Tuesday, August 24, 2021

August 24

8:15 Nu e nici un secret că după februarie 1996 eu nu am mai fost ce eram înainte. Ultima ocupație din România a fost de programator, am fost destul de bun, am făcut programe de salarii și contabilitate în timp real, cred că printre primele, uneori îmi place să mă gândesc că am dat un exemplu în direcția asta.

În SUA am nimerit exact pe mâna celor care mă deranjau în România, dar nu am avut habar. Din cauza lor, a trebuit să iau job-uri incredibile, ca de exemplu băiat de pus marfă în rafturi, la Sheridan, dar când și-au dat seama că nu prea au ce face cu mine la nivelul la care eram, s-au hotărât să mă downgrade puțin. Să mă coboare la un nivel inferior, unde să fiu mai ușor de manipulat.

Sub pretextul și sub aparența rasismului care există, dincolo de orice limite, mai ales în statul Washington (a nu se confunda cu capitala), la nord de Oregon, Dan Costan, un tip care cred că e un boxer, pictor și scriitor din Ungaria, m-a dus la o firmă unde m-au pus să lucrez singur într-un colț într-un depozit mare la o mașină care folosea tricloretan (metil cloroform) ca și agent de răcire, o substanță interzisă de OMS, sprayat pe piesele respective. 

Deci practic m-au gazat, dar nu așa ca să mor ci ca să devin o legumă, ceea ce s-a și întâmplat, după vreo câteva zile. Am început să am halucinații, nu mai dormeam, după o săptămână am ajuns la spitalul de nebuni, iar după nu mi-am mai revenit decât parțial. De fapt la câțiva ani după fază, Dan, cu care încă credeam că sunt prieten, mi-a și zis, "gândeai prea repede".

Timp de vreo zece ani după am fost o legumă, au făcut ce-au vrut cu mine, am ajuns să lucrez și ca programator, însă mă uitam la ecran zece minute până scriam o linie. Încă vreo zece ani și mai ales după aceste lungi plimbări în parcuri, unele în păduri cu locuri denivelate, am început să-mi mai revin, deși până în ziua de azi nu 100%, mai ales din cauza apartamentelor mizerabile în care am locuit și care cam anulau toată chestia cu plimbările în aer liber.

De aceea am dificultăți cu html, cu programarea în general, după ce m-am apucat de blogărit și am descoperit chestia cu asemănările, mi-a fost destul de greu să învăț câteva chestii de bază din html. Când am început să mă obișnuiesc cu o anume procedură după care construiam o asemănare din asta, adică în vara anului trecut, google a hotărât să modifice interfața blogger cu care lucram. Mi-au trebuit câteva multe luni să mă obișnuiesc iar, dar chestia m-a încetinit mult.

O postare din asta e o procedură destul de complicată, în afară de căutarea propriu zisă, care este o muncă în sine, o combinație între html și interfața vizuală blogger, nu folosesc alte unelte pentru a nu complica și mai mult situația și mai ales pentru a avea control total asupra postărilor.

Una din modificările pe care le-au făcut, combinată cu ignoranța mea în html a dat naștere unei situații riscante. Dacă uit să pun link-ul la căutarea google, după o deformatare, în atributul href rămâne implicit adresa la www blogger com, iar dacă cineva face clic pe poză va fi trimis la adresa respectivă, unde normal, dacă nu are cont va fi întrebat să-și deschidă unul, ceea ce poate fi șocant pentru cei care nu știu nimic de IT, iar dacă are și nu e logat, va fi întrebat de parolă, ceea ce seamănă cu un atac de phishing. Imediat au apărut în media românească aluzii la hackeri, etc.. Au început să-mi apară în față pe unde merg mașini cu numere gen HAC, etc..

Între timp am reușit să înțeleg mai multe chestii din html ceea ce îmi va permite să schimb procedura aceea riscantă.

Ieri s-a întâmplat faza tocmai la Șoșoaca, mai ales din cauza urii pe care o simt când îi văd fața, dar și din cauza vecinului de sus care s-a apucat de ciocănit în podea și scutura praf de pisică, pe care l-am simțit imediat. Deci am uitat iar să pun link-urile, azi am descoperit absolut din întâmplare, probabil multă lume s-a enervat, îmi cer scuze, am eliminat posibilitatea pentru viitor.

8:58 Nu știu, poate budiștii au descoperit ce e conștiința și se pot conecta la gândurile altora (poate au preluat ceva din hinduism, iar ninja de la budism), poate au alte mijloace, sau pur și simplu ceva tehnologie, dar este sigur faptul că tipul de deasupra se mișcă pe sus în funcție de ce fac sau mai ales ce gândesc eu. Sub pretextul că se pregătește să plece la serviciu (ieri nu a fost, a "party" prea mult, de unul singur, cu muzică și probabil droguri), dimineața (într-o zi am venit din parc când pleca, nouă și ceva, seara vine pe la 5) se mișcă prin casă vreo două ore și scârțâie podeaua, dar nu are nici o legătură cu vreo activitate, ci doar după cum mă mișc sau gândesc eu. Este atât de enervant încât pur și simplu îmi schimb toate ideile, mă influențează în orice vreau să fac (cum poate să existe un bărbat de vreo 30 și, cu înfățișare de brazilian, care să nu aibă nici un prieten sau prietenă, să petreacă tot weekend-ul și tot timpul liber singur în apartament, etc.).

11:35 Am mai dormit două ore, tipul de sus e tot acasă, de 3-4 zile, bursa s-a dus în sus, înăuntru a început să miroase cum miroase a doua zi după ce tipul de sus pune praf de pisică, a ouă clocite adică, am ieșit să văd dacă miroase și afară, adică din pereți, nu știu cum mi-au căzut ochii pe o picătură de ceva pe interiorul roții din dreapta a camionetei care acum e parcată în locul mașinii, m-am dus să văd, era lichid de frână, s-ar părea că nu am strâns bine șurubul de aerisire, m-am dus să iau niște scule, a început să sune o sirenă ca la nebuni, apoi alta, m-am băgat sub mașină și am strâns un pic, probabil va trebui să-l scot și să-l curăț de rugină, de vreo 2-3 ori sau să-l înlocuiesc, am mai pus niște clor cu deodorant în 2 în locuri în apartament, au trecut 24 de ore de când am vorbit cu tipa de la Progressive (asigurare) care spunea că un agent local mă va contacta cu opțiuni în 24 de ore, m-am dus la calc lui Angela (lui Angela, nu sunt de acord cu modificarea numelor pentru a le acorda, ca în maghiară) care e lângă geamul de la alee să verific, pe site, nimic nou, japoneza aia cu 2-3 copii de la clădirea D a trecut pe la geam cu un cărucior, nu știu unde, poate la plimbare, aici lumea nu prea merge pe jos, când trecea între ea și mine, care doar mă uitam pe geam, a trecut un tip de la mentenanță cu un cart electric, etc., iar tipul de sus scârțâie podeaua non-stop. (Când merg pe undeva unde este lume și trec prin spatele cuiva, automat cineva vine și se interpune, asta de ani de zile sau de când mi-am dat seama prima dată, dar... prin geam? sau vor numai impresia subinconștientă, oamenii merg pe impresie, înțeleg în magazine unde sunt camere care pot fi scăpate pe internet, dar aici?).

12:00 Mă uitam pe telefon la conversația cu Progressive, nu sunt deloc obișnuit cu texting, tipul de sus a dat televizorul foarte tare, nu mă puteam concentra, mă gândeam, să sun, să nu sun la Progressive, au fost aproape 4 zile de la accident, mașina e tot aici, apare în spate o tipă în pantaloni scurți cu un copilaș, mă uitam la fața ei, nu la picioare, încercând să-mi amintesc dacă am văzut-o undeva, la care a ridicat instant mâna la față, acoperindu-si jumătate din ea, a făcut stânga-mprejur și a plecat cu tot cu copilaș.

Mai devreme am fost pe la mașină, am văzut un kk de câine, trebuie să merg să-l strâng înainte de a împuți totul pe aici, dar dacă mă duc, mirosul îmi va intra în haine și în plămâni.

8:45 Ultima dată când am schimbat filtrul de benzină la camionetă a fost în jur de anul 2000. Încă era Cindy Dunster manager la Sussex. A fost traumatizant fiindcă nu știam cum să-l schimb, a durat mai mult decât am crezut, a curs benzină în parcare și a mirosit jumătate de zi.

Acu vreo 2-3 ani cred mi-a picat pompa de benzină, m-a costat 900 de dolari s-o înlocuiesc, dar după cum arată, nu au schimbat și filtrul. Până la Hyundai, care m-a înnebunit cu un zgomot datorat presiunii scăzute la benzină, tot din cauza filtrului, care însă este foarte greu de schimbat.

Am comandat pe Amazon (este foarte mișto fiindcă ține "minte" comenzile anterioare, deci la o mașină, știi ce cauciucuri ai cumpărat, filtre, ulei, etc. și data viitoare doar clic și faci o nouă comandă) un filtru și azi l-am instalat. Mi-a curs benzină și praf chiar în ochi, uitasem de un șurub care ține un colier care e legat de niște țevi de benzină, până la urmă m-am descurcat, dar ninja, actorii m-au traumatizat cu gesturile și zgomotele lor din parcare în timp ce. După, am mers pentru un test, am mirost, nu mai miroase nimic din eșapament, sper că a și revenit la un consum acceptabil. Lampa de avertizre pentru catalizator era stinsă pe bord de vreo 2 zile, după ce am mers vreo 100 mile undeva.

Care este teoria. Presiune scăzută la injectoare datorită unui filtru murdar conduce la "picurare". Adică în timp ce injectoarele spray-ază cad și picături de benzină. Acele picături nu contribuie la ciclul ardere/detentă, abia dacă se încălzesc și se evaporă și trec în evacuare și sunt arse în catalizator.

Computerul deschide injectoarele mai mult timp ca să compenseze, iar picăturile reprezintă pierderea.

Consumul este mult mai mare, iar catalizatorul se duce mult mai repede.

Am cumpărat de pe Amazon un filtru similar cu 11 dolari, iar schimbarea a durat o oră. În poză se vede partea "curată" sau de ieșire a filtrului, benzina circulând de la stânga la dreapta.

Urmează mâine să atașez interfața aceasta ELM care am cumpărat-o pe Amazon cu 3-4 dolari, acum e 11, la conectorul de la mașină care se găsește de obicei sub bord în stânga, care se conectează cu computerul mașinii iar prin bluetooth cu telefonul sau tableta sau laptopul, unde pot folosi o aplicație gen torque (Android, versiunea light=gratuită), sau car (Microsoft, pe laptop) pentru diagnosticare mai departe (citire seznori, parametri, timpi injectori, avans, consum etc.).

Monday, August 23, 2021

August 23

12:45 He came from behind and stopped and let headlights on high beam possibly other more lights on. I spoke with him in the spot of those lights. He didn't have a mask and asked me to remove mine. I had one because i was afraid i was smelling though i didn't drink for 5 hours before. Then he "piloted" me on a dark street with no much light. I spent the rest of the time worrying about towing, insurance. I was pretty shook up after what happened including for the next 24 hours. Then i started to worry about other things. But i'm sure he was at least one inch short of 6 ft.

8:08 Place filled with smoke that could be raw tobacco or something else, not sure where it's coming from, really annoying.

1:44 Woke up around noon after a few more hours of sleep. When i woke up Progressive called. Monica confirmed i was insured, my deductible is 300 for hit and run, and asked me if i wanted the car fixed or money for repair and i said i wanted it fixed. Though the noise is still there, that car is way too important because of the mileage. I drove it 65k with almost half the price for gas i would have with a different car. However i remember the Nissan when it was new (to me) was doing a similar mileage. She said i will be contacted by a local agent with options within 24 hours. I sent her the pictures with the damaged car and the paper the Police officer gave me.
While rested, i felt very nauseated, my mouth was smelling like a garbage bin in the summer and tried to go for a walk. That didn't work and came back and took some charcoal caps. I noticed food wraps in the grass most likely from the kids that were playing yesterday, from the direction of the wind at that hour. Earlier i saw a beer or soda can in the chips from the opposite direction or where the wind was blowing from at that hour but that has been removed. Next to the garbage bin i saw a piece of ground beef and two pieces of cheese next to a doggy bag.

I went for a walk, many fat and thin women, all from the same australian species, with extra long legs patrolling, looking concerned. A very fat guy with a very large black and long beard in an Oregon State Police car, double parked at the end of the near empty section of the lot. An Airgas van parked in the middle on several spots. They finished Borland street, poured new asphalt, it smells like it. I came back, only half as nauseated as when i left.

I noticed, over time that they throw in the grass or next to bin foods or wraps from foods i just ate. That ensures breeding the exact type of bacteria and/or mold that would made me sick when the wind blows from that direction. I think it's again one of their alchemic principles, fire with fire.

These foods could have come from the fridge and still good within an hour or so but just the juices that fall on asphalt in the sun next to that garbage been and dog bag are enough.
2:16 The guy upstairs just made a noise, his car is in the lot, he could have change jobs or schedule again.

From the site https://www.wsp.wa.gov/press-releases/ They are not searching yet witnesses for my high speed hit and run crash though i told the officer it looked intentional to me. When i'm done with the insurance, i will try to get a copy of his report and maybe a picture cause i could not clearly see his face during the whole episode.

2:47 Guy upstairs got an auspicious moment and started his march to victory. I just went outside and picked some of the mess next to the bin. Butter, cheese (i ate this morning), ground beef, dog poo. There are more items like dog poos and cans between the fence and bin i cannot pick without a tool.

5:01 Angela is just outside trying to fix the plant with aphids, for a week now, every day, got three flowers, i am doing a search, and the man upstairs is retaliating, like he did in the last few weeks, this time by stumping at the end of the living, with smell of cat litter dust being released. This could not have been the old dust since the ladies of December. This should have been brought here fresh by him or his elves.

Earlier. Went to pick Angela from work, she had a scheduled stop at Fred Meyer (Kroger, whatever). On the road at an intersection i saw Kurt Cobain in a Porsche or a guy made to look like him (his actor is dead in Hungary, got a statue there). More German scenes, at the entrance a Heidi with unbreaded pony tails and a huge flying butt on top of pillar like legs, moving, from time to time her head nervously, only to show she was a gypsy from Hungary, a long line for backscenes at the entrance, all the scenes were in the store, i lost Angela and then i realized i forgot my phone. On my way back to the truck i grabbed a 2 liter pop of diet no caffeine Cola, this was my chance, and at the entrance two gigantic cops with an SUV (they got a designated parking spot, but they pulled at the entrance, for dramatism) one of them staring at me with disbelief (my luck, he meant by looking at me).  Don't know what for, haven't done nothing but stumbling on the actors at every corner, and in the store where only them, the actors. But as long as is 23 and there's still a chance... Is Terry Yaki Japanese or Chinese?
5:57 Smoke.

6:10 Heavy smoke, could be cocaine. Loud TV.

7:05 Acum vreo jumătate de oră o oră am ațipit pe scaun la calc., Angela dormea cu geamul deschis, s-a dus și a trântit geamul. Nerd-ul acela (cred că e un actor dintr-un film cu nerdz, poate Big Band), și-a scos iar vocea pițigăiată la balcon, la parter în clădirea vecină, pretinzând că vorbește la telefon, spune tare unul după altul cuvinte fără sens, cu accente pe nervii mei, iar când începe îl ține ore în șir. Am luat telefonul gândindu-mă doar să-l înregistrez mai de aproape, am deschis ușa și am scos capul și m-am uitat după colț iar în balcon în spatele lui care ședea, în blugi plini de slănină prelungă durdulie și cu păr galben despletit, cine era pe post de soție și înger păzitor, alta decât Șoșoaca însăși, scroafa zburătoare transatlantică? Când m-am uitat, ea s-a mișcat nervos, nu-mi venea să cred, m-am mai uitat odată, iar și-a încordat mușchii slănina (am mai văzut-o odată acu vreo 2 luni, tot acolo). Încă e 23, a venit, poate mă enervam (ninja de sus mi-a dat mai devreme iar cu praf din ăla împuțit și iritant și cu gărgăuni de pisică) și scoteau ceva din toată faza, mâine pielea mea nu va mai valora nici jumătate din cât face azi, iar peste 2 zile ajunge iar la mai nimic.

9:00 János Áder a uitat când o făcea pe agentul la Poliția din Lake Oswego? Într-o zi prin 2013 cred am lucrat la mașină și am inhalat atât de mult fum pe-afară încât pur și simplu nu mai știam ce-i cu mine. Mergeam peste viteza limită, depășeam aiurea. A doua zi când conduceam normal sergentul Sparkle pe care-l cunoșteam fiindcă am chemat odată poliția la o fază, nu-mi mai amintesc, tot așa, era fum, el tot așa, cu mustață, mai tânăr, bărbat bine, m-a urmărit, fără flash sau sirenă, eu nu am știut, am intrat la stația de benzină, a venit în locul tipului de la stație și mi-a dat chitanța după care m-a scos din mașină, mi-a dat un test de sobrietate cum se spune în engleză și printre altele mi-a băgat bastonul între picioare, în timp ce avioane mari de linie treceau pe deasupra. Într-un sfârșit a venit o tipă în aceeași uniformă, probabil polițistă pe bune la care tipul m-a lăsat în pace și a plecat. Probabil există încă video, asta a și dorit, faza s-a întâmplat la stația Chevron din Lake Oswego de pe Boones Ferry lângă I5.

Cât despre Trianon, psihologie inversă, ungurii ori vor stăpâni lumea în continuare, inclusiv România, în parteneriat cu japonezii, ori, dacă pierd controlul, vor dispărea iar numai atunci românii vor scăpa din gheara lor, fiindcă aceasta este calea pe care au ales-o, scopul pentru care au venit în Europa, cu ultimul val, maghiarii (magarii) budiști, acum 1000 de ani.

De fapt, dacă stau și mă gândesc bine, Trianon a fost motivația cu care elitele, sau cei ce le controlează care nu pot fi decât ninja din Japonia, i-a făcut pe fraieri, care au fost pregătiți cam de la înființarea academiei aceleia de actori să se bage în identități false în toată lumea, pentru a se răzbuna. Reculer pour mieux sauter. Însă mulți, mai ales cei de etnie română, evreiască sau țigănească au fost șantajați.

11:39 Apropo, ori de câte ori vedeam chestiile alea de paradă bineînțeles anti-gay din Ungaria mă gândeam la pozele astea pe care nu-mi mai aminteam unde erau. Căutând altceva, am dat de ele în sfârșit. La noi, chiar la alții încă nu am văzut așa ceva.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 22

12:43 After a day full of squeaks from above and remnants of cat dust also from above, and Angela being irritated, we decided to go for a drive and a spin at Spirit Mountain, with the truck. I hosed truck's grill that was full of dust dirt inside, then i washed the matts, tried to scrap the rust on the floor on driver's side, there is a bad rubber thing in there that i tried to seal with silicon that lets the water in, we went to car wash, then vacuumed the seats and then we left. But before that i went in the back to search for dog remnants cause i felt a smell. Nothing, but the building was surrounded with a weird smell resembling vanilla but not exactly and then another maybe laundry perfume. Just like yesterday.

So we left for Spirit Mt, there was a strong side wind that was constantly pushing me off the road, until i returned i was convinced it was truck's suspension. Even though the truck is 14 years older than the Hyundai, i noticed several  things. Windshield is more clear, can see better. I don't get blinded that easily by numerous off road headlights from the road.  But the mileage was terrible, i think i done more than 6 gallons for 100 miles. The mechanic at Exhaust Specialty was right. (They always are when in plain sight). Thing is burning so rich it could overwhelm the catalytic converter. But never drove it on a distance to see it like tonight. Got to first change the fuel filter, try some Heet in the tank and then use OBDII to diagnose it. Check fuel pressure and i have a hunch that know sensor isn't working too well though i replaced.

After half hour of drive i started to get sick. Nausea, dizziness. Like yesterday but worse. I forgot the bottle with charcoal at home but Angela could find a few forgotten ones in bottles with mixed first aid supplements, like potassium, calcium, coconut oil, things like that. Two capsules of charcoal did a little miracle on me however was not 100% restored and became sleepy and felt the same weird way like yesterday before that accident. I don't know what i would have done tonight without that charcoal, and Angela cannot drive the truck back home, probably would have ended in the ER.

What pissed me mostly at Spirit Mt. was i first saw two kids in van with windows in the spot that became visible as second next to us when somebody left. Angela said she saw an adult too. Inside a number of persons that looked like celebrities, mostly very young, with masks, possibly others, i was pretty absent after that ninja aerosol i inhaled before i left.

If anybody would do a search (CTRL/F) on the word droppings (double p of course) in this book he/she would find that the word occurs 71 times in various ninja recipes to use on their friends.

Too tired to explore these two possibilities. Tomorrow.



Couldn't help but notice an unusual number of cops on the streets when i got back, maybe up to 5 different SUVs in different places. Could it be because i played (and won a little) at that game "cops and donuts"? and then uploaded a short video when i got a bonus? I was going under the speed limit with that truck though. And then minutes ago something just occurred to me. By passing through McMinnville  so many times you may get in contact with those aliens, right?

8:48 Woke up after less than 7 hours with pretty bad abdominal pain like it always happens after the nausea. Got a remedy. A piece of insulating material around my belly, like a wide belt. Got better and and was about to fall asleep and every time i was falling asleep, he started to make a noise upstairs, like he knew. Now that i started to write he started the TV really loud. He will stay here to torment me the rest of the day. A man in his late 30s, doesn't have any friends or girlfriends, never speaks on the phone, never cooks, but cigarette smoke is sometimes coming from upstairs. One day i found a video about ninja being able to hear conversations through two walls using a resonating piece of metal. I am pretty sure they can, to some extent, listen to your thoughts. I am used to hum in my mind all the time and probably move some muscles in my mouth and/or tongue and they could use ultrasound again made by some ancient or technological device to determine the resonation frequency of your oral cavity bla bla. Thing is it happens.

12:30 It could be cigarette smoke, but most likely mixed with something else, coming from  upstairs.

4:49 Days are getting shorter already, jetstream is above, kinda dark, turned on the light in the kitchen area which is partly visible from open blinds. Two Japanese kids came to play with a dog in line of sight.
6:57 About one hour and a half ago i went to the liquor store in Tualatin (Oregon is one of the few states that have liquor stores and attendants at the gas station for more possiblities to bring actors and make scenes in there. I forgot about the new governor's order (which is not legally binding BTW, no only because she's on a fake ID) and went without a mask. They gave me a mask, a yellow one which i never saw before, my fingers where so dry i could not pull the card from the wallet, and using and old reflex that got the best of me, i pulled the mask, liked my finger and the vulture at the desk who's close to each other blue eyes looked familiay grabbed my bottle and said "i'm not going to give it to you".

My neglected truck runs bad these days and puts some smoke not so much as the Harley that got in front of me for retaliation and i had to go to Lake Oswego liquor store only to see it was closed. Then i came back home cause i figured who was at the liquor store and to write this down. Now i have to go to Beaverton which closes at 9, which is ridiculous. We live in a children's state.

I was also thinking. My wallet is next to my perspired underwear, my hands perspire though less these days because they feel dry, i touched my face with my hands when i put the mask on, what's the fuss with the finger/card licking?

Saturday, August 21, 2021

An Accident Waiting to Happen

After 6 hours of sleep i came at the computer to check the value of my car and briefly read the news. The guy upstairs started the TV so loud i can be hear from the alley. After i started to type he came above and started to squeak the floor

The loud TV makes it hard to concentrate and remember things. Last night around midnight i was driving on I5 towards Portland near exit 2. I was doing 60 on cruise control in a 60 (96km/h) area mainly because i had on right rear wheel a spare.

Earlier in that day i had a flat and the Les Schwab guy showed me that the rim of the tire from the flat was damaged beyond repair "from the previous installation" (done in the same shop) and i ordered 2 new tires for rear, which are 100k (Michelin). This model of Hyundai do not come with a spare but with a pump and a can of glue you attach to it and i found a spare that size in the junkyard from a Ford.

Suddenly i saw in the center mirror a couple of headlights coming at high speed and since i didn't know exactly what i had in that instant on my right in the blind spot, though i knew they were 3-4 cars around me, i stayed on my lane and all i could do was tell Angela "hold, this guy is gonna hit us" and probably hit the gas pedal to smoothen the impact which occurred within 2-3 seconds after i saw it first. I got sped up, the man was slowed down, i looked in the right mirror and at my right and pulled on the shoulder.

The guy switched in the left lane, they were 4-5 cars all around him on the empty freeway and he accelerated and was gone. A white pickup probably a Ford with off-road wheels.
I stayed and thought for about 5 minutes, last drink i had was before 7 PM, and called 911. The operator kept asking me if i was injured, with that noise of the freeway i thought she said insured and kept saying yes, finally switched me to another operator who sent the State Patrol.

Minutes were passing. One guy with an old SUV stopped and asked if i needed help. Wind was blowing from his direction and exhaust started to choke me. Then he finally left and two Washington State Patrol SUVs came. While i was talking to the cop, a sports car with modified exhaust zoomed at high speed on the right lane or next to us. One minute later a Police car followed. The cop said i should pull somewhere else, i told him why couldn't we go on the exit that was just ahead, and then we agreed to him driving first, me following and the other Patrol SUV was coming from behind.

I was a little shocked, felt heat and a bit of pain in the back, jaws, now it's all gone, earlier and lately my shoulders are hurting, from inflammation in the esophagus from dust and bacterial infection that transmits in nearby tissues combined with some light exercise and work on car. Angela was a little shocked as well, she had a headache before it all started that didn't go away and only slept 3 hours. Kept talking about insurance and what to do with the car.

She was scheduled to work overtime today. Yeah i know we shouldn't have gone, there was a moment of indecision, but they were three days of litter dust (didn't happen or didn't happen at this scale for a long time) dust was still lingering after i fixed yesterday afternoon a few holes in the ceiling and i was curious about the last fix i've done at the car, with the adhesive on top of battery connector nuts which was holding, but in the meantime too much oil gathered in the intake, should try again to vacuum the intake etc. Lately i've been used to take a break from here and felt like it was the time.

We then won a few hands recovering most of what Angela lost and as usually she decided we should go home. Thinking. If someone wants to manipulate us with the machines, they can do it at their chosen time. I wasn't aware, in my mind, that she should have started Saturday at 4 AM so we left i don't know, 11:30 or something when we left.

When i came at the car i hit with my foot an orange lid from an saline enema bottle, like it's been used and left there, i have some of those at home, can't go without those, for a long time now, got some sort of sciatic paralysis of that area. Casually i bent and picked that thinking it might have come from my pocket when i grabbed the keys, then i thought it was impossible, never put those things in my pocket and then i regretted it and nervously tried to wipe it out with some toilet paper which i threw in a garbage can.

Like when we came, some weird maneuvers around us, with cars and people bullying us, and that was indeed more than usual, could have been a sign if i was capable to think. Few people realize how much exposure to this kind of dust, other pollutants can influence you, especially if moment is well chosen.

Car was still making the (lifter) noise at low speed and idling when i left, voltage at the cigarette lighter plug was 14.3, i guess my fix was holding, fuel mileage reading was better than average, 38.6 at the time of accident, round trip and driving in huge parking lot at Ilani included.

The cop stopped at 39 and H streets in Vancouver, not far from exit next to a property called G&G, in an area called Minehaha?! He gave me some paperwork to fill, car was driveable, but he said i should not drive since the car cannot take another hit like this, which might have been true, he said they got their contracting towing who might come faster than insurance (within 30 minutes in the contract), towing came soon but they said they won't go that far, which was only 22 miles though.

I had some anxiety, forced myself to breath (on mouth) and kept coughing. I told the cops, it was from the dust at the apartment in the last few days. But impact could have raised some dust in the car as well. Thing is, i kept coughing.

I called our insurance, and from the start menu, i could not call a towing unless i file the claim for the accident first. Which is incredible, they kept me with the claim half hour on the phone, right after the accident before they sent a towing (Progressive). They didn't give me a phone number to call to check status of the towing, like Farmers had and towing didn't call within next 10 minutes so i just decided to drive not knowing if they will ever call. When i got back on the freeway, the towing finally called.

Was doing 55 in the right lane, one more episode, a Ryder rental van again came from behind, threatening, i pulled on the shoulder. So the cop was right. Then another guy passed me on the empty freeway with LPN MTZ. "Mai târziu" means Later in Romania.

It's been a constant harassment by all drivers on the freeway no exception on my way back home at night from Vancouver in the past few years, with license numbers letter combinations closed to KGB, cisterns, trucks with logos, high speed passes on right, left lanes and sometimes simultaneously, but tonight was special.

So i kept looking in the mirror for trucks, cause i figured the courageous ninja wouldn't hit me with another car which was true. Because i stopped a couple of times, my total mileage on the dashboard was 37.6 when i exited. One more thing. Earlier that day the warning light for airbags came on. So those would not have worked probably in a rollover or something like that.

Cop never gave me a copy of his report, but now that i think, they can all pretend, including the driver who ran (that is a felony) that i was too slow and suddenly switched lanes drifting maybe, losing control of the car when he hit me which is not true, i was holding my lane pretty well. I know some would try to explain the accident by me driving slow, drifting maybe, and a guy speeding, maybe drunk, coming from behind. I will never forget those two headlights i saw in the mirror coming from behind straight at me.

All i can think is it was stupid, driving 40+40 miles on a spare on the freeway, after all that happened there in the past.

I think car is fixable, Angela says price of cars have gone up these days, it needs a trunk lid, a bumper and some frame straightening. Now waiting for insurance to call. Or should i go online to see what's under "my account".

Several highlights for this post. Myth maintaining. Their maneuvers with their numerous actors and extras on the scene everywhere i go tried to create and maintain the gay myth and the KGB myth. This week was special because Monday is August 23, the day when ex King Michael of Romania led a coup against Marshal Antonescu, while the soviets where about to occupy Romania, many, including some Romanians, Hungarians and Japanese seeing him as a traitor. Forgotten today by the majority, some say it shortened WWII with at least 6 months and contributed to defeating of Germany and Japan by an alliance led by US which included Soviet Union.

Michaels' next to Mud Bay in Tualatin. Think of George Michael. Michael Caina. And my insurance contact on the claim page is named Salinas.

Catalytic, wheel stolen recently, 2 flats on the same tire, two cars smashed in the parking lot at Meridian, one a white Elantra, what could have been next.

Just looked on Progressive site under my account. Claim has been received and that's all. Last night she said something about texts on the phone, none so far.

On October 26 2012 a similar accident occured. A small but heavy built Nissan Z hit me from behind trying to push me in traffic at a yield sign in Lake Oswego (Yes, Country club Rd).

Just took a picture of the damage of the car again on daylight. The reason it looks like this and not worse is i had one of the car's wide aluminum wheels, fully inflated in the spare's compartment. This car does not come with a spare hough it has the compartment for it. However i found one at the junkyard (for a Ford) that fitted both as size and distance between bolts. Right now i had that spare on the car (right rear) and the regular wheel in that space, because the guys at Les Schwab told me i had some damage on the rim of the tire. Now they played the scene of the mad drunk driver who hit me from behind because i was slow whatever. But i am sure the writers of this scene knew i had the wheel there which protected the fuel tank. Sometimes they use these psychological traps, to make everything more interesting. To make people who really wanted me dead last night ever more mad because of my "legendary luck".

August 21

8:54 After he was briefly gone after i put my ear plugs, he came back and continues his main job. Working the floor for us all evenings and weekends.

5:01 Câțu și Orban, două ruine politice pozate cu regula a două treimi, care se luptă pentru atenția dvs.. Estimp bugetul, jumătate din salariile dvs., trece.
6:10 My tires came two days early but now i got no working car to install them. Went outside to take some pictures with the spare compartment under the car. This way i learnt that the fuel tank is more in the middle of the car. Two plainly Japanese girls came and stood in the direction of my phone camera while a plane was making a whining noise on top.