Showing posts sorted by date for query stinkiest. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query stinkiest. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 20

12:56 Military helmets look like turtles.

1:20 Sunday evening i saw at the reception of the hotel belonging to Chinook Winds Casino a black SUV with LPN Oregon Cultural MOONRKR and a man who climbed in it who looked like Putin, but a bit taller, older and also possible Asian made blond. I was at the end of a 2 hours difficult drive and i panicked and realized the details only after playing the "movie" with the scene in my memory over and over again in the room. He checked into a room not far from mine which was again free complimentary from the casino (Angela heard the conversation at the reception).

Inside the casino there was another guy, shorter who also looked like him.

In  the parking lot, an unusual sight. @30-40 Latino men in their 30s doing something next to an SUV, but could not figure what. They showed again when i checked  out, coming out of that restaurant or hotel with bags next to that SUV, maybe getting food.

Today in the casino also i saw a woman with heavy makeup that could have been invisible to cameras (the makeup). Could have been around the time market started to go back up.

7:02 Slept four hours. Got totally awakened by a vehicle with loud exhaust that idled in the alley for half hour.

How come it's only me who sees this. I posted a video with a song called Nada Sou Sou subtitled in Portuguese, with Rimi Natsukawa, the Japanese singer who does Mariah Christmas and now this.

10:12 You thought you knew what the stinkiest place in the Universe is? The hardwood floor in the kitchen area in Lake Oswego that i had to cover with shelf liners? The fridge in the same place? I put the piece of insulating foam between freezing and fridge compartment and put it in a black plastic sack with chlorine and let it for 24 hours and the smell wouldn't come out and in the end i coated it with poly acrylic clear coat (thing was over 25 years old, could not find that part). The bedroom where smoke was coming from a broken chimney from a fireplace at nr.7 that happened to pass through the wall?

No, it was the washer here. The black hole beyond the little holes that the drum is made of. Wait. Maybe the a...-hole who designed it thought stinks worse.

Today after a string of luck and coincidences, i got to take the thing apart. Sunday before i left after i poured chlorine bleach in the space between the rings (that now is white in the picture) and i unplugged the thing. Just in case i made a short with water or bleach or something. Today after i used the brush i pulled a wire that was disconnected anyways (it was a ground wire, inconsequential for the purpose of starting) the thing wouldn't start and i was too tired to remember it was unplugged.

So i took it apart to put that wire back. As simple as that. When i did, the 8 millions kami (an infinity) from the space between the drum and the splash or collecting drum came at me in their full splendor and to open windows doors to be able to continue. I washed the thing 3 times, with a wet space duster, water came brown from the holes in the drum, toilet smell, vomit and diarrhea smell and detergent perfume came out of it until i washed it the 3rd time but now the whole apartment stinks like maybe old spice cinnamon, after i aired for an hour.

I think i pulled ounces of decades old brown slime from there. But then i saw a rusted dent in the drum, like someone with a screwdriver pulled that ring before. Maybe it's been done before, like 10 years ago. No there is no other way to clean it. Or maybe... Fill the drum with water until it pours out and then extract one gallon of water and pour back one gallon of chlorine bleach in it and let it for 24 hours. Maybe, if it's not too old.

Now i got to put it back together, after 4 hours of sleep. It wasn't difficult, only 3 screws, 2 structural and a number of clips to take the upper panel and the ring but i didn't know and took some more before that.

And yes i started the phone and took a picture. Wasn't putting much power until i started the wi-fi to upload it. Will add it here later. Brown slime seen best on the outer plastic guard at the left of the picture. There was more under the white plastic ring and inside the ring.

11:19 I used the hose to rinse everything and somehow water got it that ring (can't figure out how) that is empty on the inside and don't know how to get it back out (shook it around and everything might have to drill a hole). I think it was stinking from there too (stink trap by design?). The old cinnamon spice. That explains the color too. Someone used grated cinnamon flavored soap instead of detergent? Home made soap?

Sea sick crocodiles are better than all getters who live in  Florida of course and are of the color green.

2:25 I also figured a way to check the "cleanliness" of the drum and outer cylinder which is clear or translucent. Open the lid, move the drum a bit out of the way (flexible shaft) and stick a flashlight between cylinders and a panel. Will see the light coming through the little holes and the difference in color between bottom and top ones. Stinky slime gathers only on the top where the dirty water raises in little waves with no cleaning or rinsing force and soils the cylinders.

But the smelliest of all was what came from the ring in the picture. I (also) accidentally pumped some water inside through the joining line (ring made of two parts) at high pressure from the pipes here in Tualatin and then i drilled a hole on a side to empty that water and a very bad smell came out and i put a little chlorine bleach inside.

2:31 Always threatening shutdown (What are we all going to do, the government is shutting down, the government is shutting down oh my. That is they don't get paid no more?). How about a first time ever detailed report on a few pages on what they spent the money in the past year? 1.7 T, Tesla at its bubbly peak was worth 1.2. Not a very long but quite dramatic history of breaking little hearts and it all came down to a funny little fat blue bird and another self sabotage of the Republic. Long live the Emperor!

3:48 Every time i hear in that song about the man in Ohio who lives on skin and bones and big boobs the word dude, my mind goes to Jew and i might not be all that wrong.

6:12 Guvernarea prin rotație implică tăcerea opoziției nu? Și e adevărat nu am auzit demult critici pentru că PSD-ul așteaptă liniștiți să le vină rândul că altfel li se sparge târgul. În același timp a fost o soluție și pentru salvarea lui Iohannis, care era cam epuizat după ce ne dăduse 8 guverne (un număr sinonim cu infinitul) și o pauză scenariștilor care nu mai știau ce scandaluri să le mai scrie. Ce e deci cu ieșirea asta a lui Dîncu, era nevoie neapărat de vreo aluzie, vreo subliminală? A ok m-am prins vor să arate că ei citesc presa, deci au o minte a lor proprie, nu sunt doar păpuși pe ecran.

8:54 De ce Amsterdam?

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Kali Ma

Yesterday i vacuumed. The worst part of it is i got to breath the dust that settled everywhere of which some was "wall dust" that came in here through a couple of what i believe was artificially created holes and mixed with normal dust (mostly cotton from clothes). Both in living and bedroom there were some screws in the frame of the in unused wall heater that apparently have been unscrewed. The wall dust contains among others, choking sulfur. Any piece of the "used" or 40 years old drywall made of aerated calcium sulfate that one may take out of the wall is a health hazard, the bubbles inside being saturated with sulfur dioxide from the decomposing over the years of calcium sulfate.

Sulfur dioxide is made when sulfur combines with oxygen and is a precursor of sulfuric acid. Calcium sulfate that the walls are made of is a combination of sulfur and calcium that is chemically stable but can be destabilized in time by sufate reduction and sulfur production bacteria.

It is the paint that sort of keeps it inside, but on the other side, or inside the wall, there's only paper. And the mandatory half inch space between the panels and the floor makes it communicate with the air inside.

Sulfur and paper. Obviously got some of it in my lungs and that contributed to me getting in some sort of respiratory distress last night that BTW is not cleared completely. Angela cannot stand the smell when i vacuum and wants to do it always when she's not home and she went to the stores. Things were aggravated by the fact that i did not vacuum in such a long time. Wall dust mixed with regular dust and some will pass through the vacuum's paper bag. She got mad at me i done it over the weekend, but could not wait until Monday, after the pains in my legs. Pains created by the same dust when i walk. It was simply too much.

Sulfur and paper. The same stuff i ran into last night when i drove through Kalama. If you pass through Kalama and the wind is blowing from that direction, you are certainly going to pass through that smell. Last night we were both wondering how the people in Kalama can live with it.

Sulfur and paper. Both materials can be found among other "symbols" in any of the "chambers of reflections" of the masonic lodges and temples. Paper is not listed here, but it is on the table, and used by novices to write down something. The word VITRIOL is written on the wall as an acronym (with dots between letters). According to google vitriol in chemistry is sulfuric acid, but from what i remember from either my grade or H₂S chemistry teacher it is actually a mixture of sulfuric and chlorhydric (or hydrochloric acid) that can dissolve glass, hence the etymology of that word. One of the purpose of those symbols is to remind the novice the fragility and futility of this life.

Woke after 5 hours of sleep, again chocked by the same smell from vacuuming yesterday (mold and sulfur and s...). Started the UV light and moved in the bedroom where i opened the window. Was laying in bed minding my own mind when a smoke like mold smell started to fill the room. Went outside and found some fresh mole mounds under bedroom's window. Grabbed some boras but when i tried to pour in the holes under the mounds, i realized they were flooded by the endless rain. The only way moles could have raised those mounds this morning is if they swam under water (using scuba diving equipment).

One of the words in aboriginal languages for boomerang besides kylie is garla. Kylie is a tool of hunting, thus death. Ancient aboriginals pretty much like us needed to kill animals to survive, hence the cycle of destruction/life. Throwing a boomerang required timing because it is a slow throwing tool (when compared to an arrow) and prey is also moving. All attributes of Kali, the black goddess, one of the most worshiped Indian goddesses. But could the ancient Australian word garla be at origin of garlic, garland, girl, all the names based on Karl etc.. Black is the color of soil from which everything is being born.

We all know (no need to google) that the stinking part of garlic and/or onion is sulfur based components. Nevermind, here. Could the little skulls garland of Kali actually be a garland made of garlic and her protruding tongue symbolize choking, at least in some versions? Could ancient aboriginals use garlic mixed with saltpeter or something to incapacitate their prey without making them toxic to eat. Maybe we all misjudged the boomerang and its weird capacity of returning to the hunter, without even needing to hit the prey.
Sulfur is being eliminated in atmosphere in vast amounts by the coal burning plants, as coal contains sulfur. The atmosphere of planet Venus that at first was similar to Earth, is now made mostly of carbon dioxide with sulfur dioxide clouds, hence the yellowish pearl like color.

Also, useful. Mercaptans are sulfur based compounds that are the stinkiest stuff known to human kind in only ppm amounts, and are added to gasoline, natural gas and generally any flammable petroleum sub-products to make a leak obvious. Which we didn't need if we started driving electric vehicles but at first those would have been powered by lead/(sulfuric)/acid (classic) batteries. Sulfites are used to preserve wine. Suflatiazole is a form of antibiotic. Organic sulfur caught in garlic and onion is antibacterial and beneficial.

Can we us all put all these aside to rest for now, lick our wounds and go about our business?

Apparently not. I was minding my own business in the kitchen talking with Angela while together building a vegetable soup and thought of how i needed a drink to forget about the never-ending smells, stupidity of those who follow this goddess when he started to stomp and yell, furiously.

Emotions are some of the most difficult parts of our lives to deal with. Not for the simple minded, that may collapse under, especially when navigating alone through the complexity of modern life. There is no such things about knowing too much, but if you think that believing equates knowing, then you're really in trouble like the guy at the first person in this song.

As for the tragedy of our conscience being trapped in these fragile, imperfect and needy bodies, that requires a whole philosophy to deal with.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Second coming of Trump and the Stumps of Robinho

With a failed attempt to debunk a false claim, you may actually spread it even further. Things have become so untangled and so Shogun (the book) like or Kafka like i can't even understand this title from Reuters.

"Here's a bizarre Fact Check-Claims Trump will be reinstated on August 13 stem from debunked conspiracy theories".

It's been so long i can't even remember the exact format, but i believe Oregonian once had some sort of version of rolling news, that is a stack like list of time stamped news that were moving up or down as new ones were added. I think it was before Beth Nakamura too over anyways. Now you can't even enter the site, thanks to those criminals at Admiral whatever blocking company. An online company that is specializing in blocking you from seeing a site unless you pay subscription or remove your blocking software. I don't have any blocking software. I have a black list inside the kernel of my Fedora.

That is how news should look like. A time stamped list as they happen. Without something like this, if you miss the first "trumpet" on a news, and you most likely will, you will think it happened when you  heard it, pretty much like it happened with War of the World by Orson Wells.

You hear about a shooting at the Pentagon, you may think Trump is already on its way.

One way to tell the exact moment is do a google search and scroll and look for earliest time stamp. Then you can look for a jolt in the market right before that. A moment when the market is suddenly going up or down, like more than a few tenth of a procent. Did that happened today. Yes it did.
There is one more civilized way to figure it out. Go to the French newspaper site LeFigaro flash actu. But you will have to translate time to US time in this case PDT which is 9 hours behind. 18:23 - 9 = 9:23 PDT or 12:23 Eastern. You may find out it happened before that time, but nothing is sure, not even this site.
Then of course you don't hear anything else on the subject until you google and find out that it was an "unrelated incident". Cause if it was, we will heave heard more as hours passed but we haven't.

"A Pentagon police officer died after being stabbed Tuesday during a burst of violence at a transit center outside the building, and a suspect was shot by law enforcement and died at the scene, officials said." But was it.

Why Robinho on the title.

I suspected since he moved here in March. The man upstairs may be Brazilian footballer Robinho who i turn was "played" or "acted" for a long time by a Japanese wrestler.

Since yesterday especially after my post with Duterte he started to act even weirder. Smoking like he did in the first day he moved here. Inside and this morning after i shot the AC cause smoke was leaking from the back and opened front window, he went at the car and smoke there, still filling the place with raw (untreated) tobacco, the stinkiest. It was within the same timeframe with the shooting.

Conclusion. They created a mass psychosis just to create a momentum when i could have bursted with rage and go and confront him. But i'm not match for him. He's much younger and masked by some fat he has muscles double the size of mine and has been in the ring and after that on the football field for too long.

Being tired, i just fell asleep, he woke me up several times, last stumping on the floor in a burst of rage that i managed to record. But i still did not react and went instead for a long walk. While approaching the office a bunch of sexualized little girls started to walk right ahead of me in that direction. Near the mailboxes, the same girl with sexy pants and t-shirt that was yesterday with a dog now taking the garbage. Further within the hospital alleys i met with yet another executioner, most likely, a boxer or some sort of fighter from Hungary.

When i came back, i drank one huge mug of water with a bit of grapefruit juice and took a shower and now i'm sick. Even as i write he still marches upstairs, like a wrestler would in a ring.

And then of course the question. Why would the market go up when a shooting occurs next to Pentagon?

Because of course the shooting was not real but fake news only meant to create a day long or several hours long psychosis need to build momentum so in the heat of the moment people will accept if something happened to me while confronting the ninja. And then going back flat when it was clear they were little chances this would happen.

Monday, February 17, 2020

McNeeley Real Estate

Name says a lot. For many years i used to believe it has something to do with kneels. Makes you kneel that is. I know one guy there. Mark Hessel. And there was another woman i spoke with in the agency, short, fat, looking Japanese.

In January 2010 we've been kicked from Sussex. There was a guy there Kaleb whom i knew only by seeing him and seeing his name on the mailbox.

At Sussex there was an episode that just came to mind. The 2002 Seattle earthquake. There was a handyman scheduled exactly at that time in the apartment. He went outside to pick something from his Volvo, i went to the door to see what he's doing. Then the earthquake started, a series of ample movement, i stood in the door frame when i heard somebody running on the roof. I looked at the handyman while he was staring the roof.

There was a broken pipe in the wall in there that got never fixed. Every time i was opening the water at the bathroom sink, a pipe was moving in the wall. Probably leaking in the wall and making mold.

While i was there at first i was not aware of the mineral insulation problem. After, or when when i realized the attic was full with loose mineral insulation, i taped the lid to the attic so it won't fall down at least through there.

There was this guy with a red Toyota Supra i guess who looked like a South American drug dealer who was showing from time to time, pretending living there. La Tuta i guess.

Christine McVie, Carole King acting like managers. John Winquist, owner of Regent, the management company i think is a now Hungarian top politician.

Across the street, BNC. A church that looks like an UFO.

And Tom Cruise, the mechanic.

That's all about Sussex, here and now.

So we've been looking for a place to move. Actually applied in two different places. One Saturday in February they called us from Sunflower Apts, i believe we were approved there too but for some reason i can't explain right now none of us wanted to answer the phone. Monday (hopefully i will come with the date, it think it was February 2010) i had appointment with Mark from McNeeley, i went at the apartment in Lake Oswego and signed the papers. As we climbed in the truck to go in Lake Oswego they called us again from Sunflower and told us we were approved but i already made my mind. I was moving to Lake Oswego. Rent was about similar but location, one of the best in Portland area. Not knowing it was actually on the top of an extinct volcano.

Don't know what was wrong with me in that day. I didn't feel the terrible stink in there. Maybe because window was open. Maybe i was hypnotized (to us, Mark appeared like he had severe strabismus (not seen in the picture above). All i saw was the view, the pool (which Mark told us wasn't "ours", the apartment was the only one rented in the building, the others were individually owned condos). The place was a dump. I will select some pictures. The pan of the fridge filled with some sort of glue that resulted from combination of asphalt and silica from roof shingles. Hardwood floor was stinking so bad from being contaminated with that stuff and food that i had to cover it with shelf liners.

The rusty, leaking toilet, discoloration of the vynil.

Everything was leaking under the kitchen sink

And the endless hole.

There are many other things to be said about that place before i start getting to the reason for this post. But before, a word about Apt.9 or next door. There were a couple of celebrities that were showing as Anna, the young single neighbor. One of them was Kelly Clarkson.

And the guy at Apt.2 (two levels down) who looked like Jinichi Kawakami posing for a young single guy who was never cleaning and smoking the stinkiest cigarettes (natural tobaco, not treated for burning faster like most brands). There i found out for the first time of the existence of ninja dojos in the US.

The woman who lived at nr.6 (right under) left after one week (came back at times). I forgot where she said she was moving. The apartment was vacated for a long time, more that a year. Then the short old man with the green van moved in. He lived there for about 6 months. On June 6 2011 i took this picture.
And this one on July 2nd the same year.

I think he left in September that year. That was after they poured asphalt on street. Because the day after he dragged me into a short conversation.

What was about him. As you can see from the first picture he was handling some high tech tools. Sometimes at night i head what i though him was chiseling, maybe the walls.

After him i remember Christina Minnis moving in there. Found the name on a site that gives you names of neighbors and googled and found this.

She was wanted in Texas for some minor offenses and she found shelter here. However, she was living in that dump with a guy (i forgot his name now), black, who was working for a British company, somewhere in Downtown Portland.

She found a job here in Portland at David Killer Bread. I remember the day when Dave Dahl, the owner, was arrested. A few days later they started the bathroom fan downstairs and was on until December 2014.

They had a dog probably she dog, probably sick cause it was actually crying every they after they left in the morning.

Story is much longer. To make it short, today i figured the purpose for that fan to be on for so long was to pump in the floor (or their ceiling) and into our apartment the same stuff they pump in here for more than a year now or since i heard upstairs the same chiseling sound, December 2019 and then i heard the dog making the same crying sound as the one down stairs more than 6 years ago. That is litter dust. When those neighbors moved in spring, i saw the woman carrying a small dog in a pouch at her chest, like a baby. Both dogs were probably sick, probably infected with some parasite that eliminates in the feces and ended up in the dust that gets in here, that gives me the same symptoms and probably.

This summer upstairs moved a woman who looked like a Japanese actress. They also had a dog and they had a portable AC in the kitchen area vibrating the walls and floors and allowing litter dust to get into the walls and from there in here. The current neighbor does not have a dog but a cat and uses only one "in wall" heater, in the dining area or about the same area where the AC was and for that reason (the others are off) it runs a lot, that also vibrates, in about the same area.

Last night i covered more holes and cracks in the laundry closet area because after cleaning for many days it started to stink after i used the washer and drier yesterday which shook the walls and more stuff came in. But i believe somebody was in here last night and took out of the sealed bag an old injector (forgotten from Nissan) that today started to stink to mask the hole story.

Both stinking places are responsible for creating and maintaining my diabetes.

The woman at Apt.9 driving a blue Jeep reminds me now of Christa Jacobson. After her in that apartment moved in a guy who resembled Andrei Postelnicu whom i saw last time the day before he went missing in Florida. In the spring of 2014 i believe Bill Cosby moved in there.

The apartment nr.7, next wall, slightly below, had a chimney. I believe this is where the smoke came from. When i moved in here the smoke didn't get out of our clothes until i washed them at least 5 times each. I believe in there at times was a woman from Hungary, Nora Gorbe.

I once called Lake Oswego Police. The guy who came, Sergeant Sparkle, was looking exactly like the President of Hungary, János Áder.

One more thing. The more i look at Jim McNeeley's face the more i think he looks like the old man who moved lately at Sussex in the apartment under. I don't know, it's been more than ten years. I think it was around 2007 when he came. He parked some sort of old RV vehicle and had it parked there for a long time. Then he got an old car. Lately he put a blanket in kitchen's window and i think he was not airing and cleaning a lot and the whole place started to stink.
To be continued (having a break).