Showing posts sorted by relevance for query leaves. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query leaves. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2023

May 19

5:50 Every Breath, combaterea semantică. Perlin.

6:20 Had no idea she could also play the guitar. Don't Know Why, i always had the feeling that she never reaches her potential except for that song. She's singing/playing jazz like she's playing a never ending finished game. The sadness is from for blues though. Is that a real toilet plunger he uses to mute the trombone LOL?

7:21 Talking of playing games. This song is so nice is surreal. It doesn't sound like New York but like a quiet sunny warm afternoon in the West (except for the weird diminished chords on the piano). So much better than You're so Vain. In my mind right now it comes dangerously close to Bryan Ferry's More Than This.

7:55 Worth mentioning... Players only love you when the're playing or the sound of Flitwood Mach... I think i was leaving under the wrong impression... Blame it on my HS physics teacher. Apparently there are voices saying the speed of gas coming out of a pressurized container is not the speed of sound...

1:10 I believe with a little push we can go beyond glucose.

1:11 Ce părere am eu de greva profesorilor. Arată încredere în sistem, în EI. Cred că se înșeală. Profesori fiind, ei ar trebui cel mai bine să înțeleagă felul în care ei ne fură masiv direct de la buget, nu să le dea un vot de încredere obținând prin acest demers ceva mărunțiș de la ei.

4:18 They were winds up to 30 mph in the weekend. They brought down from the east garages lots of leaves left from last fall, rotting and stinking like cabbage. I took four laundry baskets packed with those to the NE bin and one to the SE. Got more infections at the hands but used the prescribed antibiotic right away and they did not progress.

I didn't know where they were coming from so yesterday i took a look and saw more on the top of the flat top garages. Where the pine needles came from but at the other end. So i emailed the office, but they said they cannot do it before the end of the month. I used a stepper and took another picture and saw a big pile of them near the edge. This morning when Angela went to work i went and pulled the bulk of them near the edge down (without climbing on the roof). Then i realized those were from one or two of the baskets i picked myself and threw in the garbage and somebody must have put them back on the roof. Now they are back on the ground where i picked them from.

Today in the park i saw some signs warning of poison oak that may cause severe dermatitis in sensitive people. I googled and saw those are shrubs, not trees. However there are some shrubs in the area as well. Going back to look.

A bunch of kids ad the entrance next to post boxes are making the biggest noise i heard so far including using of vuvuzelas. But they are Asian, not Spanish. There is this guy with a red old Corvette that makes a terrible noise at times, and smoke when he passes. Have you read Kafka or Clavell (Shogun)?

4:40 There are more dried leaves under the balcony of the next building since last fall. They were more that i picked next to the other garages. Those might have come from the shrubs and are of course mixed. I remember there was one or two years when i filled half garbage bin at the time gathering the leaves from the whole yard and never got any skin problems but i guess i got myself "sensitized" by the wi-fi of the laptop.

5:05 Angela had some coupons for beef and Doritos at Safeway and when she came i saw her parking and opened the door only to see, in the same direction, behind the car, a Japanese woman made to look Latina staring at me with a baby in her arms.

BTW she paid for 6 pounds of decent quality beef the same as for 3 packs of Doritos, all with coupons.

Somebody again changed the programming of the sprinklers. They now start in the afternoon. Yesterday there was only one Japanese girls about 10 who as taking a shower under those. Today somebody (probably her or others or bigger ninja) changed the direction of the the nearby sprinkler 90 degrees left towards my balcony and AC. Went and tried to fix it, did too little, now they came back and occupied the area.

5:40 So far i identified one occurrence of poison IV.

Extremely dried leaves (almost dust) under balconies

Aucuba Japonica next to bedroom window. Don't know if the're visible but when Aucuba leaves die they turn into a black brittle thin foil that when touched turn into dust. I bet there are no studies as what those can do to your sensitized skin.

I still remember the episode when one day, being really high from something in the air i went and picked the half dead leaves from branches and from the ground and put them in a bag and when i was crossing the alley to throw them to the bin William Shatner came downhill with an idling diesel towing truck (was used to the sound, he was stationary for minutes), he just released the breaks, RPM dind't change and if i didn't look back he would have ran over me. He did it a couple of times just in case. I mean, i looked, he stopped, turned my back and walked in the same direction, he tried one more time.

I know it was him cause i saw he was towing my truck and ran after him and talked briefly. He wouldn't take a card, i had to drive 20 miles with Angela that day to recover my truck, for 300 bucks.

Common ivy.

Don't know what these are.

9:36 It was only after a few hours Angela told me. She was again mad for the weekend. First, they canceled her overtime tomorrow. Building maintenance reasons. She had a free night for Monday at Chinook and wanted to make some money, though dead tired. Never happened before. Then this "Russian" guy Sergey gave her a news which i don't think is necessarily bad, but in such a way she did got mad.

All weekends for the past years have been like that. It was Hao, Steven, Sergey, others, by rotation, who did or said something right at the end of the week, it always ruined Angela's weekend (and mine). Though i saw him briefly, a few seconds, one time only, i think Sergey is this guy.

Judging by his face, he is not necessarily a bad guy, none of them are, but the roles... and the script must be obeyed... But i started to ask myself, how is helping me by putting everything that crosses my mind here, cause people do react, sometimes unpredictable but don't remember the next day what i said today. Obviously because they have their own worries.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

January 15

3:13 Woke at 1:30 AM after a couple of hours of sleep because of the stink. I went and put some chlorine bleach in a bowl in the closet, started the UV lamp and closed the "door" which is permeable. I also have a blanket on top of the door space. I opened both doors (patio and main) to let the wind blow a little. It did but it stopped so i closed the doors. Around 2 i heard again the wind blowing outside, opened again both doors only to see a woman ninja passing by. Now i hear a noisy SUVs in the lot.

Saw about UFO reports all over in the news. In or around September 2015 shortly after i moved in here and after i posted the first time about the "antigravitational" or relativist drive, i was with Angela in the park. We were about to leave when i saw coming from the top of hospital and Mobile Pl on this map and veering right on top of Nyberg, following the street and furthering towards east a number of floating objects, in the shape of diamonds, about 10 meters tall, at about 200 ft altitude.

They were going one after another with one minute distance between them as if they were held by a wire, like cable cars but there was no cable, at a speed of about 20 mph. They seemed more like romboidal frames than solid objects, with lights on the sides, like some decorations on trucks on the freeway or... Christmas trees?

Absolutely silent. Also pretty far, at least a quarter of a mile. I tried to take pictures with my old 10 MP Alpha 300 Sony DSLR camera with 70 mm equivalent max focal length but they were too far away and they only came as pixels. I think i posted about somewhere including a picture but can't find anything. I had an impulse to run at the car in the lot and drive closer to take pictures but something was paralyzing me.

I think i was afraid. More like of being ridiculed by some sort of prank designed with that purpose. It was all too obvious and easy not to hide a trap or something. No cars on the street which seemed odd for the beginning of the evening or around sunset time. Also at the time i was high all the time from smoke from the ground i was ignoring. (Years after i probably reached my limit and the smoke was not enough to feel good anymore but just dizzy and realized it and started to fight it).

Most likely explanation? Drones of some sort, the frame type, though kinda big, hanging vertically rather than horizontally. Nothing out of this world.

5:15 Can't sleep (slept 10 days yesterday). Ate something, had a few drinks (it's still night, i never drink in the morning! LOL) Kept thinking. Why was he trying to sell me a carpet cleaner. The guy with the small SUV parked yesterday in our spot. And figured it out. I posted first an image with a small stain on the carpet. Then i replaced it with one where i put the laptop over it.

These guys resilience and professionalism is infinite. Their endeavour is 2500 years old or older. They will speculate every tiny possibility. They came on the suspicion there was a stain on the carpet, to amplify it. Something i didn't clean. The other ninja came out of the building "to defend me" then the guy left. It was all a show.

Everybody saw. In the two pictures posted already there is one of the legs of my tripod stand from which two plants are hanging (used to be three). The stain is from overwatering the plants and can be easily cleaned though i didn't have the time. Some of the leaves have been burnt by UV when i put it in the room and forgot about the plants for about 5 minutes.

Why are the blinds open. Because i was airing when i took the picture. It stinks so bad i can't sleep. As i said they are really pro. They only place themselves in public sight on the defense or as good guys. He came "on a suspicion". Feel realy sorry right now i didn't beat the crap out of him, i hope someone will. And the guy honking who made me walk outside. And  the ninja who pretend are my friends. Still think like a child i guess or i am still drunk.

5:41 The plane crash in Nepal. I was posting lately about Nepal, Magars and Buddha. I wrote about plane crashes and also watched lots of videos. Yesterday i put a video with images from a drone in Câmpulung, a town surrounded by mountains. Was that after the crash? Can they predict future? Maybe not but i bet their AI can predict my next moves.

6:08 Cei puțin ei vă arată întotdeauna aspectul luminos din orice mizerie. Un sport de lux. Iadul aparține însă urmașilor noștri. Dar cui îi pasă.

Ajutați-ne cu puțină decență, autostrăzi, oportunități și job-uri, cu lipsa imaginii inestetice a lui Ciucă și aerian elegant suspendată a lui Iohannis. Cu lipsa voastră în general.

8:42 Smoke filled the place. Had no chance but go outside. Kids on scooters playing and yelling in January rain at Sunday 8 AM, at times crossing in the alley where sometimes cars pass one after another. One SUV came in the middle of the alley and stopped defensively between me and them and two "Mexican guys" started to talk annoyingly loud to each other, throwing glances at me while i was stepping on bulged areas. Smelled some dog s... and picked two dog piles, one with diarrhea, other objects thrown on the ground. When i went to throw them, another SUV came between me and the kids.

9:00 Repetitio mater studiorum. Cred că am mai zis faza cu Wan Ron Rolling dar nu contează, lumea cred că a uitat-o. Eram în Lake Oswego la apartamentul 10 iar la apartamentul 9 în ultimul timp venea tipa aia de a făcut-o pe Kelly Clarkson (postare veche). Pentru că am zis înainte de a mă muta acolo de mai multe ori că îmi plăcea vocea ei.

În realitate deși arătă ok, nu e la înălțimea vocii nici pe departe (acum s-a îngrășat foarte mult). Oricum am stat deoparte. În orice caz.

Dau într-o zi peste un video în care apărea o tipă care semăna cu ea. Nu era ea normal fiindcă era "chinezoaică" dar vroiau pe atunci încă să mă convingă că două persoane de fapt pot semăna între ele. Da normal pot fiindcă ungurii sunt și ei asiatici.

În treacăt fie spus. Pe atunci eram pe chat cu cineva și am pus link la video. În următorul minut a picat bursa 5%. Video-ul chinezesc de fapt sumariza și înfiera cam tot ce mi se întâmpla (Eu eram normal tipul cu coarne și găină în brațe).

Ok a venit vremea să mă mut și am nimerit aici la Rolling Hills. Wang Ron Rollin, Rolling Hills. Era o tipă la recepție foarte sexy. Câțiva ani după încă mă întâlneam cu ea pe alee la ora când mergea la birou, în pauze. Stătea vizavi. Care până la urmă s-a dovedit a fi ea. Dar avea și un soț care părea culturist.

De câte ori ne întâlneam se uita galeș la mine. M-am gândit s-o invit înăuntru, dar mi-era rușine fiindcă puțea prea mult a fum și alte chestii iar apartamentul era într-adevăr foarte "crummy".  Ce îmi pare rău acum e că ea a vrut să-mi schimbe boilerul dar eu am ezitat. Mi-am amintit toată faza când, căutându-l pe Fumio, am dat de o poză care sintetizează poziția femeii în Japonia.

Absolut obiecte docile de folosință. Am înțeles că ei le numesc pe colegele de birou "tea ladies". Adică tot ce fac este să servească ceai. Multe rămân nemăritate și pe alea le numesc "Christmas cakes". Adică torturi rămase în vitrine de la Crăciun. Așa se prezenta și ea pe alle când ne întâlneam.

They only blow in the most visible areas. They were leaves everywhere. A month ago i pulled two sacks from under bedroom's window. Today two more sacks next to cars. There are more but i can't cause they sent a whole bands of Japanese kids at the door to defend the rot. At that patio some sort of forgotten black cover fell over the rotting leaves. They been flushing toilets every time i went to bathroom for a week now. I developed some sort of retention and i'm full of gas and had palpitations when bending to put by hand the leaves in the sacks.     Pulled four more sacks (a total of maybe ten) from the end of the yard under first 3 bushes from left on top of that cable box, barely made a dent. Youngsters came to work at 3 different cars on the right next to the other bin where i was throwing them. Threw last one at our bin, a curly guy looking native Australian came from behind me on an electric scooter when i was returning, nearly hit me. Deja vu, he done that before several months ago. Have to finish the leaves cause they promote the stinking inside.

They do this every fall, intentionally leave leaves in the yard, but in different places and now on sides on top of mulch areas where are harder to see perceive.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 28

6:18 After taking Angela to work i went for a short walk in the park (to help eliminate some of the alcohol in my my sytem). In the dark parking lot there was something moving and waited until she came under light and i saw there was a woman with a dog. They were two cars i met on the street, and both at the stop sign, when they slow down. When i came back i picked a few items from the red chips, i know there is a dog poo somewhere but just can't find it within the leaves and inside is smelling like dog and mold.

6:38 Curious to see how Hungarian women look like, seen by one of their painters?

6:45 Searching for a face. Here's a preview. First walk upstairs. I feel nauseated by the dog smell. Did i tell i found last night another mat in the "no dumping" place and took it next to the garbage bin?

6:49 Ce mai fac politicienii când nu sunt în știri? Astăzi, Crin Antonescu. Altădată cap de afiș, președinte interimar pentru o lună în locul lui Băse, astăzi mai știe cineva de el? Tulcea, my (dog smelling) a...

8:05 He went once to the car before he left. A mixture of cigarette smoke and dust came in. Got to hose the stairs.

8:42 Hosed the stairs, lots of dust already got inside, contaminated the fridge. Used the rack and gathered the leaves in suspected areas. Found at least one piece of dog poo, as the leaves where smelling. More nausea. Threw away three 13 gallons sacks of wet leaves (about 50 pounds in total). Got to go in Hillsboro Auto Wrecking need to check with google maps first.

8:44 Divele și politicienii ce (se) mai pozează așa. Looks clear.

6:13 Good news. I was able to pick the wheel at Hillsboro Auto Wrecking. For that, i did a total of 78 miles, accompanied, as usually by all kinda crazy drivers, which made it much more difficult, though there was no wind and the truck was not drifting any more.

The wheel looked intact but it had some abrasions around the rim in the area of contact with the tire from removing the tire with a tool at a "slightly different" angle. I borrowed some fine 400 sandpaper from the shop and sanded those out, otherwise i think it could have leaked. Used a water hose and some toilet paper to clean the dust i made and any dirt inside as it could damage the valve.

Here next to the old one. I also used coarser sandpaper to remove the cutting edges of the damaged area (forget to take a picture before, still got some visible cracks) so the tire won't be damaged in the transfer process. At the tire shop i was watching the process of transferring the tire when a delivery van or something backed up in my direction (after an Asian woman came to watch as well her vehicle) but i got pulled out of the way by one of those (Russian) guys from the shop, that was conveniently located 2 buildings away from where my car is.

Good news. They will bring the car inside and start working at by the end of the week (as promised). I also was directed to move the car out of the puddle on a dry area.

Bad news. Crashed with hunger and instead of using google maps i just used google (keep forgetting) and it took me to a Carl's Jr about 10 miles away. The jack i used to lift the car had a "blocked" piston, and had to interrupt the work of the man to have it unblocked. After replacing the wheel (had the spare in its place) i took the borrowed tools inside, including the compressed air hose for the impact wrench. While doing so i touched with the dirty hose that was in the puddle a freshly clear coated car. It did not damage the paint but after wiping it out with a rag, it lost the "freshly painted" shine. I showed it to the man, he said that area will be buffed anyways because right on top of it they were drops of clear coat that "tricked" during the coating job, that need to be sanded and buffed out, which they did right after. I also saw a very small dent under the shiny coat some 2 feet to the right of that area.

The short 1 ft 1/2 inch wrench that i borrowed, with a pipe as extension to torque the lug nuts that yesterday was working, today it looked damaged, looks like the spring in the clicking mechanism was broken.

Just remembered something. I tried to torque the lug nuts on the right front (where i did the axle that BTW is again not fully torqued, didn't have the tool) with the same improvisation, wrench/pipe, the ones i torqued again with the only short wrench but they seemed over torqued. Need to check those again tomorrow, borrow a torque wrench from O'Reilly's.

Good news. I slept about one hour right before i wrote here, on top of the 5 last night. Bad news. Got awakened by the TV upstairs.

7:28 I thought alcohol in bread is the reason for this Jewish ritual. Alcohol in bread is bad news for recovering alcoholics. 200 gr of bread may contain up to 3.8 grams of alcohol or the equivalent of 1/3 of a liquor shot or 100 ml of light beer. How about children, drivers?

8:30 Las' că vine generalul Nicolae Ciucescu și pune armata pe ei. Cum care armată? Aia de mercenari profesioniști (ca a lui Mihai Viteazu) (or fi și ăia tot actori?).

9:19 This guy looks familiar. Pretty much like this one.

1015 Unknown Hungarian actress seen through the lens of one of their own photographers. What man? Is there a man in the picture as well? Can't see any man.
11:09 Since driving the car in the shop's lot seems to be a big issue, i just applied for a trip permit, effective seven days from now (November 4), though i don't know when the car is going to be ready.

11:38 Cu sau fără "guvern" în România, nici o diferență. Românii plătesc în continuare impozite pe salarii, TVA, taxă pe profit (cel mai mare act al guvernelor), iar bugetul (aceste taxe adunate plus ceva împrumuturi, în total 400 miliarde lei/anual) curge în continuare liniștit pe apa sâmbetei.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fedora 21 Before And After Installation

I know this looks scary for the novice. But is not difficult. It took me a lot of time (wouldn't dare to say how much) to figure all these. I also wrote this here because i need to save me some head scratching during the next installation.

This customization is described here is down to command level for Fedora 21 XFCE live installation (a few commands are good only for AMD64). That is you can paste and execute the commands provided here in a terminal, but for that you need first to paste this whole post in a text file in a partition unaffected by installation (unformatted). Or print it. XFCE because i don't need an animated desktop and all the inconveniences (processor load) that come with it.

This whole new custom Fedora 21 installation as described here should not take more than 3 hours. That time is the only expense for a free and extremely performant and secure OS complete with free multimedia, internet and office software.

If i did it, everybody could.

Without customization and manual partitioning, it should take less than an hour and that is for the complete IT ignorant.

Here it starts. Download and burn on a DVD as an ISO file the live version of the XFCE from this page (any burner on a Windows or Linux computer should have that option). The size is a bit less then 1 GB.

Boot from live installation disk created as described above.  (You may first probably have to enter the BIOS by pressing repeatedly the delete key during normal boot-up and choose the DVD reader as the first booting device. Then, insert the DVD with the live image in the DVD player and restart the computer). If you don't want any of the customization described below, choose the default or common sense answers at each step, which BTW are similar to a Windows installation, and stop here.

But Fedora live DVD is much more than an installation kit. Once you boot from that DVD as described above, you get a functioning operating system with which you can even get online and browse the web. To start the installation process, you have to double click the Install icon on the desktop.

Any of the steps described below are optional and independent of each other.

Fedora (F) 21 installer has been modified since F20. There is an option to keep the old partitioning. There is an option for LVM. (There are other more options as partitioning.)

Don't know about LVM. I chose standard partitioning to keep the old partitioning from F20 which is similar to this in the link below.

So in the first screen there is a partitioning option (i always forget after i am done with, can't save that screen). Left lower icon. I write here for those familiar with manual partitioning. After choosing that icon, i choose standard partitioning at top and select the manual partitioning button. Then i hit the Done button, that for some strange reason in this installer for F21 is at the upper left corner. Then i get to see the old Fedora installation with all its partitions that is hidden behind a drop menu. To grab a partition in the new installation all i have to do is click on it and rewrite the mounting point (/, /home, /tmp, etc.) and choose to format it or not.

These are the most critical moments. On an installation i always choose to keep the old /home and /var partitions unformatted. That is i don't make the mistake to check the format box near each. If i do so i would wipe out all my recent data and many settings, including desktop, browser, the last file i've been editing and all the others.

By keeping /home partition unformatted and creating when asked an non-privileged user name identical to the one in the old installation, there is very little work to be done for settings and after a clean install of a new version (or the same version), by keeping the /home and /var partitions unformatted, the desktop and the browser will look similar, bookmarks included, so the rest of your computer.

The non-privileged user is needed for doing everything on the computer except maintenance, for security reasons - if a non-privileged account is hacked, there is less they can do without the root password, pretty much like in Windows.

However, all commands (mostly with yum) described here are given in privileged a root terminal, that is a terminal after the command su has been issued and the root password introduced. (You can open a terminal in any directory found with the File Manager by right clicking and choosing Open terminal here). For the privileged (root) File Manager session, after issuing the su command in that terminal and introducing the root password, can type the command #thunar (that invokes the file manager, named like this in XFCE) and get into a privileged session with File Manager, that in turn can open (by clicking) privileged files for editing.

First thing that i do is i get rid of the annoying log-in for the non-privileged user at every boot (and the need to enter a 16 characters password each time, that number being my choice) by going in etc/lightdm/ and modifying and uncommenting two lines towards the end of the file lightdm.conf. By getting rid of the log-in and not needing to enter the password each time at boot time you don't compromise security except if somebody you don't trust has physical access to your computer.


After this, a graphical local install from a /var location (by double clicking on the rpm package in the the File Manager) of the yum plugin remove-with-leaves (among others, yes that's why i kept /var unformatted). If you don't have it saved for this purpose from the previous install, you may briefly go online by activating the network from the icon in the taskbar then install it by privileged terminal command

#yum install yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves

(yum is the name of the installation and removing program of choice in Fedora 21. The other one is rpm but more difficult to work with. yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves is a plugin that insures the removal of any useless (and potentially unsafe) packages that are linked only to the main packages removed so the cleanup is more complete).

Then i do this:

#yum remove claws-mail pidgin libpurple spice-vdagent sendmail pragha remmina tigervnc-server-minimal transmission liferea midori samba* openssh* --remove-leaves

By doing these two last steps i get rid of about 100 packages that i don't use, of which many are trying to connect to the internet on their own will. That is about 10% of the whole OS. Some of the packages on the list above are present only in Fedora 20 but the command will still work for the rest.

Then i copy the files iptables and ip6tables in etc/sysonfig from a location in /home which i kept from the F20 installation for this purpose. Later i will disable firewalld and install and enable iptables.

Then there is still a weird setting i will never understand. In etc/yum.conf there is a line keepcache=0. I modify it to 1 so all the rpm packages i ever download and install remain on my hard drive. However, lately this proved less and less useful. It was so while i was still installing it many times and tried to do the updates locally. It is possible by forcing yum to update locally.

#yum install iptables-services

#systemctl stop firewalld

#systemctl disable firewalld

#systemctl enable iptables

#systemctl start iptables

#yum update

Reboot to make sure everything works. Check iptables with

#iptables -S

About hosts file i wrote here

About moving Chrome cache in RAM i wrote here

This is one setting that probably affects only my computer but i still write it

Go Chrome/Settings/Avanced and remove the check on Use hardware acceleration when available.

I create the files and paste in each






#yum install google-chrome-stable --nogpgcheck

#yum install google-earth-stable --nogpgcheck

For the more advanced user, here is the installation of the video drivers from Nvidia. This is critical as if you are not successful, your system will most like become useless and will need to be reinstalled and rely on the 30% slower, reverse engineered generic nouveau driver.

First, and the most important, you have to know exactly which of the drivers from nvidia you need, according to your video card. 340.xx, 304.xx, 173.14.xx, 96.43.xx or 71.86.xx This page will help you.

To find out what video card you have you do

#lspci -v | less

Then you go to this page

And install the free and non-free repos necessary to download the drivers, under the title

Graphical Setup via Firefox web browser

Then, after

#yum list *nvidia*

you will choose which driver you need, depending on the kernel version and video card found in the Nvidia web page above.

to find out which kernel version you have you do

#yum kernel list

Then installation of the driver. I think for my system the command was

#yum install kmod-nvidia-304xx-3.17.4-301.fc21.x86_64.x86_64

Then i install the optional programs like

#yum install gthumb (basic pictures management and adjusting).

#yum install audacity (audio recorder)

#yum install vlc (a complete media player)

#yum install stellarium (planetarium software)

#yum install libreoffice (Office equivalent for Linux

#yum install lmms (trackers, sequencers and synthesizers)

Last few times i had a problem with google earth. A conflict with a file, had to rebuild the rpm first by installing rpmrebuild

#yum install rpmrebuild


# rpmrebuild -ep /home/geek/Downloads/google-earth-stable_current_x86_64.rpm

Scroll down and remove line: %dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/usr/bin"

Save / exit the editor, with the command <ESC>:wq

After a while you will be asekd if to contine, should answer yes.

see rpmrebuild exiting saying something like: result: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/google-earth-stable-

Then go cd  /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/ and run #yum localinstall google-earth-stable-

Here is a version of the text file iptables that is needed in /etc/sysconfig for the iptables to work

# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Sat Dec 27 23:21:37 2014
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 80 --dport 30000:65535 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 443 --dport 30000:65535 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 1935 --dport 30000:65535 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -j LOG --log-prefix "[-P BLOCK] "
-A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
-A FORWARD -j LOG --log-prefix "[-P BLOCK] "
-A OUTPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 20000:65535 --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 30000:65535 --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
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# Completed on Sat Dec 27 23:21:37 2014

Friday, November 24, 2023

November 24

10:05 Don't know if i can include the cyclicity of the seasons (given by the Earth's rotation around the Sun) in an explanation about Amaterasu's myth but November 23 is close enough to the winter solstice, at December 21 when daylight time starts to increase again.

But by reading the above linked article i figured other important things.

In the myth, the birth of music and shamanic dance is attributed to the temporary missing of the goddess, when daylight disappeared. In contemporary music, there are numerous examples of songs speaking of that, and comes to mind the verses "she got down but she never got tight/she's gonna make it through the night" from Blinded by the Light by Manfred Man.

Music and dance are now so ubiquitous in media and we never take the time to stop and think. How was life before the century of the lights? When it all started? The Renaissance? One thing we don't recognize. The shamanism of dance and music that surrounds our lives nowadays. And we all seem to ignore the source.

Modern music seems to have taken these days the role of a (shamanic) teacher, instructing us all the time (against the old order) with words repeating obsessively over and over. Having in mind another influential song by Pink Floyd.

Calculated deception and use of force for our good. Taking matters into own hands. Extrajudicial justice. Devine trickery. The Book of  Ninja (Bansenshukai) is full of it. But also comes to mind Maya, the world of illusions or mother of Buddha, which is part of Buddhism. Could it be the reason of the happy marriage in Japan between Buddhism and Shintoism, which seems to be a term linguistically derived from "Hinduism".

Own cave. Could this be the (Devine) model for Hikikomori? There are millions of young Japanese people who retreated in their own room, some for years. They also call it "social withdrawing". Though i suspect some of them are secretly enrolled in ninja training and Japan not having more hikikomori as percentage of the total population than any country.

I did that once. Been in the apartment for months if not one or two years, never going out. Angela had to go alone to buy groceries. In a year or two my body started to atrophy. Gained more and more weight.

One day it snowed a lot (like it happens once or twice a year in Oregon). I mean, one foot of snow and i ran out of cigarettes' and Angela could not drive to 7-11 with the Nissan.

I went outside, i was high all the time during that time though not realizing. I tried to put chains on the rear wheels of the truck, the chain on one wheel got entangled, i broke the truck. So i had to walk the half mile to 7-11. But after walking for like 5 minutes in the snow i realized i cannot walk no more. Me who when i was young i was walking 30 km or more in one day on the trails in the mountains surrounding the city i was born and lived until 14 or during vacations until 18.

In that evening i went outside to take pictures with the snow, again, the same difficulty moving around the complex.

So it cannot be. Those people will atrophy and not be able to do anything anymore in a year or so. I mean, some of them could be real, like in any country, and others using this as an opportunity.

But it has gotten out of control. For decades after the appearance of radio and television people accepted those as carrying new, unheard of before forms of speech and entertainement. More and more allusive, then with more and more sexual content, to the point one simply cannot listen to them anymore. How many curse words in a song by Doja Cat?

They for as long as i can remember used a lot a type of figurative speech when the singer speaks at first person actually casting attributes to another together with obsessively, bullying appellative "baby" that nowadays has turn into "b...h" and "ho" (Doja Cat, Doechii) in extraordinarily offensive songs.

Paint the Town Red has been on tops since release, with of course the help of all DJs in the world cause actually i and probably many others don't find that song so appealing to be played like 20 times a day on a hip-hop local station. Actually i ignored it for a long time though i was listening to it while driving and it came to my attention by chance.

Will people ever start to realize this is not western culture anymore but pieces of Amaterasu's mirror that shattered and covered the whole world?

They own most everything in the US. Though the graphs shows other countries "as well", their are present with finances in those countries as well. .7 trillions direct investment in US in 2021, must have been one trillion in 2023. It's all the money American pay for cars and other goods. Now they are pushing their singers disguised as Latinos and/or Blacks with their media networks in our ears.

11:42 Bullied by Republic Services.

I was writing the above when the thunder of the garbage truck started. I ran to the bin to pull the old garbage sacks from under only to see the bin being set again on top of those. And BTW there is a new one but fortunately was not covered yet.

I tried to talk to the driver and he said "why don't we do this next week" and i told him "i don't know if i can be that fast or even present" and then i asked him kindly "if he could do us all a favor and pull those two bags next week from under the bin (when he lifts it)" and he said "i should talk to the management and have the maintenance team be there to do that".

Then i told him i cannot tell the management what to do (i actually don't believe this is my job) and then he said "i see were you're coming from" and shut the cabin's door and now i feel guilt for even asking him that.

Wondering. Is there any procedure he has to follow or just continue to put the bin over old rotting garbage sacks.

12:08 I was driving yesterday to Grande Ronde on 18 around 5 PM. I think it was just before McMinville on the variant when i saw some flashing lights in the mirror. I was planning to pull as soon as those get closer, however they got closer much sooner than expected. It was dark enough not to see  the outer margin of the shoulder or the beginning of the ditch so like many times before, about one ft of my car remained in the lane.

Right in that fraction of a second i saw 3 State Police cars literally flying by. I think they had more than 100 mph. First one was far enough but second almost shaved my car. I haven't seen those again and haven't seen anything further down the road and i know State Police only have jurisdiction on freeways, or outside cities and towns.

12:22 Before that. Yesterday afternoon i added two more hundred milliliters of ATF in my car. I went for a test drive and yes, that was the case. I was low in ATF and the car was now shifting much better.

But it was like that since i got the car. I remember i saw on the plastic panel under the transmission and engine a pink gel. Is this what ATF turns into after a while?  Though there was no leak, then and later.

Obviously had to bend over to do that. But there was no one behind me.

Soon after i did that went to take the garbage and saw yet another trail of litter dust coming from the same place and going to the bin. I immediately went and grabbed the broom but several cars already passed over, milling those beads. I swept what i could, however i inhaled some of the dust. It was this choice. Let it there and slowly inhaling the dust over several days or sweep it and only inhale some once.

However it was not without consequences. Hours later i started to have weird daydreams, almost hallucinations when i was trying to sleep in the car. (Then i tried to drink from a broken plastic glass and spilled the drink on me. Then i had to rain inside with my pants wet because i had an urge to go out).

Thing is we were both under influence of that dust, for about a week. Angela was really mad these days.

12:32 Yesterday i first drove to Lincoln City. I was planning to hang around while Angela plays there. But i came 5 minutes earlier to the meeting point where i was supposed to pick her at 7:15. Tried to call but like last time her phone (we turned both phones on for a short time) wouldn't work inside  the casino. 2 minutes after, or at 7:12 a Security SUV came by. I was at the very edge of their property and not sure if inside or out.

However i was on the outer side of the street that supposedly is the border. The Security SUV entered the parking lot of the building of the Commission across the street and then left. However i left too and i could finally talk to her as she got out. She had to climb about 100 ft to the place i was cause i did not want to take a chance. Last time i talked to those guys they said i would be arrested if i come again on their property.

Question. Why there are not signs showing that your are on a private property, gates of fences? Is 4th street a public or a private road? How can i find out?

3:02 Ok i found something. I don't believe 4th St. is included in any of the properties. It is a bunch of properties belonging to the Confederation but i don't believe it is even a reservation. Unless the whole Lincoln City is.

But they don't need to be a reservation. Anywhere they act, the tribes are not taxed. Further research. What is the legal definition of a tribe, and how many members are left in Lincoln City and surrounding areas.

4:38 When the came today to empty the bins mold and bacteria from bins spread into the leaves. Because the leaves, in some areas up to 18 inches deep or tall or whatever are wet under. Some have tiny bubbles of bacterial growth.

That's why i found myself out of breath especially after Angela went to Walmart. Cause our digestive enzymes combined spread with opening of the esophagus/stomach or lower esophageal sphincter (the so called hiatal hernia) fight better the spores in the air.

Here came this matured tall guy with a goatee and two dogs (after children yelling like possessed by a mischievous kami) and chose to stop to get a better view of me from behind exactly when i was about to bend to fill a laundry basket. That would be basis for a later retaliation bending over which synced with some other stuff like noises, will make me sick for a half day.

6:33 Yeah i'm almost done with the leaves. I almost filled a whole bin. Yes the bin that sits on top of bags with old garbage, in a position where not many people throw their garbage on (it never gets filled, not even half of it). But the leaves are very loose, if enough people throw garbage over they will give in and pack. No evil done. BTW the person who used to throw blue doggy bags next to the bin now turned to pink.

John 14:6 "I am the truth" vs IN VINO VERITAS. Can a sinner tell the truth, on occasions? Do you have to be a martyr to give a good advise?

In Shintoism and Hinduism "there are no absolutes" like good and evil, each kami or devi is a mixture of them just like humans. Kali (the demon god, the fierce mother, the fury of Durga, the feminine counterpart of Shiva) kills (destroys) all evil doers etc. She was born enraged and even rebelled against her husband, Shiva.

8:10 PM. 817 DEU is the LPN of a GM black SUV that was parked next to the bin tonight. I saw that before but  never made the link. I longtime suspected the old man who dresses like a clown or homeless (suggesting modesty) is some religious figure from Romania.

After i caught my breath and wrote a bit in here i went to finish. They were two big piles that i squeezed in three laundry baskets and i grabbed a round piece of wood the size of a basketball bat to make more room in the bin.

A very thick smoke and the woman at 4 talks again in the balcony.

While i was trying to pack the leaves with the big stick a blond guy who lives with the old man came and threw provocatively from a distance 3 improvised doggy bags and one of them almost landed on my head, one next to the bin, saying something and then he left. BTW some people threw a few bags and now the bin smells like dog poop.

So bad it got into my clothes together in the parking lot.

All these happened after picking leaves for 2 hours with no one around and then spending one hour inside. Which means they were all celebrating their holiday which now i'm sure they believe in and had to call them over. Sorry guys for disrupting.

8:22 Here is a typical example of bending over. In an empty parking lot during a holiday, this woman stopped at a stop sign, got out of the car in a place she was not supposed to, even though there was no traffic, went on the right side and did something for at least a minutes so i had the time and opportunity.

From that distance it is also less offensive to viewers. The stress was provided within a minute by a cop who was patrolling the area, stopping at every shop. Yeah i was at the Mud Bay next to Michaels.

9:18 Mi-am zis eu mie însumi. Cu prima ocazie când gătesc orez fac o poză. Cel mai simplu lucru de gătit. 2 căni și jumătate apă, una cu vârf orez. După ce fierbe apa, pun orezul, amestec o singură dată, dau la foarte mic, pun capacul și urmăresc să bolborosească nu prea tare după care pun timer-ul la 12 minute când opresc aragazul și îl mai las să stea să tragă toată apa dacă mai are.

Se poate adăuga și lapte, zahăr, la sfârșit, când e fiert.

Total timp de lucru, 5 minute, timp total, 20. Da știu capacul e de la altceva, puțin mai mare, are mânerul rupt dar așa cu ele cum le vedeți am făcut eu mult orez.

10:38 I knew the smoke outside does not come from a wildfire, by the smell. It took many hours for the smoke to get here, 13 miles away in the wind's direction.

Monday, November 27, 2023

November 27

1:15 Just came from outside. Stupid Windows changed the time i took the picture (that came out blurry, not posting quality i'm used to) to last accessed time so i don't know when i went, maybe 11:30. To pick the rotting leaves.

After the wind shifted from that direction, when we got back tonight the smell in here was unbearable even with ozone generator at a higher setting for hours. After two days ago i picked the ones in the back, i thought i was happily done but today i had to tackle the ones in front. First i grabbed the ones around the hydrant where it stinks like used oil from the leaky Chrysler. I now believe it was meant to cover all the other smells including rotting leaves.

Then i tried next to it and the more i went towards the end of the building the more i picked. They were dried at the surface but wet and stinky under. Stinkier than in the back i thing because wind is blowing more from that direction. I lost count of how many laundry baskets but again i think more than twenty. So i went and picked and picked for almost two hours.

BTW the laundry basket is way stinkier now than after i picked those in the back. Though i washed it. It smells like a swamp.

When i thought i was finally done i glimpsed some more under the laundry vents. So i went there with the basket and when i grabbed a pile with my right hand to push them into the basket (they were 2 ft tall there) what did i touch. The rat bait box. Right under the vent.

And it was warm to the touch. Somebody's been drying laundry all the time i was outside but i went first in other areas and did not inhaled much except at the end.

Being heated by the vapor every time they were doing laundry and most likely releasing bait vapor that i was breathing. And it's been like that for at least six months. God knows if they were refreshing the bait or not but i saw the guys with the green pickup (forgot the name) several different times, last time recently maybe a month ago.

No it's been more than 6 months ago. It's been more than one year ago cause i remember when they first installed them i picked like 6 rats from the back rotting in the hot summer Sun. Nevermind it was in  September. Not long after i complained about seeing rats entering under the other building.

Wondering. But i think i now i know what possessed me i did not recognize the problem with the vents washing those boxes. I was under the influence of smoke coming from mole holes.

The were literally gassing us here since September 2022. Mostly me cause i stay here all the time. Maybe the reasons my hands are nowadays shaky and have palpitations.

The reason the woman at 4 was staying in the balcony talking on the phone for hours, probably while and after drying laundry.

2:09 Wandering. If an inhaled toxin that went into your bloodstream passes through intestinal wall into the intestine. Cause if so, taking activated charcoal could be helpful, by removing the toxin at intestines' level thus attracting more from the blood stream through osmosis/reverse osmosis whatever. BTW could this work for kidney failure? It all depends if activated charcoal can absorb urea or uric acid and of course if those pass the intestinal wall inside the intestine. Yes it can!

2:35 I think it works a little. Feeling better after half hour i took 2400 mg (two 1200 mg capsules) of those. Was  thinking the give Angela some but she fell back asleep until i grabbed one and some water. BTW when i opened bedrooms' window was smelling badly like mold from before and even after i picked the leaves cause the ground is wet and full of it.

Air in the living is much cleaner because of the ozone and the activated carbon filter so i let the door open and can hear her snoring lightly. Don't know what to do, she is supposed to wake up at 4:30 to go to work. What if i wake her and then she cannot fall back asleep? But i was outside and exposed a lot to the "laundry" vapor and inside there is the carbon filter i just replaced the elements and bedroom is less exposed to that stuff being on the other side of the building.

Yeah i'm much better 45 minutes after i took those. I gave her one then she fell back asleep. But i figured something else. The capsules i bought on  Amazon are not created equal. I mean some of them have twice the amount inside than others. Which indicates cheating.

Never saw capsules of something half full except for all charcoal i ever bought. Walmart charcoal capsules are half full but they are 300 something mg. Grocery Outlet capsules are 600 (if i did not switch them in my mind) but have the same degree of fulness (when gently squeezed with two fingers). Of these, only a few are full, most are more than half empty. And the charcoal does not seem so black.

BTW i bought from Amazon spark plugs for Elantra. OEM bla bla. 66 bucks for 4 seemed a good deal. They are packed in the same type of cardboard all Hyundai parts are and have the Hyunda/Kia logos in the ceramic part and cardboard box. However they have so many irregularities in shape and color i'm thinking or returning them.

3:25 Ok the pink discoloration seem to come from the laser welding of iridium tips. Cause it does look like laser welding. However the hook electrode is not aligned with the center one. And i'm afraid to bend it cause i may break the welding. But isn't that iridium layer shorting it? Could there be some are selling parts scrapped by Hyundai?

3:33 Yeah very interesting. They are not squeaking upstairs when/after she dries laundry.

4:57 Ok i woke up this morning after about 5 hours of sleep, really groggy. Though i haven't been drinking much last night and none last two days. They have not come back upstairs until 2 PM. I would think this is what it took for the stuff to clear the walls. But when they came they came with a vengeance.

I say they but i think there's really only one person. Haven't hear so much squeaking or stomping in a long time. While i was trying to figure the exact location of the incident Saturday night. Here's what i did.

I figured the event must have taken place @11:13 since the clock showed 11:11 but the clock was 2-3 minutes slow. I separated data from the gpx file downloaded from the GPS between 11:09 and 11:16 and loaded it into a spreadsheet. Since i was driving North South and had latitudes for every second, i plotted a chart with differences between two adjacent latitudes which gave me the speed in degrees of latitude per second.

There are several spikes in the graph but i think the first is the one. It looks like i slowed down a bit, (never under 70 as i remember), probably because of denser fog or a hill. I know i was on cruise control most of the time, close to 75. Then something made me accelerate, and shutting the cruise control before i slowed down. Then i saw it in the mirror, started to accelerate, at one time i hesitated when Angela started to yell at me not seeing what i was seeing in the mirror, then accelerated again until break out.

And then the other business with the tan car in my blind spot matching speed that exited at first exit after changing mind, twice.

It all happened between Grand Mound and Centralia at 11:09 + 180 seconds that is 11:12 or 36 minutes into the trip. First some event made me shut the cruise control and also accelerate. I think the loss of speed prior to that was due to a sudden increase in elevation without cruse control.

I think the moment was chosen because of a downslope that helped the big vehicle with only one headlight accelerate. The graph shows a period of 7 minutes.

Upstairs. After they squeezed everything they could from the space between mirror and ceiling, they left.

6:15 Last night at Spirit Mountain. I was at one of the entrances (the one closest to the highway) drinking a can of soda i brought from the car and started to talk to a short blond guy dressed funny (something i haven't done in long time). While i was talking to him the woman from Apt.4, though with blue eyes came from inside and stood next to him like they were together, and was staring at me, looking worried and she didn't say a word and they left one minute later.

7:25 About an our ago maybe later i heard a noise like a trailer hitting a bump. I was not worried cause they do it all the time here. But about half hour ago i started to here a noise like a towing truck was picking a car and after i wrote the entry above i said i better look and see. And what did i see. A guy with a truck backed up "not seeing" a smaller Dodge SUV was already parked in that spot.

It pushed the SUV into a pillar of the stairwell of the building and dislodged the stairs. Now the persons at the second floor there are being rescued by firefighters. Could this have anything to do with people gathering two days ago in the evening and watching in that direction. Maybe there was a fight within a couple. The woman with the Dodge is an Asian and i think the guy with the truck looks Latino.

7:40 Just opened the door again and saw a fat woman very excited hugging a firefighter.

8:00 Firefighters left, a towing truck came, two Police SUVs are on the scene, the truck that pushed the Dodge SUV is gone, the Dodge SUV itself is still riding the curb but slid one spot to the left (in the first picture) while was trying to get over the curve by its own power. People that supposedly came out of that building i haven't seen before, like the woman who was hugging the firefighter.

Inside the smell is almost unbearable. After i removed the leaves, the really bad stuff that was under is now stinking even after one (short, late November) sunny day with UV and stuff. I can barely breath after i had the ozone on for the whole day. Upstairs is like a continuous never ending waltz.

10:15 Ok. The soot coming from those Diesel engines calmed the stench from the ground that was under the rotting wet leaves for a month or more.

10:36 Realitatea paralelă. Apropo Dumitru Dragomir și el a încercat la rândul lui să dea cu SUV-ul peste mine (eram în truck parcă) la intersecția de la 7-11 din colț. Prin octombrie 2019, poate.

10:50 Just figured. The Nestle decaf instant coffee i bought last time at WinCo may contain an unusual amount of roasted grain like barley maybe.

11:08 Jurnalism pe cale de apariție. În sfârșit o deplasare a președintelui anunțată în media înainte de a se întâmpla.

Voiam și eu ca tot omul să citesc ceva funny înainte de a mă culca și peste ce dau în Cațavencii. (Da mi-am amintit fiindcă fraza cu jurnalismul le aparține). Cerneala simpatică. Gazul de sub casa scării. Așa-mi trebuie dacă le fur idei (meseria nu se învață, se fură, așa îmi spunea taică-meu întotdeauna).

Apropo conduceam, sâmbătă seara pe I5 spre nord și când am trecut podul acela înalt peste Columbia cu 4 benzi pe sens ce văd în punctul cel mai înalt. Un dulăpior îngust dar înalt care avusese sticlă (sau cristal) de jur împrejur care sticlă acum era spartă și împrăștiată pe porțiunea îngustă de lângă banda din stânga.

Dar de ce în picioare? Ca să se vadă mai bine? Kristallnacht? După multe faze nereușite, erau să ne căsăpească la venire, faza de mai sus.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Dracula And The Ninja Master

I've been thinking for a long time now to write a fantastic novel about a possible confrontation between the two medieval social and cultural remnants, what are known to us as ninjas and Dracula.

The possible inspiration for my novel would be the urban legends with a kernel of truth that circulate nowadays especially on the internet or the hidden, or dark side of the internet.

The whole action would take place somewhere on the eastern Pacific coast.

Jinichi Kawakami is one of the legends and possible inspirer for the main character of my novel.

The other one, of course, embodied by a poor immigrant from Romania who unknowingly acts as Dracula.

The ninja master having as advisers people from that part of the world that give him a continuous stream of information in the psychology of Romanians and locals, as themselves being immigrants in the area where the action takes place.

The ninja master has the advantage of local people helping him, hoping in promoting their ideas through a real time television show publicized in one of those dark areas of the internet mentioned above.

The ninja master and his allies built a whole apartment complex in an area controlled by them in a big city on the Pacific shore. They lure the Romanian guy into one of those buildings with a cheap rent and so the action begins.

But for the purpose of the show, they attributed the ownership of the buildings to Dracula who is un-measurable reach (although he appears as a poor Romanian immigrant) and uses the buildings to lure and rent the apartments to his future victims.

The ninja master occupies himself and controls several apartments in the same building where the Romanian lives. But the viewers, or as the French would say, les voyeurs, think the opposite. (In fact, almost in all situations, everything they think about this show is the opposite of truth, which almost always gives them much sensation). The apartment beneath where the Dracula lives is officially vacated. However, he sometimes hears somebody moving some heavy stuff around. I would later describe the possible purpose of this.

Using his specific training, ninja master dresses and disguises as different persons, men and women, mimicking some average locals living in that type of dwelling.

The building although it looks built in the late 70s has been built more recently using recycled materials from old buildings and old appliances. The ninja master participated himself with the design and actual building of the place, laying all kind of tricks, psychological traps, semi-toxic, addictive, materials and generally all kind of junk and as a retired engineer himself he designed especially the parts that deal with resonance, controlling the levels of ultrasound and infra-sound generated by different appliances, walls, plumbing, roof, etc. By moving heavy stuff (moves usually integrated with the script, so the viewers can applaud them as well) he changes resonance frequencies. In fact, Dracula is always puzzled by the fact that the bedroom's door frame changes shape from one day to another so one day he can easily close and open the door and the other day it gets stuck, unexplained by the change or lack of it in the humidity shown by the weather station)

Here's an example of daily routine. One moment the master leaves the building as a woman in well chosen moments, usually when the Romanian guy is in the kitchen and prepares his meals. Then leaves his car in a well camouflaged hole dug in a hill nearby and comes back five minutes later through a tunnel and leaves again as a different woman from a different apartment with a different car while the Romanian is watching the two persons leaving while eating his dinner and drinking a glass of cheap red wine.

Everybody watches the show on the internet but probably due to some "technical problems" it is not possible to see exactly the beans in his plate, but just some brownish red stuff.

(Usually at this point, a plane would fly above and use a telescope like camera, try to film through the windows what's in Dracula's plate. Dust from the walls is falling due to resonance of the walls with the noise of the plane's phased engines and Dracula ingests some, contributing to the later "lethal" flatulence.
The ninja master waits the moment and when that happens, he appears, starts to, depending of his current disguise, to look dizzy or almost faint, hurrying to his car or apartment. There he will burn some secret ninja stuff engulfing the whole place with protecting smoke that neutralizes Dracula's flatulence and gets Dracula dizzy at least for a while or until he gets an anxiety attack and forgets the whole episode until tomorrow when the master can restart the whole cycle

There are numerous variations on this. Like in the morning after Dracula eating beans, he opens the windows and the ninja master gets out of one of his apartments again as a woman and hurries to his car, unhurt.

The ninja master has on its side an army of extras lent by the greater non-local government that secretly took them from other parts of the world, that in agreement with the local government drive hundreds of cars an hour around the Dracula's place, sort of like circling the wagon in Western movies, with the only purpose of shaking the building and generating those low frequency vibrations i was talking about. The cars, just not to raise suspicions are used cars, bought by the government which spent a few billion dollars to buy them from the people through some sort of cash for junk program, that officially was supposed to bust new cars sales and increasing economy, in fact increasing only the import of cheap cars from master's masters. Some of the cars where fitted with self driving capabilities so they can perfectly time the entrance or the exit in or out of the scene and the engines' rpm. The extras think that are fighting terrorists and so their peace of mind and motivation is assured.

(Actually some of the locals got pissed-off several times and tried to protest initiating street protests name like un-occupy your city, but with not much conviction or success. Some of those protesters are also fake or provocateurs).

The purpose of those low frequencies is clear. To keep Dracula in a state of mind that prevent him from thinking and confusing him and minimize or completely annihilate his biting powers and/or earthquake generating power this newly engineered Dracula has and force him to feed on beans, bread and wine. (Or manipulating the poor Romanian immigrant and continuously literally brainwashing him by vibrating his brain). The other main purpose would be to create fibrillation in Dracula's heart. Not enough to kill him, although later that is clearly on the options' table, but just to raise viewers' hope that he might actually get a stroke (fibrillation is a major risk for stroke). But no, they wouldn't do that without a good reason. Since there are days when he is actually starting to crave his wine because they got him addicted to it, he continuously shakes his leg under the table like an addict. Their sensors pick the vibration and interpret it as yet another attempt to start an earthquake and then they have a reason to complete the cycle and start driving like crazy to create other, better, completely mechanical, engine vibrations.

By getting a stroke, he could have brain surgery, fulfill all the prophecies, have a change of mental status and go ahead and actually officially take over the world. By taking over the world, other prophecies could be fulfilled and maybe even the apocalypse could start, if not started yet, and that could end in viewers' benefit.

Some might even ask, how is that possible, how could some benefit from an apocalypse.

It is very simple. It is written that some would be saved after the apocalypse happens and have eternal life. The Saints. No argue about that.

So if you want to have eternal life, one option is to become a saint and wait for an apocalypse. Or become a saint when an apocalypse is imminent, (this would be a more convenient version). Or become a saint and if no apocalypse is in sight get actively involved into creating one, by letting, helping, hiring or forcing others to sin for you until one is started. In fact there are more versions but i think i shed enough light on the matter for those who never thought about it this way.

One easy way to start an apocalypse would be raising Dracula. The best case scenario (or script) for this show could be, of course, the resurrection and maintaining of the cult of Dracula in the minds and souls of contemporary people who lack entertainment, or are saturated by it. That kind of people that try to forget their own problems by immersing themselves in all kind of living art. Or maybe even ruining the world's economy by people staying and watching the show instead of doing anything else (and/or presenting the buildings as piles of junk with no value) and replacing it everywhere with communism.

For the purpose of the show there are semi-clandestine cameras installed all around but due to the declared "clandestinity" of the show, the local politicians and law enforcement agencies turning a blind eye but not being able to actually officially allow it to happen, "glitches" prevent from viewing parts of the living show, especially the ones that could prove boring and in the same time endangering the authenticity.

Did i mention thought reading devices and trough walls vision systems that the ninja master uses to supervise Dracula?

But then there are the real cameras that film everything and feed their stream into the supercomputers located in a different area of the planet which actually control and rewrite the show as it happens and all the characters have attached tiny earphones that tell them what to do or say. Sophisticated voice synthesizers and voice generators are used for those who don't speak well enough the local language.

Due to the fact that the Romanian guy has been on a similar show on a different location and not being able to understand what's going on for such a long time, he becomes neurotic, and had several nervous breakdowns that put him in the psychiatric wards several times in the past. That helps as well because the mood he is showing must be real.

On occasions, guest stars from Hollywood or other celebs are added to the show, either paid, bribed or blackmailed. Some of them are doing for promoting their religious believes and integrated into the show.

The whole show is integrated with the current political events end especially the economical crisis triggered by the real estate devaluation which they attribute to Dracula. The politicians from Romania as well are being bribed or blackmailed to turn a blind eye. They don't realize or don't care that by doing so they ruin the long term future of their country. Actually some of them participate in the show as drivers from the distance promoting in state jobs on higher levels in Romania only people with names ad Dragoş, Neculae, Nikol, Antonia, Beşescu with all the versions, Lividu, Live-u, Leave-u, etc. But there is also a possibility, in my projected novel of course, that Romania exists only as a fake country and that only for the purpose of the show. After 50 some years of the worst dictatorship the world ever saw, attributed, of course, to Dracula too, it has been taken over by a tribe of monguls, allies of master's masters that occupy all the government positions all carrying the names described above and officially in Dracula's service. Those about 10%  who could not be brainwashed were forced to emigrate. The monguls can shape shift into international divas with infinite legs and attractions that pretend that are remotely controlled by Dracula as well. From time to time, visits of divas from Romania and everywhere are arranged, but the poor Romanian immigrant don't see any, they are directed to the adjacent apartments, controlled by the ninja. Need to tell what happens to them? They probably go to the higher ranks extras that double Dracula from time to time.

Actors and politicians and generally celebs are shuttled into the show from Hollywood or Europe using high speed, semi-classified, supersonic planes. That way they can pretend they never been there since it was not possible due to timing and distance.

Of course, the main attraction of the show is the question, "in the end, who's gone win, the ninja master or Dracula?"

I am writing this because i need help to get more information and documentation into this kind of possibilities to make my novel more credible and attractive.

And here's an idea about the theme song for the show: