Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May 31

1:10 I had started in my mind a little project trying to compare the differences in military power between Celts and Dacians, starting with the Boudica revolt and ran into a page about Druids. Was getting bored and about to close that page when i saw this and then made a link with this which got me excited again.

1:38 Here it goes. The final battle of the Boudican revolt. 10 000 well equipped, trained Roman soldiers which in numbers are the equivalent of two legions, against 230 000 furious, poorly equipped and disorganized Briton civilians. Tacitus said... The battle saved the province for Romans, at a time Nero was considering retreat from Britain and Romans stayed there for aprox. 350 more years.

1:41 Now try to imagine the military power of Dacians. In the second Dacian war, Trajan built another over one km or almost a mile long stone bridge over Danube and crossed with over 150 000 soldiers or 30 legions and defeated the Dacians. It was worth it cause that brought Rome 200 tons of gold a year from Dacian mines for the next 170 years. But it wasn't only gold. 500 000 Dacians fell prisoners and were turned into slaves. Usually where there's gold there's also silver etc...

2:20 For those who still wonder about the origin of Romanian people and language...

2:28 There is little doubt that, like other times when supposedly nobody was upstairs, or in between occupancies, someone actually is, this time hidden behind those appliances. Some faint steps earlier changed my mood and a single shy squeak more recently made me accidentally delete the phrase above. Good thing i wanted to see something else and could not find the link and the phrase.

2:45 Iaziges, probably at the origin of (the name) of modern city of Iași...

3:02 Possible origin of the toponym Transylvania, different from the official theory...

3:20 First evidence of Christianity. Gothia... Gothia...

3:27 I didn't know! Dacicus Maximus, reconquest?

8:54 Ce fel de știre e asta? Un tip cu dizabilități care îndeamnă pe alții să meargă la facultate. Cuvinte cheie: Romi, inginer, medic. În fundal o stradă asemănătoare cu cea de pe coperta Beatles, cu Abbey Road (Strada Mănăstirii sau Abației). O compunere menită să vă ia și să vă macine ideile înfiripate recent de mine.

9:00 Apropo, Am avut o scădere dramatică a glicemiei după un tratament mai lung cu antibiotice administrate pe piele (tablete lipite cu plasture, bandaj peste pentru puțină presiune), pentru o infecție la un braț. Încep să cred din ce în ce mai mult că diabetul este de fapt o infecție cronică a pancreasului.

Infecția trece destul de ușor, cu antibiotice administrate intramuscular sau intravenos sau pe piele (patches), nu oral fiindcă îl irită mai tare, glicemia nu scade însă complet și imediat din cauza acumulărilor din țesuturi și micșorarea capacității pancreasului în timpul infecției (probabil cicatrizare).

Sursa infectării pancreasului este aproape întodeauna dentară, cu propagare inițială în glandele salivare și aproape întodeauna apare reinfectarea pancreasului după încetarea tratamanentului, dacă dinții nu sunt tratați.

În cazul meu reinfectarea a apărut din cauză că am mâncat într-o zi (duminică dimineața) fără proteză dentară, din lene (somn fragmentat) ceea ce a dus la iritarea gingiei, după care am mâncat (foarte puțină) ciocolată și mai târziu cartofi prăjiți dați prin ceva (pâine uscată sau făină de porumb) într-un restaurant gol, care a intrat sub proteză, urmat de dureri de cap moderate și frisoane. Infectarea pancreasului se simte ca o durere moderată de stomac, suportabilă, uneori constantă, dar mai în spate și lateral, apare creșterea numărului globulelor albe, dar în limite.

Am reluat antibioticele, după 24 de ore încă am ușoare dureri de gingie, cap, spate și frisoane.

11:25 There is little doubt (to me) that Rome was named in honor of lord Rama, the most popular deity in India, on a Rama Navami day or April 21, 753 BC. Latin language is close to Sanskrit (common ancestor of most Indian languages) and probably evolved from a language that was spoken in India at that time. Roman, Greek and Hindi pantheons are similar. Romans came from India. (Dacian language was also close to Sanskrit, but from initial Indo-European migration towards west).

11:36 Rama was born in the present day city Ayodhya, Utar Pradesh, some 400 km away from the much newer but recognizable Taj Mahal mausoleum. Did Ceaușescu try to leave us a clue by having a relaxed, happy picture taken near it (to point the location)? Is Zoia (a Greek name) featuring a simplified version of Ardha Matsyendrasana yoga pose? Elena dressed in orange could also represent a happy Buddha, etc..

Uttar Pradesh is neighboring with Nepal, where Buddha was born in @ -500. Also close to eastern border of India, where the snakes could have landed from Australia.

A small contribution to the future to help solve some of history's mysteries. Time travel.

I know Ceaușescu was not who he said or we thought he was but probably Romanian patriots at the time convinced them to go there and do this little scene.   

7:15 Pytaghora and Buddha, both founders of philosophy, lived in about the same period of time.

King Ashoka known Buddhist missionaries.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May 30

8:57 Psihologie inversă. O elită secretă din Ungaria controlată de o elită srecretă din Japonia controlează totul inclusiv UE, Parlamentul și Comisia. Și arestarea Evei Kaili este tot un exemplu de psihologie inversă.

9:18 Woke up in mold smell. Last night at 1:30 i had to go and pick items from the redwood mulch. Amazing how much mold smell can cause inisde a can of soda with some soda left in it, thrown on that. But who will throw soda and beer cans with soda and beer left in it? Besides, all the people here look civilized, i'm supposed to be the only villain.

However it takes hours until the mold smell subsides, after removing those. So i started the filters and ozone generators and the smell is so bad you can't even feel the smell of ozone.

9:35 Un canal din media oficială preia din volei această idee, bineînțeles cu o greșeală. Ca și cum nu ar fi de partea utilizatorilor, ci a fabricanților care îi sponsorizează. Puterea de emisie nu depinde de brand sau sistemul de operare (iPhone, Android) ci de distanța până la turn sau câte bare de semnal sunt la telefon.

Într-un bloc din beton armat telefonul trebuie să folosească mai multă putere, din cauza efectului de cușcă Faraday a armăturii și a betonului în general, care blochează semnalul. Telefonul are setări automate pentru putere la emisie, invizibile pentru utilizator. Când avem bare puține telefonul emite la putere maximă. Semantică, psihologie inversă.

Friars. Multă lume se gândește probabil că radiația de la un telefon celular este un efect secundar. Nu, radiația este efectul principal, este vocea dumneavoastă, digitalizată și modulată pe acest semnal. Cu alte cuvinte, este o ilustrare a proberbului românesc "Pasărea pe limba ei piere". Tot ce vorbiți (uneori cu păcate) vă trece la propriu din nou prin creier. Este foarte posibil să fie un sistem realizat deliberat tot de acești dominicani.

9:51 A van from a cabinets firm from Seattle came to do the cabinets upstairs. It will be one hellofaday. If started with most likely intentional dropping and rolling of a heavy object. Should have left earlier but i didn't have a chance to eat.

Didn't catch that. Vibration was so intense it induced a shock wave into my spine, like going to the chiropractor. Here a sample of hammering.

12:20 They blew the leaves from eastern garages (relative to this building) as they said they will. I took a picture but it did not come right. The piles of leaves blown from the roof are about twice the size of what i picked in five laundry baskets after the wind. By handling those leaves i got more hives on the left arm. I think i can feel the stink right now, as mold resembling smoke.

12:30 There is a "floating" old white van in the neighborhood with LPN JBQ i wrote about before. Right now is parked not on a spot but on the narrow space next to the garbage bin across. But before the warning tickets it was staying for weeks in the same spot behind a bush where my truck is now next to south garages. It had visibility to the apartment upstairs. I think they wrote the whole scenario of the "guy" upstairs moving around this story. Right after he left they piled appliances at the sliding doors that cut visibility. One of the guys i saw near the van was... and another one...

12:40 I feel a presence... I bet the shy skinny white guy who officially does now the cabinets upstairs can't and won't do this kinda of noises. I think it's her again and again.

1:28 I thought i was privileged to drive alongside iconic Hwy 101 on a gorgeous day sometimes among a myriad of American flags during a holiday that is sacred to most Americans. Memorial Day, commemorating the loss of so many young pure lives who knows what for and thought to myself, this must come with a price that i will pay someday. The pay time came sooner than expected, with that near accident in Florence. I am also happy that many TV encores gave up the pronunciation "mmorial" and nowadays all vowels are heard.

The empty restaurant symbolizes the missing ones.
5:50 They came. 3 kids in bathing suits that yell almost continously, for hours. The same way they made noise at the hotel or this morning upstairs, with almost no pause bertween knocks. Where from do they have that kinda energy?

8:28 There was a 50 dollars difference for the brake pads if i ordered them with normal or expedite shipping. With normal shipping they would not come here before our vacation. So i went outside to check the right wheel as well. As for the left, here is at least 10k till the indicator would start to squeak. So i ordered the parts, which i found at an online dealer for half the price on ebay and less than on Amazon and they will arrive while i won't be here. Oops, i think they will let them at the door. Need to go back and cancel the order.

8:32 Could not cancel the order, i just sent them an email.

What i wanted to say. While i was outside. First 5 minutes was ok except for the air horns on the freeway, which sounded for 30 seconds at the time. Soon after, they started to pour in. Finally when i was done and torquing the nuts (BTW they were all loose, at all wheels, which explains some sounds i was hearing when turning in the parking lot and some driveability issues) obviously with my butt in the air, a thin read headed guy whit a LPN HET (No in Russian) came, parked rear first and handed ceremoniously a small package, most likely food, to a little girl that came outside.

Yesterday i remembered i had a jump starter which i bought for the other Elantra before i replaced the battery. 40 bucks on Amazon. I only used it a few times. I was sure it was in the car in a pouch that belonged to my old truck but cannot find it anywhere. Could it have remained in the car when i took it to the shop for damage estimation? No cause i remember i put it in that pouch together with a small compressor that broke after.

I went to search for it in the truck, and uphill, next to the one level house, where lives this bearded guy who looks like a bishop from Romania, talking to, possibly trying to convert?... a biker on a Harley.

9:20 Just saw a Progressive commercial on TV. I think the read headed guy earlier in the parking lot was him.

Nu e asta. M-am uitat la televizor în seara asta, ceea ce nu fac de mult timp. Am văzut pe mai multe canale de știri și chiar în show-uri elemente de combatere pe cuvinte cheie, răspunsuri subtile la postările mele recente, știri și evenimente întregi generate pe computer, bineînțeles inexistente în realitate. O știam de mult, am uitat, pentru că procesul de îmbătrânire a creierului meu a avansat. A fost o perioadă când mă simțeam sufocat de aceste practici dar acum le ignor.

Inteligența artificială este la lucru de mult, de decenii, și a ajuns să controleze o mare parte dacă nu tot ce se publică, inclusiv crearea sau generarea citirii știrilor, cu actori care sunt modelați după persoane existente, deși instanța respectivă este creată de un computer. Alegerile sunt un show de la început până la sfârșit. Suntem... departe pe acest drum fără întoarcere.

Tired from Sunday, scrambled from noises this morning. I had a few drinks and fell asleep late afternoon. Woke up with the pleasant sensation of something accomplished. But i was craving fruit and all i had was some dried oranges. So i decided to go to WinCo.

After 10 PM, the beeping sound of forklifts moving through the store. A short guy was looking desperately after somebody and i was in his way and for a good few seconds it looked like he was chasing and yelling at me.

There was only one check stand open but the self ones were opened, surprisingly, after 10. Didn't have many items and went to a self stand. But when i got to the cherries, the system read the barcode but gave me a message. Item not recognized. I was simply too lazy to think as the supervisor was close and he grabbed the bag and simply went through the menu which i could have done it myself.

On my way back after hitting the bumpers here in the parking lot, i heard the noise again, like the nuts for one wheel (left front) were loose again.

Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29

10:28 Just got home and had to move the truck because Saturday i found another warning ticket saying that it will be towed Tuesday.

In this complex we only have one designated parking spot. There are a number of visitors spots, about 15% of the total that people are competing over, to park their second car. However from time to time, if the car is parked for too long on a visitor spot, they will put a warning sticker on your car. My truck was on the same visitor spot since last Thursday, when i last used it, or for two days, however it was in that spot before Thursday as i could not find. Some people don't move their vehicles from visitors spots for weeks. Some just exchange spots with others also on visitor spots.

I write this because tonight the spot next to ours, belonging upstairs was empty (it was used by other people in the last few days) because nobody lives upstairs nowadays and i parked my truck there, for a few hours, or until 4:30 Tuesday morning. I used that spot in the past when that apartment upstairs was vacated and once i was told not to use it anymore.

The alternative is to move it at the Meridian parking lot at the street until morning when i can park it here after Angela leaves, but there i had a number of problems, including a stolen wheel and catalytic. So i have no emotions free alternative tonight.

Earlier. Yesterday and today i avoided a number of ready made accidents (highest on a 24 hours period so far). They all would have been my fault of course. But maybe the most interesting was in Florence Oregon. I came out of a street onto a boulevard. There was this gray older van possibly a VW but second generation (bigger, more solid, square at corners, maybe 80s) coming from the left, at least 300 ft away.

Until i accelerated to speed limit +10 it caught up with me, must have been speeding big time, as i saw it on the mirror only ft away, though the mirror was on night mode since earlier (a long story, somebody with an RV was annoying me when in a parking lot and turned not to see him anymore). In that moment i accelerated more and narrowly escaped. Would have been my fault (going too slow, getting in front of her).

At the intersection i was waiting for green (didn't make a right turn on red or couldn't because of traffic) and it caught up with me on the other lane and looked and guess who it was. It was the artist known as Lady Gaga though i didn't recognized her at first and gave her the finger in frustration and she tried to keep her cool and smile large at me as only she could, making a gesture with her hands claiming ignorance. "What?". I was telling Angela. No cop in his right mind would arrest Lady Gaga for trying to create an accident.

The combined crimes that describe what she did including conspiracy with others to commit those would total probably life in prison. However there is a possibility she was behind the wheel of a retrofitted self driving vehicle (the gesture with her hands above the wheel).

I now remember that yesterday when i left i got behind an SUV with a vine Oregon LP saying GAGAS.Also the car was messed with since i last drove it. All electrical connections to battery and alternator were weakened and contaminated. Had to tighten the battery connectors one by one, and stopped several times, and also cleaned the alternator connector with alcohol (did it only this morning) to make it work back at 44 mpg on a highway (without having to stop, a stop and/or idling would affect that).

Two weeks ago i took a picture of the left front brakes, and though i had at least two more mm or 20k miles to go until that angled part ends but today the plates look much more thinner, like i have to replace them right away. Amazing how far the original ceramic plate went (102kmiles). However last 30k were done by me mostly on highways (outside city) when brakes are not used as much per mile. No sound from the indicator. I'll see tomorrow.

Also, for months now, any vehicle that gets behind me comes too close. When i try to stop and let them pass and restart (that cost me on mpg), others come right away and do the same as they were organized (criminals).

We made a reservation a while ago at a hotel for the week June 11-27, Angela made a vacation request at the same time, however no response yet.

This morning Angela started the phone in the bathroom at the hotel in the same that i was with the meter in my hand next to the door trying to keep away from the oven while heating water for tea and noodles (that was much more leaky than others before). But i noticed the meter was not beeping or showing anything during startup of her phone, or one meter away.

I attributed that to the fact the tower was less than a quarter of mile away and phone was on lowest emitting setting.

I decided to use it myself (her phone not mine) to modify something on the blog on the post with... cell phones radiation (remembered about the polar lipid bylayer i once wrote in a post about). However when i started it (Angela stopped it as per our new rules) the beeper went crazy (never saw readings so high from a phone before, even from 3-4 meters away), probably got connected to another more distant tower and i had to refuge in the other corner of the room still getting high readings until startup and initial protocol with tower ended and then when i tried to approach it the emission power was still too high and i just shut it down.

The hotel room was reasonably clean except for the windows. There was a thick layer of pickled smoke algae on the outside. I think it happens only in building D. I tried to clean it but could only picked some of it. There was smoke coming from fires on the beach. A number of people on the beach but only in front of our room, and they all seemed Japanese. After eating and having a few drinks i fell asleep and woke up in an hour or so very sick, probably because of nose congestion. I almost could not walk to the casino to find Angela.

Gradually got better inside the casino where there was no smoke and after breathing on my mouth for an hour or so. Went to sleep at 2:30. In the morning the exaggerated, unexplained, most likely intentional noises from 5 surrounding rooms woke me a number of times. Could not sleep between 5:30 and 7:30 because my right eye was itching badly from cleaning the windows and because i was thinking of the polar lipid bylayer of my poor cells that have been exposed for so long. Slept maybe 6 hours in about 10 fragments. After that i drove for about 220 miles.

Won a little, for the first time maybe since Easter which confirms my theory. They set the machines loose on holidays.

12:25 Gaga, Giga (Hertz). It totally makes sense.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Cell Phones For Your Cells

There are at least two mechanisms the food gets heated by in a microwave oven.

One is vibrating of the polarized water molecules (Official main theory). The electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) from an antenna powered by a device called magnetron located inside the oven, which radiation is basically an electromagnetic field that changes polarity billions of times a second (2.4 billions in this case, to be more precise), makes the water molecules inside the oven spin.

Little is known about how the spinning energy of a polar molecule turns to linear motion energy which is heat. I would assume through knocking out of adjacent molecules by the lobes of rotating ones.

The membrane of a living cell is made by a layer of polar molecules called lipid bilayer. It is two molecules thick and the molecules arrange with the polar end on the opposite sides. There are known effects of a static electric and high frequency electric field (microwaves) on a lipid bilayer.

Though these molecules are polar at one end only, they will also oscillate in the presence of the oscillating electric component of a microwave radiation.

The other is through the more known mechanism of inducing electric currents. Electrons are knocked out of their orbits and start moving around alongside the electric component of the field but also due to the magnetic component (Eddy currents), again, back and forth, with the same frequency. Same goes for the remaining ions orphaned of electrons. Heat is caused by the resistance to the flow to the motion of electrons and by the motion of the ions in the opposite direction.

Salt and other electrolytes make water more conductive. Due to this fact biological tissues that have more salt, like blood and blood vessels are heated more.

I would think the second mechanism transfers to food more energy from the antenna inside the oven then the first.

Microwave ovens leak radiation in the order of magnitude of cell phones total emitting power therefore a measurable leaked signal from a microwave oven can reach distances in the order of miles. For this reason there was a need to establish a band of frequencies chosen by the manufacturers that was agreed not to be licensed for communications, just above 2.4 Ghz.

It is also likely that this frequency was chosen by the manufacturers for reason of being most penetrating in biological tissues, for uniform heating.

In is also said that cell phone manufacturers have also chosen this unlicensed band initially not allocated for communications to cut through the bureaucracy of getting a license for each channel though i doubt they would have had problems with FCC or other regulating authorities. They don't use the band continuously, but divided it into a number of fixed frequencies called channels, that are in the range of hundreds.

I have made too many times the mistake of assuming that people know what i already knew at the beginning of doing a research or explaining something new. That is since the time i took a course of Inventics in college. When doing the paperwork for an invention, you have to concentrate to demonstrate the new things you bring in based on the most advanced already existing knowledge in that field and not start from basics. Also because an invention is usually addressed to specialists hired by the patenting authority, the so called examiners.

A cell phone is a two way radio device, the same as a walkie talkie. There are differences though. The communication is not done between two phones directly but with the help of one or two towers. Once a call is being made, the network dispatches the call to another tower nearest to the destination or to a landline.

The channels or frequencies (there are always two, emitting and receiving, of full duplex) are being chosen by negotiations with the tower, after "listening" at both ends and finding a free or noise free channel. The channels and even the towers can be switched automatically during the conversation (if by example a channel becomes noisy or the phone is moving like being in a car) without the user noticing. It is said though i doubt it this technology called frequency hopping was co-invented by Austrian born Hollywood actress Hedy Lamarr, once called "the most beautiful woman on screen".

The signal emitted by the cell phone which again is in the range of 2.4 GHz, overlapping the unlicensed band used by microwave ovens has to beat the distance to the tower. However about half of the signal is absorbed by your body, head first.

The phone has a number of automatic emitting power settings, between 0.3 and 3 Watts that are used according to the distance to the tower shown by the number of bars of signal. The difference between first and last is big, and 3 watts is about 3 times the amount of leaked power from a microwave oven (those vary according to the amount of food heated and the position on plate).

3 to 4 minutes is enough to heat most foods the size of a small brain from frozen to boiling in a medium size microwave of 1000 watts full power.

The exposure from a cell phone can be 300 times less than the power needed for heating frozen food inside the oven but the time of exposure to a cell phone radiation during a day can be up to 20 times more for one hour and now people are checking social media or listening to music, that can be hours a day giving a total daily exposure comparable to that of heating frozen food in the oven in 3-4 minutes.

And yes, that exposure is too low to boil your cells (only one case heard of), only enough to re or disorganize the lipid bylayer, disrupt enzymatic processes, damage DNA, etc.

But the heating is not even. There are organs like pancreas that are full of electrolytes (sodium carbonate), stomach (hydrochloric acid), blood vessels (salt) etc.. And it's not only heating. Some lengthy nerves axons are also conductive.

Think about. While you still can.

Now i understand people can't do without them anymore. However there are easy doable ways to avoid most of it. One is using the bluetooth headsets that theoretically uses about 1000 times less power than a cell phone though if you asked me i would say that like in the case of exposure to lead, there are no safe levels.

At home and/or work you can put the phone at least 2 meters away and use it on bluetooth. You can use other devices for checking social media, like a laptop or a tablet which of course need to be connected to the router through a cable rather than wi-fi which has an emitting power comparable to cell phones (and yes in the same unlicensed penetrating band).

Ultimately can consider getting back to a landline and use it with a chorded receiver.

Also it is easy to get rid of most wi-fi emitters in your home, that are of comparable emitting powers with the phones, like the TVs by using the built in ethernet plugs and buying a 10 dollars cable. You will also get better speed by switching to those.

The differences in emitting power of different brands of phones and operating systems (Android, Apple) are minor, they all have to beat the distance to the towers.

The biological long term effects of low level microwave radiation, like from any radiation, are cumulative throughout one's lifetime, which means once enough number of capillaries, small blood vessels and cells are destroyed your body can not recover from that anymore, due to lack of oxygen and/or nutrients at that tissue level.

Frequent, painful, hard to heal infections that lead to so called chronic illnesses including pancreatitis, need to replace articulations, like hip replacement, neurological problems like balance (dizziness), heart problems like arrhythmia, depression and dementia.

May 28

12:28 Memorial Day preps. It's always like that, it intensifies before holidays. This guy tried to come in my lane pretending i was in his blind spot, right when leaving Sandy. By the Arco Gas station i guess. I think at the wheel was a woman with sunglasses but the car could have been just programmed to do so. I tried to move out of the way, first a little, cause he/she/it seem to have seen me, but then it tried again and had to pull hard to the left and move out of the way. Intentional. Criminals.

Lots of other bullies and trappers on the road. They try to get me in an accident, only to look like it was my fault. For a long time i drove between two white Teslas.

They were two guys in my spot when i got home, in a newer smaller yellow pickup, parked rear first, with open doors, a couple of ATVs in the rear and somewhere on the door i think i saw the inscription Die Hard. I asked them to move, they started the vehicle and left a trail of smoke behind, having the catalytic cold.

Rock Climbing Wall, Memorial Day preparation. The light upstairs was on and from the back i saw the drier and washer and the fridge next to their sliding door, blocking the view upstairs. Maintenance was there on Friday for hours.

I think "the guy" upstairs did some damage, he had a guy over in the weekend before he left, i heard noises in the washer/drier area cause otherwise the apartment was remodeled before he came.