Saturday, May 6, 2023

May 6

11:45 Want to get rid of nastiest itching skin infection with brown and red discoloration of the skin including an open wound with missing derma in a couple of days? (instead of 6 weeks in my case).

Gently wash with mild rose soap bar (Dove) to relieve the itching. Dry with a new untouched paper towel. Spread a very thin layer of vaseline over the whole red itching area and wound (sterile, 100% white petrolatum, unscented etc. coming from a tube, in jars it can become contaminated).

Cut open an Amoxicilin or Cephalexin capsule. Spread less than one half of it on the vaseline and gently rub until the white dust gets embeded in vaseline. Put a sterile pad on top and wrap in bandage like with any wound. I put on top a piece of women stockings to gently hold it together (no pressure added). Repeat two times a day or every time it's itching. Keep warm (do not expose to cold).

But it's best if you just let the skin wet after washing and sprinkle the antibiotic and rub a little to get wet and turn into a paste without vaseline though some will fall on the floor whatever.

Take some vitamins including vitamin D. Eat a bone broth soup (for collagen). Probiotics whatever.

Don't do as i did, use Neosporin. Two of the three antibiotics in Neosporin are the most comon cause of allergies that in my case were the only reason of spreading the infection from one point to ten centimeters diameter in a few days and inside the skin and arm that in the end led to me paniking and going to the ER.

Warning. The antibiotic you use will go through your skin and build in your system as administering orally though about twice as efficient because of bypassing the liver, should not exceed maximum daily dosage (could be an alternative method of administering on a healthy piece of skin similarly with patches in case of severe stomach problems).

2:41 The dreaded oil change. To most people it's just one hour wasted time at dealer or Jiffy Lube. To me is 10 or 100 times more complicated than to normal people. Like everything else.

Two days ago i bought oil from Walmart (Mobile 1, synthetic, 20000 miles guaranteed, 27 bucks). I had a filter i bought earlier on Amazon. I also went under car and checked the filter to see if it's not over tightened (i got in trouble once, had to put the oil with the old filter and had to go to Jiffy Lube to remove the filter with a special tool, i could not with the same tool i put it on. But this time it was loose. Like coming from Jiffy Lube and dripping loose. Yesterday when i checked oil level i saw there was some missing but it's hard to say cause the place is not level.

Why i don't go to Jiffy Lube anymore. They always mess it up. From cheap oil to not tightening the filter and leaving oil everywhere and of course the big show, with special guest stars as other customers and employees, though believe me i would because of what i'm experiencing here in the parking lot. Again with the money i pay for a 3000 miles conventional oil i can buy the 20000 miles synthetic with lesser need to change it soon.

Easiest job for a mechanic, especially when removing the oil with a pump through the gauge hole. A small electric pump hooked to the battery will remove the oil in about 15 minutes if everything goes well without the mess (oil goes directly in a bottle) and the need of removing the oil pan plug that needs new washer and torquing.

But i need Angela to be here to watch around cause i'm getting too nervous about people parading or almost walking over my tools. So when she came i wanted to go change oil but i realized i didn't eat anything all day (as i can remember) and was getting dizzy and i started to eat. As for Angela, never seen a more tired human being. She could barely speak, not capable of any attention or judgement (after a week of forced useless overtime (she says they do the same in ten hours was they would in 8) and Saturday starting at 4 AM, 58 hours in total).

So i grabbed something while she was getting more and more tired and sleepy. But when i opened the door i saw "the veteran" and his wife (a red headed writer from Hungary) walking to the mailboxes. Many times in the past she acted like she was scared of me and need her husband to escort her. In the past, i had an episode when he yelled at me "quit following my daughter" which again was passing dressed in night clothes (gown, pajamas) to the mail boxes. I believe they were on a justifying schedule and could not wait any more and had to come out. If i didn't eat, "they would have caught me again" in the act.

Every time i change oil he comes out looking for trouble. Passing by, yelling, etc.. Thing is. It's not the same person. Her she is. But the guy were three or four different short bald guys until now.

But then i realized the oil might have cooled (it's hard to remove when cold with the thin hose) and drove around the block one time to get it back to temperature and saw they were in a van at the end of the alley, like waiting for me to start changing oil? Then i saw they turned the van 180, and Angela wanted to get over it (keep nagging her for about a month about needing to change oil) and i started to change it. Other things happened, the pump makes a bit of noise that is audible in the alley but not inside an apartment other than mine. It was half hour of pure terror. Because i was so nervous, i made some little mistakes that delayed me.

Needless to say. I poured in almost one quart of oil more than i took out. I would assume the missing oil was dripping from the loose filter and spraying on the exhaust, explaining why so many people driving in front of me with stinking cars in the last months, waiting at intersections or seeking to pass and smoke me.

As Angela fell asleep, 4 (four) kids came in the yard and started to play and yell.

One more thing. The new Mobile 1 20000 miles looks already colored, like the used one after a couple of thousand miles.

Will i ever have the chance to buy an electric car and not having to change oil?

3:56 COVID (Corona Virus Disease, remember) is over. Long live the King!

It was called corona because of its round shape with spikes. To me it will always be a mystery how you can cut a 100 nanometer "virus" in two so you can see the cross section at the electron microscope. How about four of them.

Friday, May 5, 2023

May 5

12:37 Yesterday i fell asleep late morning and when i woke up (10:35) i saw a news about a 15 years old girl in Serbia who killed her teacher and wrote a short comment and fell back asleep. But later when i checked i saw there was no such news and forgot to delete the comment.

12:48 Da s-a mai discutat, pentru luarea acestei decizii e nevoie însă de... unanimitate (unanimitate pentru a scăpa de unanimitate). Prin acest drept de veto Ungaria (prin proxy, ca Austria, alții) controlează UE, ca ultim resort, căci mai are și alte mecanisme, unul fiind toți liderii din toate țările sunt actorii lor. Totuși acești actori trebuie să acționeze între anumite limite și în general trebuie să fie în fruntea unor tendințe, curente, pentru a nu declanșa suspiciunea țărilor pe care le controlează.

2:48 Is that Robin Hood type of jester trying to figure the great artist John Lennon?

8:28 It's just an old picture of him...

10:36 I kinda like the Wings album i put it to play while i was out of sight doing dishes and breakfast and the market was going up (Friday oil flat pumped a little) and i have to go back in the kitchen (area) to cook something cause those vegies in the fridge i bought a couple of days ago are going to spoil if i don't.

3:37 Eva Six's secret

5:10 BTW. They are bringing more girls from videos in the park. From their faces i see they are being coerced (by criminals). No human being, especially American citizens should be treated like this.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

May 4

2:25 Bella grade with no 4 cocktails. Kill Bill.

Doja Cat, Alicia Keys

4:13 Andreas Bikfalvi.

6:26 Miley Cy_rus

6:30 Dmitiry Peskov

6:34 Lionel Messi

1:53 Județul este o unitate administrativ teritorială cuprinsă în Articolul 1 din  Constituție cunoscută din istorie de cel puțin 500 de ani. Legile deci și Constituția se bazează pe definițiile cuvintelor așa cum sunt în DEX sau așa cum au fost cunoscute în istorie. Județele și regiunile au fost istoric forme diferite de diviziune a țării, uneori coexistând. Dar Constituția nu menționează cuvântul regiune.

Conform Wikipedia, amiralul Franco Sivori a fost primul care a menționat numărul județelor din Țara Românească.

Legiuitorul (poporul român prin referendum) a pus în Constituție cuvântul județ așa cum era el cunoscut la data respectivă din istorie și cred că este un mare abuz să încerci să substitui județele cu regiunile doar satisfăcând formal această definiție (să păcălești Constituția).

Această propunere legislativă care desființează județele așa cum erau ele cunoscute la data aprobării Constituției și în toată istoria României, care noi știm unde bate este un afront la adresa Constituției și a românilor, și încă o încercare a răbdării noastre a tuturor, mai ales atunci când este făcută de o mișcare așa zis naționalistă cu nume la mișto și audiență fake care crează zgomot în știri ori de câte ori scriu eu ceva despre rezervele de aur și alte metale și materiale rare din subsolul României, probabil cele mai mari din lume, exploatate în mod curent de alții, și noi știm cine.

Apropo mie site-ul Camera Deputaților nu-mi mai intră de ceva timp.

11:40 Almost didn't realize when Angela started to work again 10 hours a day. She leaves at 4:45 AM and comes back at 3:45. So she needs some afternoon sleep. Today i tried to make fried bread in my new fryer but made some mistakes and what came were some big blogs of dough  kinda hard and brown on the outside. However edible especially when still hot. So we ate those and both fell asleep. Close to 8 a big noise started outside (from a truck) and the person upstairs started to walk like crazy. So we decided to leave for the evening.

At Ilani there was some sort of drawing (they gave away thousands of dollars randomly per a few lucky machines though there are like 3000 machines in there) so we went there. A horde of unidentified drivers (i only could see one of them and he was Asian started to pass on the right and left at Terwilliger curves doing more than 70 mph, testing my driving skills. That continued until well inside WA state. I kept telling Angela, i've been driving around for 27 years but never saw drivers that crazy like in the last few years. Feels like being in Formula 1 race.

In the casino Angela gave me 5 bucks (we had 50 in total), and i went to play poker. Surprisingly, i wasn't losing (after pandemic and inflations casinos just don't let you win anymore) and i played at 25 cents a hand for about half hour until a model or singer, rather short, brown with big silicone lips and long legs started to dance around my position with a cell phone in her hand. Could just not press the buttons in time to get my ticket and out of there ASAP. The card was still in the machine and dragged me back by the elastic chord of the card that was hooked to my jacket, after i made a few steps. So i turned and snatched the card, in frustration and left without even looking back.

Then i realized i was in the middle of a light anxiety attack, probably given by the hectic 40 minutes drive there.

I started to look for Angela, with no phones, it took me about half hour and two rounds in the two football fields size gigantic casino when i remembered that i didn't take my meter because last time there were microwaves hundreds of times above background in there. 1-5 mW. That can only happen if there is tower in vicinity and i remember my meter was identifying a tower as source last time. Because we left in a hurry because of the noise hell in here, also forgot to lock the balcony door.

Finally found Angela, she was next to where i left her, had two twenties left, playing at 20 cents a hand machines, grabbed a 20 and went to the other side to play poker at other machines, but the machine i played took me ten of them in no time, nothing like the first one with the diva next to it. Then i started to feel the effects of microwaves in the sensitive areas (that were next to my phone or laptop) during the years of exposure.

I started to play next to her at a 20 cents machine when she left and looked to see in what direction and again the chord from the card touched the touch screen that is replacing buttons at newest machines and switched the bet to 2 dollars, started a hand and i won 30 dollars which i gave Angela. But she was about to give up, especially after i told her about the radiation. So we went to the food court to use the 10 dollars for food Angela had on her card (because she plays much more than me) and then we left with 15 dollars positive balance. I am excited all over my body now and Angela can still sleep some 4 hours if the excitement from radiation will eventually let her.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May 3rd

12:45 During my walk i was thinking. Maybe the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs did not come in one piece. Or maybe a smaller fragment or a blob from impact landed in Romania.

1:05 Dumnezeu preferă lemnul și bisericile scufundate în lacuri de... Copper never comes alone in deposits.

1:40 Cazzavencu goes AI. Hai, domle, spuneți, le faceți cu IA nu?

2:20 Chicago shootings.

8:50 Roșia vine de la porfir.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

May 2nd

12:06 Man... Aduceți cât mai mulți în București...

12:09 Zgomot alb, negru, maro...

12:30 Nu contează. În zece ani vor avea cu toții aplicații de citit creierul sau de citit cu voce tare pe telefon. Nașpa nu știu dacă vor mai avea creiere, de la microunde. Al meu s-a dus pe jumate și oricum nu mai rămăsese prea mult de la monitoare CRT. Nici americanii nu sunt prea departe că și ei au celulare de ținut lângă creier...

1:05 Wondering what proof they have. Yelling's honest face?





Titi Quatro.

Queen, ultimul video. Nu era așa de slab în video. Freddie, Arpad. Părul tuns scurt și fălcile mari îi scoteau în evidență fruntea îngustă. (Cântăreții cu gură și cavitate bucală mare au voce puternică). Machiajul mai ales buzele îl făceau însă să pară slab. Tonul e slăbit și miorlăit dar gesturile sunt energice. Vestă? Însă Brian May cu chitara lui Red Special construită de el e fabulos, domnule.

Apropo. Nu înțeleg de ce Prințul Philip nu putea să fie rege, dar Camilla, o comună, poate. Pentru mai multă dramă și exotism?

9:10 Royal Philharmonic. Când rock-ul și marea muzică se întâlnesc chiar pe scenă. Ce chestie să ieși cu un intro de chitară rock, fillings și solo în fața atâtor muzicieni și public cunoscător. Ce cântăreață, ce melodie, ce calitate video. Alte vremuri. Mi se face pielea găină de fiecare dată. Ann Wilson și sora ei Nancy, celebra formație Heart care nu lipsește în nici o zi de vară pe posturile de radio americane.

1:46 I think it's intentionally not done very well, think of what the pros can do, to me for the most part Weeknd's music sounds unreal (humanly impossible vibrato, creepy vocal backgrounds) and Post Malone's as well. Other than that it seems an allusion to what i was experiencing with my hands as i have been very worried about an infection that was due to very tight sleeves of my new jacket.

Also many of the new girls are just models and probably don't have any voice at all. It started a long time ago, with programmable synthesizers. In this video Alan is just moving his fingers on the keyboard, the precision in execution of the notes of song's obsessive motif intro is inhuman.

4:15 How to cook frozen ckicken breasts in no time.

Buy cheap 6 pack fresh breasts from supremarket. Unpack and wrap them with plastic foil and freeze indiviudally.

Take one or two out of the freezer when needed and let them thaw half hour (incomplete thawing). Those with lots of muscle can try do them unthwawed. Cut them in pieces like in the image. Spice and oil and mix bottom up with a spoon or use a lid and shake. Spread a thin layer of coconut oil on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven 15 minutes at 375 degree, then flip and let them until the grease they let in the pan starts burning.

Amazingly today i had two breasts that were frozen to each other, i cut them together and they stayed together and kinda glued together in the pan, resulting in bigger steaks.

9:07 I didn't know! (Good morning Romania!). (10 years ago when i first wrote about on fb or g+ i thought Roșia Poieni was actually Roșia Montana).

10:15 When i realized it was too late. Wanted to go to Walmart mainly for Pharmacy to pick a prescription (more ointment for my arm cause i used it like crazy).

Not satisfied with the way my fries are done in the oven. Soon it's gonna be too hot to do it anyways. So i bought a 2 liter deep fryer. And oil to change at the car. Angela wanted to buy jeans but next to her came... Bebe Rexha. Didn't know she's going to these kinda stores. 95.5 (actually AI) is playing her now at the radio, but after i typed her name. Other crazy things inside the store i won't write about cause i'm wasting my time and everybody's.