs), or simply from the seeds fallen from the feeder. Today i discovered i had a dry socket from the extraction of three teeth, confirmed having a small piece of fractured bone near the same tooth.
Was very careful when eating, but today i became overconfident and accidentally did byte on a piece of banana. Very painful. There was great activity upstairs as usually is at that hour in the morning. Then i saw her living, coming back, probably for more baggage and living again. I thought she is going to a hotel for the next 2 days since she can't climb upstairs (rebuilding the stairs, probably starting at 8 AM, she usually lives at 9).
Though i thought i was done, after biting on that started to have pain big time which passed whiten one hour of restarting Augmentin. Within that hour the pain became almost unbearable and started pacing around and i think that's why the infection spread to those muscles that might have had dead cells in it from the breakdown.
However she came back tonight and started doing the same thing. Then i started the ozone generator in the bathroom and the built in exhaust fan. If there is a leak, the ozone will eventually follow that leak and spread in the empty floor and walls. Within one minute she then left.
12:30 AM I went to smoke a cigarette and saw the blinds upstairs are moved and the door is probably open all the way behind the screen though i can't see the door at all, in either position. Like it's not there. The big Transylvania cats are still there and jumping around.
12:45 Ok i went to check again. At first my eyes were blinded by the computer. After 15 minutes away, i could see the door is actually there and closed.
12:05 AM Trump: Make America Great, Yet Again. Kamala: An American Woman. Anybody knows were the reset button (for these elections) is?
2:00 Anybody, what these three cars have in common? A: The lotus shapes embedded in them.
12:00 Can heart valves regenerate? Imagine that. Stretched pieces of collagen flapping there passively to prevent backflow when heart is contracting, upper and lower part separately, for your whole life. How strong that material is. But it can get eaten by bacteria.
Anybody can easily figure a valve problem with a stethoscope. Maybe not if it's just started.
3:00 PM Heart valves degrade also from losing collagen in your body. It is age related in the sense that with age you accumulate more infection time in your body.
You can figure your are loosing collagen by looking at old scars. When they shrink and soften you know you lost the collagen in those and probably in all the organs.
I believe a true anti-ageing drug would be a collagenase inhibitor. You think it's a coincidence that in top of the list are antibiotics, a class of medicines that are available in half of the other countries without a prescription? Or they made some mistakes and those are not collagenase inhibitors but simply kill bacteria that make the collagenase?
6:42 Câștigi nu câștigi, candidat te numești și poți să-ți diseminezei ideile.
6:45 Prea târziu, nu mai este liberă nici o funcție din cele pe care le dețin compartioții lor, actorii școliți la Universitatea Loránd Eötvös. Adică de la primar în sus.
4:45 AM I think laying down and limiting sitting helps with leg infections. However i again got accidentally exposed to cell phone radiation while using Angela's computer. Her cell phone next to her desk was forgotten on and i started to feel heat in about 30 minutes and then pain. In fact, that's how i discovered it was on but was too late.
Though the phone was only communicating briefly with the tower every few minutes or so. I was hearing the alarm of the microwave meter beeping from the other corner of the room but was ignoring it.
But this time i have an explanation. I might getting the pain because microwave radiation exacerbates diabetic neuropathy. So all those with diabetes should limit their cell phone and wi-fi exposure. If that is true it means if affects everybody though in a lesser way.
But then why my infection from the toe propagates only in the areas that were affected most, by wi-fi antennas at my feet and computer in my lap and ears and eyes and hands where i kept my cell phone creating stiffness and numbness and lately some discomfort while speaking?
1:40 Yes i confess. I saw these buildings in the movie "Diplomat".
2:25 PM Climate change is real, there's no doubt about. But we would expect a more gradual manifestations.
I personally experienced similar catastrophic floodings at least a couple of times in Romania, and one was in 1970, way before this.
In fact, river basins are built by floods. From what i remember from grade school there are three different levels of flood plains around rivers, that are periodically flooded though with big differences in frequencies. These area areas people should not build in period and insurances should tax them accordingly. However the locations are tempting due to numerous other advantages.
But coincidences, other informations, in the case of recent floods in central Europe and now Spain, to me strongly suggest weather manipulation and there are a number of ways in which i suspect this can be done.
One of them is temporarily changing direction of the jet streams through manipulation (raising or lowering) of ionosphere with high voltage (at calculated moments using fractal math) with ground insulated antennas like the Eiffel Tower. Another is using of high voltage DC transport lines that exist in a number of places in Europe.
6:10 PM More undeclared, secretly lotus inspired architecture.
6:30 The semantic link of the days. The Devil went down to Georgia, where else. Election emotions are a great medium for seeding subliminal secondary ideas.
1:27 Kamiarizuki. When the Seven Samurai stumble the whole market trembles. Anybody knows what evaporating greatly exaggerated rumors spooked them today? (click on market cap to sort them out).
10:00 PM
10:30 Spotted this in a movie. (Another) Haven's gate, or an antenna this time to repel clouds, maybe?
10:35 I believe it's some sort or retaliation for what i just posted. A solid march upstairs, back and forth, exactly where i am located in a corner of the bedroom. Stirring dust, mold and gas from the walls, together with depressing my imune system and neglected perspiring from trying to fix the Internet for my computer brought me back in time with the infection.
12:00 BTW Just remembered something. I have been several times in the past few days in Beaverton and got to pass this place. Apparently they are adding or replacing an overpass. Here is how it looked like in May of this year. Than a picture taken by me yesterday. What i can tell for sure is those cranes did not move in the last three days, i remember, because they looked like a Haven's gate and only very few people were working.
Because of that work that goes on for many months, it took me yesterday at @8 AM about half hour to climb from I5 on the big overpass onto 217 and i was the only one in traffic with a manual transmission.
Because the traffic was brought to a near standstill, in that half hour or 40 minutes for a half mile i pressed on the clutch hundreds of times. (Appointment window at 8:10, probably peak of traffic, on their site was done by me because of a cancelation, with no other window available for the whole week).
Which helped pump infection from my legs on the rest of the body. Honestely, i thought i would never get alive from that traffic. But i was smart enough to take an Augmentin just before i left.
The reason i was there at that time was i was driving towards Quest Lab inside Safeway store on Teal Rd in Beaverton for a DTAP antibodies test.
I think i figured a way to diagnose Tetanus, other by clinical signs. If you suspect the infection you can start antibiotics right away and attempt an immunization then you do a test in a few days. Since immunization does not work after incubation, if antibodies are below 0.1, it means no immune response, which means you have the disease. I think this is what happened to me.
BTW no sign of result for the test on their site yet.
1:25 AM 11-1 First available appointments.
BTW the very short and authoritarian Asian woman with mask who got me in after being 15 minutes late and draw blood tricked me into touching the label on the vial (she put it in front of me and i touched it) before it was attached on the vial.
2:00 Mușchiul sternocleidomastoidian. Am auzit de el, ca tot românul, din cartea lui "Nicolae Paul Mihail". Trapezista Rândunica înseamnă high. Un îndemn subliminal să te faci high folosind propria anatomie. Nu e singurul din carte. Pancrațiu poate reprezenta pancreasul. Potirul, puterea. Etc..
Mușchiul sternocleidomastoidian este un mușchi lung care se înfășoară de-a lungul gâtului ca un șarpe și antagonizează mușchii trapezius din spate, alți mușchi din spate, care toți împreună țin capul drept și îl ajută se se întoarcă într-o parte și alta. Dacă mușchii din spatele gâtului (trapezii) se încordează prea mult, atunci mușchii sternocleidomastoidieni se contractă și ei prea mult și apasă pe arterele carotide și venele jugulare, sugrumându-le. Se întâmplă mai ales în partea dreaptă unde artera carotidă e mai groasă. Poate de aceea emisfera dreaptă e asociată cu emoțiile.
Stați puțin... Mărul lui Adam... Șarpele... Trapezista... Colecția Clepsidra... Kali, zeița timpului și a "thugs" (bandiți din India care jefuiau călătorii bogați și îi sugrumau, în numele zeiței).
Infecția TT este nediagnosticată, mi s-a refuzat testul la camera de urgență "it's so rare in the US" însă doctorul nu a uitat să scrie că am fost recent în România, ceea ce nu e adevărat (ca să aibă acoperire mai târziu), iar doctorul meu Michael Jacko nici nu a vrut să vorbească despre acel aspect. "Programarea a fost pentru 5 minute" "Don't worry about". Totuși mi-a dat antibiotice pentru degetul de la picior.
Fiind constant pe antibiotice, TT nu s-a manifestat niciodată până la capăt. Însă a fost suficient ca să contracte acei mușchi din spate, mai ales după ce în seara precedentă m-a plouat pe spate și am stat cu geaca umedă în cazino ore în șir.
După ce am pus petece cu antibiotic pe coloană aproape de gât, a doua zi aproape că nu mai vedeam nimic pulsând la gât.
Deși în fișa mea medicală de la Providence scrie că am făcut imunizare pentru TT, nu cred că farmacistul ăla de la Walgreens care semăna cu Buttiegieg mi-a făcut pe bune acea imunizare în iulie. La aproape 4 luni de la infectare boala încă se manifestă.
Doctorul de la urgențe a avut pentru o perioadă masca jos și mi s-a părut că seamănă cu...
3:10 TT diagnosis fits well the Scientology side of the story. Strangulation fits the Kali side of the story.
3:55 Niike of Oregon, Amazin, The Shoe Dog, Maedate.
9:37 This one, probably not real, is aimed at my recent posts.
11:20 My English is still limited, after so many years. When stressed out and scared, like i was in the ER, i do not choose the right words. I kept saying: My legs are numb. Though at some time i used the expression "cramped out". Should have said numb and stiff. Also because deep inside my mind i am positive they know what's going on though they play ignorance.
11:26 News and pictures that really needed to be seen today by the whole world. Also aiming at my recent posts.
11:30 I recently noticed she upstairs started to cook in the morning. I feel the smell of the burners being heated up (American electric helicoidal stove burners will always have a drop of grease on them, no matter how careful you are.).
Have you ever done this? I surprised myself doing it unconsciously (on a smaller scale though) while cooking peas this morning and thinking of all my recent mishaps and misunderstandings. I looked in the mirror immediately and saw the pulsation which is almost non existent when i am relaxed.
I think one can see the sternocleidomastoidian muscle strangulating the carotid, on the right side of the viewer, but could be another muscle.
Unconscious self strangulation gives you a high to counteract depression. Helping with "concentration"? Could this be a sin?
In that morning i went to ER i was in bed, watching TV hoping to fall asleep, with my head tilted forward, with spasms in my upper back muscles due to TT infection (was not feeling it, was used to it already) and jumped out of bed when i felt like someone wad chocking me. I was actually chocking myself but with the extra action of the muscles involved due to cholinergic TT toxin.
I went in the bathroom at the mirror where i saw the pulsation. Of course my blood pressure was to the roof due to strangulating those blood vessels and not getting enough oxygenation to the brain. Then i called Angela and was probably kept strangulating me and almost fainted until she got home and probably kept doing that until i got in that ER room and the man was doing his ultrasound.
11:50 There was a test they could have done in the ER to help diagnose Tetanus infection but the doctor said "there is not one ready available" when i asked for it. But the test would come positive if i was vaccinated which i did several days after the puncture wound. However antibodies levels are different for disease than for vaccination.
12:17 PM Știre direcționată împotriva postării mele cu Buttigieg (nu știu cum se pronunță).
12:24 3 hours of sleep, constant marching upstairs, made a mistake when i transferred the above from the other blog (thought it was too important), lost all links and pictures. Now she dropped a heavy object.
12:46 She took off one minute after i posted the above.
12:46 Restored most important links and pictures. Lost some.
3:54 Acetylcholinesupplements? Don't understand... Anyways, it should be good for Tetanus. Searching for supplements. Beladdonna. On Amazon with fast delivery, only homeopathic. Anti-cholinergic over the counter.
9:35 Una din problemele democrațiilor cu puțini candidați credibili care au planuri opuse. Pierzătorul poate lua cu el ideile cele mai bune.
2:45 To make a long story short. In the last few years i had a few experiences when i saved myself by applying patches with antibiotics next to the wounds. It became clear to me that antibiotics transport to the infection through molecular diffusion rather than through systemic concentration, being possible concentrations at the wound that are several times higher than through any other methods of administration.
The opposite is also true. Inflammation from a wound also propagates to nearby tissues, especially if damaged. I believe mostly through lymph.
In 2004 in had these terrible stomach pains and went to Romania, hopping in a better treatment. One doctor there after an x-ray done with an advanced, brand new Philips instrument, he said i had so many ulcers on my duodenum that it got bent from scars.
I believe mostly because of bile blockage, and that i know is done through witchcraft. Remote influence. Bending in the opposite way when stressed out and/or sexually aroused which sometimes can be done by the same person. In this image there are gallstones that block the pancreatic and bile duct, however the blockage can be done by your own brain, by blocking the sphincter at that opening.
I believe is a mechanism through which the acid from the stomach is left in the duodenum not neutralized by pancreatic juices. That leads to a "quickening" (stimulation) of your whole body, through lowering ph in the smaller intestine.
This, like many others may be an emergency mechanism, but if abused, two things can happen. The pancreas does not get emptied in time and start digesting self. The duodenum become chronically inflamed. Inflammation from duodenum moves to nearby organs, like pancreas, creating diabetes which i believe is a form of pancreatitis.
10:20 Condiția pusă de XAT cui? României? Cine "va negocia cu aliații" după ce Parlamentul modifică retroactiv legea "achiziției", achiziție deja făcută. Noul președinte?
Modifică legea achiziției deja făcute ca să mai adauge o achiziție. De ce nu au făcut o lege nouă. Ca să poată pune noua sumă la grămadă cu cea veche, ca "să nu se cunoască".
Nu că s-ar uita cineva prin bugetul lor unde găurile sunt de sute de miliarde, dreapta sus.
10:33 First guy in this image is Japanese, last woman is Hungarian and the rest are probably something in between.
This stupid fake situation in Israel that started with Ham-ass "warriors" in uniform flying on parachutes (you can't shoot from one of those, the recoil from a real machine gun will make you loose control that is already very limited and yes wind dependent ) (how they brought the hostages back, on the same flying machines?) has no other purpose that throw more stories every time i say something about the real, deep seeded, embedded in entertainement antisemitism in the US.
10:50 Really don't get this. He sent these messages after he was kidnapped? Is this trying to prove what the Bible says, that all Asians are born of Sem?
10:38 Who knows, knows! (service discontinued). I mean, your brain and all your organs swell up and down to a total of 6% in volume due to atmospheric pressure changes. If you have a chronic infection, the extra pressure may actually trigger your migraine. My advice, treat your infection.
9:09 For a moment that actually lasted all morning i thought, after the Alexa episode ended, they are going to leave me alone. However that is simply not the case. Like a long time coincidence, all the time i was in the kitchen and out of direct sight through the big windows, the market went up. Though i have the microwave meter next to me when i use the laptop today i woke up again with pains in the same area where i kept it last night.
I am trying to use the PC but the lag is so great as i type it is almost inoperable. Windows. I plan to buy a cheap PC with no wi-fi and chrome on it but they are more expensive than Windows. And upstairs i hear noises like during a sumo wrestling match.
Reading the all fake news. People are living in a deep psychosis for such a long time and i am terrified cause i don't know who or what is going to drag them up of this. They believe in news and the world leaders are real.
9:32 Next to impossible, even the cheapest have built in wi-fi. Wondering if Amazon have some sort of customer service were you can ask them question like this. Artificial intelligence? Neither Google or Amazon can answer a simple question like were can i buy a mini PC under 150 with no wi-fi on it. Wi-fi is now ubiquitous, we are trapped.
3:46 On August 31 i posted some pictures with sewer work. They started to replace the big line behind the complex starting with between these two buildings, across the alley, all the way to the street. It never crossed my mind as why.
In reality the line passes behind those buildings next to the wetland, google maps will only show the aproximate distance.
Yesterday there was some kinda mini flash flooding and there was a small river of water flowing through the alley. I filmed it but still didn't figure it out. I didn't catch it when it was the biggest, i misplaced my camera somewhere in the room, but it was twice as big. In the end, the water turned into mud and you can see the residue left for today in the next picture. But earlier before the flood i heard the city's cistern seweres working in the alley
What happens is all the sewer lines around the complex were clogged. Every year or several times a year they came with the cisterns and pumped the sewage from across the complex like they did yesterday. The river, the picture above show that some are still clogged. Could be the reason for my belly pains over the years, my constant nausea, the infection at my hand etc..
4:57 On October 5th i wrote. The day after tomorrow is 19 and Angela doesn't have insurance.
What happens is State Farm attract you with a low premium for a quote made online. Then the next day the agent contacts you with an email saying you have to review the quote. But when i tried at the main State Farm site the site said the quote is locked and i needed to call my local agent and then i got an email from him.
In my case it was Cedric Berry and he gave me a number and an email address. However when i called that number a woman answered and her name was Rachel Foster (rachel.foster.egb8@statefarm.com) who is another agent. She even had Romanian as language of choice. However we spoke English and she said the quote was locked.
Then she said she needed 2 more minutes of my life in which i gave her the information she asked, she made a new quote with a slightly higher price and sent me the policies and the card without Angela on it.
Yesterday i sent them an email (cedric.berry.elz3@statefarm.com) asking him to add Angela on the card and there was no reply. Again, today.
Then i called the same number i spoke with Rachel at. A woman who was not Rachel (forgot her name, i'm too mad) answered and started to ask about Angela's licence number and everything like she wanted to build a new policy. In the end i asked her if she does so that and she said she was going to send Angela's card right now and the new policy tomorrow and then i said something about this blog entry and she never sent me the card.
To this day i can see on MyAccount i made the payment but there are no "products" that is policies for me to see or modify.
5:36 Last insurance i had was with Progressive where i made the quote online and payed and din't have to interact with any agent. However they raised the premium from 600 to 900. I also made a quote with Geiko in the same time i made with SF and an agent emailed me.
6:45 Within the last hour or so a person came upstairs and makes heavy noises like dragging furniture across the room. This morning i opened the doors to air "intensively" and saw a guy with mainly the same look but thinner than the muscular one i saw the first time.
7:41 Done a number of quotes online until i got tired of it including one with Progressive. Best offer was 138 with collision and comprehensive for Hyundai, 96 without, Progressive which i had until now refused to give me a quote saying the theft rate for Hyundai got so high they can't insure them anymore.
Lately i was filling the holes next to building with soil from other mounds, the soil kept disappearing and ran out of mounds and i had this sack with Quikrete from a past attempt and used that one instead and plugged all holes with it and guess what. Today there is no smoke however we are both depressed and i actually started to think of my financial situation like i haven't done in years.
8:21 Nevermind smoke is back. Though in smaller amounts. Just enough. Harajuku
Dar trebuie să fii foarte foarte nesimțit ca să-ți mănânce bacteriile creierul și să nu știi. Fiindcă infecțiile bacteriene dau simptome ca febră și dureri de cap.
Altceva este cauza majoră pentru demență iar eu suspectez că e vorba de acești paraziți care-i luăm de la animalele de companie și care se închistează în creier și micșorează volumul acestuia. Însă nu putem aștepta nimic de la doctori care tratează (după normele existente) și nu cercetează iar studiile sunt plătite de cei interesați să fim mulți dar proști pentru a încălzi planeta.
În SUA dacă mergi la doctor și ceri un tratament neconvențional pentru momentul respectiv se uită doctorul la tine pe deasupra ochelarilor, chiar dacă peste câțiva ani trendul se schimbă și tratamentul respectiv este acceptat.
9:43 Nu există zi să nu apară în media oficială date preluate din dosarele procuraturii și care ar trebui să stea acolo până la finalizarea anchetei și a procesului judiciar.
9:48 Asta e mai mult decât o simplă neglijență, e o sperietură programată cu scopul manipulării (luarea minților de pe alte probleme) și care ar trebui cercetată ca atare.
12:58 Și strâmba. Vechea teorie că toți colonii romani s-au retras în secolul 3 odată cu retragerea admistrației Aureliene și au creat un vid care a fost umplut de maghiari în secolul 9 (și au venit (în)apoi în Transilvania ca șerb(ani) atrași de bogăția maghiară). Podul lui Constantin. Răzbunarea pentru ce am scris ieri în legătură cu asemănarea între limba maghiară și chineză.
1:37 O sursă de romanizare a populațiilor din teritoriului din România de azi după retragerea aureliană de care nu am știut până azi, în afară de o frază uitată dintr-o lecție de istorie. Dar mai cred că toți autorii confundă pe goți cu germanii. Goții au fost chinezi. Deși la un moment dat s-au amestecat. Nu, catedralele gotice nu au fost construite de goți. Au fost construite în stil... islamic.
Și bineînțeles că populația de la țară nu a fost niciodată similară cu cea de la orașe (gata cu țăranii) formată în general din perindători, rătăcitori ca în Transilvania unde romanii locuiau mai mult în orașe și dacii mai mult la țară. Cred că unii daci nu au părăosit niciodată satele lor, deși poate au fost diminuați în număr în timp ce diferiți invadatori au trecut. Goți, huni, maghiari, secui sunt cei care au rămas până în ziua de azi pentru că le-a plăcut peisajul.
Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa a păstrat ceva din numele vechii capitale Sarmizegetusa aflată la 30 km pentru că în zonă erau poate la fel de mulți daci ca și romani, pe care sperau să-i romanizeze.
8:49 For those who heard and/or the pilots and/or supporting technicians whatever at the base near Portland about half hour ago. Should not be worried, those F15s which were deployed about an hour ago were only sent to sniff my underwear with their highly sophisticated radars because i built this apron out of reflective aluminum coated polystyrene that i wear under my pants to heat up and alleviate the acute urinary infection due to the presence of highly specialized bacteria and/or magic in the air.
Did not know what else to do except going to ER or urgent care where they are also waiting for me with teams of actors, extras and on the fly script written with hardware and software AI.
8:00 Honestly i thought it was more. Amazing, they did a good job when designing those. On an operational field an F35 can do the job of up to 20 F16. Languishing?
10:07 The reason i make so many mistakes especially with the links and stuff are the people upstairs who intensify the noises when i try do do something like creating a link.
12:00 Mai vreți să vedeți cum arată un dac, o dacă (aici, capturați)? Dacii suntem... noi!
11:40 Dacian shields. Nobody in Europe has better proof of their noble origin yet we were always kept aside. Schengen treaty was included in European treaty since 2000 or way before Romania became part of it yet they pretend they still have to vote and Austria which probably thinks has claims on some of our territories like Bucovina where i'm from opposes her veto in an unnecessary invented vote.
The claims may be also based on the name of our president, Klaus Werner Iohannis, who comes from a city named in the past Hermannstadt. However the city name and its hypothetical German minority (they all have left for Germany because of communism hardship decades ago) comes from the German immigrants who came here from Germany proper by invitation from Hungary, trying to top the Romanian majority as seen in Unio Trium Nationum which BTW is described in totally biased manner in the Wikipedia page, don't even wanna read it it makes me sick.
12:11 Au ajuns că nu le mai pasă de nimic. Poate avea media acces la dosarele procuraturii și apoi să publice mărturii, părți din acele dosare? Adică, poți să spui că unul e cercetat, poți să-i faci o poză cu cătușele la mâini între jandarmi (poți?) pentru că îl poate vedea oricine în stradă (oare de ce?) dar să publici dosarul, nu cred. Și totuși nu am auzi niciodată pe nimeni din sistemul judiciar sau din publicul interesat să protesteze sau chiar să formuleze acuzații fiindcă mi se par fapte penale.
12:15 Tiktok, copiii. Nu-i pasă nimănui de datele confidențiale. Problema este nuditatea, lascivitatea, înjurături, invitații la prostituție, conținutul aproape porno al multor conturi. Eu am pus odată un link pe fb cu o tipă mai dezbrăcată deși nu prea, luată tot din media "legitimă" și mi-au blocat postarea. Pe tiktok se pare că merge orice.
Acum 20 de ani Eminem avea probleme pentru doar aluzii obscene, astăzi sunt cuvinte explicite unele repetate la infinit aproape în toate melodiile noi pentru tineri repetate de multe ori pe zi pe posturile de radio și nu-i mai pasă nimănui. Ce contează că auzi un bip de mascare de 100 de ori într-o melodie și știe oricine ce înseamnă.
8:43 Figured last night. Hosier-Kushner (not so) refreshing baritone diversifying trend/experiment actually started much earlier...
(Curious about on thing. Could your electricity powered AI actually predict karma). Now it all went silent cause AI is rebooting. Again.
And BTW why the effort. There is no market today. Though i'm happy to see you again.
10:30 There is no way they didn't know about this when they chose the stage name for their crowned princess.
This morning instead of Autumn Moon they used something with hot pepper in it. Awoke with shortness of breath and pain all over my skin that woke me up after two and a half hours of sleep.
Are you all gonna sit and entertain yourself with these presented here on this weekend too?
1:40 Flooded with smoke, feeling much better. Familiar familiar familiar...
5:54 AI is rebooting again. For a few hours now.
I wish i knew who the SOB with smoking asphalt came at that hour on a Saturday on Borland. That black stuff restarted an dormant infection and as a result i got progressing chills again and i'm back on antibiotics. Yes i pressed the button a bit too early being afraid i'm gonna loose it and the camera was too slow for a second shot.
Seconds after, the street was filled with smoke that lasted for minutes as i was walking in the direction seen in the picture. For the last month, every time i went in there they were guys mowing the grass on the right though in never seen them before.
Lately everywhere i go there is paving with asphalt going on. Towards Mt.Hood, near McMinnville, parking lot here, parking lot at Spirit Mountain, etc.. I think they are asking for the help from the goddess.
BTW when i came back i found a bag with a poop on top of the bushes under that apartment with the German shepard. I saw them "accidentally dropping" stuff from that balcony before, including debussing of a plate once, cams from a broken sack, etc.. I saw it earlier but didn't pay attention because it was in a blue bag. But this one was stinking really bad in the bag with a loose knot under hot sun rays.
7:26 Cancel_arul. Not the right time. Cred că Bucovina este motivul pentru care Austria, o țară care nu este membru NATO, îl susține deschis pe Putin. Deja vu.
9:43 I had this wild idea about an age range and did a search and i found a woman who resembles the current (a double of the) woman upstairs (based on a few seconds clear view from 30 ft away). Bucovina used to be under Austrian rule between...
10:18 Întrebare. A apărut Gheboasa vreodată într-un video porno pe site-urile principale, într-o pădure, cu tipă tânără cu ochi albaștri care părea drogată, cu încă doi tipi? (video care a dispărut fiindcă tipa are acum alt nume și alte roluri).
11:20 Ok m-am prins la niște faze dramatice. Povestea lui Salmoxis așa cum am spus-o este abia la început. Aștept reacții sau poate mă enervez dacă mai scârțâie sus mult și scriu acum. Sau poate asta urmăresc. Îmi dau fum și scârț ca să-mi scurtcircuiteze neuronii ca să meargă pe repede înainte și să vin cu idei trăsnite ca oracolul din Delphi.
Ok nu se poate opri. Prima fază.
(Ok se pare că a executat un dans și a spus o mantra prin care m-a făcut să uit ce vroiam să scriu. A ok gata mi-am amintit. (Not so) nice try).
De fapt asta scrie chiar în Wikipedia. Maestrul zidar era un fost solomonar care a ales să se întoarcă între oameni pe care îi ajuta împotriva solomonarilor. Solomon a construit primul templu care a fost prototipul templelor masonice de mai târziu și l-a înviat pe Hiram Abiff, arhitectul templului și fiul văduvei care a fost lovit în cap de trei rufieni.
Nu am înțeles niciodată din Biblie de unde și-a adunat Solomon bogăția cu care a construit Primul Templu acolo în Canaan unde curge doar lapte și miere dar în Biblie bogăția (și înțelepciunea) lui sunt legendare.
Întrebare. Să fie Solomon același tip cu Salmoxis care mai întâi s-a dus la Pitaguru, a învățat carte după care a venit și i-a vrăjit pe geți pentru a lua aur de la ei în schimbul iluziei nemuririi? (Prima țeapă luată de geți din istoria cunoscută). (Depozitele de aur din România sunt și au fost cele mai mari din lume, probabil fiindcă aici a căzut acum aproximativ 70 milioane de ani un asteroid metalic).
Da știu nu se potrivește cronologia însă datarea vieții lui Solomon este ipotetică în timp ce de Pitagora știm exact când a trăit. Circa. Dacă nu cumva toate sunt niște povești iar când sună clopoțelul știm că Ram_ses trebuia să fi murit.
Mai e o chestie. Pitagora a descoperit teorema cu același nume, iar în teoremă e vorba de un triunghi dreptunghic cu trei pătrate (squares) ce poate avea legătură cu semnele masonice suprapuse (compasul și echerul).
Deși compasul și echerul îl întâlnim și în mitologia chineză, Fuxi și Nuwa, cei doi șerpi frate și soră care după potop au reconstruit lumea cu un compas și un echer iar numele Nuwa pare să semene cu Noe. Dar și Noe a construit o arcă, acolo. Capisci?
1:00 Eu am (încă) o chestie. Ceva o permeabilitate în cerul gurii, poate de la vorbit prea mult la telefon (wireless, celular) sau mă roade placa dentară mai ales dacă mănânc alimente mai tari (nuci, alune, carne sau pizza arsă LOL) sau o combinație.
Dacă pun ceva dulce în gură mai ales seara după tot efortul masticator din cursul zilei dimineața mă doare capul. Dacă sunt într-o perioadă în care iau antibiotice faza nu se întâmplă.
Pot fi însă și alte infecții cronice nediagnosticate în zona capului, ca de exemplu urechi, gât, sinuzită cronică etc. sau un "tratament pe canal" la un dinte care de fapt înseamnă un os mort înfipt în mandibulă/maxilar. Încercați cu antibiotice de curiozitate. Tetraciclina, doxiciclina și tot neamul lor sunt nașpa pentru inimă totuși.
1:10 Was our beloved Beau de l'Aire on absinthe when he wrote the poem? I don't know, maybe only when the ideas hit him, i know it takes sobriety to do such a job. I will try to work a decent translation until tomorrow though the guy upstairs just hit me with a kami of smoke and one of dust. And the coincidence. He is the only French poet i ever read from, except one or two fables by Jean de la Fontaine.
This poem now almost translated, features one of the most famous important quotes of all times. "The Art is long and The Time is short". However a major in Art or French only takes a few years (if you have your own money or win a scholarship, i don't get any stats from google, i don't know how many people are reading this) while doctors in the US work like slaves. Canada is very close where you can be taught by native speakers.
2:42 Tristan Tate got this one right, in Romania indeed family bonds are very strong.
3:30 Other business. That i can remember from the long list today. They scheduled an empty cistern to pass right in front of me at the stop light in Lincoln City. One more black truck with no LPN in front or rear and was too dark to even see the brand, passed after that one. So i got to drive behind those too all the way to the first passing zone which is in the middle of the forest with no other traffic.
The cistern went on the right though (as usually) accelerated and the black truck passed it, slowly and i passed both but i think the truck accelerated after got into my blind spot when i changed lanes cause the passing zone was ending anyways.
It was no small surprise when i saw it in the mirror ft or even inches away, right after making me thinking the surprise could have been much bigger, like finding myself in a rolling vehicle with broken limbs after in an area with nu much traffic and far from hospitals.
The guy tried to stay behind, i slowed, he accelerated, i matched speed, wanted to see at least the brand of the truck but guess what. At Spirit Mountain, i stayed behind in an area with more light to let him pass and take a good look, but he pulled... inside the casino area. Then he casually went to pick someone and it was the perfect situation to go and see the guy but Angela didn't let me to. Now i think he could have simulated a road rage incident and do whatever.
At food court. Angela had a coupon, bought one fish and chips which at that hour was enough for both. They gave us a pager and we were waiting when i saw something really weird at the check stand. They were two stacks with pagers figuring two towers and somehow they got synchronized and they were flashing all one after another creating the illusion of light moving upwards.
Then i remembered what i saw in Lincoln City. Angela went inside, i am banned and not interested to appeal that decision. Tried to go for a walk, changed my mind, went to Grocery Outlet, was with my mind somewhere else like usually and grabbed a 6 gallons box with Crystal Geyser (we did that many times, and bought water from that store). The store now was moved and i asked the cashier why, i thought because of the tower that was in their lot but now they had a bigger one on the hill across the street, and she said no, for a different reason.
Forgot to get the only decent brand of bone broth which BTW has many benefits in any healing process, i started to climb stairs again with no pain after a severe tendinitis at the knees, the results are visible after one serving and a day passed, got instead some soda and nuts and went at Roads End round about, accidentally saw the sunset, then some cars moved, i was the last in line, i advanced and now i could see the hill and on the highest position and tallest building i saw a fire on a roof.
First i thought it was a reflection of the sunset in a window but it was still there when i moved a bit. After 10 or 15 minutes was not changing intensity and though could have been a BBQ in a balcony or whatever and left. Could be this one but for some reason i thought it was higher. No, it was this one.
Believe it or not that kami worked me all night. Constantly thinking now and forever of other types of business and names and persons and veterans i saw at the beach and how people come to the US.
5:23 Începând din 2000 Tratatul Schengen a devenit parte integrantă din Tratatul de Aderare la UE. Toate țările care au aderat după sunt membre în Schengen, cu îndeplinirea doar a unor formalități. Consiliul nu trebuia să mai voteze încă o dată pe acest subiect. Chestia cu declarația de dragoste față de România a Ursuley von der Leyen e o vrăjeală menită să șteargă această imagine.
Just figured something important weird. Americans with Disabilities Act varies from state to state. Not all questionnaires regarding a potentially disabled employee are the same in all states. So far i can tell the one in Florida by example is much more complicated and precise than the one in Oregon.
11:45 Got chills and pain from an infection that started because of the kami dog.
I wanted to write earlier but i forgot. A possible explanation for the belief of the Japanese that not having sex before battle is bad luck. Because nutrients accumulated in prostate and seminal vesicles for a longer time are constantly under assault from all kinda pathogens and there is an extra burden on your immune system and heavily using your body's resources.
Getting rid of those seems an easy solution.
Also a storm of hormones also get released in your blood stream during sex with a woman making you way more alert and motivated.
However, in the first hours your prostate goes in overdrive trying to replenish those again stealing precious resources especially proteins from your system and in a few days you are back at the starting point. Producing sperm is an absolute priority and a burden on your system especially during wars or in people with poor nutrition that i was during my youth.
But when you got diabetes things are much worse because of the presence of sugar in all organs and tissues that feed pathogens that may easily enter during unwanted pre-secretions through unscheduled hyper stimulation creating infections beyond your body's defense capabilities especially when living in an unsanitized environment. Infections in prostate may quickly spread around to adjacent organs and the whole body putting you at risk for sepsis.
11:52 Haven't looked at the stats of my blogs in a long time. It all started when i put a DIY post about painting walls years ago using lime which is much cheaper and a much better choice than "latex" water based paint, if you know how to do it that was very common in Romania before i came here. However there was an unknown factor i could not figure, materials here are different, could not get (at the time) lime in paste (CaOH) used instead CaCO3 in powder, sometimes the paint came hard as rock, sometimes soft as a piece of chalk.
Looked at those and i was getting like 100 hits per hour. However after 4 hours it all stopped and never saw since more than a few hits at every post. That is good because it spares me the emotions, but bad because i can't make any money from it. Today i started again google analytics to see more.
Also in my particular case making money from commercials or sponsorships may not be a good idea because they may alter in subtle, unintended ways the perception of my posts, especially in areas that critical, with ideas that in time got so radical (wasn't planning, just got carried out).
Latest and most important, it is my constantly inevitably renewing perception that at least Oregon, the west coast of US is occupied by millions of foreigners and all the politicians are again actors from a different country.
With those present and running things around here nothing is going to ever work for me or other people like me or ordinary Americans though the US is one of the richest country in resources and debt to those in the trillions.
And BTW real time conversations in English if they go beyond light still give me enough surprises to freeze me at times and twist my intentions interfering with the process of choosing my confessions which may at times be very embarrassing. As for play i am still considering the other hypothesis case in which it may prove a catastrophic unrecoverable mistake.
Word play here online where it's safe is the only possibility.
Besides. I live surrounded by them. They knock on walls when i go to the the restroom to block my transit for God's sake. Or simply when i get excited by something. It's hard to catch a window to view a movie online. Same happens to any hotel i've been during my trips. They call it "influencing".
Nevermind just figured. We usually go at least once a week, mostly Saturdays at Indian Head. However 90 to 100% of the people there is THEIR people, playing different roles. I saw somebody with a girlfriend there before. Longer road, safety concerns. Usually a last minute decision done together.
1:00 I looked again today and i am puzzled by contradictions between different reports even on the same page though some have changed a bit, i see now hits in the thousands per day in one report, still insignificant if you intended to make money of it. I re-started data collection with google analytics and will check in a few days.
I know is hard to understand but money making, negotiating, was not part of the culture i grew up with. While other people, skeptical of the system, secretly and partially passed it to their kids, though it was too outdated when the revolution hit us in 89, and didn't really worked for them, (as the world in the meantime turned into a one by the known model), i am simply illiterate at it (or there are too many watching every of my move and sabotaging me) and one of the reasons i moved to the US was hoping to learn however THEY had different intentions with me.
I even had an Ameritrade account where i put 2000 dollars and tried to use some common sense algorithms to make very short term speculations. It worked only a few times at first and then i sensed some intervened and totally changed the evolutions of the stocks i was picking. By the sheer number of people and resources i sense they use around me, i think for them doing that would have been nothing as they regularly manipulate the market during one day, spending trillions in high freq trading, with fake news, Musk's perceived mood, manipulating oil price and live shows with Dracula and Xenu.
More than that. Oregon DMV gave me a LPN in 2018 that was saying JKB i din't pay attention to. Ever since, everywhere i go i see around me an unusual number of cars with different similar combinations. One of my bosses in Romania resembled an ex KGB director. The reason i have a personalized LPN in the line ipsum lorem bla bla (ERGO), that still has some significance to some (pretty girl Era).
1:17 An alternative way of seeing reactions to my posts (and especially seeing when i screw up) besides numerous indirect responses in official media is by looking at the stock market reaction. Unfortunately market goes down when i'm not making mistakes. Because all companies listed are mostly owned and run by THEM and everything i write down is coincidentally against them. However they tied the mass of people to the market through retirement funds. Could this be the time of her last post? But can she even see my posts? I have no proof of that.
1:30 Now we're simply fighting to keep Angela's job. They were at least two more letters in her myChart from her doctor to HR recommending limitations that may qualify as disability by ADA definitions but never treated as such by the company though they accepted the limitations. There was never an ADA questionnaire before last week.
Those are now gone and instead there is only the more recent ADA questionnaire Angela had to give to her doctor last Friday that basically when returned said she is disabled by ADA definitions. However we have downloaded them. However doctor said Angela may recover from her foot problems within a month which we think is possible and the lifting limitation to 20 pounds never changed in 5 years while the company accepted it, until recently when they asked her to do a job lifting more than 40 pounds.
However walking more than 5000 ft or one mile every day without rotating every few days or the way that work station was manned before her is not acceptable by any standard, disabled or not. She did that for more than one year and a half, and that started her feet problem.
2:10 Coincidence of the day. MittRom-nay. Welcome to my silly life, quantum dragă fly.
5:23 There are a few "children" in the yard and yell as Angela is sleeping. Got the AC unit and a foil in the open sliding door and sound gets in here like the door is wide open. I went in the kitchen to grab a drink and a snack and they were yelling every time i was grabbing or biting or sipping something. Like they knew. Or like getting commands from AI via ear-prompters. I did record it and saved it but there is nothing in that file.
6:00 Writing here today was most difficult. Having too many things on my mind and with all the noises i made numerous mistakes. As anyone may see, i write through re-editing or by adding time stamped entries in the same post during one whole day, and had by mistake at certain times several tabs open with the same post and got lost in versions, writing one thing in one tab and one in other, ending loosing some of the notes etc..
I feel like i'm drunk though i'm not. Some sort of weird mold smell coming from rapidly mutating microbes due to tanins of the redwood mulch coming from all kinda "casually" thrown garbage, the bins are full, they will be emptied tomorrow, combined with animal waste make me feel that way. Considering of going and buying liquor because with that one at least i know i'm drunk.
7:22 Like in many older people, GeneralPetraeus's appearance has changed as he got older and predictably, by his fast (healing) metabolism and high energy, thinner, especially when looked at from aside for half second while finishing climbing, at the top end of stairs at the beach. Now i know who staged the chase with the cistern on hwy 18 last night. Some of the other times? August 20/21 2021?
8:30 Angela did not approve a run to the liquor store, it smells like hell in here, wanted to go outside to throw those, any time i tried the child actors were eyeing me. But i'm pretty sure they will bring more right away as things got very intense these days, they are throwing at me everything they got.