Thursday, September 9, 2021

September 9

Paris, speed limit 20 mph
It costs nothing to store carbon in trees using solar energy that otherwise would heat the planet some more. That's where most of it comes from anyways, ancient forests turned into coal. Help tree planting advocates.

8:20 Parle menteurs. Marea tragere de timp continuă, cu apropouri. Uratorii sechestrează microfonul. Unde e Șoșoaca cu capul lui Cicero sacul?

5:27 They tricked me.

This week dust was off the scale here. Intestinal inflammation and from there, everywhere in my body. Pain. They didn't come yesterday, due to holiday Monday so i had to wait one more day to hose it down. They didn't come today at the usual time and i thought they will not come at all so i went and hosed everything. I let the AC on and went to pick Angela. When i was exiting the complex, i saw them getting the mowers off the trailers. The dust came here, blown by the AC. Then i hosed everything one more time.

Two days ago i drizzled at night. There is little doubt in my mind they can control the weather. It drizzled just enough to wash the dust from the air. Everybody in Portland area knows. Then Dave Saleski came on TV to say, don't wash your car today cause tomorrow it's gonna be one more. No it wasn't.

Few people are aware how air gets inside the cabin. Me i was ignoring this for a long time. From the comfort of your chair you push a button and voila! You get fresh spring cherry blossom smell or autumn decaying leaves. Kidding. Mostly exhaust from other cars and dust. That because of the crappy stupid design of the cabin air intake. When i first came to US i wanted a car so badly i didn't care about. I bent my hood by forgetting it unlocked and driving more that 40 mph. That broke the contact at the seal. I was still ignoring it. That car was leaking oil at the valve cover gasket badly and that oil was getting on the engine, burning there and there was so much of it i was actually getting high if not hallucinating. Together with the broken radiator, where i was just adding coolant mixed with water.

Now that i know. I analyzed with my today's mind and all i can say is it is not acceptable. Just look at this picture representing air flow around the car. Cabin air intake is at the bottom of the windshield, between windshield and hood. Hood rests on a rubber seal that is supposed to stop anything that might be leaking or even dust settled in the engine compartment to get in the grill next to it. But too many times that seal breaks, bents or the rubber gets old and doesn't ensure contact, especially at vibrations. Besides cool things coming from engine compartment, the big problem is the dust that settles on the hood. High speed air flow due to motion of the vehicle washes that dust which gets inside. If the fan is stopped, some of the dust settles right past the grill, in those intake pipes, and when you start it, you get it all the same. I know most cars today have cabin filters, but those, besides being very permissive, nothing like the HEPA filters in our homes, (otherwise, being small, would clog right away and overload the DC fan), long maintenance intervals (30k) inevitably get contaminated and slowly release in time all the stuff they accumulated.

I saw one day a guy with a snorkel for air cabin intake. Back then i thought he was crazy, now i think that is the only way a car should go.

Nevermind, actually opened some of the search results. Those snorkels are for engine intake, to use in dusty areas. Engines of course are more precious than we.
7:40 Just raised from bed and crawled to the computer. Got it bad with my hip. I think inflammation due to dust (metsubushi) is a big part of it, rest could be bad posture due to psychosomatic influences, cold air from the cheap cold air blower some including me, use for AC. I was watching again Jeopardy. No i don't believe random and unrelated memory calls can do any good to you, associations is what could make sense of someone's memory and culture. (Why Jeopardy?).

Have you ever talked to someone on the phone and had the feeling that you could actually figure how he/she looks? Haven't watched TV in years, had no idea who the man was, but when i saw him today hosting the show i said to myself. That's it! It's him, the guy whom i talked to on the phone recently. This, other details and juicy real life (mine) true stories, most likely in a few days from now.

10:08 I wanted to go out for a walk. The moment i opened the door, the guy upstairs who is probably simulating watching a recorded match, yelled. Puta, mierda. He did that before many times, especially during European soccer championship, when i was posting something.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

September 8

12:40 Nu tot ce zboară se mănâncă, știam asta...

7:15 Hunor es Magor, pe față. Noțiunea penibilului, (moțiunea penalilor către un premier uzat care nu vrea să plece încă?). Ce înseamnă în limba română a avea noțiunea penibilului? O construcție gramaticală și sintactică dubioasă, la limita de jos a limbii române sau dincolo, care practic nu înseamnă nimic, sau un fel de bulism cultural din partea parveniților care iată ne dau mereu lecții, uneori subliminale (sau apropo-uri de o lașitate tipic ninja). Căci acest sincronism bate șaua bate în poza mea cu Cicero.

Am văzut ciudățenii mult mai mari pe fb. Cât despre Cicero. Habar nu am avut până ieri cine a fost, am auzit vag, poate pe la istorie. Un filosof și senator de acum 2000 de ani care știa să capteze atenția prin discursurile sale. Dintr-o castă mai puțin nobilă decât a patricienilor, a îmbinat politica și filosofia (scepticism mai precis, mood-ul meu preferat) și oratoria, pe care le-a învățat în exilurile sale forțate sau nu în Grecia. Un avocat care a luptat împotriva corupților și a pledat pentru nevinovați cărora li s-au făcut înscenări. Nu a fost vreun dumnezeu totuși cu care nu poți să te compari sau să-l ei drept model, deși unii îl au drept model pe Iisus. Nu a putut sau știut să fugă la timp când dușmanii săi politici ajunși la putere i-au trimis capugiul acasă, crezând poate că popularitatea sa imensă îl va salva. După care Fulvia, nevasta unui triumvir, i-a înțepat limba capului devenit portabil cu un ac de păr. (Pe vremea aceea totuși Roma era mai puțin civilizată decât Grecia, capetele dușmanilor uciși erau prezentate în senat, unde nu știu ce căuta doamna).

Mi-a atras atenția figura lui, care în unele ipostaze îmi pare că seamănă cu mine. Nu sunt senator ca Șoșoaca, nu sunt orator (o meserie lipsă și inutilă într-un parlament în care toți vorbesc limba română mai greu iar toate deciziile se iau remote), dar au încercat de mai multe ori să mă lichideze în ultimii ani.

10:49 Azi dimineață am dus-o pe Angela la serviciu la 5, săptămâna asta lucrează de la 6 normal, dar azi a mers de la 5 (va mai dura o lună cred până va avea mașină, asigurarea încă nici nu mi-a plătit dauna totală pentru accidentul din 20/21 august), când m-am întors am mai făcut o gaură pentru sperietori de cârtițe, care sunt niște bețe de 10 inch cu baterie solară în capăt care fac un zgomot care nu le place la cârtițe odată la 30 de secunde. Aveam deja două dar nu ajung pe toată distanța din jurul clădirii și/sau durează mai multe zile până când fug toate cârtițele. Dintr-un motiv sau altul, atâta timp cât sunt mușuroaie de cârtițe apare și un fum (de ninja zic eu) în jurul clădirii. Am avut altele, cu baterie, care au ținut și m-au ținut fără fum timp aproape 4 luni, în mod misterios însă, când s-au terminat bateriile s-au și stricat, așa că am luat solare, care sunt mai mici însă necesită o gaură verticală care este foarte greu de făcut din cauză că solul este împânzit cu rădăcini, am modificat o coadă metalică de mătură, i-am făcut dinți ca de fierăstrău cu pila, dar se înfundă mereu, îmi ia 15 minute să fac o gaură din aia și mi-am mai și umplut hainele de praf din ăla de lemn roșu iar acum pielea pe tot corpul mă ustură și îmi vine să vomit. Deci după ce am mai dormit câteva ore vroiam să ies la o plimbare și în acel moment, cu precizie matematică, ca trenurile din Elveția sau Japonia, a început să urle o sirenă la o salvare care aducea pe cineva la spital, așa cum s-a întâmplat de atâtea și atâtea ori, practic de câte ori ies din casă după ce am stat un timp înăuntru.
12:15 Întrebare. Ce noțiune a penibilului au actorii care vin în România, alte țări ca SUA, Franța etc.. și fac pe politicienii, oameni de afaceri, dive și divi, etc..

La plimbare. Ok, dacă pornesc, atunci pot să merg. Nu trebuie să mă răsucesc pe piciorul drept. Îmi amintesc acum câteva zile la Spirit Mt (nu ultima dată, mai înainte. Un tip brunet din Ungaria, de altfel atlet, mergea cu o cârjă dar repede. S-a băgat în fața mea chiar la ușă, a apăsat butonul care deschide ușa automat (nici n-am știut, eu o trăgeam) cu cârja, a intrat în hol, nervos, a mai apăsat și butonul acela tot așa nervos cu cârtița și a intrat cu pași mari, repezi, șchiopătând. Faze similare s-au întâmplat mereu în ultimele zile și chiar azi. Tipe tinere sexy tot așa cu cârje, azi o tipă mai în vârstă cu o cârjă strâmbă etc..

Chestii psihosomatice făcute după niște reguli pe care numai el le știu (vrăji) care îți pot crea totuși probleme reale, ca o luxație de șold. Poze. Prima este noul logo al complexului de apartamente unde locuiesc. Cred că a fost terminat  înainte de accident. Tot înainte de accident s-au terminat și bateriile de la sperietoarele de cârtițe, iar după ce am încercat să pun baterii noi, nu au mai mers, deci în seara aceea eram pe ceva fum, și nu am încercat în mod activ să evit (puteam să accelerez, să schimb banda, când l-am văzut apropiindu-se cu viteză din spate, am fost ca hipnotizat de luminile care le vedeam în oglindă că se apropie).

Ce s-a întâmplat în 1935?
Mai aveam puțin și intram iar în complex când o salvare a trecut cu vreo 40 mph (65 kmh) cu roțile lângă bordură și oglinda extinsă 25 cm foarte aproape de mine, fiind înclinată spre dreapta de la denivelarea de ploaie a drumului. Alte mașini similare după. Au asfaltat recent strada și au "uitat?" să tragă și în dreapta o dungă albă pentru biciclete? După, când m-am hotărât să pozez, nu mai veneau, am stat vreo 5 minute și am așteptat până a venit microbuzul ăsta, pentru a arăta ce s-a întâmplat. Ieri lângă parcarea din parc mergeam pe trotuar, chiar lângă, era pistă de biciclete, însă două tipe tinere și zburdalnice pe biciclete pe trotuar tot așa m-au șters cu ceva viteză, într-un moment când m-a durut în șold și era să cad.
În parcare la spital, niște dungi anti alunecare în partea de SW a parcării care par inutile în locul acela ce întruchipează logo-ul unei firme de haine, pe care eu îl suspectez de extremă dreapta. De fapt, simbolizează echerul și compasul. Am aliniat telefonul cu bordura aia, eram puțin încurcat căci era o mașină în parcare cu un șofer care probabil se uita la mine să vadă ce fac și a ieșit o poză cam strâmbă
2:41 Music mood. There are divas and then there are (much fewer though) artists that have worked there a..s and fingers all their lives can actually do something on stage. This video (of which i never new until today who's the artist) (it's got its place, currently 23 million views), if it wasn't for a few editing mistakes and shiynes of the producer could have been easily one of the greatest hits in the history of rock and metal.

4:50 I knew it was going to be trouble if i installed the mole chaser in that corner of the building. Though it's not on the grass but ft away, the blowers didn't come today (Anela says it's because of the Monday being a holiday, they shifted the whole week one day), i just saw a woman dragged away by her dog, people and animals might think i installed something nefarious there.

I stopped watching this video at nr.7, i can't believe they put Bonnie Rait and Joan Jet above Orianthy, they probably go by genre, fame, voice, arrangements, whatever, though the title says clearly top ten female guitarists. There is no doubt that Orianthy is nr.1, she can compete with top 10 males as well, she played with Steve Vai for God's sake.
9:15 Earlier today i saw another redwood dust spill on the alley, forgot to go to sweep it, tonight dust picked on cars' wheels was flying everywhere (tiny amounts, though very stingy), i went with a watering can, a broom and an improvised dust pan to pick it up, it looked like somebody already did most of it, i did my best and picked the rest and threw it to the garbage, however somebody passed by and stuck some burning stuff in the chips under our door and aroun the building and garages, and a chocking smoke, smelling like coal surrounded the whole area as i swept. When i left, a motorcycle was making a big noise in the distance, Petra came with her dog in a small black dress which reminded me, i saw a poo earlier, need to go and pick it and throw it in the garbage. As i wrote this, an ambulance went off on the street.

9:38 The guy upstairs knows on the floor like nailing something in the living next to balcony. Last time he did that cat litter dust came in the floor/ceiling and started to stink.

10:27 I have been thinking. What if i have a blocked muscle in the lumbar area near spine, as Angela had when she fell like paralyzed while trying to pick a box of 18 or 24 beer cans and close the trunk in the same time, i carried  her inside, and ambulance came and 6 men picked her in a soft stretcher. At the ER, they took an x-ray, gave her some strong pain killers, oxycodone or something and she raised and came home on her own feet. They said she had a blocked muscle. I have only been thinking at that, i had painful spasms in my calves, until a while ago, could it be the same, watched TV (in bed) which i didn't in a long time, Jeopardy and other games like that with an electric blanket on my back and then i raised and walked around no problem. I even went and swept a small area in the alley. However when i make a sudden turn right on my right foot, the pain sort of comes back.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

September 7

1:38 Just finished fixing my blog. Figured it after hours of searching on forums, had no idea that a bad (disparraged) div tag could mess the home page of my blog (widget moved to bottom of page), up to 5 posts later. No conspiracy, no nothing.

Thinking how i've been metsubushed (again) tonight.

There use to come real Latino guys at Spirit Mountain. Tonight we ran there for a couple of hours (mpg on the truck was 26, mixed, but still has some bad gas in the tank, again mixed), place was pretty empty, machines were pretty tight and we were pretty tired and all i could see was Japanese Chicaons playing there scenes around us. On cameras, with masks and learned gestures is pretty hard to tell i guess. On my way back, i think it was on this point i saw a sweeping car on the right. Probably taking advantage of the direction of the wind. I saw from a distance it because it was yellow flashing in the night. Though i shut the fan, the dust raised settled on the car and minutes later after we passed through that stinking wooded area (stinks like a dead animal, always a fresh one?) i started the fan again. Throat, esophagus, stomach and now intestinal pain. It's fine silica sharp dust scrapped by the wire brush of the sweeper combined with that bacteria that does it. Face burning.

Question. Why my mpg on the truck when new was 23? Until i first (and unfortunatley last) replaced the fuel filter, i think before year 2000, Cindy was still manager at Sussex, when it went 27 until i went for 3 months in Romania in 2004 and when i got back it went to 20 or something.

2:02 Working from home for the TV presenters, even politicians all around the world means they get to stay most of the time near their studios in Hungary, right? Is Dave Salesky presenting the weather from Portland?

BTW. What did i say about all tennis matches being fixed, like all matches in all sports?

10:53 Un fel de bilanț al lui Drulă. Așa cum ne-am dori, periodic, de la toți miniștrii, sau cel puțin la venire și la plecare, însă cu sume numai derizorii și acelea de "bani europeni" (probabil primim înapoi mai puțin decât cele 10 miliarde de lei anual cu care contribuim la bugetul european, cine să ne spună, Ministrul de Finanțe nu știe care este salariul minim).

Multe din proiecte nu sunt ale lui, nu sunt ale predecesorului lui, ci ale predecesorilor predecesorilor lui, de decenii.

Din bilanțul la mișto lipsește bineînțeles suma cheltuită din bugetul nostru de stat indigen anul acesta, "grosul" "activității" lui, care a fost raportată (scăpată sub formă de procent, 80%) de Cîțu pe primele 6 luni, în valoare de aproximativ 2 miliarde de euro, din cei 6 (30 miliarde de lei) prevăzuți la buget pe tot anul.

Pleacă Drulă în pusta lui, vine înapoi alt ministru, alt guvern, pe următoarele miliarde până la sfârșitul anului, la anul, că și acela este un an cu bugetul lui, cu propria "perioadă de grație" în care nu spun nimic și cu iată, "perioada de demisie" în care spun foarte puțin și scandaluri multe și mărunte între. Nu vi se pare că toate aceste schimbări de guvern la 1 an (sau la un buget) din 90 încoace sunt de fapt trageri de timp perene, organizate minuțios?

11:33 Though should not attach a bracket to an exhaust stud!

I took this picture back in 2007. To show what i thought it was a leak on the thermostat housing. Three mechanics replaced that part (which comes with the long black pipe that goes to the core heater attached to it) three times . I was still messed up after the work accident in 1996 (started to come back a bit a few years ago) but the mechanics knew. The leak is actually at the coolant temperature sensor, also attached to that housing. Fixed it Sunday with a quart of a turn of the sensor. However in the picture you can see a bit of the last stud of the exhaust manifold which is kinda oily and shiny, in the forque of a bracket (wasn't even a hole, but a forque, the nut touching only half of its surface). Also an oil leak from the PCV hole (it is not a valve, but a hole in the cover where a rubber hose goes into and then in the intake box before the throttle (PCV through vacuum throttle i guess). That stud looks like that because there is a bracket (by design) attached to it. Truck has been designed by GM in cooperation with ISUZU.

Torque spec for the nut on that stud is 10 ft lbs and that torque doesn't even closes full contact between the bracket which is kinda irregular sheet metal that comes at a bit of an angle and the manifold. The bracket installed in between the nut and the manifold holds the pipe of the oil gauge which is long and heavy and oscillates and opens and closes intermittently an exhaust leak. The seal of the hood was literally twisted and permanently deformed by the heat. I bought one from the junkyard and installed, but didn't realize the importance of adding some adhesive at the ends. The result is i've been breathing exhaust in that truck for decades.

Yes the Hyundai brought some life in me. Because of many luxury features, look and performance i became interested and figured many things, with my today's partly restored brain and i applied back those things finally fixing the truck, after 23 years.

Yesterday i modified the "design" that is i put the nut directly on the manifold, the bracket with another nut after it. Wheel click on a picture for best view
It still runs!

While taking the last picture, the mail lady who just finished the boxes came @ with her 70s nostalgic van to hand me a delivery. I noticed a heavy knock at the engine, the rusted wheels and exhaust surrounding the whole van (she was also kinda dizzy, couldn't scan my item easily), also looking kinda red in her face.

Among other things, in the mail was a letter from US Bank saying it increased APR from 7 to 14 for a balance transfer that was done just a month ago, based on their own offer. What could have changed in our credit history in one month? We still have a valid offer from US Bank we planned to use. Wondering if that is still valid. I suspect is because of what i just said over the weekend about frugal Warren Buffet.

Which means they also shortcuted the normal postal route. Wouldn't be the first time when i suspect this. On a hunch, searching to see who is their CEO cause i know by now (mathematical induction, everybody i searched so for i found) all US financial institution are controlled remotely by some AI software and accountants from Hungary and Japan, with actors as CEOs. Thing is how many i have them still in my lists until i exhaust those and how many will remain unknown.

BTW David, "son of Warren" was acting, for years as a salesperson at the Liquor Store at Zupan Market in Lake Oswego, and one day "Warren" himself, in shorts, was there when i went to buy liquor.

7:11 I was Lucky enough to find Cecere, CEO of US Bank Corporation. I had a checking account with US Bank since September 1995, loocking forward to close it.

But right now i got bigger problems to worry about. When i bought this truck back in 98 i wasn't paying much attention. Like right now, i had bigger problems to worry. I was going to my job as software engineer at Quadramed, in a building near Safeway in a neighborhood i believe called Ralleigh Hills, without knowing that my manager was Andy Carson, one of my colleagues Jeff Gianolla, possibly Shatner, Nimoy, others. Was trying really hard to catch up with Windows programming (only did DOS in my time in Romania), object oriented, version control, remote programming, all new to me. Though i have finished my first project, for a hospital in Corvallis, my stomach pains which now i believe was caused by exhaust, coolant leak, dust and sciatica, made me quit.

We've been in a roll over with our 89 Escort GT, driven by Angela (yes she was driving stick back then but after 22 years of driving automatic, she forgot), one mile to our destination near Cape Meares at Tillamook Bay. So i bought this truck because i liked trucks since i drove them when i was working at Les Schwab, it was a lease first, the truck had a number of problems, should i have ended the lease and buy another one, among those was pulling right really hard, angles on front wheels were all screwed up, suspension was really stiff but the clutch. It was so stiff, Angela could not depress it. In years it brought me some bad sciatic problems, but i was never so sure until now when i started to drive it again. At the third clutch, Steve put one with more human springs, but somehow these days i find it stiff again. After driving the truck in a number of trips, today i could barely walk, i mean, i can walk if i start but if i turn around, there is this sharp pain in my right hip. But it's not in the hip, if i press it with my hand. It's in the sciatic nerves. Also since 2007 had some sort of paralysis which lead to other kinda of problems. And Angela can't drive it.

7:44 Angela read that paper again. It does not affect promotional offers. However our mistake lead to a good thing, it motivated me to find Cicero.

Talking about Cicero.


Monday, September 6, 2021

Toți prim miniștrii lui

Sorin Mihai Cîmpeanu
Dacian Julien Cioloș
Sorin Mihai Grindeanu
Mihai Tudose

Mihai-Viorel Fifor
Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă
Ludovic Orban
Nicolae Ionel Ciucă
Florin Vasile Cîțu

September 6

5:50 I slept 6 hours, awoke at 3 a bit confused probably by the dust pushed the fridge that is there since last days when dust came in most likely being caried on the stairs by the shoes of the guy who take shortcuts through chips. Or another smart ninja synched move. A drunk guy was yelling in Spanish in the distance. I put a wet towell behind the fridge, things got better. Then they came to pick the recyclables at 5:20. Unusual, cause they normally come at 7 (last time i can remember).

Besides the annoying noise from the big engine that lasted for about 15 minutes, somebody came with a dog and left a some pee puddles and also probably stuck some burning ninja pellets under the chips, some next to the wall where i am inside, cause the place filled with smoke right after recylclables truck left.

Thought they gave up this smoke thing for a few months, after i installed the mole chasers (buzzers), the batteries went out and/or the buzzers broke and i just reinstalled new ones, and ordered some more but last time it took weeks until the moles disappeared, without moles they can't just come and make holes in the ground i guess, they use moles's holes as cover. I went and tried to step on those, not sure i found them all. Besides other things, they create nose congestion and a bit of high and disorientation.

7:17 The right side panel of my blog disappeared, though i can see it in the layout.

 7:42 I reset the theme to one of the templates (simple blog), can't add any widget. I used a bit of chlorine gel in the room which killed the dog urine smell and then i suddenly felt very sleepy and fell asleep.

12:15 I don't know what happened to my blog, suddenly all my widgets on the right disappeared, they probably were on the bottom, i panicked for being so tired, and reset the whole theme, was too tired to figure why they went on the footer, now i don't have time to fix it. Not that it matters so much.

Before i forget. Please note the expressions Dominus Dios or Dominus Deus, ruler of gods or Lord God, which is supposed to be at the origin of the name for god in Romanian, Dumnezeu, pronounced, yes, doom nay zeoo which sounds so weird for the English speaker. (I personally believe it comes from Sumerian god name Dumuzid, god of shepherds). Latin word dominus which means ruller coincidentally similar with Dominic. In Buddhism, Buddha is considered a teacher of gods and men. St. Dominic is shown partially shaven, with rosary, which is of buddhist and hindu origin, lilies, and "his" cross resembles Chinese radical 32, Earth. All these elements, together with the tilted cross on top of a globe are found on Hungary's coat of arms (1896-1915). Hungary's capital for centuries until the 19 century was Buda.
7:07 Labour day News. Poor People, Frugal Philanthropy, Bit by Bit.
7:39 Earlier i decided to leave the place for the evening, though the cause/reason is not here anymore.

We went to Safeway, Walmart and WinCo. Each has something cheaper and better and fresher than the other. We came back home, some Japanese kids were playing on our stairs. Got inside and started to cook and drink with radio on, 3 Japanese kids started to have a party outside our windows, in our view.

Then,  Angela died her hair, ammonia smell came out, i cooked for about half hour some chicken livers that usually were fresh, this time were frozen. Watched the girl from the one leve building drinking probably juice, with lascivious (trained) gestures. One of the kids threw to the ground. It was then when i decided to leave for the evening, just not to see them anymore. However, when Angela finished dying her hair and we ate, they were gone. The most amazing thing, people in 21st century North America do believe in vampires and cannibals and other people know how to speculate their fears.