she's a good fisherman,
catches hens, puts 'em inna pens...
Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn,
Apple seed and apple thorn;
Wire, briar, limber lock,
Three swas in a flock.
One flew east,
And one flew west,
And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
O-U-T spells OUT,
Swan swoops down and plucks you out
9:55 M-am trezit după 4 ore și am vrut să adorm iar dar am văzut știrile și mi-a sărit somnul de nervi. Mai multe acțiuni încearcă să contrazică ce am scris ieri în legătură cu prezența României, Bulgariei, Croației în Schengen din 2007.
Prima de la noi.
A doua, Radevki March. Norocul extraordinar cu testul urechii pe înalte.
De asemenea se pare că politicienii austrieci au preluat de la cei români metoda de a cere ceva (multe) în media (sau poate a fost invers, mai demult cine știe). În ciuda acestei poze, atitudinea lui Nehammer e neschimbată. Ce cere el se poate rezolva doar cu introducerea unui amendament (chiar și de către Austria) la legislația (Tratatul) UE. Care trebuie votat în Consiliu.
One flew east and one flew west.
10:15 Ninja the biological experts. Last night i made some roast beef which involved heating the 2000 watt oven for 3 hours (one hour per pound) next to the closet with the contaminated water heater where his vent is under. As a result the stove heated the wall of the closet. He upstairs also did 2 loads of laundry on New Year's eve, latest after i cooked and heated the empty wall that created more absorption of cool air from outside together with not so clean vapor (not enough detergent during washing, probably cold water) through the cracks.
Also the laundry vapor coming from under the walls contaminated the grease vapor still floating inside after i cooked and everything started to smell like dirty laundry. Got very very sick (thought i was going to die), opened the sliding door for half hour and finally took not a charcoal cap but an antibiotic and fell asleep. Still a bit nauseated in the morning. As i'm writing here he started to squeak the floor in real time at every phrase as he knew instantly what i'm writing (before even hitting Update).
I hope that after i cleaned the drums of the washer from that slime, the stink is going to subside, but it was a ten years+ old slime.
11:20 Încă o ieșire care dorește să infirme ce am spus eu despre prezența României în Schengen din 2007.
11:30 Comații. Urșii din Comunești mușcă iar din
4:35 Orice pentru a trage de timp în continuare în aplicarea Tratatului UE.
4:35 Petre Daea iar a băut mai mult de 50 ml de tărie recomandat de medici la masa de Anul Nou. Panoul foto voltaic. Seceta pedologică.
8:22 Haven't been drinking anything in ten days (was too sick) just some wine in the last few days and today i felt like i needed something strong but i live in Oregon. Sunday at 6 all liquor stores are closed. I looked however on google maps and was showing one open in Wilsonville. When i left again i noticed the smell of not so clean closed vapor from a drier (the erasing for yesterday). So when i came back.
I went i found a closed distributing corporate office, probably those behind the liquor stores lobby in the Oregon legislative.
Went to Walmart to buy some wine and silicone and i noticed again between Nyberg and Lower Boones Ferry my meter was beeping for about a minute, with the peak set at 31 for reason of several towers, some of them 5G. That is a whole body exposure equal to talking on the phone for the same amount of time. The highest exposure recorded by me on the streets. Went twice through it, started to feel it when i got back home. Thinking of those who "live" under a tower.
The store was full of little Japanese people not even posing Latinos any more. A couple with a stroller was occupying the isle where i was frantically looking for some sparkling water.
9:20 Because of that i got nervous and bought by mistake some low alcohol wine. Really mad because of the unavoidable exposure earlier that also physically irritated me. So i went to Fred Meyer to buy some different wine.
At the checkstand a woman who looked like Nadia Comaneci only taller, after partying for days and without make-up asked me for my birthdate (because i was buying wine). Am i supposed to give them my birthdate? I showed her my white beard and told her i'm not supposed to tell her my birthdate and she said ok, i'm gonna put in mine while i was watching the screen and i told her i don't need to know her birthdate.
Then i left, mad, and forgot to take the receipt and started asking self if i paid. I vaguely remembered i put the card in. When i got home i went at the computer to check with the bank and Angela couldn't hear me when i was trying to login and started to yell and the guy upstairs who has been here continuously for at least a week and drying unwashed laundry yesterday started to yell back.
Lately i've been asking myself, who knows where exactly that competition took place and how many takes were filmed until she got the near perfect evolutions that beat the swiss watch display.
10:07 When i started the browser i got to see the opening pages and one of them is this. Showing another storm coming over Oregon that hopefully will extinguish the last fires. I also looked to see if the last "atmospheric river" that delivered inches of rain in Northern California (that BTW still lingers on the map linked above on the right) did something for the Lake Mead and i found an actual real time chart with the height of the water
12:32 With the silicone (Clear2 GE) i bought at Walmart went to cover some minor cracks and irregularities at the siding in front but found a real big gap (1 cm by 1 ft) between siding and concrete foundation not far from the vent that is blowing downwards or towards ground. I don't think it was there when i've done the last one. I expect again the temperature inside will increase a bit, paying for the silicone in one month (10 bucks). At midnight, a couple of guys passed, one carying a sack of empty cans.