Today i started to feel again the effects of fine redwood dust. It is my belief "they" alternate methods and after a while they bring back the old tricks now forgotten (though i try to write everything, almost everything fades out or is shadowed by newer events and especially the fake events meant to cover on keywords what i write).
(Someone, my roommate back in HS once prophesied for me that i would have a life full of events, and that qualifies for a long life since life is measured in number of events, not necessarily years, would die in a mental hospital and in the end i would be rehabilitated).
So after i talked a lot about litter dust, now comes the redwood dust again. Redwood is toxic and irritating per large amounts of
tannins. It is also very tough, mechanically which means tiny chips can be very sharp and penetrates skin. I know because i stuck my hands in the mulch under the deck of main door several times and my hands hurt for hours if not days.
Sometimes in the spring of 2016 they came and spread around the building chipped redwood. I think it was around Cinco de Mayo. By now obvious, they used way too much, intentionally. In some places around the building it was up to 1 ft tall. I threw away dozens and dozens of 13 gallons bags or hundred of pounds in the garbage, at least 10 times several years ago. At some point it became like a mat. There are places where it never rains, like under the stairs. People are walking on it and some turns into the finest dust. I saw the water coming form the AC in the summer was red because of it.
But i don't believe it gets in here by itself. The fact that there is so much around the building allows them to bring it inside without proof, when "needed". There was also wind two days ago and that wind might have blown some inside or on the stairs and deck. When they come with the blowers, on Wednesday, they blow everything from the parking lot onto the buildings, but they also come near the building where the dust is and blow it, i don't know why. A fine, invisible layer settles on the stairs, on the mat in front and gets inside.
Yesterday i wanted to get drunk to celebrate something. But the subtle pain from dust was keeping me irritated and almost sober no matter how much i drank. In the end i looked at the bottle and got scared and stopped drinking. It was too late. I probably drank around 400 ml of brandy, about the same amount of wine. Biggest trouble, i ran out of soluble decaf and i drank some regular. Don't know why, to me it's worse if i drink caffeine then alcohol and terrible if i mix them.
So i stopped, went to bed almost unconscious and woke in a few hours with a reflux episode. That is the content of the stomach goes up on esophagus and enters the airways. If drunk enough, you may choke to death (Jimmy Hendrix's death, they say). Upstairs a dog and a person was running, walking, intermittently starting after 3 AM but in the morning it was like a few steps, out of nowhere, every minute or so. I got so dehydrated, i started having palpitation (in the morning), felt my hands and legs swallowing (heart failure). I drank lots of herbal tee to re-hydrate. I was feeling almost ok and wanted to go back to sleep but just before Angela left i started to have chest pain. Usually to me it solves with a few 100 mg potassium gluconate supplements and a long walk. But i was out of potassium pills. I ate a mixture of potatoes, peas and cabbage, some meat that should have had at least that amount but also the carbs started a movie (Yes, Start Trek Deep Space 9) and went to sleep.
I woke at 2 PM with again chest pain. Ate more vegetables. Made it somehow till Angela came. When she came i went outside and i realized there was some sort of chocking smoke and there was visible smoke at the chimneys at the houses (apartments) visible uphill from here. I knew i had a few potassium pills in the car and after taking those finally went for a walk. I was dizzy at first probably because of heart not working well but i kept telling myself, this is going to work. The alternative was ER which was very unappealing for a number of reasons. I even ran a bit. After two miles i started to feel better and came back home. If i had a clogged coronary artery, it probably unclogged by itself, but i needed a few more hours to complete recovery from fibrillation. When they came back home upstairs. A few more walks with squeaks, breathing through congested nose got me severe palpitations, with heart probably stopping a couple of times (felt a few painful poundings in chest and was back to normal).
I noticed so far. During mild heart attacks some hormones get released in your body. After reaching a peak, with heart pounding like that, it always gets better. Your body might have its own mechanism to recover from those, if the cause (dehydration, de-mineralisation) is removed. Sometimes re-mineralistion may occur by itself if you wait long enough allowing your body to pull those minerals (electrolytes) from your bones.
It was around that time when i realized there was lots of dust inside. I rinsed a rag i used to clean the floor and water came red. As i kept sobering up (high levels of alcohol in my system even after 24 hours) i started to think. I mopped the floor and took a bath. But dust was too much and a lot of it already accumulated on fridge's coil. Every time the fridge starts i feel the pain of the redwood dust all over my body. I feel it on my esophagus as it clears the lungs. I feel it on my lower colon. So in the morning when Angela wakes up i will attempt to was the fridge's' coils and everything under.
I remember an episode, about 7 years ago. I had palpitations for a couple of weeks. I went to an urgent care place and a "doctor" layed me on the table. Then he started to palpate my belly and went to the chest and unexpectedly pressed once so hard for several seconds, i think he literally stopped my heart. Maybe made blood flow backwards in the arteries, to unclog them? Whatever it was, it helped me, though it was really scary. He said something about the "old mechanical defibrillator". LOL.
So sometimes it's redwood, sometimes it's litter dust. I know that by the effects.
Kept thinking. Who in the world are best at manipulating dust?
Ninja had a type of weapon that was literally made of eggs filled with different types of dust like by example very fine ground glass dust. What they did with those, you guessed already. The used them in combat to blind the opponent.
The idea was passed along to their Police forces, probably first in the world. They used those to incapacitate suspects during arrests. They have a name. The are called
And this is where the weird part starts. During Bush the IInd there was a couple of
city scale metsubushi who went off in the city of New York. I had no idea of the scale of the dust disaster in that day and following days until i saw a video a couple of years ago. People coming out of the cloud of dust and chocking while the paramedics could not help them. You can't help people who have the lungs full of dust. Video is gone now from youtube.
Tonight i wanted to write a bit of a conclusion of what i was doing lately. That is about the
similarities between faces of politicians, public figures and actors, mostly Hungarian and some Japanese. But could not find a place to start. Then i thought i found it. Metsubushi. They've been using this stuff on me for a long time. Non-lethal, it will bring you to your knees and reset you to the point you can't even think for yourself. Shortness of breath for a few hours and you will forget of everything and give up everything and become as docile as a child. If it's litter dust, the next day when you are recuperating, suddenly find yourself in the opposite direction. You feel too good. They did this to me for decades. They are doing it now. So "they" must be. The ones who control everything.
Before i wrote this post i searched for images about the dust that settled those days in New York and found this. And i found Dust Lady. Marcy Borders. They said she died of cancer at 42 om 2015 or 4 years after.
I don't believe it. I don't believe she could have survived that. If tiny amounts of building materials dust like mineral insulation make me so sick, how in the world could someone breath those amounts of concrete, gypsum and other material dust and survive the initial exposure. More than that, she looks like she poses. A tragic pose but still a pose. For reassurance or at least to cast doubt.
This dust she was supposed to be in it's not flour. It's concrete or silica or glass. Who knows how many real others died that day and are not
reported anywhere.
As for the similarities blog. It should be obvious by now to anybody that the whole world, all countries, are being controlled by only one power. To me everything leads to an alliance between Hungary and Japan.
After all, they've been allies in WWII. Culturally, Hungarians are more Asians than Europeans.
What is happening. As i've seen so far they let us do whatever we want but they encourage us to do the most stupid things, mainly to do their job. Accelerate the selection. Eliminated the sinners and the stupid. But stupid most times means uniformed. Ignorant. They let us choose but they provide, for free all means for us to choose the wrong direction.
They must have some super-weapons we don't know about. Like the one which caused the
Tunguska explosion which brought all nations to their knees at the begging of 20th century. Most likely done by short-cutting the ionosphere to the ground using huge antennas to oscillate the ionosphere of which we might suspect Eiffel Tower,
Wardenclyffe (Tesla) Tower (which was demolished next year). They must have assassinated (through undetectable old ninja methods) or have killed in revolutions all the old elite and replaced it with actors.
Tesla have been working in France before coming to the US in 1884, several years before Eiffel Tower construction began. But Tesla was only an actor or a symbol. They were others behind him who ran the whole show.
Very few understand or maybe never occurred to them of what means for some people to have a living god as emperor, and that
living god is the Emperor of Japan. But the Emperor might be fake and controlled by the
old ninja.
Some of the consequences of the Tunguska phenomenon was
Dissolution and Partition of the Ottoman Empire, WWI, Bolshevik Revolution, WWII and basically everything that happened in the tumultuous and bloody 20th century.
It was then when territories like Palestine, Arabia (later Saudi Arabia), Syria, Kuwait, Iraq where taken over from the Ottoman Empire where they have been for centuries by western powers like France and
Britain. "Britain gained control of Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq, parts of Cameroon and Togoland, and Tanganyika". Once flourishing, Arab civilization was reduced to nothing by the Turks, then western powers and subsequent occult domination.
"In 1916, with the encouragement and support of Britain (which was fighting the Ottomans in World War I), the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali, led a pan-Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire to create a united
Arab state."
However, after WWII British Empire collapsed as well and all territories taken from Ottoman Empire became independent or better said taken over by an occult power as well as Great Britain itself, all European countries. By now, i think i know who they are.

Ever since, this occult power is at war with the populations of every state on Earth. Since it cannot reveal itself, it mimics the behavior of those populations, leading by force, influence and finance.
I don't want to go in the vast area of WWII, Korea, Vietnam but i can tell something about Gulf War and subsequent Iraq war and massacres, Afghanistan war, Syria massacres. People from one side of the world are convinced to fight against those from the other side, with one media controlling all the information coming from the conflicts, each seeing something else, for the only purpose of appeasing, oppressing, decimating all populations on all sides with all power in all states controlled by one entity.
United States have been in conflict with other countries around the world most time after WWII and especially after the deep psychosis created by the
Orson Welles show. But those conflicts at times have been slowed down or accelerated, depending on how much people started to figure out.
Otherwise, they use other means of controlling them, like most expensive health care and housing on Earth, which is toxic and deplorable, Hollywood which is populated exclusively by fake ID foreigners, liberal amount of drugs, Church of Scientology etc..
In Soviet Union people were controlled by means of forced feed propaganda, daily meetings, liberal amounts of alcohol etc..
Romania has been a center of entertainment for both East and West. A number of artists were transferred from Hollywood and Hungary over there, including both Ceaușescu, but also singers like Jim Croce who became tennis player now billionaire Ion Țiriac, Patsy Cline who became Irina Loghin, Sonny Bono who became Mihai Constantinescu, etc.. Dracula myth, first enacted by Bela Lugosi, a Hungarian, was exploited. Because people do still believe in those sort of things and generally are disgustingly gullible and ignorant and have learnt to trust only their charismatic figures.

Iran had a somehow different path. Not part of the Ottoman Empire, they became Muslims in the 7th century and an independent power in region. However, they were taken over too. After a failed
westernization, in 79 they
started to become what we know of them today.