12:56 Military helmets look like turtles.
1:20 Sunday evening i saw at the reception of the hotel belonging to Chinook Winds Casino a black SUV with LPN Oregon Cultural MOONRKR and a man who climbed in it who looked like Putin, but a bit taller, older and also possible Asian made blond. I was at the end of a 2 hours difficult drive and i panicked and realized the details only after playing the "movie" with the scene in my memory over and over again in the room. He checked into a room not far from mine which was again free complimentary from the casino (Angela heard the conversation at the reception).Inside the casino there was another guy, shorter who also looked like him.
In the parking lot, an unusual sight. @30-40 Latino men in their 30s doing something next to an SUV, but could not figure what. They showed again when i checked out, coming out of that restaurant or hotel with bags next to that SUV, maybe getting food.
Today in the casino also i saw a woman with heavy makeup that could have been invisible to cameras (the makeup). Could have been around the time market started to go back up.
7:02 Slept four hours. Got totally awakened by a vehicle with loud exhaust that idled in the alley for half hour.
How come it's only me who sees this. I posted a video with a song called Nada Sou Sou subtitled in Portuguese, with Rimi Natsukawa, the Japanese singer who does Mariah Christmas and now this.
10:12 You thought you knew what the stinkiest place in the Universe is? The hardwood floor in the kitchen area in Lake Oswego that i had to cover with shelf liners? The fridge in the same place? I put the piece of insulating foam between freezing and fridge compartment and put it in a black plastic sack with chlorine and let it for 24 hours and the smell wouldn't come out and in the end i coated it with poly acrylic clear coat (thing was over 25 years old, could not find that part). The bedroom where smoke was coming from a broken chimney from a fireplace at nr.7 that happened to pass through the wall?
No, it was the washer here. The black hole beyond the little holes that the drum is made of. Wait. Maybe the a...-hole who designed it thought stinks worse.
Today after a string of luck and coincidences, i got to take the thing apart. Sunday before i left after i poured chlorine bleach in the space between the rings (that now is white in the picture) and i unplugged the thing. Just in case i made a short with water or bleach or something. Today after i used the brush i pulled a wire that was disconnected anyways (it was a ground wire, inconsequential for the purpose of starting) the thing wouldn't start and i was too tired to remember it was unplugged.
So i took it apart to put that wire back. As simple as that. When i did, the 8 millions kami (an infinity) from the space between the drum and the splash or collecting drum came at me in their full splendor and to open windows doors to be able to continue. I washed the thing 3 times, with a wet space duster, water came brown from the holes in the drum, toilet smell, vomit and diarrhea smell and detergent perfume came out of it until i washed it the 3rd time but now the whole apartment stinks like maybe old spice cinnamon, after i aired for an hour.
I think i pulled ounces of decades old brown slime from there. But then i saw a rusted dent in the drum, like someone with a screwdriver pulled that ring before. Maybe it's been done before, like 10 years ago. No there is no other way to clean it. Or maybe... Fill the drum with water until it pours out and then extract one gallon of water and pour back one gallon of chlorine bleach in it and let it for 24 hours. Maybe, if it's not too old.
Now i got to put it back together, after 4 hours of sleep. It wasn't difficult, only 3 screws, 2 structural and a number of clips to take the upper panel and the ring but i didn't know and took some more before that.
And yes i started the phone and took a picture. Wasn't putting much power until i started the wi-fi to upload it. Will add it here later. Brown slime seen best on the outer plastic guard at the left of the picture. There was more under the white plastic ring and inside the ring.
11:19 I used the hose to rinse everything and somehow water got it that ring (can't figure out how) that is empty on the inside and don't know how to get it back out (shook it around and everything might have to drill a hole). I think it was stinking from there too (stink trap by design?). The old cinnamon spice. That explains the color too. Someone used grated cinnamon flavored soap instead of detergent? Home made soap?
Sea sick crocodiles are better than all getters who live in Florida of course and are of the color green.
2:25 I also figured a way to check the "cleanliness" of the drum and outer cylinder which is clear or translucent. Open the lid, move the drum a bit out of the way (flexible shaft) and stick a flashlight between cylinders and a panel. Will see the light coming through the little holes and the difference in color between bottom and top ones. Stinky slime gathers only on the top where the dirty water raises in little waves with no cleaning or rinsing force and soils the cylinders.
But the smelliest of all was what came from the ring in the picture. I (also) accidentally pumped some water inside through the joining line (ring made of two parts) at high pressure from the pipes here in Tualatin and then i drilled a hole on a side to empty that water and a very bad smell came out and i put a little chlorine bleach inside.
2:31 Always threatening shutdown (What are we all going to do, the government is shutting down, the government is shutting down oh my. That is they don't get paid no more?). How about a first time ever detailed report on a few pages on what they spent the money in the past year? 1.7 T, Tesla at its bubbly peak was worth 1.2. Not a very long but quite dramatic history of breaking little hearts and it all came down to a funny little fat blue bird and another self sabotage of the Republic. Long live the Emperor!
3:48 Every time i hear in that song about the man in Ohio who lives on skin and bones and big boobs the word dude, my mind goes to Jew and i might not be all that wrong.
2:31 Always threatening shutdown (What are we all going to do, the government is shutting down, the government is shutting down oh my. That is they don't get paid no more?). How about a first time ever detailed report on a few pages on what they spent the money in the past year? 1.7 T, Tesla at its bubbly peak was worth 1.2. Not a very long but quite dramatic history of breaking little hearts and it all came down to a funny little fat blue bird and another self sabotage of the Republic. Long live the Emperor!
3:48 Every time i hear in that song about the man in Ohio who lives on skin and bones and big boobs the word dude, my mind goes to Jew and i might not be all that wrong.
6:12 Guvernarea prin rotație implică tăcerea opoziției nu? Și e adevărat nu am auzit demult critici pentru că PSD-ul așteaptă liniștiți să le vină rândul că altfel li se sparge târgul. În același timp a fost o soluție și pentru salvarea lui Iohannis, care era cam epuizat după ce ne dăduse 8 guverne (un număr sinonim cu infinitul) și o pauză scenariștilor care nu mai știau ce scandaluri să le mai scrie. Ce e deci cu ieșirea asta a lui Dîncu, era nevoie neapărat de vreo aluzie, vreo subliminală? A ok m-am prins vor să arate că ei citesc presa, deci au o minte a lor proprie, nu sunt doar păpuși pe ecran.
8:54 De ce Amsterdam?