Wednesday, June 8, 2022

June 8

12:40 Last entry "yesterday", actually a few minutes ago, i was complaining about a major news site in Romania about washing much of what i said about the resemblance between runic and brahmic alphabet. It is possible and i suspect the main reason google suspended (and then reinstated, without giving a reason, typical bullyism) that post. Today while searching for a picture that i knew i ran into something else. On a blog.

12:47 It was in the 70s today (20s in Celsius) when i went in the park and ran into smoke around this area. After taking a shower, i realized how bad my clothes were stinking like smoke. I put everything in the washer and covered with water (too late to wash them) including the couch cover where i sat upon. I was in the cloud of smoke for about 30 minutes, how bad it was my clothes were smelling so bad?

About the man upstairs, it's not what some may think. Though the level of noise, with some exceptions, is within the expected limits in such a place, the moments when he does it are chosen. I believe it is AI assisted and they intervene, sometimes canceling newly formed thoughts (memories) so i won't remember at the end of the paragraph what i started with, sometimes for other purposes, sometimes appearing helping or protecting me, sometimes the opposite, all contradictory. Overall, it's "just bullying". Tonight after midnight he started to yell like an animal, but somehow muted (if i was recording, nothing would have come out) so i finally hit the wall a number of times. After making a few more noises, to make me feel weird he finally went to bed or got unplugged or plugged for recharging, whatever it is. Like in any bullyism case, now i feel guilty about hitting the wall though he did it (squeaking, stomping but mostly yeling so it can be heard from outside) hundreds of times in the last week or so.

1:10 So it's true. There is even a state called Nagaland in north eastern India though it's probably just a remnant of what nagas used to be in the history of that huge country or what they really are today.

1:21 Not vikings but an older population wore horns on their helmets, they say.

2:28 Vasilisc

10:11 Caspita!

11:56 Să învățăm de la cei mari (Cum se face că cel mai cunoscut italian a trăit în Canada, după cum Lakshmi Mittal trăiește în Londra etc..). Da însă retorica lui Cicero nu a salvat republica... Cât despre Umberto Eco, această umbră care a influențat planeta în a doua jumătate a secolului 20 doar cu numele și o frază două care circulă, oricât de vizionar ar fi fost acest specialist în istoria filosofia și estetica evului mediu, nu avea cum să prevadă posibilitățile internetului, unde într-o oră faci și chiar publici ce alții făceau în biblioteci într-un an (un doctorat) sau poate niciodată, fiindcă o căutare google duce și la legături și descoperiri nebănuite și imposibile cu mai 10 ani în urmă. Cât despre retorica titlului care se reflectă în fiecare frază goală din restul articolului, este prima dată cred, de la Gutenberg încoace, când ei înșiși încearcă să downplay o nouă unealtă de propagare media, cu adevărat democratică, ce nu le mai priește. Apropo, semiotica este un fel de străbunică a subliminalelor?

10:11 Poate am greșit când am spus că pe ei i-au servit toate lucrările scrise, de la Gutenberg încoace. După ce am citit sumarul faimoasei cărți. Mesajul subliminal (un strat din mai multe semiotice suprapuse, așa cum ne așteptăm de la Eco, citindu-i biografia) este clar. Nu citiți, nu citiți, nu citiți.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

June 7

Is it too late? For what. I know confidence vote was not real, more drama to keep the loonies on the path, like Pink Floyd once said. BTW, a classic scenario where the knight is (still symbolically) sacrificed to save the queen.

Last night i've been to Ilani and had in the car a bottle of brandy the kind with metal cap screw that was not perfectly sealed, that is, it had a play, you could have opened it a bit, maybe 1/10 of a turn (allowing theoretically an exchange of gases if opened a bit without braking the seal) though it seemed closed cause none of the brandy was missing and one with a cork. We opened the one with screwing cap (cause it was easier of course), but today i remembered, every time i drank that type of brandy i got way sicker the next day then when i drank from the really sealed ones. And sick i was. This morning, afternoon, i thought i was going into a coma. Better now, after midnight. But after eating two free burgers (on Angela's "rewards"), i went back in the car and drank some more.

This couldn't have happened if the liquor was sold in Oregon, like in all of the other states i know of, in grocery stores instead of specialized stores, where way fewer people get in.

Then i remembered what happened at Ilani. Shortly before we left, Angela sat next to this guy who painted my car. Those are very sought for machines, on Angela's mandatory list, but that one wasn't reading tickets or bills and that was the reason nobody was sitting there so Angela played a little with her acquired points from the card. He didn't seem to have seen us, there was one more person in between, neither us did see him at first, with his son and probably his mother playing next to him. He's got a yellow hair very similar to Boris. Then he started laughing and talking with his mother and that's when i raised my eyes and saw him and told Angela who recognized him and we left. I can tell now that i remember, that i was hyper. Kept yelling at Angela all the way back home. Drank some more while trying to fix a problem with my new hosting space. So my mind was still sharp after all that liquor (a total of 300 ml and several beers). But the next day when i woke up...

They were a couple of Romanian guys involved in fixing cars from auctions that i knew, first one, in Dallas (Oregon) who sold me the Nissan in 1999, and the other one who theoretically owns the shop where i got my car fixed and painted last fall in East Portland. Both of them look like Boris Johnson but in different ways. Perfectly speaking Romanian but with different accents.

There was another guy i knew who looked like him, in a parallel class (A) in HS (i was in B with the whole gang), Witoski of Vitoski or whatever, who later went to a different faculty but still in campus.

Don't know what else to tell more. Don't feel comfortable about giving their names or shop name, though i don't remember the last name of the guy who painted my car and paid him with cash. 

Actually i'm quite mad at him because he kept the car with dog food in the air intake (theoretically he could pretend he didn't know though it was stinking like hell) in a puddle of water on top of a clogged sewer for about 3 weeks.

Yes Sorana Cârstea flashed me in some very short shorts a couple of times too.

2:45 My phone became so dysfunctional i had to hard reset it tonight. While staring at the display and waiting foor the next phases couldn't help but have a revelation about the shape of the wifi sign.

Monday, June 6, 2022

June 6

Late spring in the middle of June...

Put your hands in the air
Put your hands in the air
Put your hands in the air

Mai mulți bani de trimis acasă... în Ungaria.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

June 5

11:24 The place stinks really bad, to the point couldn't sleep more than 5 hours. Last week i have been under heavy assault from the guy upstairs, today he's more quiet. When i woke up, i saw outside different items on the ground, a small dog going around alone and marking its territory.

When i went to pick the items from the ground i saw again this truck on the same visitor position. Truck is always there, but configuration of bins and garbage is changing, so i don't really understand where and when he's picking that garbage from. Last night it has rained and the garbage in truck's bed stinks really bad, giving the general tone for the whole area.

There was a mat in the (no) dumping area next to the garage the management uses to gather those items. They were two guys loading in a trailer the stuff from that garage and making a b, but where ignoring the mat that has been rained upon last night for an hour or so and i couldn't wait no more hoping for them to pick it. The interesting part, they only throw mats when it's raining. Being a thin mat, not very big or heavy i just picked it and threw it in the garbage. But the big problem, the stinking Silverado is still there.

Yesterday i was almost rammed by 4 or 5 vehicles on different occasions on the road in one of my worst drives of my life. But before that, in Newberg this guy with a skull on the bumper, with a sticker saying "My Governor is an Idiot" (no, she's not, she's just a Hungarian ex model), then on variant at McMinville, this scared almost crying young Asian flying a black pirate flag, trying to race me in a big exhaust noise.

First one in the area before Sheridan. There was a badly stinking pickup in front of us and after ten minutes i couldn't take no more, even with the fan stopped, so i just pulled and let it go. From behind, more were coming. I waited for a while and then tried to get back on the road. There was plenty of distance till the next vehicle and i had time to accelerate to speed limit when i saw in the mirror this brand new huge black Chevy pickup with Wentworth Chevrolet dealer logo on his plate, no visible trip permit that was coming on a collision course, but unlike last August, when i thought he was going to slow down, i pulled on the shoulder and watched it pass me at high speed narrowly missing me. He exited a few minutes after, at Sheridan.

One more with a similar Chevy but a bit older (for double down), which exited at American Market in Grand Ronde (can't remember the details on this one).

Another big black pickup was coming fast from behind right after junction, when road gets too lanes. Tried to pull out of the way, he switched lanes in the same time, i went back into my original lane, he passed on the right at high speed, one second later narrowly missing me.

One big SUV maybe SUBARU started to push me from behind, again threatening to ram on the narrow road after Grand Ronde and my only option was to accelerate every time i saw it in the mirror getting too close, on a wet, rough and curvy road, sometimes downhill. Finally i got into a passing area and he passed me, while i honked for about 30 seconds, but he would not slow down under 70 or something. About ten minutes later we got into a line with traffic stopped by Police vehicle and when we finally moved passing several State Police cars (and two of the cops chose to open doors exactly when i passed) we saw this single vehicle accident with a black van or SUV on the right side with an ambulance present by not moving. Could have been that crazy who was pushing me? I only saw the rolled vehicle for one fraction of a second when i passed it from the direction of the floor.

When we left Lincoln City around 2 AM at the stop light there was this guy coming form right with 4 intense off road lights waiting but i pulled after the intersection and let it pass. Soon after, after the fork with 101, another guy with only one headlight (thus hard to tell the distance by looking in the rear mirror) and a smaller vehicle came from behind, again, on a collision course, i signaled right and tried to get out of the way, which i did and he again narrowly missed me.

12:26 But there's only one who does it good.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Minimalist Backup for Important Posts

As a result of restrictions imposed by google, which are rather vague and thus hard to comply with, i set up here a minimalist site on a free hosting service using a free subdomain (basically a folder in the cloud with a web address) where i will backup the posts that are very important to me. To access the page in the future without this post, you can use the same rules stated in the post above.

Beware though that the hosting service i chose after several trials though in top 10 or 20 does not have the bandwidth and capabilities of google by example and at times... crashes under heavy demand. So be patient.