Saturday, September 9, 2023

September 9

1:15 Got home half hour ago. I saw the guy from apartment 4 descending the stairs with his dog. On purpose for me to see, who knows how many times he did it before that. And the dog could not wait and peed one meter away from the wall at the closet with the washer and drier.

I noticed when i last washed (two days ago) that when the closet gets heated by the drier dog smell comes from those walls. So i just put  a small open bottle with vinegar next to the wall so the vinegar smell enters the (empty, filled with insulation) wall through the wall/floor gap before the smell does from the outside through cracks. But i think the wall already smells like dog pee.

BTW i lost count of how many people tried to get us into accidents tonight. Most obvious, one guy tried to hit from behind, i accelerated, he was 1 meter behind, moved in the other lane, he followed a bit but the speed got too big and he got back into his.

1:30 I am used to seeing a do not enter sign on the right or on both sides of the lane but never seen it only on the left. I went to the gas station in Rhododendron Oregon and all lanes were occupied except one and i turned around and saw a do not enter sign on the pumps themselves and i thought it was for the lane on my left. However while i was pumping the attendant came and asked me if i saw the sign. I told him i could not figure the sign was for both lanes.

I can't believe they keep three pumps out of 12 for cars with gas caps on the right. Nobody has gas caps on the right, do they. What do you know. I think this is the station but the sign has been replaced recently with a regular red one. Never seen a do not enter sign inside a gas station. Never. I think it is all symbolism, waiting for me to get in the trap. The cones. That guy's butt. Look at how this image have been caught by google.

BTW when i came back i entered a long construction (asphalting) area with meanders and cones and stuff and when i almost cleared the last cones there was an orphaned cone in the middle of the lane and tried to avoid it but a car came at high speed probably passing, from behind me and could not get in front of it and hit the cone with the mirror.

2:02 It smells like dog pee in here and i'm afraid to go to sleep thinking they will wake me up right away or too soon in the morning.

2:20 Ok i took that bottle out of there.

7:37 Slept almost 5 hours. Got awakened by a noise maybe someone climbing the stairs. I saw the news in Romania, oh boy. I think she has been the one tormenting me from upstairs for the last month or so. Maybe him too.

Question is who is upstairs right now. I heard someone using the toilet last night before i fell asleep. Then i heard the signal. I think i said it before. All the people who had been upstairs over the years were generally quiet until someone knocked on their walls from the apartment next to theirs, and then and only then they were starting their job. Last night i heard several knocks on the wall however nothing moved upstairs.

7:52 Can't wait to finish my last match. Until then, a preview... Found him by chance before i left yesterday yes while searching for Mr. Tiktok. Probably the reason why so many attempts on the roads...

He does not have a bigger head. That on top of his head is his hair.

9:47 When was i, what i was doing when the Morocco eq hit yesterday. I was finishing (re-adjusting crop scale) the similarity with Mr.Tiktok.

BTW when it was obvious i done it or 5 minutes before i finished this the terrible terrible unstoppable squeaks upstairs stopped and somebody climbed down the stairs.

9:53 It's all part of the big 911 push. I hate all anniversaries, everything around me gets much busier and more dramatic than usual.

10:06 Now he came back and i can't find his age. George Rest Ivan. Bingo.

11:27 De câte ori în căutările mele dau de sculptorul asta mă întreb...

11:52 A double?

Pick at you...

1:10 I was 13 at the end of the 7th grade, about to turn 14 in a couple of weeks and i remember my mother gave me a fishing permit at the end of the year party with many parents in the class...

The physics teacher and class master of the finishing class organized some sort of party in the dark hallway of the old school... And because they didn't have too many boys (and girls, in the end we were all about ten persons) she called me and another boy but for some reason i remember being there along with a bunch of girls. We ate cake, drank some juice and danced...

I think she was the only teacher i had that had an idea of what she was teaching...

One of them was dressed in a blue dress and she i think was of gypsy origin and we danced and she pulled me real close and i was ashamed but she kept pulling me... Nothing happened then or after, but later that summer she passed our house and kinda didn't wanna talk to me... Maybe because after that i danced with another girl in the same way?

And then there was this medical assistant who lived in the next house and she was boiling syringes in alcohol for hours with the open window next to where we were playing in the summer...

3:12 I think the "Spanish" woman at Apt.4 upstairs is key or conductor or master ninja of the building. Right in the middle of it she can give signals or listen to any of the other apartments. At time she does the hard job of talking for hours on the phone in the balcony without listening, sometims after midnight (yeah in Spanish whatever).

I saw several times official cars of the county like from Social Services with Asian women in some sort of black uniform coming to visit her. When the emperror did the windows, after i thought the ordeal was over, she asked her kitchen window to be redone and made all last for one more week, etc..

For a number of years i think she was drying unwashed dog laundry blankets whatever in the drier, they were/are dog's hairs on the grid of the vent.

I once remember they were a couple living upstairs and there was so much dog hair in the vent's grid (the other one) it got clogged and the whole building heated up from the clogged drier, was smelling like burning electrical wires when i called PGE, however i figured it before they came and unclogged it and call them off.

The apartments upstairs communicate among them through the attic etc.. But i wish i knew who puts the burning pellets cartridges whatever in the moles' holes that got me high for years.

Friday, September 8, 2023

September 8

6:00 Anyone ever played the footsie?

6:10 8 Călimani peaks.

6:20 De încrețire sau vulcanici?

6:25 Hara (ravishing) Gita.

6:44 Inteligența aia artificială e cam proastă sau e pentru entertainment (de prostit lumea care a înnebunit de propria ei autosugestie).

De ce a crezut IA că Elvis va slăbi sau îi va crește înapoi păr pe cap? În primul rând figura aia de plastilină din dreapta are ochii mult mai apropiați. Pentru cei într-adevăr curioși, Elfis nu mult după moarte a arătat așa, iar până recent așa.

Mai simplu. L-au reciclat și pentru că se îngrășase prea mult la față și își pierduse părul și nu mai intra în propriul lui stereotip.

8:00 Este vorba de o greșeală de traducere aici sau Ucraina spune acum că România îi ajută pe ruși? Există o bază militară americană la 75 mile sau în raza de acțiune a unui radar terestru de unde a fost incidentul.

10:14 Tick Talking about US military...

2:33 Kenichi Ito

Thursday, September 7, 2023

September 7

2:00 I found by chance this map that i printed on 4 A4 or letter size papers which i glued together. Ever since a number of things are floating in and out my conscious mind. The toponyms Sadova, name of a place near Câmpulung.

Suffix dova or dava may be used in the same way as many other Romanian toponyms that for sure come from the time of Dacians, in Sanskrit meaning either ava (away in English, same root) or dava (forest).

But Sad? there are several possible Sanskrit etymologies. Saint, in English, coming probably from the same Sanskrit root, sane, saint in French, sanctum in Latin, etc.. The other is well.

Toponym Sadagura. Now this is more straight forth, gura could be guru. There are other places where the word gura (meaning mouth) is used in toponyms in Romanian, like Gurahomora, which are given after names of rivers or creeks, like mouth of Homora, but being used like that is unusual. Could it be... Sadhu guru?

And of course the Huzulen (german name for the group), mentioned on the map, of whom is said to have had magical powers, like teleportation, luck bringing, things like that. A huzulen boy who would be bought as slave laborer to one's house would bring great wealth...

Last but not least. Bucovina seal at the time seem to be the head of a local species of bison (zimbru), black, horned, with a hanging red tongue that reminds me of Kali...

The names Sandu and Sanda which is officially said to come from Alexandru is not uncommon in Bucovina eiter.

11:00 Știți bancul ăla cu sfârșitul lumii? (nu contează de la cine l-am auzit). Dacă România e cu 100 de ani în urma Americii, înseamnă că sfârșitul lumii va veni la noi cu 100 de ani mai târziu, nu?

11:20 The monster "came home" at 11:18 and awoke Angela with very loud steps on the floor. Now for the first time he started the TV really loud.

12:12 He woke me up 3 or 4 times since.

6:00 Anyone ever played the footsie?

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 6

2:00 They don't call them ninja for nothing. I went several times over his face but tonight i got really motivated mad and desperate and looked one more time and then i realized the names are almost identical.

In all poses in Europe he tilts his head down, opens his eyes to hide the eye deformity all Japanese have (an extra or missing tiny muscle at the eye lid or something). In Japan he closes his eyes but raises eyebrows (the natural attitude of his culture) and adds stuff to the ears in the makeup room to make sure nobody ever recognizes him.

This is what we got to live with and waste our time 23 years in the third millennium.

2:18 And BTW i always thought the French were smarter then the rest of us and had a great admiration and respect for their history and culture.

8:04 President Iohannis changed his mind, overnight. Romanian defense minister who draw this conclusion after initially denying is also a Hungarian actor.

9:47 Yes i can confirm one more time, they master a form of telepathy. This morning i was tired, wanted to sleep some more, he went somewhere between 7 and 8 like usually and when he came back he woke me like 5 times exactly in the moment when i was about to "pass the gate". Usually after a number of times they do so they let me fall asleep, but is a different kind of sleep. Jinichi had done the same in Lake Oswego. Then he left probably for the day.

They use noises for synchronizations or to cause a strong emotion in the subject "to pick the rhythm" or "the signal". This morning i heard a few phrases and grunts from himself, not sure in what language but one time there was a car revving briefly outside that did it. They call it Shin Shin Shin Gan or divine heart, divine mind. Not sure exactly what the purpose is but i am pretty sure is a dark one. At this moment i feel empty and violated.

I think it is done electrically, but not with a field, more like with a conductor through one's breath, like an umbilical chord, breath that may be loaded with hydrochloric acid from stomach (when the stomach-esophageal sphincter or chakra is open due to rage) making it conductive.

10:03 Yes in Japan it comes from India, though they might have lost that art.

After i mentioned Shinto may come etymologically from Hindu, and goddess Kali and stuff they now think of changing... country's name.

10:50 Încurajator. Știu ce au de făcut, toată chestia e cât timp le trebuie să se prindă la ce se întâmplă. A ok m-am prins a fost diplomație. Au așteptat să vină Blinken în Ucraina.

NATO, SUA, au destui senzori pe teritoriul României ca să fi știut ce se întâmplă din prima secunda. Toată treaba este un aranjament ca românii se tremure bine câteva zile, să nu se mai gândească la altceva.

A și ce face apărarea anti-aeriană a Ucrainei în zonă? Lasă dronele să treacă poate ajunge una în România ca să atragă NATO în război?

10:05 Very interesting.

Urechea te minte și ochiul te-nșală

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

September 5th

12:10 (miezul nopții). Cel mai bun timp de citit știrile. Angela a mers la culcare, tipul de sus a pornit tractorul dar am convins-o să-și pună dopuri în urechi (ear plugs).

Efectul Alexa continuă să facă valuri în știri.

12:15 Ce mișto te simți după ce ai mai scăpat odată de la moarte. Tipul de sus a venit pe la 8 jumate, dar auzeam iar numai pașii de la o persoană. Chiar după faza cu fumul greu. A dansat un timp pe tavan iar eu am vrut să deschid geamul să aerisesc în sfârșit dar afară mirosea ca în grajd a kk de câine proaspăt. Așa că am schimbat bateriile la lanternă și m-am dus să caut.

Abia atunci mi-am dat seama ce greu respiram de fapt, eram amețit și aveam palpitații. Retenție de gaz psihogenă combinată cu congestie nazală. Aceeași poveste veche de decenii la mine și milenară pentru ei. Am mai mers și până la hub-ul Amazon de la biroul complexului să iau un pachețel, mi-am mai revenit. Am găsit lângă tomberonul cel mai apropiat, care oricum puțea tare el însuși un sac de gunoi rupt cu gunoaiele împrăștiate pe jos și peste care trecuse deja o mașină (ca și cum deștepții ăia nu vedeau).

Am venit în casă, am dat drumul la ozon, am mai băut un ness decaf cu niște biscuiți, și m-am pus la știri și mi-am dat seama că în sfârșit sunt ok, pot să mai citesc și pot să mai scriu. Am stins lumina în bucătărie și am calculat. 200 wați echivalent LED pe tavan și încă 200 deasupra chiuvetei. Asta era ceva lumină.

Și mi-am amintit o fază. Eram la Câmpulung prin clasa V-a cred, înainte de construcția școlii noi și m-a luat Michitovici la o filmare (da bunicul tipului ăla din Constanța cu avionul, în poză este el cu mama, fiica lui Michitovici, care semăna cu Polanski).

La o bojdeucă cu o cameră și podea de pământ unde stătea o babă singură lângă școală. Probabil făcea ea ceva, cosea, împletea, torcea, ceva ce trebuia imortalizat. Nu mai țin minte exact ce. Era zăpadă udă pe afară și aveam în picioare singura pereche de bocanci (ca și pantofii de acum de fapt) uzi, și stăteam pe o laviță ceva.

Job-ul meu era să țin și să urmăresc cu "reflectorul" direcția în care Michitovici filma însă nu era totul pregătit și trebuia să aștept.

Eram foarte somnoros, nu dormisem bine sau m-a trezit Michitovici devreme. Stăteam acolo pe lavița aia și țineam triunghiul ăla de fier cu trei becuri de 500 wați fiecare în colț și așteptam să filmăm și triunghiul avea o prelungire la vârful de jos cu un mâner izolant pe care o țineam în mână și dădeam să ațipesc când am atins cu fruntea latura de sus sau cea orizontală a triunghiului și am văzut la propriu stele verzi.

Unul din firele acelea era desizolat și faza (hot wire) făcea contact cu metalul și m-a curentat la frunte, dându-mi un șoc electric, la propriu.

At 3:30 he woke up to smoke.

10:23 Căutând aici în zona 68-72 am dat peste ceva și mi-a venit o idee. Poate modul cel mai bun de a ilustra distorsiunea optică este această imagine. Omul are nevoie de multe dioptrii, și cum se văd porțiuni din fața lui prin ochelari.

Orice tip de obiectiv de cameră (lens) are distorsiuni deși cele cu lungime focală mare (teleobiectiv, zoom) tind să reproducă imaginile mai aproape de realitate sau de o proiecție ortografică. Dar ce este realitatea (optică) în acest context de transfer optic al unei imagini?

Ca să vezi o față la acest nivel de detaliu, nu poți fi mai departe de un metru-doi, iar la acea distanță sub 2 metri, apar deja distorsiuni de proiecție, unghiul de vedere este destul de mare iar distanțele pot fi diferite până la ochi sau urechi, cu până la 10% (care s-ar traduce în distorsiuni optice dacă ai face o fotografie de la acea distanță).

10:48 Stuck or scrap. The doomed ninja. It's not only his face. Born in 72, at 55 he has got a exceptionally lean and muscular body. I saw him moving while installing probably his new Oregon LPN only in the rear of his other car, a black Toyota, which would give him one or a few more days of incognito passage everywhere. He has got a very distinctive, peculiar way of moving, like caressing every detail and then i saw him in a video. There is little doubt it's him.

Like most ninja he has absolutely no regard for any law and one of the things he done already is kidnapping.

2:30 No go zones in Paris. Zsuzsanna Bazsinka. Drug dealers on ninja?


9:15 Possible anagrams for iPhone

Hone Pi
Hoe Nip
Hoe Pin
Hope In
Hep Ion
Pine Oh
Pine Ho
Pie Hon
One Hip
Eon Hip
Pone Hi
Nope Hi
Open Hi


9:40 I thing someone stock again burning stuff into the mole holes, smoke flooded the building, stepped on a number of those.

10:20 Da și ce frumos e ilustrată povestea cu oscarul ăla care ține mâna pe osabie.

10:50 Priscilla Beaulieu Priestley

11:30 Yeah but the US GDP is pumped with the extraordinary costs of healthcare, highest in the world which is included in calculation.

An MRI cost 5000 dollars by example and a hospital room 2000 a night and a regular doctor visit hundreds of dollars etc.. It was all quiet and when i wrote the phrase above someone woke up upstairs and started walking making a big noise... Is this some sort of censorship through terror? I googled now and they say the price of an mri is under 2000 dollars, but i payed 4000 for a head mri in 2005.

11:45 They awoke Angela who needs to get up at 4. I'm sure they wouldn't have done it if i didn't write the above. This is not the first time when i saw the European media is praising the US living standard. Because they had to maintain this illusion. US is a third world country compared to Europe and the quality of life there.

More flushing toilet and walking after i added the last link. It's ten to midnight.

11:57 They started the AC tractor in the bedroom. Today's temperature was 75 max and right now is 56 (13 Celsius).

10:26 The (Wa) Shinto call us sinners and degenerated but don't like the truth that is not favorable to them. Got to stop here cause they won't let Angela sleep. In the past they drove me nuts and to the psychiatric hospitals. In early 1996 after in a similar way two upstairs neighbors kept me awake for a week cause i didn't know what was going on and i got a 20k bill and didn't have a job or anything but i got enrolled in Medicaid by a "Romanian" (read Hungarian) which is a program for the poor who paid most of it.

12:40 They started again, Angela hit the ceiling with a stick and then the ninja candidly asked... What?

12:46 Angela is done sleeping. She started the TV. There is smoke in and outside the building. For that reason i can't call the Police. They will say it's me i was smoking something and probably would even come positive if tested.