Thursday, October 6, 2022

October 6

9:50 Ok știe cineva ce s-a discutat? Mai târziu am să caut înregistrările video (le-am găsit). Discuții înseamnă ăștia ne citesc pe rând, programatic, la microfon. La 3:34 un tip tot dă cu capul în sus și-n jos. Oare ce spune (mi-e lene să conectez boxele). Am o suspiciune că e vorba de o limbă de lemn care se mișcă într-un cap sunător ca un clopot care se bălăngăne. Încât îmi vine și mie să spun să urlu ca poetul.

O seri debusolate(,) cer concav
Și-o ploaie de-anemone peste dune
Reiterez în contratimp suav
Mesaje longobarde scrise-n rune

(Nicolae Paul Mihail)

9:55 Fără școală, de ziua educației.

9:56 Ministrul încolțit. Și-a făcut miliardele și acum își aranjează, cu colegii, un pretext să plece. Ce e câteva milioane de euro pentru 300 BMW-uri la suprapreț când bugetul Ministerului de Interne se măsoară în miliarde. Mai precis, 10 miliarde sau 2 miliarde de euro bani de întreținere, mașini și benzină. Pentru cine nu știe, un miliard este o mie de milioane, rândul 4 și 5, total 22.856.681 mii lei însemnând 22.856.681.000 lei, din care 12.776.619 mii lei sau 12.776.619.000 lei fiind cheltuielile cu salariile, cam un miliard lei pe lună, dacă împărțim la salariul mediu pe economie de 6000 RON rezultă 170 mii angajați, iar diferența de lei (aproximativ 2 miliarde euro), bani de mașini, benzină, întreținere clădiri, popotă, etc..

10:16 A fire nearby is raising the index to 100. Nothing in the news.

4:47 When was that, two days ago? I went out and first looked at the truck to see if i don't have a ticket. I didn't but then i started to walk on that alley, out of the complex. At the exit, there are three containers with materials for the windows job. In between, a portable toilet. A ninja dressed in orange T-shirt was there with an SUV flashing yellow lights "blocking the access" to that toilet. He left right after i passed. An announcement stuck to the mailboxes there saying "Single piece of jewelry found". As i almost finished my walk, in the park, two older men and women with a truck next to the toilet, again "guarding it". Was thinking of how useless is to write here about what's happening to me after they painted me for years as gay, womanizer, baby snatcher, incurable gambler, etc.. If one thousand people go around you daily and to their allegories, who in the world can prove that is not true? So i kinda stopped writing about my daily and hourly mishaps but now they start to overwhelm me.

It is a week now they started to use the mole holes again to deliver smoke under the siding. At about the same time when i bought tainted soluble that tasted like marijuana (i guess). I sleep a lot, and wake up in smoke, lethargic. In parallel they started some fire that covers the area "just" around Tualatin and nearby. So i won't feel the smoke. Yesterday i vacuum cleaned the apartment, twice, got some very good bags from Amazon that filter way better than the old Febreeze, however, i have problems attaching them, they come out by themselves during vacuuming, so i did it twice. But the floor is too wet, they did lots of laundry lately with vapor leaking in the basement, humidity inside is 70% though i let  the AC yesterday when i ran at Ilani, that usually brings it down, not this time, that could help with the dust a bit, but the floor's fiberboard made with animal glue, is all wet and smells like a dead animal. So i just went outside looking for a dead rat maybe. Found lots of other garbage though. There was (they picked it up after) a pile of junk in the "no dumping" place, and the ninja who looks like Brian As_awa (a dead Japanese tenor) started his old 5 liter Dodge without going anywhere (that was for sale for a long time, for 2000 dollars) that has a broken exhaust and vibrated that junk when i passed by, the buildings, and the sharp insulation dust jumped on me and now i'm in big pain. Don't know how they painted me this time, but from my point of view, sounds like retaliation for what i just posted.

5:18 Just updated this.

Seven years went under the bridge. Is it me or the giant se_quoia (red_wood) trees on Borland St. grew bigger? Question is, who planted them and when? Were they planted around the time when State of Oregon was born? Did they know back then? Those who want to see (a lot) more of those can go to Eureka, California.

7:02 Inflamația distruge colagenul din piele și/sau organele afectate iar organismul ia de unde poate, să mai repare. Remediul este bone broth (fiertură de oase), de vită (beef), nu găini (chicken).

7:41 I once read that shower is biggest negative ions generator (that react with positively charged dust), so i just let it run without curtain and bathroom door open for 10 minutes on cold water, pain went way down, now he started the Dodge again, but as i wrote this paragraph, he left.

7:59 Am făcut asta într-o doară. Seamănă ca două picături de apă (generatoare de ioni negativi), există și indiciul de nume destul de puternic (Irina, Mere) dar nu pot să-mi explic diferența la linia părului (înălțimea frunții). Poate unghiul mai înclinat decât în stânga, poate s-a ras puțin pentru vreun rol (nu am mai întâlnit). Atât mă duce mintea la ora asta, am niște dureri groaznice. Un lucru e sigur. Irina a fost mai întâi în SUA ca Patsy Cline

8:16 Fan_teo_doseli? Mi-am aminti de o chestie. Câteodată, o țigară e doar o țigară, mai ales când vb de Arghezi, om de dreapta. Nu?

9:43 Haven'y look at UK news in a while (got so bored by the damn funerals) and tonight i'm mad, have to take it on someone...: (Leftover) charm offensive. Liz Truss refuses to rule... Meanwhile, Torii...

9:50 Panic attack. Weed for all! (not only in my coffee). Just in case.

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