Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 3

6:21 A pet farm? just checked the flow of that fan, it blows outwards. Since i complained so much about them leaving poos around here, now they do the equivalent with that fan. Don't know what's behind that cardboard, sitting there in the dark but in our apartment now smells like a stable. And i washed the carpet twice this year, last time water came almost clean.
6:31 Searching for a face, ran into something else. Given the context. Ran into this many times when searching that area, today i won't ignore it. I remember these images led to me starting a theory. Those muscles develop a lot to people who have lots of enormous amounts sex. After that, they start to shrink.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November 2

5:31 Fan is still on in the morning, again at 48 degrees (8 Celsius). I noticed it is directed downwards, or towards the floors, where the gaps are, so the pressure may enter walls. Got stomach pain, nausea because of dust and poo smell.

The window at the left, is our bedroom.

What puzzles me is how i didn't figure this one earlier. I think i saw the fan in there on top of the AC last summer. But i think it only started big time after that day when i went upstairs and told the man. He then went "missing" except before Halloween, i think the pressure gets in there too, it's too much even for a ninja.

The perfect mixture between wall insulation dust (basaltic lava, scientology), dog poo (dominicani) and cigarette smoke (sinners of the world), maybe from balcony upstairs pushed into the walls and blown in the next apartment.

6:51 It is said in one of Wikipedia pages about Scientology that knowing about the secrets of Scientology without proper training could lead to getting sick with pneumonia (could be the SARS COVID 19 variety this time, Xenu could had intentionally let all the people on Earth know about himself, other secrets). So you should not open this link.
2:05 For those who didn't catch what i said last night. This was in hospital's parking lot. When i was going there, i wanted to cross the alley when exiting the complex, however i hesitated and from behind came speeding this silver SUV driven by a Japanese guy painted black. Their own misterious way of superseding information (ingannare).
Big beard painter man came at the mail when i got back, and while leaving he kept pulling his over pants (dressed funny, i recon) so i took the route behind the building to stop seeing that sight, where the guy at the apartment next to ours (pictures above) was sitting in a low chair, probably smoking (by the smell), this time with beard, not only moustache, looking much younger. I went at my patio to take a picture of the rotating bottles (my sign at the door) but the phone shut down (not the first time during exactly the same sequence). The second time when it malfunctioned today, first was when i asked DMV why my trip permit is not here, they said they printed it on Friday, been in the mail since.

2:54 They finished body work at my car, got to go to see it. Got to drive 20 miles to Foster road, but after i take Angela (when the traffic gets worst).

Monday, November 1, 2021

November 01

11:58 Never seen jet stream going backwards like today. One branch of it decided to go at an angle that seems almost 180 degrees. Wondering if it created some local magnetic anomalies.

12:04 I knew my phone had an accelerometer (that can work as a seismometer) but never knew about this...

12:45 I downloaded the app but lost the moment when the jet stream was right above, to look for anomalies, and didn't really have time to completely understand how it works.

11:19 Went outside. Fan in living room next window is on at 48 F (8.8 C) building pressure inside walls. Angela says maybe that's where they keep their pets?

Earlier. I got so drunk i passed out, woke up still drunk but without the high. Pretty sure i have enough alcohol in my system to feel high but i don't. Is the feel high during drinking psychological? I know i feel so much better when drinking in someone's company than alone.

11:50 People on stage or on screen look so much bigger (than life). I'm sure if i ever saw her in real life i could not recognize her. Not in real time that is. Maybe later when i go home and play the film recorded in my memory.

Any intoxicating substance ultimately builds up dopamine in your system which gives you the high. Or maybe favors the existing T gondii to produce dopamine for you? Right now i'm on Zyrtec, that supposedly suppresses those, at least in digestive tract. Midi chlorian, Mimi spirits, Tethans?

11:32. Ok, so they can't read my blogs. However i agree with much of that. Most of them are indeed lies designed to keep us unhappy. But for now, we can't afford to ignore any lie they utter.

Wandjina, Wadjet, djinn, genie, genius? Spiritual life?

Sunday, October 31, 2021

October 31

10:55 Angela and i escaped yesterday to Lincoln City. However, by the time i got there i was really sick because breathing through a congested nose because of smoke because of numerous small or "controlled" wildfires along the route. I realized i got contaminated real bad with T gondii from sick dog poo i picked when i gathered the leaves and/or probably from another source. The trick with almond butter and grapefruit juice didn't work anymore, got just too much in my system already. Then i remembered the trick with Zyrtec, as Zyrtec being studied as best possible treatment for toxoplasmosis, and that probably saved me from going to a hospital, after taking three 10 mg doses. Trouble is, by killing the parasite, Zyrtec makes you feel really low and sleepy. Feels like need to sleep for days. In those moments, some caffeine and even alcohol may help.

As i said many times before, T gondii increases dopamine, the "feel good" neurotransmitter. That keeps you going after infection, like feeling high and breathing through a congested nose until you completely crash, with shortness of breath, low oxygen level, etc..

The newest source could be this. Next door or wall neighbor, apt.2 got this huge fan in the window, a similar one on the other side of the building. The fan increases a bit the pressure inside, enough to push whatever is in the air inside into the (empty) walls and from there into our apartment, probably upstairs too. He's got a dog that goes alone in the yard and i picked droppings several times next to his patio. The mystery of the man upstairs not being here in the last weeks/months. After being back a few days (week before Halloween) he left early Saturday morning. All after staying here for days at at time, since he moved in the spring. The neighbor next door or wall has a dog and smokes. Cigarettes, possibly kratom,  marijuana which with dog smell comes through the walls in here. I opened main door while i'm writing here and got nauseated.
11:28 Ok this is weird. Can't find the article where it says Zyrtec inhibits T gondii though i know for sure it does because i bought it right after i read. Instead i found (again) something about omeprazole (which i took for years) and a number of antipsychotic and antihistamine drugs which makes me think again, what if T gondii causes all these diseases, one of the first responses of your body to infection is to increase stomach acid and omeprazole actually kills or suppresses the parasite. Same with other "psychiatric" diseases, with mood swings being caused by proliferation of parasite after eating, etc..

Strangely enough, Scientology holds a similar belief, that "psychiatric" diseases are caused by... Tethans ("clustering" to human bodies), and antihistamine drugs help suppress those.

12:45 Why from dogs and not from cats (which would be directly from source). For fulfilling the prophecy of St.Dominic's mother? Who made all the fires along Hwy 99 and 18 last night?

Could the current pandemic which is said to be caused by an invisible virus, actually be caused by rapidly mutating strains of T gondii (that cannot be suppressed by the immune system of people that are already old and sick)? It is said that a large percentage of human population is infected with the parasite, ignored by the doctors because of difficulty of diagnosis and not being an emergency because of so many people being positive and asymptomatic, however, what if newer more virulent strains take over?

Could this explain the anecdotal reports which say COVID can be treated with anti-parasitic drugs, some antibiotics? Anybody other than me ever tried antihistamines, omeprazole, combined with calmly breathing on mouth,  maybe getting oxygen for a few hours until your body can breath without difficulty again?

That because to me it happened so many times, many years before COVID. I went to ER maybe up to 100 times in those years with shortness of breath (never got to the point when oxygen was low), and every time all they did was let me wait, while breathing the clean air inside, and in a few occasions when i stayed with "anxiety" or "panic" attacks and not sleeping for a week, they put me in psychiatric wards.

4:29/2:29 Șansele matematice ale guvernului Ciucă.

Știți ce ma atrage pe mine la păcănele? În primul rând, să mai ies de aici, să mai văd și să mai aud altceva. Uneori, Oceanul cel Magic, Mount Hood-ul maiestuos și deșertul misterios. Alte ori, doar râsete și chiuituri, poate artificiale. Un păhărel pe furiș în parcare.

Știu de mult că nu sunt jocuri de noroc. Au poate o cameră pentru fiecare 2-3 mașini cu care capturează și analizează fețele, mișcarea mâinilor. Ceva softuri apoi îți hotărăsc mâna următoare. Când nu ești atent să apeși butonul să oprești defilarea, îți bagă ceva. Când termini banii introduși, îți bagă o mână, două, să mai joci și să mai scoți bani din buzunar. La fel când te hotărăști să pleci de la o mașină. Din când în când (la ore și după algoritmuri prestabilite, când lumea începe să plece masiv) toate mașinile încep să meargă, poate vreo zece minute, ca să formeze adicții. Pe mine mă amuză să încerc să păcălesc aceste softuri, de cele mai multe ori nu reușesc. Sau chiar dacă reușesc o mână, îmi iau înapoi ce am câștigat, la următoarele zece, etc..

7:24 Yeah i know it feels really bad especially at the end of an "anxiety attack" complete with shortness of breath. It takes lots of courage, after you figure out, to wait to normalize while breathing with the open mouth until you forget about. In a sense, breathing through a congested nose for maybe half an hour at the end feels like holding breath for several minutes, but the sense of urgency is much more pronounced and prolonged, feels like your chest is going to get crushed or something. To me it happened so many times, i don't care anymore.

I never thought i had or don't know if, the variety of wine called Sauvignon blanc. One of the best wines i figure. Until last Sunday. (Coincidence with the shootings on the set by Alec Baldwin?). Today i told Angela to look and see if there isn't any at WinCo. (Took her there, went to pick her in an hour, did some stuff in between). She didn't know what i posted today, the only brand she could find was...