Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16

1:25 Dulce Bucovină... La fel ca în cazul desenelor din nisip ale călugărilor tibetani, în cazul ouălor din Bucovina după milenii a intervenit fantezia pictorilor... Dar unele motive sunt constante și de asemenea sugestive.

1:40 James David Vance

2:00 AM Just unpublished and will re-write entirely my Theory of Everything based on this statement.

A photon is made of 4 conic AEther whirls rotating in opposite directions next to each other on two axis perpendicular on each other and transversal to direction of movement, moving through space frictionless, in a way similar to a smoke ring.

The speed of a photon against the stationary AEther is limited to a fraction of the the peripheral rotation speed of the whirls which is limited by the centrifuge force.

2:25 În urma elucidării adevăratelor circumstanțe ale semnării de către Ciolacu a falsului tratat de la Budapesta (Ciolacu nu are calitatea constituțională de a semna tratate externe, asta este un atribut al Președintelui României, semnare urmată de ratificarea Parlamentului), ei au rescris din volei alegerile și au făcut loc acestui personaj, Georgescu (care printre altele imită numele meu).

El va lătra până la vară, comentând la mișto sau apărând în alegorii, menite să creeze confuzie asupra tot ce scriu eu sau în general tot ce se întâmplă, când se va sătura toată lumea și va fi retras probabil printr-o gafă irecuperabilă și pe veci memorabilă, ca multele din istoria post 89, pentru a face loc clovnilor (des)prăfuiți ai sistemului.

2:40 One question to which google did not know the answer. Could shock waves add energy to matter, creating excitation and a peak in spontaneous decay.

9:40 In this version of my theory mass could be created by the speed of aether. When only rotating, not moving linearly or at relativistic speeds, mass would appear stationary and constant. When moving, would follow the special relativity equation, suggesting there is some resistance of aether to movement of the whirls.

Or it could be aether has mass or only relativistic mass and the whirls create areas of depression, concentrating aether. The faster they move linearly, the more aether they absorb and their size and mass grows.

Again inertia could be explained by growth of mass at non-relativistic speed.

Photons would exist at a point of equilibrium between attraction of the four components due to low pressure, rotation speed and linear speed.

[I postponed the research in this direction for a few days needed to catch my breath, however i am forced to do it because some threat and punish me for this, can't really talk about (one revolution a day, wouldn't that be enough for them?)

So i did not have enough time to come with any proof of the above, other than "it must be that way" which is equivalent to the reasoning behind Special Relativity which is only an enunciation, a datum or a dogma with no explanations behind period.]

So the low pressure whirls would act like an aether vacuum, and then transferring its surplus to the high pressure one, in the case of light. In case of "ordinary matter" we only have low pressure whirls, cause antimatter or high pressure whirls is rare in this Universe.

Being made of matter and antimatter in the same time (the pair production is the proof) make light not absorb aether and thus moving faster than anything.

Electrostatic force would be repelling of two whirls with opposite rotation direction and gravity attraction of all negative pressure whirls towards AEther.

11:54 Nu știu dacă Călin Georgescu Călin a observat, dar avem deja unul.

12:00 Așa cum am scris de mai multe ori, când scriu și eu ceva mai de Doamne-ajută, avioanele se ridică de la sol.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

January 15

12:15 AM Was meditating after seeing a cover of a Romanian online humoristic magazine.

Yes turning mass into energy on a massive scale could spell trouble. By destroying and harnessing the infinitesimal whirls moving at prodigious velocities you could create ripples in space time continumm with unpredictable results.

But this is already happening in the current reactors, though harnessing only the so called mass deffect, with lesser efficiency and greater risks to environment. As for why the lobes in Schrodinger's theory do not look exactly like swirls, well, their equations are not those of swirls and nobody took their holograms yet. Until now, they thought they were something else.

12:45 PM Today markets are rejoicing at 1.83 percent on "inflation data". My guess is more about oil and the fact ever time i mention aliens in one of my posts on a serious note the market is up more than 1% the next day. Or my mentions about the selling of new vehicles in the US.

I tried to explain in the past and i see it in the market movements. People are driven by emotions that soon turn into beliefs. How else could we explain the long grief of a good looking president that others think it was the worst?

Here is another attempt to plot a correlation between inflation and stock market. It's hard cause i cannot find easily inflation charts. I believe one can see easily the market is leading or is a bit ahead.

From that hole or near zero in early 2020 inflation rose to a max on this chart of maybe 3.8% while the stock market doubled to about 100% on the same period which means the rate of correlation is 3.8/100.

So if the market went up 1.8% today it means inflation went up 1.8*3.8/100=0.068% while the average per day CPI increase for the month of December was 0.3/22 = 0.014
1:30 I was staring at the charts above wondering what have possibly brought inflation up from that "hole" in the middle of the chart when it was near 0 when i saw the words "Fed's target goal 2%". Why Fed's goal would be 2% and not 0%?

Then on a hunch i went to search for a Fed's rate chart and guess what. With Fed Interest left to 0 the inflation first dropped to 0 went way up above the "target rate" of 2% and started to go down only after massive Fed interest ("Fund rate") increases.

It looks to me like (implying they are benevolent) that they are guessing and don't understand how this works as well.

6:35 Trouble is the correlation ended by the time those charts end. Which could mean one thing. They changed the way the calculate CPI or they put it temporarily on hold by using artificial means since they control everything. Especially since that time period i wrote about that.

Also. Do you believe stock market follows the inflation or is the other way around? CPI is calculated by the end of each month and there is no way the traders know it daily as the charts above suggest. I believe is (was) a purely automated link not controlled  by anybody and the market was driving it not the other way around.

7:10 It looks like thought the recent months i started to focus on structures of tiny things like photons, electrons, outer shells, i missed something really important i ran into last night. The Dacian shields. Most likely back then people were displaying these things to inspire fear to their enemies cause they all knew what they meant.

So yeah, could they have had knowledge that was slowly diluting over millennia, following some civilization extinction event, like the great flood, etc..

According to the shield, the lobes are empty shells which makes sense because it would be basically a closed whirl, unlike the light whirls that are open, like an ice cream cones ore the helmets below.

Lobes are closed because they were attracted by the central charge. There are numerous other symbols on the shield, of which some could represent pair production. The "umbilical chord" in the middle of the lobes could represent some structure inside the fast rotating lobe?

The scale could they represent individual whirls like (1/4 parts of) photons?

Other structures like pair production but maybe protons, also like whirls, inside the circle under the lobes. A whole factory made of strings made of whirls that reminds of... cells inside our bodies.

In other words, a wealth of information. Something we could not have been able to pull together for another 1000 years or most likely, never.

Compare with Tibetan sand madalas

7:52 What else we have from Dacians? I heard froms school but never saw the thing or an HD image of it. This is way above Egyptian technology, Roman technology at the time or any other technology until modern days.

10:56 Anything but the truth.

Got tired of searching the original Greek text where Herodotus said Dacians where the most righteous and brave of the Thracians, but i believe the original text said dextrous not righteous which is also their name. In Sanskrit so they must have spoken Sanskrit.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 14

12:30 AM In 1907 Nikola Tesla wrote this: "The primary substance [AEther], thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter".

Electrons were first discovered in 1897 or ten years earlier and were thought to be particles thus matter but the charge to mass ratio than mass was first calculated in 1909.

According to AEther whirls theory, electrons are autonomous independent whirls (though they can merge in greater whirls) like lobes around centers. 

Protons were discovered ten years later, in 1917.

Tesla always claimed he was in contact with aliens. That, i believe.

I think this is the only way he could have known, years before the discovery of protons or Bohr's model or lobe model or string theory or AEther whirls theory.

Or maybe, since he mentions things like Ākāśa or Prana, he had access to more complete Sanskrit texts other than hRdaya sUtra.

Most likely coming from a previous human civilization that existed and was wiped by the last ice age (with the surviving part, Egypt). More scientific then technological, which used pyramids as stargates and sources of power. Maybe that was their own doom and could have been the reason they suppressed Tesla's ideas. Our planet goes through ice age cycles.

Tesla wanted to harness the unlimited energy of the AEther using oscillating circuits. But i think he might have confused the source of energy with Earth's electric field gradient. Tapping into that on planetary scale would have meant depletion of ionosphere.

8:10 After all that happened during the weekend, this morning i had this question on my mind. How many cars were sold by the Japanese in the US throughout history. Started with some searches but soon became frustrated because you can't find the numbers ready.

Toyota in the 50s was making 300 cars in one year. Then suddenly the started to overpass the cars sold in the US. To give you a general idea, in 2023 half of the cars sold in the US were imported from Japan. If we were to add to this the Japanese cars produced in the 24 US factories, those who come from Korea and Mexico, where do we get at?

The good news, is the trend is going big times downwards. Don't know if it's growing consumer conscience, enhanced durability of the cars or lowering of the US credit rating. COVID, name it.

In 2023, they were only around 3 million cars sold in the US of which half were imported directly from Japan, and from the other half, some made under Japanese brands in Mexico and then the Korean ones.

But those numbers, if added to Tesla, GM and other US manufacturers don't add up in the chart below.Some say those 24 Japanese factories in the US brought jobs. That maybe true but if you look closely in the group pictures with employees will see Asians or hikikomori barely disguised into Mexicans.

How many do you think they gross to throughout history? I would estimate, way beyond 100 millions in all these 60 years that have completely reshaped America. Trouble is they started to make the law in the US.

Everywhere i go all i see is their hikikomori trained in ninjutus and for whites beautiful and AI fed supersmart Hungarian actors and actresses. In Oregon trying to emulated an inexistant German and Mexican population.

So yeah, instead of looking into securing Greenland, Americans should look at the racoons in their own backyard.

Before it's too late as one beautiful Eagles song says.

Monday, January 13, 2025

January 13

11:07 Everywhere i went this weekend i saw lots of guys looking like Schrodinger.

Now let's get to Schrodinger. I remembered from a corner of my memory i once saw something really bizarre. Electrons do not orbit a positive center but form lobes where they exist as waves with probabilities according to Nobel laureate Schrodinger.

How will they stay there without orbiting and not fall attracted by the center, that is a mystery to me.

I also was always intrigued with the electron microscope. It makes sense to use optics and see things with light since photons do not have mass.

How about electrons. They do have a mass and they can knock out or electrify big time the specimen.

What i propose is those places around positive charges they call lobes of probability are actually swirls.

Swirls that can contain the equivalent charges or speed and AEther pressure for several electrons.

When an assembly gets excited which means energy is added, a lob burps a small swirl that would be repelled because it rotates in the same direction with the big swirl and start moving by itself, pretty much in the same way a cigarette smoke ring would and then would break in pairs, rotating in opposite directions.

Or get entangled like in the Audi sign.

As for the center itself, it is my understanding from what i read it rotates with an unmeasurable speed, in which case the electron whirls clouds exists only as a trail of some sort, also to compensate the AEther pressure.

Question. Whitin lobe theory which is closest to mine, from which lobe a photon is emitted when it goes to a lower state of excitation? Could it be... from all, since the probability of electrons existing within a lobe should remain the same and the probability of an electron existing (and thus moving from node to node) in the nodes (where of course the center exist) is zero?

Could it be the 4 smaller whirls of the photon moving away be emitted in succession or simultaneously by all 4 lobes?

Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 11

2:20 AM Was wondering then i googled.

10:38 Greenland population.

4:45 PM They said using sea water is bad for environment. Could they borrow some of these suckers from different states (or countries)? Unless if they want to help to fulfill some apocalyptic prophecies.

FYI There are currently 64 in Canada and 10 in the US  but yet only 2 are deployed in LA of which one is down. It does not matter if sea water contaminates them after 100 scoops, they can be flushed. BTW, they could alter design to make them sea water resistant for future orders.

How ironic to have your house destroyed by fire hundreds of feet away from the largest body of water on the planet.

5:00 How much of an idiot one should be to fly a drone into one of those? Maye it's time FAA should consider not to allow to use drones capable of flying into planes without a pilot's license. I believe it's better not to have images of the disaster and save a house or ten with one scoop of those.

9:07 Again anybody had a chance to check polarity and voltage on the last section of the intertie? Hint: could use an electric field meter right under but have to identify it first (it's got two parallel wires per each way of (DC) current, not one.

10:00 No it does not contradicts my latest version of my theory of everything. Electrostatic charge is nothing but pressure gradient, positive or negative of the AEther. By Bernoulli's law, the very fast moving whirls create negative or positive pressure, depending on direction of rotation. It builds up because it does not have where to go. Or maybe it passes through a (micro worm) hole in space time continuum only to come back back through another.

10:10 Could not remember where i saw this, i first thought it was maybe Trump, but it's on the Air Force site. (BTW is that a water tanker in the picture? Nevermind that). They can literally blow a fire, like one would blow a candle. I once saw a documentary when i was a kid that impressed me, they used the technique to put out a fire on an oil or gas well, however it was isolated.

Don't know if they can use it on a number of fires or if the area is declared an unrecoverable total loss and of course would create much distress in population in nearby unevacuated areas.

But a better idea would be to temporarily disconnect first those DC lines around LA out of curiosity to see what happens.

10:37 Talking about Santa Ana winds.

Which again reminds me of this.

11:45 Turk Aegean, Atena, AEther.