Showing posts sorted by relevance for query time travel. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query time travel. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, December 28, 2023

December 28

7:24 A parallel Universe or an alternate Universe obtained by changing something in the past of the current one wouldn't be all that bad. People would find themselves in a different world but would not know it is different, for them it would have been always like that. That's why travelling back in time to make changes like in Asimov's book is only halfway effective.

Because the current one would still exist unchanged and they will not aware of each other. In fact the theory says there are an infinity of parallel Universes. If so, it means a parallel Universe is created every time someone makes a conscious decision, creating a new Universe, dragging everyone else in it and you could exist in one's Universe or be dead or never existed in another.

But i believe there are reactions to it, by the law of action-reaction to creating new Universes.

One of them is caught in the "come together over me" theory which is just a logical consequence (reaction) of the many worlds theory. That's why sometimes by some sort of subconsciously motivated desire people gather in religious or totalitarist or hierarchical societies (or tribes centered around a shaman or clans around a patriarch etc.) Where nobody makes individual decisions and that would spare them of that burden also creating less Universes also avoiding the risk of disappearing in a parallel Universe made by someone's wish.

A sort of utopian Nirvana if you want.

According to this theory seeking Nirvana (extinguishment) would make sense. Being one with the creator (of the branch you came into existence) in all the parallel Universes you exist in would eliminate the need for creating new Universes.

If one person dies he still continue to exist in an infinity of Universes minus one. But if one person is killed by the agreement between one million people, he would exist only in an infinity minus one million Universes, like in the case of death penalty.

I think people are trying by instinct to avoid being dragged into Universes of those who hate them because they could end up dead or re-incarnate as an animal or even a rock in one of those.

There are a whole lot of consequences of the existence of the Multiverse and i think some of them can be used to prove it. But the conscious part of my brain goes blank from time to time because of  how much i drank last night.

Ok i remembered one. The nightmare (or hell whatever). It is possible to keep avoiding death by always moving to an Universe where you are still alive but it will be weirder and weirder. You may end up walking around like a skeleton that stays together only by one million wishes or universes created every second and one day or another you will end wishing for Nirvana.

But there maybe some who study all the laws and consequences of time travel and are doing it with keeping the same or approximately the same one Universe to their own benefit in the future where they reside, like some sort of business, exactly like in Asimov's book, The end of Eternity.

Of course one can change everybody's multiverse by putting out unwanted information, like the real theory of everything and exposing them and help people converge on reality.

Nobody study these laws (of time travel) in the present because it all seemed to improbable not worthy of the trouble bla bla but seeing all in a new light like the pyramids, sphinx and generally the geometry of the creation, it now start to make sense of looking into these possibilities.

12:45  This real story by example is so weird it seems caused by time travelers mentioned above. Purpose? To draw attention from the real story that keep changing their own controlled time line.

1:25 În SUA detectoarele de fum sunt obligatorii prin lege. Mai ales fiindcă marea majoritate a locuințelor sunt din lemn. Sunt atât de  bune încât uneori se declanșează dacă arzi ceva pe aragaz.

Nu vor mai fi situații să auzim că cineva în Botoșani a adormit cu țigara aprinsă și a murit în incendiul declanșat.

2:02 Done that. Am încercat pe vremuri o chestie asemănătoare. Pe baze statistice, am făcut un program pe calc (mini, Independent, clonă de PDP-11) lucrând în orele de după servici care putea să asigure întodeauna 11 rezultate din 13 la pronosport (meciurile de fotbal din Italia). Vasile știe.

Chiar făcusem un încă un progrămel care asigura și tipărirea pe imprimantă. Aliniam formularele, le băgam în imprimanta matriceală și nu trebuia să mai pierd timpul să le completez de mână.

Însă nu prindeam niciodată "surprizele" și numai acelea ar fi asigurat un câștig substanțial. Nu mai țin minte de ce am renunțat însă acum stau și mă gândesc. Dacă prindeam 11 rezultate și mai plăteam ceva și puneam câte unul la întâmplare pe mai multe bilete... A da cred că am făcut și asta dar la un moment dat m-am plictisit...

3:50 Ok here goes one experiment that tries to prove that time travel do exist (and everything that goes with it). Let's say you have one device configured for time travel, like a time machine and stuff. One person goes in in and voila... It disappears in a cloud of fog. No trace and by that you can not know if it's dead or alive. By going in the past it makes a change and alter your current timeline but there is no way to know cause it would have happened thousands of years ago.

The only way to know is if he would build a device there (by coercing or brainwashing or convincing the locals he is a god) and come back. However the locals decided, after, to build a monument with his face and now we all know.

5:00 Cali

7:15 Nakedness is a homage to Buddha. Short sword presented as a cross. Point of convergence. All together.

Pyramid. Crossed arms (Pharaoh). Cross sign (Christ). Four components (we know from the cover) of light quanta that start to rotate (hard to see, not so precise, but suggestive, could not have been done more in a music video). Time generation, splitting quanta and many strings in the end. Could be more details i overlooked. Or don't understand. Jump back (in time)?

Monday, December 4, 2023

December 4

2:15 I always kept in a corner of my brain the possibility that Mt.Meru could actually be the Great Pyramid. There is not a satisfying correspondence in known Sanskrit for the name but there is a word in Romanian which is a language deriving from Sanskrit (and mixed with Latin) that could be a good one. Mereu, which means always.

The lower part of most representative depiction of Mt.Meru "which is central to Hinduist, Jainist and Buddhist cosmology" looks indeed like a pyramid. With some very interesting things on top of it. Like links or openings to other worlds and in some depictions, with layers of parallel clouds which reminds of the American flag.

But it could also be an allegory and the 4 corners of the base that turn into 5 which in a sort of optical illusion could be a representation of the 5 fundamental forces that derive from creation and interactions between EM quanta (forces that according to the mantra linked below are also illusory or maybe created by the void). 

Just ran into a page that tries to show the effect of the shape of the pyramids and that is "focusing EM energy". Though i was hoping to find the opposite. However i saw something interesting in those images. Parallel or standing waves similar to those seen on top of some Mt.Meru depictions. Possible visualizations of standing EM energy.

The tip of the pyramid or pyramidion was originally built covered with gold thus highly conductive. What happens if  you apply an extremely high voltage, maybe alternative that is created inside pyramid using friction by letting stones descend in shafts, or maybe other sources of energy (some say the pyramid itself is a giant capacitor using atmospheric potential gradient to get charged) directed through resonating chambers of course simultaneously to all faces to the pyramidion.

If my theory is true and the electric quanta actually travel by transferring energy from one disturbance (that actually does not travel in space) to its own reaction at 90 degrees in space and time, if  you apply thigh enough voltage to the pyramidion 4 disturbances would appear simultaneously in 4  perpendicular directions and perpendicular to the 4 triangles of the pyramidion creating 4 reactions as a vortex (that would look yes, like a 3D swastika) that in turn would re-created the original void or what would appear to us as a bubble in space time, of course inside the king's chamber or maybe focused in the sarcophagus itself.

Another function of the sliding stones in the video which could be more than 3 could be creating vacuum in the king's chamber and generally above the tree stones, possibly with some resonance effect which would increase much the vacuum in targeted area.

When two worlds overlap, you don't want air and water molecules in that space interfering with the objects that materialize from the other world, like the recipient for the cargo that could collide with those molecules, with nasty effects. Vacuum would be short lived and would not affect much a living person in there.

(Pretty much like teleportation in Star Trek, were the site of re-materialization needs to be calculate very precisely so the person would not materialize inside a stone or something and BTW, they would have to hold their breath for a second or two).

Could two bubbles created simultaneously in different corners of the perceived universe converge to the same void that could happen of course if space and time are illusions created by the original disturbance, as the same mantra says. And inside the original void distances are meaningless.

Then we can indeed talk about star gates and stuff. Time travel, interstellar travel, name it though i would advice against time travel, when you could meet your grandpa, interfere with without knowing, don't let him do his job etc. or even worse fall in love with your grandma which could have even more unpredictable effects in the current present universe we all live in maybe branching a parallels one when you would not exist as such anymore).

9:10 Am fost prea ocupat cu stargates și chestii ca să-mi amintesc. Astăzi s-a votat ordinea de zi pentru Consiliul JAI la Bruxeels, și pun pariu că ministrul nostru de interne, Catolin Predoiu a votat ca România și Bulgaria să fie votate pentru Schengen la pachet mâine, ceea ce este ilegal și imoral. România și Bulgaria sunt două țări separate deși au semnat pe același tratat de aderare în 2005.

Dacă semnau în 2003 când au aderat 10 țări, ar fi rămas tot în bloc? Este UE formată din blocuri de țări, după momentul aderării? Am o bănuială că decalarea aderării României și Bulgariei cu 2 ani a avut tocmai acest scop. Ungaria și Austria încă au pretenții teritoriale asupra României iar Bulgaria este folosită ca pion de sacrificiu, pentru a nu bate prea tare la ochi toată chestia.

Iată cum România a ratat încă o dată șansa de a-și arăta și ea puterea de veto într-un Consiulul JAI și a bloca complet UE până la rezolvarea acestei probleme. Mâine va avea loc votul propriu zis iar românii pot urmări transmisia live.

Unul din miniștrii români însă participă în câte un consiliu aproape în fiecare săptămână și voteaz toți ca primarii în loc să negocieze ca Nehammer. Însă România este o non putere politică în UE, toți miniștrii și reprezentanții noștri sunt oamenii lor.

Românii și oricine pot urmări mâine votul live pe unul din site-urile UE, link în dreapta sus pe acest blog sau aici.

10:25 Oarecum. Și ăsta e un selfie?

12:13 Teoria câmpului electromagnetic este un fals grosolan și rău intenționat. Câmpul (vectorul) magnetic nu poate fi întotdeauna perpendicular pe cel electric și pe direcția de deplasare din cauză că și câmpul magnetic este bipolar cu linii închise iar liniile de câmp au formă de bostan iar cel electric monopolar cu linii de câmp închise iar liniile de câmp au formă de soare cu raze, deschise.

Și totuși în imaginea de mai jos puteți vedea linii de câmp electrice închise care de fapt sunt magnetice. Câmpul magnetic este de fapt un câmp electric cu linii închise.

Este o contradicție ce rezultă din teoria greșită și eu spun intenționat greșită fiindcă este imposibil ca cei care au creat această animație precum și toți propovăduitorii de 100 de ani și mai bine a a acestei teorii să nu fi știut.

3:45 În timpul călătoriei prin stargate tot ce trebuia un călător să facă era să se așeze în sarcofagul din granit din camera "regelui". Poate un capac greu era pus pentru protecție. În momentul activării pereții apăreau ondulați și în mișcare, e posibil ca și aerul din cameră să fi fost greu de respirat, cu vibrații, descărcări electrice, din cauza tehnologiei primitive iar în cameră apărea un al doilea sarcofag sau poate era ceva mai high tech whatever. În acel moment el se ridica și se așeza în al doilea sarcofag. Sau poate venea ceva o mică macara și-l ridica de acolo.

Și când totul înceta, el se trezea undeva poate la sute, mii sau miliarde de ani lumină, într-un loc unde veneau niște nanoboți și-l reparau și unde urma să trăiască veșnic înconjurat de roboți bionici sau clone lipsite de conștiință care-l serveau. Sau poate intra într-un fel de hibernare și numai creierul lui trăia veșnic fericit într-o simulare VR. Sau poate îi era descărcat sufletul într-un soft ceva.

Every body satisfied?

6:46 From time to time some were pulled out of the simulation and sent back to Earth so they can tell. John the Revelator? Zalmoxis?

One thing is sure. They found someone in the tomb together with gifts for gods. He probably was too dead to be fixed. Or he died when the device broke.

But until then i think they had lines with dying people. Once someone was dead, he was put in the sarcophagus, filled the rest with gold (the price to the gods for passage). And some food until they can get accustomed with the diet or sent back alive and then they cut the ropes that were holding the stones on top of the gallery. But it needed to be done in a certain time of the day and year and stuff. Or maybe they were getting a signal trough the communications shafts.

When it all stopped. The device was worn out. Not only the king's room's walls were vitrified, but the galleries as well.

But i think the best explanation is someone sabotaged it. For revenge for being refused, or pissed for seeing too many aliens around. Maybe they sent their convicts here. The hole that is today's entrance. Nobody knew how to fix it and it remained like that to this day.

Then they built the second one and the third. And then something went wrong in Egypt and could not build those no more. Or they invented a new type of device made with more advanced technology or what they could spare or transfer back through the gate and moved all operations in Rome or something.

7:25 Nowadays. There's little doubt about having a few devices like that around. Maybe the high towers seen all around the world. Only trouble is, given the time necessary for establishing let's call it a worm hole though (though they aren't), usage in other areas of the Universe (i think there can be only one wormhole at the time in the whole Universes), the access is limited.

To increase traffic of humans they built in parallel the ring in Switzerland which sends just the gold using a particle accelerator.

7:25 Why is gold so important to aliens. Technology. It is needed to make ICs. Or whatever they make. The silicon is not the problem and they seem not to be interested in. They can build nowadays transistors with only a few atoms of silicone. The problem is interconnecting those and make a functional chip. Or maybe they have different devices that use more gold than silicone.

In a sense, yes it is migration. To heaven one may say.

But the rest of us. We can't enjoy even the lives we were given here on Earth, because of them and their competition and thirst for gold to gain a place in line for what they think is eternal life.

One more thing. The gold could not even have been here if it weren't for a few pieces of a metal asteroid they sent to us. Which besides gold brought other materials that shortened our life span by a factor of ten. The Bible says people before the flood which might have been the moment when several pieces of a metal asteroid fell on Earth were living up to 1000 years.

If you think is too complicated, think again. They sent us an asteroid and a probe. The probe did all the job and coerced and/or addicted the savages to bier to build the pyramid(s). Then they could come in freely and runt things. Instead, who knows how many tons of gold were sent. The Romans pulled from Dacia some 200 tons a year during 165 years and most was sent to China back on the silk road which also has great pyramids. Though one of the biggest in the world is in Mexico.

8:10 Summit-ul a avut loc luni și marți. Luni s-a votat agenda pregătită de consilul GAC pentru ambele zile. De ce a votat Predoiu luni elimiarea punctului din agendă? Predoiu, PNL și Iohannis sunt vinovați de această nouă cacealma dar și Ciolacu fiindcă tace. Puteau opune veto-ul României iar summit-ul nu mai avea loc. BTW Ciolacu a venit în SUA să pună de o cacealma cu Muraru.

Este a doua oară după 2023-2005=18 ani când această problemă a fost pusă pe agendă. Prima dată în decembrie anul trecut.

Motivul pentru care a fost scoasă este evident. Deși Austria și Olanda vorbesc trăncănesc, e altă chestie să voteze efectiv. Cum ar putea să motiveze faptul că nu aprobă verificarea condițiilor puse României la 18 ani după semnarea tratatului de aderare inclusiv la Schengen (2023-2005) și la 15 ani după aplicare?

Cît despre "intrarea în Schengen" făcută neoficial, fără întruniri, altă gogoriță (btw deja vu) menită ca tragere de timp. Este scris în Tratatul de Aderare din 2005 că deși România intră în Schengen la data aderării, deci imediat (la aplicarea tratatului începând din 1 ianurie 2007) și aplicare aquisului este obligatorie începând de la aceeași data, ea se face numai după aprobarea Consiliului.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Laws and Observations on Time Travel

By consequences of a new theory regarding the emission of photons and propagation of light, issued after observations of the current theory that seems impossible and of the design and existence of the many pyramids built in areas currently including in modern Egypt and Nubia (Sudan), time travel seems more than ever a real possibility and more than that, it seems it may already happened in our civilization's past and we may have been contaminated with knowledge from/of the future.

Though predicted by the current quantum and string theories, that possibility was so remote, nobody bothered to try and examine its consequences in our lives.


In macro or continuous or analogous world we have the following situation. We cannot make measurements of an electric circuit without interfering and thus changing the parameters.

In one of the most simple electric circuit, that can be a battery, a resistor and two conductors, by touching the ends of the circuit with the probes of a meter we will induce a change of the resistance of the circuit, by adding its own resistance (for functioning, the meter needing to divert a small but not negligible amount of electrons from the circuit), thus altering the results.

As principle, it may be inherited from quantum world, of which the macro world is made of, where we have the so called "observer effect", since the everyday macro world is made by a myriad but finite number of quanta.

Or the other way around, we could extrapolate the first experiment (two paragraphs above) in the quantum world, by limiting the number of electrons flowing through the two circuits (one original and one added by the meter) to a quantum scale.

Another very important idea, besides all fundamental forces are in fact one, derived from reading the Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (Core Plan), is reality is being created by our minds.  

In the case of this classic quantum experiment the presence of an electron detector is changing the results. Some argue that it is not our consciousness that interferes with the result, but merely the detector.

However the detector was made by conscious beings with that purpose only and the probability of one being created by a random variation of reality is zero, and without the consciousness of the experimenter, even if there could be a variation of reality that could create it in an infinite time, the experiment is meaningless, or does not exist as such without the observer, but as a simple (un)recorded variation of reality.

The extra reality of the act of observation by a conscious being affects future reality of the Universe and possibly its creation since the beginning. Based on the decision taken after that measurement, the conscious beings as us may take an action that would change the future.

If two people witness the same experiment and they agree on the results and the action needed to be taken, in the hypothetical Multiverse there will be no two but only one future. (From this we also can conclude both society and human consciousness (mind) obey quantum laws).

From here we can come to the conclusion that the more people agree on an observation and upon the decision made by it, the more stable or strong the next Universe will be, thus the idea of convergence (of the Multiverse back into one) which seems to be again following the only universal law, that of action/reaction that created it in the first place.

In the case of time travel from the future (in need of resources), the travelers do not want the Universe they come from to be changed, so they have to take measures. One of them would be convincing all the conscious beings in the time of intended target that they and their occult leadership do not come from the future and the best way is to convince them they are super beings from the present, aka decision making gods and we shall surrender to them so they can make all the decisions for us based on fake or inexistent observations.

A Sun God seems a logical choice since it will ever be present in this form or a predictable one all the way to their time.

However since there are people among us who have doubts and try alternating way of thinking and start making their own decisions based on objective (repeatable, reproducible) observations, they decided to capture and institutionalize the trend, by adding extra false gods.

Those extra gods which are actually people invested with decision making power by the agreement of many have to be false and forgettable, totally diverting the reality of the observations and decision making in a way that would not affect their reality in the future.

So in the end, they came up with the idea of actors playing the role of leaders (decisions makers), which actors having absolutely no power and there is no real casual chain of events that can lead from the act of leadership done by travelers to the fake leaders.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

December 20

1:30 Last Christmas

Many people are saying this year they had it with the song. Motivating it's annoying by repetition and probably outdated as style and genre.

I'd say it's worse than that. Much worse.

I put under the category "gay making songs" in my own classification. And anti-Christian of course.

Last Christmas, like Careless Whisper ("i'll never dance again"), though it's such an upbeat melody featuring an uplifting near perfect soprano voice, it's a very sad song. Beginning with the title. Last Christmas in English can have too meanings.

Of course from the beginning it outlines the promiscuity if not ferocity of the woman. "The very next day"... And then repeating "it doesn't surprise me", "what a fool i've been", "you'd fool me again" "once bitten". "A shoulder to cry on" goes well with "to save me from tears".

Then the weird coincidence of the casting in the video. She becomes the partner of his real life partner,  "A face on a lover with a fire in his heart A man under cover", the "someone special"?

Not obvious, full with the cheers of the jingle bells like Mariah Carrey's song (is that a solar symbol) and (again) pizzicato of the synths, very subtle with many double meaning phrases, like many of George Michael creations it induces sadness in your subconscious. I'd say, subversive and holiday detouring and hacking, if only for mood.

9:15 O știre de acum 5 zile. Nici un cuvânt încă despre cum a fost folosit bugetul pe anul acesta.

1:05 How many Teslas do you see in this picture? Four? At Walmart, the cheapest store in town with everything on the shelves. The only empty space in the first row as i entered the parking lot.

BTW there are unused free charging stations seen in the picture, but no, they chose to park there in my view.

It is not an isolated incident. It  happens every minute of the day. They control everything that moves around here and there (including Șoșoaca) as part of the same Truman show.

How many wobbling Santas do you see in this video? I did not pick the moment, i waited for him to start a new song and then some people came and then i took the short video.

I believe today was the last push for the return of Amaterasu at solstice. They woke me up after 6 hours of sleep. Crashed already because of lack of stimulation i was used to for weeks, months or years.

Though there is some stink mostly inside. One hour and a half of squeaks and stomps. One for every thought. The squeaks and stomps stopped and blowers started (they never waste two (re)sources in the same time). Three guys caroling with loud didgeridoos blowing the last of the leaves. Maybe, cause i see some in a tree. By far not so many as the last time.

They caught me at peak or under the window while i was eating. Here is a sample (with cracked window).

I ran outside only to meet with a FedEx van that was smoking badly. Then i could not remember if i shut the burner of the stove after i boiled the eggs. So i returned, taking about 10 minutes more of their dB and exhaust (how themselves can stand it?).

Can't tell how many people or cars interfered with me during the walk. Many. Enough to say all cars, LPNs, people on the streets are all on AI that coordinate their moving. There was even a car with an Oregon LPN saying the word RULE.

Got back home after one hour and a half, by far they're done. So i took the truck and went to Walmart. Came back, it's been three hours, still not done. Too much noise and stink and dust to do anything that involves thinking. Trying to open the sliding window to air, got a good dose of dust falling from walls and attic do to vibration of didgeridoos.

2:00 Times Square and the ball of light. Țeapa. Capisci?

10:00 Got so many things on my mind, don't know what to start with. Ok this one cause it is linked with the above.

I can only write it in Romanian.

Ok deci știe cineva de ce s-a dus Iohannescu al nostru cel puțin în Tanzania?

At Spirit Mountain. Angela had a kilo of change from tickets she cashed in a few months (at the cash machine they give you in there change if  the sum has fractional values at the end, in other casinos they give you sub dollar tickets) and we went to the cashier where they have a machine that counts change and got 37 dollars on it.

While staying in line there was this guy in front of us who when he turned i thought he looked like... At the other window there was thig guy who looked like... And even the big T was in there with a MAGA  hat playing at a machine (sitting that is, his age), with head bend forward so i could not see his eyes. And probably the big Z too.

Then i had this terrible craving for gummies. I went to the convenience store at the gas station and bought some. Exotic fruits flavor. But they had this extra flavor like the dishwasher detergent i just bought at Walmart yesterday and had an accident with it...

Then we bought burgers, fries for Angela and salad for me but i ate it at home and tasted like... fish?

10:12 One more on pyramids. Anybody read Asimov's book The End of Eternity? As i remember from the Romanian translation. Some guys from the very distant future on planet Earth called Eternals ran out of resources and they were so advanced they figured and time travel. And  they started to move back and forth between centuries for trade of course (author was a Jew, LOL, he died in 1992).

Anybody knows that you can't freely go back in time because any action on the past may affect present, including your ability to time travel. The grandfather paradox. Or simply create a flat to the car of a researcher that is about to go to a conference in which he was about to explain something important for the past's future.

Things would go a different way and a different future will be created in which some may not exist or things are different.

And here things start to blur for me at least at this hour at night. Would a parallel Universe be created, with the keeping in existence (or not) of the traveler he did the intervention. Would that change appear in the same Universe but it would take the whole time between intervention and departure which may be eons for the change to propagate?

In Asimov's book i think changes were propagating simultaneously and some times even mistakes were made when time travelers using their hypercomputes calculated the MNC (minimum necessary change to achieve desired reality) needed to go even further back in time to correct that mistake.

Do you remember that scene from Star Trek First Contact (one of  the 6 movies) when Data betrayed the Borg Queen who previously tempted him and intentionally miscalculated the trajectory of those three photon torpedoes that were supposed to hit Cochrane's first warp ship?

I bet everybody including Piccard thought it was a gesture of loyalty of the part of Data towards humans, but he would have disappeared too if Cochrane did not succeed, right? Data was born in 2336 on a colony built with he help of warp ships and Cochrane did his first warp flight in 2036). Without warp, there would have never been that level of civilization capable of building such androids with positronic brain (i personally now think photonics is the future).

Ok so i tried to make everybody aware of the paradoxes of time travel before i go further.

If the pyramids with their ability to split photons and wrap themselves in those (when they were working of course) were used for that.

I would think the far advanced humans from the future would again have ran out of resources (just like in the book) and would have sent first a probe or even one of them in a small ship capable of time travel with means of genetic manipulation and instructions convincing the apes it was all for God (didn't want to really teach them anything more because it would have altered the timeline too much i think).

Why so far in the past. Because anything closer would have affected too much their present. And so it started. It worked at first. Then something happened, the device probably wore out, they build a second and a third.

However there was a population on Earth that was isolated from the others and was not brainwashed by the guys from the future. They heard about and came over in Egypt and plundered it and put an end to it. However what they found there allowed them to gain enough knowledge of everything and that started to badly alter the timeline propagating all the way to that distant future.

Another version. As i said before, they might have created two versions of humans. One for work only and one of supervisors. Those are probably those who nowadays call themselves Aryans and try and are almost succeeding in taking over the world.

So they sent some to intervene personally, like Buddha and stuff so people would stop the alterations of history with devastating effects for them. At least until they found a solution.

So it happened the other way around. Left over pyramids and what was found around them brought too much advancement, too fast. Most of it happened after one of them (the isolated savage race) lead the French into Egypt. With all of it may be they don't (won't) even exist anymore (in this timeline or version of Universe).

BTW do you think you would feel anything if your Universe was altered like in an intervention in the past from present or future? No you wouldn't because the intervention would have happened long time ago and everything after followed naturally.

Friday, November 19, 2021

A Theory on Time Travel (and Time Traps)

I will try and hijack the original purpose of this image for my demonstration.

Question. Do humans time travel when they do actions that have no impact on the present and of which they will only benefit from in the future? During those actions, they actually live in the time frame those actions (will) have effect?

Let's say we have two objects, A and B with comparable masses and sizes, in an isolated system. Let's say object A is moving frictionless or with very little friction at a determined speed and direction. Then a human may intervene and place the object B in front of object A. There will be no more interactions between objects or human and objects until the time of collision, which will happen on a predetermined moment in the future. By placing, by an intelligent being, the object B in front of object A at a certain point on object's A trajectory, the path and trajectory of the object A will be changed in a predictable way, at a certain moment in the future, by an action done in the present or past with no further interactions in between those moments. More than that, at the time of collision, the path of object A it is altered by an action done in the past by the human (on object B).

Monday, February 7, 2022

January 7

1:49 I was intrigued ever since i saw those non-human characters in "Dua Lipa" "Elton John" old new song. Accidentally ran into something similar, an anime made by a dead Japanese voice actor. Then tonight i realized where it might be coming from.

10:00 Uncomfortable, inside, together with the smell of animal dung. Finally figured where the smoke is coming from. I saw dozens or hundreds of fires along Hwy 18 during a time of air stagnation (no winds), mixed with fog. I don't believe it's legitimate agricultural activity, but a religious one. The dominicans or others who manipulate them have lit a large number of fires in the area. I didn't stop to take a proper picture of them, as i was in a hurry to escape. However there was no escape, except in the casino at Lincoln City, as they did it on the beach as well. Two of these at one mile distance kept all the beach "in check". When we came back we entered Spirit Mountain and their AC systems was overwhelmed by the smoke outside.
(Car was just washed an hour before that trip, those were undried drops from washing the windshield with the sprkinklers).
The index for Tualatin is 70 at least from one private network that uses their own sold detectors that are hooked on wi-fi, but the perceived index here at the apartment is 100 and inside is bad enough to notice it like every time you breath in and i think there is extra smoke coming from holes. While in bed (i forced myself this morning to stay again as much as i could in the "pod" made with metalized polystyrene insulation). Last week, while i quit drinking (except a few glasses last night) i slept several nights inside which raised my temperature and reduced my whole body spread infections. If i didn't do it, i think i would have been really sick today. While in there as much as the smoke let me, i read some pages on the laptop. The Orion alignment theory and its critiques. I didn't know the Sphinx was representing constellation Leo, or forgot. Then i remembered i saw on the Stellarium representation of Orion a few days ago a constellation, Canis minor, right next to Orion, across the Milky Way (which may represent smoke, fire). Orion the hunter, and a dog. Then i figured. That's where all (my) troubles come from. Dominicans could have something in common with this constellation as Orion is the most important constellation in many religions, including Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan.

I read about Ed Krupp of Griffith Observatory who said he used "planetarium equipement" to prove the three pyramids were not aligned as Hancock, Bauval, Anthony West and others stated. Then let me tell you a few things about planetariums. We are not in 94 anymore and some people made efforts and provided with a really impressive (free) planetarium software, Stellarium, which has a 400k stars database. However, there are problems with planetarium softwares as with any "planetarium equipment". Good enough for some purposes, they use simple mathematical models (3D ellipses) to describe stars and planets movements, and do not take into account gravitational interaction between those. For what's worth it, i will go to the other computer and input the data into Stellarium to see how the three stars from Orion's belt where laid 10000 years ago. Krupp's "planetarium equipment" which i believe is math based mechanisms and optics cannot be possible better then today's software planetariums.

12:54 I went to Stellarium and did a bit of time travel. What is obvious is the angle between the two apparent lines formed by the three stars of the belt changes in time. While i saw everybody was concerned with the angles with maps' coordinates system (N-S, E-W), i would say more important is to find the time when the angles were coinciding, if we were to figure the time of the buildings of the pyramids, and found this pdf which seems a serious work on the subject, confirming the theory, that was not even mentioned in the Wikipedia page.

1:14 How is this important. I already used once Stellarium and accidentally figured that the northern shaft (of the Great Pyramid) is pointing at the Polaris all the time, day and night. While some theorize the whole Egyptian setup including pyramids and the Nile was an allegory of the celestial image with Orion, Osiris, Milky way, Canis etc., i found it hard to believe. Why build a 300 meters pyramid and shafts pointing at stars for that? For the soul to travel, they say. Or deconstruct and teleport them all back to Orion. I had once a different idea. The northern shaft could be a channel to collect and filter photons coming from Polaris only. In the idea all photons created naturally come in pairs, and some might end on different planets. And we all know that entangled photons can be the basis for instant (much faster than light speed) communications across, in this case, galaxy. Like if an alien spaceship was stranded or landed on Earth, they could have used mass manipulation (starting a tradition that followed to this day) to enslave local population to build a low tech (using available material and workforce) but (using) advanced science communication device with their homeworld. That communication device stopped being used long time ago, when the enslaved population disappeared due to inbreeding by imitating the aliens, something they had to resort to since they were severely limited in numbers (a few), and the pyramids were partially buried in sand. Again, other shafts could have been openings for particle accelerators partially (re) using what they had on the ship, and they sent back materials unavailable on their planets. Uncovering by Napoleon and the followers, could have literally opened Pandora's box, by activating at least the communications again. BTW, i'd like to use the opportunity to call to put a lens cap on that shaft asap at least for now.
2:30 While i was slowly getting drunk standing alone in the kitchen and eating Doritos, was staring at the screen of the other computer with Polaris in the middle. And even thinking. What seems indeed strange as coincidence is that this planet we call Earth rotates around an axis that points to a major star, something needed indeed for communications with the asteroid miners stranded on this penal colony. Or their supervisors (big brothers) whatever.
2:53 Angela just came from work, a flock of birds (or a drone) pooped the car all over, including the windshield. The whole universe is against us. Can you please shut that damn pyramid down?

7:54 No matter how much i tried, i couldn't. Measuring  the angle between the two lines made by the two stars. Stellarium has a primitive angle measuring tool which does not snap on objects or something. Looks like i also ran into an inconsistency. Every time i go back, the angle is slightly different, though the app (rolling of time) is paused.

Or maybe i don't know how to use it. Gotta go ask for help in their forum which may last days. Keep asking myself. Why am i the only one doing it? Or at least i tried... What the... are doing all the teachers and students in the universities, not solving one of the easiest and most important problem, too busy using all those trillions of dollars in grants? Time of building of pyramids? Why are we all wasting our time here on this planet competing like hell against each other instead of being happy? BTW got to go in the back, i spotted another poo earlier and it stinks and nauseates me and gives me a chilling sensation in the lower colon, like always.
8:05 Was thinking of the "theory" behind novels like The Invisible Man or The Man Who Walked through Walls (an idea also found in a Fringe episode, Season I). Space between molecules in our body is so big, it would allow matter or light to pass (if it wasn't for the fundamental forces of the Universe, of course). So it happens with the visible culture of the world and contemporary cultures that are out of this world, like of Japan or even Hungary which resides in the middle of Europe. They are so different from mainstream, they simply cannot be seen by majority with the example of the Anime linked earlier on this page with Mr.Ando. But i provided for you an example (with the windshield) on this page.

9:32 Only trouble is our culture could be a simulation or subset of theirs.

11:00 There goes another cardboard billionaire. Was it worth it?

11:24 Vroiam să spun de mult chestia asta. Da arată foarte flashy, aceste supermașini de sute de mii de euro cu motoare de peste 500 de CP ce pot face 0-100 în 2 secunde, timp în care te lipești de scaun ca o mămăligă de fund și nu poți ridica mâna să apeși butonul de radio. Pentru a obține acest tip de accelerație, dar și din alte motive, aceste mașini sunt de obicei construite din materiale ușoare, compozite. Chiar dacă autostrăzile din Germania sunt cele mai bune din lume, mult deasupra celor din SUA, eu personal nu aș accelera pe nici o mașină, în afară de cele construite pentru curse, mult mai late, mai lungi și cauciucuri și suspensie speciale și cu aripioare ce te împing în jos, dincolo de 150 kmh. O pală de vânt lateral sau o mâncărime în palmă te pot trimite pe o orbită joasă în jurul solului.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

April 15

6:20 Can't sleep and some ideas came to me. A mental experiment. Within the Doppler effect with a moving source for an observer it appears the difference of speed between source and destination adds up to the speed of sound in the opposite direction of movement, if we still define speed as distance needed for something (waves) to travel in a certain amount of time, and in the case of Doppler effect time is the same for both front and rear waves, but the distances change.
According to Einstein, the speed of light for any observer does not change regardless of how the destination or source moves. Then how do we explain the Doppler effect on moving galaxies (the so called shifting towards red).

But it could be just my tired brain playing tricks on me.

8:15 Angela is coughing for months. Last time i drove at night i was alone for long distances and started the fan at 1 or 2 and never felt the smell of fresh air. It is the second time i committed to check if there was an exhaust leak like i had in the other Elantra and all my vehicles.

Today i woke up after 3 hours of sleep because of smell of dog poop (wanted to pick them last night but i here a big dog barking and they were a couple of people at the other side of the building). As i said other times, if i breath it all night then my intestinal makeup changes from human to dog. Can't say more here. Ok nevermind, my f...s smell like dog.
So when i saw light outside i went to check and my time was not wasted. After having some trouble removing the heat shield from the manifold (and found my long lost 10 mm 1/4" socket, couldn't have done it without it, got a deep 10 mm 3/8 but i can't maneuver it in the small space), i finally put a deep 12 mm on the nuts of the manifold and i was and was not very surprised in the same time to see the first one or easiest to reach, on the upper left side from mechanic's view, was about 1/8 of a turn loose.

So i put it all back together and checked the battery's  connectors, on top of which i had put some duct tape for keeping contaminants out, i saw on the plus side the tape was very easy to remove and that was also loose.

Then i started the car and felt a vibration and went to check and i found another loose one, on the nr.1 ignition coil which can be accessed without removing the engine's sound shield. I tightened all those about 2 weeks ago.

When i was putting back the last piece of tape that i took from inside and did not completely closed the door, thinking it will be a few seconds, i saw a shadow in my peripheral view and i thought it was Angela coming down the stairs, but Angela was in the shower and instead was this midget, a small person of mature age, that again is a guest star around here, she climbs at nr.3, dressed all in black sports or yoga like suit, passing casually between me and the stairs which is not a walking place (or coming down the stairs, can't tell). She looked slightly taller than the one i saw before acting the same role. Usually as a kid coming from school.

It's a deja vu. Every time i work at the car someone passes at least once through this unbelievably close  space between me and stairs, usually kids.

Thinking of eating but i'm nauseated by the dog poop smell. Waiting for Angela to come out of the bathroom to go and pick and throw those. But it's useless now. Should have done it last night.

8:57 Couldn't find any of those. Instead i found other objects that promote mold smell in the enclosed yard. An used kitchen sponge. Towels, food wrappers. A the no dumping place, a couple of red couches. Could they have been dumped after i wrote the above (shifting to red). They will stay here for days, until they will pick them and put them in the first garage beyond that wall. Eventually after it will rain upon and get wet. Then they hire some scavengers that come once a month and empty that garage full of fun.

Like usually, after i got outside the first time, within 10 minutes air traffic was diverted in this area and plane after plane flew buy with flaps on and engines revved (to create lift at low speed) making a sinister sound.

 9:08 What do i know. There is a building 4. Then there must be a building 5. So there must be an apartment 55. Why some buildings are numbered with letters and some with numbers, i don't know.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May 31

1:10 I had started in my mind a little project trying to compare the differences in military power between Celts and Dacians, starting with the Boudica revolt and ran into a page about Druids. Was getting bored and about to close that page when i saw this and then made a link with this which got me excited again.

1:38 Here it goes. The final battle of the Boudican revolt. 10 000 well equipped, trained Roman soldiers which in numbers are the equivalent of two legions, against 230 000 furious, poorly equipped and disorganized Briton civilians. Tacitus said... The battle saved the province for Romans, at a time Nero was considering retreat from Britain and Romans stayed there for aprox. 350 more years.

1:41 Now try to imagine the military power of Dacians. In the second Dacian war, Trajan built another over one km or almost a mile long stone bridge over Danube and crossed with over 150 000 soldiers or 30 legions and defeated the Dacians. It was worth it cause that brought Rome 200 tons of gold a year from Dacian mines for the next 170 years. But it wasn't only gold. 500 000 Dacians fell prisoners and were turned into slaves. Usually where there's gold there's also silver etc...

2:20 For those who still wonder about the origin of Romanian people and language...

2:28 There is little doubt that, like other times when supposedly nobody was upstairs, or in between occupancies, someone actually is, this time hidden behind those appliances. Some faint steps earlier changed my mood and a single shy squeak more recently made me accidentally delete the phrase above. Good thing i wanted to see something else and could not find the link and the phrase.

2:45 Iaziges, probably at the origin of (the name) of modern city of Iași...

3:02 Possible origin of the toponym Transylvania, different from the official theory...

3:20 First evidence of Christianity. Gothia... Gothia...

3:27 I didn't know! Dacicus Maximus, reconquest?

8:54 Ce fel de știre e asta? Un tip cu dizabilități care îndeamnă pe alții să meargă la facultate. Cuvinte cheie: Romi, inginer, medic. În fundal o stradă asemănătoare cu cea de pe coperta Beatles, cu Abbey Road (Strada Mănăstirii sau Abației). O compunere menită să vă ia și să vă macine ideile înfiripate recent de mine.

9:00 Apropo, Am avut o scădere dramatică a glicemiei după un tratament mai lung cu antibiotice administrate pe piele (tablete lipite cu plasture, bandaj peste pentru puțină presiune), pentru o infecție la un braț. Încep să cred din ce în ce mai mult că diabetul este de fapt o infecție cronică a pancreasului.

Infecția trece destul de ușor, cu antibiotice administrate intramuscular sau intravenos sau pe piele (patches), nu oral fiindcă îl irită mai tare, glicemia nu scade însă complet și imediat din cauza acumulărilor din țesuturi și micșorarea capacității pancreasului în timpul infecției (probabil cicatrizare).

Sursa infectării pancreasului este aproape întodeauna dentară, cu propagare inițială în glandele salivare și aproape întodeauna apare reinfectarea pancreasului după încetarea tratamanentului, dacă dinții nu sunt tratați.

În cazul meu reinfectarea a apărut din cauză că am mâncat într-o zi (duminică dimineața) fără proteză dentară, din lene (somn fragmentat) ceea ce a dus la iritarea gingiei, după care am mâncat (foarte puțină) ciocolată și mai târziu cartofi prăjiți dați prin ceva (pâine uscată sau făină de porumb) într-un restaurant gol, care a intrat sub proteză, urmat de dureri de cap moderate și frisoane. Infectarea pancreasului se simte ca o durere moderată de stomac, suportabilă, uneori constantă, dar mai în spate și lateral, apare creșterea numărului globulelor albe, dar în limite.

Am reluat antibioticele, după 24 de ore încă am ușoare dureri de gingie, cap, spate și frisoane.

11:25 There is little doubt (to me) that Rome was named in honor of lord Rama, the most popular deity in India, on a Rama Navami day or April 21, 753 BC. Latin language is close to Sanskrit (common ancestor of most Indian languages) and probably evolved from a language that was spoken in India at that time. Roman, Greek and Hindi pantheons are similar. Romans came from India. (Dacian language was also close to Sanskrit, but from initial Indo-European migration towards west).

11:36 Rama was born in the present day city Ayodhya, Utar Pradesh, some 400 km away from the much newer but recognizable Taj Mahal mausoleum. Did Ceaușescu try to leave us a clue by having a relaxed, happy picture taken near it (to point the location)? Is Zoia (a Greek name) featuring a simplified version of Ardha Matsyendrasana yoga pose? Elena dressed in orange could also represent a happy Buddha, etc..

Uttar Pradesh is neighboring with Nepal, where Buddha was born in @ -500. Also close to eastern border of India, where the snakes could have landed from Australia.

A small contribution to the future to help solve some of history's mysteries. Time travel.

I know Ceaușescu was not who he said or we thought he was but probably Romanian patriots at the time convinced them to go there and do this little scene.   

7:15 Pytaghora and Buddha, both founders of philosophy, lived in about the same period of time.

King Ashoka known Buddhist missionaries.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

July 20

8:20 Katalin Harkos.

12:10 Auguri.

1:47 Upstairs. They entered in full service yesterday with squeaks and stomps. While people do enter and leave the apartment and probably pass through the attic in the other and go for their business, inside they have heavy stepping robots. "So you know it's got soul". After more than a month break, after they left me for dead, they brought upgraded ones with quicker reaction time (if possible) and upgraded artificial intelligence. What they do is they drive me nuts for hours and nothing else. Trying to prevent me from thinking that is.

With a feedback on my bio-readings, they start making crisper and quicker squeaks and now heavier stumps indiscriminately when they detect certain brain waves. The result is they interrupt all my thinking processes.

I read not long ago about Michael Jackson not being able to sleep. That is having REM sleep because he was basically sleeping on anesthetics that literally stop your brain. In a way it is similar, they simply don't let me think.

Combined with the dog smell that comes in waves, dust from compressors and blowers and noise from modified exhausts, can this be qualified as torture. SOS from Tualatin, Oregon.

2:00 I attempted one more time do go and pick a smelly one but this time it was a man who came with a bio hazard generating mutant symbiont tied to himself.

2:10 Went and picked 2. A fresh one that may have come from the Buddha like looking short guy who passed about an hour ago and one that was turning white, from the same dog or person.

There was this purring modified exhaust that was also driving me nuts. Could there be a new one from the man i just saw when i wanted to go before this.

After a brief silence, shy, short squeaks are coming back. So i get used, slowly and don't complain about.

I already forgot what i wanted to type here, and what i had in mind during my walk yesterday, when i stopped after i realized the stupidity with closed electric fields. Ok, i remembered.

2:48 Am scris odată, poate acum 10 ani, despre avantajele unui grup etnic care trăiește la altitudini mari și apoi migrează la șes. Șerpașii din Nepal de exemplu au capacitate pulmonară, piept mărit, sânge mai subțire dar și alte adaptări fiziologice dobândite prin selecție care le-ar da un avantaj dacă se mută în zone de șes, ca rezistență la efort mărită dar poate și inteligență superioară. Ce am scris s-a dus, poate cu dispariția g+.

Am scris în repetate rânduri că maghiarii, penultimul val de imigranți cu afinitate pentru Panonia, ultimul fiind poate mongolii lui Gingis Han, provin dintr-o populație nepaleză, magarii, cunoscuți în antichitate ca războinici (poate angajați ca mercenari la drumul mătăsii), un grup etnic important și în ziua de azi în Nepal, împreună cu Shakia, clanul lui Buddha, posibili ascendenți ai secuilor de azi din România.

Vine acum Raphael Faiss, un cercetător elvețian care spune că efectul antrenării la altitudine sau altitudine simulată este similar cu cel al Roxadust și ar fi ilegal.

Ce te faci dacă sportivul/sportiva provine dintr-o populație care are gene nepaleze?

3:10 Apropo mi-am amintit de o fază. Întotdeauna am fost fascinat de aparența unor egipteni în pictogramele lor. În afară de faraoni degenerați ca Tut care a ajuns așa din cauza încrucișărilor excesive co-sangvine (statuia e standard), ei în general au pieptul foarte mare (lat). Oare să fie invers și anume egiptenii să fi ajuns acolo din Australia după un ocol prin Nepal?

Sau poate nungarii din Australia au venit din Nepal în căutarea aurului și s-au răspândit apoi în toată Australia după care au venit în Egipt și Panonia, în mai multe valuri cu ultimul val direct din Nepal, motiv pentru care și-au schimbat numele țării din Ungaria în Magyarország?
(Nu mi-am schimbat cu nimic opinia despre legalitatea testării sportivilor de către instituții neautorizate de statele în care au loc.).

6:12 How radio really works? The oscilating dipoles create a multitude of in phase or simultaneosuly created puslating charges in B plane as a reaction to moving charges in the dipole, we used to call photons, that travel individually at the speed of light while pulsating in time from minus to plus and between E and B plane, creating static spheres of charge figuring front waves even after the source has ceased to emit. Sort of like in this image but with shorter and spining "snake like" tails with other spheres following or left behind for the whole time of emission.

We can assimilate an electron lowering orbit with an oscilating dipole for half period only and we get the higher frequencies, including light where "photons" each coming from a different electron at a different time from the same soure object are not necesarily in phase or with the same polarization with others coming from the same source (generally heated materials) but they can be in resonance with others accross the universe or triggered when ready by crossing a plane of resonance.

More energetic orbit lowering electrons can triger bigger disturbances with faster reaction in time thus higher frequencies?

Though dipoles are simterical, wave length sized conductors, the in phase polarized disturbances depart in all directions suggesting repelling each and having charges at least at moment of "birth" when they all occupy the same place.

They will start to break apart from the original charge that appears in the center of the dipole when it reaches certain values, according to frequency and Plank's constant, thus the quanta. Since the charges get transferred back and forth between E and B field and plus and minus there is no net average electric charge for the disturbance formerly called photon and this is the reason they do not repel each other in lasers.

8:20 Could have missed the reason but in the moment i started to (re)search for a link between the Egyptian ankh and the tennis racquet i felt the smell of some weird smoke coming from outside and kids that seem overly excited invaded the yard making much noise. I found something but they are not talking about the ankh and racquet.

It makes sense because the official theory says it comes from a game invented in France in the 11 century called Jeu de paume (palm) that resembles more of today's volley. If they say racquet may have evolved from rahat than it is very possible Halep may have evolved from Apep. It goes well for a country already branded with...

8:46 Upstairs constantly interfering through stumps with my thought processes. Heavy stomps triggered this time falling of dust from the paint on the ceiling.

8:51 The JBQ floating van made again its appearance in line of sight from my living. Could it be they are the ones who collect the feedback signal for the robots upstairs?

I am not really sure, more i am guessing, the people that "moved" upstairs (they are only climbing the stairs up and down several time a day), so far i saw three of them and no furniture, are actors from the most popular Romanian serial TV show. With a huge popularity in Romania, they cannot be wrong for the millions who watch this show so they can do justice in here, after approval from "authorities" for some, and for others providing entertainment for me depending on beliefs.

10:15 Acțiune și reacțiune. Tenis, Câmpulung.

10:25 Viktor Orban și furtuna promisă.

10:34 Action and reaction.

8:15 The person climbing the stairs was gone for a while and i thought it will be for the rest of the day but he/she came back in less than an hour anciticpating me reading the news after eating and then trying to get some more sleep on top of the four hours and now the robots are stomping, heavily on top of me, releasing dust, to complete my meal and making a point at every title i read. I will try to move in the bedroom to see what happens.

Now draging a table on the hard floor.

9:30  By the strength of the stomps aparently he is the one doing night shift and coming in the morning to sleep. As he moved in the bedroom i moved in the living, but he changed his mind and went two times at the car that woke me when i was about to fall asleep and got me mad enough not to be able to anymore.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Unprocessing Photographs

While using automatic exposure, from my own experience with film i saw better quality (exposure, color realism) than with digital.

That's why i say film photography is much more forgiving to bad exposure than digital, maybe with several steps on the indicator. To get the same quality like when using automatic exposure on film, with digital you often have to offset the exposure a bit in the... lucky direction. Some will say automatically, like i did for years after i bought my first digital cameras: There's always Photoshop. Based on rather impressive achievements based on it saw here and there and everywhere.

But then, by pure luck i saw on occasions that photographs heavily processed can be easily outperformed by the... non-processed ones.

Silver grains on a film saturate harder. They will always carry more meaningful information after a sightly offset exposure (and anyone who had worked on film can agree on this).

The current cameras' sensors translate light (actually the three "fundamental" colors) into numbers at the (split in three colors) pixel level and put those numbers into computer type files that are written on some type of memory organized the same way as computer files, usually Windows FAT32.

Their capabilities rely mainly on how many bits of information or color depth each physical pixel on the sensor can generate. Usually 10-14 bits per pixel per color in RAW file and 8 in compressed JPEG.

But after jumping from film to digital you will soon be unsatisfied. Go and spend hours on Photoshop with a picture and still won't be satisfied. Here's why.

10, 12, or 14 bits per color is not that much of a range. (Compared to the (almost) continuous (infinite) range on analog). That's why you have to use it properly. But to make things worse, JPEG and this is what your computer (by means of browser and other types of software) can display reduced the color depth to 8 bits per color, that is a total of 24 bits per pixel. Starting with amateur photographers we all know that 24 bits per pixel is one of the earliest standard for graphic cards. Nowadays the better settings and capabilities start with 32 and go to 48 and more. Too bad, cause there is no picture we can see at that resolution, even if we have now the cameras to generate them. The bottleneck is now JPEG and nobody seems to care.

Although i did not thoroughly researched this area, my experience tells me digital pixels saturate pretty fast when exposed non-carefully. That means that they will be almost all 8 corresponding to one color either 0 or 1 and carry no meaningful information when exposed to too much or too little light. Those are what we call the burnt pixels (not to be confounded with the defective, dead pixels sometimes present on sensors or displays as "accepted" fabrication mishaps). The dreaded blinking areas on a picture you just took seen on the playback display of some of the more advanced cameras.

Usually on current cameras there are several type of exposure indicators; classical metering arrays borrowed from later SLR cameras for film photography tied to the classical "scale indicator" in the bottom of the optical viewfinder, dense arrays with histograms, for compact cameras using directly the main sensor or DSLR with an extra "live" sensor or mirrorless or finally the displaying of the saturated (burnt) pixels areas on top of the resulted image in the form of blinking are (i saw these only for already taken pictures on certain cameras on certain display modes).

Unfortunately some designs of the current metering systems are taken directly from film era and not sufficiently upgraded for the technological differences with digital photography. That's why, if you use a classical metering system (not a "live" one, through main or auxiliary sensor) and want to raise quality, it is a good idea to balance exposure manually in order to avoid those saturated areas and maximize your sensor's usage. One good way to do this, if you have time, is by trials, by eliminating, through compromise, as many as possible burnt pixels on both ends of the range and by doing this you will also have more meaningful information on the whole (rest of the) range. In fewer words, if you adjust your exposure towards the middle of sensor's range on a maximum of sensor's area, you will have increased dynamics (the use in a meaningful way) on the entire numerical range corresponding to color depth of the sensor by having, ideally, one and only one burnt pixel on white, that is 0 in the same time with having one and only on color, that is 1) and/or increased information density (higher pixel count or "thicker" histogram on all color intensities) on the same subject, relatively to pictures taken with different, less than ideal, exposures. But this can be done only by looking at the resulting picture on the back display. And this takes time.

Next way to predict the quality of a picture is through live histogram. In digital photography, the word histogram is used to define a graph that has as X axis the intensity (or the numerical value of the pixels from white to color) and on/as Y the count of pixels of that intensity. Histograms sometimes come on each color, sometimes, like the "live" or real time ones on camera's displays, cumulative.

There are not many explanation on how to use a histogram in the manufacturers' manuals.

I read on forums many different interpretations of what it is and how to use it (the histogram), i assume some manufacturer added it as a feature and others followed but with no much explanation of what it is and how to use it, letting photographers and teachers to figure it out maybe for them too. Below are a few examples.

And finally the scale indicator tied to the metering array. With experience, by categorizing type of scenes, you will learn which scenes require adjustment and in what direction. Lately i came to use this in most of situations because of speed and convenience. However, from time to time i take a look at the final picture too.

Compressing, by using mathematical algorithms based on eye perception in order to reduce the size of the output file is possible by taking advantage of lower information density (at least in some areas) when transforming or packing adjusted raw files. If there are not big variations of numerical representations from one pixel to another in the whole picture, that is, less dynamics, the file will be smaller.

A good way to measure information density, besides histogram, is by how big the output file is compared to different one taken in identical conditions, in fast succession (bracketing) . The better the exposure, the bigger the output file.

(This could be a good idea for an exposure optimization algorithm, even in real time on the cameras of the future. (Generate and measure the size of a temporary file while bracketing exposure around the value suggested a by a metering array, even at a lower resolution or selected areas, for speed)).

High dynamics (the histogram touches both the right and left limit of the graph), low information density (thin histogram), but due to the monotonous nature of the subject, burnt pixels on white on an insignificant area (the cloud on the upper left). Most of the pixels are in the thin high intensity area on the right. Not major exposure or WB mistakes. If i w

Usually on current cameras there are several type of exposure indicators; classical metering arrays borrowed from later SLR cameras for film photography tied to the classical "scale indicator" in the bottom of the optical viewfinder, dense arrays with histograms, for compact cameras using directly the main sensor or DSLR with an extra "live" sensor or mirrorless and finally the displaying of the saturated (burnt) pixels areas on top of the resulted image (i saw these only for already taken pictures on certain cameras on certain display modes).
ould have lowered exposure i would have had a more even histogram but unrealistic brightness colors and general look.

High dynamics, high information density, well balanced histogram. However, the trees look unrealistic due to extreme contrast of the subject, but still discernible details and colors. General realistic impression.

Pretty underexposed (with about on step) due to hurry to catch the subject and failure of the of the automatic exposure and lack of more manual compensation (it is only one step up) due to hurry - not so high dynamics (highest intensity pixels missing on the right side of the histogram). Under average information density (histogram thickness). Burnt pixels on white (histograms touches the upper limit on right only). Still useful to show for composition and dramatism. Still wouldn't get better through processing.
I used earlier the word dynamics related to digital photography. I would make here an analogy with digital recording of the sound, when (instead of finding the optimal volume for recording,) you record at a lower volume, not using all the range of the analog to digital converter and never reaching the highest volume available for sampling on your analog to digital converter but instead using lower numbers and leaving part of the range unused.

Similarly, if your volume is too high, you would have saturation thus no meaningful information on those samples above the maximum range of the converter that would be all of the same value of the total depth or number of bits available (that would be all 1).

If you have more then one type of exposure measuring on the same camera, as it so happens on later models they usually tend to "disagree", sometimes by several steps. Best idea is to try to make a compromise between those. Using the classical indicator as refference, with time, you will learn that some type of scene require always the same type of exposure compensation in order to comporomise with histogram and final result.

You don't even need to learn the basic principles of photography in order to balance exposure manually. All digital cameras, compacts and DSLRs have now a function called exposure compensation. So you can use that feature on any type of automatic exposure program like aperture priority or totally automatic and tell the camera you want more or less exposure if you don't like what you see on the display after the first trial. (I do not ever correct more than 2 steps in each direction of the indicator even if the histogram (if i have time for it) tells me otherwise. I call it the common sense rule.)

You can't burn pixels if you use the histogram, but so far i haven't seen DSLRs with live histogram on the optical viewfinder.

There are some with live (real time) histogram on the LCD on the back and but framing through a display is not the same as through the optical viewfinder due to ambiental light or even sun that can fall on it and also the level of details and even comfort of holding the camera. So when it is possible and also necessary you can actually go back and forth the optical viewfinder and back display for framing and for the histogram, that sometimes that can be inconvenient.

Best way to balance exposure (if you have time) is by looking at the result on camera's playback display set on histogram (without actually using it) and trying to make the best compromise between saturated white and saturated colored (burnt) pixels (both ends of range) represented on most cameras on two different blinking colors on the actual picture (blinking areas of different colors indicating burnt pixels on 0 or 1). (If i'm lucky and don't have any burnt pixels after the first shot, and again i have time, i still try and play around trying to go for the maximum contrast, histogram in the middle and as thick as possible.)

Trouble is... when there is plenty of light you can't see well the picture on the back display for evaluating contrast... Sometimes i think on getting some sort of cap like photographers had for early photography on glass plates...

About processing. There is no software algorithm capable of predicting how a pixel would look as generated by a different light than the original.

Correcting through processing on the computer is way more timely and cannot ensure by far the same result, recover dynamics and especially cannot recover the burnt pixels (except for isolated ones by borrowing or averaging the nearby ones) but generally information once lost (again, a burnt or saturated pixel does not record anything) cannot be recreated. And even in the case of useful pixels, correcting through use of the linear or monotone algorithms the processing software probably uses (according to processing time and use of computer processor seen or observed during processing) is not the same thing as photographing the subject with the right exposure achieved through optical means because, by example in the case of compensating underexposed images, those algorithms simply multiply the values of each pixels or the opposite for overexposed. The same for increasing contrast, when they multiply more the corresponding value of the more intense pixels etc.

When the analog to digital converters samples light (colors) at the pixel level and converts it to numerical values it always rounds the result for the last or least significant bit, rounding implying loosing some information. We all know that if you multiply a rounded value, you will multiply the inherent rounding error as well. What happens when two adjacent pixels have been rounded but each having a different rounding error (one up and one down)? By multiplying those digitized values you will not get the same result as you would have gotten if you multiplied those value before digitizing. By experience, i can tell that if you try to correct through software more than 1-2 steps, you will destroy the quality of the image gathered with great effort and using such sophisticated and expensive optics (in fact what you do is magnify errors, the loss has already occurred at exposure time).

A good way to prove this would be through taking a good picture, process it to simulate underexposure by lowering brightness, save the result, reload it and then try to bring it back to the initial brightness, reversing the process, then compare the results.

I also leave all the settings on the camera that imply real time "on camera" software processing like contrast, sharpness, vivid, dynamic range, etc to normal or zero to make sure no on camera processing occurs at all as well. The only thing that's on is noise reduction on low light and the stabilizer that on better cameras is actually moving the sensor mechanically when trying to compensate for the unwanted motion of the camera).

Color temperature in photography is not the same thing as in physics but it imitates it. It is a convention that allows an adjustment of the final compressed displayable JPEG picture generated from the RAW file picked directly from the sensor based on the light conditions during taking the picture.

We need that adjustment for the same reason our eyes adapt to different color temperatures between dawn and dusk and allow us to see the objects somehow of similar colors making the light source differences bearable for our perception.

We all know that a hotter light source puts out a bluer light and a colder a more red one from physics in school. It is the opposite of our perception or intuition of colder light as warm, like red and hotter lights as cold like blue. Maybe that's why is so confusing to many beginners. Probably because we associate (psychologically) the blue color of the sky with cold and the red color of the fire with warm.

The equivalent color temperatures of light sources in visual range are well beyond our thermal sensory capabilities. As an example, an incandescent bulb filament actually has a temperature of 2700 degrees K and a flash plasma 6800. The surface of the Sun is 5,778 K. What would those temperature be for our skin? Not much difference.

With Sun's actual surface temperature in mind, let's think about the equivalent color temperature of the light on the surface of Earth on an average sunny day at noon which is about 5500 K. Why? Because of the filtering of the atmosphere, that scatters some of the blue photons in all directions preventing them to reach surface directly thus its blue color and cooling the light reaching the surface a little making it a little redder. (As i said in the previous paragraph, the total opposite of our intuition). The effect is much stronger at dawn and sunset where light comes at a steeper angle and has to travel more through air.

There are also light sources that are not hot or barely warm like LEDs that put out equivalents of daylight color temperatures. So it's not really about temperature but the composition or mixture of different visible wavelengths of the light source, or how much of each color(wavelength) has a hot source of an equivalent temperature.

All the colors we see around come usually from the same "white" light that gets reflected in different ways on different objects that absorb some of the colors and reflect others. White light is actually a mixture of colors and not always the same (but we perceive a range of mixtures as white light due to eye adaptation). (We are too used to these things and do not think of them or never did). But if the light source is unbalanced and puts out more colors than others the camera has to know for reference what the eye or brain or whatever does automatically for us and that is the equivalent temperature of the light source in order to transform a RAW file into a JPEG or directly generate a JPEG that would be compatible with our perception of the real image in that light, perception given by the automatic adjustment of our eyes.

There is an automatic function which directs the camera to detect the average color composition of the light on the sensor. In fact the only option most photographers use. But what if the chosen composition of the image is unbalanced like when taking a picture of a red tree in the fall that occupies most of the area of the sensor? The camera will average the framed image "thinking", as programmed, that the average should be white while that red tree is occupying most of the frame, or sensor, will over-correct and the result would be a cold, bluer looking red tree.

There are ways to measure the color temperature of the light source. A notorious one that i've tried until i learned enough is the camera's main sensor and a gray card. A gray card is an A4 piece of cardboard with some gray paint on it. You can calibrate the camera with by taking a picture of the card placed in the vicinity of the subject using camera's specialized function to measure color temperature just before taking the picture in the same light. But after a little experimentation that lasted several months i learned to do without.

Most of the situations between sunrise and sunset come in the range between 5500 and 5700. Then it goes quickly all the way to 7500 within a half hour after sunset then when we are starting to loose color perception into the light condition we perceive as dark but not completely night quickly all the way up to the limit of the setting of the camera.

Flash is 6800 but if the camera is on automatic it will know you used it.

There are cameras with settings like daylight (5500), clouds (5700), incandescent (2700), flash (6800) etc. So you don't have to set the color temperature but just to recognize the type of light and set it on the camera.

For color temperature, any manual approximate setting is better than automatic.

During daytime is better if you leave it on daylight or cloudy all day long then on automatic. You can have at most 100 or 200 degrees difference when shooting outside in different conditions which is less than if the camera picks automatically the wrong correction and it does so too often. A little effort to learn how to set it and you will have dramatically improved pictures with less or no necessary correction through processing (if you still want to do processing after reading this).

If you have degrees settings for white balance on your camera if you set at 5500 you are covered in 99% of daylight situations. Unless if i'm in the middle of a field with no clouds and the sun is above me when i use 5500. Or in a forest on a cloudy day when i use 5600 or 5700 towards the evening. Or... you can start playing around and make subjective photographs, over-correcting 100 degrees in one way or another. + for a warmer impression or - for a colder one according to everything i tried to say before. And you will want to give a colder impression in a forest so you better live it on 5600!. If you don't have degrees settings the best setting is on daylight or cloudy, depending on the situation, camera and results. (some cameras work better on cloudy even if there's sunlight). But not on automatic!

I set the camera for output both RAW and JPEG. But i never use the RAW files, i just keep them for reference just in case. The camera manufacturers are very interested in giving you the best possible JPEG directly out of the camera because there are many people that don't use RAWs so i just use those. I used for a while the converting software that came with the camera to generate JPEGs out of RAWs on the computer. But it had a very slight tendency of turning the pictures towards green. I like better the JPEGs that come directly from the camera. But just in case you don't like the colors on the final JPEG or simply didn't have time to set the color temperature on the camera at the time you took the picture, you can always generate a new JPEG out of the RAW on the computer adjusting the color temperature. And this is not processing but merely imitating the generation of the JPEG file on the camera.

In the RAW file color temperature information is not contained within pixels as is in JPEG but is just a parameter in the file's header. The information in each pixel in the RAW file comes directly from the sensor's physical pixels as it was when you took the photograph. After converting to JPEG the correction is taken from there and included in each pixel. Reprocessing a JPEG file just for adjusting colors or for any reason is the worst possible idea. You should always use RAWs as source for processing, if possible. However there are softwares that allow this for the reason that many photographers are not aware of the options and choices given by using RAW files or simply because they use cameras that do not have that output option or they must correct an older JPEG photograph.

Now that i write this i remember a conversation i had with someone a few days ago. I agree now that by using optical filters towards sunset you may level the color balance and increase the amount of useful information or dynamics in the RAW file on the colors that are less intense due to imbalance of the source and decrease the more saturated ones by purely optical means. Doing this, you should limit the amount of correction by adjusting the color temperature parameter when generating the jpeg file. But i also believe this is necessary in the areas where correction exceeds +/- 1500 K. When close to 5500 there are no major differences in dynamics on different color information coming straight from the sensor with no filters and i like the freedom of not needing to fiddle with filters while on a photography trip.

And for taking pictures without flash with fluorescent lamps as source the problem is more than color temperature which by the way is around 4500. You will need a filter to correct the holes in spectrum that fluorescent lamps have.

Here are a few examples about what i was talking above. Can click on each picture for better view.

5600 - Mixed light: Sun, and clouds.

Lake Oswego, OR, street intersection. Click to enlarge

6000 - Mixed light: daylight, fluorescent, flash, done by trials.

My place, 2012-10-20 09:26:18, click to enlarge

9900, 7+ Magenta, almost night, by trials (LOL had to be quick), beyond the camera capabilities. Everything is too blue.

January 29, 2012 at 9.54PM PST, Cannon Beach, OR. Click to enlarge.
Since on current processing software adjusting focus is an option (is more like an imitation or simulation of focus adjustement), true focusing adjustment can only be achieved through optics, a few words on that too.

Many current cameras won't let you shoot unless they achieved focus that is detected through various means. But the big problems is the angular motion or angular speed of the optical axis of the camera in the moment that button clicks. Most cameras have a shutting button based on a two step switch. It's a switch that has one or two flat slightly spherically shaped springs that deform when pushed then pop, delivering a high switching speed but also a tiny, non neglectable mechanical momentum in the moment of popping. By pressing half it pops once and the camera measures light and focuses. By fully pressing it pops again and sometimes slightly shakes the camera. That mechanical momentum tends to give the camera an angular motion enough to blure the image. Everything is ruined because of that.

My experience tell me that most of blurred shots are because of that. There is no remedy to it except holding the camera, squeezing as opposed to pushing the button, and praying not to move. Lately i discovered a new trick. If you bypass the first step that implies focusing and metering, and push it quickly to the end and keeping it like that, most cameras will have a slight delay due to focusing and metering time that can go up from several tenth to a full second, enough time to mechanically stabilize the camera.

Short of using a mono-pod, a tripod or other mechanical fixture that holds the camera in place. The smaller and lighter the camera is, the more likely to get blurred images because of angular motion of the camera while pressing the button.