Friday, January 10, 2025

January 10

4:40 PM No doubt, the biggest progress in quantum physics since the enunciation of theory, performed with much effort and insight by Polish scientists. By repeating the collision of two photons with one of them changing phase for each collision, they extracted the information pertaining to the "unknown" (constant phase) photon but the rest is misinterpretations and false beliefs (Schrodinger).

I believe what we are seeing here on the left are four whirls, rotating perpendicular to the propagation axis each ceding its energy to opposite while fading, similar to an hourglass. Two opposite ones turning in different directions create the next ones.

Closest analogy i can think of is a differential with 4 conic wheels, left side of this image. However, the wheels have no teeth and the two axis are not intersecting, all moving forward due to an axial momentum from creation time (burping).

This idea is too new to me, have to think more if there are two or four axis, one for each swirl but strictly by the hologram, there should be two.

Any of the two own an old red Subaru with a backward curbed antenna ;)?

Don't want to state the obvious, but just for courtesy, i could have never had the motivation and made the interpretation without the "hologram" above.

Now that i think, Subaru are the first production cars with four wheel drive having that type of differential. No, i think i'm wrong, it's the Audi Quatro with the 4 circles like an Ezekiel wheel. Nevermind that too, Audi is on the 7s position on this list.

6:50 Yeah i don't have any vocal interface supercomputer to simulate the above. Until then, i found something. I wish this one was 3D and animated though. 

10:15 BTW EAther - Eaton. Incredibly fast rotating whirls. That butterfly in Tokyo which again flapped its wings in Alaska and Oregon.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

January 9

12:57 AM I believe this is where we should look for particles. It is said all particles "have a spin", right?

It's not "they have a spin", they are swirls or they exist because they rotate. Right.

In a fluid, swirls rotating in the same direction repel each other and electrons of the same spin repel each other more strongly. In my theory the repelling electrostatic force is due to random disturbances of the same positive pressure rotating against neutral pressure of the AEther that repel each other.

String theory was born from the need to explain the "strong force".

8:00 What did i say about pink being the new white? What can it be a pink poney on a Japanese navy flag background?

11:28 Could she be the one upstairs? BTW she's shaking the building, "as we speak". (Didn't "go to work" today of course after i just posted).

11:50 Apropo credeam că simbolurile naziste sunt interzise în România... Sau în SUA...

3:20 Just figured a new valence for the song. Chrystal Nacht.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

January 8

12:35 AM More of a nurse...

1:15 AM Sin atrociously...

6:50 All the current theories in physics start with observations of rather complex phenomena, trying to explain those with models we may call from top to bottom.

There are two different apparent currents in today's physics, like particles which gave us the standard model, with three called fundamentals, quarks, leptons and bosons with some confirmations through experiments and the strings theories which is tempting but still in the realm of hypothesis.

The other way would be to start with only one hypothesis trying to explain all observations, or from bottom up.

What i'm proposing is explaining them all with only one hypothesis. All matter is made of one single type of particle, called virtual particle or disturbance, that exists only dynamically.

The single particle, for the sake of familiarity we should call electric though it's basically nothing.

The disturbance always creates a reaction of space time continuum which can be confirmed by the so called electromagnetic induction experiment. It is at 90 degrees in space and it begins when the disturbance transfer its energy to it, diminishing.

We could attach a mental experiment to it. Imagine the magnetic field created by of the movement of one single electron (though in the end it proves that the electron is not punctiform). The deceleration 
of one single punctiform charged particle would create a movement of another single charged particle with an opposite sign and at 90 degrees direction.

But when the disturbance is not being accelerated, the reaction is closing upon self. Which is moving on a closed trajectory. Which in  our perception would be the equivalent with two particles, one charged positively and one negatively at different times.

The most simple case is that of a circular closed trajectory and this would be an electron. But depending on the speed and initial condition of creation, like being closed to other particles or coming of a cloud with n bodies, its trajectory could be more complicated, giving us all the known particles.

We can call these strings however only their trajectories resembles strings. If the trajectories are closed and stable no matter how complicated we have closed strings or particles and if they are open we have open strings though open strings can exist only temporarily or for the period of time the virtual particle moves on that trajectory, always creating and transferring its energy to another one like in the case of light.

So yeah, we may call a virtual positron the reaction in time of a virtual electron. So the energy released through annihilation of matter and antimatter is the initial energy of the disturbance that can never be "healed".

We shall conclude that there are two time frames in which matter and antimatter exist with two different charges and that generates gravity.

I believe we shall have any type of closed strings we can imagine by using this model starting with the most basic, a closed circle or an electron.
8:00 However at times i believe the whole space time continuum behaves like a fluid and one disturbance or a moving bubble of greater pressure is being attracted by its own trail like in Bernoulli's law... Than while moving together, they create a tiny depression in the Æther attracting everything in that is moving or all similar disturbances in that plane in the Universe.

Their mistake back then was Æther though a fluid, without mass cannot be an elastic medium for light.

A swirl in the dark Æther.

Copyright Notice. I shall call the above enunciations starting with 6:50 The Dynamic Swirls Theory or Æther Swirls Theory.
3:40 I din't know!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

January 7

8:45 Ceaușescu începând cu discursul anti-sovietic din 68 a fost pro-europeanul din blocul socialist. Apoi, începând din 82 încercat să ne aducă ura față de sovietici, dându-le toată mâncarea pentru a plăti o balanță imaginară creată prin importul de tehnologie din vest pentru a contracara dependența de sovietici.

Omul devenise suveranist.

Acest suveranism a însemnat mai târziu blocarea importurilor și trasarea de sarcini pentru a face totul în țară (prin noi înșine?), care a însemnat distrugerea tehnologiei importate "cu mari sacrificii" prin lipsa update-rilor necesare (tehnologia merge mereu înainte) iar noi încă nu aveam suficiente cunoștințe sau specialiști (deși erau ca număr) sau disciplină pentru a face singur update-rile.

Astfel că la începutul anilor 90 lumea s-a trezit fără locuri de muncă, datorată lipsei competitivității industriei românești rămăsese fără îmbunătățirile necesare (updates) timp de cel puțin 10 ani.

În decembrie 89 Ceaușescu a fost înlocuit cu Iliescu, un "pro-sovietic". Chestia e că nu mult timp după, Uniunea Sovietică s-a topit ea însăși și a dat în beția lui Elțîn (ceea ce l-a chemat pe Putin salvatorul).

Care Iliescu în timp a fost înlocuit de pro-europeni (Constantinescu, Băsescu, Iohannis). S-a făcut integrarea în NATO, UE (fără aplicarea Schengen, partea cea mai importantă).

De aceea pare neverosimilă aderarea României la NATO, mai ales din partea NATO, spre sfârșitul celui de-al 3-lea mandat și ultimul al lui Iliescu, care în 89 și acum se declară pro-rus, cu prim ministru PSD (Năstase) .

Cred că ideea NATO a fost izolarea și antagonizarea Rusiei.

PSD care a avut întotdeauna o majoritate în parlament a început de atunci sabotarea sistematică a țării. În loc să implementeze o protecție socială reală (nu sutele de lei date pe carduri), așa cum ar fi fost normal dată fiind denumirea partidului, a promovat un capitalism artificial sălbatic, cu multe scandaluri și corupție pe față în colaborare cu toți președinții aparent pro-europeni.

Un motiv ar putea fi să îi sature pe români de capitalism.

Furtul masiv de la buget. La fel cum pe vremea lui Ceaușescu am suferit pentru o fantezie (plata unei datorii externe probabil inexistentă), pe vremea PSD, adică ultimii 35 de ani, s-a furat masiv de la buget. Stau și mă întreb care a fost destinația finală acestor fonduri, care după estimările mele pot merge până la jumătate din buget sau sute de miliarde de lei anual.

Există și posibilitatea să nu fi ajuns nicăieri fiind pur și simplu tăiați din condei. Sau taxele (mai ales impozitul pe profit) care ar fi trebuit să formeze veniturile bugetului nu au fost strânse niciodată (cel mai probabil).

Am impresia că acum când românii au început să se sature de acest tip de capitalism PSD vor să o cotească iar spre Rusia, așa cum a vrut Iliescu în 89, 90, când a avut doi contra candidați ineligibili, prin numărătoarea voturilor lui Georgescu, justificându-le cu TikTok (o tâmpenie pe care nu o crede nimeni) ceea ce ar fi trădare, încălcarea gravă a Constituției.

Iar Iohannis, ca de obicei, tace având probabil un rol de securist pro-rus, sabotor și trădător. Mai ales fiindcă se alege cu o prelungire pe termen nedefinit a mandatului său.