1:10 AM I have to watch it like maybe 10 times to figure it out completely but i think by now some of the moves represent transferring of energy between the 4 components of the photon, maybe other particles further illustrating the principles stated in the shape of the drum.
Message in form of objects, gestures, can transcend languages and millennia and i believe this was the intention. This part here is clearly about strings.
This part is the rotation of Trishul (trident) inside the Damaru (little drum).
2:10 Coincidențe neîntâmplătoare.
Sondă cubică. Motoare de rachetă parabolice.
Cupola Parlamentului, paraboloid. Apropo, de decenii, legea bugetului e cea mai mare fraudă financiară din România.
Toate aceste "reacții" neîntâmplătoare demonstrează un singur lucru. Există o opoziție puternică la aflarea adevărului despre natura luminii, a particulelor și a materiei. Într-un trecut îndepărtat, cunoștințe despre toate acestea au fost introduse în simboluri religioase, sub forma uneltelor rituale, dansurilor rituale.
Aceste cunoștințe ar putea oferi surse de energie inepuizabilă, călătorii spațiale cu nave ieftine și compacte, transport cu ajutorul tunerelor în spațiu-timp, etc..
Nu cred că poate fi vorba despre ceva de dinaintea ultimei ere glaciare, căci zei precum Shiva sunt de dată mult mai recentă, două milenii înainte de Hristos. Buddha, 500 ÎHr. Sute de ani însă după apariția piramidelor, a războiului descris în Mahabharata unde este descrisă printre altele și o călătorie la Lună.
Deci cine pot fi aceștia care se opun? Un lucru e sigur, sunt tot acei care au ajuns să corporatizeze și să controleze lumea, creând o ierarhie birocratică indestructibilă în toate țările. Da, sistemul comunist a fost una din aceste ierarhii.
2:40 Japan hotspot.
2:45 Trădătoare a rasei umane e Diana SOSoaca și tot neamul ei.
3:10 Tesla made a considerable amount of money from royalties from his early inventions like the AC motor that ironically is used in today's... Tesla cars. Then he spent those money experimenting with further inventions in a quest for his dream of obtaining free energy. He then went mad and died poor.
Today at least one way of obtaining free energy is possible as theorized by Leo Szilard and is used in the case of heat pumps through reversing entropy though never acknowledged as such by the official science. But i imagine purely electrical devices (without moving parts) can be designed.
But yes, there are enormous amounts of energy in the surrounding AEther. Whirls in the AEther create particles as strings and those contain a lot of energy, if at least Einstein energy matter equivalence equation is true.
What are those things in Tesla's lab and what happened to them? Alien property?
4:40 Is it possible Tesla abandoned all of his experiments and went mad following a possible exposure to high power high frequency radio waves due to his attempts to transmit wireless power "at very high frequencies"? 10 Mhz is one order of magnitude lower than microwaves that start at 300 Mhz.
Was searching for more information regarding Tesla. After seeing this video, another idea came to me. Do i see on top of the New Yorker hotel where Tesla had a suite and lived for the last ten years of his life free of charge when he was supposedly broke a number of shafts starting with a structure similar to those seen inside the Great Pyramid of Giza which i suspect was used for time travel? Note the hotel itself is built in the shape of a pyramid.
However, that can be easily achieved with more advanced technology that could not have been transported in that ship.
7:57 Teleforce.
8:10 To make an idea of the force of a particle beam, you have to take a look at the LHC beam dumps.
After being used for hours in different experiments, the particle beams need to be extracted from the 27 km ring circuit and directed towards the so called beam dumps, essentially structures made of steel and graphite so they can introduce new loads of vaporized gold or lead to begin a new cycle.
8:48 Tesla's nephew Sava N. Kosanović. I heard numerous versions of this story which was supposedly told by a Tesla nephew, Peter Savo. Could the two have been the same persons with slight different names?
9:30 What do you search? The light.
Sabrina's search for spotlight is mostly
Most of them happened because i still used the old theories about EM induction. Once i completely switched to AEther Swirls Theory, after January 14, i did a few more of versions with vectors and with animated paraboloids and hyperboloids within a week until i figured the message embedded in Shivaism (ritual tools, ritual dance).
Mostly in a very hostile environment. Smoke, stink, synced noises, fake messages. Even right now when i write this they are playing Liar by Jelly Roll.
But i believe some have figured that much earlier and now they are playing us.
Could have kept it for myself until the final version? Maybe, but i was hoping to get help and ideas from others, as i invited everybody to a brainstorm.
It is not easy to guess the truth after 100 years of lies and developing a whole establishment based on fake theories but i least i tried.
There is an obvious resemblance between the Trishul and the emblem of Ukraine (Tryzub) and Ukraine Military emblem, also of their Navy emblem and the Polish hologram.
10:30 Tobe lângă Masa Tăcerii? Trebuia să-mi țin gura? Ce mai contează acum când țara e distrusă oricum.
11:20 Mda, am postat unul din dansurile lui Shiva. De precizat că versurile sunt în sansrită iar dansul nu e nimic din ce se vede în filmele indiene de la Bollywood. Ok m-am prins oamenii au quantificat pe reacția mea știind că marțea deschid Cațavencii să văd noua copertă.
Ce nu m-am prins încă e de ce eu. De ce trebuie să fiu mereu eu cel care să mă cicleze (motivație-