Tuesday, May 2, 2023

May 2nd

12:06 Man... Aduceți cât mai mulți în București...

12:09 Zgomot alb, negru, maro...

12:30 Nu contează. În zece ani vor avea cu toții aplicații de citit creierul sau de citit cu voce tare pe telefon. Nașpa nu știu dacă vor mai avea creiere, de la microunde. Al meu s-a dus pe jumate și oricum nu mai rămăsese prea mult de la monitoare CRT. Nici americanii nu sunt prea departe că și ei au celulare de ținut lângă creier...

1:05 Wondering what proof they have. Yelling's honest face?





Titi Quatro.

Queen, ultimul video. Nu era așa de slab în video. Freddie, Arpad. Părul tuns scurt și fălcile mari îi scoteau în evidență fruntea îngustă. (Cântăreții cu gură și cavitate bucală mare au voce puternică). Machiajul mai ales buzele îl făceau însă să pară slab. Tonul e slăbit și miorlăit dar gesturile sunt energice. Vestă? Însă Brian May cu chitara lui Red Special construită de el e fabulos, domnule.

Apropo. Nu înțeleg de ce Prințul Philip nu putea să fie rege, dar Camilla, o comună, poate. Pentru mai multă dramă și exotism?

9:10 Royal Philharmonic. Când rock-ul și marea muzică se întâlnesc chiar pe scenă. Ce chestie să ieși cu un intro de chitară rock, fillings și solo în fața atâtor muzicieni și public cunoscător. Ce cântăreață, ce melodie, ce calitate video. Alte vremuri. Mi se face pielea găină de fiecare dată. Ann Wilson și sora ei Nancy, celebra formație Heart care nu lipsește în nici o zi de vară pe posturile de radio americane.

1:46 I think it's intentionally not done very well, think of what the pros can do, to me for the most part Weeknd's music sounds unreal (humanly impossible vibrato, creepy vocal backgrounds) and Post Malone's as well. Other than that it seems an allusion to what i was experiencing with my hands as i have been very worried about an infection that was due to very tight sleeves of my new jacket.

Also many of the new girls are just models and probably don't have any voice at all. It started a long time ago, with programmable synthesizers. In this video Alan is just moving his fingers on the keyboard, the precision in execution of the notes of song's obsessive motif intro is inhuman.

4:15 How to cook frozen ckicken breasts in no time.

Buy cheap 6 pack fresh breasts from supremarket. Unpack and wrap them with plastic foil and freeze indiviudally.

Take one or two out of the freezer when needed and let them thaw half hour (incomplete thawing). Those with lots of muscle can try do them unthwawed. Cut them in pieces like in the image. Spice and oil and mix bottom up with a spoon or use a lid and shake. Spread a thin layer of coconut oil on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven 15 minutes at 375 degree, then flip and let them until the grease they let in the pan starts burning.

Amazingly today i had two breasts that were frozen to each other, i cut them together and they stayed together and kinda glued together in the pan, resulting in bigger steaks.

9:07 I didn't know! (Good morning Romania!). (10 years ago when i first wrote about on fb or g+ i thought Roșia Poieni was actually Roșia Montana).

10:15 When i realized it was too late. Wanted to go to Walmart mainly for Pharmacy to pick a prescription (more ointment for my arm cause i used it like crazy).

Not satisfied with the way my fries are done in the oven. Soon it's gonna be too hot to do it anyways. So i bought a 2 liter deep fryer. And oil to change at the car. Angela wanted to buy jeans but next to her came... Bebe Rexha. Didn't know she's going to these kinda stores. 95.5 (actually AI) is playing her now at the radio, but after i typed her name. Other crazy things inside the store i won't write about cause i'm wasting my time and everybody's.

Monday, May 1, 2023

May 1st

10:35 School of the Hidden Door. Minutes after i woke up a vibration started, consistent with a carpet cleaner. But when i opened the door, half hour later, the vibration stopped and i heard a vehicle leaving. The vibration brought in the smell of a fresh one which i breath in and after i ate it changed the microbial make up of my gut to protozoa.

They don't have to get in or near you to accomplish something. I said since yesterday i had to go to buy some grocery items we were completely out of.

There is a woman who probably occupies all apartments upstairs, that are not heated in winter or cooledd in summer. There are several advantages. When you look for one, you will never find it because it does not exist, she just slips into another ID. Upstairs she acts as a man. Very convincing. In Japan she used to be officially an olympic athlete, hence the energy, she can walk for hours when needed. Speaking Spanish and English she can also talk for hours on the phone, with no one at the other end. That is she speaks continuously for an hour or more. Very loud, occupying the yard. Can't go to search for poops when she is doing it, i'm simply afraid she's gonna start yelling at me instead of in the phone.

Which means apartments are officially unoccupied (no one can see other people coming or leaving) which means they can pretend they are at my disposal.

Talking about schools, do you know when the credit system in universities first started in Europe?

Here is a book that teaches a different science that uses credit points since 1600s and the book was only written then, the system is hundreds of years older (Volume 5 on this page).

But it's not only that. They used credit points when they act in public. They don't have to accomplish an immediate purpose, just to achieve points.

It is much worse than in casinos, for me to go buying groceries. They know exactly to which isle and bay i'm going to and how long i'm going to be there. So the AI can prepare scenarios and the actors can execute them in real time, with last seconds corrections from AI in their tiny earpromters. Everywhere i go to a bay someone is already there. When i get closer, someone else is getting in between or real close, pretending to defend the first person. With variations, it happens 100 times during one session.

Nothing happens otherwise, but they gain points. Points in the subconscious of those who "accidentally" watch the feed from the security cameras which might be leaking on a dark web site. I guess, cause i will never know for sure. All i know is to me their acting is more than obvious, is annoying and that works to their advantage as well, cause i get annoyed mostly when someone virtually defends someone else.

Today's variation was short people. Most of my collaborators on scene where way shorter then me and moving fast of course. A correction to match my post about Dacia and its tall people. To annoy me.

But for all these to happen they of course have to have control of the whole area. And it can't be explained by partisan control. No matter how mischievous and racist democrats might be nowadays, i don't believe any American would do this to themselves. The conclusion can be only one, Democrats, Republicans, as well as my adventures in stores are all simulated by AI which operates from a different country, in real time, through fiber optics, for decades now. All aspects of American public life are controlled by them at least in this area.

I urge you all to think very seriously about all these cause it's your country, your future.

The reason why. I can't think of any reason but i know their main themes. One is Dracula which is now 92 years old in American mythology. The other, more elitist one is Xenu (also spelled Xemu) the galactic dictator.

Talking about Dacians. Their main god was Zamolxis, who gave people zymase, the enzyme that turns sugar into alcohol.

Yeah at some point Scientology could be a good cover for all these. But it's a bit monumental don't you think. BTW Tom Cruise was present at Indian Head Saturday using at least two different disguises.

Steven Hayes was there wearing a shirt or something that said CRUIZ-IN on his back. However, i saw him after i recognized the first.

1:10 In my way back from my walk i saw a girl with a shirt saying UNWELL. Am i supposed to be responsible for her too just because i saw her in a video? Is this blackmail?

Forgot to look or can't remember the position of the sign at the door.

1:46 Subject i'm thinking to write about is very vast and i will probably would never finish it. Here some things about. I once wrote in a post about Earth's formation. A collection of known theories never put together like this (for the public). But the main idea is early during Earth's formation, there was a liquid phase, where the whole planet was hot liquid, except for maybe the core that was solid due to pressure. That means complete separation of heavy elements at the core and light ones at the surface. Surface of the Earth itself is made mostly of silica while the core mainly of iron.

So where are coming from all the other elements we still find and mine? After Earth cooled and formed a crust hundreds of km thick, all the heavy elements we find now at or under the surface are from later (after crust formation) asteroids. Their composition is probably the same of all the others from the beginning (not entirely made of metal), but the heavier elements could not fall anymore through the now solid crust to the bottom (of the Earth) but only get buried at different depths.

Volcanoes of course helped bringing those closer to the surface or exposing them.

I'm gonna draw a huge shortcut here and go all the way to the geological map or Romania as a screenshot from a very well done site. The orange areas are called Intermediate Pyroclastic (rivers of very hot lava) on a cenozoic substrate. Cenozoic is 66 million years old. The cursor is at Roșia Montana.

The Romans exploited hundreds of tons of gold a year at Roșia Montana. Today there is a functioning open pit quarry of a 1 km diameter a few km south of it, at Roșia Poieni. Copper officially, but i know, in those mountains where there's copper there's also gold and a number of many other rare elements like iridium and stuff.
But that type of geology ("cenozoic volcanism") exists in other much larger areas of the Carpathian Mountains, notably near the Szekler community (secui in Romanian, szekely in Hungarian) lives, an enclave of so called Magyar (-like people) in the middle of Romania. I have identified the Szecklers as Shakya, or the clan of Buddha from Nepal, who came to this area attracted by the gold of Romans on the silk road, probably before 1000 AD.
But maybe the best proof is the tower from a refinery in Baia Mare located at the northernmost side of the map marked with yellow.
The (numerous) places of which names start with Baia in Romania are associated with mining. Even my father was born in a place called Baia.

And the saying in Romania:

Munții noștri aur poartă, noi cerșim din poartă-n poartă.

Our mountains are wearing gold, but we are beginning in the streets.

8:16 Amazing how the Scientology myth overlaps with one of the theories about the extinction of dinosaurs.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

April 30

1:25 They say Sahara was green when they introduced cows in Egypt, about 8000 years before Christ. Looking at the temperature chart predicted by Milankovitch cycles, temperatures measured at 66 N show a peak at about -13000 and another one at about -7000. Other authors say Sahara was green until about -5000 or  3000 BC which corresponds roughly with the time of building of Great Pyramid and the War of Kurukshetra (by some authors).

By the language spoken, traits on numerous statues in Rome, not only on the column, tall stature and rich beards, and their name which means dextrous in Sanskrit (language closest to hypothetical PIE, Proto Indo European), Dacians didn't have anything to do with Ancient Egyptians. Dacians are not only those from today's Romania but they may be related to Germans (Deutsch) and Dutch and most likely early descendants of the original Indo-European people.

2:56 DEX o făcu iar de oaie cu această definiție. Sensul 2 arată un tip de căciulă, etimologia e de la comații daci (commoners). Cel mai probabil comații au preluat pileusul în timpul ocupației romane, când ordinea socială a fost bulversată. Mărturie personală. În Suceava le spuneam comănac numai celor cu moț... Și căciulile de miel depliate mai arată ca un pileus...

Mai este posibil că în Dacia ca și în India, clasa conducătoare (elitele) să fi fost de altă origine etnică și altă culoare a pielii, posibil celtică. Eu rămân la vechea idee că tot ce a fost arhivă despre Dacia, limba dacă în Roma a fost distrus de dominicani. Însă columna, statuile nu le-au putut distruge.

Columna, unul din cele mai importante monumente din Roma și din antichitate, a fost ridicată de Traian pentru a glorifica războaiele cu dacii, al căror aur a adus prosperitate imperiului pentru următoarele două sute de ani dar și decăderea, prin atragerea "barbarilor" (asiaticilor) de la care cumpăraru bunuri de lux, în special mătase, cheltuind astfel tot acel aur, care a fost după calculele mele în jur de 224 de tone pe an, timp de 170 de ani, un echivalent de aproximativ 14 miliarde de euro pe an în banii de azi.

Un aureus de 8 grame era echivalent cu 25 de dinari.

Pentru comparație, rezerva de aur a României în acest moment este puțin peste 100 de tone sau aproximativ 6 miliarde euro.

În România se află unele din cele mai mari rezerve de aur din lume, probabil munții Apuseni și Carpații în general au fost formați în urma căderii unui asteroid din metale, acum aproximativ 70 de milioane de ani care a intrat mai adânc în pământ, munții rezultați sunt formați în principal din materialele existente.

Nu m-aș mira dacă în acest moment aurul ar fi exploatat în secret cu mașini autonome (cârtițe) care sapă pe sub munți.

1:20 I'm doing laundry. He/she/it is doing laundry. Last night i heard again the exhaust leak at the car, especially during the acceleration.

1:47 Found loose and torqued the only accessible (with the right tool) exhaust nut under the heat shield of the manifold (i had to take the shield off, did not have such a tool). Right when i was done, anticipating i had to leave, a small plane making a big noise flew by (to pretend i'm leaving because of them alerting the people). BTW no people were present during the 20 minutes operation except for a big delivery guy next door.

1:52 Asta intră în contradicție cu ce spunea Gerhard Gerhard Karner la București. Dacă ungurii nu permit imigranți, de unde ajung ei în Austria? A, din Croația.

Apropo Austria cere ajutorul Comisiei Europene pentru a-și proteja frontierele. De ce nu o fac singuri ca nemții? Pot face asta în România dar nu la ei acasă?

Saturday, April 29, 2023

April 29

 12:46 Newest trend (last night, right now). They are coming with dogs right before our meals.

Friday, April 28, 2023

April 28

7:35 I read the news, oh boy! Is getting more and more complicated or Shogun (book) like.

Following my post, Moldova (Maia Sandu, Recean, whatever) created a semantic diversion, by banning Putin in Moldova.

Moldova is a small country east of Romania that have been at times part of Romania and at times part of Russian empire and Soviet Union. Official language is Romanian but there is a strong Russian minority, of which many of them came during Soviet Union. But there's more, like inside Matryoshka dolls. There's a country smaller than Moldova (unrecognized internationally except by Russia) east of Moldova where there are stationed Russian troops and a huge Soviet era decaying ammo depot.

Putin through Medvedev is now threatening (again) Moldova as response to Maia's unnecessary provocation. Medvedev doesn't have right now any official position within Russian Government or whatever that is.

I really hope the Russian people are going to get tired of the madmen real soon. But i doubt they really got any word to say in governing of their country.

9:38 Unannounced work at the building. Pressure washing with big noise. Retaliation for yesterday? That vacuum pump barely makes any noise.

10:55 Went to Walmart to buy pads and vaseline for my wounds. I did not realize how nauseated i was until i got in the car. While i was trying to park, a car with WA LPN came from behind and cut in front of me and parked in the spot in front of where i was aiming. The driver looked Asian, the passenger white, curly and muscular. I didn't say nothing.

Inside the store. An 80 years old woman was arranging stuff on the shelves. I could not find the Vaseline and she was kinda blocking my way and i asked. Though dressed in Walmart uniform, she said she's not working for Walmart however she pulled the phone and asked the pharmacist who was within reach at the counter. Found it about in the same time she showed me.

But at the exit. A 90 years old man was extending his hand like asking for my receipt, but when i tried to hand it he said you're ok you're ok while the hand was forgotten extended...

Here. Though it says on the noisy van, i don't think he's washing the buildings. All i could see so far is he's moving from one building to another with a long red hose and a tall ladder.

Because of all the distractions in the store i didn't get the right pads... The absorbent ones jus... absorbs the ointments i put on... Ordered some on Amazon, delivery today.

11:17 After absorbing, now reverse psychology (anybody knows since?, maybe after i started with my matches, in 2014 and the blog in 2018)... Hungary controls the EU and together with Japan the whole world...

11:54 I actually went and looked what he was doing... He used a power tool  to clean the dryer's vents. Numerous semantic coincidences with what i just wrote yesterday. Compressor, vent.

Then i went in the park by the time he left. On my way there i figured. My end of the drying vent is plugged inside so cold air won't get in in the winter, because i dry on closed circuit, as i wrote in numerous occasions, probably starting with this... It's got several advantages, one of them is it uses recirculated dried very clean air. The dog or cat smell from the previous owner that used the water heater pan as litter box at least doesn't get as much in the laundry... Less energy.

In fact they do sell now closed circuit ventless heat pump dryers. But they are very expensive. Mine cost 100 dollars the window AC at the core of it and 25 dollars pipes and plastic boxes i used for adapters.

No. First version was this.

12:17 Some of the pipes are leaking in the basement and i really hope he did not create more leaks. Vapors from the unusual design are wetting the floor under and the upper fiberboard part of the floor is always bulged in places, especially under the couch. But i remember last time they did it themselves, the team at the apartment, using power drills and rotating brushes. Two weeks after i fixed the pipes myself.

1:53 I composed this during my walk. As a conclusion to all i wrote before and a point of start for a new point of view.

I know what happened. God got angry with them. The place was heating up. The monkeys were trying to move North but they could not cross the Mediterranean.

So they gathered an army and went up North to conquer some vital space. There they opposed massive resistance from the part of locals. Kurukshetra war. They were defeated and moved to uninhabited places or with less resistance like Nepal and Nippon.

Some remained and were fascinated with another idea. God gave them a sign, a white blond blue eyed person was born. So they remained, trying to better high bread themselves into a better race. More honest, hard working, athletic, white blue eyed blond people thinking they will please god.

But we all know what the problems of inbreeding are. So god did not get pleased and they had to move together with their myths and lesser gods way up North, in Scandinavia (Svarga loca). They miscalculated though and moved too far north anticipating more heating up but the Milankovitch cycle peaked up.

One late branch arrived from Australia, were the Egyptians were originally from. After generations of roaming in Asia the descendants of Attila and his horde established in Panonia which name somehow bears resemblance to their language, Pama Nyungan and the word for Penguin. The penguin on Attila's shield. After that, Buddha's bettered people came from Nepal and together they gave birth to the Hungarian people as we know it. Maybe not so well cause the list of Hungarian actors include lots of genetic material from Europe, stolen or invited in Hungary.

All the three branches somehow sniffed each other and realized they are the same. Rest is recent history. America was still unoccupied. Back to their own style, slavery to create huge fortunes to beat Europe. WWI, II, Asian wars and now Ukrainian war to bring the inferior race to obedience.

5:12 Method for checking AC system valves for leaks, other tips.

It's about that time of the year. I remember the trouble i've been through last year when i decided to do it myself, because of not having much experience with ACs. Here is all i know now about it.

Buy new caps (from Amazon) that have rubber o-rings inside. Those hold a bit of pressure as well. Run the AC for about 5 minutes. Slowly untighten the caps and listen. If you hear a tiny hiss at one of them voila. You found your leak.

But wait there's more. You can replace a valve while keeping the freon inside the system. In fact, it's best to do it like that. You can check the new valve right away. There is a tool for that. Just make sure you have to right tip for the valves you're using.

When you add freon R134a you have to add PAG46 oil. There are various methods but some brands come in pressurized cans and you do it as you would with freon, no extra tools needed. Question is how much.

There are rudimentary tools to check for oil presence in the system but you can only check if you have and not how much you have (test results depends on how long you press the plastic tube against the valve and experience of the DIY-er). In the video above the color of the oil is abnormal or maybe there is a UV die in the system and it fluoresces a bit in normal light. Oil should be clear.

BTW you should not use refrigerant (freon) that is advertised as sealing leaks. Those are additives that swell your rubber parts. Trouble is the small cans like in the video above with "straight" freon come in 320 ml cans and most cars use 500 ml (check the manual or label under hood). But you can go by pressure. Charge a little, stop the engine and look at the gauge for the combined pressure (average between low and high). Should be in the yellow area of the gauge or around 70. Ten degrees more temperature outside mean almost 20 psi more. Or weigh the second can on a digital scale like i did.

The system has a pressure switch and the compressor would not start under a certain pressure, for protection of the compressor. But if the pressure was zero for some time and one of the valve was loose, moisture gets in it and saturates the silica beads that are hold in a sac and in a tube on the circuit. Mold would start growing inside that would survive the hell of freon under pressure and at high and low temperatures and then with tiny leaks contaminate all car. At this point you have to use a vacuum pump to boil and remove the moisture and make sure you do not add freon with air in the  system which will lower efficiency.