Saturday, December 25, 2021

December 25

10:39 Andy did you hear about this one?

5:26 White Christmas for Midwest. Every time i say: This is the weirdest weather pattern i saw so far. Here, jet stream encompassing a cyclone, with clouds trying realy hard to form with too high atmospheric pressure above Pacific, turning into a real winter storm further in the middle of US. I saw the forecasts, weather was supposed to be "warmer than usual for most major US cities"? The only thing i'm afraid is after snow they're going to throw gravel on the alleys and leave it here for another year, to turn to granite dust and be blown up in the air every Wednesday.

5:29/2:29. Numbers seem to poured out of nowhere to double real info. Did i just say that the social unrest that started in 1968 in France ended in a pandemic?

5:31 My healing pod. Years ago i bought at Home Depot or Lowes polystyrene insulation for i can't remember what. To replace the dusty stinky insulation around a dishwasher. Recently, one day when i was realy sick, with pain in pancreatic area, i wrapped myself in some of that. Pains where gone within hours. So i built myself a sleeping bag like pod of that material. Flexible polystyrene with aluminum on boths sides. Today i almost could not walk because of pain in my right knee area. Especially after i go and flatten all mounds around foundation of this corner of the building to stop pain killing and numbing smoke. So i jumped into that one, together with a heating electric pad. Within a few hours i started to actually feel what happens to me. My hands and legs started to hurt like after being exposed to cold. I think my whole body is trying to shut down, by lowering metabolism. Not feeling it because of the smoke. Extreme bullying with squeaking from above. Some exposure to cold yesterday by working a bit at the car and staying outside for a couple of hours. Went in the kitchen area to grab some food. Same pattern. After squeaking, discretely on top of me in the bedroom, he now came in the kitchen area, moved some furniture, squeaked some more. Not leaving on Christmas day, not leaving on weekends, not leaving ever. Last week he was missing i think one day and one half in total.

6:20/4:20 Recitind primele pagini din Omul Dedublat. Un milion de detalii despre viața nesuferită a unor neadaptabili formând o nou creată clasă burgheză. Imposibilitatea unei vieți normale într-o birocrație kafkiană. O dublare în sine. Posibil creată pentru a anula unele suspiciuni apărute în societatea rusă. Rasputin avea să se nască 23 de ani după publicarea cărții.

8:36 Two songs, both sad, multiplied billions of times, what did i say about media pressure, still make (or brake) our Christmases. While voices and arrangements are ok perfect, hard to come with something better, it is suspicious they have not been overcome by others in so many years. Like oh so many other old antique Christmas songs on several temporarily dedicated local stations impossilbe to break from, including the one with the bright nose Rude elf going down through the chimney, others with almost explicit sexual content, pretty much like a non-Christmas song by Rihanna, "come into me!". Last Christmass, oficially recognized as a break up song, it is actually a subliminally gay making song, and i'll expain why. Hetero loving a whore it doesn't pay of, one year later George aka (to me) as Sorin Mihalea, Ioan Luchian Mihalea, becomes wiser and he finds the "special love" of

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man undercover, but you tore me apart
Now I've found a real love, you'll never fool me again

Is that the same diamond broche from the video?
As for Mariah, aka to me as Rimi, it is true, for Christmas they want us all. The demons

9:32 Newest

11:30 And they started right away the game of doubling, ingannare.

Also. If it was possible. The "man" upstairs (i believe they are several, going and coming through attic, taking turns) was crazier today than ever. Yelling and hitting the floor. Until i rebooted my old phone and put it in stand by to record (I saw at the new one the battery lasted for about a week, not anymore, so it was not the apps i installed in the old one). A couple a month ago, or the last time i talked to him, he said he is moving, but didn't say when. About an hour ago, he went down the stairs, pretending needing something from the car. Then all hell broke loose. The place filled with painful dust. I went and cleaned the deck, the rails that were covered with a whitish stuff. While doing so, smoke came in. Put a wet towel on the filter, went and found some soft areas (not even bulged) and stepped on and the smoke disappeared. While doing so, fresh smell of laundry (perfumed, stinky) nauseated me. Thinking. They totally control the area.

11:40 Arianii albi sunt în pericol.

11:43 Pentru mulți ani, demențial, bestial, au fost cuvinte folosite în media cu sens pozitiv.

11:50 Dublarea Giga. Oare se dublează și Mega?

11:53 Născut în Franța, de unde știe el cum e Africa, și mai ales unde se uită?

Acestea au fost câteva exemple, nu pot să stau toată ziua și să postez, peste subiectele mele, toate contrele, mai subliminale sau mai directe care apar în media, adică mai toate articolele. (A mai murit și teologul Demond Tutu).

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