Thursday, September 23, 2021

September 23

12:35 I went earlier to pick the garbage left by the 2 screaming kids of the evening. If i don't, they start a terrible mold smell... inside. An old ninja trick i guess.

This morning they came to fix the concrete stairs at two apartments. Breaking and pouring concrete all day. However i slept through most of it.

Working here at night has its reasons. One of it is the silence. But when i went to pick the garbage from the grass i saw the balcony of the building where one of the kids used to live is cracked and misaligned, worse than mine. I said to myself. What if they come tomorrow and start breaking and pouring concrete at my balcony or at the other one?

12:51 Nevermind. Since i started working at a blog post, he started the TV real loud upstairs.

3:00 "What's wrong?" Said Angela when she saw me in the parking lot at Eaton to pick her. "Everything, except the market" i said.

May the market prevail. After everybody put their retirement money, with confidence, in the market, the market remains number one priority. Forget the truth, forget the law. Here come the patriot freemasons to fix things up by breaking concrete.

After what i posted Sunday, the market went down on Monday. I didn't realize that until closure time. It would have gone even lower if not for me cooking that meatloaf while they were delivering in the building. However, it proves that i had no intention and no control whatsoever. That SOB who calls himself Klaus Iohannis was allowed to talk nothing at the UN. So he can recover the free fall position in the Romania before whatever. Congress of his party. After he named 8 prime ministers during his 7 years reign, with the last one shaking badly. That was the reason that prompted me to search for Guterres. (Because of Carol II who at some time flirted with the right extreme, he abdicated in favor of a dictator etc..) exile in Portugal, where he died, some Romanians, especially the supposed extreme right ones, probably some political ghosts who secretly support the "German" Iohannis, fantasize about having some sort of secret ties to Portugal, from where they bought a squadron of third hand F16s, probably thinking the Portuguese have removed whatever traps and bugs instead of buying new ones from US. That was the reason the market fell Monday, the match for Guterres, who is, like all others, an actor (opera singer), almost unknown in Hungary, with one picture forgotten on a site. But that was enough.
And then all hell broke loose. Tuesday he two kids from Japan who specialize in screaming and other artistry, who screamed for hours while i kept drinking. Wednesday they came with a plan (could have started Tuesday and haven't seen). They came to break and pour concrete at some entrances. Don't know if it was necessary, never really looked at those before, they broke several cubic feet of concrete per entrance from the direction of the wind. Or that was just the cover and they released much more from much closer. Though i was aware of the dangers of fine concrete dust (mainly sharp fine silica or glass which besides some trouble breathing, in small amounts may create pain all over body), i had so many things on my mind it took me again by surprise.  Wednesday evening the two kids from Japan again screaming for hours while i drank my minds out without realising it was the pain i was drinking for and which kept me sober no matter how much i drank. In the mornings, dog poo. In other words, in the last three days they threw at me everything they had. And since all that was not enough, last night the guy upstairs came. But at least it ended the rumor i might have made him disappear. However how many minds this rumor changed?

This morning after i went to take Angela at work, when i came back i forgot the keys in the door. I cannot explain it, it didn't happen in a long time, i had nothing in my hands, what could have done it, a noise in a critical moment on the background of pain and drinking and being absent minded (something similar happened in the moment of the accident, i've been exposed to dust in the days before and did not realise i was surrounded by cars at a time they were very few on the freeways). Or somebody maybe extracted the key with a tool like a fishing pole from under the couch where i found the wallet, which is like 10 ft in straight line away from door which has a rubber seal on top of the sill.

Yesterday after the blowers came, i went and swept the stairs, hosed everything else. But i forgot to hose the tuck and by driving it now i'm in pain again.

When i got back they pushed some more, there was zipfly thing around he handle of my door only, though i have zipfly. When i went for the walk, today, again meeting with this construction guy in the NE corner of hospital's parking lot (deja vu) who was this time dressing though he was fully dressed, putting more clothes on top of winter clothes he had on, and a neon vest on top, while behind him, the portable toilet forgotten by the city and a sexy woman in shorts walking in a hurry with the se_quoia trees in the background. Those trees have been planted, obviously aroud the time Oregon became a state 5:05 I hosed everything. When i hosed the screen at the balcony something like white milk came out of it. Concrete dust. Also when i rinsed in the sink the towel i keep on ft above the filter.
5:15 At dangerous levels concrete dust particles are invisible. Concrete dust can irritate skin. In other words, i've been metsubushed. Again.

10:25 Am terminat de scris scriptul pentru numărătoarea banilor care se scurg pe apa sâmbetei la Ministerul Transporturilor, începând cu 1 ianuarie 2021. Era scris cam aiurea, omul l-a pus pe un forum să întrebe ceva, între timp am găsit alte versiuni, dar până la urmă în 24 de ore am învățat suficient Java ca să scriu un progrămel de la început la sfârșit, cam 10 linii de cod. LOL. Întotdeauna am spus, un limbaj nu e greu, deși până la urmă e cheia, acolo unde contează viziunea programatorului, ce e mai greu și mai plictisitor este deslușirea mediului de programare și folosirea bibliotecilor. Bineînțeles că banii la ministere nu curg așa lin, ci cu sughițuri, în tranșe mai mari sau mai mici, am vrut să dau o intuiție a fenomenului. Ce m-a motivat așa tare. Declarația post ministerială a lui Drulă, care în tupeul lui infinit spunea ieri că "nu trece nici o zi fără...".

Mă dor fața, ochii, pielea pe tot corpul de la diferite prafuri (beton, lemn roșu (sequoia)) care zboară pe aici.

Iată un site bun pentru a învăța HTML, Java, etc.. Clic pe Try it yourself, și apoi Run.

12:55 Asta și pentru că geamul la dormitor era deschis. Praf venea în continuare pe geam. Nu pot să cred că după atâtea ore încă zboară prin aer praful invizibil de beton. Deși am văzut mai devreme în parcarea de la drum o camionetă mai mare (industrială) plină cu bucăți de beton. Au muncit ceva oamenii. Îmi amintesc că ieri noapte am dormit 3 ore după care am dus-o pe Angela, am venit înapoi, am stat la calc 2 ore, până la 8 după care am încercat să dorm, moment în care tipul de sus a coborât la mașina de vreo două ori, a văzut cheia la mine în ușă după care m-a chinuit timp de o oră jumate, până când a plecat și am dormit încă vreo 2 ore. M-a trezit o furgonetă de spălat motoare, cu motorul de la aspirator care este mult mai mic decât motorul principal, dar nu prea are amortizor de zgomot, iar vibrațiile respective au făcut ca praful din aer să intre în apartament pe lângă ușă sau prin orice crăpătură pe la geamuri. A și sper să nu uit. Sunt două trasee până la serviciul lui Angela, unul prin spate, care e mai bun dimineața la 6 și unul pe strada principală care e mai bun la venire. Deși ăla pe strada principală are camere la fiecare intersecție (nu de semafor sau viteză, ci de supraveghere, de la oraș. Vin și se bagă cu tot felul de logo-uri și numere și tipuri de mașini sugestive, alese în funcție de temă de către AI pentru nebunii care se uită pe stream-ul video pus la dispoziție de primărie lumii ca să vadă). La venire am mers prin spate, am trecut pe lângă o școală, am stat mult în spatele autobuzelor școlare, la fel distribuite de AI care au o ușă în spate care se deschide dinafară, etc..

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

September 22

5:30 The two kids are back and screaming in the yard. Last night i gathered a bag full of debris they left in the yard. Minutes ago they came to scream and wrestle ft away from my balcony. I yelled at them and told them to leave. One of the just knocked at the door. I guess.

7:01 The kids have left about half hour ago, in their place came some choking smoke. I believe they are train to move and scream by ear prompter, following my brain waves. Can't do nothing any more.

10:13 În perioada de după 2000, după job-ul de la AVX în timp ce căutam un job am încercat să învăț limbajul C și chiar am făcut un program, un spectrum analyzer pentru muzică, din acela cu bare care se ridică, ce le au unele playere, hard și soft, destul de sofisticat, care însă nu folosea nici o bibliotecă C și din cauza asta era foarte mic (cel mai mic program posibil în Windows). L-am pus într-o bibliotecă de programe, nimeni nu a fost interesat. Ce nu știam eu pe atunci e că tipii care stăteau dedesubt (la Sussex), 3 băiețași, erau poate studenți, fumau ceva și dimineața când mă trezeam, Angela lucra tot așa, de la 6, eram în ceață. Mergeam așa prin oraș cu truck-ul, căutam un job, orice, am aplicat în sute de locuri, însă probabil miroseam și mă comportam ciudat.

Însă am învățat ceva C, dovada este că am putut să caut și să modific un script în Java, care este destul de asemănător cu C ce mi-a permis să afișez aproximativ suma cheltuită la Ministerul Transporturilor, de la începutul anului și până acum, care este într-o variantă (cu credite de angajament, cine le înțelege) de până la 32 miliarde lei. Anul având 31.14 miliarde de milisecunde, o secundă aproape coincide cu o mie de lei etc..

11:20 Mi-au căzut ochii pe o postare de-a mea în Edge (browserul de la Windows, practic). Litere care dansează în sus și în jos? Parcă am mai văzut ani în urmă dar am uitat. Probabil o mare parte din cei care se uită aici se uită cu Edge. Deci am schimbat caracterele la blog pe alt tip care se văd bine și în Edge. Pe faza asta a venit tipul de sus, după vreo două săptămâni lipsă, și a început să facă ce face mai bine, să izbească adică.

11:52 Ultima însemnare de azi, coasta de vest SUA, unul din ultimele fuse orare de pe planetă.

Președintele jucător e o frază care îmi amintește de Trianon. Motivul pentru care îl susține necondiționat pe ultimul său prim ministru este că au fost prea mulți, nu mai poate numi altul.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

September 21

(Ziua) egală cu noaptea. Echinocțiu, aequinoctium, equinox. De azi înainte zilele încep să fie mai scurte și nopțile mai lungi de 12 ore.

8:00 Cu doar câteva poze de calitate slabă nu pot să fiu sigur dacă tipul ăsta e Nelu Tătaru, las la decizia dvs.. 12:30 Toky Tiny Apartments. 1:07 This guy looks familiar.

1:53 With three buzzers in place, there is a new mole mound right between two of them. I think they adapted. In the last months i had only two of them and moles were gone. This morning i've been very tired by the smokes that came from the ground and i inhaled in the last few days and slept a lot. While i was sleeping i heard a washer in the building. When i woke up there was mold from the wet floor (leaking drier's exhaust in the basement). I tried and open a window and the door but now the play in the distance a profound base that shakes the dust from the building.

5:18 Just came from Walmart, it smells like mold and dog poo a bit but at least not like worms from moles' larder. Every time i pull that phone from my pocket there is at least one setting changed. Files i thought i uploaded weren't there. Ok. Got it. 5:00 Truck would not start consistently last couple of times, though voltage at the plug in digital meter was 14.2 during trips. I went to Walmart to buy a super cheap battery, cause i don't think i will use it more than 4 years or as long a super cheap battery is supposed to last.

So i went to batteries' area, which is the furthest corner from entrance. A 5 minutes walk among shelves and ballerinas.

At the batteries. First there was this guy thrown face down to the ground, arranging something on a shelf. So i passed, went into the wine area to check if they had a brand i bought at Fred Meyer, which is in another corner of the store. There, a couple of old guys, he on an electric car, were counting beer cans which were just across the wines, kinda in my way. I kept checking that, they were still counting beer cans, for more than 10 minutes.

So i went back to the batteries in the other corner, the man was now kneeling, a customer was checking something on a terminal next to batteries, i grabbed one that looked like mine, above a label that said 54, i went to the checkstands, but when i scanned it it showed 88. It was a MAX, i was supposed to get a VALUE. So i went back to the batteries, across the store, zig zagging through the team of ballet dancers from Gwen Stefani's stage team, and this time i looked on the phone. Battery for S10 pickup at walmart, Ever Start cca 600 bla bla.

Seemed half inch bigger than mine which i had in the cart, but i knew there was some more room in the tray. So i payed 68, 12 was the core, returned mine, after i waited 10 minutes for the guy in front of me to finish buying a 2500 dollars cashier's check, the man had to call someone on the phone, the woman counted the money twice, etc.. I returned my old Exide for 12 bucks, went at the truck and tried to put the battery back (wanted to save the planet for a trip, so i pulled the old battery, went in the store, bought the new one, left the core and tried to install the new one all there). Slightly bigger, made if fit in the tray in the end. However. The connectors' screws wouldn't go in the terminals by hand. First one on the positive was easier to tight with my 8 mm socket, but the negative one, in a tight space, would not go in. So i thought i crossed the thread, pulled the battery out to look and guess what. It didn't have threads all around in the terminals. I could make it in the soft lead terminal on the positive, started one in the negative, but could not finish the hard to reach negative. Even if i did i'm sure it wouldn't have lasted. So i grabbed the battery and went back in the store. At the checkstand, when i told him, he said there's nothing wrong with it and he threw the battery on a side to look better. I told him that battery was not sealed, acid might leak acid on the counter, he wouldn't believe me. He said there was nothing wrong with the threads. However he accepted my return.
I went back in the batteries' corner and looked more carefully though i had not glasses. Took some pictures. I could only find only one battery that had good threads and went with it to the checkstand. My size, a 55 Amps one. 68 with 12 the core. But i didn't have the core no more and went to customer's service to figure things out etc. where there was a long line now. 15 minutes after, she said: "i don't care if i give you 12 bucks".

Kafka would have had an orgasm if he witnessed what happened to me today at Walmart, like any time. The good part. I made my miles through the store and in the parking lot because i slept all morning and didn't have a chance to go in the park.

6:02 Angela's sleeping, the screaming Japanese kids came in the back to scream. Exactly after 6 PM when they close the office so i can't call to complain. 6:49 I went to eat about half hour ago and they went kinda quiet. But now one of them rolled towards my balcony and stopped ft away while a helicopter few above.

7:01 They came right in front of the balcony, pulling grass, diggin holes. Somebody is smoking, cigarette smoke made it here.

8:16 Just figured why do Japanese ninja, covered in Japan as hikikomori come disguised as Mexicans to secretly invade western US. Lebensraum.

Monday, September 20, 2021

September 20

Re-enter The Dragnea, răul mai mic din politică românească, să umple vidul format între timp cu vechile obsesii. Totuși peisajul, limbajul, nu mai sunt aceleași de când el a plecat într-un concediu prin țara lui natală, Ungaria.

7:00 After i took Angela, when i came back there was heavy smoke around the apartment and one more mole network with mounds and open holes too close. I built another chaser out of a sollar one with two D batteries. That PCB had a tiny accumulator for working during night, i hooked two D size batteries in series (close to 3 volts) without removing the 1.5 V accumulator which blew after a few minutes in front of me, nothing really happened (also because it was inside an empty beer can where i assembled the whole thing). I was able to make it work after. No, i did not have to removed it from the PCB, it removed itself with terminals and circuits. All i had to do was empty the beer can with the pieces in the garbage. 11:00 I woke up after maybe a total of 7 hours of sleep and was dizzy from yet another type of smoke and went outside and covered a bunch of holes mostly up front that from a distance appeared to be made by squirrels, but they were too deep for that and. Not moles. 1:04 I had some meat in the fridge with the expiration date today so i had to cook it and while doing so a van (maybe delivery, maybe something else) backed up right on the other side of the wall where i was in the kitchen and they were unloading something and took to next entrance. What intrigues me is how the market goes up when i'm going out of site in the kitchen but i was too dizzy for the smoke to watch it until after.

There is no other door from this apartment to others. I am not going anywhere, nobody is coming here, nothing is being delivered here. So if they know what i'm doing, they can improvise something. Should i have waited to cook after market hours, market would have been 2.5% down.

4:36 He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind

7:04 Oare cifrele pandemiei sunt la fel de reale ca cele ale bugetului?

Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 19

Last night i went to Spirit Mountain. Was so tired i slept one hour in the truck. Battery connectors where loose, i tightened them when i left. Finally figured the squeak at the left wheel when backing up from the spot here at the apartment. I think the same bolt from the control arm is loose again. When i came back with the heavy rain and cheap tires (by the brand Venezia) i had trouble keeping the truck on the road, in some areas had to slow at 35.

4:29 Nici o fraudă în plus față de cele obișnuite. Singura chestie e că se cheamă cițy și are 3 milioane de asigurați (chiar m-am mirat dintotdeauna de ce pe Câțu îl cheamă de fapt Cîțu). Ca să mai uitați de autostrăzi și buget. Am mai spus și repet. Ăștia, ca să vă fure banii și pe dvs. cu totul, mai întâi vă fură mințile, subliminal. Asta e răsplata pentru Tiranon și faptul că românii s-au băgat în Ungaria în 1944. (Simbolic, fiindcă sovieții au fost cu greul). Sârbii au luat-o pe cocoașă din același motiv, Iugoslavia nu mai este, Cehoslovacia nu mai este, etc. iar românii au fost forțați să plece din motive economice. (click cu roata mouse-ului ca să măriți imaginea).
5:25 Just went and cleaned some wet bread crumbles from the stairs upstairs, being afraid of mold. But i did it with a painting brush, that was still smelling like paint. Now i'm paranoid about what if they saw me (no doubt about it) and say i wanted to make the stairs slippery for whoever.

11:02 I was searching for someone key to the whole story and one of the last pieces of puzzle in Romania, thinking i beat the moles with two mole chasers, modified to use two batteries only when an exhaust started. The vibration, within minutes, filled the place with a weird smell, though i am surrounded by three filters. I went outside and found, among others, a full can of beer blue lite that was slightly cracked, a used green bag from bottle drop returns, like someone grabbed after counting from there, other debris, mold starters on the red mulch, a one inch deep hole next to alleys that i don't believe belongs to moles, where most likely someone from a passing car stuck burning material by a ninja burning recipe. I tried to cover the whole but someone was passing. That stuff will burn inside ground for hours.

12:06 Dragged Angela (Sunday morning, really hard to convince her, especially under influence of that smoke) in the park to escape the peak. One my way there, a Tualatin Valley fire SUV with flashing lights and siren made me pull over (ingannare). Did not clear completely my mind with that walk in the park. When we got back while driving i saw the hood of my truck was popped. Impossible to have driven it like that all the way to and from Spirit Mountain last night or even this morning without seeing. That distraction alone together with the smoke (that was different now) was enough to make me forget check the sign at the door. Now Angela is trying to kill the aphids on the plant spraying cold water from the fridge. A kid is screaming in the backyard and alley. When i backed up from the spot and veered i heard the squeak again on the right side. Got to get under truck to torque that bolt. Got to find the torque spec for the battery connectors that keep getting loose. But now my biggest priority is to find that guy. And i think i found him but don't have good pictures. But i think i just might have found by chance somebody else (to check later). But i'm absent minded, thinking at one million other things while browsing faces.

1:34 I figured where the smoke was coming lately. The holes that i dug myself for the solar buzzers, which they removed. I was reluctant to cover those after i installed the new completely buried versions, since they were so hard to dig. I noticed the one they left, at the bedroom window, was very loose in its initially very tight hole.

Also. Went under the truck and was lucky to have a 21 mm socket which i used with three extenders to torque the bolt for the left control arm (bolt is easier to reach than nut). Specs seem to be in the 80s ft lbs, i put my short torque wrench to max which is 80, the extensions themselves gave up one quart of a turn, i think i did torque some but the wrench didn't click. I was also impaired by the smoke and embarrassed by that kid who was staring at me while small jets were flying very low above.

They played the same old trick like they do in this situation. They brought a small green pickup with the bed in the door of the first garage, with the cabin close to my truck, having a kid on the passenger side. Decided earlier to leave because of smoke which may be subsiding later today, but still got to figure the size of a socket for the nut for the other bolt, could be 19 or 17, so i try to torque that one too.

2:33 Smoke have subsided but we're about to leave. Just remembered something. Last night at the Liquor Store at the Market something in Grande Ronde the guy tapped my card 3-4 times and inserted it a couple more. The sell kratom there. At the counter, talking for minutes, a drunk guy with a mask who asked all kinda stuff and kept there like 10 minutes while in store entered a woman with two kids all weirdly dressed. The drunk's guy voice seem Tom Cruise's.