Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 19

2:53 It is my belief that there is one person that acts as three people that live in the never heated (so far, to my knowledge) apartments upstairs. When at Apt 4 (the one with dog hairs on the drier's vent) she acts as a woman and she's talking on the phone in the balcony for hours. Sometimes with somebody on speaker phone and she let me hear it a few days ago, but in the past, alone because she's talking without breaks to listen the "other person", sometimes for hours, loud enough to be heard from inside our place.

But i'm pretty sure they can bring someone separately (a more real person) if needed or shift the entire paradigm (quiet down everything, etc.) (Wavefunction collapse). Cause nobody in the greater audience knows how they look like or what they really did here.

In a way, a similar situation with the place in Lake Oswego. We were at 10 and at 9 in the beginning for a few months it was Lindsay Lohan, and then came Kelly Clarkson, with same name, cars, clothes etc.. Of course they weren't there all the time, most of the times it was doubles. At times talking or yelling (partying by herself) with a loud bass at night, for hours.

I still remember the day (i will never forget) when we went for a walk at Sauvie Island. When we got home she was "talking on the phone" on the other side of her door and it could be heard from outside and when i got at my door she asked (the other, imaginary person) "Did you have a good hunt?"

Tonight someone was talking on the phone from a van in the parking lot in the spot closest to ours, some 15 ft away with the door open. Maybe filming cause she was kinda pointing the phone towards us. Our spot has a bit of a grade so the front of the car is a few inches higher than the rear and it's really easy to slam doors.

However i was careful not to. I'm pretty sure the stunt was for the "slamming" of our doors at 2 AM to be heard, maybe recorded. In the first place, it was very close. When Angela comes from work and closes the doors i can barely hear it from inside. But Saturday morning like every morning i heard like 100 slams real loud from inside and they weren't close mostly more than 50 to 100 ft away.

3:18 Earlier. We came home on 212 and 205 and as soon as we got on 205 i noticed a bad exhaust smell that was present on 212 as well. So bad it could be felt with the fan stopped and the vents on recirculate.

It was a compact group of cars (the only cars on the freeway at that hour) some 1000 ft away, one of them could have been in front of us on 212, and one of them had the dreaded red horizontal bar behind and the others were acting like they didn't want to pass it.

So i stayed behind in the stink though i was closing in at speed limit + 5 or something within 10 minutes or so. Who is ever doing 55 on a freeway? Not even cops. But i didn't pass and could not satisfy my curiosity and exited earlier at Stafford, took Borland and could finally get some fresh air in the car. When we got home in the parking lot we realized we had a 10 oz (300 ml) empty bottle of brandy and a 700 ml empty bottle of wine which we forgot to put in the trunk which we both drank (of course me more) some 10 hours (at the time this happened on the freeway) earlier.

Right under a surveillance camera at the Indian Head. Was wondering how convenient was that empty spot. Yeah i know a brandy at the bar is about 30 ml, double 60 etc. but costs 10 times more. We are Romanians. When i was young my record was 1000 ml by myself in one night and then in the morning i walked 15 km from Rarău back to Câmpulung. To me 200 ml is used to be just warming up. BTW, got very sick after i ate a burger at Indian Head, but hours later, when i was driving.

What literally saved my life was too charcoal caps forgotten in  the car in a small prescription jar, cause i forgot the whole jar at home. Clostridium bla bla. How do i know? I realized earlier inside and in the car i smelled like sewer.

Got exposed to sewer all night Friday/Saturday gas by forgetting to fill the washer with water after i washed two loads or from emptying the P trap at the bathroom tub or other P trap probably done through a master ninja maneuver in the neighborhood (last time i used the tub was when i took a shower Friday). Or maybe the smoke in the parking lot at Indian Head and last night here that smelled like coal or garbage smoke (had a sulfur component).

Other than that? If i stayed here all day i probably couldn't finish to tell what happened in the casino, like every time i get there. But i'll try the last thing. Just before we left i thought i saw this guy (the one with the goatee) but only from a side. I tried to follow him in the casino to get a better look but he entered an area (in front of the bar) that was immediately closed with a yellow ribbon. Now i remember. The Police was there too but hours earlier.

The same area where a couple of hours earlier we were waiting almost one hour for our burger while they were "out of propane" too cook it. And yeah, why they closed the main entrance after midnight or so and let us out on the other door? (next to revolving door). No, i think that was the main entrance, they were using  the other one only in the last years as main entrance.

Why i am so pissed with him? In December 2002/January 2003 he and the princess herself (now fat) were acting as my psychiatrist and therapist at Woodland Park Hospital (that was closed two years later when staff (beside me in January 2003) called 911 from inside the  hospital for a patient they could not help (the cover after i probably start to talk about) and in 2002/2003 they kept me in there for more than a month for a nasal congestion i didn't know i had and got too distracted to realize, after i had earlier that year (in September 17) two ribs broken during an endoscopy done by doctor Parent.

How do i know they were two? The pain started only days later, the sedation and whatever else he put in that IV. I slept on one side only for about a week. But i heard the horrible noise of bones breaking twice during endoscopy and felt it (not as a big pain), i think i was under light sedation. Which we both agreed i wouldn't get (he started an IV "just in case something happened to me"). Then he created 16 scars on my esophagus pretending he took biopsies and that hurt (the reason i counted them). Story is much longer.

There is no treatment for broken ribs (you simply wait for about one month) and i went to several ERs nobody gave me pain killers. One of the doctors (in Vancouver) compressed my chest making it worse.

Medical malpractice has a statute of limitation, just in case we are talking doctors. If they are not this goes right under torture and kidnapping and those do not have a statute of limitation.

Ok i know what happened. They didn't want us on camera exiting that door. Like maybe i was arrested or something, that could have happened for real (or maybe not real real) if i tried to pass that supposed Police car, much closer to home.

4:25 More slammed door raised the smell of sewage from somewhere. I know the floor is wet under and the upper fiberboard is bulged.

10:33 Good thing with the smoke last night i didn't remember the speed limit on the last 6 miles on 205 was 65 and didn't see the sign that could have been hidden by trees. The two remaining cars (of 4) were going under speed limit but i had to go a bit over to pass them.

10:38 Covers.

The lodge.

Putin's jacket is similar to my new one, also driving at night. I said it several times before, i think of it all the time, at every news i see about it. The war in Ukraine is being used as an allegory. Also the weird coincidence. Putin, Trump to be arrested.

10 milioane? Ăsta e pragul de intrare la fondul unde era CEO James Rudd, consulul României în Portland.

10:52 Goatee.

11:08 Slammed doors. I think the crocodile knocked on door with his protruding teeth.

11:40 Last couple times i went to Spirit Mountain played mostly pocker (maybe 50 bucks in total). Never finished 20 dollars at poker faster. I calculated the return was about 30-40% (was playing on a card) and i had a few big hands too including 5s at a time (playing deuces) and i think a royal flush (with deuces) but at 3 hands that is diluted by 3.

When i said the pocker can giver you close to 100% returns i was referring to Indian Head, because that is the furthest in Oregon. Last night we had a total of 120 dollars free play, one of the reasons we went there in the first free snow free day, a 100 miles drive over Mount Hood (but the weather will change back for the next month). Not many people from Portland go there, i can see it when i get back, the road is mostly empty and they were a total of about 100 cars in the parking lot last night.

But that is not the case anymore. Last night at poker it was like 70% over there too and all the other machines were much lower. I know they not only have settings, they can give you a hand whenever they want with the click of a mouse or something from the control room. That does not fits the definition of gambling by any means.

Spirit Mountain is closest to both Portland and Salem (under 50 miles) and they basically rob you of your money. It's the worse casino I've ever been too in the whole western US when it comes to winnings.

12:10 For what's worth it. Just remembered something from IMU. There was this guy Mitică in the next office who looked like Mick Jagger (at five ten he is not as tall as me, right?). Also a woman who looked like ONJ. And my boss who locked like... And Mitică invited us to a party ("his birthday"). After the first drinks we started dancing and ONJ who was dressed in a red velvet dress kinda wrapped her hands around my neck and i danced with the other woman too who was like visibly pregnant, and looked like Carla Bruni (first time realized today, not sure of eye colour though, can't remember, that woman was totally brunette, Bruni, duh!).

Then my boss asked me to walk him home (he was living nearby, he said he was once stabbed in that area) and i did but could not find my way back to that apartment (i guess first drinks did it) as all the buildings and apartments looked to me the same that night.

Over the years i realized, it would have been a special party that night.

3:33 We can still remember the times when a monthly payment for a loan were not going first towards cash advances. We can thank Mr. Obama for fixing that.

However banks are making all kinda "mistakes" and try to work around against that bill. Angela was somehow stuck with a 55 dollars a month for a "sticking" cash advance because she had different promotions to pay off and the computer was sorting them in a the order of credit request instead of expiration date (from what my poor microwave washed out drunken brain can understand). The two women she talked to at the bank for about an  hour were driving her mad and she started to yell as i haven't heard in a long time. But it was inside not in the balcony thought the man upstairs started to agitate and pace like i did  (one in one thousands time when he maybe had a reason).

No big coincidence, the offending statement came in the mail today, though Angela was expecting it, "knowing what they are doing".

It all reminds me of times when we were spending hours in weekends (somehow all screwed up bills always come in weekends) on the phone to fix those.

I was very nervous also because she was talking on the cell phone (though on speaker phone) and i put the beeper (alarm) next to her but she would not understand. I tried to make her talk from google voice on the laptop from the start but she wouldn't saying that she doesn't like the quality of the sound. I don't believe it's worse than a cell phone though.

4:10 When i got out of the shower i realized how much smoke is here. A component of the smell is garbage. Could be the reason Angela was yelling so loud on the phone? When i went earlier outside to search something in the car, the smoke was much stronger. I stepped on a few mole holes, it got better A car full of Asian chicanos passed and the driver was grining at me and yelling at the others: Cada vez... something.

Also the guy upstairs started to yell again and for the first time i realized he might be yelling both because he's "under the influence" of that smoke and also "he believes" the smoke is coming from us.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

March 18

12:30 Tipa aia micuță a treia din stânga e Elena? Dacă e, s-ar putea s-o cunosc de undeva.

10:10 Cred că a fost în jur de 1 (după ce am postat nota de mai sus) când mi-am dat seama că ușa glisantă de la balcon era uitată deschisă vreo 3 cm. Fiindcă am spălat și uscat rufe, iar mașina de uscat rufe care consumă mii de wați încălzește foarte tare, mai ales pe circuit închis (aerul se usucă într-o pompă de căldură și se recirculează) cânt toată căldura rămânâne în interior.

Știam că e fum afară, ca de lignit sau brichete de praf de cărbune, care cred că avea un efect psiho activ (high) dar nu am avut încotro. M-am trezit dimineață mahmur ca și cum aș fi băut ieri toată ziua, puțin high și mi-a trebuit o oră să-mi amintesc ce am făcut aseară, la ce oră m-am culcat, etc., deși ieri nu am băut nici o picătură iar fiindcă toate astea nu erau destul, melodia asta îmi suna în cap.

De când m-am trezit, număr ușile trântite de la mașini afară, cred că se aud mult prea tare, iar când le trântesc stârnesc mirosurile de prin casă (am spălat ieri rufele, deci alea nu mai sunt, etc.). Ce a mai rămas e cuptorul de la aragaz care este însă curățat rezonabil (după ce m-am prins la fază).

Gata au început motoarele, unul cu țeava modificată a pornit iar când motorul rece merge la 1500 ture vreun minut două. Practic e un dialog permanent între creierul meu și zgomotele de afară, iar creierul meu pierde acest meci, zgomote care însă nu sunt rezonabile pentru un complex de apartamente. Însă de! Se acceptă, pentru a avea fun și în acest weekend prin a chinui (tortura câte puțin, dar mereu) dictatorul! care în realitate este un biet postac care își pierde concentrarea deci efectul de clarificare asupra lumii iluziilor clădită din zvonuri peste zvonuri peste zvonuri care ne înconjoară prin care el speră să scape din captivitate.

10:23 Piatra din lac. Au venit imediat cu tot felul de "știri", o tactică veche pe care unii o numesc zgomot alb, eu nu știu cum s-o numesc dar mă enervează foarte tare, ca să acopere imediat ce am postat recent.

Tenisul (ca și soarele) nu-i așa este extrem de important pentru noi, nu putem trăi fără să urmărim jucătoarele nu-i așa, mișcarea de du-te vino a mingii, cred că fiecare din noi are un loc secret în creier pentru Simona, altul pentru Sorana, Gabriela (în funcție de gusturi mă rog).

O jucătoare din Ucraina care născuse și cred că numai de asta nu mai avea chef, a fost adusă în prim plan din două motive. Unul pentru că seamănă cu prințesa din povești (cu coroană din părul ei) de care abia am postat. A doua pentru că o cheamă Elina, de care iar abia am postat (mai sus). Una peste alta, se amestecă în memoria dvs. imediată cu ce am postat, anulându-le.

10:40 Da e adevărat dar atenție diabetici și vârstnici, crește foarte mult și repede glucoza din sânge. Noi nu avem aceste alimente venite din America pe la 1500 în genele noastre (porumb, cartofi, roșii, ardei iuți, vinete etc..).

11:05 Din aceeași categorie. De (Jabba) the Hutt. Han Solo.

11:22 Apropo de păr și bărbi. De ce aveau oare egiptenii bărbile așa subțiri (nu ca dacii).

Friday, March 17, 2023

March 17

12:37 Visa waiver...

2:32 I think this was the second thing i had in mind to search for when i got back home...

7:56 I was intrigued by the presence of Paul Manafort at Spirit Mountain dressed as a security guy. Closest i could find so far is this, keep searching.

11:51 O minune de ziua sfântului Patrick. Fb, i. Bine dar de ce seamănă tipa aia, Floarea, așa de bine cu Irina Walker iar tipul cu mine?

12:00 Motivul pentru care Darth Vader a candidat la diverse posturi în Ukraina iar uLeia nu a mai devenit președintă sau primă ministră în vremea lui Zelenski. Filmul (seriile III-V) a fost un preludiu subliminal la tot ce s-a întâmplat în Ucraina.

BTW in space you can't hear jets screaming or lasers zapping. Back in the atmosphere. Is this song about what i think it is?

1:11 Was thinking about writing a new entry, the squeaks started upstairs, now i have doubts. Isn't this a type of illegal influencing, privacy violation? Here it goes. Another St.Patrick's day miracle.

Bad things always happen to me only around holidays and anniversaries.

Now an exhaust so loud (they use it when they can't squeak but it's less discrete) i forgot everything else i had in my today's very fragile mind. It's loud only on very low frequencies though, can't record it.

Yes i drank too much last night (and especially mixed brandy and wine) and in the morning when i went to sleep i woke within an hour with severe apnea, rapid heart beat. I almost didn't make it (re-starting to breath). Then i went and gathered the trash from around the building, used some decongestant and went back to sleep. I think it was me scheduled for the big St.Patrick's day miracle. As that didn't work  they came with best next thing.

1:50 Just remembered a couple of things. My downstairs neighbor (at times) in Lake Oswego. I once tried to speak (about some of my problems) with the Honorary Consul of Romania in Portland, Mr.James Rudd who i think is of Irish descent and he told me he will only discuss business. From what i know, none of  the Romanians who live in Oregon have that kind of money or are willing to give it to them to manage so what it is the point?

2:00 After squeaks and loud exhausts now it's slammed doors, and then they will rotate them (should i jump every time i hear a closing door?).

4:10 Don't know exactly what Buddhist or shamanic Shintoist or ancient Egyptian rituals he is performing upstairs 24/7, or in the complex, but even if i did, there is no law enforcement to complain to. It's basically heavy influencing, like i once wrote about the two monks at Mary Hill. Temporarily taking your mind away that is. To me nowadays is just wasted time cause i can come right out of it, with a vengeance, but they would restart over and over. Truth is they might not know anything else so they have to keep doing it.

It could be similar to a mother talking to her baby trying to take his/her mind out of something.

11:12 At about 10 PM i realized there is some sort of irritating coal like smoke. We both started to yell at each other.

At the Ten Barrel restaurant inside Spirit Mt Casino they gave me grill shaped fries. Wondering how the're doing it, is it wasteful? The day after i wrote last time about kuji-kiri.


Thursday, March 16, 2023

March 16

9:27 With their kuji-kiri and shin shin shin gan they can give you dreams and nightmares. It happened so many times to me. Especially when they are trying to influence me to do something or to meet someone in that day. I wrote 2 days ago that we live in a nightmare, today i was dreaming i was about to get drowned, woke up and smelled the mold and realized the fact that my nose was congested and i was  barely breathing.

The good part is, i remembered it. It is my belief that the use of cell phones zapped many of my neurons and synapses and could not remember dreams (or nightmares) anymore (a sign of brain and neuron degradation).

BTW yesterday in the park i felt like could not do the last mile. Crashed with diabetic hunger. I have to eat before my walks and yesterday i didn't. So i started the phone, put it in the grass and let it boot up.

Closer to my feet than the rest of the body. It started and it was 3:35 and Angela was on  her way and tried to call her. I tried a couple of times, bending and reaching the phone in the grass with one hand, but the phone kept asking me to add money on my account (a 5 dollars a month account with Hell Mobile). Then i took it in both hands and shut it down. Because of a site where i tried to buy something, i  had to cancel the credit card that was feeding that account and somehow i overlooked the warning email?

Just checked the email. The last email i got from them was on february 10 saying that my account will be automatically charged in 2 days. After i paid yesterday they are also sending me a new SIM card which means a new number. Great. Anyways i don't use it.

Anyways it's been more than a month i haven't started that phone and when i did i saw the account was canceled. However something weird happened. All of a sudden i started to feel energized and could continue my walk. Got home, ate, watever and fell asleep and slept till 9 when i woke up with a terrible pain in my calves, insteps, hands and other sensitive areas that lasted all night. Areas that were closest to the phone.

I had these pains constantly before i quit using the phone, but i was used to them. Now that they're gone and came back i felt them. Trouble is i think the healing process is very very slow. I hear the (microwave) radiation destroys mostly small blood vessels to the point your body can't find any to re-route circulation. Probably the reason my feet are getting so cold after i sit at the computer i can't warm them up with an electric pad not even in an hour. My feet were exposed a lot when i was using the PC that was sitting on the floor with wi-fi antennas at my feet. Talking about 6 or 7 years.

This morning i put some rubber gloves, mixed some chlorine gel with water and treated all walls using the smartest thing i ever saw. The Libman mop. I know what's happening but keep forgetting. About a week ago i told myself i should do it every week, maybe Wednesday after the big blowers are gone, in areas were i saw visible mold in the past but today i realized i should do it maybe every time when there's maybe under 35 degrees (2 Celsius) outside.

The walls get wet with invisible condensation and there's nutrients from dust and ever new strains come from the mole holes and if the walls were recently cleaned, there's an invisible mold that grows on them and chokes you (it takes weeks or months for mold to build up and become visible).

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

March 15

7:41 Woke up in smoke. Went to check and looked around the corner also. There is a hole next to their window, but i turned around to go look under our door. The small dog belonging to them then came from the direction of our apartment charging and barking. Then i heard a voice calling the dog. From what i saw so far the woman looks like... Yesterday the market turned around when i went and plugged those holes under her window...

In that day when "she died" in December i did some searches and all i could find was this, but there is no "name clue". Usually the names have something in common. Like Elton John and Joe Alfidi.

I saw this pattern for years now. When i wake up and start moving around, the market turns around...

8:00 Was only thinking to go and check under door and an exhaust started. Wondering what i will see when i open the door, a kid passing?

If i call the police or something what the're gonna find, an apartment flooded with cocaine or meth or something? Me, stoned? Just pushed the monitor out of the little table and it fell to the floor. There is a big cracked bulge next to the west garages where there is no grass and a smaller one under the door. The smoke stopped the second i stepped on those but the apartment is still full of it.
8:18 I started to sneeze, went back outside, a kid about as tall as i am dressed in a red hoodie passed, followed by the deafening red Corvette i saw yesterday when i took the garbage and almost got hit by a silent white car. If i go now for a walk or at WinCo i have to pass through the group of kids that are waiting the bus at the entrance of the complex or walk with them to the entrance...

8:24 Oricine își dă seama că această precizare ca și multe altele recente este ne-necesară din punct de vedere strategic... Îți arăți sau confirmi tacticile de luptă? Îți expui aliații la furia adversarilor? A mai rămas vreo regulă diplomatică sau militară neîncălcată în ultimii ani?

Aceeași chestie de partea cealaltă, îți divulgi planurile secrete? Citiți moto-ul acestui blog, deasupra titlului (data de azi).

8:30 În  SUA faptele se pot prescrie doar dacă a trecut prea mult timp de la comiterea infracțiunilor sau de când partea vătămată a aflat de comiterea infracțiunilor (de la 2 ani la fraudă până la 7-10 viol) până la momentul plângerii (sesizării) moment în care prescrierea se oprește adică nu se mai pot prescrie fapte în timpul anchetei sau până la proces chiar dacă a trecut timpul respectiv. Omorurile și tortura nu se pot prescrie deloc. România, probabil singura țară din lume unde se poate întâmpla așa ceva. "Legile justiției" permit lungirea anchetei până la prescriere care "curge" adică nu încetează în momentul sesizării și începerii anchetei.

9:15 Make no mistake. If these guys are who i think they are it means they've been around and ruled their world for at least 5000 years and they won't quit just because of a blog or two.

9:35 Time for a door slamming contest. Within 30 seconds i counted 10-15 door slams (from several different cars, synched) that were about 10 times louder than normal. But at least smoke stopped, about half our ago.

Apropo de drone. Eram în Lake Oswego (Eagle Crest), veneam de undeva și eram foarte nervos din cauza unor faze pe drum. La intrarea în parcare un tip într-un van care era să mă lovească, am oprit și mă pregăteam să mă dau jos din mașină să-i spun ceva când am auzit ca un bâzâit și m-am uitat sus și am văzut o dronă exact ca din astea care a căzut, care se îndepărta spre Mt.Sylvania, trecuse poate la 100 metri deasupra (8 february 2015).

12:22 Exerciții militare lângă un război (war games next to a war). Asta e din manualul NATO? Trăim într-un coșmar sau film horror. Și chestiile sunt gândite în așa fel încât dacă critici să pari că ești de partea rușilor.

12:46 Apropo mă uitam la poza cu Aur_escu când am văzut asta și mi-am amintit de ceva
4:08 Ok deci nu a fost nici o știre cu Cseke, dar a fost o știre cu Ciucă. Bine, știri cu Ciucă sunt în fiecare zi, de el m-am temut cel mai mult în guvernarea asta, generalul însă a fost blând, Aurescu este cel ce ne-a mușcat. Apropo, guvernarea prin rotație a fost un truc prin care nuliciunea de Iohannis și-a mai adăugat două guverne la palmaresul de 8 sau 9 dinainte (depinde cum le numeri), fără ca lumea să se prindă.

4:17 De la Ardamica au sărit la Adamescu, normal. Adamescu nu a existat. A existat numai o firmă de asigurări Astra. Apropo. Aproape uitasem. Rareș Bogdan, un tip care agită paharul cu furtuni să ne mirăm noi.