Monday, January 15, 2024
January 15
If they were only two positive quarks, the orbit would not be anything like a circle. In fact people have thought of that and there is a blog post that quotes another one and is showing the orbit of the Star Wars planet Tatooine that gravitates around 2 Suns. And no, it won't have anything like years, crop seasons, thinks like that.
And this is the case of an atom with only one proton. Think about bigger ones. How complicated would be to describe the orbit of 16 electrons (oxygen) by example that also repel each other when moving around 16 protons of which all are made of three quarks. A 64 body problem (not counting the neutrons)?
Ok so Bohr and even Heisenberg didn't know about quarks but they knew about protons. However in Bohr's atomic model the electrons all turn nicely around the nucleus like planets around a Sun of which masses are negligible (except for Jupiter) when compared to that of the Sun by means of gravity which is not polar like protons in an atom (and even those gravities influence heavily each other).
And one more thing. In heavier atoms electrons on lowest levels (of energy?) turn at speeds close to c and that according to Einstein can cause their mass (and energy) to increase dramatically. Could that stand for the (in)famous mass "defect" problem?
Thing is we are stuck in physics at a level not far from that of fuzzy math Heisenberg and confusing Einstein, at nearly 100 years since their theories and waste the time of the children in colleges with stupid inconsistent naïve theories.
And no, it is not a Jewish conspiracy. Einstein was not a Jew, or maybe he was, by the looks, but he was also made by an actor, like Tesla and all others. The conspiracy is much deeper than that and goes all the way to Ancient Egypt and their today continuators, the elite of Japan and the Sun God and their alliance with Hungarians who provide the European looking actors.
6:25 Statul abrupt. Una e să protestezi și să faci grevă ca profesorii care nu voiau să încheie mediile sau chiar ca cei din 10 august și alta e să blochezi capitala unei țări cu utilaje grele, ca într-un asediu. Se atentează la funcționarea ordinii de drept într-un stat iar eu nu cred că șoferii aceia sunt români.
7:10 PM Aplicați legile existente și nu lăsați o categorie dotată cu utilaje grele să terorizeze toată populația României acționnând ca și complicii lor. Câte încălcări de exemplu ale codului rutier au fost comise de așa zișii protestatari, prin blocarea șoselelor cu vehiculele lor private?
Saturday, January 13, 2024
January 13
12:37 I think i came up with the first law of Universal reaction. The force of the reaction is proportional with the square of the size of the disturbance.
4:24 Novak și fermierii.
7:00 How an antiquated election system in place since before media and super fast communications era favors big money and pathological criminals or their designated opponents in their race towards US Presidency. Why not direct elections period like in most European countries?
According to the states' legislations (and this is a type of discrimination between citizens of the same country), people vote early in a so called open or closed so called primary elections during which a single candidate is pushed to the top for the "final" elections when every citizen gets to choose between... two candidates only of which most don't want, even with Taylor Swift push for young voters. What (or who) to vote?
It is clear to anybody the Republican party is ceding early by pushing totally ineligible candidates, of which Trump is the most.
7:50 László Tőkés.
11:38 At this hour of the night i can't even begin to understand the formulas behind that trajectory, but i like to believe that if they would calculate that trajectory taking in the consideration only the electric asymmetry of the proton they would come with something similar. Also i don't know why the nucleus itself would not rotate a bit, thus the cloud. And it all seems symmetrical.
Needless to say. The movement of the electron creates an electric current following that trajectory and the electric current creates a weird shape magnetic field etc. of which the variable part caused by the curves would be compensated by self induction.
I would think that while the atom is not perturbed like by heat, it would stay like that forever.
However if the whole thing starts to vibrate, like being heated, at some point the electron might first jump on a higher level and and then loose that orbit and i don't know what shape will have the lower orbit, but will still be symmetrical if stable and at least during the fall both stable shapes will be asymmetrical and the magnetic field created during the fall will be asymmetrical.
Or simply the orbit would be perturbed enough by vibration for that to happen, without the need of fall. Especially if the lower energy level is fully populated like they are, where would the poor electron go?
By law of conservation of energy, something has to compensate that asymmetry and that would be a virtual particle creating an orphan asymmetrical field away from its cause because the cause (the fall or vibration) ceases before of the accomplishing of self induction and that in turn would create another one and another one, figuring the wheel of Ezekiel and of course the motion of a virtual particle would create an unstable string each time.
So in the end it is an uncompensated asymmetrical jumping (with the speed of light) magnetic or electric field. Nothing travels at the speed of light, not even light.
Friday, January 12, 2024
January 12
11:08 Have no idea what is the etymology of the word свобода, the same in Russian and Ukrainian, however i know they are both Indo-European languages and this word reminds me of the last two words of Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra written in Sanskrit which i believe it the mother of most European and Indian languages.
11:37 Ca să nu regret mai târziu, așa cum regret că nu am scris chestia de mai sus acum câteva zile când mi-am dat seama prima dată, să mai spun o scurtă poveste. Pe care am mai spus-o dar în altă formă.
În anul I și II am avut o colegă cu looks de super star, de fapt semăna foarte bine cu Sandra, cântăreața lui Michael Crețu, dar avea o arsură pe gât care o desfigura puțin.
Însă abia zilele astea după ce am scris niște observații și am rememorat ce știam despre emisia spontană fotonică mi-am dat seama de niște chestii.
Pe colegă o chema Camelia Chelman și era din Bacău. Dacă scrii numele Chelman cu K, Kelman (da, știu la fel ca și Kelemen), toate consoanele formează KLMN adică numerotarea straturilor de energie ale electronilor care orbitează în jurul unui nucleu. În continuare, Camelia sugerează cocoașă deci o greutate sau o sarcină electrică poate?
Ea a picat examenul de mecanică teoretică din anul II bis, ceea ce însemna pentru ea terminarea facultății ceea ce sugerează că și căderea unui electron nu trebuie interpretată cuantic ci clasic? Și a căzut din tren înainte de a ajunge în Bacău (eu nu locuiam în Bacău în timpul acela, asta a fost după repartiție) după ce a picat examenul și a murit.
La începutul lui 81 cred m-am întâlnit cu ea la examenul de Studiul Metalelor în toamnă (eram în grupe diferite). L-am luat amândoi cu 5 (de pomană, eu am greșit chiar diagrama fier-carbon), știam că profesorul Alexandru nu pică în toamnă pe nimeni, ca de obicei când sunt foarte stresat, am luat-o pe jos la o plimbare foarte lungă și nu știu cum ne-am nimerit împreună, am mers pe jos din Tudor până în Copou (cât e, 5 km?) după care ne-am întors spre seară în centru și ea m-a dus să văd Carul cu Boi "care se uită la tine indiferent din ce direcție te uiți la tablou" (roțile lui Ezekiel?).
Mda, și traseul seamănă cu traiectoria unui electron care pică.
Căderea ei din tren a fost în 83? (locomotivă electrică, chiar, cât e forța gravitațională la distanțe foarte mici ca nucleu-orbită), an în care s-au scumpit băuturile iar România a început declinul economic ce a dus la căderea regimului 6 ani mai târziu în 89. Crețu, Kreuz, base, dance, oscillating perpendicular strings, de-light, M energy level, Sandra (particule, nisip, trecerea timpului)?
Inversarea timpului. E posibil să fie și alte mesaje în acest video, poate chiar notele, poate și în celelalte ale Enigma. Unicorn, primordial disturbance and its reaction that created the Universe, Nirvana (stingerea), etc..
Mai vedeți și voi eu sunt saturat cu multitudinea de chestii la care mă gândesc zilele astea.
Thursday, January 11, 2024
January 11
12:48 Could it be the 4 disks on the djed represent the four energy levels of orbiting electrons, the oval "head" of the Ankh the semi-closed eccentric magnetic or electric field line following the fall of an electron from highest orbit level, the Sun above representing the light (photon), etc..
2:15 I think i might have found something to work with in GeoGebra. Pharaoh's crook and flail? Earlier the image was available as google search result, it is now gone however in the meantime i downloaded the file it came from so i can do a screenshot (have to download it to see it). There are some interesting enunciations in the article too. "For the principle of conservation of energy to be hold true, it is necessary to add an extra term to the equation of motion as the radiation reaction force."8:24 As for self induction of a single electron, it is very simple. Similar with self induction of a current made of many electrons eventually moving inside a conductor (self induction, the magnetic field created by a current generates back a current that opposes its cause).
However the problem gets more complicated and also more captivating when we consider a single accelerated electron moving in vacuum also on a curved trajectory which still fits the definition of an electric current. Then, we might have eccentric self induction and an electric momentum away from its cause which i call a virtual particle.
9:47 E=mc2 also means mass is energy. The photons which move at the speed of light only have mass in the sense they carry energy. However. Speed of light in glass is about 2/3 than in vacuum (BTW, way or infinitely outside of the scariest part of the Lorentz curve, or almost non-relativistic).
I understand the photons might be (instantly) slowed down when they enter glass. However. When light escapes glass it accelerates back to full c (c is always the same bla bla). Where do the slowed down photons get the extra energy to accelerate instantly back to c? (head scratching emoticon here).
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
January 10
11:25 "Eu centrez, eu dau cu capul" (I center, i score). Here it goes :
I think i found a way to visualize the falling of an electron on a lower orbit, after i figure the equations. Probably the most overlooked phenomenon in history of science. For the accelerated phase, it should be a parabolic spiral. No need for supercomputers or anything. Except maybe if there was some AI software which you could verbally ask it to do so and spare all the work.
Why is it important? Well, a falling electron is (the smallest) electric current, right, which generates a magnetic field, right, which accompanies the emitted photon (or is the emitted photon).
Nevermind that. They just sent in a team (made of little "Mexicans") who started hammering to finish the walls of the fallen stairwell (about a month ago, remember). There will be between 1000 and 10000 hammerings today. Like in the days when the emperor was here, and did the windows. Or a few years earlier when they did the roofing for the whole complex, with an average of one nail a second for 6 months.
11:30 Was thinking earlier. If the religious thugs of Japan force their own people to work to death to partly finance their covert ninja type operations abroad, what will they do to others. Like what they are doing nowadays with Americans and they don't even know it.
4:00 Thoughts from my walk. If we were to calculate the trajectory of a falling electron we need to know first position and speed of the electron, which according to German physicist Werner von Braun Heisenberg it is not possible. I bet this is the main reason they never adventured to do it.
So we must to get rid of this theory first, also with the help of deeper quantum mechanics, and that is the quarks i bet Heisenberg didn't know about.
Ok, Heisenberg published his uncertainty theory in 1927 and quarks were discovered in 1964 and he died in 1976 and he never corrected his theory. Why would had he, since he already won a Nobel prize in 1932 and was already the father of quantum mechanics?
For the most simple atom, hydrogen, with one single proton which is made of quarks we can see the proton has a spatial asymmetric dipole charge. More than that, to form the nucleus, the proton is paired with a neutron which has no electric charge at all, only mass which adds to the off center asymmetry.
Since both nuclei and electrons have mass, there is a tiny gravitational force between them though the electric force is prevalent.
So the normal circular trajectory of an electron around a nucleus, better said around the center of its electric charge is perturbed by the electric asymmetry of the proton and the position relative to its mass center.
There is also the issue with the mass of the electron. The electron has enough mass to move the atom around a bit, like Moon vs Earth. At those speeds, this thing will also contribute to instability of many possible orbits or "energy levels" and in the end their are only a few permitted or "quantified".
Since we now know quarks are made of strings that vibrate, i bet this model is too complicated for any mathematician and they came up with this uncertainty theory instead.
Though they have so many "idle" (they do not apply to anything) theorems in math no one single person on Earth can review them all in a single lifetime.
But nowadays we have giant supercomputers, let's feed them this model. However i bet they already did and only a few know the results.
I remember i once applied for a grant to pay to use a supercomputer to come up with a method of predicting earthquakes. Based of course on a different theory than tectonics plates theory. But applying for a grant is a complicated job in itself which i screwed and i bet they have one guy in every grants hogging team that to do just that.
BTW do they ever give Nobel prizes to guys who dismantle old theories that have been given Nobel prizes for? I believe they do, Bohr made substantial changes to the previous two models, Thompson and Rutherford who also received Nobel Prizes.
However big money don't need Nobel prizes (which come with one million each), all they need is a good working theory that will allow them to peek into tomorrow's market. One thousand times per second.
BTW is head scratching stimulating blood circulation inside brain?
530 Like i remember during that time when i opened an Ameritrade account and put in 2000 dollars from a credit card. At first it was working but after a few days it was like some big entity with big money was intervening and screwing the prices of my picks so i gave up. But i was there long enough to see they were every day 2 o 3 startups dying there.
They all seemed the same. Gathering a hundred or two hundred million capital, real or not, around a chemical formula for a new Alzheimer drug that never made it past a couple years of studies. But guess what. How many grants where they sucking besides the initial investment?
Big money, big schemes nobody looks at. Nobody cares cause it's government's money.