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Showing posts sorted by date for query budapest. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2024

March 15

12:12 AM

12:40 And the subliminal reaction to my post. Somebody brought a beehive there just to create an (emotional) news to semantically cover my post.

12:43 More Shivlings in Budapest where actors are really a great deal. Is this woman having what i call an... Asian European attitude and looks? Of course, the Easter egg!

12:55 Contra candidați. This song was created in 2001 around the time Putin took power in Russia. The actress reminds of him. Yes he has been in power for 24 years. Note the Russian style.

2:03 Pe față, la persoana I-a plural. Eu știu ce proiecte au ei pentru România, sunt în desfășurare, milioane sunt plecați pentru totdeauna.

8:48 Medvedev nu e rus, e șarpe schimbător (shapeshifter, maga, naga, mongol, nungar, ninja).

Roadele diplomației băsesciene. EI centrează, EI dau cu capul.

Sovieticii an naționalizat tot ce era proprietate privată în Rusia în 1918. Rusia a câștigat în Ucraina din 2022.

10:05 Estimp...

11:57 Shiva (ling) illusions?

2:20 Came from the walk oh boy i got stories... First. In the mail. Got many letters in the past with names of old occupants. Of which one is Tony Bennet which i got today again. It's been at least 8 years since Tony Bennet or anybody else doesn't live at this address anymore. I believe the mail never learns when i put them back in the outbox.

A one gallon jug of milk with traces of milk in it rotting in the sun on top of a recycled bin, in wind's direction.

I met again in the park with the mysterious Russian guy and his wife. Actually i caught with them, i was walking really fast to erase from my mind and soul the images of open poop bags i saw earlier. I guess for doubling. Basically everything i said recently materialized today during my walk. And what i haven't yet. They were two brunet guys with moustaches. I will attempt to explain later. (BTW, if you click on one pic and enter slide show mode, make sure to read further after you close it). There is more after.

3:50 Can't finish right now. Just wanted to say that today i saw this guy together with this guy in the parking lot. Now i remember i saw this guy with a red cross on his t-shirt at Ilani with a big red cross and the inscription OFF DUTY.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

On the Origin of Basques

Basque Autonomous Region (Țara Bascilor in Romanian) is a relatively isolated region of Spain of which @25% of the population (with minor differences from author to author) speak a Basque language which is different from Spanish (and most likely they speak both). It is unclear to me what autonomous means in this case, except their language.

Spain was under Arab rule for about 700 years. Although they claim pre Roman and pre Indo-European origin, there is at least one Arab author who claims Basque language has Arabic roots, and the second main component is... Why am i not surprised? Finnish.

I am not going to waste my time searching for how the Finnish got there. Finnish and Hungarians are the only people in Europe of non Indo European and Roman descendance, and they are strongly related.

According to their own legends, Hungarian people has two main components. Huns, who came in Europe at the end of the 4th century, plundered throughout the Roman Empire and spared Rome itself in exchange for Pannonia, a Roman province west of today's Romania and then themselves fell under Ostrogoth occupation. (An idea came to me, could it be the name of Austria, Ostereich by their own language, coming from there).

I personally believe Huns came from Australia, mainly because Attila's shield seen on his earliest depictions has a penguin on it (have to imagine the shield in vertical position), the name Attila, which coincides with one of the most known Australian landmarks in native language (Mt.Conner in English) and his facial hair, very different from that of Asians and Europeans. Here are a few images of Hungarian actors looking like Native Australians. There are many more.

Nowadays Hungary is in transition of changing its name to Magyarország after the name of its second ethnogenetic component, the Magyars. Magyarorszag is a very interesting name because its suffix seems to be... Sumerian. Could  that suffix come from a Pannonia population older than the Romans and Huns. Also obviously non Indo European (it seems a tradition of Pannonia).

Magyars arrived in Europe in the 9th century, again plundered Europe and found home in the same Pannonia. My theory is they are the Magars from Nepal who in those times and earlier were known for being mercenaries and most likely they were some of those hired to guard the Silk road caravans which carried silk and other goods to the Roman Empire and gold back to China. Basically, a versions of Mongols turned Buddhists.

Then, when the silk road was cut, they ran out of job.

The name for Buda, today's Hungarian capital to which recently was added the suffix Pest, meaning the area over the Danube from Buda's fortress point of view, seems to come from the name Buddha itself.

About in the same time with Buddhist Magars, in Europe came a population called Szekelys ("also referred to as Szeklers") whom i believe where of the clan Shakya of which Buddha was a prince, from the same Nepal. They settled west of Transylvania, catching the native Romanians in between. Then they brought in German settlers in south to re-enforce the circling. Current Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis is said to be one of them (though he is in reality a Hungarian writer probably of more recent German origin).

From time to time one author or another comes to claim the Huno-Magars came in that area, including Transylvania, before the Romanians. On December 7 an article appeared in the online Cell publication, previously unheard of (to me and many others) because it specializes in biology. The main author seems to be a post doctoral researcher at University of Basque country, lots of the others have Serbian (Slavic) names including Hungarian-Serbians. (Click on Show all authors, can't link to it).

They also claim Slavic origin of Romanians and late arrival in the area, quoting DNA studies done by themselves. DNA studies are rarely quoted when speaking of the origin of people and to me are at least controversial. It is also unclear to me what is the legal basis for obtaining and processing the DNA samples.

Strong linguistic, historical, archaeological and anthropological evidence prove Romanians are the continuators of Dacians, an old Indo-European population, and the Romans occupants, especially in Transylvania. This article seems done on demand to serve political interests. However lately the linked above Wikipedia article was a battlefield with proponents of the other theory pushing their unscientific point of view.

About the DNA evidence, me personally i do not believe in DNA theory at all.

These guys after the initial plundering of Europe, once by each of their ethno component, the Huns in 4th century and the Magars in 9th, did not give up their goal and that is to conquer it.

After the so called Christianization during their first king, Stephen @1000 with the help of the gold from Transylvania which they controlled and being far more advanced used their deceptive and techniques like psychology, unheard of in Europe, dis or miss information, bribes and blackmails, to gradually infiltrate the Catholic Church which culminated width the religious orders of which Dominicans, those behind Inquisition, started to have a mind and organizing of their own inside the Church.

That process continued to this day when they infiltrated all states, which actually are their creation and now are attempting to build this European Union, to finally control everything directly. Slowly, deceptively, first as a custom union, then as an economic one and finally political.

They were unsuccessful attempts in 1906. Since those peaceful attempts did not work out, Tunguska event and devastating wars (WWI and WWII) followed. Austria was and still is a playground of the Huno-Magars.

Back to our days. In 2005 France and the Netherlands turned down a Constitution and the Great Britain quit altogether in 2016. All that remained as base for the Union are individual treaties signed by each country.

Romanians, the archenemies of Hungarians, are kept in limbo. Though according to the treaty signed in 2005 they have full membership, the Huno-Magars don't want, under some bureaucratic pretext raised by their proxy Austrians, to agree on the free movement of persons, a principle of the Union, and a protocol part of the Treaty. This way, the Romanians are forced to work mostly illegally in the EU for lower wages and benefits.

Shiva Lingam symbol sitting on a lotus flower in the middle of Budapest, others. I believe Shiva Linga is the symbol of the primary disturbance that created the big bang as described in Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (core plan). 

Friday, December 23, 2022

December 23

1:47 Selected subliminal of the day. The Serpent of Nepal. It is obvious to anyone who looks at the picture for more than a couple of seconds. This man is no native French but Asian and he and his smiling guardians are very relaxed. Buddha (as in Budapest) was born in Lumbini, Nepal, in the clan of Shakya and in the middle of Magars which still exist today in Nepal.

3:07 Every time i was going for a walk in Lake Oswego, they were dozens of planes flying on top of nearby Mt.Sylvania which is 1000 ft high, and planes were below FAA 5000 ft limit for sure. That's why i modified the poem for children before posting it adding the word million there that now i can't find anywhere as a whole and have to put the link to my post (which is modified). Other than that, it's the original poem containing the verse that gave the title to a movie also filmed in Oregon.

The symbolism of the so called nursery rhymes is obvious nazi (to me). Hens symbolizing gay, wire of course barbed wire, O-U-T means the same as Outback in Sub Are You, geeks are nazis, but never knew until today of thorn apple, i thought it was just a figure of speech.

3:56 Another one. Yukon.

8:35 Iată cum arată un limitator de înălțime în SUA.

Nu așa. (Cu ăștia chiar nu poți să glumești).

3:25 Doar dacă. Două chestii sunt adevărate. Era frumoasă și era inventatoare. Cea mai frumoasă femeie din lume, austriaca Hedy Lamarr a dispărut de pe ecrane cam pe timpul când a apărut Elena în viața publică din România.

Monday, August 1, 2022

August 1st

3:18 Came home. At Grocery Outlet in Lincoln City they were giving away empty cardboard boxes at the check-stand and Angela grabbed one. Numerous vehicles with modified lights, times the power of a regular high beam, blinding me. Red light at first camera in Sherwood turned green just for a second or two, though no other cars were in the intersection, the guy following us had to stop. Should he had passed on red, would have caught us and left us wondering all evening morning what it was. Before the one on Avery some other guy was tailgating so i pulled right and let him pass. He took a right without stopping and got flashed, should have been in front of him, would have been flashed too and let us wondering... etc.. Here at the building some shirtless guy crossed the alley in front of us and went to smoke at the other side of the alley and the guy upstairs left his trunk open made me wondering if i should call the Police, etc..

3:56 Doamna Crăciun "polițistul imperial", asistenta de la mate din facultate, ?

8:53 Slept 4 hours (2 more in the car), opened  the living blinds only to see a girl leaving, but only from behind. In other days i saw in the backyard a girl who looked like her.

9:08 A nu se înțelege greșit. Noi nu avem o Companie Națională Pentru Construcția Autostrăzilor. Această firmă de stat care se numește la fel ca cea din Bulgaria doar semnează contractele licitațiilor trucate. Apropo, un miliard de euro pentru 37 km de autostradă înseamnă 27 milioane pe km (probabil un record mondial), de 9 ori mai scump decât în Bulgaria în jurul anului 2000 sau de 4-5 ori mai scump ca acum (dacă nu ne grăbim, autostrăzile devin tot mai scump de construit), deci ei construiesc 172 de km tot prin munți cu aceeași sumă cu care noi facem 37.

11:31 Ghivnici, șeful meu de la IMU?

12:37 Lunea Ciucă. Am mers la Liquor Store să-mi iau niște coniac. Mi l-au pus normal într-o pungă maro. Chiar când începusem să mă simt prost, normal, fiindcă nu lucrez și nu mergeam în pauza de masă, ci la Liquor Store, în parcare, era tipul ăsta, dar în realitate are capul și mai mare, chiar cât o baniță. Mult mai mare decât Căposu însuși. Și m-am trezit din vis. La plecare și mai ales la venire am avut ceva probleme în trafic (lume flămândă cu ochii scoși conducând ca nebunii în pauza de masă, cozi de mașini la drive in la fast food, slalom cu întâlniri neașteptate pe sens opus etc..).

12:38 De Nero, Mazzini autoriza. But what is that ornament on the left?

12:53 Feel like i need a drink.

2:12 Or maybe it was her in the backyard. Or both.

4:51 One thing they can do for Lake Mead or any shrinking lake is use monolayers extracted from vegetable oil, that are one molecule thick thus imperceptible, with little or no effect on wildlife and can reduce evaporation by 75%. Here's a quote from a study since 1959: "4. It appears that maintaining of a monolayer under the conditions found at Lake Mead during these tests would not be too difficult and that a significant coverage could be retained for reasonable lengths of time". One thing i can think of though is the lake is now cooled by that evaporation and i'm wondering how much the temperature will raise if they would do so. But of course authorities would not do so since they are controlled by entities that deliberately want to heat the planet so they can hurry the heaven on Earth that would happen after the Earth will burn of course.

7:45 How Ukraine war caused and maintained by two men, Putin and Zelenskyy, contributes to climate crisis. Coal is mostly carbon (and lots of other pollutants especially sulfur) while oil is mixed and natural gas like methane has 25% by mass hydrogen and the rest carbon. However hydrogen produces more energy per mass than carbon.

7:54 Have you ever heard kids yelling like a high pitch vibrato car alarm? This is what they're doing here for the last few hours.

8:03 I had a bad link and it was too important and i repeat it here (Noises often distract me and i forget things). By use of monolayers to prevent 75% of evaporation they could raise the lake 4 ft every year. But don't say that to a Dominican or Buddhist cause they won't like it. BTW. It always puzzled me like since i was a kid and heard for the first time of artificial lakes. Creating these gigantic lakes to store water lead to more water loss through evaporation, right?

9:20 Show of the evening, about 15 minutes ago. Angela wanted to do a load of laundry because she needed things for tomorrow (still had her day off today though we haven't been anywhere, it was a ruined vacation). I started to gather things from the room and basket and as usually the pants and shirt on me on me were the last items to go in there.

I was in the small hallway in front of the bathroom when i pulled my belt and unzipped my pants when i saw, around the corner of the wall, through the opening in the blinds on top of the AC (rest of the blinds were shut) three brown Japanese girls that just came around the other building staring at me from about 100 ft distance. It lasted one tenth of a second, they couldn't have seen anything, because i was around the corner, my head with only about 5% of my body visible, my pants still on and they should had look in that direction which they did, like waiting for me to do just that.

Behavior (mine) prediction by AI and synchronization on the ground, it's all i can say. I went in the bedroom, furious, changed my pants, when Angela found a spider that came out of nowhere and caught it in a transparent plastic glass and it was me i should had take it outside, but when i opened the door, this time there was a Hungarian clown talking on the phone, next to hydrant, like he only had signal from Budapest in that spot, where those girls just passed. So i waited for him to leave (actually he just went out of sight), took the spider outside and went to see what they could have seen. Though the clear plastic sheet on top of the AC covering the door opening is wrinkled, they had a pretty good view, from where they were standing, in the only possible point they could have seen me for that tenth of a second.

Just put a blanket in that area with sliding hooks on blinds' rail, that would stay there for the rest of the AC season. This morning when i first open the blinds i saw through that same area a girl with a dog, leaving from ft away from the balcony.

9:50 Just went outside to water the plants in the balcony. The timer at the light bulb with sensor at the same corner where the girls where went out and the yard went dark (like in the past one of the two broken lights at the building across that were going out when i was stepping outside). Started to pour water when the light came back on and turned my head to see this time a Japanese boy carrying a big transparent jug with some juice left at the bottom which made me salivate. He passed by me and went down between the buildings and the same way the girls left.

The normal route should be on the alley, google maps won't "let you" walk through the grass, where they usually come with the dogs, pass and sometimes play, starting point is where they sensor light is, and where the girls came towards the single white car (I think it's our old Elantra), our building covered by trees is in the middle, there is one more building at the left and two garage buildings enclose the yard.

10:55 Iepurică? (The little rabbit), my colleague at AVX (August 1999 - August 2000). I went to a party with him once. Also possibly the cop in this video and the male voice saying an impossible word "hmhmhm yeah eh" that reminds of a rabbit (sound). BTW the other girl in the video is Naomi Naga_ta from the Expanse.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

July 30

1:26 Ori la Bálványos ori la... De 32 de ani Viktor Orban vine să-i învețe pe români cum să relaxeze tensiunile interetnice dar anul acesta românii s-au enervat pentru că el a început să-i învețe și pe europeni iar românii au devenit geloși și au început să comenteze.

1:55 Wa Shinto
Keep calm, you're George Washington

2:16 Rip City.

George Washington

7:32 I read in the news today of a bill was passed on the House Floor on Friday. However there was nothing scheduled for that day in the House of Representatives, according to their own site. Engrossment?

8:14 Is that a Shiva Lingam standing on a lotus flower in the middle of Buda_pest?

11:48 They blame everything on Jews, their only possible opponents. Actors with Jewish names in promiscuous Jewish roles. Everything that's sex in Hollywood it's them.

11:50 The guy who was trimming the grass's edge on Wednesday was raising clouds of redwood dust mixed with soil to the sky. When he approached this corner where BTW grass is dried anyways (just poured some water on it) because i think the sprinkler has been stepped upon (not by me i always been careful) i yelled at him but too late. Bedroom's window was opened and a cloud of dust was going that way. But he stopped in front of the living. Then he went in the back next to the south garages and i saw clearly, the dust was raising twice the height of the garages. That night i threw a few gallons of water on the patio thinking i'll be fine until Thursday when we leave. We left after getting very irritated because of dust and fogot to double check things and came back the next day. However today couldn't take it no more (could not sleep more than a few hours) because the AC has to run all time so i went outside to hose everything and then here came this guy with a black hound or lab or a cross mumbling... Sir, can i ask you a question and i said no, but he kept mumbling anyways something about his daughter. I saw him previously but i think he was a different actor in the same role, but younger. This one seemed under 30. Blond, skinny and showing lots of frustration, he walked his dog several times around almost until i was finished. I could see the water, especially in front, came down the building whitish or milk like. That kinda dust settled on the car too and was still there after 200 miles and went and washed the car as well. Wanted to back vacuum the filter, but there was no room at the vacuums before the wash (one was broke) and after i forgot.

For one, he is lighter, can barely squeak. Now trying to compensate. Equally annoying but clearly lighter.

12:15 Like the little man upstairs. Overnight, he grew muscles and now that they know i'm irritated, he left his trunk open as an opportunity to come outside, and i wanted to get car's mats inside to wash them too. I know since Lake Oswego, they switch actors sometimes, like they switched Lindsey Lohan with Kelly Clarkson in the apartment next door (same name, occupation, clothes, car).

What else you shouldn't miss in Budapest or... Nagy_kanizsa. Both snakes are placed in front of schools since 81 and 82. There could be more i'm not aware of...

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

8:00 În aceeași excursie cu trenul în circuit dinainte de facultate. La Sulina era să mă înec. La Mamaia am cunoscut-o pe Anca Parghel aka Sade, deși o știam vag din Câmpulung, am văzut-o odată în clasa VI-a într-o tabără pentru câteva secunde, care poza într-o arăboaică într-o rochie albă cu mulți bani și mult chef de...,  Pe Kirculeacu la București, care a pozat într-o rudă îndepărtată din Bucovina de Nord. Pe tipa asta cred că am cunoscut-o la Timișoara unde probabil am mers cu ea și alte tipe și tipi la ștrandul termal. După ce cu o seară înainte am băut o sticlă de palincă și am mâncat o salată de vinete, singur.

Cred că unul din cei doi vecini și colegi de școală care practic m-au luat cu ei a devenit Gheorghe Flutur.

11:11 There is no doubt at least in my mind that the Mayan (south American ancient nation) calendar issue with the end of the world in 2012 which actually was the end of one cycle in the calendar was an (created) illusion.

However, it is just a coincidence with the Sanskrit word mAyA (Harvard or ASCII transl.) which means illusion and the whole religion with mother of Buddha of Sakya and everything. (2012 was also the year when Maia Sandu entered politics as Minister of Education). My first mention of it i can find on fb is in 2014 but is possible i knew and/or wrote about earlier on g+.

In my quest towards explaining a number of phenomena including substituting over centuries of all politicians, billionaires, media people and generally everybody who counts in this world in all countries with actors from two different countries, Hungary with capital Budapest and Zen Buddhist Japan, i was following an idea tonight and i could not believe my eyes seeing what i found. At least in Wikipedia, Mahayana Buddhism, one of the two main branches of Buddhism in the world, with hundreds of millions of practitioners, which puts and emphasis on प्राज्ञ पारमिता हृदय सूत्र prAjJA pAramitA hRdaya sUtra, or the great mantra (prayer) of Buddhism, states.

It is stated very clearly in the mantra that Nirvana, with its many definitions, translations or interpretations, sometimes coincident with enlightenment itself, of which we should consider the literal definition which means "blowing out", is the ultimate goal.

From here to the next idea that haunts me for a long time now. If they believe that everything is illusion (which philosophically may be true, by quantum physics, though it's much more complicated, even the mantra says that matter does not exist without consciousness or at least this is what i understand of it), they might have taken matters in hand, trying to control it or even enhance it (the illusion) by their own consciousness of will. Project a man made illusion onto us, if you like.

It is my fault i never finished my own translation of the mantra which would probably shed a light in all this confusion but it's very difficult because every time after a few words and searches mind gets carried away.

All i can tell until then is... Enjoy the show! (while you still can).

Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 13

2:45 Could this guy be the handywoman?

2:49 Got all dressed and ready to leave for a walk. Opened the living blinds only to see coming from around the corner with her dog "the veteran's daughter".  A woman close to 30s who looks like a child. Her mother looks like Rosie O'Donnell and her father like a Hungarian opera singer, forgot his name.

2:53 Shut the computer (my mistake), getting ready to leave. An engine rumbling in the distance raised some dust and made me sneeze. I remembered, earlier when i went in the kitchen to eat, some very loud hissing from the pipes in the wall (nobody's home upstairs, must be the next apartment) raised dust from corners. No matter how clean a place is, there will always be some dust to be raised by very high or very low frequencies. Got sick of course after eating. I remember now, every time i eat if the guy upstairs not home, there will be hissing in the wall. No other time during day, only then.

Opened the door, only to see four kids "waiting for me" in the alley.  Closed the door, came here, it took 2 minutes to reboot the computer, 2 more minutes to write it all down.

4:21 Handywoman seem taller than me. So far i could not figure the height of the guy. A few things though. Major in English at one of the best Hungarian Universities. Though very few works published (including Sylvia's Virginity, Sex in the Living Room, Budapest Psycho), from 2000 to 2004 he was vice-president of Hungarian Writer's Union, which is no little thing in Hungary. He "commited suicide" in 2012, about the time when that janitor woman appeared at Eagle Crest in Lake Oswego. There she would show rarely (a handful of times in several years), randomly sweep places moving lasciviously, power wash curbs a week before they were power washed again by the guys who re-did the pavement, etc..

Just measured. My standing height is 1.3333 of my kneeling height but that varies from person to person. The guy is as tall as the two guys at his right or a bit shorter and one head shorter that the one on his left.

It looks like he's between 5'10" and 6' and to be taller than be he's got to have some modified shoes, but not a lot.

This weird picture, one of his 10 i found on the web seem prepared for a situation like this, just to create confusion. Consistent with what people like Hungarians live by. Suggestion, enticing, confusion and deception on continuous basis. Just pranking the whole world,  no harm done intended.

8:30/6:30 Azi în sfârșit m-am hotărât să pozez furgoneta aia pe care o văd de săptămâni, care parcă cerșește pozată din parcarea de la spital (eu (simt că) abuzez această parcare goală pentru plimbările mele zilnice). Ca să ajung acolo trebuie să ocolesc centrul de dializă da Vita, să trec de azilul de bătrâni cu steagul american și cel canadian și dacă nu mă calcă nici o mașină, ajung în zona zimbolică unde într-o parcare goală (goală de când au pus-o, adică zeci de ani de când o știu eu, spitalul are parcare supradimensionată) apar tot felul de zimbolisme, inclusiv avioane private care sboară foarte foarte jos și fluieră (chiar v-ați așteptat fraților la toate aceste complicații infinite când ați intrat în NATO? Democrația nu se vinde cu manual de utilizare, și meseria se fură, nu se învață iar Marcel Proust e mort demult).
Sunt acestea rațe plutitoare (găurite) sau Boboc(i) sburători? (Da sunt beat).

"Priviți aceste rațe Deși sunt moarte, zboară Căci ce le ține-n aer E dragostea de țara. Trăiască vânătorul Ce Întregul stol doboară Că rața comunistă Deși e moartă, sboară"
10:38 Earlier. I still feel the effect of being exposed to mold yesterday when i cleaned all the windows a wet rag soaked in chlorine and blinds in the bathtub and gathered a large amount of black mold in the bathroom sink (the chlorinated water in the sink i was rinsing my rag into turned dark and then turned light after an hour or so). Lower temperatures in the last few weeks made lots of condensation on the idiotically criminally designed aluminum frame windows which have so many intricacies (corners) that are almost impossible to clean. Because of that today among other symptoms i had all day an irritated esophagus (mold eliminating from lungs into esophagus) and when i ate some dry overcooked fish (my fault), probably combined with a large generous exhaust noise, had another dysphagia episode. Was so mad about the manipulations i detect in every bit of media i look at, went for a walk. A stinking exhaust passed me on the empty street, and then next to the tennis club, some guy was using a power tool with many dB (at 10 PM), a noisy low flying plane (just figured, the synth in the song may indeed suggest a didgeridoo like in oh so many other songs since they invented synths) passed and an out of place guy, making weird gestures, i got my nasal mucous membrane irritated, vacuum in my lungs when breathing in through an congested nose, which was sucking my heart up until i got some palpitations, dizziness, tried to call Angela, but she didn't have signal (low cost version of T-mobile) and then remembered and started to breath on my mouth. Something that happened tonight, the 1000th times since i am in the US. Usually both events makes you forget everything else for the rest of the day and week (yes you guessed not quite anymore to me).

11:35 Călugării budiști, niște oameni care trăiesc în afara timpului, o iluzie. Apropo, Arya Avalokitesvara nu este un nume de arian (lordul Avalokitesvara) ci se traduce "în aer, sunet dintr-un loc îndepărtat", poate chiar un didgeridoo (la care telefonul a făcut un "ding" ca un clopot, deci acum știm cine "dublează").
11:52 Apropo mi-am amintit de o chestie. M-am gândit toată ziua. Cred că numele Șoșoaca (care se mai poate scrie Țâțoaca) vine de la Șoaca Șoaca adică ȘȘ (care se traduce Sucker Sucker adică stereo sucker flying Saucer). Mă duc să văd al 3-lea episod sezonul II din Pandora. Ceau, escu.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

October 9

6:19 On my way to Warm Springs, i was messing with the buttons trying to set cruise control and i ran into a screen that was showing tire pressure separately on each tire. Most were around 30, right rear was 48. I stopped at Brightwood and fixed the tire pressure. There was a bit of change in driveability but not much. Here at Indian Head casino, there was a place ready for us with a green truck next to us that started a modified exhaust that shook all the dust in the rental for about 10 minutes while Angela was eating. Really worried about the truck in the shop, thinking about timing when it broke, going in with a cracked radiator and without a working starter. I never ran out of coolant. 7:44 Slept 5 hours last night, a bit dizzy after driving for 2 hours and searching for cars for another one. Here they came at this Diesel truck at my right (where the other noisy one was an hour ago) idling for more than 15 minutes now. It's not the noise, i can feel the vibration in my body. There is a bit of exhaust too. Yes i started the car two or three times because of battery warning and it's only ethical they can do the same. Then another diesel came at my left and they were also eating inside with engine on. So i went inside to the restroom, realized i forgot my phone of course because of being a bit nervous when i left and when i came back i went by mistake to another car also with WA LPN though tan, on the other side of the diesel (just stopped) and tried to open it. After i pressed on the remote a couple of times, i even tried the door. Trouble is, i opened my car in that moment that was on the other side of the diesel so for a few seconds, somebody could have entered it, access my laptop, etc.. Now the man went inside, haven't had a chance to see his face. Ingannare or doubling, a huge diesel towing truck (Princess Towing, figure) making about the same noise just came and hit the bumps. Yes it feels every move i make is followed or waited for with everybody in here being on the same team of actors, directed in real time by AI. The good question of course is why i came here tonight. There was yet another party with food giveaway at the Stoneridge park in sight from my window, with people going in and out and passing by our door, for one.

Just saw the driver of the diesel truck. He poses as Native American, with his gray pony tail and stuff. How many like him in Hollywood and/or in Budapest?

7:58 Another huge exhaust started. No i didn't have time and intention to write how much harassment there's been on my way here (a prolonged vroooom from the guy who left, to be heard for miles).

8:03 Two more just passed.

8:09 Princess Towing is back, apparently searching for something.

8:13 Another vrooom.

8:16 And another one.

9:24/7:24 Ingannare, sunt sigur că unul (cel mai mic) ar fi căzut în Japonia iar celălalt în Ungaria, noroc de Mask(le) care ne apără planeta, s-a născut, a crescut, s-a îmbogățit și acum face rachete și mașini, ce ne făceam fără el?

11:23 I carry an old magneto-electric/diode microwave detector with me (built by me, a similar one was selling for 7 bucks at Fry's, many years ago they don't make them anymore, they are as reliable as simple). Every time i don't use it (keep it on top of keyboard) i get pains in my belly and hands when i use the laptop like right now on the steering wheel. Unpowered, the needle moves by example only by the emitting power of my phone. At home it moves when i use wi-fi on the laptop, not here, though their wi-fi is at least 100 ft away, i'm in the parking lot, no LTE or 3G on my phone. Though i had it, forgot about and it fell under the laptop. Then all around my laptop started to hurt, went inside, kinda mad. Next to the poker machine where i usually play here they were three or four super sexy b...s yelling like hell in Spanish so everybody in the casino can hear them. As i moved away, one of them came with me and went to stay in line at the cashiers to cash a ticket as i passed by. Haven't seen their faces, i'm too worried about my truck and buying a car. Went further away, there was this guy with a big belly laughing next to me. I spent my 20 dollars and went back in the car to read news and have a drink. Next to me the same guy with the diesel started to idle, for at least 5 minutes now. Though all doors and windows are closed and fans are not working, some exhaust comes in because of again, vibration.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Johnny Cash and the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

Every single American that possesses a radio knows about Johnny Cash and his most famous song, Ring of Fire. I bet there are numerous attempts to explain what's behind the poetry of the lyrics, here's one more. But this one's based on the real name of the singer and its meaning in Hungarian.
Johnny Cash seems to have been an influent Hungarian poet named Istvan Domonkos (Domon kos, pronounced cosh) also singer and guitar player.

Domonkos in Hungarian means Dominican. For those who don't know, Dominicans is one out of many religious orders that branched out of catholicism sometimein 12 century. An important one since many popes and most Grand Inquisitors where along centuries part of the order.

Istvan is a combination of Ivan which means John in several slavic languages and Isten which means God in Hungarian, and comes most likely from Ishtar. The complicated Hungarian ethno-genesis which might include Serbs fropm a more recent migration (One of first Hungarian kings is named Ladislav), the old Sumerians who in turn... etc....

Interesting part is St.Dominic's head is partly shaven, and he also introduced the rosary in catholicism which is of Buddhist and Hindu origin. St.Dominic mother had a dream about giving birth to a dog that would set the world on fire. In some depictions St.Dominic is shown with a dog. Literally setting the world on fire.
If Buddha's first sermon is called like in the title, Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (Magadhan or Pali) or Dharmacakrapravartana Sūtra in Sanskrit meaning The Setting in Motion of the Wheel of the Dharma Sutta or Promulgation of the Law Sutta, his third one was about fire. Domonkos, a common Hungarian family name could have this etymology.

Budapest was named for at least 500 years until the 19 century Buda and Buddha's favorite language was Magadha Prakrit, while Hungarians today call themselves Magyars, suggesting Magar people of Nepal.

Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal, the heartland of several related people including Magars. Magars could have remained stranded in Europe in the 9th century as being guardians of silk road caravans when silk road was cut by a sultan. Or simply came over in their mission to spread buddhism to the world.

Dominicans have been always very influential within Catholic Church and from there over the whole world and this whole setup may had at some point tipped the fragile balance of direction of modern world development towards huge energy consumption, pollution, global devastating wars and global climate change. Deliberate.

Nowadays we all may see the Dominicans as a cult within Catholic Church which was or maybe still is influenced by some dramatically misunderstood buddhist teachings, like Buddha's third sermon.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

End of Tesla Era

Much effort is being done nowadays to cover the name of Nikola Tesla, greatest inventor of all times, father of all electrical and electronic devices as we know them. One of those efforts is the brand Tesla, a startup manufacturer for electric cars only. Why should they have designed and built a car from scratch just to make it electrical? There was so much expertise at traditional manufacturers, all they have to do is replace engine and fuel tank with an electric engine and a battery. But maybe they didn't want to and Tesla is kinda of forcing them.

Nikola Tesla. Could one single person with the education and technology existing at the end of 19th century have done what he did? 700 patents? For those who don't know, a patent is some sort of juridical protection over the design of a new device or component. If you get a patent on an idea, you can make money out of it because nobody else can use your idea without your approval. It is one way to stimulate inventors and research. But in order to do so, after you "get the idea" you have to write down a complete description in such a way it would stand in court as proof it was your idea so you would discourage eventual attempts to infringe and then file that description with the authority in your country.

Anybody knows how much time it takes to write and file a patent? I'd say from one week to one month/inventor and/or attorney, depending on complexity, novelty, previously existing similar ones. Today's filing fees are more than 5000 dollars and you cannot be sure if you have it approved and especially if you will get anything in return. Smallest mistake could lead to failure to protect. Easiest way to go around a patent is to file another one and improve enough on the original idea (so you have to cover also in your description all possible improvements).

Thinking about how much money Musk's Tesla had to pay in royalties over existing patents or to lawyers to file new ones to go around those to build a car from scratch and he how gave them all away in 2014.

There are sites that made calculation on how much money Tesla have made out of his inventions and they say he should have been one of the richest people on planet at that time but he died bankrupt and senile in hotel room he wasn't paying for. That is the reason why i highly doubt Nikola did all those by himself but they were done by whole teams. Guys like Austro-Hungarian born Nikola Tesla, all the way to Intels' co-founder Hungarian born Andrew Grove, where/are just fronts, while the source of their knowledge and technology where most likely documents found in the Great Pyramid during Napoleon's invasion of Egypt. So they first had to invent Tesla.

"Tesla" did study in Austria and worked first at Budapest Telephone Company. Telephone was the ultimate thing done with wired technology, before Tesla invented wireless. Which was first attributed to the Italian Marconi. The radio.

Which what this post is all about. Radio made possible instant spread of information to the masses. If it was used for our good or for our doom. It all depends on the source of the invention, if it was from a genuine genius or from a past civilization possibly of alien origin destroyed after a global conflict with locals.

I'm writing all these trying to coerce everybody into thinking. All of a sudden, at the beginning of the 19th century we get this out of this world technology which would allow those who control it to control the minds of all people.

One example which again, nowadays they make big efforts trying to cover. Like most anything.

The infamous live transmission of Orson Welles that "was performed and broadcast live as a Halloween episode at 8 p.m. on Sunday, October 30, 1938, over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network".

«The program's format was a simulated live newscast of developing events. The first two-thirds of the hour-long play is a contemporary retelling of events of the novel, presented as news bulletins interrupting programs of dance music. "I had conceived the idea of doing a radio broadcast in such a manner that a crisis would actually seem to be happening," Welles later said, "and would be broadcast in such a dramatized form as to appear to be a real event taking place at that time, rather than a mere radio play.»

There was a warning at the beginning but who listened to that?

«The illusion of realism was furthered because the Mercury Theatre on the Air was a sustaining program without commercial interruptions; the first break in the drama was about 35 minutes after the introduction, right after Martian war machines were described devastating New York City. Popular legend holds that some of the radio audience may have been listening to The Chase and Sanborn Hour with Edgar Bergen and tuned in to "The War of the Worlds" during a musical interlude, thereby missing the clear introduction indicating that the show was a drama. However, «contemporary research suggests that this happened only in rare instances».

I think it is safe to assume that out of boredom people back then were browsing radio stations pretty much like we do today with TV channels. So what i think it happened is most people stumbled upon that transmission after it began, obviously without hearing the warning, could not ignore it and as they continue to listen until they went crazy, ran away, started to prepare, etc..

I first read about this on the early days of the internet, probably before that "contemporary research". They were talking about people listening to other broadcasts, then tuned later into this one. Hundreds of suicides and chaos all around the country.

But this was just a test. Done in 1938. They wanted to know exactly how people reacted to prepare the recipe with the right ingredients for psychological preparation for the future planned war. Or maybe it was the first mass media scale use of reverse psychology, a failed alien invasion, as many people kept asking themselves, where all this technology is coming for? Both?

But before that. Think about how radio changed the world. Some people could communicate faster than others, from unknown location to unknown location. For about 50 years very few had the technology to scan the whole spectrum. You could schedule a rendezvous with someone and transmit with a code during a very brief period, before they could find the frequencies.

But the idea behind this post is other. I've been intrigued lately, actually since i came to US about how smart people i talk to are. Like a whole bunch of experts in everything where whispering in their ears what to say.

Now we all know it is possible with the help of micro headphones. During that era Tesla was going around the country with his electricity promoting shows. Imagine him or others, like Einstein, awing other people in conversations with their genius.

Usually nowadays micro headphones are associated with much electronics, many components, blue tooth maybe which is a short waves short range type of radio communication.

I remember something since i was a kid. There is something called unpowered crystal radio. It is based on the fact that actual radio transmitters are broadcasting with unusually high power signals. In the US power for radio stations is limited to to 50kW or about twice the power needed for a car to cruise, or maybe to power 5 homes. A few miles away from the station, that power is still enough to move the membrane of a headphone, if hooked to a circuit tuned on that frequency. The "crystal" is a form of an early diode which was capable of rectifying (back then it was called "detecting") the high (radio) frequency of a tuned circuit made of a capacitor and a coil and turn it into a signal that could move (vibrate) a headphone's membrane enough for someone with good hearing, like a kid, to hear the broadcast. So it was also possible with the technology of those times to make a sound heard with a small power over a short distance. But i bet you don't even need a crystal for that. You can have stuck in someone's year a tiny coil that would vibrate a membrane if the transmitter is within a few meters. To greatly enhance the appearance of personalities in public. I imagine on the other side of the curtain or wall or inside a van all the experts relaxed in armchairs next to a transmitter saying (whispering) the next line. Lucky those who were convinced cause i assume only the ignorant survived Tesla Era which is being brought to an end nowadays as we speak by the new technology, the Internet, which finally gives all the people the freedom to exchange information. Though very late.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Venus With Three Kids and a Small Dog

Among many other things, "Budapest Is Europe's Porn Capital" Hungarian girls are beautiful, they want money, and there is something in their blood. They can do it." Phrases that came out on a google search.

I didn't know until way after i moved here that this complex hosts mostly socially assisted, poor immigrant people. We pay our rent but they don't. One night after an earthquake in Peru or Ecuador i saw them gathered outside. But population here changes constantly. Every day i see new faces and the familiar ones disappear.

By contrast lately a tall blond woman with blue eyes in her 40s, with the body of a Venus and three small very unlikely her kids. She specializes in getting in my way with the kids every time i walk or drive in the alleys.

We don't have two parking spots for our vehicles. There is one in front of the building and then we have to compete with others for a so called "visitor" spot. But lately, about several weeks ago they converted a few more of those visitors spots into spots for the handicapped. Now if i go in the park after 1 PM (a one mile drive) chances are i'm not going to find a visitor spot when i get back. So after an almost half mile drive on the alleys, sometimes involuntarily chasing the woman with the body of a Venus with three kids and a dog, i go and park in the parking lot next to street which belongs to Meridian Professional Building. So the next morning i have to go and pick the car from there, asking myself every time if it's not already towed. So it was this morning. After a show here at a car with 3 guys, i got to meet again with the "woman with three kids and a dog" who this morning was only with two kids. She and others were walking from the street parking lot, where i had my truck. There, some immigrant organisation (i saw a big Latina and two others, at a table behind an SUV) where distributing probably food.

Now what in the world a woman looking like a Venus dragging three kids and a dog in the parking lot would do here in the complex living on food assistance?

Trying to figure out i dived again on a short list with Hungarian women actors. Cause now i have the one from IMBDb which is way longer. But i vaguely remembered i saw her on that short list taken from Wikipedia. Without any embarrassment, in that list are also the most famous pron actresses in Hungary. One of them is Nikky Belluci, the one who looks like Kim Kardashian. Don't know if i found in there the woman with the body of a Venus, (three kids and a small dog). Never let me get close enough to see her. When i was driving behind her, she would go inside a building and could never see her face close enough. But i found something else. A porn actress who also poses as a family with her kid and husband. That, among many other things, is probably not out of the ordinary in Hungary, capital of porn industry in Europe. A country who's people call their God Isten (from Ishtar).

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Vinca couple

Naga couple

It's a bird. It's a snake.

Catholic Church in Vinga, Romania belongs to Hungarian minority. Could the name Hungary, which in Romanian is Ungaria be linguistically related to Vinga and with Huns or noongars. (Later Maygars, possibly from Magars from north-eastern India and Nepal, birth place of Buddha, Budapest).

Naga godess from Belur, India

Hungarian folk costume

Vinca head

Emu birds, cangoroos done on orange color on a cave fresco in Europe?
A Pen Guin on Attila's shield?
This is so weird i need to mention. And still, not so, after all penguins are birds. How about Venus, Vinca, Vienna maybe?

Yeah, the title. Nagy means great in Hungarian, naga means dragon in Indonesian etc.. It could come from Noongars. The Pama-Nyungan group of aboriginal languages started suddenly 3000 years BC (or could it be a few thousand years earlier) and the original population disappeared. Could they have mass migrated in Eurasia?

However something else just crossed my mind. I heard about gene editing by means of viruses. Can this happen spontaneously in nature. Like a virus infecting an embryo in earliest stages and cause insertion of genes from a different species?

Superman, spiderman, batman, X-men, things like that? Serbia, Sarpa, Seraphim. Could this be the real significance of the Yin-Yang symbol?
It's a bird. It's a snake. It's a god (of creation).

What if Darwin didn't say all the truth and selection is accelerated by mutations by viruses that may carry genes from one species to another. If such mutations occurred in an isolated group of humans which came in contact with the remnants of the old human population maybe after the flood (thawing of the last ice age) and mixed with the remnants of the old humans and repopulating  the planet could it had be the reason for dramatically shortening the life span of humans, as described in Bible (Matusalemme) who also became much more cunning and aggressive, while keeping a nucleus of the original mutation with most foreign genes to this day.