Sunday, December 26, 2021

December 26

2:25 Felt smoke smell, went outside, only to see the sprinklers sprinkling the snow and someone drawing things on the snow of the windshield and hood of the car. Never happened before, though i suspected for a long time they are messing with my car, like last time, loosening bolts on brake calipers.

I remember a few days ago, i was really sick, went for a walk to get rid of the smoke, at the end of the alley, or the entrance of the complex, where the red car with GRU licence plate number is, there was a cop interrogating a red headed woman and a guy, both seemed a bit in trouble, for a moment i thought i should head on a different alley, but then i said to myself, how that would have looked, however, when i got close enough, the cop looked at me and got into his SUV and left, like he was afraid of me or something. 2:28/4:48 La un moment dat mă simțeam mândru și împuternicit de capacitatea de a recunoaște instant minciunile din media. Apoi, când mi-am dat seama că de fapt tot ce e în media e minciună, de multe ori cu puțin adevăr, așa, ca un condiment, totul s-a transformat într-un coșmar. Citesc, defilez paginile în jos și mă cutremur. Sunt atât de multe minciuni încât orice comentariu mi se pare inutil. Media, statele naționale, de la crearea lor pe ruinele feudalismului sunt de fapt instrumente de opresiune asupra popoarelor pe care zic că le reprezintă. Da știu, sunt idei comuniste sau dacă vreți anarhiste, dar nici unii nici alții nu au mers atât de departe, încât să admită faptul că toate figurile, uneori puțin sucite, puțin strâmbe, puțin prea pitorești, nefirești de atrăgătoare, hipnotice pentru cei care nu știu, uneori semianalfabeți pentru limba română, care apar zilnic în media sunt de fapt niște demoni de pe altă lume. Fiindcă și comuniștii și anarhiștii și orice forță politică de care am auzit vreodată au fost, sunt tot de-a lor, simulați.

O lume cu alte reguli, alte religii, alte idei, unde singura gândire e supunerea orbească într-o ierarhie străveche și care se străduie, cu mult efort și mult succes s-o mimeze și recreeze, pe a noastră. Supunere hrănită de certitudinea că dacă nu se supun, sunt pierduți. Încet, aceasta se transferă și asupra noastră, prin corporațiile lor.

Uitați-vă de exemplu la bicepșii tipei ăsteia. Pentru cine a ținut vreodată o rachetă în mână. Poate ea să servească zece mingi la rând? Sau mingea e imaginară, adăugată pe ecran prin CGI sau mă rog cum se cheamă tehnologia respectivă.
9:57 As i woke up trying to feel myself (pains everywhere, due to some sort of whole body infection) i went to make some breakfast. I was craving broccoli. In the meantime they sent the yelling kid, with another, to disturb more of the snow on my car (and this time the guy's upstairs). However, it wasn't the kids who did it last night, cause it was too late, and quiet, the snow started to stick on cars around midnight. So they doubled this one too. How is this important? How would you feel to go in the driveway in the morning to see the car has been touched by somebody else, of whom you have no idea. Change of mood for the whole day, right? Influencing, right? And last night they made some signs on the windshield, i know what it means but don't have time to explain it. So they also took it to me.

10:04/8:04 Dracula, cel mai bogat român (mi se pare normal). Cât timp va mai ține Ion Țiriacula capul de afiș în România? Un tip de demon special, posibil o re-încarnare a lui Dracula. Un "spinto tenor" al unui teatru din Ungaria, începând din 1960, probabil de origine româno-germano-evereiască, ce a devenit solist în 1963. În anii 60 a făcut naveta în SUA, se pare că a apărut ca student, șofer, iar în 1966 apare cu înregistrări ca și cântăreț de folk, înregistrări ce au avut oarece succes, dar nu cu mult înainte de "moarte", într-un accident de avion în 1973 în timpul unui turneu (probabil nu făcea față la turneu, fiindcă nu vorbea suficientă engleză) (melodiile sale încă mai apar din când în când la radio). A înviat apoi în România cu tot cu faimoasa sa mustață gay (sau de Dracula), unde era nevoie de legende în vacuumul ceaușist, iar Dracula era viu și trebuia promovat lumii, însă ca jucător de tenis, când i s-a aranjat acea finală (totul în tenis și alte sporturi este aranjat).

Pleacă apoi "în Germania" și "se întoarce în România ca om de afaceri" (cine știe unde este el de fapt, tot timpul acesta a figurat ca tenor la acel teatru). Un nume și o față cu mustață pe o bancă. Dracula Bank. Huni Credit.

11:50 All of a sudden felt sleepy though i slept enough. Went to bedroom, where Angela still sleeps, there are not filters there (Angela can't stand them), there was smoke. Went outside, one single track in the snow. All along that track, big time smoke, soil was bulged. Tried and flattened as much as i could, smoke started to disappear, went inside, then i felt how much it was actually. Now trying to air.

12:05 BTW. Could not quite figure, until today, the real meaning of the syntagm. United States of America. Thank you, Dracula.

6:33 Ok. Here it comes. Debriefing. My side of the story of this afternoon. I think i was in bed, sleeping when the guy upstairs woke me up with almost violent squeaks. I was searching desperately for my old phone with the recording app, but the storage was full and i needed to fully wake up to make some room.

So i was trying hard when i heard Angela yelling at the band of demons outside who were snow fighting right in front of our door. Some snow got into my shoes on the deck. However they left and we fell onto their secondary purpose. To get us mad and leave. However, i promised myself that i won't drive that car again until i check the spark plugs, something i've been dreading and delayings since i got it here.

Dreading because though it sounds easy (easiest job one can do at a car), it's a very complicated procedure (i'll explain later). Delaying, because car has plenty of power, or at least when engine is hot, with other problems more urgent. Needing it, because of a misfire when engine and cat cold, leading to some (minor) emission problems, especially here in the alleys with all the good immigrant people potentially exposed, which i've been pressed about in the last couple of days, the message in the snow on the windshield). Misfire that was partially due to spark plugs, partially due to squishy lifters (stuck, sticky valves due to oil present in the intake). Really hard to figure which was the cause and which the effect, misfire leading to engine vibrating and sprinkling oil in the PCV valve which in turn was making valves sticky, leading to more misfire and more vibration. Anyways. Decided to cut to the chase and do at least those.

I know for a fact that every time you remove a spark plug you have to put in a new crush washer. I found 3 of them, new, in my old stuff, and another one partially intact, but when i pulled the old ones, i decided that the quality of what i had was way inferior so i went with the old ones, against recommendations. (Spent many hours online and on Amazon in the last few days, with no success in finding some, i believe nobody is selling them because they want you to buy new spark plugs every time you remove them).

So i gathered all my strength and courage (yet another job at 35 degrees outside but mostly, heavy smoke), Angela's approval and support, and went outside. First thing first. Plenty of smoke. I went and leveled all bulges and smoke disappeared, briefly. However, it was a trick and half hour later i found two brand new bulges next to where i was working, while there was plenty of smoke for me and passersby to breath. My guess? Today it was kratom.

I pulled the first one, loose (they were all), oil on the thread (oil is an insulator, prevents the high voltage to get on the base (ground) of the plug), inserted a forceps with an unrolled ball of cotton sprinkled with alcohol inside spark plug hole (a procedure i knew from the other car), turned it 25 times (the number of turns on the thread, 20, counted by me today +5) and turned it back and it came full of oil (the spark plugs themselves where much easier to clean). I repeated that 3-4 times or until the cotton was coming out clean. Multiplied by the number of spark plugs, which is 4. Checked the gaps, on number 2, gaps was slightly bigger. Much oil was on 1 and 3, 2 and 4 where cleaner, with 4 almost dry. Made sure i did not insert any cotton in the cylinders (which would have burned anyways) (picture done again in low light with my new 2020 unlocked moto e.
Right before i was finished (until then, only the inocent was present, to sniff my alcohol), the big guysh showed. Especially the gray Toyota with modified exhaust, who sounded "all clear".

Went for a test drive, engine running smoothly, car generally hard to keep on the road. Came back, heard the clunk at the entrance of the complex, checked the brake calipers sliding bolts which were loose, but this time, loose loose like one turn loose. And i only drove the car ten miles to Wilsonville and back since i tightened them. So i decided to pull the left front (closest to entrance) to see what. When i was doing that, again in smoke (this time, from an unidentified source), the two missionaries came. Giggling and talking to selves, they climbed the stairs right above where i was, offering me the view of one black dress with white stockings underneath, slightly overweight. Ah, the sisters! said the man upstairs. But he kept them at the door, and they tricked me a couple of times to look, making me think they went inside, but no, they stayed there and i went inside and waited until they leaved. The angels that came to tame the demon, while me watching, from below?

Finally they left, and i finally torqued the two bolts, couldn't find speks, i went like above 40. Put back the wheel, was able to do it on right side without taking it off, one more test drive, more clunking, until i finally torqued the tree bolts strut to frame, again, over 40, while they were presenting real loose, after i tightened them, like for the third time, two days ago.

I always thought i had a feel for torquing, i thought i can, with a 6 inch ratchet, do up to at least 50. To make a long story short, all the bolts i tightened that way (though in a similar way i did it all my life, without a torque wrench) were loose, after a ten miles drive. Never happened to me before. After i did torque them all, a much better drive, with smoothly running engine (after doing spark plugs), with almost unnoticeable (to expert driver) delay in shifting, no feel of going with the brakes on, nothing, except some vibration on certain areas on I5 only. Got back, no more clunk, checked, bolts on calipers where still torqued as i left them. Don't know, i could be done with this car. After i check spark plugs in a week or so, to see if they don't get more oil on the threads. If so, the catch can is ready in a box.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

December 25

10:39 Andy did you hear about this one?

5:26 White Christmas for Midwest. Every time i say: This is the weirdest weather pattern i saw so far. Here, jet stream encompassing a cyclone, with clouds trying realy hard to form with too high atmospheric pressure above Pacific, turning into a real winter storm further in the middle of US. I saw the forecasts, weather was supposed to be "warmer than usual for most major US cities"? The only thing i'm afraid is after snow they're going to throw gravel on the alleys and leave it here for another year, to turn to granite dust and be blown up in the air every Wednesday.

5:29/2:29. Numbers seem to poured out of nowhere to double real info. Did i just say that the social unrest that started in 1968 in France ended in a pandemic?

5:31 My healing pod. Years ago i bought at Home Depot or Lowes polystyrene insulation for i can't remember what. To replace the dusty stinky insulation around a dishwasher. Recently, one day when i was realy sick, with pain in pancreatic area, i wrapped myself in some of that. Pains where gone within hours. So i built myself a sleeping bag like pod of that material. Flexible polystyrene with aluminum on boths sides. Today i almost could not walk because of pain in my right knee area. Especially after i go and flatten all mounds around foundation of this corner of the building to stop pain killing and numbing smoke. So i jumped into that one, together with a heating electric pad. Within a few hours i started to actually feel what happens to me. My hands and legs started to hurt like after being exposed to cold. I think my whole body is trying to shut down, by lowering metabolism. Not feeling it because of the smoke. Extreme bullying with squeaking from above. Some exposure to cold yesterday by working a bit at the car and staying outside for a couple of hours. Went in the kitchen area to grab some food. Same pattern. After squeaking, discretely on top of me in the bedroom, he now came in the kitchen area, moved some furniture, squeaked some more. Not leaving on Christmas day, not leaving on weekends, not leaving ever. Last week he was missing i think one day and one half in total.

6:20/4:20 Recitind primele pagini din Omul Dedublat. Un milion de detalii despre viața nesuferită a unor neadaptabili formând o nou creată clasă burgheză. Imposibilitatea unei vieți normale într-o birocrație kafkiană. O dublare în sine. Posibil creată pentru a anula unele suspiciuni apărute în societatea rusă. Rasputin avea să se nască 23 de ani după publicarea cărții.

8:36 Two songs, both sad, multiplied billions of times, what did i say about media pressure, still make (or brake) our Christmases. While voices and arrangements are ok perfect, hard to come with something better, it is suspicious they have not been overcome by others in so many years. Like oh so many other old antique Christmas songs on several temporarily dedicated local stations impossilbe to break from, including the one with the bright nose Rude elf going down through the chimney, others with almost explicit sexual content, pretty much like a non-Christmas song by Rihanna, "come into me!". Last Christmass, oficially recognized as a break up song, it is actually a subliminally gay making song, and i'll expain why. Hetero loving a whore it doesn't pay of, one year later George aka (to me) as Sorin Mihalea, Ioan Luchian Mihalea, becomes wiser and he finds the "special love" of

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man undercover, but you tore me apart
Now I've found a real love, you'll never fool me again

Is that the same diamond broche from the video?
As for Mariah, aka to me as Rimi, it is true, for Christmas they want us all. The demons

9:32 Newest

11:30 And they started right away the game of doubling, ingannare.

Also. If it was possible. The "man" upstairs (i believe they are several, going and coming through attic, taking turns) was crazier today than ever. Yelling and hitting the floor. Until i rebooted my old phone and put it in stand by to record (I saw at the new one the battery lasted for about a week, not anymore, so it was not the apps i installed in the old one). A couple a month ago, or the last time i talked to him, he said he is moving, but didn't say when. About an hour ago, he went down the stairs, pretending needing something from the car. Then all hell broke loose. The place filled with painful dust. I went and cleaned the deck, the rails that were covered with a whitish stuff. While doing so, smoke came in. Put a wet towel on the filter, went and found some soft areas (not even bulged) and stepped on and the smoke disappeared. While doing so, fresh smell of laundry (perfumed, stinky) nauseated me. Thinking. They totally control the area.

11:40 Arianii albi sunt în pericol.

11:43 Pentru mulți ani, demențial, bestial, au fost cuvinte folosite în media cu sens pozitiv.

11:50 Dublarea Giga. Oare se dublează și Mega?

11:53 Născut în Franța, de unde știe el cum e Africa, și mai ales unde se uită?

Acestea au fost câteva exemple, nu pot să stau toată ziua și să postez, peste subiectele mele, toate contrele, mai subliminale sau mai directe care apar în media, adică mai toate articolele. (A mai murit și teologul Demond Tutu).

Friday, December 24, 2021

Decembrie 24

12:05/10:05 Poate ar trebui să citesc din nou povestea omului dedublat sau cel puțin sumarul. Dostoevsky mai are o chestie, profeția din Demonii, însă eu aș merge mai departe și generaliza, nu e vorba doar de comunismul care a urmat, ci de ceea ce se întâmplă și acum, adică noua ordine corporatistă.

Omul dedublat, s-ar putea să conțină cheia sau cel puțin informații utile despre ceea ce se întâmplă acum. Citeam știrile, nu văd altceva decât dublări ale unor evenimente prin știri selectate sau inventate. Ceva ce la un moment dat am numit ingannare (un cuvânt latin), ceva cu care pur și simplu nu pot să țin pasul. Hai să dau un exemplu, intervenția lui Gorbaciov după ce am postat asemănarea dintre George Michael și Ioan Luchian Mihalea, alte chestii. Știm cu toții, Gorbaciov are pe frunte harta Italiei care se oprește la Roma, iar eu mai știu că de-a lungul vieții același actor (cântăreț de operă) l-a mai jucat pe Elvis Presley, precum și pe liderul revoluției din 1958 din Ungaria, Attila Jánoki.

Probabil că se poate construi o teorie matematică care să explice folosirea dublării. Este foarte simplu deși se aplică într-un sistem extrem de complex, societatea umană multinațională. Dacă se introduce în circuitul informațional social un eveniment asemănător cu primul, se crează suficientă confuzie pentru ca nimeni să nu poată trage nici o concluzie constructivă din primul (se introduce dubiul asupra primului eveniment, de obicei nu există nici un indiciu - track back - către primul, pentru persoanele care nu suspectează nimic). Însă mai e și chestia cu substituția, care este de fapt opusul dedublării. Persoanele substituite nu au nici un fel de răspundere pentru ceea ce crează, fiindcă de fapt nu există. Exemplul lui lui Cîțu. În tupeul său infinit, sau mai bine zis inexistent, fiindcă el face ce face la comanda unui dirijor, sau al unui ansamblu de dirijori aflat în starea de dreaming, sau comuniune hai să zicem spirituală, a venit și a postat niște poze cu el însuși, în ipostaze detectabil diferite. Sau mă rog, cineva i le-a postat.

Asta nu face decât să-mi amintească faza cu bugetul, această scrisoare a lui Poe ascunsă în văzul tuturor. Pe pagina lui de fb se găsește un grafic cu execuția  bugetară la 6 luni. 80% clamează el, în Monitorul oficial am găsit 70. Mă rog. Hai să mergem la Ministerul Transporturilor. (Nu știu exact când, cel puțin cu 5 ani în urmă, au venit și au inventat chestia cu "credite de angajament", adică bugetul e și el în formă dublă, adică bugetul propriu zis lângă care mai apare o sumă, credite de angajament, care bănuiesc că e o formă de transfer al unor sume de la un an la altul, imposibil de verificat). Deci în versiunea cu credite de angajament, bugetul Ministerului Transporturilor pe anul care a trecut a fost de 32 miliarde. "Executat" 70 sau 80 la sută, dacă acest procent să menține până la sfârșitul anului (probabil vom vedea sumele în Monitorul Oficial la începutul anului) tot avem o sumă enormă, pe care nu ne-a explicat-o nici un om politic.

De ce demonii lui Dostoievski ne aplică aceste teorii și de ce ei sunt altfel decât noi? Pur și simplu pentru că au trăit în Australia, pe singurul continent izolat, separat de restul lumii, timp de zeci de mii de ani, și astfel și-au format toate aceste idei pe care noi, restul, majoritatea, nu le vom înțelege niciodată. Poate că nici nu sunt idei conștiente, dar ceea ce ei numesc "the dreaming".

1:41 After my last trip at the Spirit Mountain, got a clunk at the suspension on the left front. Could have happened earlier cause it can only be heard when i do the right turn at the entrance of the complex, which is more elevated. Tried the upper strut connection, lug nuts. Got to jack the car, remove the wheel to see. First, stepped on a few mounds, killed the smoke. Every time i tried to do it so far, they come with bags, gifts, all the good people of the complex on Christmas eve, only me working on car. The guy upstairs yells profanities for real every time i get depressed or mad (in my mind), almost caused me another dysphagia.

2:10 I turned the wheel, without jacking, again in heavy rain, tried sway bar to strut linkage, turned the other way and found one caliper slider bolt (14 mm hex head) loose about one quart of a turn (yes the one i worked on last time, but i always torque them twice, yes by hand). Laundry perfume flooding the space around car, hiding something else. Got nauseated. Every time i go outside there is one person ready and passes by.

4:34 All four bolts on both calipers were loose. Went for an Amazon return, UPS store was closed, searching for a fresh Christmas tree in two places, both closed, some stuff at NAPA, got there at 3:00, the guy just closed door in front of me. Went through several red light cameras. When i got back i stopped on red at Tualatin Sherwood and 99, and can't remember if i left on green or it was just the green left arrow (first light out of three in front of me, done that before). Saw a flash or two right after i left, but they were kinda faint. One guy going through intersection the other way, kinda fast. Got one car in front of me, could have been both green arrows were on when he came from left, one guy at my right. Had my mask on but under the nose. Got a trip permit, which is visible from behind. Now i start having fun searching for situations like this. First thing i found. Where is this world going to? (Not that i'm drunk but i love this song, (still) following on youtube). "Stevie Nicks" is a genius. And despite everything they say, the guitar sounds extraordinary.

11:25 I can't believe i've done it again. I was very nervous because of the car and all the ninja in the world that ruined (again) my Christmas eve. Made a big mess in the kitchen. However, i've done some of the best "cozonacs" in my entire life. Isn't this a pity, the older you get, the better your cozonacs?
Another favorite of mine. For some "reason", associated with this time of the year...

Thursday, December 23, 2021

December 23

1:01 GNU Not Unix. I always believed. Huns could not have been that numerous. They knew they couldn't openly dominate the Romans and stopped at the gates of Rome in exchange for Panonia. Romans were at the peak of their might, with probably millions of soldiers (records show 300 thousands). The only way they could have brought the Roman Empire to its knees was secret, unconventional warfare. One sack of cannabis burnt from the direction of wind towards enemy's camp, just before the attack. But with current religious leaders, after infiltrating the Catholic Church with their people - the Dominicans, others, many records have been suppressed and under unprecedented pressure of media in the past century, contemporary people got used not to (know what to) think anymore.

9:41 Media dezlănțuită a demenților. Ishto-dor.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December 22

7:50 Nihil sine transitu. Înapoi, la tranziție. 2009.

8:29 Place filled with smoke. Every time is different. I think they're rotating kratom, cocaine, meth, others. I went and leveled the bulges, one under deck, one under bedroom window, one under the bush in front, now airing. By doing so i got to breath more next to those. Temporarily stopped thinking, can't do what i wanted this morning. My brain just froze.

9:25 Still sick from the smoke. I made some tee, mint and chamomile, i asked Angela why it tasted like soup. Because it has tarragon in it she said. Read on the label. Mint with tarragon. Wanted to go and grab something from the trunk of the car. A delivery van flashing yellow lights next to red curb, 10 ft away from my trunk. A guy with a white beard and a big white dog peeing copious amounts in front of the car. Feels like i'm going to puke.

9:52 Finally got to my trunk. Trying to clean the apartment, big dilemma, got the parts i replaced (pulled from the car) that could prove what kinda cascade failures the car had and whose fault was, but have no room to store them.

2:09 Apparently DNA sequencing (and RNA by generalization) doesn't work for samples preserved in formalin (an aqueous solution of formaldehyde) for more than 30 years. Formaldehyde also denatures proteins (changes their structure) so spike protein of a certain virus variant cannot be recognized after a sample being kept in formaldehyde for 100 years. RNA sequencing is the other method of determining a COVID variant. Then how do they know.

7:35/5:35 Oamenii de știință britanici au descoperit. Dar e posibil?

8:40/5:40 A pandemic  never comes alone. Did Hong Kong flu had a contribution to ending of the 1968 social unrest that started in France? Not in the US. Also could not find any references as being more than one variant. To me, one thing is sure. If not for the current pandemic, the global elite would have been screwed by now. But if that stop working, they will come up with something.

9:50 Ok the reason my immune system can't fight with the current T gondii infection is because the red wood dust that i breath which contains antimicrobial tanine, mutates the protozoa in my gut faster than my immune system can keep up.