12:33 What is Shinto in Japan where it coexists with Buddhism. Shinto is more important though because the Emperor is considered a descendant of a Shinto Goddess, Amaterasu. Buddhism besides Buddha's teachings is also polytheistic because it inherits all deities from Hinduism. BTW October is getting closer.
I would assume like in any country, in Japan the young people have a tendency to forget their own old religion but that is hard as long as the Emperor is in that palace.
However we can only understand one culture if we try to reach its origins. And we all need to understand Japan because it is de facto the world leading country.
Next question i have in mind for tonight is how they really practice Shinto and if there are practical implications. I would guess they each worship different gods since they are so many and they choose one or two and try to imitate them?
12:55 One sure way to understand a religion is to look into their conversion rituals. However...
1:10 Raijin is the Japanese god of thunder who inspired the popular Pokemon character Pikachu. I read that anybody can worship Raijin (Raichu) however you would need a proper ofuda that can be acquired from a temple supplier and of course a kamidana. With mirrors.
2:00 Most likely X stands for Xenu.
10 Da bine și toate obiectele găsite la locul faptei nu erau probe strânse de anchetatori. A și o chestie. Cine are bani de o cameră GoPro merge pe jos 4 km spre 2 Mai.
10:02 Gods, Godei.
10:12 Raijin. I take it any drummer in a band represents him.
3:00 Kuchi Onna.
Friday, August 25, 2023
August 25
Thursday, August 24, 2023
August 24
Could have been the guy with the off road white Toyota with snorkel with LPN unreadable under the windshield that just left when i came. I think they were figuring two infinity signs.
3:07 My truck has smooth tires and is 2x4. It did not leave any traces where i parked this morning when i had to move it from the area they sealed today. The spot is trapezoidal, that is the reason it appears unaligned.
There is painting flaking from my truck from a paint job done at Modern Auto more than 15 years ago. I hit a pole in hospital parking lot with the right rear fender when i drove there, sick. Hood was bent from pushing on it so many times. Left door from stealing my stereo. They knew they were going to let me park there and left some white paint on the new coating.
3:14 They did something similar when the painted the doors and the siding a few years ago. They intentionally left brown spots on the door, as they were working with trainees.
3:22 I got so mad i took the other way, or through the freshly sealed area. Most of it was dry but i ran into a wet area, and because of being so distracted i just thought it was wet with water or something on. Slipped but did not fall.
3:23 During my walk i was thinking. You cannot identifiy a body that is otherwise unrecognizable by a missing finger
I would say the whole story, with the fall of the plane, Putin's reaction, was invented to cover my post, but people would say again i'm on drugs. I was wrong again, don't see the reason for the cover. Unless that person is also involved in the same type of activity on tiktok or other sites, like many others. Even in Romania ex athletes became involved with porn and prostitution.
On the other hand, i would say the level of stress and distraction i'm under is equivalent to being on drugs, but i have my moments of lucidity, especially when i take pictures and write while everybody don't know what to believe (please pardon the Japanese accent).
Easiest explanation. "He's high on drugs" and rest are coincidences or ChatGPT which is a rudimentary form of artificial intelligence to explain to the naive what i'm writing.
Wagner of course stands for all the music videos i post. I know many people post online recipes and stuff, i fell into this fashion and posted some, but not all are in the situation i'm in and i only posted realistic recipes for people who don't now how to cook and that is the majority.
They started the never ending unprecedented Trump scandal (to cover Truman Show).
3:38 It's not only the temperature, it's the circulation of air. Temperature was 76 degrees and i was perspiring from head to toes. So i started the AC that circulates air like a fan.
More Kafka. Got Medicare and everybody knows, the only state insurance in the US, payed by payroll deductions comes without covering dental and prescriptions and others. There are other plans known Medicare Advantage that probably suck the money that otherwise would suffice for drugs and prescription from Medicare, and give those, for free.
Trick is you have to know and to enroll. If you don't enroll soon enough, you will have to pay later a lifetime monthly penalty to Medicare for... not having prescriptions covered.
So i got into one of those called Humana Plus Gold Diabetes bla bla hoping to get some insulin and they assigned me a doctor named... Nicholas Sweet. However he is not a doctor but a physician assistant and he says he did not a contract with Humana in more than a year. All doctors avoid Medicare and Medicare based plans because they slash bills to maybe a third or a quarter.
Trouble is i have to find an "in network" doctor to prove i got diabetes first (GNU). I used to go a lot to doctors when i had insurance through Angela's work but stopped doing so when i ran into Lady Gaga and her stethoscope in 2011. And of course when i went to the ER with flesh eating bacteria that was never diagnosed right.
Got an appointment tomorrow with the only doctor i could find available in the area after many calls, his name is Michael Jaczko (Billy Jean) also ko or co suffix indicates Ukrainian origin like escu Romanian, ski Polish, etc..
The clinic is under a cell phone tower with (at times) high levels of radiation. Last and only time when i went for the paperwork i forgot to take my meter and got a dose that caused me 48 hours of pains.
7:30 9.3 Indian Ocean Earthquake Or Indonesia Earthquake of 2004 generated waves up to 51 meters high while 9.1 Japan Earthquake of 2011 only 40 meters. However that not explain how the tsunami generated by Indonesian Earthquake reached Somalia across the ocean at heights of 9.4 meters and the tsunami generated by the Japanese earthquake didn't.
7:50 That is also very interesting.
8:00 Was nauseated all day long. Went and picked and threw in the garbage a couple of dog piles from the other end of the building. Just by smelling those from close, an hour later i got belly pains.
8:55 Media Recycling Center.
9:20 Never knew!
Ok so furniture came on July 22, this was recorded on 28 (warning, some offending language) but i'm sure there are other versions recorded in the past. It was a few days after they started to walk and stump. If this is addressed to me, it breaks several local laws. Also, everybody knows, Pikachu and al Pokemons were characters invented in Japan.
Designed in Japan, for American use (like cars) cause Pikachu in English means pick at you, wich means a character based on a kami that may be malevolent depending. Shinto religion does not have a clearly defined concept of good or bad.
11:30 It rains! (Very rare in Oregon in August). Very local, just a cell above I5. Don't know if it's bad or good for the asphalt seal coat or will delay curing. Hope it's going to help with the asphalt smell. Curiously enough, the rain is following the (low pressure) on top of freways. Just another example on how human activity may influence weather. Could THEY have done this to "cancel" the animations above?
No cause i saw the storm coming on satellite animation (got it on my start pages of my browser) before i posted those.
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
August 22
Să vă povestesc ce am văzut eu într-un cazino de pe o rezervație indiană (majoritatea cazinourilor din SUA sunt pe rezervații din motive de taxe cred).
Nu știu dacă înlocuiește complet AC-ul sau doar îl complementează atunci când nu face față în zilele foarte călduroase, dar temperatura era plăcută.
Multă lume nu înțelege, problema nu este temperatura aerului ci încălzirea pereților și a tavanului iar în mașină, a bordului. Am calculat odată că un bord de mașină care stă sau merge în soare poate da căldură între 500 și 1000 wați cu care cu care se luptă de fapt AC-ul.
Deci într-un cazino de 80x40 metri am văzut două sau trei ventilatoare uriașe (fans) cam de un metru diametru fiecare având în spate, nu în față, două găleți cu gheață. Gheața ținea cel puțin o oră cred, dar nu am văzut niciodată momentul când o schimbă.
Suprafața este enormă în comparație cu un apartament sau o cameră. În SUA se vând pungi de gheață de exemplu cu trei dolari punga de 5 kg. Cred că poți în felul acesta să răcești un living cu câțiva lei pe zi și cred că se merită, câteva zile pe an, ca să nu te sufoci de căldură.
Cred că poți să faci gheață și în congelator, noaptea când e mai răcoare fiindcă frigiderul va lucra mai mult și va încălzi camera, mai ales dacă ai o bucătărie cu geam e super ok, iar legile fizicii care guvernează pompele de căldură sunt mai ciudate și sunt sigur că aparent încalcă legea conservării energiei, având o eficiență de mai multe ori decât cea unitară.
5:00 The reason i did not talk to her in the park is with those glasses she really looked Hungarian to me. German Hungarian to be more precise. Though through physical IP location of her site she was in San Francisco. Then she entered the alley into the narrow wooded area and she was just staying there checking her phone but i did not want to follow her, just wanted to make sure she was safe so i looked through the branches of the trees and then left my way.
However, she brought the best in me. In the last few days i scored some of the biggest points in my life.
Other than that. Yesterday i would have been happy just to talk to her, today i am happy i found her, like all the others. I am such a... n idiotic strange incurable animal. But i have some excuses. She was "personalized" just for me with the videos uploaded and waiting.
Also. Been up all night, yesterday i started the bluetooth just to listen to some videos (like 10 times each), i forgot and now i got again pains in all the known areas and that is from head to toes. I brought the meter near it and the signal was 1-2 mW. Though the receiver is real close. I stopped the bluetooth and started it again and now it was at negligible levels.
I think in this case and the whole 6 months when i overexposed myself beyond any recoverable limit with the wi-fi from the laptop that i kept in my lap someone probably got inside my computer via Internet or router or whatever hardware backdoors they have and put the levels to the max.
I will never get better again, only worse. I keep asking myself. How could i have been such an idiot and not realizing where the pains were coming from in that period and the previous one when i was using it sporadically while exposing mostly my feet to the PCs wi-fi for years and most important, the jaws to the phone.
11:11 Pains still present in closest areas. Hands, belly, legs above knees or where i've been in contact. 3-4-5 (depending no areas) on a scale of ten. I think the microwaves are not absorbed by the fat in the belly because fat is an insulator and goes right trough to the fascia and even intestines.
Went outside and moved the truck to a 24 area (which means it can't be there on 24, because of the paving, sealing whatever) that starts tomorrow on the other half. However i don't believe i'll keep it there through most part of day, if i have to leave because the noise, dust and smell of asphalt.
11:40 Three came about 10 minutes ago and started to play on or around the green cable box when i was ready to eat. I shot the blinds. Now i can hear them in front or the other side of the building.
2:20 Da apar imagini dar ochii sunt acoperiți întotdeauna de ochelari. Nu sunt imagini care pot duce la identificarea unei persoane, sunt doar pentru entertainement (cu multe complimente din partea autorităților și media).
3:15 Nu sunt happy că am găsit-o ca actriță (deci era fake). Eram mult mai happy dacă nu o găseam. Deși ultimele postări nu-mi erau favorabile. Acum la ce dreq să mă mai uit, cu înfrigurare?
Și am uitat să spun de la început, bărbații nu ar trebui să se uite la contul (The) Alexa Crush (101) de pe tik tok, s-ar putea să le creeze dependență foarte gravă (account is highly addictive).
Nu, tipa de mai jos nu e evreică așa cum sugerează numele. Evreii nu pot fi așa de urâți.
7:55 Wouldn't be the first case i know of...
11:16 Orice numărătoare începe cu unu (justificarea teoriei lui Benford). Grindeanu însă va măcina până la 59 miliarde anul acesta.
11:25 Eu într-o noapte veneam, nebăut, pe un drum (ok, 18) cu Elantra cealaltă și aveam percepția că era apă pe carosabil iar termometrul de bord arăta 0 grade (32 F). De aceea mergeam cu 10 sub limită și în Sheridan mă oprește un polițai, puțin mai în vârstă decât un puștan.
"I stopped you because you were driving erratically from line to line and super-slow and wanted to convince me you are not drunk which you obviously are not", cu o voce și o privire complice (timp în care eu calculam, în minte câte ore erau de când nu am băut). Și ca într-un film i-am arătat termometrul la care el a spus că drumurile sunt ok și nu e nevoie să merg încet. La vreo câteva mile distanță, pe un pod am avut percepția că e polei și că am început să derapez dar nu s-a întâmplat pentru că totul era ca într-un film.
Monday, August 21, 2023
August 21
6:08 Two years since the hit and run accident on I5 north of Interstate Bridge that almost killed us. Got into 3 bad accident ready situations yesterday. First would have been in front of hundreds of drivers coming from the beaches caught in an artificially created (i think by a fender bender) 5 miles line @Grand Ronde. That would have also slowed down or block an ambulance cause an accident on the only free lane would have blocked the road completely.
6:14 For some reason i can't figure, every time i fill at night in Grand Ronde and drive home, i get over 48 mpg (4.9 liters/100 km) with this Elantra. The reasons are there is no traffic so i accelerate or use brakes very little, road is very smooth after new pavings and i go under 65. If i go with the same tank back there and back here, mpg goes down to maybe 44. Ok i'll do it on purpose some day to confirm.
6:20 Four
6:52 New Mexico flag
8:55 Choosing my confession. The worst type of allegory is the one they trick you in it. The day after i wrote about "puncturing a whole" type of manifestation of void they punctured one of my truck's tires. It goes down like more than one PSI a day but i wasn't sure, gave it some pumps (with a foot pump) and let it to see.
Today it was down again, i pumped it back up and went to Fred Meyer to buy water cause the tap water smells like chlorine. So i went and at the busiest intersection, right before MartinNazzi, like never before, no one was moving in neither direction and i was alone on my direction and for some reason i can't talk about (was thinking of something else, like where is she right now) i ran the red light.
When i realized i looked desperately in all directions, no one was coming (cause no one was moving obviously) and when i was half way through the light turned green. My only excuse is i never passed that one alone, they were always other cars.
Even boys do cry sometimes, isn't so... (When nobody sees them, alone with their Androids and other de-vices...)
When i got back home an Asian woman stopped right after the right turn into the alley (i hate when they do that). I stopped and was wondering what she was doing and i signaled and tried to pass when she started to back up but when it became obvious i was about to clear her she just stopped and took a right in the Meridian lot.
12:3 Metsubushi. BTW the van with the inscription Insulation is still there and i don't know if from that one or from somewhere else nasty insulation dust is making its way here. I can feel it and it's painful.
5:10 Germans generally are smart people. But when are we going to see sick days for falling in love?
5:13 Unwell
11:37 Why most LED bulb brands don't work. BTW i have to find a level place at least 25 feet long with a wall to adjust mine that are stock halogen.
However i don't believe the situation on the road which now is out of control is going to ever change, unless the regulating authorities start stopping those from selling. I don't see cops ever pulling people and checking headlights.