Wednesday, August 30, 2023

August 30

5:50 It was more than a month ago. The day before i wrote this. The guy looking obvious Japanese was standing next to a cash machine. Actually leaning on it. I asked him to move along so i can cash my ticket. I was pretty drunk and also irritated because i ate something spicy earlier. He looked like he was under some influence either or was simulating.

We started to yell at each other. He did a karate move, while smiling at me (watch the date on the video). I left. One hour after i saw a commotion with several security guards in the area where Angela was playing but do not know the reason.

Later in the parking lot. We were about to leave. Two security guards followed me at the car. One of them asked me for ID. I told him that in US only Police can ID me. He said that "technically here you are in a foreign country". That is according to treaties with Indian tribes and stuff. Then he said that if he called the Police i would be arrested. He didn't say why.

Then i got in the car with Angela and left. One minute later, at Safeway, Angela wanted to drive. She drove all the way home.

I can't remember how many times i was there since that day until last Saturday. At least once, cause i remember the episode when there was this 5 miles long line of cars coming from Lincoln City ending right in front of Spirit Mountain when i took a right coming from Grand Ronde Rd. (went to the convenience store there).

One car left the line and took a left on Grand Rd (i was coming from North on the map) when i was about to make a right, masking the incoming traffic from my left (or East on map on the only available lane) which was a speeding big black pickup with a Japanese driver.

Almost didn't see that one and would have probably been crushed to pieces by it if i took that right. The accident would have blocked the only lane available for an ambulance and i would have probably died an excruciating death.

I know in that day i drove to Lincoln City and went to Chinook Winds. Can't remember now how many times i went between the incident with the guy leaning against the cash machine and last Saturday (25) but i would guess every weekend.

Last Saturday again i went in there (call it routine or ritual) played for one hour at a poker machine in a corner like i usually do when i first go there, didn't loose or win much, when one of those little security guy looking Japanese from the parking lot and a tall older guy looking Hungarian with the name Jerry on his badge came at me, asked for my ID, they wanted to follow them to the security room, which i declined, and then told me i was banned from the Casino for 6 months, for the incident on July 23rd, after going there at least 3 more times since.

But it wasn't only that. I went around looking for Angela and they came after me and told me i have to page her from the security desk next to main entrance instead of searching her which i did. Then we walked through the whole casino all the way to the elevators that lead to the new parking lot with them following from two different directions, from a distance.

One more thing. When i entered the casino Saturday, or the day i was banned (can't remember precisely if it was Friday or Saturday but it think i was Saturday August 26 and i was parked on the highest level on the new parking lot, because the main one was occupied with a car show, i usually avoid that parking which i very convenient, because of the very high signal from the tower near were the Grocery Outlet store is), i saw on the left at the first machine you see on the left when you enter from that direction a guy with an unusual big head i saw in one of Alexa's videos and he was kinda staring at me, like waiting for me to recognize him (trying to see if i can find that tik tok clip).

I took this picture on August 11, so this is one more time i can prove i was there but probably went one or two more times until last Friday August 25. Then why ban me one month after the incident and after i went there several more times?

6:50 I think it was this guy, saw him briefly at the end of one of her clips then it disappeared, should have took a screenshot instead of just staring at his picture, and the account now shows private and can't see or show his face no more.

7:30 Today an idea came to me and i did some searches to confirm it. Infections are common with cancer and until recently they have been considered opportunistic but some started to ask themselves if they are not the cause. Since i have seen so many lies about so many things and the faces of the impostors everywhere i started to ask myself if this is another case of suppressing information for some reason like human sacrifices to the goddess Kali on a planetary scale or simply destroying the sinners (godless) of this world or both.

They might be as well common or not so well known bacteria.

Cause if so cancer could be treated with a longer course of antibiotics, like TB. Could this be the reason antibiotics are not sold over the counter in most countries? So they can control us, infect those who want to get rid of and then give them fake treatments that don't work like surgery, chemo and radiation?

8:43 Didn't know! However i know that now, after WWII, somehow they got to control the whole of Romania (can ask the soviets how that happened) and nowadays 8 million people out of theoretically 20 have already left because of lack of jobs, infrastructure (freeways) and crazy acting leaders and media.

11:11 Urmărind clipul de pe tik tok (ca și cum profesioniștii de la b1 nu ar avea un server să pună acolo un video) ne dăm seama că acele șuruburi nu sunt esențiale în susținerea podului ci doar a șinei de protecție (și poate nici acolo, din cauza tipului de îmbinare perfect) iar ascultând comentariile ne dăm seama că podul e încă în construcție. Chestia cu șuruburile a fost selectată special în legătură cu ce am văzut acum două zile pe google maps.

Dar s-ar putea să aibă legătură și cu faza asta, constructorul fiind japonez. Apropo, cifra 9 este asociată și cu zeița.

E posibil ca și constructorul să vrea să ilustreze imposibilitatea de a pune piulițe la un asemenea tip de îmbinare (pe care nu am inventat-o eu), ceea ce este fals. Piulițele se pot suda puțin pe partea din interior din fabrică la capetele profilului pătrat, sau lipi cu adeziv, doar pentru a păstra poziția și preveni învârtirea în timpul înșurubuării după care pot prelua toată forța de strângere.

7:45 I am trying right now to find a guy i saw for a few seconds more than a month ago. Closest i could find so far but i'm not done. Shinobu written 史靖. The ironic part is... you guessed it. Shinobi written 忍び is the old word in Japanese for ninja written 忍者.

9:00 Santinelă și patrulă... Nimeni (din politicieni) în România nu poate face nimic din cauza celorlați.

9:42 The Six Kalimas and a didgeridoo. Does he turn and then do they make a wheel moving like a clock symbolizing time passage? Kali Bali

Time, Calend, calendar, call...

10:52 Talking about etymologies... Is it possible that Shinto may come from Hindu...

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

August 29

12:07 Prima sincronizare. 31 de ani, Alexandra, și seamănă. Ce să cred. Au retras-o, era tot unguroaică cu altă identitate. Am timp să mă ocup? Nu și nici nu mai vreau, m-am săturat după 14 ore la calc.. Și de link-uri. M-am săturat să mai pun link-uri.

12:10 Choking the demons. Air quality index is 80 at the nearest station, but here it feels like 150 inside with the filter on. I went outside briefly and the smoke is just around the building here. The reason the person that was making noise upstairs is now gone. The person cause the reason is long gone or never existed.

Nevermind Angela forgot to shut the bedroom's window when she went to bed.

12:40 As the smoke clears a bit, upstairs he's back in business.

12:41 Ukraine war as seen by BBC (British Broadcast Corporation).

1:44 Eureka! Jumped out of bed to post one more. Good things may be comming out of a good obsession with the goddess of Tik tok.

Got so excited they accidentally filled the apartment again with smoke and now i'm choking and count by breath and heartbeats again.

7:42 Da bine dar pe cei cu casele distruse datorită autorităților criminale cine îi ajută? În ultimul timp într-adevăr au fost tot felul de întâmplări șocante însă majoritatea au fost făcături de media cu participarea autorităților, pentru liniștirea dvs.. În schimb, guvernul nostru îi ajută pe ucraineni.

7:50 Ce am mai aflat, după analize și o înțepătură de siringă ce era să mă coste viața.

Cei care se lasă brusc de băut, de obicei din cauză că le este rău, intră la risc de atac de inimă și/sau cerebral și iată cauza.

Din cauza suprimării funcționării măduvei osoase în caz de alcoolism (dar și administrare de aspirină), trombocitele (platelets) care în mod normal formează cheagurile de sânge pentru oprirea sângerărilor, pot scade sub valorile normale dintre 150 și 400 timp de 4 zile după renunțare la alcool (withdrawal), și apare riscul de hemoragii.

Numărul trombocitelor începe apoi să crească și revine la normal în aproximativ 10 zile după încetarea consumului ajungând cu până la 100 (de mii pe microlitru) mai multe decât în timpul alcoolismului, iar persoana care de obicei nu are grijă să se hidrateze și/sau și-a pierdut pur și simplu senzația de sete, după perioade lungi de alcoolism, când organismul funcționează așa, mai ciudat, intră acum la risc pentru a dezvolta cheaguri de sânge în arterele îngustate de inflamații datorite infecțiilor.

Alcoolul până la anumite valori poate fi un stimulent cerebral, crescând fluxul sanguin la creier cu până la 30%, contribuind astfel la favorizarea senzației de "bine". Scăderea flxului sanguin după renunțare (withdrawal) poate adăuga la riscul de cheaguri și infarct apărut prin creșterea trombocitelor și este probabil principala cauză a senzațiilor de sevraj (withdrawal).

Așa numitul sevraj (withdrawal) psihologic poate fi de fapt tot fiziologic fiindcă nu mai poți atinge acel flux sanguin în creier care te făcea superman.

Alcoolism poate fi și câteva pahare în fiecare zi iar o simplă analiză pentru trombocite poare spune stadiul în care sunteți dvs.. 

Poate mulți au mai auzit și de delirium tremens, acesta apare la valori ale trombocitelor sub 120, și poate apare în primele zile după renunțare la alcool când trombocitele continuă să scadă.

Ce am mai aflat zilele astea. Unul din motivele pentru care bărbații mai în vârstă cu activitate sexuală redusă din motive de sănătate a lui sau partenerei fac infecții și în final cancer de prostată este scurgerea la expunerea de stimulenți vizuali și psihologici, care este urmată de infectarea scurgerii, mai ales la diabetici a căror orice secreție are zahăr și facilitează înmulțirea și urcarea patogenilor pe uretră, mai ales în medii nu tocmai curate (mucegai din casa țevilor, subsol, gaz de canal, tomberon).

Salivarea din același motiv poate duce la infecții ale glandelor salivare ce se transmite la pancreas care au unele celule similare cu cele din glandele salivare.

Cauza poate fi activitatea sexuală intensă din tinerețe urmată de abstinență totală, e un drum fără întoarcere pe care ai pornit de obicei la vârsta căsătoriei.

Am mai aflat că există organizații religioase care furnizează spectacole gratuite cu actrițe profesioniste pe anumite site-uri, pentru atragerea și curățarea "păcătoșilor", spectacole care merg mult dincolo de stimularea obișnuită, crează dependență permanentă și evoluție rapidă spre un final (in)evitabil.

Dar cine spune că trebuie să trăim mereu și mai ales pentru ce.


11:15 Maya. Naruhito. Nothing has been the same in Japan after the battle of Sekigahara.

1:30 Alexa vs Andrea teeth. Small focal length distortion gives you the illusion you are watching a person from very close creating a feeling of intimacy; pénzt, de sokat!

2:40 Smoke index is too small at the nearest station and i can't see any fire in the news. Walking one hour through smoke with smell of garbage brought back my chills that subsided as this morning. Deja vu.

Ever since i took this picture they either thorn apart one of the fences (beyond the picture) and/or were building a new one. They nearly finished and today it was quite quiet under the pressing silence of gray clouds with no wind and when i passed a guy in time with a nail gun on the other side (of the fence) suddenly Susan started to shoot nails and scared the s... out of me.

Later in the park i saw what i never saw before. A tropical bird or maybe an ospray though it was white was making a big noise flying on top of a tree, it was like walking in the jungle like trying to erase from the virtual collective memory what i posted yesterday.

5:30 Vowels are not written in Sanskrit. I realy don't understand why people get excited about things they don't understand but i remember i did that too when i was much younger and still had choices.

न विद्या नविद्य
na vidyA navidya

9:35 Angela is sewing her bag again and just asked me to mix some adhesive for the most difficult parts.

I just realized i have a pair of these in front of the door for like when i go to pick and throw poops in the garbage, other jobs like these. In fact there are few items in our wardrobes that don't look similar to a Balanciaga. Now i start to suspect... Thank you again Alexa for helping me realize that!

11:20 Mazzini autorizza.

11:45 I think ther have been today at least 100 interventions from uptstairs influencing heavily what i think, what i do. There is something there, at times a person but most of the times probably a robot. It doesn't cook or even flushes the toilet and never talks on the phone.

Monday, August 28, 2023

August 28

12:26 Așa arăta "stația GPL" în 23 iunie când a trecut o mașinuță google pe acolo. Așa cum spunea patronul al cărui ghinion e că avea o față rotundă (și că era puțin tâmpit, nu putea să facă depozit într-o zonă nelocuită), nu e o stație, ci un fel de depozit sau parcare, unde se pare că transferau gaz dintr-o cisternă în alta. Chiar lângă o clădire de locuințe sau birouri ce sunt alea. Aia era firma de deștepți?

A și cisterna cu șuruburi ruginite și unele par vechi cu tot felul de improvizații. Aveau și camere. Poate erau conectate la internet și au rămas imaginile undeva.

1:02 I came back home at @10, he came soon after and now it's one AM he and keeps on making senseless noises upstairs.

1:06 That is my right arm, with a patch with 2x500 mg Amoxicillin, on the right there is a bit of adhesive from a previous patch that stayed there after a shower, above the patch there is the scar that healed months ago.

In the last three days or after they took the blood sample from inside the elbow where the adhesive is, i had all kinda pains starting in that area, moving to the back, right then left shoulder, other arm, but now it's back there under that parch all the way to the hand and only when press against something or let my weight on that hand.

The antibiotic acts also locally inches around the patch through the lymph. I realized that when i first had the wound and was moving the patch around because of inflammation due to adhesive. I expect everything to be over by tomorrow. It all depends on what the real cause is.

1:16 At Indian Head i was staying in line to get fish and chips on my 10 dollars free coupon, and was kinda far from the next person and a guy with a woman got in front of me and he looked like round face Hulk Hogan.

I told him i was in line and he let me back in front of him. Didn't have the chance to take a good look at her but she looked much younger and familiar. I haven't been drinking but was barely awake from the Zyrtec i took the day before and driving one hour through thick smoke.

10:00 Ok i think most of it is gone. However last night i passed again next to that tower and i got things going on in other areas, but that was like before the blood test.

10:03 Toată lumea știe adevărul în afară de miniștri iar poliția trecea pe acolo în fiecare zi.

10:10 Kali. I've been excised by the news, other things, also been stimulated by all kinda noises, been breathing harder because of nose congestion. When noise and excitement stopped i found myself with shortness of breath by exhausting my body limits before that.

11:04 Kali. I ate and i choked (dysphagia). Got out of the breathing thing though.

11:05 The Empire strikes back.

2:28 Before Angela people who did SMT at Eaton were rotating every few days. Because the SMT machine is old with improvised conveyors that sometimes get stuck, there is a lot of walking to be done.

But she had got to do it continuously, alone, for a year and a half, walking on concrete covered with some rubber mats more that 5000 steps a day, she developed plantar fasciitis which means she started to have pain in one heel when she walks. How many steps can you do in a casino, moving from one machine to another.

The lifting limitation appeared after Angela had 3 more surgeries after her heart surgery, two to retrieve the forgotten wires and one to fix the hernia that occurred after the first two.

Ever since she got plantar fasciitis, she did other jobs waiting for her doctor to give her one more limitation "less walking, and more sitting" besides the old one for lifting under 20 pounds and only at chest levels.

Friday, Steve Eaton (coincidence of name with the name of the company) probably intentionally gave her a job that involved lifting over 80 pounds by2 people pounds, which Angela and the other person also with limitations refused, again ruining her weekend one more time and preparing for what came today.

Today the doctor have her the letter, she printed she took it to HR and the HR manager said she need a time limit on it which Angela agreed to ask the doctor again and then told Angela she is going to keep in touch "to do a job evaluation".

Ever since we keep asking ourselves what does that mean. I think it's a form of bureaucratic harassment and threat (bully) because job evaluations by the definition do not refer to people but rather to jobs. We now fear that if they are going to "reevaluate" her job they may find she could be no more fit in there because of her limitations.

There are no job evaluations in there, never been. Everything is done by Steven, the de facto leader and manager of the whole place, informally and that is scheduling (that is which work on which station on a day). HR, supervises (when there have been) listens to him. There was a supervisor, Dee, lesbian, an ex drug addict that was missing half of the time and HR didn't say anything about until i wrote about her, several times, and then they finally fired her. The two Chinese ladies were feeding him, etc..

There is not a single job she did at Eaton. Beside SMT operator (most important job in the team) for one year and a half she did many different "jobs" in there and some of them were easier than others and other people with bigger limitations and older than Angela do those all the time. But there are some easy jobs only for the people older and with more limitations than Angela that she intentionally never got trained to.

Also did not have an opportunity lately to write about Angela's "colon cancer" surgery in 2004 when they removed a part of her colon and also destroyed adjacent organs by wrongly directed radiotherapy leaving her with the impossibility of having a normal life after, contributing to going to casinos and my activities online including blogging cause i have no one to turn to.

4:55 Today they did a big noise with three trimming, that unlike the coat sealing of pavement, was unannounced. The Japanese child actors came to make their show with big yelling at the windows. Though they usually yell in English, today they are breaking a few words in Spanish, with heavy Japanese accent.

6:48 Today, last night i figured something important. The way Kali's (as goddess of time) worshipers act. To them it is ancestral and might come from the timing of the boomerang, which is a slow weapon and needs calculation or intuition to be thrown ahead of target's moving position.

I go to a casino for a free meal, breath some air, lose 50 bucks, they send all kinda screwed ups to come in the same time with me and do little tricks while i'm around. To them it's no crimes, no conspiracies since they act on religious grounds. Some call it "wrong place at the wrong time". Same upstairs or at the stores or everywhere.

The results on cameras for those who fall low enough to start watching this kind of show are disastrous, for all of Kali's enemies.

7:21 Seal coating on August 23 and 24, appointment for drawing blood the next day resulted in yet another infection that may lead to sepsis.

7:20 Today i accidentally ran into her age on a site and then i was finally able to look for her in the list and hopefully get over with. Trying to remember if there was a time for me in the last 20 years or so.

8:03 All these toponyms and my last 28 years of my life tell me that the Japanese, others, may think they have a claim over the western US territories and started working on it a long time ago. Millions of Japanese disguised and/or acting as Mexicans are already here.

9:40 Una e să nu știi alta e să te faci să nu știi. Dacă faci mult timp pe prostul s-ar putea să rămâi așa. Și pompierii treceau pe acolo, fie numai ca persoane private. Eu dacă eram pompier și treceam pe acolo în ultimii 10 ani sau de când au chestia, poate cu mașina și aruncam o privire mi se zbârlea puținul păr pe are îl mai am pe spate.

Dar mai e posibil ca nivelul corupției în România e așa de mare încât nu mai este nimeni în stare să facă o reclamație, toți sunt unii cu alții.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27

2:22 AM PDT. Was watching the news with Biden saying this is Trump's best picture and that straw tipped the carriage (yeah just made this one up). This is surreal and don't really want to talk about now. But when i saw the picture the first time i was distracted by other things and didn't realize the obvious.

The picture should not exist as such. The guys in the court should have known how to take a mugshot. An angle with head tilted forward to near 45 degrees distorts the picture and defies the purpose of identification. Yeah of course we all know who Trump is but a mugshot should be a mugshot, if all this is for real.

They (the court, the prosecutor) besides being unprofessional are accomplices to Trump defying the American people. It's all a sham, a fabrication, a stunt (heavily missing English vocabulary in this area, wish i could say what i feel but can't without using certain simple words...) and it illustrates perfectly the surreality of the situation we're all in as nobody said nothing yet.

Or maybe they did on forums or commentaries with limited audience.

3:36 One more time media has pushed a ridiculous accusation and people didn't take a look for themselves. A very long, "consensual" hug followed by a short kiss on the lips whatever and she taps him on the back one more time after that.


Primarul din Caracal. Totul a fost o înscenare. Dacă foloseau stația ca loc de parcare, atunci demisia lui este inutilă, deși spectaculoasă. Totuși, nu cred că e bine să parchezi mai multe din alea la un loc ca idee de bun simț dar poate sunt și ceva norme.

Ce au crezut cei ce au văzut, auzit, până în momentul când s-a lămurit ce a fost.

Cineva totuși a dat foc la cisternele alea, pentru un spectacol pirotehnic vizibil din București.  Sunt acolo camere de supraveghere?

9:05 Can't open a news site without seeing the echoes of my posts anymore. Raiji (Raichu, Pikachu, remember) and the black goddess. What escapee. It has been brought there. Reasons are obvious. They dig deeper convolutions in people's brains to make go away previous ones.

9:09 Conclusion. People with strong multimillennial convictions with no clear delimitation of good and bad, act into implementing their beliefs in today's world and generally we can't perceive what they are doing because of our monotheism and our God is generally a good god though sometimes He gets angry and jealous too and that is why we deserve our fate.

There is a lot more in this world than west and US, a whole lot more.

Polytheism gives a lot of flexibility in a religion as they can be myriad of interactions and collusions between the different gods but i suspect in Japan by example Buddhists are manipulating more simple minded Shintoists to achieve their goal which might be itself a delusion born from misunderstanding Buddha.

Generally, it's all a big confusion.

9:30 Is that a Shiva linga in the middle of the stage? (Cause it can't be an onion).

Yeah i got tired too of posting videos but it's all in there and i bet they are not doing it for fun as some might perceive and it's a lot of hard work on the world's stages going on right now.

11:05 Can accute inflamation due to infection lead to narrowing of blood vessels and cause a heart attack? The inflammation in the tissues adjacent to heart including skeletal muscles that usually accompany a heart attack.

11:55 Prigozhin. Kali.

12:15 Kalima

Saturday, August 26, 2023

August 26

4:00 Doing this was not as fun as i thought it was going to be... One thing is sure. They don't make them like this anymore...

10:40 Coming back from the dead...

11:30 Patru salvatori, patru victime, patru intubați, patru autospeciale.

1:13 Daikoku is the Japanese counterpart of Hindu goddess Kali.


Shinto - World History Encyclopedia

"The main beliefs of Shinto are the importance of purity, harmony, respect for nature, family respect, and subordination of the individual before the group".

4:07 It still smells like asphalt in here. (My perspiration smells like asphalt). In fact, i just wiped the door outer upper frame with a wet paper towel that came black, after the tan SUV that was not seen here for months was idling with big low freq noise for half hour now, bringing the dust inside by the door. There is also wildfire smoke.

I went yesterday to give a blood sample for an A1C test, others. Metabolic and counts were all normal, A1C is not on my chart yet. Took a shower right before, however the fine invisible asphalt dust, bacteria from two mats again rejected by the garbage company and sitting there next to the bin, wet from the rare rain two days ago, many other items, penetrated under my skin through that tiny but deep needle wound and finally driving two hours with AC on yesterday did it.

Got again an infection under skin or fascia, very similar to the one i had when i went to the ER, but invisible with no open wound, that spread in other areas like shoulder, wrist etc.. Hot flashes, shivers and much perspiration and some pain that goes all the way to the bone. Also slept only 4 hours last night, probably because of noise upstairs that woke me up etc..

6:26 I used to hate Doja Cat but since i saw last time the video in the second link today this song keeps playing in my head.

11:00 After i used patches with vast amounts of anitbiotics (4x500 mg at a time) i'm over with the infection. I also took half Zyrtec, used some nasal decongestant, slept 9 hours straight, now it's 11 PM.

11:45 Da bine dar îl curățau cu lapte în el? Cum a ajuns totuși vestea tragică la oamenii din zonă?