11:27 Vă mai amintiți de epoca de aur? Cred că a fost numită așa la mișto de scribii intangibili și superumani din vremea respectivă. Izvorâtorii invizibili ai cântării României și a mult iubitului. Ei știau că orice va urma pentru România nu va mai fi la acel nivel, așa cum a fost el.
8:25 Din care cel dintâi sunt eu. O poveste dintr-un lung șir care construiesc în Europa Maya sau lumea iluziilor. Totul bazat pe o interpretare greșită a unor idei budiste, care a creat atâta suferință în lume în secolul 20, care a urmat pe cel al luminilor, 19, alt concept budist prost înțeles.
Viktor Orban există doar fiindcă lumea se uită la el (se bagă în seamă). Dacă lumea nu s-ar mai uita, el și toată gașca lui ar dispărea.
Apropo, încă nu mă pot hotărî asupra simbolismului acestei clădiri "post moderniste". Ruinele Colosseum-ului, o construcție neterminată încă, un vârtej în eter?

9:33 Talking about whirls in the AEther. Article written by Vidya Ramakrishnan. Make no mistake. This woman is not Indian, she is a ninja. No, it's not a buy, none of the 7 (deadly) magnificent are. ItsMIB M/B ratio is above 50.
We say rubbish all.
9:33 Talking about whirls in the AEther. Article written by Vidya Ramakrishnan. Make no mistake. This woman is not Indian, she is a ninja. No, it's not a buy, none of the 7 (deadly) magnificent are. Its

We say rubbish all.
10:40 "Ready to finish the job" (while you're in town). Bye, then.
5:40 Yeah i should put it all in one post again. Until then, here's one more piece.
It seems there is more matter than antimatter in the Universe. This should happen because positive pressure whirls evaporated right after the big bang by leaking into the AEther or possibly creating it. So it must be the net pressure of the AEther is positive.
It could be the whole Universe is filled with broken positive pressure whirls that never die, AEther being frictionless which means mass and energy meaning AEather is basically the much sought for so called dark matter.
It seems there is more matter than antimatter in the Universe. This should happen because positive pressure whirls evaporated right after the big bang by leaking into the AEther or possibly creating it. So it must be the net pressure of the AEther is positive.
It could be the whole Universe is filled with broken positive pressure whirls that never die, AEther being frictionless which means mass and energy meaning AEather is basically the much sought for so called dark matter.
Which means counter whirls or positive pressure whirls can only exist associated with negative ones, either inside those or like in the case of light caught between those (ex cross like pattern of light).
9:40 Out of many promises Trump didn't make during his rather long campaign here is one he will keep. He will become the hero of 170 million Americans by saving tiktok (a final gift and opportunity by Biden).