Thursday, March 9, 2023

March 9

8:30 March 8. Don't know and don't care how they chose the date as international women's day what bothers me is the shape of the later 8 chosen as symbol.

Was thinking about writing about scramjet engines and hypersonic rockets when a big noise started outside. A city sewage cistern started a terrible noise outside. Though it can't be recorded due to low frequencies, it vibrates the building and in first stage or first 10 minutes noise outside should have been over 100 dB. Right now it's at 50 or something.

8:53 Noise is gone, all that's left is the dust that i breath but sill i want to continue. Here is the diagram of a scramjet engine around which is built the hype with the hypersonic rockets whatever (technically they are not rockets since they use jet, not rocket engines and lift to stay in the air).

Though in reality air does not hit the engine at full speed of the "rocket", because the inlet is not in the tip of the rocket but under, due to fact that the tip exposed to those speeds is glowing red hot. (Could at those speeds asymmetrical diversion inwards of air flowing create a rotating momentum that could throw the rocket off course)
Anyways here's the discussion.

Scramjet unlike turbojets or turbofans on commercial aircrafts to not have moving parts (fans, turbines). Thus they cannot start unless they (inlet air) reaches a speed of about Mach 4 to 4.5 which must be achieved by different means, that could be solid fuel rockets when air entering the inlet (here the sewage cistern started again 9:01). Top speed of a Mig 31 is about Mach 2.8.
As the diagram suggests, the speed and the pressure of the air is increased as entering the engine. We don't have the data so we don't how how much but we know those fly in the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds (where scram engines can work), or heights where air density is less than 1% of that at sea level. Pressurized air is then injected with a fuel, that can by hydrogen cause it has the highest energy per mass ratio of all fuels which is stored liquid at high pressure in a fuel tank (it is my understanding that it first goes in the tip of the rocket to cool it before being injected, otherwise the tip would melt quickly).

From now on it's a balance of pressures and speeds. Pressure in the burning chamber cannot go near pressure in the inlet cause otherwise it would cause air starving.

Questions. Would the starting speed be different at different altitudes because of differences in air density and pressure? If the starting speeds of Mach 4 or 4.5 are at the starting altitudes where a Mig 31 can fly, then what will happen with the pressure inside engine during final descent on the target were ambient air pressure increases hundreds of times? I would assume you would have to pump enough fuel to prevent extinguishing of the engine (mixture too lean) thus increase speed? Or have some sort of valve to adjust the amount of air it enters the combustion chamber.

Can't find right now with the noise (on and off) and everything the speed of exhaust in jet engines. But i would assume at least during acceleration they should obey the law of conserving momentum. m1v1=m2v2 where m1 is the plane (hyper rocket) and m2 is the mass of ejected fuel, v1 is the delta speed of the "rocket".

You have a speed difference of mach 0.5 or 1 or two or from 4.5 to 5 or 6 with an exhaust speed unknown that cannot be much higher than in turbo jet engines due to pressure limitations of the thickness of walls of the exhaust nozzle which cannot be much thicker thani in a turbojet but especially because of the inlet stagnation pressure.

In a way a scramjet is an afterburner without an engine, but in a turbojet afterburner the pressure coming from the turbojet is much greater than the pressure of air passively "rammed" in the scramjet by the speed of the air alone.

If there was no drag, the "rocket" should fly only by inertia but the engine is then needed only to beat the drag. In other words to supply the energy for the tip of the rocket to get red hot.

I would assume that if you can accelerate the rocket from Mach 4 or 4.5 (the initial starting speed of the scramjet) to 5 with your scramjet then you can call it hypersonic. (Can't see the engine in this generic diagram but the fuel tank seems awfully small). Based on assumption that efficiency of the scramjet being similar to a turbojet (fuel per distance) on afterburner and extrapolating the amount needed when flying at Mach 5 we imagine that the "rocket" would need more fuel for flying more than a hundred km or so.
10:08 Second challenge of the day. The thundering garbage truck.

1:10 Went for a walk, have stories to tell, don't have the time. Perceived air quality was 50, my mind wouldn't clear (there was a new hole next to the middle of the lawn). And i've been subjected to a bizarre allegory with several big vehicles in the middle of the road and working at the sewers. Could have something to do with back pressure, i read the word BAK on one of their devices inside a vehicle with open doors.

What we can note in the diagram above is the presence of a high pressure nitrogen tank. Nitrogen does not burn but simply increases the pressure in the tiny hydrogen tank so it can make it to the burning chamber. I would assume there is a separation membrane in the hydrogen tank so they won't mix.

From here we can get a clue on the pressure in the burning chamber. So the walls of the engine should be as thick as the nitrogen tank walls which means heavy.

And a question. Why not simply use a rocket engine and carry oxygen instead of the inert nitrogen in a similar tank. The rocket engine would not have any of the severe limitations of a scramjet. BTW i can't see any air intake in the picture of the rocket under Mig's belly.

I think they maintain the scramjet vs rocket engine myth because it theoretically uses air from atmosphere so they can carry more fuel, as a rocket of this size needing to carry both oxygen and hydrogen tanks wouldn't make it very far.

2:22 Ok i know who the guys in the street were. Sciento. Because i wrote of them last night. One of them, the first guy with the first vehicle was Tom Cruise. Even with the big moustache, his face doesn't look so fresh anymore. When i was nearest, he gave me a strange look, like staring at me for a few seconds as i passed. The other was a mime actor.

Their vehicles were in the middle of the road, up and down hill, with traffic diverted partly on bike lanes and were maneuvering some thin hoses (5/8 maybe), one going into each sewer hole.

The second guy, the mime, was at the vehicle downhill and was maneuvering energetically some hoses that were attached to some devices).

When i came home at a certain point i went with a spray extender and poured something in the mole holes in the middle area between buildings, similar to what they were doing. At the second hole, or uphill, there was a noise behind me making me very nervous, i made a move, the extension came out of the nozzle, sprang up and i got one or two drops of that in my right eye. Within a couple of minutes i was in the shower rinsing my eye. Now i got moderate pain and redness in that eye but so far i don't think it's serious.

This is an example of mind programming, what they call engrams, a combination of mind altering drugs, distraction and inducing into suggestibility all known to classical psychology. They probably use it to impress novices and make a link with Hubbard's writings. Needless to say, the whole area was subjected to the same smoke.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

March 8

12:50 Cigarette filters at the door was a trick. I tried to go to sleep thinking they can't do nothing to me but i woke with apnea. Went outside and found 4 holes next to the building, more in the middle of the lawn. First used borax, borax finished then i used something else. One guy with an old red car (i think a Pontiac) went somewhere and came back while another guy was passing next to me. Now trying to air by opening the front door.

1:00 Obsessed with numerology? Try Benford's law. Leading numbers in data sets are not distributed uniformly, the numbers starting with 1 appear 30% of the time, while those starting with 9, 5% instead of appearing normally all 100/9 times or 11.11%.

Two examples. In digital photography, the numbers representing pixels obey the law, but only before compression. So do the numbers in accounting books. In fact, they use this law to verify the correctitude of accounting, without needing to know anything else. Spooky!

2:00 Two hours after i plugged those holes and the smell almost cleared out. But as it weakened, it turned out it was a very pungent type of mold that came from the ground. Ashmole. European mole. I think now i now what happened. Virulent mold strains from those mole holes seeded the walls that were not treated with chlorine in the last week or so.

Being very cold outside and panel walls not so well sealed, in some areas they get moist and then they catch mold, sometimes invisible, sometimes with virulent strains from the ground and i have to do this (use a mop soaked in chlorine) on the walls during winter at least once a week.

2:05 Shock waves can travel as fast as 10300 m/s or 30 times the speed of sound. At that speed they indeed move about 10 mm per microsecond or 30 mm in 3 microseconds. But you will need more than speed to compress a solid inside a sphere made of TNT. You will need an outer shell or a spherical shell or case of comparable resistance with the core to build up the required pressure as there is inertia, elastic and compression forces opposing to it and it all depends on the amount of TNT needed or the size of the outer sphere to create that type of pressure.

10:47 Ne aduce Iohannis ceva bun din Japonia?

Ceaușescu obținuse, spun unii cu ajutorul unui episcop român din America, Trifu (da, există parohii și episcopii românești în SUA) cu legături legionare (era să scriu regionale) clauza națiunii celei mai favorizate (Most Favoured Nation, MFN), care cronologic s-a întâmplat după vizita în SUA a lui Ceaușescu.

Ce înseamnă asta. După autorii acestui articol, accesul la tehnologii avansate. După google...

În orice caz. Din ce știu eu. Noi exportam mașini unelte și aveam chiar și service (IMU Bacău vreau să spun). UN fost șef al service, un tip Cărămidaru, care semăna mult cu Țopescu a fost șeful meu la IMU, cel care m-a ajutat să clădesc grupa de Proiectare Asistată de Calculator.

Ce tehnologie avansată importam din SUA. A existat la București un joint venture, parcă ROM Control Data, o firmă ce făcea în SUA minicalculatoare, discuri, imprimante etc. fiind la vremea aceea un competitor al IBM. Făceau și la București discuri și imprimante. Discuri de 40 MB de mărimea unei mașini de spălat. Asta a fost toată tehnologia avansată din ce știu eu.

Însă calculatoarele lor au fost clonate în România la Fabrica de Calculatoare Felix, probabil cu știrea și participarea lor, că altfel ar fi întrerupt ROM Control Data. Probabil fiindcă s-au împotrivit unii în SUA și s-a ales această soluție. Nu am făcut-o numai noi ci și sovieticii. Calculatorul care guverna celebra ciocănitoare, probabil alte tipuri de armament, era de acest tip.

Vechile calculatoare FELIX care erau licență franceză care la rândul ei era licență IBM trebuiau înlocuite și s-a găsit această soluție, clonarea unor calculatoare CDC care erau în vogă pe vremea aia în SUA, însă nu mai mari și mai puternice decât IBM 360, vechiul model al FELIX. Însă aveau alt soft (sistem de operare, de fișiere), ce era destul de asemănător cu cel de pe PC-uri înainte de Windows, deci mult mai ușor de operat.

Cu toate acestea, nu s-a găsit nimeni în România să proiecteze și să realizeze programe ci în schimb le-au transferat pe cele de pe FELIX care probabil au fost realizate de francezi în vremea când au vândut licența FELIX. O aplicație de salarii putea să ruleze și 24 de ore pe aceste calculatoare moderne (eu am dezvoltat prima aplicație de salarii în timp real cred după ce am plecat de la IMU).

S-a dust vremea când aveam embargo pentru tehnologii avansate, chiar și armament. Au trecut chiar 30 de ani de atunci. Am intrat în NATO în 2004.

O țară NATO nu are  nici o restricție la tipul de armament importat din alte țări NATO. Cât despre bani, în urma analizei bugetului eu am depistată că zeci de miliarde, poate sute de euro dispar direct din conturile Ministerului de Finanțe, fără nici o explicație. Nu există o dare de seamă a execuției bugetare la sfârșit de an.

Românii care au fost mult traumatizați psihologic de Ceaușescu au rămas cu ideea că cineva ne face o mare favoare dacă ne vinde de exemplu armament. Fie și de la fier vechi din Portugalia, fiindcă acolo s-a dus, nu-i așa episcopul Trifu să moară după ce, spun unii, l-a turnat Securitatea la americani că a fost legionar...

Conducătorii vremelnici fac vizite spectaculoase în țări fabuloase, încercând să inducă ideea că fac ceva pentru țară. Cu toate acestea, economia de piață este înaintea lor. Japonezii sunt deja prezenți în România prin Nissan, care este partener Renault, multe componente de la Dacia fiind de Nissan...

Cât despre eventuale firme majore Japoneze în România... Mitsubishi de exemplu are ceva în Austria...

A venit Daimler în SUA și a preluat Chrysler și chiar au scos niște modele... PT Cruiser... Dodge Charger, cu care s-au dotat multe poliții din SUA... Au plecat însă și au vândut Chrysler în pierdere unei firme din New York care mai apoi a dat faliment, totul din motiv de... cultură de muncă.

Dacă tot am scris de IMU, căruia i se poate adăuga un Z în față și obține ZIMU, am să scriu din nou povestea numărului de la camionetă. Cândva, prin 2005 cred a început să nu-mi mai placă numărul care l-am avut de fapt de la dealer. Russ Chevrolet care a fost închis de GM. Paranoia respectivă + 40 de dolari pe care i-am plătit mi-au adus însă mult mai multe probleme.

Am fost la cel mai apropiat DMV (Division for Motor Vehicles) care se ocupă cu înmatriculări și examene de conducere etc.. Primul din teanc avea trei de 6 în el. Fiindcă nu a vrut să-mi dea altul, m-am dus la alt DMV și am cerut unul Crater Lake (în Oregon sunt mai multe teme pentru numere). Fiindcă fusesem recent acolo cred. Nu știu de ce și mi l-au dat pe ăsta, tot primul din teanc, care avea 3 de 7 în el. Ok mi-am zis și l-am luat și l-am instalat.
Ani de zile după, mai mult de 15, am descoperit asta. Hubbard este autorul SF care a creat Biserica Scientologică ce susține că Xenu, dictatorul galactic, a adunat miliarde de tetani pe care i-a scos datornici la taxe de pe 76 de planete și i-a adus pe Pământ (Teegeeack) care ar fi a 77 planetă, o colonie penală,  conservați în antigel și i-a îngropat la poalele vulcanilor pe care i-a detonat cauzând erupții. Tetanii (sufletele) fiind nemuritori și indestructibili au mai scăpat din lavă care în SUA se folosește ca vată minerală pentru izolarea caselor și umblă să găsească corpuri să re reîncarnbeze și se agață de cei care au deja un tetan și-i chinuie etc..

A 4-a și a 5-a din postarea cu bulevardul Hollywood din Los Angeles, acela cu stele pe trotuar este cu un centru de primire al bisericii.

Și încă o poveste cu număr de mașină. Înainte de asta la care am pus un cuvânt latin ERGO gen LOREM IPSUM, la cea dinainte tot așa am fost la un DMV unde erau numai actori unguri, normal, și mi-au dat un număr cu JKB la care dacă inversezi primele două litere iese KJB. Aproape KGB. Ca rezultat, și acum, după un an și de la pierderea mașinii respective oriunde merg întotdeauna apare câte o mașină, două, zece, cu un număr asemănător.


Apăsați aici, butonul de refresh ↻ (stânga sus browser la PC, dreapta sus la telefon) sau F5 la PC pentru a reseta poziția de start în melodiile incluse.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March 7

12:00 I was just getting ready to write something when the guy upstairs started to yell, making almost inhuman sounds. The level is kinda low (some sort of silent yell if you can imagine that) and if i go and start a recording app he will most likely stop or lower volume to the point it can't be recording (smart AI) but the effect is frightening.

What snakes have in common with some moles and other venomous mammals? Well, the answer is caught in the rhetorical question. The venom. Both snakes venom and some small mammals saliva contain an enzyme from a class called kallikrein serine protease (which in snakes may not be the only venom). As the name suggests it is an enzyme that breaks down proteins (protease).

There must be a reason moles aren't very well documented altogether. It is not even "known" for sure if all of them are venomous. One thing is sure. They store their pray for later consumption. That must be done with the kallikrein, the only active known component or venom in their saliva and the only way for keeping the pray alive is by lowering their metabolism. Some say they bite the worms (their almost exclusively food are earthworms) but not all are found bitten.

First hypothesis. Mole galleries are filled with an aerosol (more frightening yells upstairs) derived from drying mole saliva. There could be even a way for spreading the saliva into an aerosol, maybe spitting, maybe spreading it on the galleries with their paws.

Worms in their underground travels may reach a mole gallery and fall under the influence of that aerosol, become lethargic and instinctively start to move within the gallery and end up in the larder, a pouch the size of a fist built by moles for the purpose of keeping them. So there is absolutely no mole activity or chasing, the worms simply come to the larder and wait there to be eaten.

But here's your contradiction. Moles have to eat their weight in worms every day. There cannot be more than a day's worth of food in one of those pouches. So why store them? Maybe because they will die of starvation in a few hours if they can't find food.

From here it's very simple. Moles need to open the galleries at some point for fresh air and for some reason they do this near buildings (where there is less rain due to sides of the roofs). Fresh air in, mole aerosol out. From there, it goes under siding and builds inside a concentration probably lower than in galleries.

Today i noticed for the 100th time that i was very lethargic and sleepy as in the last days i neglected to plug the galleries and if i did they were reopening right away (like they are really furious these days). There is no doubt to me that this always happens, statistically. Open mole holes -> sleepiness. But not only that. For the first time i tried to check my blood sugar in a state like this to see if there'a link (i usually go very lazy and careless on mole aerosol and don't do it) and my blood sugar also went to the roof.

"Breath me in, breath me out, i don't know if i can go without, water melon sugar high", playing right now on the radio, whatever station. Whatever station i tune in they play only songs related to my activity, a method of cuantically destroying information. And the lyrics are poisoned anyways.

I tried tonight a new method of temporarily chasing the moles away, but my system broke down before i finished them all. Cigarette smoke butts is to mask the unpleasant smell of mole gallery gas (unfresh, unclean). Must be another "new and dumb neighbor" that comes to smoke at my door and then throw away the butt.

So i started to look if they found a link between human (unevolved into venom) kallikreins and blood sugar and this is what i found, among other things.

Those muted yells upstairs got me so mad my stomach acid went to the roof and now i got upper back pain (pancreatic insufficiency, pancreas cannot produce enough baking soda to neutralize it). One more reason to go to the fridge and overeat.

12:45 Zuckerberg is not necessarily Guttenberg.

9:00 If i can't see what the man is doing upstairs when he's making those terrible sounds it means i'm an ignorant, right? Today is Tuesday, he still went to work, though one hour later and left me with my brain scrambled.

9:01 Got two Rely On Classic devices from Walmart. One is showing 10% more than the other. Also two little jars with sticks, both not expired. One is showing 10% more than the other. Question. Which reading is good? At the worst case scenario i got 320, best 260.

9:30 My yogurt just go cheaper. I mixed yogurt from a jar of Yoplait with plain yogurt, about half and half, and it still was too sweet.

6:40 Mda dar pun pariu că nu aveți din astea.

Monday, March 6, 2023

March 6

12:48 I think it's a subliminal semantic campain against Trump and Fox and everything but in the end it's against republicans. It's use of profoundly unfair media techniques that bypass normal perception of reality and that is the reason i made the effort. Also take a good look at all the guys and gals behind him in that courthouse and be afraid. It's all actors.

1:52 Din-escu

8:26 Low explosives like gunpowder need a shell to create pressure for explosion (deflagration). High explosives were burning occur at several times the speed of sound (detonation), like TNT, do not. I was wondering in a barely over critical device where critical density is achieved through implosion by conventional charges all around it, increasing the density (are solids compressible?), what speed of reaction will you have and will detonation occur or will you have a fizz (like a meltdown) or need a shell of a size according to the yield to allow more time for the reaction to occur.

Maybe Spruce Goose was not useless after all.

10:15 Inside the Sun hydrogen at a certain pressure due to mass (gravity) starts to spontaneously fuse into helium. There is no extra pressure caused by energy of fusion because pressure is maintained only by gravity. There is no chain reaction in fusion.

I'm wondering how they do it in 3 stage Tsar type devices. How they create such a pressure around the heavy water or liquid deuterium tank at the core, as the necessary pressure would be much higher than at the core of the Sun or like inside a supernova ... and needs to stay at that value long enough for all the material to explode. Nevermind, in their design the core is 3/4 open (no, the flimsy outer case does not count as a shell for conventional not even talking about the fission or fusion "stages").

Wouldn't the deuterium "core" blow before exploding when the conventional shape charges around the fission stage core explode? In a supernova the pressure is created by inertia of the enormous mass (10 times the mass of the sun) of the material of the outer shell when the core collapses or explodes in a fusion reaction) and gravity. That happens only in the lower areas of the outer core, near the inner core. Not all hydrogen turns into helium, only about 25% near the inner core. Rest is blown away.

I apologize for editing live this entry for so many times but as i was searching i kept discovering new amazing things as my head was filled with BS (both from college and media). Much of it is a surprise to me though i had my doubts it's all fake, because i already saw how they fake everything.

10:47 After the smoke at the casino Saturday night, i found a bunch of cigarette filters at the door, so it smells like cigarette smoke inside, wondering what type of coincidence is that. Picked those, went for a walk, perceived smoke index in park was 70 so i turned around. Smoke index at the nearest station is 0 right now. In the parking lot there was a single car, a Subaru, next to the place i usually park. Neighborhood is full of banners that are a smaller version of this.

4:10 After i wrote the above i fell asleep and slept 4 more hours, mainly due to presence of open mole holes in the yard that made me lethargic. It smells like smoke but not the one coming from the ground. It's cigarette filters. There is a team of yelling kids outside and they are yelling so i can't concentrate while i'm still editing the above.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

March 5

2:30 For a long time i kept telling Angela i wanted to go back to Lucky Eagle Casino, some 88+ miles north of Portland. Greatest disappointment tonight, never seen maya in action so strongly. One scene wasn't ending yet and another one was starting right from it. I figured all actors and extras are promised Nirvana if they participate cause no one in the world would do what they do for other reason. However they don't know there are many definitions of nirvana, from extinguishment (the original sanskrit meaning) to enlightenment and unification with god or godhood.

I am wondering how they do it, i think they rent the whole casino for the night.

I will never go there again. I can get the same treatment much closer here in Oregon.

The gas level was very low for the miles. At one moment i went to buy some brandy from IGA 5 miles away, the brandy at the bar is about 5-10 times more expensive and bartenders also can make all kinda jokes. When i got in the car i saw the gas gauge was where it should have been for the miles or 3 gallons up then when i got there. Did anybody stole gas from the car and they added back up there? The point?

At Chevron station at Ilani they got at least one pump that says it has alcohol free gas. The blue lines. Looking very similar with the pumps with an extra diesel line (green and nozzle is bigger, won't fit in gas cars). I tried last night, selected the category but it didn't work. No error message no nothing. It could be that state forces the retailers to give a choice. I guess they were out of it.

At IGA i didn't know where the brandy was and asked a red headed woman at Deli department and she told me she can't sell me liquor because she's 16. She didn't need to, the brandy was on a shelf in the store, all i asked her was to let me know where it was. Taylor Swift is an ice skater (swift) in Hungary and in reality she is 33 years old. And let me tell you a secret. That is not music what she's doing with all the gear and Watson and stuff, that is just a cat meowing trying desperately to get attention.

I spent some time in the smoking area. Put all my clothes in a garbage sack, will wash them tomorrow. My hair smells like smoke so bad, it still stinks after i took a shower and washed it twice with shampoo, don't know if i can sleep because of the smell. Probably the reason i like to go in there, i'm missing it already. Not exactly cigarette smoke.

10:38 Is this for real? 20000 a ticket or is just my perception of reality? Metlife, why not TryMeth?

How many times the guy upstairs interrupted me while doing last two matches? About 100 times. This is his job, the reason why he's here always.

11:13 So they pulled the regular driver off. Too many coincidences. I start to believe more and more that nobody was on that train, the event was designed to cover something else much more important.

5:33 It started a couple of hours ago. There has never been so much smoke in here period.

6:31 I think he was the guy who dropped a casino card right in front of me. For those who don't know let me tell you what you can do with it. You accumulate points. For every dollar you cycle through the machine, and some have high returns, bigger than 90%, like poker (if you make no mistakes) so you cycle 1 dollar about 7 to 10 times before you actually lose it, you get a point. If you are lucky you can get between 50 and 100 points at a machine loosing between 7 and 14 dollars maybe. In other words you get back on the card about 1% of the real money you play.

It's not much but if you play with the card you can get all kinda perks. Free play on the card. Some casinos go as far as giving you 50 dollars or more per night, but usually is 10 to 20 per week. Free lodging (sometimes). Free meals (sometimes). Object prizes you won't need, up to 20 dollars twice a year. Free entry in drawings i don't believe in, etc.. You can't transfer money on a card and especially can't cash money from a card, you have to play it. I can recover 90% or more (depending on luck) from a card by playing poker. 

However can't cash winnings of more than @1200 dollars, which happens usually when you hit a jackpot. If you win more the guys will come to pay you and they will also retain the taxes and your name of course.

In other words, can't use one of those or a cash ticket the machine gives you when you stop playing to transfer serious money to another person period.