Sunday, January 1, 2023

January 1st

2022 (Year of the three swans)

Ting. Tingle, tingle, tremble toes,
she's a good fisherman,
catches hens, puts 'em inna pens...
Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn,
Apple seed and apple thorn;
Wire, briar, limber lock,
Three swas in a flock.
One flew east,
And one flew west,
And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
O-U-T spells OUT,
Swan swoops down and plucks you out

9:55 M-am trezit după 4 ore și am vrut să adorm iar dar am văzut știrile și mi-a sărit somnul de nervi. Mai multe acțiuni încearcă să contrazică ce am scris ieri în legătură cu prezența României, Bulgariei, Croației în Schengen din 2007.

Prima de la noi.

A doua, Radevki March. Norocul extraordinar cu testul urechii pe înalte.

De asemenea se pare că politicienii austrieci au preluat de la cei români metoda de a cere ceva (multe) în media (sau poate a fost invers, mai demult cine știe). În ciuda acestei poze, atitudinea lui Nehammer e neschimbată. Ce cere el se poate rezolva doar cu introducerea unui amendament (chiar și de către Austria) la legislația (Tratatul) UE. Care trebuie votat în Consiliu.

One flew east and one flew west.

10:15 Ninja the biological experts. Last night i made some roast beef which involved heating the 2000 watt oven for 3 hours (one hour per pound) next to the closet with the contaminated water heater where his vent is under. As a result the stove heated the wall of the closet. He upstairs also did 2 loads of laundry on New Year's eve, latest after i cooked and heated the empty wall that created more absorption of cool air from outside together with not so clean vapor (not enough detergent during washing, probably cold water) through the cracks.

Also the laundry vapor coming from under the walls contaminated the grease vapor still floating inside after i cooked and everything started to smell like dirty laundry. Got very very sick (thought i was going to die), opened the sliding door for half hour and finally took not a charcoal cap but an antibiotic and fell asleep. Still a bit nauseated in the morning. As i'm writing here he started to squeak the floor in real time at every phrase as he knew instantly what i'm writing (before even hitting Update).

I hope that after i cleaned  the drums of the washer from that slime, the stink is going to subside, but it was a ten years+ old slime.

11:20 Încă o ieșire care dorește să infirme ce am spus eu despre prezența României în Schengen din 2007.

11:30 Comații. Urșii din Comunești mușcă iar din dușmani știri.

4:35 Orice pentru a trage de timp în continuare în aplicarea Tratatului UE.

4:35 Petre Daea iar a băut mai mult de 50 ml de tărie recomandat de medici la masa de Anul Nou. Panoul foto voltaic. Seceta pedologică.

8:22 Haven't been drinking anything in ten days (was too sick) just some wine in the last few days and today i felt like i needed something strong but i live in Oregon. Sunday at 6 all liquor stores are closed. I looked however on google maps and was showing one open in Wilsonville. When i left again i noticed the smell of not so clean closed vapor from a drier (the erasing for yesterday). So when i came back.

I went i found a closed distributing corporate office, probably those behind the liquor stores lobby in the Oregon legislative.

Went to Walmart to buy some wine and silicone and i noticed again between Nyberg and Lower Boones Ferry my meter was beeping for about a minute, with the peak set at 31 for reason of several towers, some of them 5G. That is a whole body exposure equal to talking on the phone for the same amount of time. The highest exposure recorded by me on the streets. Went twice through it, started to feel it when i got back home. Thinking of those who "live" under a tower.

The store was full of little Japanese people not even posing Latinos any more. A couple with a stroller was occupying the isle where i was frantically looking for some sparkling water.

9:20 Because of that i got nervous and bought by mistake some low alcohol wine. Really mad because of the unavoidable exposure earlier that also physically irritated me. So i went to Fred Meyer to buy some different wine.

At the checkstand a woman who looked like Nadia Comaneci only taller, after partying for days and without make-up asked me for my birthdate (because i was buying wine). Am i supposed to give them my birthdate? I showed her my white beard and told her i'm not supposed to tell her my birthdate and she said ok, i'm gonna put in mine while i was watching the screen and i told her i don't need to know her birthdate.

Then i left, mad, and forgot to take the receipt and started asking self if i paid. I vaguely remembered i put the card in. When i got home i went at the computer to check with the bank and Angela couldn't hear me when i was trying to login and started to yell and the guy upstairs who has been here continuously for at least a week and drying unwashed laundry yesterday started to yell back.

Lately i've been asking myself, who knows where exactly that competition took place and how many takes were filmed until she got the near perfect evolutions that beat the swiss watch display.

10:07 When i started the browser i got to see the opening pages and one of them is this. Showing another storm coming over Oregon that hopefully will extinguish the last fires. I also looked to see if the last "atmospheric river" that delivered inches of rain in Northern California (that BTW still lingers on the map linked above on the right) did something for the Lake Mead and i found an actual real time chart with the height of the water

12:32 With the silicone (Clear2 GE) i bought at Walmart went to cover some minor cracks and irregularities at the siding in front but found a real big gap (1 cm by 1 ft) between siding and concrete foundation not far from the vent that is blowing downwards or towards ground. I don't think it was there when i've done the last one. I expect again the temperature inside will increase a bit, paying for the silicone in one month (10 bucks). At midnight, a couple of guys passed, one carying a sack of empty cans.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31

4:20 One of the first pictures done with my new Kodak camera. f/3 0.038 4.9 mm ISO 400 WB Sunny. What do you know, it's a real (pocket) camera!

12:06 Here is the project i've been dreaming at for months and is the result of more than two years of thinking. It started when i bought the plug in USB adapter with digital voltmeter for the car. It was then when i started to understand how things work electrically.

The initial reason i bought it was to be able to play music in the parking lot without having to search for a jump start (later i bought a jump starter the size of a book for 40 dollars which is very good and only after that i realized the battery was too old and bought a new battery just before that accident in August 2021).

Then i saw. It's not a 12 volts system as many people say. It's a 14.5 volts system. This is what the digital voltmeter shows all the time while the engine is running, at both cars i used it on. 12.5 is the voltage before starting the car. Similar to this one but now i regret mine it doesn't have two decimals. BTW it shows 14.8 in the pictures which on a car means battery doesn't get charged. It has to be 14.5 or less.

Most people think batteries are only good for starting  the engine. But they also act in a way similar to a capacitor for filtering the pulsating DC that's coming out of the alternator diodes which again is 14.5 and not 12.5 as most people would think and for that is required very good contacts. If  you don't have a smooth voltage, all your electric systems and most importantly fuel pomp will not work properly.

Second, i noticed that when i freshly tighten the battery's connector the voltage goes down like 0.1, which means better contact and charging the battery. I also noticed, less vibration at the engine, improved driveability by several points on a scale of 1 to 10 but most importantly, improved mileage by at least 10%. But the contacts wouldn't stay long that way. The connectors are spring like devices and the terminal is soft lead, and after a while that usually was one trip the lead would give in and the contact force would settle to a value that is not sufficient.

And me could not settle for less mpg since i knew it can get better by one simple thing. For two years i tried different methods of securing those contacts, including drilling horizontal, vertical holes and threading in the lead terminas, with the same results.

Right now it drives so nice i regret a lot i didn't do it earlier. But couldn't have, it required lots of thinking to get at this point. Soldered bolts on top of connector and on car's chassis to double the car's original connectors.

It's copper connectors enlarged to 10 mm holes (3/8 whatever) sandwiched between two serrated nuts tightened against each other on the 3/8 bolts with two wrenches (for avoiding apply rotating momentum on the soldered bolts). In the right it's a similar bolt soldered on car's chassis.

Battery is a (not so) cheap 100 dollars Walmart one because i didn't know how the soldering of the bolts on top of terminal will end. They have cheaper ones (59) but not in the store i go to.

It involved filing the outer hex surface of the bolt until removing the stamped 3D marks, filing some more using flux on the file or sandpaper to keep the oxygen out of the metal surface, using clean flux on a paper towel to remove the flux with filings, heating the bolt set on a side on a red hot stove's coil and applying solder, filing some more while hot by holding the bolt using long nose pliers on sand paper covered with flux sitting on a flat surface, wiping against a paper towel again soaked with flux again sitting on a flat surface, repeating until the entire hex surface of the bolt is covered with shiny solder, adding some more solder to make a small round melted drop, heating some more and applying.

Prepping the target area in the same way, with flux on a piece of coarse sandpaper, cleaning the filings with flux on a piece of paper towel, applying the heated bolt with long nose pliers and cooling immediately with water from a glass.

In the second picture you can see shiny slightly irregular protruding solder at the joint, under the bolt's hex end that is darkened by the heating with flux.

15-30 minutes project for a bolt if you have the tools and everything ready. But it's worth it. You can save 10% of gas money. Drive better, have better acceleration, save engine's life by eliminating vibration.

Materials. Connectors. A 3/8 drill bit to enlarge those. 3 bolts 3/8 by 1/16 one inch long from Lowes or Home Depot. 6 serrated nuts. Electronics solder. Flux. One medium size file and a few pieces of coarse (80) sandpaper. A few paper towels. A plastic glass for water.

The idea came to me after i saw the marine type batteries (for starting boats engines) that have both bolts and terminals. But i couldn't use one of those because they have the terminals the other way (plus on the right). But now that i searched for those to put a link i think i found one that could have worked.

Already thinking on how to improve it. One version would be soldering copper bands or wires directly to terminals and chassis (with no bolts) with a big soldering iron that i can heat on the stove again with keeping in place the original system just in case. Have to do it fast and cool the terminals within one second of starting soldering. On the plus i will need a short copper band with a hole at one end and solder it directly on the terminal.
And here is a crop of the original picture yes done with my new camera.

2:26 One of the reasons they won't give us a yearly report on budget spending is because the fiscal year like the water year starts on October 1st. My bad (that doesn't mean they couldn't, even itemize a bit).

I once wrote a post containing comparisons of charts for spending budget for several years. 5 years later, the spendings budget grew by more than 20%, deficit (borrowing, red) now is 1.37 trillion or 21% of the same budget.

There are two things i don't understand. Where it fits the recent "anti shot down" 1.7 bill (trill whatever).

Is it on top of the budget, part of, increase of deficit for next fiscal year, whatever. Same with the infrastructure bill of which i don't see nothing going on yet. Still digging but i doubt i will find it.
Got it. Temporary continuing resolutions, omnibus spending bill. As for the infrastructure bill, i don't know yet.

3:00 Figured that one also. 1.2 T for 8 years, melting somewhere in the annual budgets or in parallel, it doesn't matter, seems insignificant over the 7 T yearly budgets in both cases.

An average of roughly 3 billion per year per state. California is spending that amount a each year for high speed rail projects. Yeah i believe Oregon could build a much needed freeway to the beaches.

4:31 It looks like they never thought of that. There are other priorities.

5:08 There was a large amount of microwave radiation on the top level at the new parking at Chinook, between 10 to 20, and i moved the car in  the other parking lot. Didn't look until i felt it though i heard the meter that beeps above 1 because i didn't believe it was much bigger than that. Much more than near the tower at Grocery Outlet.

The meter fully charged works for about 24 hours, i tried to measure something in the other room and i saw it shut down with 11% battery left (sometimes it shots at 20, i don't know why). The USB plug was half way pulled from the charger and not working, though yesterday it charged  the meter completely. In the same time i started to feel something in the known places like i was recently exposed (within the last hour). And that did not come from our apartment.

6:06 Cute weregirls for the New Year celebrations on the streets of Romania. 

7:23 The pain was quite intense, lasted for about 2 hours and now it's going away. Minutes earlier i said i wanted to go check at the car to see of the last nuts i added didn't get loose, like the first ones, they weren't however they waited for me outside with a scene, all they have to do is figure what i'm going to do next and wait for me in that point in space and time with something.

8:10 Iar văd o gură strâmbă și un nas pe partea de roșu a drapelului în mijloc, alta jos pe galben roșu, care pare să înghită soarbă stelele, un Z întors pe galben, etc.. Nu vă mai jucați cu drapelul României!

În Tratatul de la Amsterdam, 1997, implementat în 1999, toate țările care erau membre UE au devenit automat și membre Schengen iar lista a fost inclusă într-un protocol parte din Tratat. În 2007 sau după aderarea României la UE în Protocolul de mai sus al Tratatului, care a devenit Protocolul 19 al Tratatului UE a fost adăugat în listă și numele României și a celorlalte două țări, Bulgaria și Croația.

9:20 Maria Bateria, o altfel de știre de anul nou. În legătură cu ce postez de mai multe zile despre bateria de mașină.

11:45 15 minute până la anul nou în Oregon. Am căutat sursa imaginii de mai sus și am văzut că este o imagine de stoc (site-uri unde fotografii își pun imagini la vânzare, nu știu de ce pentru că un drapel de țară este proprietatea statului respectiv). Toate imaginile cu steaguri care sunt în mod evident fotografii și nu photoshop sunt ok, cu excepția a încă două. În asta în care soarele bate din spate dintre nori dar steagul apare iluminat din partea opusă sau dinspre cameră, apare pe roșu jos ceva ca o tipă foarte tânără ce execută un dans sexy. Pe cealaltă, unde steagul este încrețit la partea albastră, pe galben apare o imagine greu de descris în cuvinte. Un șarpe care intră într-o peșteră?

2:26 There's hope for me in 2023. It's been maybe 20 years since i stopped hearing high frequencies with the right ear. How do i know. I check both ears by gently rubbing the same two dry fingers from right hand next to each of them. Yes i checked with frustration from time to time for all these years thinking on how my body betrayed me who i like listening to music so much. After a month of not using the cell phone today i started hearing those again. Not totally equal yet. It happened overnight cause a couple of days ago i still didn't hear them. Also pain in the fingers that i got so used to started to fade away. Balance problems are much smaller, almost gone.

Will my pancreas and colon heal as well?

Lucky to have right now an old cable modem with two Ethernet ports (and wi-fi) but i need one more port (i guess i could silence the wi-fi from its page, but not sure). Found a cable modem with no wi-fi on Amazon but it only has one Ethernet port (for a wi-fi router of course). Because people stopped using Ethernet long time ago.

So i guess i'll have to use one of these for the three devices i am moving on Ethernet and completely get rid of wi-fi with 60 dollars plus the cables and two adapters (another 50, the new TV has a port). Also stopped using the microwave except for absolutely necessary situations (5 meters distance for several minutes like a frozen dinner is still not enough, i can heat a burrito or a hot dog in a pan with a bit of water i guess). Maybe looking for a microwave with no stupid glass door (completely metal).

2:50 It never rains in Southern California.

Friday, December 30, 2022

December 30

1:00 Last night i figured a way to deal with the stink that jumped from the washer in the water heater. I added chlorine bleach in a plastic bottle and put it next to it so the foam insulation absorbs it. It was working fine, but when i went outside to work at the car, after they staged a number of scenes with me virtually or hypothetically attacking other people, they started to do laundry and put in the vapor a new strain of fecal bacteria that invaded the heater again and is chlorine resistant or at least at that concentration.

3:00 Unul din lucrurile care m-au șocat de la început în SUA a fost absența petrecerilor de revelion, de la TV și probabil restaurante. Greu de notat, mici diferențe de programe la TV. În seara de Crăciun de exemplu străzile sunt pustii, toată lumea stă în case cu familiile.

Țin minte că am prins un revelion, la Ilani (un cazinou cu capacitate de 10000 persoane) în anul când s-a deschis unde cânta parcă o formație într-un colț și puteai să cumperi păhărele de șampanie de la niște standuri, cu 2 dolari bucata. În rest, aceeași atmosferă de competitivitate și individualism unde fiecare ignoră pe ceilalți.

Petrecere mai mare cu costume a fost la ultimul Halloween la Chinook Winds. 

Pentru cineva care vine din România e foarte deprimant, greu de digerat.

3:30 Picture of the year... Hush baby don't you cry...

9:00 Am spus că printre alele EI (nu ucrainenii ci cei care conduc tot show-ul) sunt imbatabili la capitolul sincronizări și ștergerea informațiilor. Legea minorităților care a fost votată cu o mare majoritate în Rada, era pornită ca sigur să fie semnată de Zelenski, dar a fost semnată în momentul postării de mai sus, doar pentru a crea o asociere negativă cu tot ce postez eu. Am postat poza pentru că urăsc manipularea, de orice fel ar fi ea.

Manipulările în masă constante, prompte și punctuale, la obiect, mai ales prin ștergerea informațiilor din fașă prin diferite metode, ca mai sus, are ca efect, printre altele menținerea ignoranței la orice capitol. După care, tot ei ne reproșează prin așa zișii intelectuali, jurnaliști, tot oamenii lor, că suntem proști.

Un alt exemplu este tristul rezultat la recensământ, publicat iar în locul dării de seamă pe buget. Însă realitatea este probabil mult mai dură decât spun ei în recensământ adică în 2022 sunt mult mai mulți români lipsă la apel.

Îmi pare rău dar nu am timp să-i scot pe toți în față, dar chiar dacă aș avea, fiecare asemănare, deși poate aduce o lămurire pentru unii, crează confuzie și mai mare pentru alții, prin asocierile mentale negative create de contra-postările lor. Trebuie să precizez că toți cei care apar în media și toți cei care semnează sunt "oamenii" lor.

Bineînțeles că o singură persoană (eu) nu face decât să zgârie vârful aisbergului și a le da prilej de a consolida și mai mult status-quo-ul și confuzia, separarea realității de imaginile mentale ale fiecăruia despre situația în care trăim.

9:30 Yeah but sharing of the accounts on spending budget with the taxpayers at the end of the year would be much more horrible.

9:37 George Santos is an allegory to create negative associations with my posts. So was still is Trump. So is "Taylor Swift" last dirty dark song etc..

9:45 I put some frozen food in the micro for 4 minutes and i can feel it now on certain areas of my bodies like my back which is facing the oven, 5 meters away while the meter was showing 0.2 mW. I remember now that the one in the hotel room in Lincoln City was putting in the air a fraction of what this one does. Need to get another one. I think the big problem is  the useless transparent door.

10:05 I know Catherine's secret. She is actually blonde and probably of Romanian origin.

10:12 Also got a slight headache from the same exposure.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

December 29

4:00 Just asked google a question. What organs are affected most by microwaves. Eyes said google because there's little blood circulation and can't be cooled.

I know, the official theory says microwave effect on human body is heating only. But how the heating occurs? The electromagnetic waves create electric currents at the same frequency in tissues, that's how.

Anybody who accidentally put a piece of aluminum foil in the oven saw sparks created by vaporizing of the aluminum by the high currents flowing in the foil. 

Or if you put meat like in meatloaf and other stuff in the same time in the micro. Meat is going to get  heated more because it has more electrolytes in it than by example mashed potatoes.

And of course the more conductive a tissue the more is going to be heated at the same exposure or distance from source.

Aqueous solution of baking soda is 2 or 3 orders of magnitude more conductive than blood which has some equally conductive salt in it but in much lower concentration than the baking soda in pancreatic juice.

Where i'm tried to get at. The stomach content is acidic. Hydrochloric acid is a good conductor of electricity and is going to get heated more by your cell phone than surrounding tissues. All the acidity in your stomach needs neutralizing in the duodenum by the baking soda produced in the pancreas. Pancreas is like a sponge that produces among other things baking soda and is full of it. That's where i'm getting at.

Pancreas most likely absorbs hundreds of times more microwave radiation than any other tissues. And we literally are bathing in it. If you don't believe me, download any app that identifies the networks and devices around you. Think of the multitude of phones in busy places or in classrooms.

5:10 În loc de darea de seamă pentru cheltuielile bugetare pe 2022. Legea a stat luni de zile prin Parlament, Senat, poate CCR, ca orice lege înainte de a ajunge la Președinte pentru promulgare, de ce nu am auzit nimic până acum?

4:17 O chestie de mașină pe care n-am știut-o până azi (și a fost motiv de panică). Nivelul la ulei cu motorul rece la o temperatură de 10 C după o scurtă pornire este cu aproape jumătate de litru mai jos decât cu motorul cald după 5 minute la ralenti, cu acul de temperatură la nivel normal, din motive de dilatare a uleiului cu temperatura dar și de persistență a uleiului gros și rece în partea de sus a motorului (dacă l-ai pornit fără să-l încălezști).

Și dacă tot am scris asta, încă una despre cum poți să verifici nivelul de uzură al unui motor. Poate la fel de complet ca un test de compresie, dar mult mai ușor de făcut. De fapt cel care vinde mașina nici nu știe că tu o testezi. Trebuie doar să conduci mașina cu motorul rece, megi câțiva metri și frânezi. Apoi lași motorul să se încălzească la regim (urmărești acul de temperatură care de obicei trebuie să fie puțin mai jos decât mijlocul cadranului), cel mai bine să conduci mașina câteva minute că tot faci test și faci aceeași manevră la aceeași viteză, forță de apăsare a pedalei și dacă se poate în același loc.

Dacă există diferență mare între promptitudinea (distanța) de frânare cu motorul cald și cu motorul rece, înseamnă că motorul este uzat. Acest test spune ceva cu mult înainte de a vedea fum albastru pe eșapament, ceea ce indică uzură catastrofală cu arderea uleiului în cilindri.

De ce. Uleiul rece (gros) etanșează mai bine un motor uzat decât uleiul cald. Frânele sunt asistate cu vacuum din motor. (Temă. Încercați să identificați linia (furtunul) de vacuum dintre admisie și cutia diafragmei de asistare a frânei).

Dacă motorul este uzat și etanșarea inele-cilindru este compromisă, motorul nu mai are același vacuum (putere de aspirare în galeria de admisie după clapeta semi-închisă) cu uleiul rece sau cald mai ales din cauza presiunii cauzate de gazele la sute de atmosfere care trec de inele și presurizează motorul și intră înapoi în cilindrii aflați în faza de admisie.

Bine poți să faci același test cu un manometru de vacuum conectat pe un port de admisie, dar trebuie să-l ai, să știi unde să-l conectezi (de obicei la cutia de asistare a frânei) iar cel care vinde mașina trebuie să te lase.

Există de exemplu la mașini de peste 100k diferență de frânare cu motorul rece/cald, care crește iarna, e absolut normal, dar diferența nu trebuie să fie prea mare.

După cum am mai spus și în alte ocazii, se poate face "antrenament" pe o mașină uzată bună cu un număr de km asemănător, a unui prieten.

5:45 Can't wait to get my new camera tomorrow to show the last mods i've done to car's battery connectors (not all of them implemented at the time). Last night from Ilani to here, 40 miles, i've done 45 mpg.

11:03 O ipoteză șocantă. Știri inventate pentru a scoate din memoria dvs. alte informații mai ales la perioada dintre ani, un timp al bilanțurilor mentale (și nu contabile ale guvernului). E vorba de deranjanta cifră de 55 miliarde lei cheltuită de Guvern în primelele 10 luni ale anului, pe te miri ce, combinată cu conecția Australiană.

Internațională fiindcă problema e aceeași la toate guvernele mai ales în SUA unde sumele lipsă ajung la mii de miliarde.

Autocarul grecesc care s-a oprit într-un șarpe curcubeu, un film de Toni Greblă. De asemenea simbolizează neputința "intrării în Schengen" (unde suntem de mult), datorată și porozității frontierei grecești. Și l-au scos la suprafață pe Toni Grecu.

Lista continuă. Fata cu mâinile amputate de la Iași.

12:41 Imagini emoționale, numere de circ ca miracole de Crăciun. Nu e prima dată, avem de acum o mică tradiție.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

December 28

1:55 Not another one!

2:11 Vin câte unul pe rând, la câteva zile distanță între ei. Dumnealui încearcă să implice că Schengenul este un tratat separat. Nu mai este din 1997. Singurul mod prin care o țară poate să iasă din Schengen este dacă iese din UE iar aceasta se poate face numai dacă țara respectivă vrea (exemplul Marii Britanii) dar și atunci e dificil, UE nu s-a lăsat ușor. Cât despre a da afară o țară din UE, mission impossible (și fiindcă trebuie votat unanim în Consiliu).

6:16 It's written on the keyboard QWERTY ASDFG.