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Showing posts sorted by date for query sink. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, February 4, 2024

February 4th

12:50 How much cheaper and smaller a carrier would be if planes would take of and land like this? Any plane with a thrust/weight ratio slightly greater than one and a thrust vectoring system could do it.

With modern fly by wire systems a software could be designed to do the job of landing again vertically (like Musk's rocket that can land vertically).

But they don't even have to land on the bridge. All they need is to fly like this for a few seconds under a capturing crane.

But think of other advantages. You could raise 10 or 20 of these in the same time. That goes for airports as well. No need for bottleneck runways that are vulnerable to rocket attacks. Keep them in holes underground or under ship's deck. Could carry them on platforms on the freeways and launch them from anywhere.

Could even evacuate them if the ship starts to sink.   

Da, și România a avut 24 din astea (fără thrust vectoring, nu știu dacă puteau fi modificate - upgraded). Au fost vândute ca piese de schimb la polonezi care le au și acum.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November 14

1:08 I'm back at the PC as my laptop now broke. Only one of two USBC charging capable ports was still working and now it's flickering. Like many other things it broke over the weekend, when i was not here.

Was searching for somebody else when i ran into this. A Hungarian synchronized swimmer who committed suicide at 15 or in 2004, strangulating self with a noose. Reading some comments, i figured something else. She was lesbian. Though i don't speak or understand Hungarian, i saw when i translated with google and wanted to make sure. Also note there is no gender for third person pronoun. I knew that since before also by using google translate.

If i wasn't already processed by the guy upstairs who pumped the sewage present from a leak from bathroom fan pipe. He squeaked until he again broke my spirit. Following me everywhere in the apartment. I am positive he is getting some too until he finally leaves through the attic to sleep in a clean place. Nevermind he's back.

Yeah. Check this out.

Was thinking earlier. Ninjutsu is crime rationalized and made efficient.

2:13 Am citit cu câteva luni în urmă un articol despre o actriță româncă de teatru care a vrut întâi să intre în miliție și era prea scundă, înainte de școala de actorie, am căutat în toate felurile în care am știut, și știu destule, am vrut apoi să caut în istoria căutărilor mele și s-a stricat fișierul de pe serverul google, așa că nu mai am istoria căutărilor, tipa îmi amintea de o colegă de serviciu pe care am cunoscut-o în 86 când am început să lucrez la IMU Bacău, care era din București și se putea despărți de accentul ei de bucureșteancă mă rog.

Mai era o tipă tot așa din București cu care am lucrat cot la cot să spun așa, care semăna cu Angela Ciochină și era prietenă cu prima. Gabi Rafailă. Când se întâlneau chiar era amuzant să le auzi vorbind în limba lor latină.

Chiar după ce am început să lucrez acolo ne-au luat și ne-au dus la... câmp la strâns porumb. Toți inginerii din proiectare. Dar asta a fost în 86.

În 87 sau 88 cred în vară am fost la București la un curs de programare (cu toată gașca pe care o strânsesem de pe la proiectare, numai tipe bune, eu eram șeful lor) și acolo am cunoscut și două tipe de la Lugoj, una foarte mișto, o blondă, cu care am și dansat (am făcut noi un party în ultima zi în hotelul ăla foarte mișto din nordul Bucureștiului, ce piscină, era ditamai bazinul de înot) și tipa mi-a făcut o propunere prea directă să nu mă șocheze.

În timp ce dansam cu zeița și mă feream s-o ating măcar ea mi-a spus la ureche "cred că ești un șef foarte bun" la care eu am răspuns vag "nu ai de unde să știi". Tipa semăna cu... Camera lor era lângă a noastră.

Ceilalți erau cazați prin alte camere, mai departe, inclusiv Alex Horovitz din Timișoara de la o fabrică de mașini unelte de pe acolo. ("Fiul profesorului Horovitz care a scris o carte (de mașini unelte)"). Asta fost singura dată când am interacționat cu ea, mai ales că a doua zi am plecat toți acasă.

În camera mea mai era un tip, care semăna cu vocalistul Janos Kobor de la Omega. Al doilea din stânga. Care seamănă cu David Gilmour de la Pink Floyd. Fiica lui Kobor, Lena. Fishe eye effects.

Apropo, al patrulea tip din poză seamănă cu tipul de la Lynyrd Skinnrd. Care au o melodie ciudată, aproape incestuoasă.

Cursul a fost pentru cele două grupe, una din Bacău și una din Tmișoara (și cei trei din Lugoj) și el era echivalentul meu acolo dar erau mai avansați. El mi-a dat niște programe în Basic și apoi am luat tot de la Timișoara și primele calculatoare pentru grupa noastră de proiectare asistată de calculator care se numea chiar așa. SPAC (Sisteme de Proiectare Asistată de Calculator). Clone de Spectrum, cred că se numeau Tim-S.

Când am primit calculatorul mare cu terminale (o clonă de PDP) tot de la ei am luat un program făcut în Cobol pentru generat fișe tehnologice, de un tip Hlușcu care fugise în Germania și care nu a mers. Am făcut eu în schimb un program mult mai simplu și mult mai mișto în Fortran care făcea fișe tehnologice și normare, dar șeful meu l-a aruncat la gunoi (deranja grupa de normatori). Ăla a fost momentul când am început să mă gândesc să mă mut spre salarii/contabilitate.

A mai era și o tipă? Erica? din Timișoara ce părea chiar înotătoare, înaltă, cu musculatură dar cam urâțică și aia se cam lua de mine dar eu o ignoram. M-am mai întâlnit odată cu ea la Timișoara în casa lui Alex la o palincă și atât după care ea "a fugit în Germania". Chiar îmi amintesc ce casă sau apartament într-o clădire din aia veche imperială avea Alex și ce rufos eram eu (de fapt ca și acum).

Îmi spunea Gabi Rafailă, că tipa aia din Lugoj, cu un nume nemțesc, rămăsese gravidă.

Cred că am mai spus că șeful meu de atunci, Cărămidaru semăna mult cu Cristian Țopescu. În timp ce eram noi la București o colegă (aia care semăna cu Julia Roberts, nu aia care semăna cu Olivia Newton John) sună la Bacău și află că și Cărămidaru a fugit în Turcia iar de acolo în Italia și apoi Canada.

11:34 What's draggin the market today, a good way to increase inflation? Good news on inflation, energy and Alexandria Real Estate.

3:55 I can't remember how many times i said before that smell from the bathroom gets in the space between the floor upstairs and our ceiling through a leak in the pipe. This summer actually you could feel the smell from outside. Can't let the fan run too much to push fresh air through the same leak because it blows insulation dust. I had this idea for a few days now but i only tried it today. Apply some vacuum with the vacuum cleaner to see if the pipe is actually clogged with dust buns or something. So i applied vacuum to the fan box for a few seconds and nothing changed.

In the same time i was waiting for the first day alone here to put some high tech stuff on the fiberboard under the sink that gets wet with water when i do the dishes and start stinking. So right after i've done the vacuum thing i applied that water based acrylic under the kitchen sink and then i went in several places.

First to green whatever bottle drop box next to Fred Meyer. But did not have the card with me and waited until somebody came to open the door. Someone as tall as me with big blue eyes and some sort of weird makeup on her face to make her look old and ugly.  Then i went to WinCo, the usual routine, at the self check stands was supervising Gladys, ex Van Dame's wife.

But after that and a walk, i still could not unfog my brain since last night's smoke that was engulfing the building. Angela doesn't let me call the firefighters or something.

Not from holes or anything. I plugged all holes. Plainly from everywhere. Went outside to look and got an even higher dose. Interestingly when that happens nobody is around here. At 10 PM the place seem deserted literally. I guess they don't want to expose their own.

Angela came and looked through the banks and told me at Grande Ronde Shell we got charged 6 dollars on a Capital one for gas, card we don't usually use  for gas. After a while she remembered she bought a hot dog and biscuits and gravy at the CS that tasted like vanilla at like @5 AM or when we left and bought gas from there and i was so hungry after being sick all night. But why did they charge food as gas.

And BTW i figured why i am also sick in the morning. The gas smell.

5:55 Didn't you all know. Girls look more life fathers then mothers. My ears are huge like Buddha's and eyes are brown like my sisters'. My mother had blue eyes and father dark brown. I also have a hook nose.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 28

1:05 Smoke in here is beyond any limit, almost unbearable inside, and i've done everything i could as far as plugging holes. The whole space between buildings is filled with it and it got inside due to vibrations from a distant train. As long as they were noises upstairs it was better but i think they left and the smoke level rose. And i lost my flashlight and can't go outside to see more holes.

8:57 Dacă tu instanță îți declini competența într-o cauză nu mai poți să admiți sau să nu admiți o cerere. Nu mai poți să faci nimic în cauza respectivă. Întrebați orice jurist.

După cum am spus de atâtea ori. Începând din 1999 Tratatul Schengen nu mai există ca tratat separat ci a devenit un protocol, parte integrantă din Tratatul de Aderare al României (împreună cu alte 10 țări) aprobat de Consiliu în unanimitate în 2002 și ratificat de toate țările UE până la 1 ianuarie 2007. Cu alte cuvinte, România a devenit membru Schengen din 2007, cu necesitatea îndeplinirii unor condiții care trebuiau constatate de Comisie, care este partea legislativă.

De aceea așa zis-ul vot al Consiliului pentru aderarea Croației nu a fost un vot legislativ și nu are nici o valoare juridică. Dacă vă uitați în agenda cu votul respectiv veți vedea că a fost programat în secțiunea ne-legislativă a întâlnirii. Nu a modificat cu nimic tratatul de aderare și apartența Croației la Schengen, ci și-a abrogat rolul executiv al Comisiei, constatând îndeplinirea condițiilor care în cazul României erau îndeplinite din 2011.

Nu va mai exista niciodată un vot legislativ în Consilu pentru aderarea României fiindcă acest vot a fost exercitat înainte de semnarea Tratatului în 2003.

Tomac nu trebuia să dea în judecată Consiliul pentru acesta și-a făcut treaba. Trebuia să dea în judecată Comisia pentru ne-aplicarea Protocolului Schengen din Tratatul de Aderare ceea ce înseamnă ne-aplicarea aquisului.

În Noiembrie 2022, după 11 ani de ne-aplicare, Comisia și-a declinat compentența aplicării aquis-ului.

Conform acestui șirag de argumente dintr-o pagină a enormului site sau mai bine zis grupul de site-uri ale UE, tratatul din 2003 care a intrat în forță în 2007 după un lung proces de aprobări și ratificări nu putea fi semnat fără votul unanim al Consiliului care trebuia să fi avut loc cândva înainte de semnare în 2003.

Pe atunci agendele Consiliului arătau altfel, nu aveau o secțiune legislativă și ne-legislativă, care pare o invenție recentă menită să ascundă faptul că nu mai era nevoie de un vot în Consiliu în cazul celor 3 țări restante. În general voturile ne-legislative sunt treaba Comisiei și nu a Consiliului.

Nu găsesc, oricât aș încerca, agenda votului Consiliului care trebuia să fi avut loc înainte de semnare în 2003 însă a avut loc căci semnarea Tatatului nu se putea face fără acesta.

12:36 You the book nerd, can you please buy and read this book. I need to buy it too cause i exhausted all attempts to download it for free, like Bansenshukai, though in paper format you cannot do (fast) searches. Maybe i could buy it and downloaded as ebook, should try this first.

The idea (hypothesis) is there are channels that can be opened between people (such as lovers), maybe one to many, maybe one way only (do not look in the eyes) and i think those channels once open like by seeing a video early in the morning, can be hijacked by a third party.

4:00 I could say more on the subject but don't want to get weirder than this for now and i'd like to share with you something i just found out.

Much of the stuff that's happening to us and may throw our lives out of normal is the bacteria and mold that's living inside the empty spaces in the interior walls and between upstairs floor and your ceiling and that can be relatively easily cured with an ozone generator. Need to find a closet or space where there are cracks or openings that are communicating with that space that is usually all linked together because of pipes passages. One good place to look is the space around pipes under the sink and install it there.

But usually there is some space between the fan box in the bathroom and the ceiling and the fanbox itself may leak when the fan works into the space between ceiling and upstairs floor or attic feeding the space with nutrients like your own dead skin flakes present in house dust. Install the ozone generator in the bathroom and close the door. It would be a bit uncomfortable to go in there i know. Leave it on as much as you can.

Careful cause the ozone even in low concentrations is harmful to eyes and lungs but you usually can feel it after a day or so and adjust time and settings. Ozone is very reactive (oxidizing) and combines with everything, killing mold and bacteria, and neutralizes sulfur dioxide that emanates from drywall panels, etc..

Another way is to use the ozone generator on high settings when you leave the house but will need a timer so it would stop at least one hour before you get back home. Usually in all american homes there is space between floor and the wall where you can stick a finger, around plugs etc.. and the ozone will get inside the walls through that space.

Got this one that also has a negative ion generator and let it run for half day in the bathroom, every few days on ozone mode and continuously rest of the time in the living on ion generator mode.

The negative ion generator puts in the air obviously negative ions LOL that are attracted by the dust that is usually positively charged, making dust particles heavier and fall to the ground where they attach to carpet and stuff and never raise back up except when vacuum cleaning. It is so much better to breath cleaner air and have the dust on the carpet. I think it works better than any filter i tried over the years.

However mine doesn't have a timer for ozone like this one and cannot be shipped to California, i think none of them can because of the... ozone LOL.

Will see first results in about a week. Lower bacterial load especially in your guts will give a break to your still young immune system and brain and your mind will be clearer. But when you get older the stuff will start to permanently infect your organs giving you what doctors call arthritis.

But if you see big spaces around pipes under the sink or around plugs on big appliances or between floor and walls, you should know you are in danger because of insulation dust that may come especially from exterior walls that are filled with mineral insulation (rock wool). Try and stick everything you can like rags in those spaces. Insulation dust is irritant and painful and has weird psychological effects, especially when combined with bacteria and other stuff.

Most of the dust is released upon vibrations from big speakers or modified exhausts outside but also steps upstairs.

One good indication you are dealing with environmental issues like these is stomach pain. Dust is being continuously eliminated from your lungs into your stomach and guts.

Many antidepressants work as pain killers, allergy relief etc. and that could be their only benefit (by dealing with the effects of that dust). That's why you become extremely sleepy and lethargic when you start those or when you get out of that environment like going into a much better built hospital. But that could be your normal that is not exciting anymore.

6:22 It's what o clock in the evening on the west coast and finally figured her face since this morning. It was all youtube suggestions and stuff, nothing intended, sorry if you had a good fun out of it. As i said, ima never gonna fit, even introduced to. Not the sharpest tool talking real time.

Soul love. It crossed my mind earlier before i saw her last post. Actually the real(Alexacrush) translation of the title of the movie from Italian Prendimi l'anima is Catch my Soul. "Schtejt a Bocher"...

12:44 The man upstairs followed me in the bathroom, flushed the toilet while i was there, now he awoke Angela by squeaking and stomping.

8:00 Still stinking like gasoline at 8 AM on Monday. Much better with the filter next to entrance. I think Angela slept less than 3 hours mostly because of the guys upstairs and works ten hours today. Outside it stopped stinking though the car is still on a jack. Gasoline smell kinda mixed and penetrated carpet and everything and now competing with the old dog poop smell in the apartment.

Just remembered something.

8:57 I decided to dedicate some time to clean and organize. Get rid of old junk, make it more livable. I spent so much time for my blogs lately and neglected everything else.

Made some noodle soup with bone broth added and was about to eat it when a young couple, like they don't have anything else to do with their lives, came like they do every day with two dogs in the yard beyond patio sliding door and the dogs started raising legs and stuff.

10:28 My Elantra has Sirius XM receiver which is a satellite broadcast system and has on the roof a shark fin antenna that can connects to either a satellite, or an LTE tower via the Bluelink and thus probable the most connected car of all brands. It also has a microphone that enable voice commands, phone calls via a bluetooth connected phone etc.. So it is doable for a hacker to make the necessary "adjustments" so everything you talk in the car to be heard or streamed via the internet.

11:34 Solved the mystery where the gas smell was coming from. It was not the Chrysler. They where (i think they still are) a couple of puddles of gasoline at the spot belonging to Apt.1. Though it's odd cause the puddles where pretty far apart.

Took one picture, was thinking to take one more when i come back from my walk. Cut my walk short, came back and saw a cop entering the first entrance in the building C east of the mailboxes.

I had my camera in my hand but i knew a Police car should be nearby so i gave up (don't want to take pictures of those while cops are in mission or in general). However i didn't see any Police vehicle, just a white SUV parked next to the mailboxes but i delayed taking the picture and saw the cop getting into that one. White, unmarked, Interceptor, probably Sheriff. Would have been in the direction where i wanted to take the second one.

1:00 I wasn't only drunk, i was out of my mind. Literally. The smell of gasoline for days, lack of quality sleep, stress, the 2 hour drive in smoke, sometimes weird smoke, a few glasses of wine that i think also had a smoke component from wildfires, hurry to get things done, too many unsorted things pressing on my mind.

I think my brain got too old to accommodate all these, like a young guy. But i've done things like these since i was a kid. Colossal gaffes usually when the unexpected overwhelms me.
In grade school they used to call me "distracted" but in Romanian it has a slightly different meaning than in English. It means having your mind somewhere else.

I think it is a way to cope with sometimes unbearable stress and trauma. Like when i have to drive 80 miles in smoke and  hostile environment from other drivers though is the boredom that kills me most of the time and then i let my mind fly away which brings me a type of fulfillment (feel good neurotransmitters) that allow me to continue.

I do many other routine things this way. Always thinking of something else because it makes me feel better. But yeah, it can happen this way. You think of something else and that pops right in front of you and you can't recognize it however your subconscious does and carries a bit of a conversation that way, with the weirdest effects.

One of the most traumatic things is having to think hypothetically because it consumes a lot of brain power. Like coming to a different country and not knowing the language and culture and having to take in consideration when talking to somebody every possibility. Internet, learning the many expressions should have made it easier to me but in the end i sort of lost drive, and that is mostly because what i discovered and put in my other blog. Keep asking myself if it's worth it. And then the prize unexpected refreshment.

But that sort of intellectual effort and hypothetical thinking and constant inquiring could have been the reason i discovered the big switcheroo (see the other blog).

1:13 Yiddish ("jüdisch"), a misterious language that until today i thought it was derived from German. So they did themselves and everybody. But today i don't think so anymore.

If the Indo European theory is true and all European (and Indian) languages derive from a single one which is probably Sanskrit it means all those languages have to have some Sanskrit words in them.

But the weirdest part and due to uniqueness of the situation i can't find another example or model throughout history, each derived language kept a different set of recognizable words from it. Yeah i was talking once on the phone with a linguist and he went a bit sarcastic and told me like yeah, you can't understand this.

So here is a major difference between German and Yiddish. Right in the first verse of the folk song.

Unfortunately i don't know any of the two languages though when i was a kid i heard my grandparents, other people speaking German all the time. Could be this behind the drive for me to learn English which is not so far from German, when i had a chance. Could be neural pathways that were dug in my subconscious at the time that helped me with learning it. German and Jewish culture still present in Bucovina where i lived until 14.

However i can recognize some words and phrases, and from a few searches i realized Yiddish is not a very  "cared for" languages, with several types of Latin transliteration. But here is a sample of an English version of the song next to the Yiddish one and i can see Yiddish is not German.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

October 18

7:27 They decided it was time for me to wake up. Here's a dedication for them.

I had a neighbor in Bacău who looked exactly like Yoko Ono in this picture though she was supposed to be 25 or 30 or something. But i once said and can't find it right now is the Japanese woman narrator in this documentary about Yoshiwara is also her. Just like "Alexa" who in reality is 46 years old, is married to a musician (who was playing guitar in the live band at 7 feathers) and has 2 children.

8:35 Do you know what ozone smells like? The sparks inside the electric motor of the coffee grinder make ozone.

A while ago i bought an ozone/negative ion generator. But i wasn't careful, the generator is way too big for this apartment, is for industrial settings or maybe casinos, 4500 ft at maximum setting. Even at the lowest, is too much for the apartment. Yesterday i got really pissed off with the smells around here and let it on all day at the lowest but shut it down when around midnight.

When i woke up this morning it was still stinking in here like ozone. I think i ended the smoke smell by pouring Quikrete mixed with soil in the mole? holes next to basement. I started the bathroom fan and walked outside for a second and this time, and after being cleared out of other smells except ozone i realized outside it was smelling like sewage. I knew about that smell but never made the connection.

I know once i had the fan on and saw air flowing from a whole in the wall under sink. Which means there's a leak in the 4 inch flexible pipe at the bathroom fan. Leaks that when the fan is on pressurizes the walls and space between ceiling and floor, some 2 ft high empty space.

Once i stop the bathroom fan there's no more sewage smell outside. Which means the space between ceiling/upstairs floor, the walls, is filled with sewer gas. And when they step like this on the wooden floor, they actually pump it inside here. Instant. On demand.

So what i've done is i moved the ozone generator in the bathroom, set it on max and started the fan and now when i check outside there's less and less sewer smell.

I don't know exactly where the sewer gas is coming from. It could be only from that leak, that is when i start the fan after i use the bathroom. It could be from their toilet seat. I don't know but after almost 40 minutes of running the bathroom fan with the room saturated with ozone, the smell started to cleas outside.

While i was checking and opening the door several times, they did the trick with the morning sleeping kid. They brought a sleeping kid in a gray Toyota or Honda or something, stopped in the middle of the alley and started the lengthy and complicated procedure of unstrapping the kid and taking it in an apartment in building D that took like 5 minutes time in which i opened the door like 3 times.

I will repeat the procedure with the ozone and bathroom fan a couple of times to see if it clears the smell completely, if not it means there's another leak at the toilet seat.

10:10 Just called State Farm, they said the added Angela, the person i spoke with said the person i spoke yesterday is not there yet and he doesn't know why their email with the new card and policy didn't get to me yet.

11:43 Finally got a card in the email with both names on however my name is misspelled and can't go into my accounts cause the site is frozen.

1:09 Now i got two separate cards with only one name on each however it's my name on both, nothing for Angela.

1:33 Right. Farm equipment where all lead ends in food. Low flying small aircraft and helicopters.

2:20 I think i saw "Alexa" briefly in the park @12:30 with a 70 years old woman mask on her face, but i think it was moving too fast and alert to be that old and i think i recognized the shape of her body from behind. I had several encounters with her, first when i was sick with my hand and she had a jacket with a visible inscription saying UNWELL.

2:34 There is an open hole near the living wall, no smoke smell, but felt very sleepy when i went for the walk in the park. I squeezed a bit of Quikrete out of that bag but there's a couple of Comcast trucks. one in our spot one next to it, right near it and i feel shy of doing it in their presence. In the mean time more mole gas is coming here making me sick.

6:55 Ok i fixed the above, now they invaded that space and yelling. Whatever.

It's not that. The biggest problems is not Alexa. The biggest problem to me right now is if behind or before Alexa she was Ayesha Alexis Auciello, the woman from Los Angeles who started this new (sexual) revolution on TikTok and if she is also Seri Iwahori.

Alexa has many American culture samples or shall i say cultural staples included in her performances on all sites and to some degree she masters English. West Coast culture of course. So does Ayesha.

Which means that both must have lived on the wet coast US for at least 10 years though it is hard to say because in both cases it's all so obviously scripted and rehearsed and repeated and CGIed and made to look amateurish and stuff.

Second clue. Ayesha, Geisha. Rumored trans. Did you know first Geisha in Japan were men?

Third clue. Second name. Alexis.

Fourth. Stage name, Erotica.

Fifth. Location. Seri Iwahori and her husband Takuro own a house in Los Angeles.

Sixth. Seri's husband Takuro is a musician. He could be the man behind all the soundtracks of which some are indeed astoundingly good, some better (erotica, right) than today mainstream Dodge ya Cat and stuff. But what if...?

Saturday, November 12, 2022

November 12

4:10 Wipe-outs. Banksy vs Bankman and now Batman. AJR.

4:21 It is true. They can also heal. But how. Like any trick, it's only temporary, by boosting your hormones.

Everybody remembers. After puberty, after all the pains of growing follows the magic period of a hormonal storm that naturally lasts up until 40s in average people and almost indefinitely in people that have an ideal nutrition and not so much stress. It is similar to salmon's run, though people live past that.

However when this overdrive period ends, your body starts to fail, from being over-stressed for so long.

And here comes the dog of Gula, the goddess of healing in ancient Mesopotamia.

To this day they use dogs as therapy. It is known they sometimes bring dogs for petting sessions in psychiatric wards.

Don't know exactly how it works, but they may boost hormones or enzymes to levels like at the beginning of your youth. Or T Gondii, the parasite that produces dopamine. No wonder they thought and still believe to this day dogs are magic.

But again like many times before, one search threw me way off course and my mind wondered so much i simply forgot why i opened this thread. I think i found something i was looking for a longtime. The origin of the symbol of the City of Lake Oswego. The symbol of the rainbow serpent (which became Nut in Egpt) in Ancient Mesopotamia. Nungal. It's just too much for now.

One thing everybody has to realize. There is too much ancient magic in public and private life and media nowadays, we got to shake some of it before we totally choke.

5:06 Yesterday i finally washed the comforter in the bedroom. 3 times washing with hot water, 2 times rinse with hot water, one with cold. Could not realy turn the spindle of the washer because comforter was too big, i kept pushing downwards until i got tired. Worked on that one, drying and washing, intermittently the whole day.

Was still stinking after one wash, two washes, etc.. I think got re-contaminated from that one (that got contaminated after months or years of dog poop smell from outside, can't remember when i did it last time, thing is hard to dry). Thing is now i got again the magic in me, my gut smells like it, i'm nauseated, took a charcoal, went outside to search for the magic but couldn't smell or find any (the grass is also covered by leaves). Which is good cause i don't like to handle those.

However what i found was a kid's bike next to curb in front of our entrance. A newer more expensive one than in the past. I know from experience that nobody comes to pick those of which i saw several in the past and i just took it next to the bin.

5:40 Cuțuvencii. I think their AI got so good by now they can predict what i'm going to say and do for hours or days. Here in his current poem posted 4 days ago Dinescu writes metaphorically about two breads that of course represent Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Don't even want to think who's the drunk priest uh huh.

6:07 Anii 70. Ascultam Phoenix la radio dar nu am știut niciodată că cel care cânta, Baniciu, era colegul meu de bancă, Mihai. My bad. Nu cred că mă voi recupera vreodată din asta pentru că știu acum că fața aceea întunecată a lui care apărea câteodată e de fapt cea reală.

Însă melodia asta nu am deslușit-o sau poate nu am auzit-o niciodată până recent. Prima dată mi-a atras atenția cuvântarea "zei peste zei". Azi tot așa din nostalgie am vrut s-o mai ascult odată și mi s-a părut că aud în primele versuri cuvântul draci. Dar nu am fost sigur până nu am gugălit versurile. Da, așa e. Oare ce vrea să spună?

7:37 Cel mai greu îmi este (psihologic, pentru că mă înfurie la culme, practic nu durează prea mult) este să descâlcesc subliminalele pe care ei le aruncă din cele mai neașteptate direcții. Gaura din colon. Numele lui Cristofor Columb în spaniolă era Cristobal Colon. (Un nume predestinat sau prefabricat, fiindcă are inițiale duble). Pentru cine nu știe, colon în engleză înseamnă...

Însă un gând mă dărâmă. Dacă ei îi culeg selectiv sub pretext de COVID pe toți cei care se prind de ce scriu eu aici?

8:08 Was about to fall asleep when from next door they hit the wall. Exactly in that moment, not very loud, but loud enough prevent me from falling asleep. They did it twice. They used to in the past, not recently. Also i figured it is not only the guy upstairs who dries dirty laundry. I think they dried unwashed dog's laundry and the vent is not far from ours and under the siding as well. There are dog's hair on the grill of the vent.

12:54 ICR în sus ICR în jos, ICR la Londra plătea 6500 mii de lire pe lună pentru un apartament adică 7500 de euro adică 36000 mii lei pe lună adică 430000 lei pe an (aproape jumătate de milion). 

De ce au apărut ăștia în știri zilele astea nu știu, dar am fost mereu curios să le aflu bugetul, de când am citit despre un email care circula prin SUA întrebând cine mai vrea bani pentru activități culturale, prea târziu pentru a aplica, și nici măcar nu m-am ostenit să mă uit pe propriul blog în lista bugetelor pe ministere ("ordonatori de credit", dreapta sus), unde ICR se găsește ca și ordonator de credit separat față de Ministerul Culturii.

Mișto mi-am zi eu (putem afla), are un buget de 32 milioane lei, din care aproximativ jumătate cheltuieli salariale. Aproape jumătate de milion pe un apartament. Ce se știe despre clădirea însăși unde este găzduit ICR-ul în Londra. Dar cele din Paris, New York etc.. Pe site-ul lor (link mai sus, tab-ul rețeaua) se află lista orașelor unde sunt prezenți. Dintr-o simplă căutătură ne dăm seama că bugetul lor (fără partea de salarii) se duce pe chirii, care sunt pentru clădirile principale și chiriile angajaților.

Stau și mă întreb ce ar trebui să-i facem să publice lista clădirilor, angajaților, salariile. Că doar sunt banii noștri.

Am fost curios și m-am uitat puțin și pe bugetul Ministerului Culturii. Dublu număr de angajați, însă bugetul e respectabil. 1300 milioane lei (1,3 miliarde). Și am fost curios mai departe, oare ce fac ei cu banii. M-am uitat puțin mai jos în pdf și am văzut o chestie familiară (o văd mereu, cu sume mai mici sau mai mari, în general mai mari decât asta, la ministerele mai mari). În jur de 1000 milioane pe partea cheltuieli pe contul "Transferuri intre unități ale administrației publice". Deci acolo se duce grosul bugetului Ministerului Culturii. 

Chestia apare de la începutul anului, de la facerea bugetului prin legile lui. Un transfer programatic misterios care papă cheltuielile multor ministere. Unde se duc acești bani?

Ok un search pe cuvântul transfer în același pdf a lămurit doar o mică o parte (114 milioane împărțit la 4, deci vreo 30 milioane) din mister. Dar asta nici măcar nu face o mică zgârietură în transferurile lor de 1000 milioane. Deci unde se duc banii când se duc? Plătim cu ei show-ul (cultural) pe care îl vedem zilnic în media, căci oamenii se străduiesc să ne dea ceva în schimb.

"Totodata, OUG 42/2019 [care urgență dom'le] și Legea de aprobare 198/2019 prevede alocarea de la bugetul de stat a sumelor aferente categoriilor de cheltuieli pentru obiectivele de investiții prevazute în anexele care fac parte integranta din prezenta ordonanță de urgență, în valoare totală de 114.658,8 mii lei se realizează, anual, în perioada 2019-2022, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii, în limita sumei aprobate cu această destinație. Sumele aferente categoriilor de cheltuieli pentru obiectivele de investiții, alocate de la bugetul de stat, se cuprind în bugetul Ministerului Culturii la titlul "Transferuri intre unități ale administrației publice" și se acorda de către acesta sub forma de transfer către bugetele locale ale municipiului Timișoara, respectiv județului Timiș, după caz".

După cum spuneam de atâta timp. Fiind bani publici, nu ar trebui să existe la sfârșitul anului (bugetului anual) o dare de seamă cât de cât cu sumele cheltuite sau oricând pe site-ul Ministerului Economiei sau al Guvernului bla bla?

Însă lipsa dărilor de seamă a guvernelor e o boală globală, nu le-am văzut la nici o țară de care știu eu.

2:50 O melodie tot așa de AUR (sau AIR) care mă enerva ușor la radio (categoria insuportabile, sper să plece repede din top-uri). Dar când am văzut ieri video-ul pentru prima dată m-am îngrozit. Căciulă rusească, îmbrăcați în roșu, un candelabru uriaș etc.. Oare să fie aluzii la activitățile mele?

2:52 These days i kept telling Angela how satisfied i was with the Chromebook "don't know how an Apple laptop is but this one is probably comparable, certainly an alternative for the expensive Apple" etc. while Angela's Windows based Lenovo all in one (computer in a monitor) was going slower and slower though i used all the trick i knew to fix it.

BTW i gave up the monitor and keyboard and mouse i initially (after my old PC went out) i attached to it and now i do it all on my lap as i got used to the keyboard and pad. Angela said she wanted a Chromebook like mine but if possible with 100 dollars on Black Friday. But guess what. Today Lenovo gave up the ghost (won't power anymore). And she does on it all the banking and bill pay. But guess what. I'm not fretting about. Other than checking the power supply. I hope she will decide to get a chromebook this weekend. I hope Windows and Microsoft will disappear soon from the face of this Earth.

5:55 Never mind that. Angela convinced me to fix the Lenovo. It took me a while to figure how to open it since they were not visible screws. Found a video (good thing people do keep up with figuring how to open the innumerable devices made in China), did slide a panel and voila. The thing was exposed to me. What i found. The board with the on/off switch have fallen inside. Because the screws that were holding the frame inside were loose with some completely fallen.

It was back in 2018 in my first or second trip to SW. Didn't have a laptop back then so i put the Lenovo in its box and in the trunk. Then i hit a 10 cm pot hole (asphalt stripped by construction work with a small hand written panel as signal) at 80 mph on I5 somewhere in NoCal. One ore two sockets of the screws holding the frame broke (they were rattling inside when i was moving the thing). Rest of them got loose probably from vibration after?

Heat sink's radiator was completely clogged with dust. The processor (variable speed) was throttling down while the fan was making that annoying wind like sound. But it happened sudden, after one trip. Computer was only 1 or 2 years old. Do i have any excuse for not fixing it for so long? Yes, dog poop and smoke from outside. But there's one thing i don't understand. Why didn't they make a sliding panel on top of the fan so you can remove it and clean the radiator. They never do. You wanna know why? Yes because they wanna sell more, not having us clean them.

I cleaned it, tightened all the screws and voila. It works like new. The present for Angela's birthday. So it wasn't a Windows thing but i don't apologize, i still hate them.

About 2-3 weeks ago i gave up the monitor, mouse and keyboard and started working directly on the laptop and my abdominal pain intensified to the point i couldn't take it no more. It is obvious this laptop though performant, puts out microwaves.

10:06 Hai sus pe cai! Și totuși regret că regia de montaj nu pune focus (aproape) niciodată când trebuie pe el, care face cel mai meseriaș metalic sunet în tot concertul, accentuând (dublând) pe alocuri vioara și eclipsându-l pe chitaristul oficial, Covaci chiar și la power chords, cea ce propagă obiceiul: Bate șeaua să priceapă tinerii. Bătrânii, care au avantajul imensei celebrități nu mai puteau să se prezinte cu ce aveau și au apelat la ei.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

October 27

2:00 Did i just quote The Terminator? (There is only one memorable thing he can be quoted for. I'll be back. Ok maybe two, Hasta la vista, baby!).

Ok i was sitting here on the couch minding my own business, headache, nausea and dog p♾ smell that was growing by the hour. At a certain point, i said no way, there's got to be a fresh one outside (and it was, in the same place i found one some 22 hours ago, when i also took a glimpse of Orion, which at 4 AM was creeping threatening right between buildings, through a brief brake in the clouds). At that very moment i heard the quite loud beeping sound of a commercial vehicle backing in the parking lot. Does it make any sense to you? 2 AM? Then it stopped, and when i thought again, i should go, it started beeping again. Then it stopped and started beeping again when i opened the door. Then i went to pick the poo and when i wanted to go to throw it, the van stood in my way to the dumpster with the guy out and back in. And since i was quite mad, didn't want to confront or give an "ugly look" to the guy so i went to the other dumpster. And that's my first story of the day.

Ok i wanted to post something else related to the infinity sign as Ouroboros, did a search and coincidentally found something i lost and now found after a long time.

Trouble is, i can't remember what i was searching it for. What are we but our memories. If those don't function... I remember a bit now as i partially wake up... It was about The Dreaming.

8:45 Ilie Șerbănescu. Am scris ieri că cei din dreapta în blogul meu de asemănări arată ca și cum nu le-ar place ce trebuie să facă. Șerbănescu însă în pozele din România arată ca un om nebun. Profesor? Economist? A fost membru în Parlamentul Ungariei! De ce nu îl arestează nimeni pe visător?

A ok m-am prins. El trebuie că e șeful lor, de la început. Al delegaților din câmpul de mătrăgună. (Cu sula-n coaste).

10:35 Una din metodele lor folosite aproape zilnic pentru subminarea încrederii populației în justiție, morală, este folosirea unor metode strâmbe pentru a face dreptate (cu un corespondent în media, morală îndoielnică pentru a face morală).

Dintre acestea, menționăm încercarea Guvernului Ciucă de a combate o decizie CCR și a reveni la vechea formă a articolului 155 din Codul Penal, însă printr-o ordonanță neconstituțională (puteau ca alternativă să înainteze un proiect de lege în regim de urgență, care ar fi fost aprobat de mult), care este încă în proces legislativ în Parlament (chiar, trebuie să verific, în caz de OUG există un termen de promulgare a legii de aprobare), deci dând apă la moară pentru respingere la ICCJ. Respingând această ordonanță neconstituțională, pe care totuși o vede intrată în vigoare, ICCJ comite actul de care toată lumea vorbește, adică acordarea unei amnistii prin modificarea retroactivă a termenelor de prescriere.

Prescrierea este  perioada de timp de la comiterea infracțiunii care se calculează în funcție de pedeapsă, când păgubașul (care la fapte penale nu poate fi decât statul, persoanele nu pot fi decât parte civilă) poate să ceară ceva în justiție. În cazurile penale, prescrierea (trecerea timpului respectiv, dacă nu s-a depus plângere) înlătură răspunderea penală, iar conform acestei versiuni a Codului Penal, nu poate fi mai mare de 15 ani. Deci dacă în această perioadă de timp de la comiterea infracțiunii nu s-a făcut nimic, inculpatul este absolvit de vină și nimeni nu-l mai poate urmări vreodată.

Întreruperea termenului de prescriere este necesară pentru continuarea anchetelor. Dacă timpul de prescriere ar curge neîntrerupt de la data infracțiunii/crimei, și s-ar atinge acel moment în timpul anchetei, ancheta ar putea fi întreruptă iar cazul clasat.

În vechiul Cod Penal, timpul de prescriere începea din nou la valoarea inițială, nu după data comiterii infracțiunii ci după data începerii anchetei care era abuziv. În țări ca SUA există o limită, de 120 de zile timp în care se desfășoară ancheta (investigation), chiar dacă timpul de prescriere este depășit, la noi era încă o dată perioada de prescriere iar ei au lăsat-o așa, pentru o perioadă, adunând dosare pe capete grele, știind că va veni acest moment dar normalizarea situației nu ar trebui făcută retroactiv, pentru că ar încălca alte principii din drept, și ar zădărnici justiția însăși.

Este într-un fel similar cu schimbarea definiției abuzului în serviciu din codul penal, care aplicată retroactiv a dus la amnistierea celor mai mari infractori instrumentați pe acel articol.

Și probabil mai au și alte trucuri în sertare, pentru viitor.

12:02 I tried to go for a walk. With about 1.3 inches of rain over past weekend, many fires are still burning. Wind is blowing from south or from direction of fires. Index shown on IQAir site is 50, perceived is 50-100 so i turned around.

2:50 Togakure ryu, school of the hidden door which means mainly they don't have to be here with me, they can do it from a distance. Everybody please forgive me for what i'm about to say, though i said it before. Just went to the bathroom, they started to hammer next door or wall. Like yesterday, like the day before. Sometimes they just flush the toilet, in that very instant, triggering a fear based reflex.

It even happened at the hotel in Lincoln City last weekend, several times. Once with a noisy motorcycle. I sit here at the computer for hours and nothing happens. Only if i go there. It started in 2007. One day i went to the restroom and the man who was living downstairs yelled: Silence, cause i want to poop!

Ever since, starting suddenly the next day, i had big trouble going to the bathroom. Problems would have faded away if they didn't continue. For days, months, years, some times more often, some times not so, just enough to maintain it. But it's not just about going out. Intestinal, bile blockage, probably main cause of my diabetes.

For the past week i acquired a colon infection just by going into a bathroom with an urinal that was smelling very strong like a urinary infection, which i got first, just from droplets, than it passed to the colon. It was very stubborn to go away with strongest antibiotics but i got out of it. Almost.

Right now they continue with the hammering. Probably maintenance (since i used the word maintain). Dust concentration growing in the air. But it doesn't matter. What matters is when they started it. Constant noise for the past several months, with hammering outside, but like they have a feedback on my brain waves or vitals, and releasing of dust that also irritates my colon. Cars with loud exhausts, but only when i start eating, etc..

Contrary to popular beliefs, due to movies. Ninjutsu nowadays is not about sword fighting, jumping on walls and throwing smoke bombs (though they use smoke but on small or larger scale, like recent fires in Oregon).

Ninjutsu is more like a game of chess when pawns and bishops and knights are acting casual and move around, occupying positions in space, sometimes talking, making noises and dust, coordinated by one or more smart persons.

Just by looking into their main manual, they have a disclaimer, saying something like "don't do these at  home", "theses are military technics, bla bla" which would make it illegal in the US. Because of that they developed a school of ninjutsu using the word Budo, or Bujinkan, to make it sound like Bushido, the samurai code of honor, however, samurai in Japan are long gone, eliminated by the ninja and there is nothing honorable in ninjutsu (they are thieves and mind twisters) and also it is a base for recruiting to more advanced levels, and a cover for instructors from Japan to officially be here. Cause on top of the millions of ninja disguised as Mexicans present here, they sometimes need locals that can't be replaced with anything into their ranks.

5:40 Desperate with the collagen eating bacteria i get from the fiberboard under the sink, which is wood fiber glued with animal glue made of collagen, after i dried it and disinfected with UV i spray painted that board with some leftovers from aerosol cans. Both windows were open, ninja kids chose the moment to pass under the window and yell whatever.

6:56 There's one thing i can't understand though. How come Twitter, which is nothing but a glorified software, is worth 44 billions.

8:15 Just before i hit enter to post the entry above, he upstairs came. When i finished maybe half hour later he left. Part of the reason he's doing this is if anything happens to me they can claim somebody else done it. Part of it is of course we're together.

9:28 Au început. Sile Petroi. Lucian Diniță.

9:52 Smile, tomorow will be better.

Monday, October 24, 2022

October 25

From yesterday

Separation of man and gods. Kami-ari-zuki, The Month with or without Gods.

I understand Halloween (All Saints) may have become a holiday in Catholic Church by 12 century or 200 years after first contact with Asian religions or after the arrival and christianization of the Magars and Shakya in Europe and the beginning of their influence in Catholic Church, starting with the religious military orders (including Dominicans), Inquisition of which most important grand inquisitors were Dominicans, and ending with numerous Reformations and sects, but i bet it was not with hollow pumpkins figuring demons like is today resembling direct Shinto influence. Could the infinity sign (∞) used in math today be coming from here?

9:28 Gémes Katalin.

11:05 A choking smoke is coming from around the corner in the back or the back of the next apartment. I plugged three mole holes but this time it did not stop. The smoke is similar to the smoke in the Outlets Area at Lincoln City where i went to buy some shoes Monday morning or on our way back on the road.

When i opened the only box that had the only reasonable shoes of my size in it (always been a big problem to me, finding shoes), a ball of wrinkled paper fell and i bent to pick it and though the store was empty a man popped out of nowhere behind me. We got a free night lodging at the Casino Motel and  they were two Japanese people, a man and a woman right under our window maintaining a fire and the wind was blowing towards  the casino.

Our car and now the apartment smells like chicken because i bought a whole roasted chicken at the Safeway last night when i was drunk that had pieces of feather on it. After i ate the first time out of it, i got really sick. Inside the apartment also smells like mold and sewer. I put an UV lamp under the kitchen sink. When i drove back i crashed, because some of the reasons above, other, and Angela had to finish driving. Most vehicles on the streets were harassing us with modified (out of adjustment) lights and pushing from behind. I was very thirsty and dehydrated and drank like one liter of water and then i became nauseated.

7:06 Double or nothing. Încă o palmă dată de CCR justiției din România, pentru a o uita pe cealaltă.

Nu știu, cândva m-a interesat, pe vremea când credeam că am drepturi și pot să dau în judecată pe oricine care mi-a încălcat drepturile, și am aflat că în mule situații, intervine prescrierea, "statutes of limitations" în engleză, termen dincolo de care nu mai poți să faci o plângere. Nu că aș putea, în SUA singurul mod de a face plângere este verbal, la Poliție, care decide dacă începe sau nu o anchetă. (Putem să amintim aici totuși de faimosul NUP sau decizia de Neîncepere a Urmăririi Penale, care în România se ia de procuror în urma unei preanalize? a faptelor). Astăzi am căutat de curiozitate despre modul în care se face o plângere penală în Franța, pentru că știu că sistemul de justiție în România este asemănător cu cel francez și el la fel (vezi Dans quel délai ? mai jos în pagină).

Mi se pare normal, fiindcă ancheta poate dura dincolo de timpul prescreirii, caz în care făptuitorul ar scăpa și plângerea ar deveni inutilă.

La noi exista în Codul Penal un articol 155 mai restrictiv pentru infractor (de, venea de pe vremuri), care spune că prescrerea este întreruptă și reîncepută (resetată) nu numai în cazul depunerii plângerii, ci prin îndeplinirea oricărui act de procedură în cazul respectiv. Până în momentul în care CCR l-a declarat neconstituțional.

Astfel a altă sursă pentru scăpare a infractorilor o reprezintă decizia CCR 297/1998 combinată cu decizia 297/2018 care a creat confuzie pentru 20 și de ani chiar în rândul avocaților și judecătorilor.

Timpul de prescriere pentru plângere se calculează pe baza termenele prevăzute pentru infracțiuni/crime în Codul Penal. Termenele se modifică mereu, apar sentințe mai ușoare, modificând mereu și timpul de prescriere (perioadă în care se poate depune plângerea de către victimă prin procuratură). Astăzi apar relatări în media despre o hotărâre ICCJ bazată pe o decizie CCR (dacă puteți citi această decizie, înseamnă că înțelegeți cum funcționează Constituția, legile, statul de drept și sunteți gata pentru aderarea la Schengen) care aprobă aplicarea retroactivă a termenele de prescriere pentru unele infracțiuni invocând principiul de drept mitior lex care spune că trebuie aplicate noile termene mai favorabile scoțând un număr de plângeri în afara termenului de prescrierea, care afectează anchete în curs sau deja desfășurate la timpul respectiv după vechile termene, încheiate și înaintate instanței care s-a pronunțat deja, posibil zădărnicind retroactiv întregul proces judiciar, inclusiv în cazuri faimoase, vizibile prin media publicului din România dar și din alte țări.

Dura lex, sed lex. Aplicarea mitior lex (un principiu care face parte din doctrină care este un izvor de drept neoficial) se poate face poate cred, retroactiv, la lungimea sentinței (pedepsei) prin acordarea sentinței mai favorabile, mitior, din Codul Penal curent (updated or upgraded) dar nu când afectează întregul proces, plasând retroactiv plângerea în afara termenului de prescriere mai scurt din codul penal curent fiindcă anulând astfel procesul noțiunea de aplicare a legii, lex, este golită de conținut.

Deci nu este o simplă dublare. De data asta ICCJ și nu CCR a ținut să arate că ei sunt și mai corupți, prin decizia privind modul de aplicare retroactiv a modificării termenelor de prescriere. Dar cum a făcut-o? Prin respingerea implicită a unui OUG, bineînțeles neconstituțional pentru că modificarea legilor organice (Codul Penal de exemplu) și care vizează justiția nu pot fi făcute prin OUG. 

Ce mai poți să faci tu, român, când te simți trădat de ICCJ?

Prin somnul națiunii și vicleșugul unora astfel apare o nouă unealtă (de unică folosință) de zădărnicire nu numai a luptei împotriva corupției dar și justiției în general, o bătaie de joc la adresa celor care au depus plângere în timp util la vremea respectivă, a muncii anchetatorilor și instanțelor, un nou cui la îndemâna celor care vor să bată până la capăt capacul sicriului pe aderarea noastră la Schengen.

Pe care ei nu îl numesc pentru că astfel s-ar amesteca, dar îl păstrează ca motivație pentru refuz pe generalitatea "corupție", la fel ca în cazul modificării definiției abuzului în serviciu din Codul Penal aplicată retroactiv, ceea ce a condus la dispariția faptei în sute de cazuri instrumentate de DNA, și probabil în alte situații, ca cea întâmplată azi, rezultată din nou prin aplicarea retroactivă a unor termene de prescriere mai favorabile (infractorului).

Odată începută o anchetă, chiar dacă se schimbă Codul Penal, ancheta ar trebui desfășurată după definițiile de la data începerii, fiindcă altfel ar fi bătaie de joc la adresa celui care depunere plângere și de justiție în general fiindcă au fost comise și sesizate la timp niște fărădelegi, deși pe altă definiție, apropiată.

Monday, September 26, 2022

September 26

12:52 There was a guy next to the soda machine at Ilani who looked like him. But is this possible, he is in prison! Got to search for him, starting from here. But i'm too tired now and my eyes are irritated by something. Tomorrow. Him?

8:29 Got awakened at 7 with violently loud TV. Fell back asleep, slept intermittently, TV stopped after about half hour, got squeaked until 8. Smelling bad in  here, refreshed the chlorine under sink. Just realized. I'm 99% sure the whole floor that is made of fiberboard with animal glue in here. And it's bulged in places which means wet from the vapor of driers with exhausts leaking in the basement. I'm also pretty sure about 10 years ago i found references on the web to it, now they're gone. Summarizing. Protein (collagen) eating bacteria breeding ground animal glue fiberboard in the floor. Gypsum walls that out-gas SO2. Nasty mineral insulation in the walls and attic. Asbestos in  the popcorn ceiling. Asphalt in the roof. That got to count for something. I'm also pretty sure they knew what they were doing when they designed all these during a time when Americans went to the Moon.  For comparison, most European homes are made of concrete with variations like much marble in Italy by example. These are the real mass murderers, the executioners of American people.

10:29 Almost got in a few accidents until i got at Kaady Carwash, including one red Nissan that pulled from the spot right in front of me on the alley. Taking advantage of my dirty windshield, they tried. Incredibly how different are rules of traffic here in the complex. Once you enter that alley, nothing applies anymore, it's like in a different country. In there, a ballet dancer (literally) was moving graciously among vehicles, but when i got to pay a fat woman came from the boot and asked me for 15 dollars, without giving me the option. Mad, i forgot to put the wallet back in my pocket. More encounters on the freeway, passed by a huge speeding garbage truck. At WinCo, i returned the coffee, the manager was  there. Can't remember the name, i once or twice found her by chance on a Hungarian site, could be Klara or something similar, not on my lists, the manager was there at service desk. Went to grab another one, the WinCo brand decaf was missing, Nestle is 10 bucks, but when i looked in my pocket i realized i had no wallet. Ran back to the service desk, they said i never pulled one there, went at the truck and  there it was. Sitting on the ground next to truck. The wallet is so worn out can barely distinguish it from the asphalt. Due to effect of bullying at Kaady and mesmerized by the dance, i forgot to put the wallet back in my pocket and it fell to the ground when i got out of the truck (can't explain it otherwise).

At Walmart. Grabbed the last one on the shelf. Their own brand decaf, 4 dollars something. I tastes the same as Nestle or any brand. That's why it's going so fast. But it made me nervous since it was the last one. (What if it's the same?). Went to the batteries to look for a cheap one to try my experiment to solder a bolt to terminals before i buy a more expensive one that fits my car. A tall good looking guy was cornering me there, for cameras.

At sodas, a little scene. A short, needy woman yelled asking for help to grab a soda from upper shelf. I was hesitating since her and her cart was right under. At cookies there was a woman, stocking. I risked a question. What do you got for sugar free cookies i asked. Free? She replied.

Another woman next to me who was ready, jumped, showing happiness to help on her face, much satisfaction after. At the stands, like last time, had to do the card ten times until accepted. Only happens at Walmart. On the road, had to avoid a cistern at the shortest ramp in the world. Then i drove next to a truck with the logo Sore-ensen, Los Angeles-Seattle "Your shipment is our most important shipment".

Dozens of other scenes i can't remember. Ok, last one. They cracked open a wall visible from the road starting a building at that end while never finishing at this one . Not at my window or the windows across the alley. But here at the bottom of du cool du sac, nobody can see.

Conclusion. On the set, everybody is working overtime.

10:43 A couple of hours ago i said that American houses kill their occupants. Other similar cancel_ations.

12:01 Astounded probably like everybody by the weather. It's late September, feels like early August. Of course i would love some rain, something with wind if possible, to clean the dust left on the buildings. Until then, i started to ask myself if the predictions from Buddha's sermon are not happening already and that could only be marked be the apparition of a second Sun (in the sermon they are a total of seven). So again asked myself what could that be? Well, there is a country in the world that has a sun on its flag.

And the mind went to the emperor god, descendant of Amaterasu, the sun goddess. Always intrigued by the suffix hito in the names of the last three emperors. So i went to google translate to see what's the deal and i got even more intrigued by the fact it means... man! Could this be a consequence of a secret agreement around the humanity declaration at the end of WWII of emperor Shōwa? No, cause the other (personal) name of emperor Shōwa was Hirohito which already contained the suffix. But what hiro (pronounced like hero) means in Japanese? I had to ask google directly cause google translate doesn't know.

Apparently nothing with the first hito. However the second has something in it. Aki means bright. While naru... So in the end we got. Hirohito. Akihito. Naruhito. Abundant. Bright, radiant. To develop, developing.

4:23 Never seen anything quite like it. A fog bank in the ocean for all of the West Coast with clear skies above land. What happened to the jet stream? Never-mind, it didn't disappear, just moved way up north. In fact i have never seen a nicer, one piece, meandering like in the definition, jet stream.

9:38 m1 * v1 = m2 * v2

It is true that if you give an asteroid heading for Earth a tiny speed component perpendicular on its direction when far enough you could change that direction enough to prevent it from hitting Earth or coming close enough to be captured on a descending spiral orbit.

But they needed something they can say it can be measured from Earth and in the news they are talking about changing the rotation speed by 200 seconds over 12 hours which would be measurable from Earth (not by amateurs astronomers who i bet didn't measure the rotation time before the impact). Reading further on the ESA site i got confused enough to stop my investigation and won't go and calculate v2 in the formula above. They are saying the rotational (tangential) speed of the smaller asteroid around the bigger one is 17 cm/s, though the distance is about 1.2 km and rotation occurs in 12 hours. Total orbit length in meters would be 1200 * 2*Pi and the time in seconds 12*3600 and the resulting speed would be 3.14*2*1200/12/3600 or 0.177 m/s or 177 cm/s. One order of magnitude off.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 25

4:12 The real reason i left tonight was Angela opened the bedroom's window (can't convince her not to) and i woke up in dust around 7 PM. After driving two hours and having a few drinks i was still feeling pain at Indian Head. In fact i felt it even when i got back.

I went to dust the wall around that AC where i didn't dare in the past cause there's always someone there guarding it, the window with the AC is open as the patio sliding doors, (i know it doesn't make much sense with the AC running, last winter they had a fan in that window running all the time, at times even with the window closed and one day i felt the wall next to our bedroom hot which prompted me to buy that infrared camera for the phone) and two dogs started to bark one upstairs and one downstairs though i wasn't making any noise, moving that soft brush up and down the wall, and there was a guy on the patio (like most of the times) thin, older, sitting there on a chair in the dark (not smoking this time so i won't see the cigarette or feel the smoke) and started to ask me what i'm doing, i said i'm dusting the building and he said thank you and that was when i went off and told him i'm not doing it for him but for myself and in the end he said this was not my apartment, "it's their apartment" and he will go and talk to the management.

I just went to dust the wall around that AC where i didn't dare in the past cause there's always someone there guarding it, the window with the AC is open as the patio sliding doors, i know it doesn't make much sense with the AC running, last winter they had a fan in that window running all the time, at times even with the window closed and one day i felt the wall next to our bedroom hot which prompted me to buy that infrared camera for the phone though the wall went back cold in the same day right after i wrote here) and two dogs started to bark though i wasn't making any noise, moving that soft brush up and down the wall, and there was a guy on the patio (like most of the times) thin, older, sitting there on a chair in the dark (not smoking this time so i won't see the cigarette or feel the smoke) and started to ask me what i'm doing, i said i'm dusting the building and he said thank you and that was when i went off and told him i'm not doing it for him but for myself and in the end he said this was not my apartment, "it's their apartment" and he will go and talk to the management.

Could not see his face because it was dark and i asked him if he was waiting for me and he said no, but i'm sure he was cause i said earlier aloud that i wanted to do it. Now i have to go and take a shower because i got dust all over me and it stings.

Now after this contact for some reason i started to have the feeling that these guys are actually watching us all the time, and some of them, maybe the old woman that could be his mother who snores day and night could be speaking Romanian and understand in real time what we're saying (with the help of some amplifier or even an enhanced hearing aid). There are also at least two younger guys who show from time to time but they might be changing, that they're not the same all the time.

By looking at this image right now i cannot understand  the configuration of that AC, but it could be it is installed in a way just to blow dust.

5:11 But when i got the camera (which i returned to Amazon for reason the thermal image was a bit off respect to normal image) i saw other things. One was none of the apartments upstairs in the building was heated. The windows and especially the big glass sliding doors showed lots of heat loss because of loss of insulating gas in between being 40+ years old, probably doubling the electricity bill which could be the reason they're doing the windows right now, right now meaning it will take them more than six months, in the rhythm they are working. (I can confirm the newer windows are much better insulators because they keep a much lower temperature inside then before even in hottest days. The wall at apartment 1 where the guy with the van with the barrels lives this time was much hotter than it should have been).

He confirmed the apartment upstairs wasn't heated, when i went upstairs and talked to "him", after he knocked at my door to ask me about the leaking of "his" motorcycle, again raising our bill. But by the thermal image none of them upstairs were, which to my knowledge were inhabited, by "the same people", for years, which confirms my suspicion they are all inhabited by the same person who changes costumes, hairdos and sexes, the female ninja that goes by the name Frankie Adams. One of the buildings next to ours (caught in two separate images cause it's very long) was showing a very low occupancy rate which i suspect is the same for all buildings here, though the parking lot is always full. (Probably like all apartments in all Portland area, after they raised the prices to unprecedented levels no one can afford them).

Could it be they didn't clean the building and surrounding ones after installing the windows unlike the buildings A, B and C which were cleaned and are further away, leaving all that junk in between, because i published those thermal images, 2 or 3 months before they started to replace windows? The painful dust? Retaliation?

8:16 After sleeping a few hours, i had a revelation. After the emperor of Japan Na(ru_hit)to, son of Hiro-hito leading the team who unnecessarily gutted these buildings, making tons of dust and leaving them dirty whom i saw though in broad daylight, who else could have been in the dark here last night at 4 AM guarding the emperor's dust?

The snoring old woman? The two younger guys? Try to imagine her without makeup, acting confused and tell me if you recognized her. Reason? No hero cop would dare intervene with Secret Service deployed nearby. If i made a wrong move, as mad as i was last night, i would have been arrested or killed.

8:50 Distanța dintre stâlpi este 30 metri iar timpul e pe video. 80 metri în 4 secunde. 20 m/s este 72 km/h. Se vede însă clar că "șoferul" care de fapt era remote, a forțat volanul în virajul acela nu prea strâns ca să intre în derapaj. Cred că are legătură cu video-ul pe care l-am postat despre fabricarea motoarelor BMW. Dacă aceasta este o înscenare (cascadorie de film) și cred că este, vă puteți imagina cine controlează Clujul, Bucureștiul, România și cât de terminali suntem. Tipul ăsta a stat tot timpul cu fața în jos, cât a trecut mașina lui google cu mulți ochi, oare de ce?

Mă gândeam. Au construit Casa Poporului ca pe o fortăreață imensă, care se poate apăra de furia mulțimii cu câțiva oameni cu tulumbe sau la nevoie, ceva mitraliere în timp ce ei se evacuează pe un tunel care duce la Budapesta. Însă nu e nevoie de așa ceva. Tot ce trebuie să faceți este să deschideți ochii și să recunoașteți iluzia în care ne-am născut, am trăit și ei vor dispare ca iepurele unui iluzionist, la loc în joben, iar la urmă și jobenul și iluzionistul. Pentru că ei sunt atât de puțini.

10:51 I ate something, the walk upstairs started and now (s)he's trying to start the motorcycle. To vibrate the building a little too.

11:06 Din când în când apar știri cu titlu sperietoare care-i face pe români să se gândească de două ori când vor să cumpere unele alimente esențiale cum e peștele. În afară de antitoxină, care iată, nu se găsește în România (ar fi nevoie doar de câteva doze, pentru că sunt foarte rare aceste cazuri, dacă sunt, fiindcă bănuiesc că nu au nici teste), dar există tratamente ca de exemplu banalul cărbune medicinal, și nu neapărat injectat în soluție intraperitonial ci luat chiar oral (mai bine decât lăsat așa să moară). După 24 de ore de post de exemplu, nu mai există nimic viu în intestin, dar dacă persoana se poate hrăni și intestinul deci nu e complet paralizat încă, dați-i domle niște cărbune. Combinația de suc de grapefruit și unt de migdale. Grapefruit are un inhibitor de enzimă ce nu permite dezvoltarea bacteriilor în intestin iar migdalele ucid bacteriile din intestin.

3:05 She came back about an hour ago and i started to feel the pain again and woke up. I'm eating which means she's squeaking.

4:22 Very little is published on the web about human electric charge but i know one thing. Dust is positively charged and i feel relief from pain when i walk and rub my feet against the carpet, which charges me positively also. So probably the conclusion is i'm more negatively charged or positively but closer to neutral, probably more than Angela, and that is  the reason i get the painful charged dust and she doesn't. Could there be a gender difference? Could it be because i sleep on a metal sofa and the floor under is wet? (She just started a load of laundry, after about two weeks). The vapor from the drier leaking in the basement will wet the floor under the couch, bringing the potential to near zero. I remember now what Dan Costan was saying sarcastically 27 years ago. "Think positive!"

10:42 Was out of soluble so Angela bought from WinCo some Folgers soluble, could not find the usual brands so we didn't know the taste, but i remember i once bought Folgers and there was not much difference from others. Made some and put in the thermos and we both had a sip in the parking lot at Ilani before entering, and i think it tasted like marijuana, then went to restroom.

But when we entered. For some unknown rationale, at Ilani after 8 they ask you for an ID when i get inside. We got in line while a group of Japanese trying to look and act Chinese went right in front of us. But my guess is this is the reason. Every time we got there we got to stay in line next to celebrities.

Everybody inside the casino looked mad tonight. There was this smiling blond guy that had a black T-shirt saying "Shut up and run" with white letters right in my face right after i uploaded a recording. Inside i was scratching an itch in my elbow pit where i got bitten by something, twice. Both Smash Burgers and Jet Li were closed at 9 so we bought some tacos from our coupons (player's card). When we got out searching for the car a Tribal Police truck was going in the parking lot slowly by our side matching speed so we switched lanes. About 100 huge SUVs with huge headlights passed me both on the right and left when i was driving speed limit +10. When we got home the whole building was smelling the the same as the coffee. Found the familiar mole hole at the corner of the building and after pouring some borax and covering within 10 minutes  the smell dissipated. Under the sink it smells like a dead animal. The fiberboard on bottom that is made with dust saw and animal glue (collagen) from hides and hoofs from slaughterhouses, got contaminated from a leak past week with water from doing dishes and now it smells like a dead animal. Could this be the reason i lost collagen everywhere (had this thick scar from surgery on my left elbow since i was a kid and now it melted) and not i got to eat bone broth because there will always be tiny leaks in there and that thing trains the type of bacteria that eats collagen (new idea!). If i put chlorine (bleach 6%) in a jar and close the doors, is ok for a while, but will never dry.

Right before the merge with 84 there is still a bumper on the narrow left shoulder, since last week. Right before i passed it i got distracted by a fast moving motorcycle. Several other debris, including a garbage bin after the bridge. The person two cars before me was going slow on the bridge and i got passed on those narrow lanes by a series of huge SUVs. Both trips back and forth are getting more and more difficult every time i go because there are many people that are out to get me. I wasn't afraid until last August when they hit me from behind and now there are many people driving very close behind me, besides those who pass me on both sides at high speed.

12:33 No matter how much i search i can't find a direct reference to building fiberboard in the past with animal adhesives though it was done on a massive scale. Because raw materials were cheap. Internet does not remember it. All i could find during modern times was this and this. Ironically they are advertised as non-toxic alternatives to formaldehyde. But they are not immune to bacteria when they get wet or even only moist and that bacteria will jump on you and eat you alive (slowly).