Wednesday, April 17, 2019
About Buddha's Meditation
So i will write freely about my thoughts so far from little i read about how Buddha created a whole new world through meditation. A world very different from ours due to geographical distance translated in different ways of thinking and acting in most social occasions.
Any person with a social status no matter how rich has certain social duties to attend. Even a prince. I would assume he was pretty bush with daily business and being an intelligent person he would gradually become disgusted with the world he was encountering on daily basis.
So disgusted he gave up his princehood to become a monk and he went first into an ascetic phase as all monks did at that time. The sacrifice. He then realized nothing was coming out of that one too. Too many constraints, too many duties as well. Or missing too much of the life before. He then had a revelation and went into what today know as a middle way or compromise between asceticism and some sort of worldly indulgence. Best of both worlds. The happy Buddha phase.
And the bowl. He wouldn't give up a monk's lifestyle. Or could not return to his previous life he had before. By living only by donations he was probably returning some good advices and encountered more experiences of others. By not being constrained by rules of ascetic life he started to have a lot of time to meditate at his previous experiences and of those who he met daily. That is sorting out things he encountered so far or was still encountering and sharing those thoughts through teachings or preachings if you want. This way, by having education and enough experience of the world through his previous status and also time and motivation (disgust with the world as he knew it) and intelligence to sort all those things out, a very rare combination to this day he started to give never heard before solutions that went all the way to generalizing as rules, and started to build up a whole new world. From his mind only. Sophisticated and simple in the same time.
Cultural differences with the west became even more complicated to the point of total incompatibility. The many subtle observations and solutions though teachings convinced many and rose to rules that were probably not always very well understood by all (as it happens to followers who may not have full mental capacity of their masters) especially centuries later. His way of life and teachings (which are always incomplete cause a man will never finish his job in a lifetime) may had give birth to sects with a lot of power by unifying members in those beliefs who then started to believe it's their duty to share all that knowledge with the world. All religions come sooner or later at that point.
Then marriage with shintoism in Japan. Integrating Shintoism into Buddhism which are both polytheistic but of complete different cultural and historical background (India and Japan) meant all the raw power of shamanism (a system of manipulating natural phenomena) entered and somehow integrated into a well regulated system of thinking but that marriage probably was never meant to be by the originator and probably not a holy one.
A hidden form of Buddhism, God knows mixed with what (i haven't read Dianetics) may be Scientology.
"According to the Mahaparinibbana Sutta of the Pali canon, at the age of 80, the Buddha announced that he would soon reach parinirvana, or the final deathless state, and abandon his earthly body".
A belief also found in Scientology called "dropping of the body". Needless to say Ron Hubbard the founder of Scientology can be anagramated as Reborn Budha and Dianetics, his main work, resembles in name with dhyāna or Buddha's middle way. "According to Tilmann Vetter, the core of earliest Buddhism is the practice of dhyāna, as a workable alternative to painful ascetic practices. Bronkhorst agrees that Dhyānawas a Buddhist invention".
I was thinking of something else when i was writing this but one phrase in Wikipedia, about the death of Buddha threw me away back towards similarities between Scientology and Buddhism.
Others have been done it before, much metter that i will ever have time.
There is at least one element of shamanism in Scientology and that is the so called measurement of human's body resistance (actually of the contact between the palms and metal cylinders) during auditing sessions.
But could Buddha (or Siddhārtha Gautama in Sanskrit) have draw so much attention and followers if it wasn't also something magic about him?
We know from his biographies that during is pilgrimage throughout India he received training from different yogis.
"He left Rajagaha and practised under two hermit teachers of yogic meditation. After mastering the teachings of Alara Kalama (Skr. Ārāḍa Kālāma), he was asked by Kalama to succeed him. However, Gautama felt unsatisfied by the practice, and moved on to become a student of yoga with Udaka Ramaputta (Skr. Udraka Rāmaputra). With him, he achieved high levels of meditative consciousness and was again asked to succeed his teacher. But, once more, he was not satisfied, and again moved on."
There are things that were never fully explored by westerners and one of them is yoga.
What if yogis, through millennia of practice discovered and mastered that level of communication that occurs within most vertebrates which today we know as "vibrational communication". Could it be the accomplishment of that actually the awakening buddhism is talking about?
Nevermind what i was thinking. Just ran into something else. We all know Star Wars was inspired from eastern mythology. Yoda in sanskrit means fighter and there was a series of samurai drama movies in Japan called Jedigeki Knights. How about Darth Sidious and the common English words insidious (with a synonym restless) and assidious both comming from Latin?
Friday, April 26, 2019
Random Facts About Jainism
Word Jain and Jina seem to have a semantic connection with the word ninja. Jina means victor in Sanskrit.
Jainism as religion emphasizes non-violence. So ninjutsu.
"Paradoxically, there are no aggressive acts of violence in ninjutsu, as violence only begets more violence and can never lead to a happy ending."
Jainism is a non-theistic religion, if one can imagine anything like it. However they believe in immortality and perfection of souls. From this point of view, Scientology is similar. Thetans (souls) in Scientology are omniscient and benevolent though they have forgotten their true nature. Mahavira and Buddha where contemporary. However the name Ron L Hubbard can be almost annagrammed as L(iving) Buddha Reborn. Buddha is a god-like figure in ... Buddhism.
Could the palm symbol that pops on a google image search on term have anything to do with the practice of auditing in Scientology.
Ninjutsu and some religions possibly including Jainism have a practice called Kuji-in.
Swastika symbol. Believe it or not, swastika in Sanskrit literary means "it is sweet".
Gothic cathedral spires share a similar form with structures on Jain temples.
There seem to be a connection between the Rastafarian flag and Jain flag. Also name of God in Rastafarianism is Jah. There is a lion on the Rastafarian flag, while Mahavira (mostly unknown name of founder) in Jainism is associated with lion. Country name Japan.
Iron like Lion in Zion (assoctiation with Xenu?)
Both Scientology and Jainism are non-theistic. Because they hope they will raise to goodhood. That is level 8 in Scientology and whatever fusion with Brahma in Jainism (inherited from Hinduism). That means every one of them will become god in this or a future life. That's why they must perfect selves and the world.
"a person who is able to create his own universe"
There is one question i have to all who have reached or promised this. Will you create your own universe (which can be hard to imagine much different than as a branch of the current we all live in) with or without your friends or family. Cause if you chose to keep your friends and family, they will all become whatever you wish and thus not having their personalities anymore.
Of course most punished would be Xenu. If billions of thetans chose to branch out each on their own that means Xenu would be multiplied by as many times and would have to suffer as slave billions of times for eternities.
There is of course a betters solution to all problems. Al thetans could agree for a convergent universe where they all could share their godhood status. I mean they could all be like a team of gods in an universe they choose to be their own. This way at least they won't be alone each in their own (universe).
But i think this has been done already. Hollywood. Music industry. The team of gods. 20th century history.
There is at least one conclusion i can draw already not only related to the facts above but with other from my daily experience. Scientologists, Jainists, others are doing their work to perfect society so they can live better next lives so they can perfect selves throughout all reincarnation cycles until they reach nirvana.
Openly through influential movies and organizations. Politics. Covert through allegoric live shows on dark web. (But a live show won't be nothing, wouldn't draw any audience without strong typed characters, including negative).
There is no telling what these guys would do, besides not harming others. Today i saw yet another woman at an intersection biting her lip because she missed her opportunity because yet again i stopped in time.
They don't care about their lives because they know they will be reincarnated and won't do harm to others because of their believes (Still have some lingering emotions because they live in material bodies). But they can arrange rendez-vouss with
Also there's no telling in what they will do "to expose evil in society" just to em-better them, so their next lives will be better. Sometimes they need to bring out the evil so it will become apparent and that is probably what they did through manipulation in Europe causing the two world wars and thus purifying the world.
About financing. Besides income from big Hollywood production and donations (Scientology).
Sunday, October 9, 2022
October 9
10:25 Bridge over troubled water...
10:25 One hallucinant story found in MSN maze and one coincidence. A dog who refuses the let a baby walk. It triggered my curiosity because it is related with the title of a book i posted about yesterday.
Hallucinant is a word used extensively in Romanian media when describing things that are nightmarish but yet happen and make it in the news, it is not a word used like this in English where the adjective applies to a person. What i meant, it is something that makes you believe you are hallucinating. I was attracted by this how should i call it, click story (i waste a lot of my time looking for definitions, classifications, in the maze of stereotypes used in media). I saw it before. You click on a title and have to click and click and probably would get to the answer in the end, after watching lots of pictures and going though lots of meanders, and in the end will be disappointed by realizing how much time you wasted, for nothing. Unclicked this one for you. But this time at the end it was something that raised one shocking question of which google knows the answer. Nevermind in the story they blamed it on the pharmacist. You can't get that from a pill. They got the baby at the hospital during rush hour with a motorcycle? Now (after) i see it is marked with Ad on MSN site. An ad for what? (almost one hour of my best time wasted on this).
11:14 I do walk a lot but...
11:15 Paintings done by AI.
11:18 Con artist.
11:30 Being tired, distracted, following lead in traffic, i added almost 40 miles to my trip back home by missing one ramp and going I5 North instead of South. How come i didn't realize i made a left turn? I don't know. My phone with unlimited data which had the destination on google maps did not connect to car's bluetooth because Angela'a had priority so it did not talk to us. At a certain time, Angela looked and saw the miles to destination increase instead of decreasing so i took the first exit back. At mile 88 while doing 80 mph, after passing some cars, almost hit a dead dear carcass laying between lanes. Thick smoke also present around that area. Could it had been... Mind programming?
Yes they were playing bad habbit around that time on Z100. 3:12 PM. Yes, stop and go. Hundreds of vehicles from Portland to Lucky Eagle surrounding me were involved in traffic bullying. This time also under the pretext of Halloween.
11:44 Halucinant este folosit greșit în limba română. O declarație nu poate fi halucinantă, doar o persoană.
1:34 Angela left for WinCo and they started bullying me here now. They don't call it "School of the hidden door" for nothing. They don't have to be near you to screw you. Now, slamming doors, several times harder than necessary (if necessary at all) after idling the Purple Dodge, synced with my thoughts. Is that influencing or what. Slamming so hard it raised dust in here (days after i vacuumed cleaned, twice) i started to sneeze. But the timing. I was thinking what else to write here. They might not know what i'm thinking until i write it down but they probably guess and certainly know the rhythm of one's thoughts, from thousands of years of "meditation" and experimenting with the feeble minds or ordinary people (not awakened) in Buddhist monasteries so they make me give up (forget) by getting mad. They started the Purple Dodge, again.
2:29 Ce au în compun divele lui Băse? M&M. Inițialele duble, un indiciu aproape sigur de nume schimbat. Marylin Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Greta Garbo, Claudia Cardinale, Varujan Vosganian, Ion Iliescu, Voican Voiculescu, Dan Diaconescu, Teo Trandafir, Corina Chiriac, etc. etc..
4:20 Dodge terror again...
11:28 No it wasn't the Dodge. It was a fire engine that responded to a call. Sorry.
11:30 Când am citat din cartea lui Nicolae Paul Mihail, la care am râs cu poftă multe seri în copilărie, ca mulți alții probabil, nu știam semnificația numelui Stromboli, care era numele circului în jurul căruia s-a învârtit o parte din narațiune, ce-o mai fi fost... Nu aș fi știut-o nici azi, dacă nu era google. De fapt stromboli mai are o semnificație, culinară.
"O seri debusolate cerc concav
Și-o ploaie de-anemone peste dune
Reiterez în contratimp suav
Mesaje longobarde scrise-n rune"
Citat ce mi-a fost inspirat de prestația unui europarlamentar.
Dar Xenu o fi văzut toate astea și s-a gândit să facă și el o glumă.
Bănuiam de mult că o pot face. Știu că fiecare zonă seismică din lume are o frecvență de vibrație proprie, diferită de toate celelalte, în funcție de configurație. Se poate deci transmite la oarece distanță un semnal pe frecvența zonei respectivă (de ordinul sub un hertz cred) zonă care începe să rezoneze cu acea frecvență. Dacă sunt condiții propice (presiune, temperatură în bula de lavă, aliniere Soare Pământ Lună), cutremurul se va întâmpla. Probabil la fel și cu vulcanii.
Pe vremuri o făceau dând drumul la bolovani sau alte greutăți pe coridoarele piramidelor unde existau trepte reconfigurabile la o anumită distanță corespunzătoare frecvenței dorite. Astăzi se poate face cred de exemplu cu mașini grele (prese) hidraulice. Un număr de, sincronizate undeva într-o hală industrială.
Da, cred că în viziunea Scientologilor Xenu a avut ceva de-a face și cu erupția vulcanului St.Helens, nu departe de unde locuiesc eu acum. Dar l-au prins pe Xenu și l-au pus într-o închisoare la poalele vulcanului Mt.Sylvania unde îl țin captiv și torturează cu praf vulcanic electrizat. Da, Xenu care se mai numește și Xemu, Zemu, este același cu Zamolxes cel care a dat omenirii zimaza și i-a făcut alcoolici (după ce i-a adus pe pământ în etilen glicol, sau antigel, care este tot un alcool).
Tom Cruise deghizat în mexican a vrut de mai multe ori să-l împuște pe Xenu pentru că a dezvăluit pe blogul său aceste secrete și a creat astfel pandemia.