Showing posts sorted by relevance for query dominic. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query dominic. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, February 15, 2024

February 15

1:10 I saw something in Resident Alien movie that i started to watch before the news with Mike Turner who does look a bit like Alan Tudyc and it's all another one of those weird coincidences and the alien was in a library reading a book about Buddhism and ninja and he said something i didn't know Buddha said. However it reminded me on the "reactive mind" of Scientology and the almost perfect anagram.

Ok so it is not the same. Scientology works with reactive mind during audit. However the reactive mind influences or can even take control of the conscious mind. However i conclude that Buddhists don't think the way we do. Probably one of  the reasons we are in a such a mess these days.

1:40 I said yesterday that ninja steal. They do not steal in the literal sense, for a direct benefit of the value of one object or another. It is much worse. They steal information. And i will give you one example. In the beginning of car manufacturing in Japan they reverse engineered and copied all they could from Europe, for decades.

But they also steal you mind and thoughts literally. Even right now and for many years they deliver all kinda smokes to me. Nowadays they have a whole team of people that take turns upstairs and make noises and don't let me think when i write. I was their slave for a long time and they made a fool out of me.

8:38 Woke up in the smell of dog poop. Went and picked one from the grass but there was one in an open green bag (not knotted) hanging on the rim of the bin. Got nauseated by the smell. I saw two Asian women outside doing whatever and it was not for the first time i realized they were from Philippines. So are the people upstairs, so was the guy with two dogs i saw yesterday.

Then i remembered something. The logo of the management company of the complex is similar to the cross of the Dominican order (chapter, whatever) of the Philippines though combined with Mitsubishi logo type diamonds. I did a search to look and the first thing i saw was the 8 points star on the front of one of many depiction of the Saint Dominic, the founder of the order. The name of the management firm is CTL suggesting catholic.
Eight points star is mostly related to Babylonian goddess Ishtar or Innana bur also reminds of the Buddhist darmachacra or Scientology cross. His face is part Asian.

The other logo of the organization has a swastika but also shivalingas embedded in it. Diamonds symbolize the third eye of Shiva.

St. Dominic was a catholic priest who lived in the 12 century. While pregnant, his mother had a dream that she will give birth to a dog that will set the world on fire. He is oftenly depicted with a dog on his side holding a torch in its mouth. In Latin, the word dominican is a playword that can mean dog of god.

He id credited with the invention of the rosary within Catholic Church, a Buddhist and Hindu tradition. St.Dominic's head is partly shaven, like of Buddhist monks.

Dominican Order is an organization within the Catholic Church named after St.Dominic which is responsible among other things for the birth of inquisition. Inquisition's punishment for "heresy" was burning at the stake.

Philippines used to be a Spanish colony, hence the name and religion. A small percentage of the population still speaks Spanish.

The orders of Friars within Catholic church were established after the arrival of Buddhist Magars and Shakya in Europe, in 9th century and forming of the new Catholic Kingdom of Hungary. The name was borrowed from the older Hun settlers not to raise suspicion.

9:15 It is the first time when i realize four of the corners of the Scientology cross also reminds of shivalingas.

5:30 Is Tesla the most volatile stock ever? Today it went up 6.22% or 40 billions. 20 billion dollars is enough to end homelessness in the US.

9:11 I will go tomorrow again at Trader Joes on Bangy Rd, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 just to see if it's the same team stocking the shelves like half hour ago. The man did Radu Mazăre (peas), a colorful right extremist (no, those are not parodies, are displays in the open) who is supposed to be in jail in Romania like many others (none of them are realy in jail). Not because he was involved in my mother's death and me being tortured in Lake Oswego.

I was looking for some type of bread (they usually keep next to the door, Angela told me but i did not listen) on the area with breads and he cut inches in front of me and started stocking. Then he and his team members kept following me in the store moving unusually fast. One of them kept yelling "watches, wallets...". The place was surrounded with the same type of smoke like some times at the apartment. I was stunned, incapable of reacting.

Useless to call the Police in Lake Oswego. When i was living there and i did this guy kept showing in  uniform under the name Sgt. Sparkle, who once nearly arrested me, after they drugged me with smoke while i was working on the truck. It was during that time President Obama put an interdiction for entering in the US of a number of Hungarian politicians.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Johnny Cash and the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

Every single American that possesses a radio knows about Johnny Cash and his most famous song, Ring of Fire. I bet there are numerous attempts to explain what's behind the poetry of the lyrics, here's one more. But this one's based on the real name of the singer and its meaning in Hungarian.
Johnny Cash seems to have been an influent Hungarian poet named Istvan Domonkos (Domon kos, pronounced cosh) also singer and guitar player.

Domonkos in Hungarian means Dominican. For those who don't know, Dominicans is one out of many religious orders that branched out of catholicism sometimein 12 century. An important one since many popes and most Grand Inquisitors where along centuries part of the order.

Istvan is a combination of Ivan which means John in several slavic languages and Isten which means God in Hungarian, and comes most likely from Ishtar. The complicated Hungarian ethno-genesis which might include Serbs fropm a more recent migration (One of first Hungarian kings is named Ladislav), the old Sumerians who in turn... etc....

Interesting part is St.Dominic's head is partly shaven, and he also introduced the rosary in catholicism which is of Buddhist and Hindu origin. St.Dominic mother had a dream about giving birth to a dog that would set the world on fire. In some depictions St.Dominic is shown with a dog. Literally setting the world on fire.
If Buddha's first sermon is called like in the title, Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (Magadhan or Pali) or Dharmacakrapravartana Sūtra in Sanskrit meaning The Setting in Motion of the Wheel of the Dharma Sutta or Promulgation of the Law Sutta, his third one was about fire. Domonkos, a common Hungarian family name could have this etymology.

Budapest was named for at least 500 years until the 19 century Buda and Buddha's favorite language was Magadha Prakrit, while Hungarians today call themselves Magyars, suggesting Magar people of Nepal.

Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal, the heartland of several related people including Magars. Magars could have remained stranded in Europe in the 9th century as being guardians of silk road caravans when silk road was cut by a sultan. Or simply came over in their mission to spread buddhism to the world.

Dominicans have been always very influential within Catholic Church and from there over the whole world and this whole setup may had at some point tipped the fragile balance of direction of modern world development towards huge energy consumption, pollution, global devastating wars and global climate change. Deliberate.

Nowadays we all may see the Dominicans as a cult within Catholic Church which was or maybe still is influenced by some dramatically misunderstood buddhist teachings, like Buddha's third sermon.

Monday, February 26, 2024

February 26

9:13 Grace, faith and... rosary. Conversion.

10:10 A constant presence upstairs. How do they know and start squeaking when i try to remember something? Trained ninja psychic powers or technology? BTW i forgot what i wanted to say next and opened this entry for, so whatever it is, is effective.

10:35 Nevermind that. Here are some things i can remember. I read early about dogs not being tolerated by a couple of major religions (kaboom kaboom kaboom, upstairs). They probably have their reasons. BTW, is it me or that tree in the parking lot at Lucky Eagle looks like a menora?

10:50 Another banger. The cross of St.Dominic as depicted in Wikipedia is painted asymmetrically black and white. Any of the white or black part resembles an Islamic swastika (yes there is a such thing).

St. Dominic was born near the city of Osma, of which the old Arabic name is... (one huge kaboom upstairs). Swastika has been used by Islam before him. Arabs brought us many things, including the numbers from India. Why not swastika?

7:30 "Biden hopes" there will a cease fire, "Macron thinks" the opposite.

8:50 And here's a possible missing link. I long suspected Caca Cola logo has in it a dog tail (colita in Spanish), a dragon tail, etc.. Dog waste was long (until recently) used as medicine. Buttles?  

Sunday, February 20, 2022

February 20

1:28 My first match done entirely on the new setup (Chromebook with my old keyboard, mouse and monitor). Pixlr for cropping. Please be patient, i'm on a learning curve. Again.

2:40 It's all coming together now (it started to make sense). How come i haven't seen this before? I'm too busy i guess.

2:46/12:46 Da bine da modela mamzela mimoza aia din planul secund cine-i?
7:13 Got awakened by the pungent smell. Went outside and found numerous cracks and bulges in the ground, some under door and walls. Being sleepy and groggy, could not find them the first time. Every time i came inside and closed the door, as the direction of the flow at the surface shifted, more smoke was coming, after a brief pause.

12:41 Took half Zyrtec and slept till now.

repetitio est mater studiorum. They are taking turns at saying this for weeks now on Ukraine.

11:30 Why FCC will let her be?

Will perfect our chemistry. Today, about saltpeter.

The name Peter is the root of the word. Closest to alchemists' philosopher stone. Once used to preserve meat, was rumored to cut sexual urges. Though it didn't exist in Japan when first "edition" of Basenshukai was released (1976) with the purpose to bring in more disciples, it is found in many "fire tools" recipes in the book.

I would not be surprised if Dominicans (the influential catholic sect) would believe it has "divine" properties pretty much like the "hounds of the Lord", oftenly portrayed as Dalmatians with a torch in their mouths. After all, Dominican Inquisition burnt their "heretics" at the stake. ( Could it be the Olympic torch relay is inspired by the hounds running with a torch in their mouth?).

No i wouldn't have bothered to write this at this hour of the night, after driving 80 miles and feeling ready to sleep if it wasn't about me or my life in the last decades. It is about this morning, when the place filled again with an irritating smell that believe it or not, comes from the ground. "It will set the Earth on fire" says St.Dominic's mother dream. And they literally believe that. In order to achieve this, they however need some material things. Among those, saltpeter.

A nitrate of potassium or other metals like calcium, etc., it is an unstable mineral that can be used as fertilizer or as main ingredient in old type (black) gunpowder. The most interesting property of saltpeter is it burns by itself, no oxygen needed. Actually, not by itself, it provides oxygen for other things to burn. Because it has oxygen in its unstable molecule. And yes, they did it again, to complete the cycle. Got to go outside to step on cracks, mounds and holes in the ground, to seal them for at least a few hours. When the smoke subsides, the moles come back, crack the ground again to air their galleries and they can start over.

Why would they do this? For religious reasons of course. To make someone act weird, under this precise type of influence described in the prophecy (St.Dominic mother's dream) so it may contribute to starting of the phenomena described in the last Book of the Bible and thus pave the way for the second coming of Christ.

Think about. If Dominicans believe the hounds (Dalmatians) are holy, that means everything in them is holy, including excrement. Which excrement may be mixed with saltpeter, another magic substance, an inhibitor maybe, set on fire and stuck in the ground (moles galleries, other magic animals that may inspire the freemasons), just like in the prophecy. When burnt, excrement may release aerosols that contain unburnt material that may still contain bacteria and protozoa or whatever lives in that dog's intestines. Small amounts that may travel from underground in somebody's house or apartment and infect everybody inside. Infections with T Gondii may have also very weird effects on people, because the parasite releases dopamine (the reward chemical) and interferes with a person's cognitive cycle, feeding back their belief (of those who do that) that dogs are magic.

Monday, September 6, 2021

September 6

5:50 I slept 6 hours, awoke at 3 a bit confused probably by the dust pushed the fridge that is there since last days when dust came in most likely being caried on the stairs by the shoes of the guy who take shortcuts through chips. Or another smart ninja synched move. A drunk guy was yelling in Spanish in the distance. I put a wet towell behind the fridge, things got better. Then they came to pick the recyclables at 5:20. Unusual, cause they normally come at 7 (last time i can remember).

Besides the annoying noise from the big engine that lasted for about 15 minutes, somebody came with a dog and left a some pee puddles and also probably stuck some burning ninja pellets under the chips, some next to the wall where i am inside, cause the place filled with smoke right after recylclables truck left.

Thought they gave up this smoke thing for a few months, after i installed the mole chasers (buzzers), the batteries went out and/or the buzzers broke and i just reinstalled new ones, and ordered some more but last time it took weeks until the moles disappeared, without moles they can't just come and make holes in the ground i guess, they use moles's holes as cover. I went and tried to step on those, not sure i found them all. Besides other things, they create nose congestion and a bit of high and disorientation.

7:17 The right side panel of my blog disappeared, though i can see it in the layout.

 7:42 I reset the theme to one of the templates (simple blog), can't add any widget. I used a bit of chlorine gel in the room which killed the dog urine smell and then i suddenly felt very sleepy and fell asleep.

12:15 I don't know what happened to my blog, suddenly all my widgets on the right disappeared, they probably were on the bottom, i panicked for being so tired, and reset the whole theme, was too tired to figure why they went on the footer, now i don't have time to fix it. Not that it matters so much.

Before i forget. Please note the expressions Dominus Dios or Dominus Deus, ruler of gods or Lord God, which is supposed to be at the origin of the name for god in Romanian, Dumnezeu, pronounced, yes, doom nay zeoo which sounds so weird for the English speaker. (I personally believe it comes from Sumerian god name Dumuzid, god of shepherds). Latin word dominus which means ruller coincidentally similar with Dominic. In Buddhism, Buddha is considered a teacher of gods and men. St. Dominic is shown partially shaven, with rosary, which is of buddhist and hindu origin, lilies, and "his" cross resembles Chinese radical 32, Earth. All these elements, together with the tilted cross on top of a globe are found on Hungary's coat of arms (1896-1915). Hungary's capital for centuries until the 19 century was Buda.
7:07 Labour day News. Poor People, Frugal Philanthropy, Bit by Bit.
7:39 Earlier i decided to leave the place for the evening, though the cause/reason is not here anymore.

We went to Safeway, Walmart and WinCo. Each has something cheaper and better and fresher than the other. We came back home, some Japanese kids were playing on our stairs. Got inside and started to cook and drink with radio on, 3 Japanese kids started to have a party outside our windows, in our view.

Then,  Angela died her hair, ammonia smell came out, i cooked for about half hour some chicken livers that usually were fresh, this time were frozen. Watched the girl from the one leve building drinking probably juice, with lascivious (trained) gestures. One of the kids threw to the ground. It was then when i decided to leave for the evening, just not to see them anymore. However, when Angela finished dying her hair and we ate, they were gone. The most amazing thing, people in 21st century North America do believe in vampires and cannibals and other people know how to speculate their fears.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Dogs Inbreeding, Dominicans and Hungarians

3:39 Dogs did not evolve from wolves, as some may think. On an evolutionary scale, 17,000 years or the time elapsed since first dogs appear, is too little time for such dramatic changes. Instead, they degenerated from those, mostly, by inbreeding and artificially weeding the non-viable or non-desirable descendants.

Artificially selected mutations but mostly missing wolf genes led to current numerous types of dogs, from tiny Chihuahua to mighty Saint Bernard. Freaks of nature, if you asked me. They might seem funny to some, not to me, not anymore after being tortured with dog waste, among other stuff (under the justifications of justifiable pranks for so many years).

Dominicans. A currently dominant current within Catholic Church. Many popes and most grand inquisitors were Dominicans. Based on a prophecy or the dream of the mother of St.Dominic. A word play name, because Dominic resembles such Latin words as Dominus or Domini. Clearly the greatest heretics, judging others and eliminating opponents for centuries, clearing their path to current world dominance.

In Hungarian language, name Domonkos means Dominican, with the example of singer Johnny Cash who was represented by Hungarian singer Istvan (John) Domon_Kos (pronounced cosh).

Hungarians. Arising to dominate the Australian continent, most likely after a mutation brought in by inserting genetic material from a different species into human genome by a virus (true role of viruses, if they exist, carrying intra and inter species genetic material between individuals) and that after already many tens of thousands of years of genetic isolation of Australian populations, which gave birth to ancient noongar population.

One of the specific traits of the descendants of ancient noongars is they carry the so called "residual expression" on their face, after further isolating and inbreeding of that isolated and mutated population.

That is, even when they don't produce any emotions, they show some expression on their face (like the illusion of a dog smiling), which is most likely influential if not plainly hypnotic on others. That explains the great influence and self sustaining of a whole Hollywood population, which such drive on Americans and the whole world, which is basically the most representative of noongarians mixed with Europeans within special breeding programs for the past centuries in Hungary, involving immigration by invitation of different European populations or what Viktor Orban tried to subliminally erase in his last much controversial intervention from the territory of Romania where he is intruding for decades because of the Hungarian (actually, Székely, one of the many populations of their lost empire) minority there.

In a way, there is a resemblance between the two phenomena. Both dogs and Hungarians are a type of inbred population for special features, giving up (or losing) the natural evolutionary genetic endowment for social dominance and advantages.

Monday, August 19, 2024

August 19

1:50 A venit răspunsul imediat. Faptul că a apărut acum deși așteptau aprobarea de săptămâni, spune ceva despre toți cei implicați în aceste "dezvăluiri".

2:00 AM Își mai amintește cineva când am spus că am văzut o instalație de răcire care înlocuia AC-ul la Indian Head, într-o zi foarte foarte caldă? Niște găleți cu gheață în fața unor ventilatoare de un metru diametru iar gheața se schimb la câteva ore. Funcționa, la o temperatură afară de 100 F (38 C).

Asta se întâmplă și pe Pământ, curenții de aer aduc căldură deasupra polilor și invers și funcționează ca un sistem de răcire planetar. Dar nu va mai fi nici o gheață de înlocuit când se vor termina calotele.

Mai mult decât atât. Calotele așa cum sunt acum, albe, reflectă o parte din radiația solară în spațiu, la fel ca și deșertul Sahara.

Atunci va începe ceea ce de mult a fost numit "runaway (greenhouse) effect", o încălzire rapidă și galopantă a Pământului, similară cu cea care s-a produs pe Venus, unde temperatura la suprafață (sub norii de acid sulfuric) este de sute de grade Celsius, suficient pentru a face totul la suprafața planetei ca fierul înroșit.

V-ați întrebat vreodată de ce sunt doi împărați-soare în Japonia? Cel abdicat și cel curent? Doi sori și cu cel de pe cer, trei, ca să fie ca în profeția lui Buddha (numărul total de sori va fi șapte, dar la trei totul devine ireversibil), interpretată de unii că trebuie să se întâmple acum și nu peste sute de mii de ani cum a spus el. Bine, dacă adăugăm și numărul de popi...

Și oamenii au trecut la treabă și au furnizat o mașină pentru tot omul de pe planeta asta, care e în stare să o cumpere și să o conducă.

Va fi Nirvana gratuită pentru toți iar blestemul reîncarnării și suferința care o aduce nu se va mai repeta, ciclurile reîncarnării se vor termina pentru toți fiindcă Pământul va fi prăjit.

Stingerea. Reunificarea sufletelor chinuite cu creatorul lor, Brahma.

Buddha cel istoric (care adică a trăit cândva) s-a născut ca un prinț în clanul Shakya din Nepal. Tradiția de pe vremea respectivă împiedica prinții bogați să vadă lumea, pentru a nu afla ce este suferința și a fi influențați. Însă tânărul prinț a fugit din palat și a aflat ce era suferința celor săraci, care pe atunci era enormă.

Mai mult decât atât, suferința se menține prin reîncarnări succesive conform religiei Hindu.

Astfel el a renunțat la titlul său și a plecat prin lume, în special în India unde a avut mai mulți guru, pentru a afla soluția la problema suferinței. Unii spun că această predică ce prevestește distrugerea Pământului de către 7 sori, este singura lui soluție. Alții că ar fi izgonirea ignoranței și iluminarea.

Poate predica celor 7 sori a fost un avertisment iar unii au luat-o ca profeție apocaliptică.

Și o parte din clanul lui Buddha și-au luat bagajele și au plecat în Europa împreună cu magarii, un clan înrudit, războinic, unde s-au stabilit în... Dacia, România de azi, ca secui, pentru a apăra de pe linia munților cetatea Buda și aurul din Transilvania și ca maghiari, peste populația hunică din Câmpia Panonică.

Scopul lor a fost religios, și anume implementarea soluției găsite de Buddha.

(Românii au fost prinși la mijloc și folosiți ca sursă de orice. Aurul a fost folosit timp de un mileniu pentru a schimb istoria Europei și a lumii etc.).

Soluția lui Buddha a fost infuzată în Biserica Catolică, prin visul mamei Sfântului Dominic. Inchiziția creată de dominicani a folosit arderile pe rug. Dar nu s-au oprit acolo.

Însă aș vrea să întreb ceva. Viața oamenilor s-a schimbat mult în special prin eliminarea ignoranței, sau prin știință, cealaltă soluție a lui Buddha, nu mai există acel nivel de suferință pentru cei mulți, cel puțin cea mai mare parte din ei.

Dacă Buddha s-ar fi născut acum, ar mai fi renunțat el la titlu, ar mai fi plecat el în India să afle soluția la suferință?

Shake them all off. All the liars and the dirty dirty cheats of the world... Isn't this song racist, the white swans shaking the brown ones that make them crawl on the ground and poop on their head? No ice for you!

8:45 Barcă, GPS, etc.. Apropo, de ce nu cresc nivelurile oceanelor dacă se topesc calotele? Explicație foarte simplă. Am fost păcăliți că vor crește nivelurile oceanelor, care nu cresc iar noi stăm liniștiți. Vaporii de apă se cam duc în spațiul cosmic, ca și coada unei comete. Stau și mă întreb, unde se duc, spre Soare sau în direcție opusă? Dacă se duc spre Soare, alimentează Soarele cu hidrogen pentru a se încălzi și mai mult.

Dar mai este o ipoteză. O navă gigantică în orbita lui Mercur care captează acea apă. După ce a captat-o pe toată de pe Venus. Ei nu au nevoie de planete pentru a supraviețui, dar au nevoie de apă (Nu poate recicla toată apa, ca în video-ul de mai jos). Hidrogen ca și combustibil. Și oxigen. Care alieni l-au trimis pe Buda să-i înnebunească pe pământeni ca să-și dea singuri foc la valiză.

Apa poate cădea spre Soare numai pe direcția discului (planului) pe care orbitează planetele, deci va ajunge și pe Venus și pe Mercur. Nu vorbesc de ploaie sau ninsori, dar pot fi vapori sau chiar picături care pot fi captați cu ceva.

Viața lor ar fi cam așa. Caută un sistem solar cu planete care au apă. Alterează genetic niște maimuțe acolo și le înnebunește religios, ca să-și dea foc. După 10000 de ani, timp în care își fac plinul, se mută în altă parte. Sau poate au plecat deja, după ce NASA a publicat video-ul de mai jos.

O nava de dimensiunea aia are însă nevoie de ceva timp ca să se mute în altă parte. Zeci sau sute de mii de ani. Sau poate sunt ăia de pe Venus și vor sta acolo pentru mult timp. Fără alte informații, speculăm, speculăm.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

October 31

10:55 Angela and i escaped yesterday to Lincoln City. However, by the time i got there i was really sick because breathing through a congested nose because of smoke because of numerous small or "controlled" wildfires along the route. I realized i got contaminated real bad with T gondii from sick dog poo i picked when i gathered the leaves and/or probably from another source. The trick with almond butter and grapefruit juice didn't work anymore, got just too much in my system already. Then i remembered the trick with Zyrtec, as Zyrtec being studied as best possible treatment for toxoplasmosis, and that probably saved me from going to a hospital, after taking three 10 mg doses. Trouble is, by killing the parasite, Zyrtec makes you feel really low and sleepy. Feels like need to sleep for days. In those moments, some caffeine and even alcohol may help.

As i said many times before, T gondii increases dopamine, the "feel good" neurotransmitter. That keeps you going after infection, like feeling high and breathing through a congested nose until you completely crash, with shortness of breath, low oxygen level, etc..

The newest source could be this. Next door or wall neighbor, apt.2 got this huge fan in the window, a similar one on the other side of the building. The fan increases a bit the pressure inside, enough to push whatever is in the air inside into the (empty) walls and from there into our apartment, probably upstairs too. He's got a dog that goes alone in the yard and i picked droppings several times next to his patio. The mystery of the man upstairs not being here in the last weeks/months. After being back a few days (week before Halloween) he left early Saturday morning. All after staying here for days at at time, since he moved in the spring. The neighbor next door or wall has a dog and smokes. Cigarettes, possibly kratom,  marijuana which with dog smell comes through the walls in here. I opened main door while i'm writing here and got nauseated.
11:28 Ok this is weird. Can't find the article where it says Zyrtec inhibits T gondii though i know for sure it does because i bought it right after i read. Instead i found (again) something about omeprazole (which i took for years) and a number of antipsychotic and antihistamine drugs which makes me think again, what if T gondii causes all these diseases, one of the first responses of your body to infection is to increase stomach acid and omeprazole actually kills or suppresses the parasite. Same with other "psychiatric" diseases, with mood swings being caused by proliferation of parasite after eating, etc..

Strangely enough, Scientology holds a similar belief, that "psychiatric" diseases are caused by... Tethans ("clustering" to human bodies), and antihistamine drugs help suppress those.

12:45 Why from dogs and not from cats (which would be directly from source). For fulfilling the prophecy of St.Dominic's mother? Who made all the fires along Hwy 99 and 18 last night?

Could the current pandemic which is said to be caused by an invisible virus, actually be caused by rapidly mutating strains of T gondii (that cannot be suppressed by the immune system of people that are already old and sick)? It is said that a large percentage of human population is infected with the parasite, ignored by the doctors because of difficulty of diagnosis and not being an emergency because of so many people being positive and asymptomatic, however, what if newer more virulent strains take over?

Could this explain the anecdotal reports which say COVID can be treated with anti-parasitic drugs, some antibiotics? Anybody other than me ever tried antihistamines, omeprazole, combined with calmly breathing on mouth,  maybe getting oxygen for a few hours until your body can breath without difficulty again?

That because to me it happened so many times, many years before COVID. I went to ER maybe up to 100 times in those years with shortness of breath (never got to the point when oxygen was low), and every time all they did was let me wait, while breathing the clean air inside, and in a few occasions when i stayed with "anxiety" or "panic" attacks and not sleeping for a week, they put me in psychiatric wards.

4:29/2:29 Șansele matematice ale guvernului Ciucă.

Știți ce ma atrage pe mine la păcănele? În primul rând, să mai ies de aici, să mai văd și să mai aud altceva. Uneori, Oceanul cel Magic, Mount Hood-ul maiestuos și deșertul misterios. Alte ori, doar râsete și chiuituri, poate artificiale. Un păhărel pe furiș în parcare.

Știu de mult că nu sunt jocuri de noroc. Au poate o cameră pentru fiecare 2-3 mașini cu care capturează și analizează fețele, mișcarea mâinilor. Ceva softuri apoi îți hotărăsc mâna următoare. Când nu ești atent să apeși butonul să oprești defilarea, îți bagă ceva. Când termini banii introduși, îți bagă o mână, două, să mai joci și să mai scoți bani din buzunar. La fel când te hotărăști să pleci de la o mașină. Din când în când (la ore și după algoritmuri prestabilite, când lumea începe să plece masiv) toate mașinile încep să meargă, poate vreo zece minute, ca să formeze adicții. Pe mine mă amuză să încerc să păcălesc aceste softuri, de cele mai multe ori nu reușesc. Sau chiar dacă reușesc o mână, îmi iau înapoi ce am câștigat, la următoarele zece, etc..

7:24 Yeah i know it feels really bad especially at the end of an "anxiety attack" complete with shortness of breath. It takes lots of courage, after you figure out, to wait to normalize while breathing with the open mouth until you forget about. In a sense, breathing through a congested nose for maybe half an hour at the end feels like holding breath for several minutes, but the sense of urgency is much more pronounced and prolonged, feels like your chest is going to get crushed or something. To me it happened so many times, i don't care anymore.

I never thought i had or don't know if, the variety of wine called Sauvignon blanc. One of the best wines i figure. Until last Sunday. (Coincidence with the shootings on the set by Alec Baldwin?). Today i told Angela to look and see if there isn't any at WinCo. (Took her there, went to pick her in an hour, did some stuff in between). She didn't know what i posted today, the only brand she could find was...

Sunday, October 16, 2022

October 16

8:40 A break in my faces searches. Ran into a painting and started wondering. Was Diogenes a partial precursor of St.Dominic?

It is said he wrote a number of books of which none survived.

More than one thousand years later Pothius, a Greek scholar and Constantinopole patriarch makes a synopsis to a book The Wonders Beyond Thule by an Antonious Diogenes describing the mythical world beyond Thule, a fashionable subject in ancient Greece.

However Diogenes is not mentioned on the Wikipedia page of Thule (link above).

Nobody, including Pothius knew when the book was written. Also, not much is known of the youth of Diogenes.

The interesting part is Diogenes is always described half naked, and living in a clay barrel, that reminds of an igloo and with dogs, like someone, maybe a captured slave who came from that area and could not stand the Mediterranean heat. Feeding dogs and using a lamp in daylight could come from nostalgia (or compulsion) from living in the 6 months nights of the world beyond Thule?

I'm  not trying to say he wrote the book but could have been made by notes from his stories.

Thule nowadays is the name of a culture that is located where the ancient Greeks partially thought it was and also a point in the (black and) white extremist discourse, masked as a commercial brand.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

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