Saturday, April 16, 2022
April 16
8:35 O minune de Florii sau achitarea unei fantome?
Apropo de Florii. Ce avea nevoie România zilele acestea era o reînviere a mitului Nuți-Base (eterna întoarcere). Chiar mă gândeam mai devreme. Scara iluziilor e de fapt o roată.
Caut cu înverșunare o listă a jurnaliștilor români activi care să conțină data nașterii, care jurnaliști sunt mulți și anonimi, fără CV-uri, fără pagină Wikipedia, deși umplu coloanele băcăniilor de știri cu minciuni eterne și cam cu o greșeală gramaticală de paragraf. Lumea cunoaște doar câțiva, pe cei vechi, Cristoiu, etc., restul sunt doar niște nume și câteodată niște fețe fantomatice pe niște articole interminabile care vă umplu plictiseala cu cel mai pur rahat. Nuțu e ca Nuți, un nume de neamț, nu? Fără data nașterii, nu-i pot căuta în listele mele.
Apropo, căutam vârsta purtătorului de minciuni a Jandarmeriei din Suceava, când am dat peste asta.
Friday, April 15, 2022
April 15
5:14 We both woke up at 3:30. And there's a reason to it. Two open holes/mounds both next to the place where the wall was hot the other day. I almost chocked on my own tonsils while yawning which btw are finally getting smaller. Could it be i didn't use the petrolatum adhesive for a few days. So i took one more augmenting (thought i would give it up last night after one week but i'm not completely cleared). The fan in the window is running with the window opened one inch. First i flattened one mound and came inside. I noticed a vehicle, most likely the red SUV belonging to the two guys who probably run that. Then as the smoke was still on i went and flattened the other mound that was around the corner, almost under that window. I don't believe smoke would get in here if it didn't come from near the ground, and through laminar flow (Coanda effect) would go under the siding creating pressure there and entering the walls. (talking about fractions of psi but it still has an effect). After i flattened the second mound (the soil in both areas is mixed with quikrete, and it's stickier and harder than normal soil, but moles or whatever from underground brought in fresh soil), the smoke was gone and then i started to remember who i am, where i am and what i was doing last night. Angela went to work, i try to gather myself to write down here hoping someone would understand what's going on.
BTW yesterday after i wrote about the AHA song played on radio i think i saw the AHA girl (who now is in her 60s) in an SUV smiling provocative at me. LPN 098 HER. It was one or two hours after the sinking of Moskva, which was finished being retrofitted in that year.
The AHA girl has an one line resume where it shows she works at Eaton, the same company where Angela works. BTW Angela left today before 5, she is doing overtime training for a new position, for two weeks now.
I suspect the AHA girl is one of my grad school colleagues, on of the 7 in my class called Mariana, 2 years younger than me and for the grade like most others. I think some things happened to her while we were were in the last years (grads), she looked sick (or very tired) for a while, it doesn't have anything to do with me except i was in trance every time i saw her. Back then they were exams for going to best HSs in the country and she wanted to go to Bucharest, then she went to Cluj and i deliberately went to Iași instead to end that imaginary relationship. I met with her by chance several times, once or twice in the whole HS, then once or twice at the beginning of college and that was it. But in the end she also became a singer in Hungary. The fact there was in Câmpulung a milk processing factory built by the Swiss, (where her mother worked btw) and me living across the factory which also had a small airfield in the back, where also a furniture factory has been built, were all not by my choices. I was as poor as she was or poorer. Though in 72 i was selected to go in that camp in Germany.
One year before that we both went to some sort if cine competition in Sibiu (for being members of the children cineclub, where instructor was most likely Polanski), where she asked for a cigarette from my mother and when we once danced. She was probably 9 or 10 years old at the time, but posing for 11 or 12.
It could be all these years i am being punished for something that allegedly happened to her which probably was real and traumatizing, for the purpose of dramatism, but it did not have anything to do with me. I would never have harmed her in any way.
6:14 Black Hole Sun...
6:37 They were three mole mound in front of living sliding windows inactive for days. Suddenly the place filled again with some sort of smoke (different from before but still noxious). The smell was not coming from the corner but from somewhere else so i just stepped on those holes (planning on adding water with borax later) and the smoke disappeared. It means somebody passed earlier and put something in those. Or do they have tiny underground robots that go and to that. No the smoke is not gone completely which means all the other holes in the backyard are now smoking...
11:07 After that the apartment filled with dust, i put some wet towels on top of filter, behind the fridge and fell asleep. Woke up with nausea, probably from fresh dog poops, can barely concentrate to write a few lines and add a few links before i take off. Weather was supposed to warm up today, instead temperature is the same as yesterday at this hour. Neverending winter that is.
11:31/9:31 România putea să facă asta și de pe teritoriul ei oriunde lângă Marea Neagră. În plus, tot rușii spun că nava s-a scufundat ca urmare a unui incendiu la bord, urmată de explozia muniției. Nava avea apărare antiaeriană și antirachetă. Eu merg pe ipoteza sabotajului. Nava a fost contruită și îmbunătățită timp de 8 ani în Ucraina.
Fridge started, i started to sneeze. Moved the fridge and found a hole in the thin 3/8 (10 mm) aerated gypsum wall near fridge's fan and filled it. Over the years, i found and fixed many holes like this. As i was fixing them, new ones popped. This one was a tiny hole was within a hole i covered before, i refuse to believe i did such a sloppy job that was ok for a long time and now it popped back. Now the fridge started back up, so far i don't feel like sneezing.
2:04 In the last few days, weeks, i saw a small dog coming around my windows by itself. Today i saw the dog together with a long leash then the dog disappeared in the direction of my door. My first impulse was to open the door to see who was at the other end of the leash, but i hesitated, and then the dog came back in the scene, together with a girl, maybe 15, looking Japanese or Filipino, unusually good looking, dressed in pajamas pants, sitting for a while on a cable box and browsing casually through her phone.
Earlier i realized i fell asleep with the door unblocked (got a wooden blocked), maybe unlocked.
8:32 A weird persistent smell outside and it's not coming from the ground. Closest. Welding or burning a propane torch.
One thing these news can do. Confuse the hell out of me.
Energy, climate change. Just removed the two mate glass bulb covers in the kitchen area that i had on for inspection. They cut about 50% of the light. I know now i got very low consumption LEDs but still.
10:28 Some distraction on the road, a white BMW with a panel under that was intermittently touching the ground, exiting late, almost colliding with another car, i almost touched the left line while watching, when a wide ambulance was passing me. Great cooperation and synchronization, doubling what i said in an email that was not supposed to bee seen except by one person or his colleagues. Later i saw a blond young woman in a red car driving staring absent in front of the car, like she was extremely bored in a self driving car.
The choking smell earlier got me into shortness of breath and then partial heart failure, with coughing and very cold hands.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
April 14
Just finished this, planning on writing a few words, now they're playing the addicting True Colors, the gay making song, canceling my efforts. All i have left to say. Everything, right and left, extremist or promiscuous, all fake, all come from the same direction and that is the Huniversal Consipracy.
Ok i'll say it anyways. Slightly disgusted with the current world, using the weird whooshing sound of a bass voice playing on a much higher range, present everywhere where there are blond people, Sting gets you there, right in a trance of right extremism.
7:52 Two minutes after i posted this. I didn't know until now that... Also...
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
April 13
6:00 I think i also figured the root cause of my persistent throat infection. It's the cheap dental adhesive from Walmart i used in the last many years. "Zinc free", it has, instead, as main ingredient, petrolatum, a "mineral" oil (there's nothing mineral in it except the name) that smells... like petroleum, of course and it has never meant to be used internally. Part of it inevitably gets swallowed.
Last night i made pizza and i used the adhesive again and my infection flared like in the first day when i used antibiotics, that was almost a week ago.
But before that, all my teeth around my partial dentures went out one by one, killed by infections and then having them removed.
Lately i've been using huge amounts for upper because they don't really fit. Got some in the making, believe it or not, never had time to go and pick them.
I got better until morning but not out of the woods yet.
BTW i don't think i have to explain the symbolism of this song, what is thunder on a sunny day or who is the (wo)man in Bruxelles who now of course speaks Australian. Except maybe for the... veggie man sandwich, but i leave that to your delight.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
April 12
1:24 Again cetirizine. Also.
11:29 Sprinkling borax last night on the moldy carpet seemed to turn again the balance towards me
11:32 This means that on taxpayers' money, they can watch us but we can't watch ourselves. A one hour or three hour loop or whatever time it takes until a Police officer requests a recording after being on the scene i think it's doable with existing DVR technology (without much if any investment). And BTW google maps does a much better job at showing real time congestions.
12:18 A început, iar? Only you can scratch my itch...
1:24 Was searching for a face while laying in bad, my lumbar back hurts if i sit. As many times before, i fell asleep because they fill the place with smoke, always a bit different. Woke up in a room full of smoke, sneezing. Went outside and probed a couple of new holes but they were not through holes, water was not going in. A truck with a trailer hitting the bumps and making a huge noise. Not sure if the smoke ended since i just opened the door to air. Most likely not.
5:14 More fallout from "the storm". I think there was a "power outage". The only clock that has no batteries, on the stove, was off. We've been out Saturday for 12 hours, power could have been out for more than 4 hours. Today i eat again from the meatloaf i made Friday and got sick. Dizziness, sleepiness and in the end diarrhea.
Also the garage with the junk. Finally figured what were they doing every 2 or 3 months throwing things making big noises for a whole day. There is a garage or two next to the sign that says "no dumping" that get filled with junk from people who leave from the 280 units some site says are here. For some time there was a firm a with truck and a trailer called Junk and Joe that were collecting those. Or both. Thing is today they opened that garage, picked the stuff, everything around it was stinking. I sneezed till my tears come down my face. Wet mats that were thrown during the rain, stored inside for at least one month. Maybe more than 10. Couches, strollers, wooden furniture, name it. They loaded one big trailer and one big bed truck and then they came back for more.
6:17 One more mystery solved. But why it happens always at the next apartment, or F2 i guess?
I've complained quite a few times about the fan in the window in the apartment next door. A fan in an open door running in November, then December? Lately, the fan was on with the window closed, which made no much sense. Back then i thought they were running a pup mill because of the smell but the regular dog poop smell around here was exacerbated those days from a dead mouse in my car's radiator casing. I remember the day when i wrote in the blog (link above) i also went and complained to the management (or wrote an email, can't remember which).
Today i went again to check for mole holes and the wall was radiating heat to my now sensitive face. Touched it, warm to the touch. Warmest at the right side or next to wall with window (left of the corner in picture). Temperature higher than body temperature. This could have happened only if there was a fire inside or... Again some sort of meth cooking installation?
It happened the same like after i fixed the pipes in the basement, at the same apartment. A few days later i saw a fat tall Mexican? guy dressed in black with gold chains and stuff, and then the woman moved. Last summer they remodeled that apartment and rented it to a nice old lady who sometimes, yes, walks the dog around. Two tall thin guys with a red SUV coming with groceries, to their mother, i assumed. But how did it pass inspection a couple of weeks ago? Could they had it uninstalled and then installed right back?
No it could not explain either the cigarette smoke coming from upstairs that apartment or from the holes in the ground. Those are separate problems. Whatever they were/are doing in there was/is very professional, very self contained. Trouble is, today the fan went out and the wall heated up. But they could just unplug it, to cover the more horrible story with the food gone bad in the fridge during a long blackout when we weren't home. BTW didn't wait long enough for that infection to clear my guts, i ate (eggs, again from the fridge) and now i'm sick again. I'm three times sick. Back pain, upper respiratory and food poisoning.
Nevermind, these guys, those before, were both venting some stuff in the basement using the driers' pipes that now to me seem to have been designed or later added for this purpose (unusually long pipes passed through basement instead directly to wall like all i've seen before). I remember in the first days here i tried to unclog the basement vents that were full with leaves and the handy-woman wouldn't let me. Cause if those are open the smell comes out much faster. Probably same happened in Lake Oswego, with the guy at first level who was never cleaning. But that was much more quality stuff, maybe he was just throwing marijuana and cocaine in the fireplace and the chimney was leaking at my level.