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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query three swans. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2023

January 1st

2022 (Year of the three swans)

Ting. Tingle, tingle, tremble toes,
she's a good fisherman,
catches hens, puts 'em inna pens...
Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn,
Apple seed and apple thorn;
Wire, briar, limber lock,
Three swas in a flock.
One flew east,
And one flew west,
And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
O-U-T spells OUT,
Swan swoops down and plucks you out

9:55 M-am trezit după 4 ore și am vrut să adorm iar dar am văzut știrile și mi-a sărit somnul de nervi. Mai multe acțiuni încearcă să contrazică ce am scris ieri în legătură cu prezența României, Bulgariei, Croației în Schengen din 2007.

Prima de la noi.

A doua, Radevki March. Norocul extraordinar cu testul urechii pe înalte.

De asemenea se pare că politicienii austrieci au preluat de la cei români metoda de a cere ceva (multe) în media (sau poate a fost invers, mai demult cine știe). În ciuda acestei poze, atitudinea lui Nehammer e neschimbată. Ce cere el se poate rezolva doar cu introducerea unui amendament (chiar și de către Austria) la legislația (Tratatul) UE. Care trebuie votat în Consiliu.

One flew east and one flew west.

10:15 Ninja the biological experts. Last night i made some roast beef which involved heating the 2000 watt oven for 3 hours (one hour per pound) next to the closet with the contaminated water heater where his vent is under. As a result the stove heated the wall of the closet. He upstairs also did 2 loads of laundry on New Year's eve, latest after i cooked and heated the empty wall that created more absorption of cool air from outside together with not so clean vapor (not enough detergent during washing, probably cold water) through the cracks.

Also the laundry vapor coming from under the walls contaminated the grease vapor still floating inside after i cooked and everything started to smell like dirty laundry. Got very very sick (thought i was going to die), opened the sliding door for half hour and finally took not a charcoal cap but an antibiotic and fell asleep. Still a bit nauseated in the morning. As i'm writing here he started to squeak the floor in real time at every phrase as he knew instantly what i'm writing (before even hitting Update).

I hope that after i cleaned  the drums of the washer from that slime, the stink is going to subside, but it was a ten years+ old slime.

11:20 Încă o ieșire care dorește să infirme ce am spus eu despre prezența României în Schengen din 2007.

11:30 Comații. Urșii din Comunești mușcă iar din dușmani știri.

4:35 Orice pentru a trage de timp în continuare în aplicarea Tratatului UE.

4:35 Petre Daea iar a băut mai mult de 50 ml de tărie recomandat de medici la masa de Anul Nou. Panoul foto voltaic. Seceta pedologică.

8:22 Haven't been drinking anything in ten days (was too sick) just some wine in the last few days and today i felt like i needed something strong but i live in Oregon. Sunday at 6 all liquor stores are closed. I looked however on google maps and was showing one open in Wilsonville. When i left again i noticed the smell of not so clean closed vapor from a drier (the erasing for yesterday). So when i came back.

I went i found a closed distributing corporate office, probably those behind the liquor stores lobby in the Oregon legislative.

Went to Walmart to buy some wine and silicone and i noticed again between Nyberg and Lower Boones Ferry my meter was beeping for about a minute, with the peak set at 31 for reason of several towers, some of them 5G. That is a whole body exposure equal to talking on the phone for the same amount of time. The highest exposure recorded by me on the streets. Went twice through it, started to feel it when i got back home. Thinking of those who "live" under a tower.

The store was full of little Japanese people not even posing Latinos any more. A couple with a stroller was occupying the isle where i was frantically looking for some sparkling water.

9:20 Because of that i got nervous and bought by mistake some low alcohol wine. Really mad because of the unavoidable exposure earlier that also physically irritated me. So i went to Fred Meyer to buy some different wine.

At the checkstand a woman who looked like Nadia Comaneci only taller, after partying for days and without make-up asked me for my birthdate (because i was buying wine). Am i supposed to give them my birthdate? I showed her my white beard and told her i'm not supposed to tell her my birthdate and she said ok, i'm gonna put in mine while i was watching the screen and i told her i don't need to know her birthdate.

Then i left, mad, and forgot to take the receipt and started asking self if i paid. I vaguely remembered i put the card in. When i got home i went at the computer to check with the bank and Angela couldn't hear me when i was trying to login and started to yell and the guy upstairs who has been here continuously for at least a week and drying unwashed laundry yesterday started to yell back.

Lately i've been asking myself, who knows where exactly that competition took place and how many takes were filmed until she got the near perfect evolutions that beat the swiss watch display.

10:07 When i started the browser i got to see the opening pages and one of them is this. Showing another storm coming over Oregon that hopefully will extinguish the last fires. I also looked to see if the last "atmospheric river" that delivered inches of rain in Northern California (that BTW still lingers on the map linked above on the right) did something for the Lake Mead and i found an actual real time chart with the height of the water

12:32 With the silicone (Clear2 GE) i bought at Walmart went to cover some minor cracks and irregularities at the siding in front but found a real big gap (1 cm by 1 ft) between siding and concrete foundation not far from the vent that is blowing downwards or towards ground. I don't think it was there when i've done the last one. I expect again the temperature inside will increase a bit, paying for the silicone in one month (10 bucks). At midnight, a couple of guys passed, one carying a sack of empty cans.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 22

1:57 La steaua. O știre căreia i-a trebuit o săptămână să ajungă până la noi dar numai după ce am scris despre... I-au șoptit numai lui la ureche? În articolul Realitatea nu se precizează care Consiliu. Pe 13 au fost prezenți Miniștri de Externe și nu de Interne. Putea fi Consiliul European de pe 15 unde a participat Iohannis.

2:15 EU Mafia. Ernst Strasser. Cash for amendements. One of the reasons UK quit EU. If only one sting operation revealed so many corrupt MEPs, how many are still out there?

BTW 8-9 December JAI (JHA) meeting didn't make any amendments regarding Schengen (change any EU law). It was a fake vote of the Council in a non legislative procedure with only consequence it influenced the public (made believe). All 3 "candidates" are/were part of Schengen for 15 years though they didn't know. Nobody knew except a few. The writers.


1:53 Zoltan is a Hungarian name. F117 was a dead end especially after the fall of one unit into the hands of Russians and new programs like F35, F22 needed developed. In fact stealth (read low visibility) was its only capability. Due to the non-aerodinamic shape did not have speeed, efficiency (range) and manoeuvrability. And one major vulnerability. At certain angles was more visibile tham a round shaped aircraft so a following rocket could simply approach at one of those angles.
However, F22 proved too expensive at a final cost of 377 million per unit, (me personally don't think so), probably had other problems and was discontinued in 2012 with 187 + 8 units built for a total of 73 billions in favor of F35 and the world is now working at the 6th and 7th (hypersonic) generation fighters.

2:54 There's a tan You Con SUV that pisses me off for a long time now with very loud exhaust and a missfire driven by a woman who's only a few years younger than her "son".

7:00 I fell asleep and awoke one hour later only to see i forgot to block the door and Angela is sleeping also. Minutes after, the guy upstairs came home.

The reason this happened is when i wanted to go and check something at the car a ninja from the other building came out, ahead of me. I mean, when i opened the door he was already outside, in the alley, walking towards my car, and i was bound to bump into him and came back thinking to go later which never happened. Possibly the same person from upstairs, with a moustache.

The advantages of one single ninja playing multiple roles (i've identified so for 4 or 5 is clear). You don't need many people to simulate the appearance of a whole neighborhood. The others will be never to be found etc.. You can never find him in the identity or place you expect. He can design situations in which he participate in multiple roles with perfect coordination, the result being as described above, in the end i woke up with the open door, with him/her possibly being in the apartment, etc.. He has me complain of things that cannot be verified (the persons do not exist).

I got one piece of hard evidence. In the infrared pictures i took in April all three apartments upstairs where i suspect this is happening were not heated.

It is also possible he didn't do anything except have me fretting and change my mood for the rest of the day or until something else happens.

One thing i discovered when i woke up was i have pain all over my body like i've been exposed again to a cell phone or laptop but the laptop is 2 meters away and the monitor is not beeping. Feel like i want to go to the liquor store because of the pain and frustration.

7:40 There is a video with martial artist and writer Stephen K Hayes against an LA security team. I never knew if these secret revealing videos are not themselves misleading mind traps. The quality of the video though is too annoying and not appealing to me enough to put the link and it's also subtitled in Russian.

However during my searches for any other suitable video to show ninja techniques other than fighting which happens very rarely if ever to a real ninja i ran into something else. Thought projection. Most people would say i'm crazy to look into things like this but it's something i experienced. They can have you dream certain dreams or crave certain things etc.. They can anticipate what you will do next.

The picture on the cover suggests the use of kuji kiri, or hand seals or cuts, that belong not only to ninjutsu. Something a ninja turned Christian said is related to dark forces and anybody should stay away from it. In reality i think it's all about training to consciously use the vibrational communications, an ancient form of communication existing in all vertebrates.

I know it's real. It's not telepathy per se, as seen in sci-fi movies (Marina Sirtis or Deanna Troi having conversations in her mind with her mother). It's more like transmitting/receiving emotions and impulses. Many times when i'm awake and Angela is sleeping and i get mad with frustration because of things i find on the net or in my memories, Angela makes noises, moves around in her sleep and is having short nightmares.

Just a tool out of many in the ninja arsenal.

9:28 2022 was the year of the three swans.

I opened the door. It was peacefully snowing then a didgeridoo started to moo like a bison. BTW here's a crop from a picture with bisons i took in one of my trips through the western US:

Saturday, January 1, 2022

January 1

Happy New Year 2022! The year of the three swans with an ouroboros in the middle. Auspicious for the (mind) tricksters. Where did i say that: Two swans only seem to be the inspiration for the nazi sign SS.

Got awakened by smoke, after 5 hours of sleep. Went outside and saw steps in the frozen grass (what kinda grass is this, it's frozen now, when it thaws will be green again). All along the trail, the ground, tough frozen, was bulged a little bit. In this picture is visible the area i went and stepped on the ground (needless to say, an ambulance started when i first opened the door). I stepped on it because ground was soft. After that the smoke subsided, however, about 10 minutes after i got inside it started again. But not as much.

Got to bring here one blog post. The one with the comparison between chakras and sphincters (as in human anatomy). Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel (Dharma chakra, remember).

Sphincters are circular muscles in our body that regulate flow of fluids.

It is said that yoga can partially control some of the chakras of the body. The control can be done but a trained person upon self, but i know for sure it can be done by a trained person to another person, unknowing and unwilling. I don't have time or wish to explain now the reason i believe this. But people, just by watching a yogi doing certain poses can be influenced, sometimes heavily by it.

The bow. There are a number of reasons for the bow. One could be submission. One could be reminding of the ancient rainbow serpent. The bow is always done towards the emperor. But i can be done the other way around, when i can have bad influence on the observer. One can call it "the square" (as in square and compass) because it figures a square done with the human body. Sometimes it may even include a compass, when the bow is done with legs slightly spread.

It happens to me several times daily. "People" under various reasons, like bending to retrieve something they just dropped, searching in their cars, etc. do the "reverted" bow. Maybe while reciting a mantra in their mind. I come back home and i get sick. Some of my chakras get blocked, like the one from esophagus to stomach, from stomach to duodenum and especially the one that regulates the common bile and pancreas duct. My breath, which usually gets "shortened" by the blocking of the chakras, because of accumulation of gasses in the stomach that press against the diaphragm muscle upon which the heart and lung sit. Usually it is enough to remember and visualize the scene when some guy or woman bowed "the other way". I can hear immediately the gurgling sound of the food starting to pass down. But i can do that only if i remember. Only if i'm not distracted with other problems, like lately, fixing the car.

I posted a few days ago a comparison between the biggest church in Romania, (next to the second biggest building in the word, the Romanian Parliament), and the White Tower from the movie Wheel of Time, also a masonic beehive and some ancient Cambodian temples with "stupas" (stupa means beehive in Sanskrit). But after i posted that i saw there was a crane next to the eternally unfinished church, figuring a square. Or a bow in the opposite direction. My idea since this morning. Could this be a means to get the unaware observers sick?
And generally some symbols may be derived and generate the same effect as a yoga pose to the unaware observer?

After re-reading this blog post several times, another idea came to me. Could this diagram (one out of many representations) for the hypothetical COVID be derived from the image of Dharmachakra as depicted above?
3:48/1:48 How to pronounce laptop.

3:49 Why all billionaires are fake. So people would not realize corporations are foreign, international and anti-national entities.