Lenin Statue
Hitler Salute
Friday, May 4, 2012
Am început să cred, deşart, că România s-a dat pe brazdă. Că după 22 de ani de democraţie şi-a secretat, în sfârşit, o elită, ce-i drept mai flămândă decât normal, în stare să o scoată din faza critică. Dar cu 90% din banii de la FMI ducându-se pe apa sâmbetei iar cu restul plătind bugetarii, după cum spunea Simona Tache, România, în moarte clinică, dansează un dans telecomandat.
Elita României zace pe lângă canal şi pe lângă fostele puşcării de exterminare sovietice în morminte câteodată neştiute.
Ce au avut în comun ultimele 3 guverne?
Au fost trei pitici. Unul chiar pe bune, ceilalţi doi, tineri şi compatibili, mă uitam cum se uită la colegii lor de partid, mai vârstnici şi mi-am dat seama din priviri cum încearcă să le ghicească dorinţele, piticindu-se în faţa lor.
De săptămâni sondează ţara cu liste şi cu feedback corectându-şi imagina şi vopsesc realitatea ca să li se potrivească mai bine şi trag de timp până la alegeri în toamnă, când totul va intra într-o mereu nouă, (im)previzibilă normalitate.
Guvernele îşi pasează unul altora "problema", fără să o cunoască, căci o problemă odată cunoscută e pe jumătate rezolvată. Adevăratele probleme, incompetenţa, impostura, şi în final dependenţa de ordine din afară, domnilor, le căraţi mai departe cu voi. Acestea sunt problemele care vă apasă umerii, piticindu-vă.
Elita României zace pe lângă canal şi pe lângă fostele puşcării de exterminare sovietice în morminte câteodată neştiute.
Ce au avut în comun ultimele 3 guverne?
Au fost trei pitici. Unul chiar pe bune, ceilalţi doi, tineri şi compatibili, mă uitam cum se uită la colegii lor de partid, mai vârstnici şi mi-am dat seama din priviri cum încearcă să le ghicească dorinţele, piticindu-se în faţa lor.
De săptămâni sondează ţara cu liste şi cu feedback corectându-şi imagina şi vopsesc realitatea ca să li se potrivească mai bine şi trag de timp până la alegeri în toamnă, când totul va intra într-o mereu nouă, (im)previzibilă normalitate.
Guvernele îşi pasează unul altora "problema", fără să o cunoască, căci o problemă odată cunoscută e pe jumătate rezolvată. Adevăratele probleme, incompetenţa, impostura, şi în final dependenţa de ordine din afară, domnilor, le căraţi mai departe cu voi. Acestea sunt problemele care vă apasă umerii, piticindu-vă.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
The Earth
by Lucian Blaga - 1919
On our back we were lying in the grass: you and i.
The sky melted like wax in the burning of the Sun
flowing along the fields like a river.
Pressing silence was mastering the Earth
and a question fell through my soul to its bottom.
Wouldn't have to tell
anything the Earth? All this-Earth
unforgivingly large and killingly mute,
To better hear it i pressed my ear
Against the ground - doubtful and obedient -
And from underground i heard
your heart's noisy beat.
The Earth was answering.
On our back we were lying in the grass: you and i.
The sky melted like wax in the burning of the Sun
flowing along the fields like a river.
Pressing silence was mastering the Earth
and a question fell through my soul to its bottom.
Wouldn't have to tell
anything the Earth? All this-Earth
unforgivingly large and killingly mute,
To better hear it i pressed my ear
Against the ground - doubtful and obedient -
And from underground i heard
your heart's noisy beat.
The Earth was answering.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Cowboys & Indians
About maybe 5 years ago i had an email signature that sounded like this:
"It's easy to win when you own both teams".
I kept that signature for about a year or so despite some cries from my "friends" to remove it. Until myself i got bored with it.
Kinda like when i was kid and i was playing villains and deputies with my childhood friends in my home-town.
We were splitting in two teams by affinities and who knows by what other completely childish criteria and started chasing each other, nobody was getting hurt, all that mattered was the action. Maybe just our throats after all that yelling. And all the neighbours were ignoring us, it was our escape in doing all the crazy things we couldn't normally do. It was a privileged time.
But it's bad for you when you're not enrolled in none of the teams and have to play the role of the ball in a game or that of a yo-yo that you buy in a toy store. And you have to also look sad and/or mad all the time which in a situation like this only comes naturally.
"It's easy to win when you own both teams".
I kept that signature for about a year or so despite some cries from my "friends" to remove it. Until myself i got bored with it.
Kinda like when i was kid and i was playing villains and deputies with my childhood friends in my home-town.
We were splitting in two teams by affinities and who knows by what other completely childish criteria and started chasing each other, nobody was getting hurt, all that mattered was the action. Maybe just our throats after all that yelling. And all the neighbours were ignoring us, it was our escape in doing all the crazy things we couldn't normally do. It was a privileged time.
But it's bad for you when you're not enrolled in none of the teams and have to play the role of the ball in a game or that of a yo-yo that you buy in a toy store. And you have to also look sad and/or mad all the time which in a situation like this only comes naturally.