Wednesday, March 23, 2022

March 23

1:04/11:05 Abia ce am postat (pe 21) o poză cu ceva galerii de cârtiță, că au și venit cu ceva. Dar efectul invers (postarea mea acum) abia lasă vreo urmă față de efectul direct, aceea de a vă lua mintea de la cârtițe și ce am mai postat eu. Gândiți-vă ce fel de draci călăresc ăștia.


1:20 That is a good question and everybody's guess.

1:21/11:21 Abia ce am vorbit despre regizorul Viktor Orban.

1:32 Just another feat of prepared reverse psyhco?

Yes i'm drunk. Or at least i hope so. On sour Australian cheap wine, the only one left. And yes, you can't understand rock without undersanding guitar though the only ones ever who did something with a synth were again Pink Floyd (Madonna and the "dancing 80s" don't really count now do they).

10:21/8:21 Oricât aș încerca nu reușesc să-mi imaginez scena. "A aruncat un bărbat de o fereastră?" "A reușit să se adune și să îl ajute", dar nu știe dacă dacă ceilalți 30 din sala unde campanse au supraviețuit. În orice caz. Se pare că singura clădire parțial distrusă din Mariupol este acest teatru, "care adăpostea 1000 de persoane" (de ce era mai sigur în teatru ca în alte clădiri), fiindcă blogul meu cu actori adăpostește într-adevăr peste 1000 de fețe.

10:25 The man upstairs didn't leave today, we (Angela and me) both speculated he works 4 days a week, 10 hours a day and then he stays here 3, but this is the 4th. When i opened the blinds, i saw in front of the window a couple of ducks, one of them with green head. When i went outside i saw the ducks confronting a red squirrel. I don't know how they do it, do the ducks and squirrels have chips in their brains or it's just ninja magic. (Why should i be surprised when i see they mess every day with the car). Everywhere i went (almost made it to the corner of hospital with the ER), every step i took was into a scene, sometimes with European looking actors, but to me the feel is this is a ninja controlled place. Green was the main theme today, but they were many others. At one corner an old man in a car made an offensive gesture (at all corners cars come and pass me real slow). I wish i could take pictures or video to show but i just can't point the phone's camera at people. Air quality is borderline but everywhere i went, i met with different smells, some nauseating. Rarely a breath of fresh air. To all Americans. As i said before think Oregon is a total loss.

Not one single day without moles. Though i put onion in all galleries, today they opened 3, one of them is old, right under the door. Thermal flow brings the smell right into the apartment. It made me sleep alright but a bag of candy wrapper on the red carpet seen in the first picture made my nose congested.

11:03 Three attempts to cook some eggs, they all taste and smell weird. No they won't kill me but make me sick enough to neglect other things.

11:40 A blower by the garbage bin made me sneeze, thinking there must be a hole in the ceiling above me. Also can confirm. Eating one of those eggs made me really nauseated.

12:53 I spoke to Angela on the phone, she's starting at 5 tomorrow, 10 hours, possibly Saturday. They do this when they want to gas me more in here, one extra hour in the morning, probably because i became annoying, posted too much and too many lately. Building momentum to go for a long walk to clear my chest discomfort (i drank too much, also slept with congested nose). I saw they moved the poops in front of the garages, a few meters further, but still in the direction of wind.

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