Tuesday, June 21, 2022

June 21

June 21. Summer solstice. Longest day of the year. Official beginning of summer. Woke up after midnight after 4 hours of sleep (i decided to count those hours for yesterday and make 8 in total), turned the AC off and Angela wanted to go "a little" on the floor downstairs then she fell back alseep and i wanted to go and search something to eat and go on the floor and woke her up.

First time i really warmed up in the car and had to briefly use the AC but that was close to Reno. At 1 AM my blood sugar is really low, close to normal (and my feet almost white again). Or it has something to do again with the environment in the apartment. Two days ago at Seven Feathers for some reason i was craving burgers and ate 3 and a half double cheeseburgers at the Burger King nearby (All that beef must have done it ?).

This room is bigger than our apartment with bathroom bigger than our bedroom and a restroom of its own with door. Brand new carpet, i think room has been recently refurbished, it doesn't smell like anything expect ourselves.

An acute weird feeling of missing time fuel. This car does constantly 42 on the freeway (on dashboard) but there was only one occasion where i parked after i filled in only one place (Little Creek, Washington) and the mileage at the pump was 40 (miles divided per gallons). Rest of the time is 35. Yesterday the only place where it could have happened was at Win River in Redding. Where i only spent about one hour and tried to sleep in the car and in the end went after Angela inside but she came at the car in the same time. It was a ten minutes window of opportunity. For someone to siphon a gallon or two of my gas. Not for the gas but for the mileage. The guy in the red t-shirt in the car next to me was smoking all the time and the smoke came inside. Now that i looked at the news thought his face was familiar.

Second thing after getting rid of T-mobile when i get back home would be washing the carpet with my wet vacuum, like i did last year, twice. But that is not going to help much. If they leave only one poop at the door the place is going to be contaminated again in 24 hours. The stuff is ...evolutionary. 

Mary Travis


9:37 Reno. Mother and child waiting on hotel hallway. Summer solstice, heating up in car etc.. KalamaPolution. Stefania Moldovan. Abject failure. Severely severed donuts.

3:51 Templars

Went at Eldoraro on the small floor. In the parking lot some were pressure washing, blocking lower floors, had to climb higher, had trouble finding a spot and when i did i found one next to a big transformer, probably a 6kV right close to the building (probably breaking some codes). First i thought it was an abandoned wooden pole, but when i got out of the car i saw what it was and moved the car into the next spot. Inside a bunch of older people were practicing line of site game, everywhere i was sitting or standing there was someone right in my front. We were constantly loosing and finally left. Went to the liquor store across the street from the hotel to buy some brandy. The seller now was the same guy who was acting as a customer and almost got into a fight with last year. He had to come and unlock the brandy for me but at the counter was waiting a black woman so sad she was looking like she sold her baby. Climbed with the elevator on the North entrance, walked on the long hallway. AC was off for the most part which means the hotel is mostly empty.

St. Hubertus. It was a trap, saw it today on a Nevada type of LP in a place where i went to buy food and remembered that i posted about years ago but for a different reason. (Hubertus name starts with Hu and the stag is in the main legend about the creation of Hungarian state). Whoever posted that clip knew. 

8:40 Relaxed, smiling, maybe Ukrainian speaking guys were waiting for me at the hotel North entrance. Not the aggressive type. But who knows. While driving back here (got really sick at Atlantis, almost agonizing there, that place indeed smells bad) something came to mind. Straight from hRdaya sUtra. Then i looked into a dictionary and found more. Yeah i know, everybody thought, including myself that is a Spanish word (The song, for God's sake). But where that word came from in Spanish because the Spanish word for birth is nacimento.

Arizona too cause it's got the root aria or arya which we all know what it means in Sanskrit. Could be Arya sama or something like this.

Monday, June 20, 2022

June 20

Last night we left Seven Feathers Casino in Canyonville Oregon at 2 AM. I said to Angela i will try to drive as much as i can to get closer to Reno and stop somewhere. That somewhere turned out to be Ashland still in Oregon i guess. First i looked at a Holiday Inn, but scared by the shape of the ACs at the windows. Best Western was sold out. There was an Ashland Hills accross the street but there was a VIP bus iddling its engine in the parking lot and usually where there's such a but there's also a VIP or more. So i passed and stopped in the first rest area and tried to sleep there. Slept 4 hours in the car and wokeup in a big noise from a van. Biggest trouble falling asleep was from the smoke from Casino coming out of our clothes (Second night with only 4 hours, first was at the apartment after i came in contact with an irritating substance that created pains all over my body). Tried to move the car and saw a warning light on the dashboard. It was the left rear brake signal, in plain English. I didn't know that car was that smart. I took it part. It was oxide in bulb's terminal, bulb was in a good shape.

The car was stinking like dog s... big time. Drove the most part of the 500 miles from Canyonville to here with windows a bit lowered but still. BTW this Elantra handles much better than the old one at high speed. (Angela just made some noodles soup and that one stinks also because they absorbed the smell from the apartment. Grabbed the last poop from outside the door just before i left)

All the way from there to here a number of big trucks and SUV approached at high speed from behind and had to pull literally out of the way. For a while Angela drove and it happened to her too once. She got to save my life this way also.

Angela wanted to make a stop at Win River Casino in Redding which we did. While driving on 20 close to 49 gas yellow warning light came on. I didn't know i was so low on gas. Was lucky enough to make it to the first Chevron on 80. But there, trouble. The pump grabbed my card and had to go inside. The man (i think Iranian) came outside, pressed the clear button and then the machine released my card. But i done that myself earlier and it didn't work. He then grabbed my card t and asked me how much gas i wanted. Fill i said, but he kept asking how much and i know the car has a capacity of 13 gallons and i said @12 and took it inside and said to start pumping which i did. T'hen i went inside and he showed me my card on the counter in hard to reach place and had to extend my hand under the plastic protective window to grab it. Then i gave it to him and i payed for... 12 gallons. When i asked him, he said it was a fill-up which the needle was showing it. When i calculated the mileage, it was 34. Never made with this car so low on highways only. But i figured i was on top of the mountains and mileage would have recovered while going down.

A traffic jam on 80 right after and i followed Google Maps and Google maps sent me in a loop and got back exactly where i exited, in the same jam, only one hour later.

For the whole trip our phones were crazy. First think i'm doing when i get back to Portland is i get rid of Hello Mobile by T Mobile (25 dollars a month). Will try now with Mint (15 dollars a month)

I knew from past experiences. When getting close to Reno the craziness begins. This time with too many cars tailgating. Too many cars touching the line between lanes. A guy in a huge truck waiting on the "dead space" between lanes then and then exiting suddenly just when i wanted to exit at exit... 32 in Reno. Had to go on shoulder to avoid it. On Moana and... Virginia avenues. a Panske van was following.

At hotel. Didn't want to park on the main multi-floor parking. Last time when i did so i got to step in some silica absorbent material in the only spot i could find. So i parked in front of the casino (Peppermill). But there is a long way from that parking to the hotel check in. Got there and they were one hour long lines. But they were these machines where you could check in for yourself. Which i did however from the 30 dollars mail offer i started with for a queen now i got without knowing until i got in in a 2 king.

Hotel here has an Italian theme and towers are named Toscany, Milan, etc.. Got my mistake in the Milan tower were a woman with a kid was waiting for her husband in front of her room. Being both so tired, i was sitting in a chair by the elvator, Angela asked her and she of course didn't have a clue. But she still wanted to see the receipt. And the she said she doesn't have a clue. While i was watching the scene, on both screens at hallway entrance scenes with food were unfolding. But what's on the receipt? Nothing except the room number which we finally found in an area of the hotel with rooms for conferences and stuff (VIP i guess). Dialed 0 on the phone and tried to ask the woman then and she passed me to the check in which was busier than usual. Now i'm way too tired with all that driving and no sleeeping so i'm just going to wait to see the final invoice.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

June 19

12 :34 My vision is now blurred. I'm glad the day ended and didn't have to write this next to the very important things i just posted. I accidentally left at the door outside the pump i used last time to siphon the oil out of the engine that in the end i gave up doing today. It smells like mercaptan (marker additive) in oil. It's just the smell, ppm, nothing else. He came home just before i finished the thing with Kabbalah. The place filled with smoke, but i didn't realize until i finished, He punished me for the smell, could have done it earlier, he didn't do it until i said bad things about kabbalah which BTW is not part of Judaism in any way. Went and put that aside (in a sealed bucket where i keep it) and plugged a few ashmole holes and the smokes started to subside. Before that was stinking (better said stinging) because of hot sauce put by someone in a glass outside, which i threw in garbage, but probably there's more somewhere. So in a way the smoke absorbed the aerosols in the air.

7:30 Coincidențele deviaționiste (ca să nu le numesc reacțiile) zile. Pe Maia. Bine asta se făcea ușor. Deconstrucție, sticlă de plastic cu sos picant, fum (MAFIA). Faza din video-ul cu Ososul M. El dansa în fața a 3 femei, care privite din față ar fi apărut ca una singură cu mai multe mâini. Alianța separată britanico-polono-ucraineană (scrisoare antedatată?). CabalaLinga/Yoni. Etc. etc.. Practic jumătate din știri sunt așa, din ce pot eu să-mi dau seama. În rest nimic din ce-i important. A faza cu Nicușor și 3 zero care până la urmă vor fi 2 ca pe vremea lui Firea. Să stau calm după ce ăștia îmi macină tot ce scriu precum și creierii tuturor celor care îi urmăresc? (cauză din  care practic nu mai ai cu cine să stai de vorbă).

7:46 Chitara electrică Fender, un linga/yoni și un trident? Oare când se va plictisi lumea să tot repete istoria religiilor sexuale?

Curios lucru, zeii din noua generație din India (Kali, Shiva) care-i urmează pe Vishnu, Rama, Krishna au o natură sexuală, la fel cum Innana (Isis) în Sumer i-a luat locul lui  Dumuzid. Titanomahia. Iahva/IIsus-Maria Magdalena (și femeia cu menstruație continuuă care s-a vindecat după ce l-a atins pe IIsus). Buda filozoful. Chestia e așa. Lumea după ce-i merge bine un timp, caută și plăcerile și războiul, nu numai supraviețuirea în divin. Eros și Tanatos, cum ar spune Freud.

Romanii de exemplu au fost altfel. Ei în pragmatismul lor  (goana după aur) n-au avut timp prea mult și au împrumutat de la alții și doar le-au schimbat puțin numele. Isis-Venus, etc.. Oare numele lui Bachus să vină de la Dachus? Mai mișto de daci. Cred că Zamolxis era un zeu al zemei adică al vinului.

Ce e nașpa e atunci când încep să se amestece. Shiva/Kali și Buda au venit în Europa și s-au transformat în mai multe, ca de exemplu Neptun, Saturn, Dominicani, Cabala, etc.. Titanii au reînviat în Scientologie pe fond budist. Zei diferiți din timpi diferiți cu proprietăți croite pe alte societăți se bat cap în cap alandala totul grefat pe saltul tehnologic urmat de deschiderea cutiei Pandorei care este piramidele. Vai de capetele noastre.

11:52 Faza cu Titi Pasnicu. În facultate erau profesori și profesori dar sunt convins că dacă un profesor știe ce predă și o face cu convingere, studentul prinde 90% de la curs. Așa cu a fost cazul lui Merticaru, Dumnezeu să-l ierte. Deși majoritatea cursului erau formule și desene. La examen mi s-a părut curios că o tipă, soția unui coleg, s-a așezat aproape de mine. Tipa a copiat de la A la Z și la urmă n-am avut răbdare și m-am uitat la ea la o formulă lungă, la care tipa avea un semn diferit față de ce știam eu. Deci am pus semnul ca la ea, bineînțeles a avut greșit în fițuică și am luat 9 deși puteam să fi și picat fiindcă am avut aceeași greșeală ca și vecina.

Titi Pasnicu, bâtă. Mi-au spus unii că era student de 7, nu se știe cum a ajuns profesor. Vorbea parcă de pe altă lume, nu înțelegeam mai nimic. Și vine el la seminar cu o idee, să dăm un fel de mini-examene la fiecare seminar din 1-2 cursuri. Dacă luam notă de trecere, subiectul se scădea din examen, din ce-ți pica pe bilet. La primul nu am făcut nimic, dar am văzut că toți și-au scos cursurile pe sub bancă și copiau iar el nu zicea nimic. M-am gândit, poate vrea să ne ajute, astfel forțându-ne să trecem prin materie. Deci la al doilea seminar de tipul ăsta mi-am scos și eu cursul, la care un coleg, unul Dăscălescu, i-a făcut un semn discret iar el a venit direct la mine iar acela a fost începutul unui lung coșmar, din care mai visam din când în când, până acum vreo 10 ani.

Sunt motive să cred că a fost singurul profesor real din toată facultatea, cel puțin din anii mici.

12:30 A dog poo not far from door, insuring our clothes are going to stink during all "vacation".

Saturday, June 18, 2022

June 18

3:50 Good deal. Eu zic să rămână acolo. Noi le dăm Parlamentul iar ei să ne-o trimită pe Maia. Și mai bine ar fi să candideze în 24 la prezidențiale și în România și se rezolvă dintr-o dată o mulțime de probleme tehnice dar și politice și ar fi și un deja vu.


4:43 You gotta beat the c_lock

5:34 Oh no!

8:01 Multilayered, double sense scenes that can be interpreted in both ways. Perception math is simpler than thought (provided you cross into the area where you start to realize what they are capable of and this is possible): some are going to believe one way, some the other. One example. I've been picking garbage items, an average of ten from the mulch around building for years now. It's a great relief because it stinks less inside. I figured antibacterial tannin present in redwood amplifies and mutates strains of mold and bacteria making them more virulent.

Sometimes i took pictures of those items and sometimes i even uploaded them (Yeah now i know they also tricked me, in that day the left a large amount together for me to picture and post). I tried to do the same today but when i went in the upper area of the lawn i found a greater than usual number of those, like some had a party. The way they were spread orderly on the ground however showed it was not negligence but intention. I wanted to take a picture so i went back inside, grabbed the phone and a plastic bag and went back when a guy stood in the direction of those, making it impossible for me to take the picture. He also looked aggressive with his hands close to a belt bag around his waist and i gave up picking them also. I went back inside. Hours later i remembered and tried to do the same but for the first time since i'm doing this, i saw someone has already picked them. Instead they put rose petals on top of a mole mound. I found a few items on the other side of the building and one of them was a plastic glass with hot pepper sauce in it among others. Though i washed my hands, my face and hands are now burning etc..

For many years i changed oil at Jiffy Lube. However lately they always screwed something. Oil on the pan, filter not tightened, etc.. I am terrified of going there, where i get to look at what they're doing and sometimes they are so fast i don't have time to react. I always get pissed for days after that. But not so much lately because there are almost right away other things happening. Every step i take, there's a problem, and that confirms, for how many times now that i live in a Truman Show type of environment, with everything scripted, directed and acted, with thousands of cars extras and actors involved, basically every one everywhere i go.

One example. Today i went to Beaverton Hyundai (the closest Hyundai dealer) to inquire about a transmission fluid change, that's something i think need to do at 80k miles. After asking how they're doing, and they said by siphoning, i figured maybe i should try to do it myself, the same way i do with the oil and bought 5 quarts of fluid, OEM, which is 25 dollars a quart, on top of the 2 i already had after i read many things on forums. (Don't know exactly how much i'm going to pull out of there). When i came back i went to Best Teriyaki, a fast food in Beaverton i went for 20+ years to grab some food (that was originally owned by Japanese people and had Japanese painting on walls). Price had gone up, sadly had shrinked, much fewer tables. I went in line, were there were also kids, and i saw a guy that was looking clearly a young Japanese, no effort to hide it, ordering in a pretty good Spanish and as he wasn't finishing ordering for minutes i just left and went to a Korean place in Tualatin instead.

Then i came back and tried to go outside trying to initiate an oil extraction with a small pump hooked to car's battery though the gauge hole, like i did it last time. However too many people and cars outside of which one looking like a homeless's car with many items prepared like for traveling filling the back of the car (obviously mocking me up cause i'm trying to leave tomorrow) including a big speaker with no box around it. So i said i was going to wait, went outside a couple of more times and in the end i gave up. As per manual car requires oil change every 5000 miles, this one has been inside for less than 4.

Also saw again in the news several reverse psychology attempts created to wipe the idea the Japanese are basically controlling parts of this country, like the states of Oregon, Washington, with promoting "Mexican" artists like Santana, Jennifer Lopez, others in order to contribute to glamorize immigration, themselves hiding in plain sight as Mexican immigrants. Not too many attempts though, one mentioning of the "internment camps", one of "violence against Asians", just a few preventive ones which can show they are far from losing control. Also look at all the fake shootings meant to create terror and distrust in one another in the US.

There are other things going around here with people from Romania involved. Do not believe anything you see and hear, it's them the same. Honestly i believe Tualatin, Oregon are gone forever, and since a longtime ago or possibly since their creation.

9:23 Reactions to older posts. Superior moral? Putin would have not invaded Ukraine if it wasn't for the stupid, senseless alliance of UK with Poland and Ukraine (both UK and Poland are in the much larger NATO), without asking NATO or at least the whole of NATO permission, were each member has veto powers, at least for new admissions though the treaty is as vague as a phrase saying if one country is attacked all are), signed days before the invasion. What are they now making of this new treaty? There are even some possible juridic interpretations saying Ukraine is in NATO, since it's allied with two NATO countries.

Let's be serious. If there is an alliance let's say of 20 countries, can 2 of them make another alliance with an outside one? What would be the consequences for the rest? UK, that is Boris Johnson, the simple Brits who they might have a higher moral, also have no clue, simply made a mockery of NATO by doing so.

11:03 Cifra 3 face ecouri în continuare. (Să băgăm și capra în focus). Dacă eu am uitat de unde a pornit totul (de la trident) cum să-și amintească alții (care trident). Am scris despre neamestecul psihologiei în plimbarea focusată care permite o mai bună oxigenare a sângelui, și ce au scos ei. Bine ar trebui să nu mai scriu nimic fiindcă le dau prea multă apă la moară, dar am scris atâtea care vin din urmă, pur și simplu nu mă pot opri și nu voi mai avea timp câteva zile fiindcă mă duc la Reno.

Finally got it. While working on this, an idea came to me. Trident is actually a stylized form of linga/yoni union. Also the mysterious sign some guys are making during interviews, etc.. The subliminal significance of my last name (probably the reason some think i'm gay, not too many, only those who speaks Sanskrit and all the Indian languages that derive from it like Bengali, Hindi, Nepalese, Telugu etc. roughly about one billion people). One a few more steps in deconstructing kabbalah, the secret leverage some have over our souls.

Friday, June 17, 2022

June 17

12:20 So you think you know what crazy is... (Warnin...)

Got it. That is a hell of a teeth infection. BTW we need to thank Brits for expanding their "empire" until they hit and opened and rushed in all these Pandora's boxes to Europe. America, India, China, Australia, Japan and now Russia it's on her way.

12:50 3 + 1. 3 Transferuri.

12:04 În retragere. (Ana are mere).

12:09 Situația la 12 ore după paragraful de sub coșul (lui) Boris. Comportamentul de copii de grădiniță al liderilor care parcă ar vrea, copilărește, să contrazică ce am spus nu arată prostie din partea lor. Ei se poartă așa fiindcă așa li se scrie rolurile, mișcările și intervențiile, iar scriitorii scriu istoria viitorului după cum au ajuns să gândească milioanele pe care îi păstoresc. Sau poate așa au fost dintotdeauna. Da știu majoritatea nu au timp să gândească și îi votează și îi plătesc pe alții să facă asta pentru ei (Boris, coș-mărul lui Putin). Dar scriitorii lor au!

12:30 I'm going to sunny Reno next week because of weather and the weather here finally gets better! (or so they say, remains to be seen).

12:50 Inginer, muncitor și soț de cântăreață, mort.

12:51 Ultima reprezentație a lui Bobby Farrell.

1:00 Bursa s-a închis. De acum pot să scriu ce vreau. Securismul SRI (se reia). SIC.

1:07 O veste bună pentru americani. Ca întodeauna, război sau pace, prețul petrolului scade înainte de 4th of July când toată lumea se deplasează cu mașina.

2:30 Din bube mucegaiuri... Time has come to explore the link between the words cup and kapala. Kapala is a skull cup and the word in English could have come through benign routes. When i left for the vital walk i was already chocking. But in a different way than last night when i had a reflux episode. Two hours after "the man" upstairs hit once the floor he awoke me from my first sleep that started at 11 i fell asleep and woke up with some of the content of my stomach in respiratory airways. Slept three more hours or 4 in total. But i fell asleep in the morning and slept through most of it. And he let me since the market was calm.

But as soon as i gradually woke up and started to write, he started back on. This week he's been at work for 2 days, Monday and Tuesday and at home ever since.

I was chocking because of a plastic ...how should i say it... glass... no, better clear plastic cup that was sitting there under the bush, on the sequoia mulch, with some mold at the bottom. Next to it, some red balled fruit about 1 cm in diameter. I looked at the bush and didn't see any other so i figured they were brought there. Further, a soda can half empty. As i said, they bring in stuff matching what i eat or drink. So i threw them all and went for the vital walk, dizzy and counting each breath, but on Borland, right when i finally caught my breath, i ran into dense smoke, like someone was just starting a fire in a fireplace, and turned around, didn't want to end like in the other day. Here i found one more cigarette but under the door. Inside, the combined smell of cigarette smoke and molds generated by those objects described above.

4:07 Vladimir Solovyov's worthless creature represents the will and influencer of many Brits while Putin represents the will and influencer of many Russians. A lethal combination when they're both played by malevolent actors.

5:34 Finally figured out. Last night i was kinda drunk and went to bed without doing dishes. This morning i forgot and the objects thrown scientifically outside on the red mulch started some very nasty stinking strains that resonated in my kitchen sink that contributed to make me choke. I done that, finished doing the salad (two more, and Angela has finished her supply of lettuce from her garden bed), sat at the laptop to do a search whatever with the salad in front of me with patio sliding door opened and saw a deja vu. A guy with a pump pumping herbicides right in front of that door, speaking Spanish, looking Japanese.

8:20 There was this weird smell yesterday, like freshly broken rocks i forgotten what it was. It was used litter dust i haven't had in a long time (basically after the two Ladies of December with their cat left). A couple of weeks ago i heard a dog running upstairs but after i wrote about it stopped. The effects are showing today, but started last night with the reflux episode. Today it was shortness of breath (combined with the smells from kitchen sink and outside garbage) It's deja vu, even back then they were doing mostly after i was vacuum and cleaning the kitchen floor, filters and fridge's coil.